Ministry ilr.- {rIL_ $atsfit lttfarlr Operotions Division f )#'Ft'* t r L/,F fJntaffio FieldVisitReport Occupotionol Heolth ond Sofety Poge I of 8 OHSCoselD: 03232HTBV3l8 FieldVisitno: O3232HTHR336 VisiiDote: 2014-NOV-03 FieldVisitType: FOttOW-UP Workplocetdentificotion:TORONTOEASTGENERALHOSPITAL N oti ce lD: AVENUE, EASTYORK, ON , C A N A D A M4C 3E 7 825 COXWETL Te l eohone: (41 6) 461-8272 W ork Force #: J H SCSto tu s : Active Com plet ed %: 3000 NARRATIVE Pe rs onsCont oc t ed: SEEDETAITED E B O T AP R E P A R E D N E S S VisitPurpose: VisitLocotion: EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT AND COREI.ABORATORY VisitSummory: O R D E RISS S U ETDOT H EE M P T O Y E R Deloiled Norrolive: l n spec t orM oc Leon o tte n d e d T o ro n toEo s tG e n e rol H osoi tolon October 27,2014to conduct o oroocti ve i n sp ec t ionin r elot io nto E b o l o p re p o re d n e s s . Wo rkploc epor t iesc o n to c te d i n c l u d e d :S h e i l oSormon (H & S ),R oseD i Leo(W orkerJH S Cmember), A ndrex Lee (Mo n oger Lob) ,A m o n d o S to g g (l C P),Ke v i nE d m onson(Monoger E R ),Mi choel A mpom {H & S ),R uby Qui omboo (R N,E R) Leeonn r ),C h e ry l N el sorrl sogh(C l i ni colE ducotorE R,Zaffor , Lo p i e rre(S u p e rv i s oER ) K hon (Foci l i ti es Su p e r v is or )Nic , ole W o l te rs(R N -ERL),u c y An nH o ri mon(P orter),Li soMohomed (Lob Techni ci on),Mori o R i zzo (L o b T ec hnic ion- S e n i o rML T ),G l e n d o H o rtl y(L o b Techni ci on),D r.Jeff P ow i s(IP A CA nti mi crobi olS tew ordship Di rec ior ) . Pu b l icHeolt hO nt ori o (PH O )h o s d e v e l o p e d o n d m ode ovoi l obl e gui donce moteri olfor H eol i h core foci l i ti e s wh i c h inc ludest he b e s i o v o i l o b l e e v i d e n c e o n h ow to deol w i th coses(or suspectedcoses)of E bol o V i rus D i seos e( E V D) .A t ih e ti me o f th i si n s p e c ti o nth e fol l ow i ngdocuments ore bei ng referenced:E bol o V i rus D i seos e( E V D)I nier i mSo mp l e C o l l e c ti o no n d S u b mi ssi on Gui de, October 20,2014;D eci si ongui de on sel ection o f Per s onolP r ot ec ti v eE q u i p me n tfo r Eb o l oVi ru sDi seose- l sol oti onGow ns or S ui tes(October 14,2014);E bol o .l 990, Vi ru sDis eos eDir ec t i v e# I l s s u e du n d e r Se c ti o n7 7 .7of the H eol th P rotecti onond P romoti onA ct, R .S .O. c. ) t he C h i e f Me d i c o l O ffi c e r o f H e o l th(C MOH ). H .Z(" HP P A "by At th e iim e of t hisr e p o rt i h e re h q v e b e e n n o c o n fi rmed cosesof E V Di n Ontori o,how ever the heol thcore syste mm us t r em oin v i g i l o n to n d o s s e s so n y p o ti e nt thot presentsto the w orkpl oce w i th symptomsond tro ve l/ c ont oc t his t o ryth o t m o y b e s u g g e s ti v eo f Vi rolH emorrhogi cFeveri ncl udi ng E V D . Th e foc us of t hisinsp e c ti o nw o s i n fe c ti o n p re v e n ti onond control os i t rel otesto E V Dpreporednessw i th on e mp h os ison or eosm o s t l i k e l yto b e i m p o c te d b y the presentoti onof o suspectcose of E V Dw hi ch i ncl uded th e Em er genc ydep o rtme n t o n d C o re L o b o ro to r y. MEASURE AS NDPROCEDURE RA F E T Y FS O RW O R K E S Recipient ,l Nome /*lt * /o Title InspectorDoto JEANETTE MACLEAN O C C U P A T I O N AHLE A L T H & S A F E TIYN S P E C T O R Nome P R O V I N C I AOLF F E N C EOSF F I C E R 5001Yonge Street,Suite I600 North York,ON, M7A 0A3 Title Tel: 647-777 -5078 tox: 647-777 -5O14 Signolure You ore required .l.rdler lhe Ocy'poiionol WorkerRepresentotive ---Jl) *i:c I \ J), L( , ' ( - tt ' r ' rr; * , ' ' - i ( ' ( . ' , ' tt ? ' , Y ' i i ' ' Signolure Heo{rh ond Sofety Acl lo of this report in o conspicuous pioce ol the workploce ond provide o copy to the heoith ond sofety representoliveor ihe joint heolffond sofely commitlee if ony. Foilure rlywith on order, decisionor requirementof on inspectorison offence under Seclion 66 of the Occupotionol Heolth ond Sofety Act. You hove the right to oppeol or decisionwithin30 doys of the dote of the order issuedond to request suspensionof the order or decision by ning youroppeolond reqLren n wiling on lheopp conloci the Board by phone oi(al6)3267500q l{77 339 3335 (lo rree), moi or by webile oi hllp:// ror mo.e tnlormot on 69040 .$ace Al lfuarki,jir,.,, ,ohs ,n Ontario FieldVisitReport Occupotionol Heolth ond Sofety Poge 2 ol 8 ,SCoselD: 03232HTBV3I8 VisiiDote 2014-NOV-03 eld Visiino: 03232HTHR336 Norkplocetdentificotion: HOSPITAL TORONTOEASTGENERAT Fi el dV i si iType: FOLLOW -UP N oti ce l D : 8 2 5 C OX WE L TAV EN U E, E A S TY OR K , ON , C A N A D A M4C 3E 7 It is importont to note thot the Ebolo VirusDiseoseDireciive issuedby the CMOH wos revised os of October 30, 2 0 1 4 . l t is ex pec t ed t h o i g u i d o n c e mo te ri o lm o y b e revi sedos new i nformoti onor i nsi ghti s goi ned regordi ng EVD.All workploce porties musi be owore ihot meosuresond procedures must be revisedin light of current kn o wl e dge ond pr oc t i c e s . The employer provided o number of documents for review including the following:Mosk Fittesting records for th e Em er genc yDepo rtme n t;Q P E7 0 0 2 C o n ti n u i n gE ducoti onA ttendonce Log for i he Loborotorydoi ed ; rolH emorrhogi cFever(V H F)P ol i cyond P roceduredoted Oci o b er 6 & 22, 2014re : D o n n i n g o n d D o ffi n g P PEVi Octo b e r 25, 2014( wh i c h i n c l u d e sE VD );IEGH- H i g h R i skl sol oi i onP rotocol(D onni ngond D offi ng of P ersonol for P roper Pro te c t iv eE quipm en t);T ro i th n e tro i n e r(n T ) E d u c oi i onfor H i gh R i skP recouti ons;l nstructi ons TS M340lS peci men cl e o n ing m et hods f or l T l T e l e c o m m& B i o me d Eq u i p ment;S i gnogefor H i gh R i skP recouti ons; Ho n d l ing- V ir olHem o rrh o g i c" F e v e r- i n - h o u s eT e s ti ng" doted October 27,2014;ond emoi l sre: JH S C co n su lt ot ion. Al l p o l ic iesond pr oc e d u re sre l o i e d to EV Dw e re re c entl yrevi sedi n October 2014.The i H S C hos hod on o p p o rtunit yt o c ons ul to n th e d e v e l o p m e n t o n d re vi si ons of the meosuresond proceduresos evi dent i n sp e o ki ngwit h o J HS Cw o rk e r m e m b e r o n d e mo i l c o rrespondenceprovi ded by the empl oyer. The employer is reminded thot meosuresond procedures reloted to worker heolth ond sofety must be d e ve l o ped ond im ple m e n te d i n c o n s u l to ti o nw i th the j oi nt heol th ond sofetycommi ttee i n occordonce w i th th e Heolt hCor e ond R e s i d e n ti oFl o c i l i ti e R secti onB .The empl oyer must ensurethot s e g u l o i i on(O.R eg67193) th e re i s J HS Cc ons ulto ti o nre l o te d to me o s u re so n d oroceduresfor w orker sofetvrel oted i o E V D . E M E R G E N CDYE P A R T M E-NETN T RA YN D T R I A G E Up o n e nt r y t o t he em e rg e n c y d e p o ri me n t (E D )s i g noge rel oted to poti entsw ho moy hove symptomsof i l l ness i s re o d ilyoppor ent . S u p p l i e so f o l c o h o l b o s e d h o n d soni ti zerond procedurol mosksore ovoi l obl e for use by potients ond otherswho moy presentwith such symptoms. Screeningprocedures hove been estoblishedfor potients with signs/symptomsof illnessond historyof irovel. The current olertsreloted fo trovel ore oosted oi the entronce of the ED ond in the triooe oreo. At th e e nt r onc e of t he E D ,o c l e rk i s s to ti o n e dw i th i n on encl osed borri erthot ol l ow s,orl otrnuni coti on w i th th e p u b lic t hr ough on e l e c tro n i cd e v i c e . T h e c l e rk dons gl ovesw hen hondl i ng documents to regi stero poti ent before entry into the ED.The worker wos oble to provide o detoiled descriptionof ihe procedure thot would be followed in the event o potient presenled with o positivetrovel hisioryond sympioms suggesiive of EVD. Recipient Nome InsoectorDolo JEANEITE MACTEAN O C C U P A T I O N AHLE A L T H & S A F E TIYN S P E C T O R P R O V I N C I AO L F F E N C EOSF F I C E R .l600 5001Yonqe Street,Suite North York,ON, M7A 0A3 lel: 647-777 -5078 Fox:647-777 -5O14 Title Signoture Signotur Y o i . ro r e r e q u ; r e d u n d e r t h e O c c u p o t i o n o l Heollh ono Sofety Aci to post representolive or the joint heollh ond sofely commitlee if ony. Foilure to {e hg-t"""^- Worker Representotive Title sisnoture {'r\ of this repod in o consp;cuorJs proce o+ tne worKploce ond prov,oe o copy to the heotth crro sofety wilh on order, decisicn or requirement of on inspecior is on offence under Seclion 66 of ihe Occr,potionor Heotlh ond Sofety Aci. You hove rhe right 10 oppeol ony or decisionwithin30 doys of the dqle of ihe order issuedond to requesl suspensionof the order or decision by filingyour oppeol ond requesl in writingon the oppropriote formswith 1 Ontorio Lobour RelotionsBoord,505 UniversiiyAve., 2nd Floor,Toronto,Onlorio M5G 2PI . You moy olso +he contocl Boord by phone ol {416) 32G75OAor 1-877-339-3335 (tollf ree), moil or by website ol for more informction. 59040 $fffs frt Wark *iiiiri rons Fontario Occupotionol Heolth ond Sofety FieldVisitReport Poge 3 of 8 6 CoselD: 03232HT8V318 ,eldVisitno: 03232HTHR336 VisitDote: 2014-NOV-03 Workploce/denfificotion: TORONTOEASTGENERAL HOSPITAI FieldVisitType: FOLLOW-UP NoticelD: 8 2 5 C O X WE L LAV EN U E, E A S TY OR K , ON , C A N A D A M4C 3E 7 On ce the pot ient pr o c e e d s th ro u g h s c re e n i n g th , e tri oge nursew oul d be ol erted.A fter donni ng the requi red PPEwould t hen es c or f th e s u s p e c tp o ti e n t to th e d esi gnotedA i rborneInfecti onl sol oti onR oom (A l l R ).l t w os o b se rv edin t he ir ioge o re o th e re c o mme n d e d PP Ew os not reodi l yovoi l obl e.Onl y one ki t contoi ni ng o gow n o n d o p r on wos ov oilo b l e .A ro n d o m s e l e c ti o no f P PEw os ovoi l obl e but not eosi l yoccessi bl e.Forw orkers p ro vi dingdir ec t c or e to o p o ti e n t w i th s u s p e c tEV Do cori contoi ni ng the requi red P P Ew os stoti oned outsi de th e Al lRin t he r es us c i to ti o no re o . T h e m o s i re c e n t d i recti verequi resheol th core provi dersof ri skof exposureto o su spec tc os e of E V Do n d /o r th e i r e n v i ro n m e n tu se the fol l ow i ngP P Efi. t tested N 95respi rotor,goggl es,foce shield,full body borrier protection, double gloves.The employer is to ensure thot PPErequired io be worn by wo rke r swho c ould be e x p o s e d to o s u s p e c tEV Dc ose i s reodi l yovoi l obl e i n suffi ci entquonti ti esond i n o voriety of sizes.An order is issuedto the employer. Th e e m ploy eris ex peri e n c i n gc h o l l e n g e si n s e c u ri ngo suffi ci entsuppl yof personolprotecti ve equi pment ) i th o hood. A t presentthe empl oyer i n cl u dingt he r ec om me n d e d p o w e re d o i r-p u ri fy i n respi g roi or(P A P Rw does not hove PAPR's ond no worker hos been troined on the use of thisproiective equipment. The employer h o s i d e nt if iedin ihe EV Dm e o s u re so n d p ro c e d u re sthot oerosolgeneroti ng medi col procedures(A GMP s)must b e o vo ided wit h t he e x c e p ti o n o f i n tu b o ti o n ,m o n u ol venti l oti onor cordi opul monoryresusci toti on(C P R ).W he n these AGMPsore being performed the worker must weor o Powered Air PurifyingRespirotor.The employer is to e n su ret hot P P Er equi re d to b e w o rn b y w o rk e rsi s re odi l yovoi l obl e ond w orkersw ho ore requi red to w eor or u se o n y pr ot ec t iv e eq u i p me n t b e i n s tru c te do n d tr oi ned i n i tsuse,core ond l i mi toti onsbefore w eori ng or usi ng if for the firsttime ond of regulor intervolsthereofter. Th e e m ploy er is wor k i n g d i l i g e n tl yi n p ro v i d i n gi n s tructi onond troi ni ngto w orkersw ho moy come i n contoct with or provide core for o suspect EVDcose however not oll workershove received instructionond troining. Th e e m ploy er hos ide n i i fi e d th o t o n l y th o s e w h o o re troi ned,tested ond dri l l edon hozords,protecti onsond e q u i p m ent s hould pr o v i d e c o re . In s p e o k i n gw i th workersduri ng thi si nspecti oni t w os i denti fi edthot w orkers who would be required to provide core ond/or tronsportlob specimens of suspect EVDcoses hod not re ce i v ed s uf f ic iented u c o ti o n o n d tro i n i n g .l t i s re q ui redthot ony w orker thot encountersthe hozord of e xp o su r et o o pot ient w i th (o r s u s p e c te dw i th ) EV Dos port of thei rw ork must be provi ded i nformcti on, instructionond supervisionnecessoryto proiect themselvesond other workers.An order is issuedto ihe e mp roy er . Th ei n s t r uc lionpr ov id e d re l o te d to th e me o s u re sto protect w orkersshoul dbe oppropri ote to the noture ond type of work performed by o worker ond moy oddressissuessuch os signs,symptomsond screening criterio to b e u sed,t he not ur e o f E VDo n d h o w i i i s tro n s mi ti ed,how i sol oti onprecouti onsore oppl i ed, poi nt of core ri sk o sse ssm ent ond whot PP Ei s re q u i re dw h e n p ro v i d i ngcore to poti ents. Recipienl InspectorDoto MACTEAN JEANETTE O C C U P A T I O N AHLE A L T H & S A F E TIYN S P E C T O R Nome P R O V I N C I AOLF F E N C EOSF F I C E R 5001Yonqe Street,Suite 1600 Nome l.lorthYork,ON, M7A 0A3 Tel: 647-777 -5078 Title WorkerReoresentotive Title tox: 647-777 -5014 Signolure Yo, r cre rearrireai Signot . rnrJar l hI c v C v v) evev H vr i. ,nvn t i a n a l Ha^if h va n' d , v (nfatv Jv,e, y ^Aea ,l trnv Signoture of ihis reporl in o conspicuous ploce ot the workploce ond provide o copy io lhe heollh ond sofely, representoliveor the joint heolfh ond sofeiy committee if ony. Foilurel with on order, decision or requirement of on inspeclor is on offence under Sectlon 66 of the occUpo|ioholHeo]1hond5oie|yAci.YoUhoveihen9h]looppeo|on),oide/ordecisionwijh|ndoysofjhe byfi|jngyoUroppeo|ondreqUe'tjnwriiingonlheopProprioieformswi|hiheoniooLobourRe|o|]onsBooid conloclihe Boord by phone 01(416)3267500or l€/7 339 33s {lo ffee), moi or by wobs le oi hlip://www.okb.Sov.on.colenglish/homepoge.him ror more niormollon. 69040 Safsf,I $Jarls iions rn #}ontario Occupotionol Heolth ond Sofety FieldVisitReport Poge 4 of 8 1SCoselD: 03232HT8V318 VisitDoie: 2014-NOV-03 reldVisitno: 03232HTHR336 Workptoce tdentificotion: TORONTOEASTGENERAL HOSPITAL Fi el dV i si iType: FOLLOW -U P NoticelD: 8 2 5 C OX WE II A VE N U E, E A S TY OR K , ON , C A N A D A M4C 3E 7 Wi th i ni h e E D A ir bor neIn fe c ti o nl s o l o ti o nR o o msw e r e observedond w i l l be used to i sol otesuspected E V D po ti e n tsoc c or ding t o t h e e mp l o y e r' sE VDp o l i c y o n d procedures.On observoti onof the moni i ori ngdevi ces of the isolotionroom it wos noted the negotive pressureolormswere disobled.Focilitieswere questioned ond were unowore os to why ihe oudible olormswere not working.The supervisorof the ED ond workerswere not owore os to why the olormswere not working ond were not fomiliorwith the function of the monitoring device. Th e e mp loy er is t o ens u reth o t e q u i p me n t s h o l lb e i nspected i mmedi otel ybefore i ts use ond of regul ori ntervols os recommended by the monufocturer; ond operoted by o worker troined in its use ond function. An order is issu e dto ihe em ploy er. LABOR A T O RY S P E CI M EN M AN AGE M EN T The employer ouilined the procedure for receiving o suspect EVDspecimen in the Core Lob. Specific meosuresond procedures outline the procedure for workersin hondling,storingond pockoging the specimen for tronsportoff-siteto the Public Heolth Loborotoryond Notionol Microbiology Lob in Winnipeg. In the event o specimen is required the LoborotoryMonoger/Director on coll is notified immediotely to ossist th e l o b i n pr epor ing f or s u s p e c tE VDs p e c i me n s Al . l speci mensprocessi ngi s bei ng performed i n o C l ossl l A biosofetycobinet. The PPEovoiloble in the lob consistsof: N95 respirotorsfoce shields,gloves {double loyer, 12" cu ff) o n d dis pos oblelo b c o o t. T h e e m p l o y e rre c o g ni zedthe l ob coot i s not suffi ci entond w i l l be repl oced w i th the recommended fluidresisiont,long sleeved cuffed gown. Whereverpossiblespecimens ore onolyzed using o closed systemwith deconiominoiion procedures developed for eoch device/equipmeni used. Porterservice is utilizedto ironsportthe somple from the ED io the Core Lob. The porter is required to weor glovesond gown for specimen ironsportotionof the "cleon" ironsportbog. Upon deliveringthe tronsport bog to the lob, the porter is required to remove the PPEond disposeof them in o lobelled biohozord discord bin ovo i l o b lein t he s pec im e n re c e i v i n go re o o f th e l o b . The empl oyer must ensurethot ol l w orkershondl i ng s u sp e ctE V Ds pec im en so re o w o re o f th e h o z o rd o n d troi ned on the use ond l i mi toi i onsof P P E . A l lw o ste inc luding s pe c i m e n tu b e s ,c u v e tte so n d o ther l i qui dond sol i dw oste i s bei ng di sposedof i n biohozordous(red) cytotoxic woste deslined for incinerotion. li i sre com m ended t ho i g l o s ss p e c i me n c o l l e c ti o nd e vi ces/contoi nersnot be used unl essthere i s no oi her oliernotive. CL EANI NG / W A S T E / ERNON VI M EN T AL SE R V IC E S Recipient Nome Title InspectorDoto JEANENEMACTEAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY INSPECTOR P R O V I N C I AOL F F E N C EOSF F I C E R 5001Yonqe Streei,Suite 1600 North York,ON, M7A 0A3 lel: 647-777 -5078 WorkerRepresentotive Iiile Fox: 647-777 -5014 Signo\ure Sigrtolur &ignorure fA Yo! ore required under lhe Occlpoliono! HeoLlhond Sotery Act 10 port d cody of ihis repori ln o conspicLrols ploce oi lhe wo*ploce ond provide o copy io ihe heolln ono sotery represen1oJ]veorjhejointheo|ihond5ofeiycommi]leifony'Foi|L,eiocbrDpywhonordg'decisionorreqUiremenlofoninspectorisonoffence|Jndsecibn66oi1he occupo1iono|Heo|1hondsofe|yAc|'Yo!hoVe|hei9h|1ooppeoonyot'gordecaonwlhn]0doy5of|hedo|eof|heodelis5!edondioreq!es15Uspens.oi byii|ingyo!ropPeolondleqUesiinwritin9onihedpproprio|eiorm5wi|htheon1odoLoboUrRe|oiionsBoord'5o5UniVe]iyAve.'2ndFo conioci lhe Boord by phone a1(416)3267500cr l$773393335 (rollr.eel, mail or by websiie ot hitp:// ish/homepoge.him ror more nrormolion. 69040 fitonrario $afs AI Warftfr*'i;i* rions Jn Occupotionol Heolth ond Sofety FieldVisitReport Poge 5 of 8 ,1SCoselD: 03232HTBV3I8 ield visitno: 03232HTHR336 VisitDote: 2O14-NOV-03 Workplocetdenfificotion: TORONTOEASTGENERAT HOSPITAI FieldVisitType: FOttOW-UP N oi i ce l D: 8 2 5 C OX WE L I.AV EN U E, E A S TY OR K , ON , C A N A D A M4C 3E 7 Me o sur esond pr oc ed u re sfo r c l e o n i n g o f ro o msu sed for poti entsw i th (or suspected)E V Dhove been i ncl uded i n th e m eos ur esond p ro c e d u re sti i l e d ," Vi ro lH e m o rrhogi cFever(V H F)such os E bol oV l rusD i seose(E V D )" . Me o sur esond pr oc e d u re so d d re s sb o th re g u l o rc l e oni ng ond fi nol cl eoni ng ofter o poti ent l eoves the i sol oti on ro o m ( k nown os t er m i n o lc l e o n i n g ).T h e PP Ee n s e mbl eprovi ded for cl i ni colstoffw i l l ol so be used by those re sp ons iblef or c leoni n g ro o ms o n d e q u i p me n f u s ed for E V Dpoti ents. C l eoni ng of the i sol oti onroom (of o su sp ec tE V Dpot ient ) w i l l b e l i mi te dto th o s e tro i n e d i n thi sprocedure i ncl udi ngthe i ermi nolcl eoni ng of the ro o m. Ho sp i t olgr ode c leon i n g o n d d i s i n fe c ti o ns o l u ti o n s(B l eochond C l oroxw i pes)w i l l be used for cl eoni ng rooms, wh i ch is oc c eploble i n o c c o rd o n c e w i th c u rre n i g ui donce. Al lsi n g leus e it em st ho t o re i n i h e ro o m o f o p o ti e nt w i th E V Dw i l l be di sposedi n bogs ond contoi nersdesti ned fo r i n c iner ot ion;os is t h e c o s e fo r l i n e n so n d c u rto i ns.A l l used di sposobl eP P Ew i l l ol so be i nci neroted. It wos reported, ond it is outlined in the meosuresond procedures thot re-usoblemedicol equipment ond o th e r i t em st hot c onn o t (o r w i l l n o t) b e i n c i n e ro te dw i l l be di si nfectedpri orto l eovi ng the room w hen the room i s te rminollyc leoned. MASKF I TT E S T I NG Personolprotective equipment thot is required to be worn or used by workersmust be o proper fit. The employer recognized thot workersin the ERore more likelyto don M5 respirotorsos port of iheir doy to doy work. Mosk fit testing is conducted by the employer every two yeors.The employer hos o systemin ploce to remind workersos well os nolificofion is sent to monogers/supervisors to ensureevery worker required to weor o respiroioris properly fitted every two yeors.ln review of the employersmosk fit tesiing records it wos identified thot workersore coniinuing to work even though ihey hove noi been fit tested within the required time frome. The employer is reminded thot oll workerswho ore required io weor personol protective equipment must be instructedond troined on its core, use ond limiiotionsbefore weoring the equipment for the firsiiime ond ot regulor intervolsthereofler. The protective equipment provided must be of o proper fit. An order is issuedto the e mp l o y er . On Mo ndoy , Nov em b e r 3 ,2 0 1 4 th i sre p o rt w o s d e l iveredi o the w orkpl oce.A l l ordersi ssuedhove been exploined in detoil to workploce porties. Recipienl Nome Title InspectorDoto JEANETTE MACI.EAN O C C U P A T I O N AHLE A L T H & S A F E TIYN S P E C T O R Nome P R O V I N C I AOLF F E N C EOSF F I C E R 5001Yonqe Street,Suite I600 North York,ON, M7A 0A3 lel: 647-777 -5078 WorkerRepresentotive Title Fox:647-777-5014 Signolure You ore requireo LJnoer tne Occupot;onor .Signoture Heoilh ono Sofely Ac+ 10 pos of lhis repod in o conspicuous ploce ot lhe worko,oce ond provide o copy to tne heolth ond sotely wilh on order, decision or requirement of on insoeclor is on offence under Section 66 of the representotiveor the joint heolth ond sofety commitiee if ony. Foilure occUpoiionoLNeo1hondSofel.'AcJ.YoUhoveiherigh1|ooppeo]onyb'd6ordecisionwithin30do'5of|hedo|eoiiheordis5uedon byfilingyoUropp€olondrequeninwdiin9on|hoopproprioleformswththeontodoLobo!JrReLoiions8oor[5o5u.ive6iiyAve.'2ndFlo contocl Jhe Boord by phone ol (416i 3267500 d I'AZ7-339-3335 iiollfrce). moilor by websiie ol hiip:// hh/homepoge.him rof more inrormoiion. 69040 #=on**rio $af$ fit WAfk l.r,ii,,*:l"rt,l rtions on Occupotionol Heolth ond Sofety FieldVisit Report Poge 6 of 8 rlSCose lD: O3232HTBV3I8 ,jieldVisitno: 03232HTHR336 VisitDote: 2014-NOV-03 FieldVisitlype: FOLLOW-UP Workptoceldentification: NoticelD: TORONTOEASTGENERAL HOSPITAL 825 COXWELT AVENUE, EASTYORK, ON, CANADAM4C 3E7 Order/sJ/Requirementfsj JssuedIo: to: Org/l nd R ol e Owner TORO NT OE A S TG E N E R A TH O S PIT A LT, H E Mo i l i n gA ddr es s : 8 2 5 C O X W E LLA V E, EA STY O R K,O N , C A M 4 C 3E 7 Order{sllRequirement(s}Descnption Youorerequiredfo complywiththearder(sJlrequiremenffsl by the dofeslistedbelow. No Type Code ActReg Yeor Sec. Sub Clouse Textof Order/Requirement Comply by Doie (or- 1 Forl OHSA l99O 03232HTHV337 25 2 h Pursuonllo clouse 25(2)(h) of the Occupotionol Heolth ond SofefyAct, RRO,1990:the employer sholl loke every precoution reosonoble in the circumsfonces for the protecfion of q worker. At lhe fime of the inspecfion il wos observed thot personol protective equipmeni for the protection of lrioge workers from pofentiolly infectious moleriol wos not reodily ovoiloble to workers thot would require it in the emergency deporlment. The employer sholl loke the reosonoble precoution of ensuringthot personol protective equipment is reodily ovoiloble for workers in the trioge oreo locoled in the emergency deportment. The employer sholl comply with this order forthwith. 2 TimeU OHSA l99O 03232HTHV338 25 2 o Pursuontto clouse 25 (2) (o) of the Occupotionol Heolth ond SqfetyAct, RRO,1990:the employer sholl provide informotion,instrucfion,ond supervisionto o worker to proiect the heolth or sofety of the worker. At the time of this inspection il wos reported by workers thot sutficient informotion ond instructionhod not been provided to workers to protect their heqlth ond sofety when hondling loborotory specimens ond monoging the core of o Recipienl NOme Tiile InspectorDoto JEANETTE MACTEAN O C C U P A T I O N AHLE A L T H & S A F E TIYN S P E C T O R Nome P R O V I N C I AOLF F E N C EOSF F I C E R 5001Yonqe Street,Suite 1600 North York,ON, MZA 0A3 Title Tel: 647-777 -5078 WorkerRepresentotive tox:647 -777-5O14 . . 1 Signoture 69040 Signol \U"l**^risnoiure l.t ,ts{_) i .,\ Safe ftt WOfk ir,urii,it,r$ii,ii,i :tions ron Fontario Occupotionol Heolth ond Sofety FieldVisitReport Poge 7 of 8 zHSCoselD: 03232HTBV3l8 FieldVisitno: O3232HTHR336 Visi't Fi el dV i si iType: FOLLOW -UP Doie: 2014-NOV-03 Workploceldentification: N oi i ce l D: TORONTOEASTGENERAT HOSPITAL AVENUE, EASTYORK, ON, CANADAM4C 3E7 825 COXWETL Order (s) /Requiremenffs/ JssuedIo: Org/l nd R ol e Owner to: TOR O NI O E A S TG E N E R A LH OS PIT A LIH , E Mo i l i ngA ddr es s : 8 2 5 CO X W E T LA V E , EA STYOR K,ON , C A M4 C 3 E7 Orderfs/lRequirement(s)Descnpfioru Youorerequiredto complywithfhe order(s)lrequirementlsJ by thedofeslistedbelow. No Type Code ActReg Yeor Sec. Sub Clouse Sec. Comply by Doie Texlof Order/Requirement potient with or suspecfed to hove EVD.The employer sholl provide to the MOt o defoiled complionce plon outlininghow ond when the employer plons lo comply with this order (Referenceorder #3). 3 Plon OHSA l99O 03232HTHV340 Sl An order mode under subseclion(l) moy require o2014-NOV-07 constructor,o licensee or on employer to submil to the ministryo complionce plon prepored in the monner ond including such items os required by the order. 4 Time OHSA 1990 03232HTHV34r 67 1gg3 44 Pursuontto section 44 of the Heolthcore ond 2014-NOV-07 ResidenliolFocilitiesRegulotion67/?3: lhe employer sholl ensure equipmenf is operoted by o worker troined in its use ond funclion. At the time of this inspection il wos noted thot workers were not fomilior with the control ond moniloring devices of the Airborne Infection lsolotion Room locoted in the Emergency Deportment. The employer sholl comply with this order on or before November7,2014. 5 Time OHSA l99O o3232HTHvU2 67 l gg3 Pursuontto subsectionl0 (l ) of the Heolthcoreond 2014-NOV-07 ResidentiolFocilitiesRegulotion67/93: lhe Recipient Nome Title l0 lnspector Doio JEANETTE MACTEAN O C C U P A T I O N AHLE A L T & H S A F E TIYN S P E C T O R Nome P R O V I N C I AOLF F E N C EOSF F I C E R 5001Yonqe Street,Suite 1600 North York,ON, MZA 0A3 lel: 647-777 -5078 WorkerRepresentotlve Title tox: 647-777 -5O14 Signoture -t'A Signo You o'e reqLi'ed Lnder The Occupot.or-ol neolth ond Sofery Act to pos represenloiive or the joini heolth ond sofety commiltee if ony. Foilure of this reporl in o conspicuous ploce of the workploce ond provide o copy to the heollh ond sofely with on order, decision or requiremenl of on inspeclor is on offence under Section 66 of ihe occ!poiionoHe|thondsofeiyAci'Yo!hove1heighilooppeo|ony\'derordeckjonwiihin3o byijin9yoUrappeo|ondleqUe5i]nwril]ngon|heoppropio|eformsw]1htheontorjoLoboUrRelotionsBoo conroci ihe Boord by phone o1 1416132C.7v&q t-A/7'339'3335 (lol free). mol o. by webslle ot hilp:// 69040 rs more inrormorton. ltr\.. 'r ^ tI i,* $a$gAt Work iiri:;iu 'J 't ,.tr F ctions ,ion Occupotionol H e o l t ho n d S o f e t y H ! .F f} II lY rr \JT ttario FieldVisitRepori Poge 8 of 8 rHSCoselD: 03232HTBV3l8 FieldVisitno: 03232HTHR336 VisitDote: 2014-NOV-03 FieldVisitType: FOLLOW-UP Workploceldentificotion: N oti ce l D: TORONTOEASTGENERAT HOSPITAL 825 COXWELT AVENUE, EASTYORK, ON, CANADA M4C 3E7 Order (s) /Reguirernen lfsJ Issued Io: Org/l nd R ol e Owner to: TORO NT OE A S TG E N ER ATH OS PIT A LT, H E Mo i l ingA ddr es s : 8 2 5 C O X W E LLA V E , E AS TY O R K, O N , C A M 4 C 3 E 7 Order(s) lRequirementfsJ Descripfion: Youorerequiredto complywiththe order(s)/requirementfsj by thedoles/istedbelow. No Type Code ActReg Yeor Sec. Sub Clouse Sec. Comply by Dote Textof Order/Requirement employer sholl ensureo worker who is required by his or her employer or by this regulotion to weor or use ony protective equipment sholl be instructed ond troined in ifs core, use ond limitotionsbefore weoring or using it for the firsflime ond of regulor intervolsthereofter ond fhe worker sholl porticipote in such inslructionond troining. At the time of this inspecfion. mosk fif festing records indicote thot the employer requiresthe worker to be tested every two yeors. According to fhe records, workers ore continuing io work who hove nof been fit lested to ensure the protective equipmenf required fo be worn is o proper fit ond the worker is owore of its core, use ond limifotions.The employer sholl comply with this order on or before November7,2014. Recipienl Nome Title InspectorDoto JEANETTE MACI.EAN O C C U P A T I O N AHLE A L T H & S A F E TIYN S P E C T O R Nome P R O V I N C I AOLF F E N C EOSF F I C E R 50Ol Yonqe Streel,Suite 1600 North York,ON, MZA 0A3 Tel: 647-777 -5078 WorkerRepresentotive Title tox: 647-777 -5O14 'l\ t Signoture Signo lignoture / a l ,t / | \--t-,/ Yo! ore requked underlhe Occupotionol Neo ih ond Soieiy Aci lo posi o +pyA this report in o corspicuous ploce ol the workp oce ond provlde o copy lo ihe heo ih ond sorely represenlorive d ihejolnt heo lh ond solery commiil€e ir ony. Foilurelo comDit wiih on dder, decislon or requirement of on lnsoecior is on orrenc€ under Secllon 66 or lhe occUpoliono|Heo|ihondsofe1yActYoUhoVe|her]ghtiooppeo|onydderordecl5ionwiihin3odoysotihedoieofiheordelissUedon by fi ing yoLJroppeo ond requ$l in wniing on ihe opproprioie forms wiih lhe Onloio Lobour Re oiions B@rd, 505 UnlveBit Ave., 2nd Floor,Toronlo, Oniorlo Msc 2PL You moy o so coniocf lhe Boord by phone al 14\6132c7gn d t-A7733a335 (lo lfree). moilor by webslre oi hlip://www.o for more inrormolio.. 6944D
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