McGill University, Faculty of Medicine Curriculum Vitae Date of Last Revision: March 3, 2014 A. IDENTIFICATION Name: Eric A. Latimer Office Address: Perry 3C Douglas Mental Health University Institute 6875 LaSalle Boulevard Montréal, Québec H4H 1R3 Telephone: (514) 761-6131 ext. 2351 Fax: (514) 762-3049 E-mail: [email protected] Date of birth: December 5, 1956 Citizenship: Canadian Home Address: 1499 Rolland Street Montréal, Québec H4H 2G7 Canada B. EDUCATION Undergraduate B.A.Sc. Systems Design Engineering (1979) University of Waterloo, Ontario (1975-1979) Graduate M.S. Sciences Économiques (1987), Université de Montréal (1983-1984) M.S. Economics (1986), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (1984-1986) Ph.D. Economics (1989), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (1986-1989) Thesis topic : “The level of auto safety belt use : Estimation of its relationship with fatalities, and evidence of regularities in its determination”. (Lester B. Lave, supervisor). C. APPOINTMENTS University - current Jul 13 Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University Jun 06 – Jun 13 Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 3 2014 Jun 97 – Membre Associé, Département d’Administration de la Santé, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal Dec 96 – Associate Member, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University University – previous Sep 09 – Aug 12 Honorary Associate Professor, School of Sociology and Public Policy, University of Nottingham, U.K. Sep 07 – Aug 08 Visiting Academic, Personal Social Services Research Unit (UKC site), University of Kent at Canterbury, Canterbury, UK Sep 07 – Aug 08 Visiting Professor, Personal Social Services Research Unit (LSE site), Health and Social Care, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK Sep 07 – Aug 08 Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for the Economics of Mental Health, David Goldberg Centre for Health Services and Policy Research Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London Jun 01 – May 06 Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University Mar 96 – May 01 Assistant Professor (non tenure-track), Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University Sep 89 – Feb 96 Assistant Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard University School of Public Health Hospital Jan 13 - Acting Director, Services, Policy and Population Health Research, Douglas Institute Research Centre May 02 – Sep 08 Director, Services, Policy and Population Health Research, Douglas Institute Research Centre Mar 96 – Research Scientist, Douglas Institute Research Centre Other Mar 96 - Jun 98 Consulting Researcher, Québec Health Technology AssessmentCouncil (on temporary loan, 40% time, from Douglas Hospital Research Centre) D. SPECIAL HONOURS, AWARDS, RECOGNITION 2012 – 2014 Bombardier Fellowship in the Quality of Mental Health Care 1987 – 1988 John Olin Graduate Fellowship, Tuition + $10,000 1984 – 1987 William Larimer Mellon Graduate Fellowship, Tuition + $21,600 stipend over 3 years. 2 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 E. TEACHING E.1 McGill Courses E.1.1 McGill graduate courses Department Course title Hours per year Year(s) Evaluations available? Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health EPIB 591 39 2014 In progress Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health EPIB 528 39 20092012 Yes Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health EPIB 642 1.5 2012 2014 No Economics ECON 440 1.5 2012 No 3 (I coordinated and participated in this class) 2012 No Economics for Health Services Research and Policy Economic evaluation of health programs Introduction to Health Technology Assessment Economics and mental health Psychiatry PSYT 503 Mental health services research Faculty of Law LAWG 517 1.5 2009 No Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health EPIB-591 39 2008 Yes Social Studies of Medicine INDS-406 Medicine and Society elective 16, except in 2004 (reading course only in 2004 due to rescheduling of 4th year medical school following SARS epidemic). 20032007 Yes 19972013 From 2002 onwards Economic evaluation of health programmes Economics for Health Care Policy (sole instructor) Psychiatry - Summer programme in psychiatric epidemiology PSYT 713 Psychiatric Epidemiology (one lecture on evaluation of interventions) 1.5 except 2008 3 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 Faculty of Medicine – Course in Evidence-Based Medicine Evidence-Based Medicine (one lecture on economic evaluation) 1 2005 Yes Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health EPIB-677 33 (sole instructor with occasional guest lecturer) 20022005 Yes Psychiatry – Summer programme in transcultural psychiatry Economic evaluation in psychiatry 12 in 2002-2004; 7 in 1997-2001 19972004 For 2001 2004 Economics 154-744B 1.5 1998 2002 No 1.5 19982000 For 2000 only Economics for Health Policy (sole instructor) Graduate health economics seminar (Guest lectures, on different topics, seminar led by Lee Soderstrom) Experimental Medicine 516-640C Economic evaluation of medical technologies E.1.2 Courses taught in Chelyabinsk, Russia in context of McGill – Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy cooperation project* Course title Hours per year Year(s) Evaluations available? Biostatistics I 39 (sole instructor) 2002 No Biostatistics II 39 (sole instructor) 2001 No * Project funded by Canadian International Development Agency; Dr Charles Larson, (formerly) Faculty of Medicine, Principal investigator and Project coordinator. E.1.3 Other teaching (since arriving at McGill in 1996) 1. “Mental health policy for adults with severe mental illness”, Dawson College Department of Social Work, November 1 2010. 2. « L’intégration à l’emploi pour personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves » (Vocational integration for people with severe mental illness), 1 ½ hours, seminar on psychiatric rehabilitation given to Université de Montréal graduate students, May 31 2006. 3. « Analyse coût-efficacité d’un programme de soutien à l’emploi évalué au moyen d’un essai randomisé: Comment s’y prendre? » (Cost-effectiveness analysis of a supported employment program evaluated using a randomized controlled trial : How should one go about it?), 3 hours, as part of ASA 6175, Département d’Administration de la Santé, Université de Montréal, November 21 2005. 4 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 4. “The demand for health services: Basic theory and some empirical observations”, Research in Addictions and Mental Health Policy and Services (RAMHPS) Fall Institute (see below), 2 hours, Montreal, October 13 2004. 5. “Applicabilité au Québec du modèle de suivi intensif en équipe pour les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux persistants et particulièrement graves,” (Applicability to Québec of the ACT model for people with persistent and particularly severe mental illness) MSO-6080 : Santé mentale, Université de Montréal, 1.5 hours, December 11 1998. 6. “Discounting in the assessment of screening programs,” Post-conference course, International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care (ISTAHC) conference, 1.5 hours, Montreal, June 11 1998. 7. “The Canadian health care system”, Special class to University of California medical faculty on study tour of the Canadian health care system, 1 hour, Montreal, March 14 1998. E.2 Research trainees supervised E.2.1 Post-doctoral Co-supervisor (Sheilagh Hodgins, Université de Montréal, Primary supervisor), Chantal Perras, 2013 Supervisor, Vaishali Patel, 2006 – 2007 Co-supervisor, Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, 2006 – (FRSQ post-doctoral fellowship, 2006 – 2008). Co-supervisor, Pasquale Roberge, 2004 – (FRSQ post-doctoral fellowship, 2006 – 2008). E.2.2 Fellowships Supervisor, Olivier Farmer, M.D., McGill University and Douglas Hospital, Measurement of coercion in community psychiatry, January – June 2003. E.2.3 Electives Supervisor, Marisa Derman, M.D., McGill University and Douglas Mental Health University Institute, Homelessness policies in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom: A review, January August 2011. E.2.4 Doctoral Supervisor, Daniel Poremski, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, 2011 Co-supervisor (Liane Feldman, Primary supervisor), Larry Fu-Hua Lee, Department of Surgery, McGill University, 2012 Member of PhD thesis committee, Kristen Haase, Faculty of Nursing, McGill University, 2011 – Co-supervisor, Daniele Ambrosini, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Mixed methods evaluation of psychiatric advance directives, 2006 - 2011, Ph.D. 2011. Co-supervisor, Jim Crall, Harvard University School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management, Quality of care and prices in oral health services, 1992 – 1995, Sc.D. 1995. Co-supervisor, Deborah Taira, Harvard University School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management, Basing physician compensation on patient evaluations of care, 1993-1995, Sc.D. 1995. 5 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 Co-supervisor, Dayl Donaldson, Harvard University School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management, Applications of economic analysis to health policy issues in developing countries, 1991-1995, Sc.D. 1995 Co-supervisor, Bonnie Blanchfield, Harvard University School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management, Determinants of hospital capital expenditures and the effects of hospital payment environment, 1991-1994, Sc.D. 1994. Co-supervisor, Nancy Taplin McCall, Harvard University School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management, Physician response to Medicare relative price changes, 1989-1992, Sc.D. 1992. E.2.5 Master’s Supervisor, Guido Powell, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, 2013 Supervisor, Angela Ly, Département d’Administration de la Santé, Université de Montréal, 2011 Supervisor, Yuxi Shi, McGill University Department of Psychiatry, 2008 – 2011, “Cost-effectiveness of the Individual Placement and Support Model of Supported Employment for People with Severe Mental Illness: Results from a Canadian Randomized Trial”, M.Sc. 2012 Supervisor, Adonia Naidu, McGill University Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, 2006 - 2009, Incidence of Type II diabetes After Initiation of Antipsychotic Drug Therapy in Quebec Welfare Recipients, 1993 – 2004, M.Sc. 2009. Co-supervisor, Andrea Martin, McGill University Department of Psychiatry, Burnout and job satisfaction among mental health professionals in case management teams, M.Sc. 2001. Co-supervisor, Catherine Sarrazin, Département des Sciences Infirmières, Université de Montréal, Suivi dans la communauté et fardeau des aidants naturels (Case management and family caregiver burden), M.Sc. 2000. E.2.6 Training grants 1. Co-Investigator (Elliot Goldner, P.I.), “Building capacity in mental health and addictions services and policy research”, Program entitled “Research in Addictions and Mental Health Policy and Services” (RAMHPS), Canadian Institutes of Health Research, April 2003 – March 2009, $1,800,000. Coordination of McGill site of 6 to 8 pan-Canadian videoconferenced seminars per year, 2003 2007. Mentor for Todd Jenkins, former McGill Department of Psychiatry doctoral student (cosupervisor with Anne Crocker), 2004-2007; and for Vaishali Patel (see above). 2. Co-Investigator (Laurence Kirmayer, P.I.), “Culture and mental health services”, April 2003 – March 2009, $1,664,436. 3. See above for classes taught in context of Division of Trancultural Psychiatry 6 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 E.3 Invited lectures, talks, presentations (other than at scientific conferences – see section G) E.3.1 – Local and National 1. “Main results of the At Home/Chez Soi study of Housing First”, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University, December 2 2013. 2. (Invited plenary speaker) “Main results of the At Home/Chez Soi study of Housing First”, Canadian Mental Health Association annual conference, Ottawa, Ontario, October 18 2013. 3. (With Mireille Valois) “The Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment for people with mental illness who want to work in competitive settings”, Canadian Mental Health Association annual conference, Ottawa, Ontario, October 17 2013. 4. « Le modèle des forces: Fondements théoriques, principes et résultats empiriques », (The strengths model : Theoretical foundations, principles and empirical evidence), Colloque provincial sur le soutien d’intensité variable (provincial conference on intensive case management), Québec, Québec, October 4 2013. 5. “Can homeless people with mental illness and substance abuse issues be housed right away in apartments of their choice? Lessons from the pan-Canadian At Home/Chez Soi study of Housing First”, The North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit, Montréal, September 26 2013. (Invited plenary speaker.) 6. “Advocating for better services for people with serious mental illness in Québec: In search of the Holy Grail?”, The North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit VII, Montréal, September 27 2013. 7. « Résultats préliminaires du projet Chez Soi de Montréal », Journée psychiatrie urbaine – Département de psychiatrie du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, le 12 avril 2013. 8. “At Home/Chez Soi National Economic Results webinar”, At Home/Chez Soi national webinar, October 15 2013. 9. « Évaluation de l’impact économique de l’intervention Housing First auprès de personnes itinérantes avec des problèmes de santé mentale: Analyse préliminaire après 1 an de suivi à Montréal », Colloque sur la recherche scientifique préhospitalière, Montréal, November 23 2012. 10. (with Daniel Poremski, Gabrielle Roberge and Véronique St-Pierre), « Recouvrer sa citoyenneté par l’emploi quand on a des troubles mentaux et qu’on vient de quitter l’itinérance », Association québécoise pour la réadaptation psychosociale, Québec, Québec, October 31 2012. 11. « Pratiques fondées sur des données probantes dans le contexte des politiques de santé mentale québécoises », Practices to support recovery conference, Douglas Institute, June 7 2012. 12. (Invited plenary speaker) “En avoir pour son argent : Réconcilier l’accessibilité aux pratiques fondées sur des données probantes, le rétablissement et l’efficience”, Journées Annuelles de la Santé Mentale, Montréal, 14 mai 2012. 13. “Reforming the health care system from a mental health and economic perspective: a few thoughts”, Comparative Healthcare Systems Program Annual conference, McGill University, 7 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 March 21 2012. 14. “Why better need not be more expensive”, McGill Institute for Health Policy, November 23 2011. 15. «Beau, bon et pas cher : Réconcilier le rétablissement, les pratiques fondées sur des données probantes, et la maîtrise des coûts », Journée des Instituts, Montréal, November 21 2011. 16. (With Sonia Côté, Claire Thiboutot, Bertrand Gagné and Sylvain d’Auteuil), « État d’avancement du projet Chez Soi », Réseau d’aide aux personnes seules et itinérantes de Montréal (RAPSIM), June 17 2011. 17. “Cost-effectiveness analysis of the Emergency Room Follow-Up Team at the Montreal Children’s Hospital,” Montreal Children’s Hospital Grand Rounds, April 29 2011. 18. (With Marie-Sylvie St-Pierre and Mireille Valois) « IPS, données probantes, coûts et pertinence locale » (IPS, evidence, costs and local relevance), St-Eustache Hospital, St-Eustache Québec, December 6 2010. 19. (With Rob Whitley) “Pratiques fondées sur les données probantes et rétablissement” (Evidencebased practices and recovery), XVe colloque de l’Association québécoise pour la réadaptation psychosociale, Montreal, November 10 2010. 20. (With Sonia Côté) « Projet de recherche et de démonstration sur l’itinérance et la santé mentale » (Research and demonstration project on homelessness and mental health), Canadian Housing Renewal Association congress, Québec, Québec, June 3 2010. 21. “Pratiques psychosociales fondées sur des données probantes et le Plan d’action en santé mentale » (Evidence-based psychosocial practices and the Québec mental health action plan), (Plenary presentation), Journées bi-annuelles de santé mentale (Bi-annual Québec mental health services conference), Montreal, May 12 2010. 22. “Individual Placement and Support as a potential means of helping homeless people with mental illness integrate the work force”, Into the Light Conference (sponsored by the Mental Health Commission of Canada), Vancouver, B.C., November 29 2009. 23. « Services de santé mentale et rationalité économique: À la recherche d’une allocation des ressources plus éthique » (Mental health services and economic rationality : In search of a more ethical allocation of resources), Colloque inter-établissements « Enjeux éthiques en santé mentale – un temps de réflexion », (Interhospital colloquium, « Ethical issues in mental health : a time for reflection ») Laval, Québec, October 22 2009 24. « Suivi intensif en équipe: Évolution de la notion de fidélité et implications pratiques » (Assertive Community Treatment : Evolution of the concept of fidelity and practical implications), Journée de ressourcement des chefs d’équipes de suivi intensif (Training day for ACT team leaders), Québec, Québec, May 22 2009. 25. « Une année en Angleterre : Observations sur les services et la recherche en santé mentale » (A year in England : Observations on mental health services and research), Douglas Hospital Grand Rounds, March 4 2009. 26. “The limits of economic rationality and the need for ethical review in funding mental health services”, McGill Health and Law Conference (presentation as part of a plenary panel), McGill University, February 7 2009. 27. « Pertinence pour le Québec du modèle de soutien à l'emploi Individual Placement and Support 8 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 (IPS) pour les personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves » (Relevance for Québec of the Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment for people with severe mental illness), Hôpital Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine, Montréal, January 12 2009. 28. « Indicateurs du comportement prescripteur à l'égard des personnes qui ont la schizophrénie et lien avec les jours d'hospitalisation » (Prescribing behavior indicators with regards to people with schizophrenia and link to days hospitalized), Centre de Santé et Services sociaux d’Ahuntsic et Montréal-Nord, le 4 juin 2007. 29. “Development of quality indicators for the prescribing of antipsychotic medications in the treatment of schizophrenia,” videoconferenced presentation (with sites in Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, Toronto, Thunderbay, and Montreal), Research in Addictions and Mental Health Policy and Services, May 30, 2007. 30. (With Anne Doyon, Jacques Rhéaume and Deborah Thomson), « Le suivi intensif en équipe au Québec en 2007: Progrès, défis et vision pour l’avenir » (Assertive Community Treatment in Québec in 2007 : Progress, challenges and vision for the future), Journées bi-annuelles de santé mentale, Montréal, le 18 mai 2007. 31. (with Jacques Rhéaume, Deborah Thomson and Anne Doyon) « Le suivi intensif en équipe au Québec en 2007: Progrès, défis et vision pour l’avenir », Journées bi-annuelles de santé mentale, Montréal, 18 mai 2007. 32. « Implantation de pratiques fondées sur les données probantes pour les personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves au Québec : Considérations organisationnelles et économiques » (Implementation of evidence-based practices for people with severe mental illness in Québec), Conference on strategies to increase the quality of mental health services for people with severe mental illness, Douglas Institute, May 4 2007. 33. (With Claude Descombes and Jacques Desrosiers) « Quelques réflexions supplémentaires sur la place d’équipes PACT dans un système de santé mentale » (A few additional thoughts on the place of ACT teams in a mental health system), Hôpital Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine, le 6 avril 2007. 34. « Utilisation de médicaments antipsychotiques au Québec: Résultats d’entrevues qualitatives suivies d’analyses quantitatives » (Use of antipsychotic medications in Québec : Results of qualitative interviews followed by quantitative analyses), Colloque sur la gestion autonome de la médication, Montréal, Québec, April 5 2007. 35. (With Claude Descombes and Gilbert Tremblay), “Équipe ACT (Assertive Community Treatment): Présentation de l’équipe”, Forum sur le suivi intensif et le soutien d’intensité variable dans la communauté, Montréal, March 29 2007. 36. « Utilisation de médicaments antipsychotiques au Québec: explorations empiriques à partir de bases de données gouvernementales » (Use of antipsychotic medications in Québec : Empirical explorations using government databases), Groupe de recherche MéOS (le médicament comme objet social), March 27 2007. 37. “Patterns of use of antipsychotic medications for people with schizophrenia in Québec in 2004: Preliminary results”, Division of Clinical Epidemiology, McGill University Health Centre, March 15 2007. 38. “Patterns of use of antipsychotic medications for people with schizophrenia in Québec in 2004: Preliminary results”, St Mary’s Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, March 14 2007. 9 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 39. (With Nicole Lahaie, Marie-Hélène Pelletier, Claude Therrien and Marie-Sylvie St-Pierre) “Le modèle IPS (Individual Placement and Support) de soutien à l’emploi pour les personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves: intégrer l’insertion en emploi régulier au cœur de l’intervention clinique » (The IPS model of supported employment for people with severe mental illness : integrating vocational rehabilitation into the core of clinical interventions), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montréal, December 6 2006. 40. (With David Bloom, Nicole Lahaie and Marie-Sylvie St-Pierre) “Le modèle IPS (Individual Placement and Support) de soutien à l’emploi pour les personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves: intégrer l’insertion en emploi régulier au cœur de l’intervention clinique » (The IPS model of supported employment for people with severe mental illness : integrating vocational rehabilitation into the core of clinical interventions), Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec, Québec, QC, June 15 2006. 41. « Le suivi intensif à l’heure du rétablissement: vers de nouveaux horizons » (Assertive community treatment and the recovery movement : towards new horizons), as part of roundtable discussion, Conference of the Association Québécoise pour la Réadaptation Psychosociale, Chicoutimi, May 26 2006. 42. (With Nicole Lahaie and Marie-Hélène Pelletier), « Le modèle IPS de soutien à l’emploi : Implantation à l’Hôpital Douglas, résultats et implications » (The IPS model of supported employment : implementation at the Douglas hospital, results and implications), Conference of the Association Québécoise pour la Réadaptation Psychosociale, Chicoutimi, May 25 2006. 43. « Augmenter l’accès au suivi intensif en équipe et au soutien à l’emploi au Québec: Pourquoi, comment, enjeux », Groupe de Recherche sur l’Intégration Sociale, l’Organisation des Services et l’Évolution en Santé Mentale, Québec, le 22 février 2006. 44. (With Marc Corbière and Leigh Thompson in Vancouver, BC) “Supported employment”, panCanadian audio conference call, organized by the Consortium for Applied Research and Evaluation in Mental Health, University of Western Ontario, January 13 2006. 45. (With Pierre Rouillard and Roger Pelletier), « Suivi intensif en équipe dans la communauté : recherche d’un équilibre entre les standards et l’innovation » (Assertive community treatment : in search of a balance between standards and innovation), Colloque inter-établissements sur les meilleures pratiques en psychiatrie (Conference on best practices in psychiatry for Québec psychiatric hospitals), Québec city, November 14, 2005. 46. (With Nicole Lahaie, Marie-Sylvie St Pierre, Claude Therrien, Marie-Hélène Pelletier and Daniel Gélinas), « Favoriser le rétablissement des clients de suivi intensif grâce au modèle de soutien à l’emploi IPS » (Supporting the recovery of people with severe mental illness with the IPS (Individual Placement and Support) model of supported employment), Québec ACT/Intensive case management annual conference, Robert-Giffard Hospital, Québec city, October 13, 2005. 47. “Services de santé mentale pour les jeunes et évaluation économique: Apprivoiser le renard” (Mental health services for children and youth and economic evaluation: Taming the fox), Douglas hospital child psychiatry division, March 9 2005. 48. “Services de santé mentale pour les jeunes et évaluation économique: Apprivoiser le renard” (Mental health services for children and youth and economic evaluation: Taming the fox), Carrefour scientifique « Épidémiologie et recherche clinique en santé mentale : Interroger autrement nos pratiques cliniques », Hôpital Ste-Justine, Montréal, February 25 2005. 10 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 49. (With Nicole Lahaie, Marie-Sylvie St Pierre, Claude Therrien, Myra Piat and Stéphane Grenier), « Le modèle IPS de soutien à l’emploi pour les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves: mise en œuvre, pratique quotidienne, effets sur les clients, et implications pour les politiques d’emploi » (The IPS (Individual Placement and Support) model of supported employment for people with severe mental illness : implementation, daily practice, effects on client, and implications for employment policies), Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine Hospital, Montreal, February 3 2005. 50. (With Nicole Lahaie and Marie-Sylvie St Pierre), “The individual placement and support model of supported employment to help people with severe mental illness find and maintain competitive employment: Implementation at the Douglas Hospital and results of a Randomized Clinical Trial”, McGill University Health Centre Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Allan Memorial Institute, January 14 2005. 51. “Promoting effective evidence-based practices for people with severe mental illness”, Mental Health Reform for 21st century Canada: Getting there from here, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, December 3 2004. 52. « Résultats de l’évaluation du programme PACT du Centre Hospitalier Robert-Giffard », (Results of the evaluation of the Robert Giffard PACT program). Centre Hospitalier Robert-Giffard, Québec, November 17 2004. 53. “Individual Placement and Support to help people with severe mental illness find and maintain competitive employment: Results of a randomized controlled trial in Montreal”, McGill University Psychiatry Research Day, November 12 2004. 54. « Le guide de pratique pour le suivi intensif en équipe dans la communauté » (The (Québec) practice guidelines for assertive community treatment), Conference for Québec ACT staff, Hôpital RobertGiffard, Québec, November 8 2004. 55. “Economic considerations in organizing services for people with severe mental illness”, Douglas Hospital Research Centre 25th anniversary conference, October 2 2004. 56. “Distinct ambiguities of benevolence: A randomized trial of the IPS model of supported employment in Québec (preliminary results)”, St Mary’s Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Montreal, September 23 2004. 57. (With Isabelle Duclos, Nicole Lahaie, Marie-Sylvie St Pierre, Claude Therrien and Stéphane Grenier) « Le soutien à l'emploi IPS (Individual Placement and Support) : Résultats d’une étude randomisée québécoise et implications » (IPS (Individual Placement and Support) Supported Employment : Results of a Quebec randomized study and implications), Colloque Les meilleures pratiques en santé mentale, Boucherville, Québec, September 16 2004. 58. (With Isabelle Duclos, Nicole Lahaie, Tania Lecomte and Myra Piat) « Le soutien à l'emploi IPS pour aider les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves à trouver et conserver un emploi compétitif: Résultats préliminaires du premier essai randomisé au Canada et implications pour les politiques » (IPS Supported Employment to help people with severe mental illness find and maintain competitive employment : Preliminary results of the first randomized trial in Canada and policy implications), Douglas Hospital Grand Rounds, May 13 2004. 59. « L’axe services : Activités et projets », Réseau de la santé mentale et des neurosciences du Québec, May 7, 2004. 60. “Applicability of the IPS model of supported employment to Canada”, Work in progress: A 11 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 colloquium on work, citizenship and mental illness, Toronto, Ontario, November 20, 2003. 61. “Hospitals versus community organizations as providers of community supports for persons with severe mental illness: a comparative study”, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health seminar series, McGill University, June 5 2003. 62. “Dollars and sense: A primer on using economic analysis to enhance the evaluation of psychiatric/psychosocial interventions and hopefully improve the allocation of resources”, Department of Psychiatry, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, May 20 2003. 63. «Le suivi intensif en équipe dans la communauté: mise à jour des résultats de la recherche évaluative», Québec Hospital Association conference on the ACT model, Montreal, November 21 2002. 64. Panelist (with Diane Gauthier, Natacha Joubert, Jean-Pierre Valla and Lucie Leduc), “Les indicateurs issus de la recherche sont-ils utiles à la planification? ” (Can research-derived indicators be useful in services planning?), Journées Annuelles de la Santé Publique, Montréal, November 20 2002. 65. (with Andrea Martin et Naomi Lapin), « Suivi intensif en équipe et suivi communautaire: Résultats d’une étude comparative » (Assertive Community Treatment and community-based case management : results of a comparative study), Association québécoise pour la réadaptation psychosociale, Mont-Tremblant, Québec, April 26 2002. 66. “Process Measures, and Clinical and Economic Outcomes of a High-Fidelity Assertive Community Treatment Program in Montreal”, University of Western Ontario (by teleconference), January 24 2002. 67. « Le suivi intensif dans la communauté » (Assertive Community Treatment), Presentation to a group of 25 French psychiatric hospital administrators on a study tour, Douglas Hospital, September 6 2001. 68. “Process Measures, and Clinical and Economic Outcomes of a High-Fidelity Assertive Community Treatment Program in Montreal”, Center for Health Services and Policy Research and Mental Health Evaluation and Consulting Unit, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. May 29 2001. 69. “Assertive Community Treatment”, Mental Health Evaluation and Community Consultation Unit (with invited managers from BC Ministry of Health and Vancouver Richmond Health Board), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., May 29 2001. 70. “Integrated health care delivery for persons with severe mental illness in their own living environment”, Health Transition Fund national conference, Vancouver, B.C. May 28 2001. 71. “Le suivi intensif en équipe dans la communauté comme stratégie d’intégration des services” (Assertive Community Treatment as a service integration strategy), Association Canadienne Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), Sherbrooke, May 16 2001. 72. “Le modèle ‘Individual Placement and Support’ pour l’intégration au travail des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves: revue de la littérature et perspectives d’adoption au Québec” (The IPS model for vocational integration of people with severe mental illness : literature review and prospects for adoption in Québec , ACFAS, Sherbrooke, May 15 2001 73. “Cost-Effectiveness of the Shift Towards Ambulatory Care: The Case of Assertive Community 12 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 Treatment”, Kellogg Centre of the Epidemiological Clinic, Montreal General Hospital, December 12 2000. 74. “Cost-effectiveness of Assertive Community Treatment”, Ontario ACTT conference, Kingston, Ontario, October 17 2000. 75. “Cost-effectiveness of Assertive Community Treatment: Update of Research Findings”, Jewish General Hospital Department of Clinical Epidemiology, October 4 2000. 76. (with C Mercier and A Crocker) “Evaluation of the Douglas Hospital PACT Program: Preliminary Results”, Douglas Hospital Grand Rounds, April 20 2000. 77. “L’utilisation des services médicaux d’un médecin à la fin de la vie : Les différences entre les EtatsUnis et le Canada” (Use of physician services at the end of life : Differences between the U.S. and Canada), Direction de la santé publique de Montréal Centre, January 13 2000. 78. “Economic impacts of Assertive Community Treatment: A Review of the Literature”, McGill University Department of Psychiatry Continuing Medical Education event, Château Montebello, Québec, October 23 1999. 79. “Economic impacts of Assertive Community Treatment: A Review of the literature”, St Mary’s Hospital Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Community Studies, October 4 1999. 80. «Is $16.67 per month too much? Net economic impact of Québec’s reduction in drug insurance coverage as it affected mentally ill welfare recipients», Health Systems Research Unit, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Clarke Division, Toronto, June 11 1999. 81. «Impact économique net du régime général d’assurances-médicaments en regard des prestataires de la sécurité du revenu atteints de maladies mentales» (Net economic impact of the drug insurance plan with regards to mentally ill welfare recipients), Colloque annuel du réseau FRSQ sur l’utilisation des médicaments, Sherbrooke, May 25 1999. 82. “Assertive Community Treatment and Intensive Case Management services in Québec: Current state of development, issues, and challenges”, Pre-symposium meeting, “De la communauté psychiatrique à la psychiatrie communautaire”, Québec, April 16 1999. 83. “Assertive Community Treatment and Intensive Case Management services in Québec: Current state of development, issues, and challenges”, Pre-symposium meeting, “De la communauté psychiatrique à la psychiatrie communautaire”, Québec, April 16, 1999. 84. “Net economic impact of Québec’s reduction in drug insurance coverage as it affected mentally ill welfare recipients”, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, April 1 1999. 85. “Assertive Community Treatment: Review of the Literature” (with Daniel Gélinas), “Assertive Community Treatment: Target clientele (with Donald Wasylenki and Alain Lesage), “General description of four ACT-like programs (with Alain Lesage), Conference «Assertive Community Treatment: promise, issues and challenges in the Québec context,” sponsored by the Québec Hospital Association, Montreal, March 26 1999. 86. “Impacts of Québec’s drug insurance program”, Montreal General Hospital, March 23 1999. 87. “Impacts of Québec’s drug insurance program”, McGill University Department of Psychiatry, March 11 1999. 88. “Assertive Community Treatment”, Department of Psychiatry, Jewish General Hospital, January 13 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 20 1999. 89. “Le suivi intensif en équipe dans la communauté” (Assertive Community Treatment), Département de psychologie, Université de Montréal, October 8 1998. 90. “Economic impact: analysis of treatment costs for addictions in combination with major psychopathology,” presentation given during conference entitled “Evaluation of addictions and comorbid psychopathology: towards a consensus”, Douglas Hospital, May 29 1998. 91. “Vers une plus grande efficience dans le traitement des personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves” (Towards more cost-effective treatment of people with severe mental illness), Groupe de recherche sur les aspects sociaux de la prévention, Université de Montréal, April 17 1998. 92. “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences Between the U.S. and Canada”, Royal Victoria Hospital, December 4 1997. 93. “Assertive Community Treatment: current state of knowledge”, Conference of the Québec Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, St.-Georges de Beauce, October 16 1997. 94. “The ‘virage ambulatoire’ in mental health: some economic issues”, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Jewish General Hospital, February 12 1997. 95. “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences Between the U.S. and Canada”, Département d’Administration de la Santé, Université de Montréal, November 11 1996. 96. “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences Between the U.S. and Canada”, Joint Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, McGill University, September 19 1996. 97. “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences Between the U.S. and Canada”, Kellogg Centre for Clinical Epidemiology, Montreal General Hospital, June 4 1996. 98. “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences Between the U.S. and Canada”, Economics Department, McGill University, April 19 1996. 99. "What Canada might learn from the use of economic incentives in the U.S. health care system: perspectives of a transplanted Canadian", Telemedicine Canada, Presentation by teleconference from Harvard University, May 1993. 100. "Physician and practice characteristics, frequency of performance, and the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale", Département d’Administration de la Santé, Université de Montréal, November 1991. E.3.2 – International 1. “Principaux résultats préliminaires du projet Chez Soi de Montréal”, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 2 2013. 2. « Recouvrer sa citoyenneté par l’emploi quand on a des troubles mentaux et qu’on vient de quitter l’itinérance : Implantation d’un programme IPS dans le cadre d’un programme Housing First, et résultats d’une étude expérimentale», (Recovering one’s citizenship when one has mental illness and has just emerged from homelessness : Implementation of an IPS program in the context of a Housing First program and results of an experimental study), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 1 2013. 14 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 3. « Principaux résultats préliminaires du projet Chez Soi de Montréal », Projet Un Chez Soi d’abord, Paris, France, April 29 2013. 4. « Le développement de IPS au Québec », (Development of IPS in Québec), Scientific day, Vincent Van Gogh psychiatric hospital, Charleroi, Belgium, April 27 2014 5. « Fondements des principes de IPS et échelle de fidélité », (Rationale for the principles of IPS and its fidelity scale), Scientific day, Vincent Van Gogh psychiatric hospital, Charleroi, Belgium, April 27 2014. 6. « La pertinence de l’approche scientifique en réadaptation psychiatrique », (The relevance of the scientific method in psychiatric rehabilitation ), conférence « Le soutien à l’emploi en psychiatrie et la réforme belge des soins de santé mentale » (Supported employment in psychiatry and the Belgian reform of mental health services), Site du Bois de Cazier, Marcinelle (Charleroi), Belgium, April 26 2013. 7. « Mise à jour sur le soutien à l’emploi IPS », (Update on the IPS model of supported employment), conférence « Le soutien à l’emploi en psychiatrie et la réforme belge des soins de santé mentale » (Supported employment in psychiatry and the Belgian reform of mental health services), Site du Bois de Cazier, Marcinelle (Charleroi), Belgium, April 26 2013 8. “Is IPS as expensive as they say? What we can infer from the literature, and what we still need to learn”, Johnson & Johnson International IPS learning collaborative, St-Louis, MO, May 8-9 2012. (International conference on IPS, plenary speaker.) 9. “The At Home / Chez Soi Research and Demonstration Study on Homelessness and Mental Illness”, Framework (Voluntary sector Housing and Services provider), Nottingham, UK, February 28, 2011. 10. “Is Individual Placement and Support Value for Money? Research Update” (invited plenary speaker), Evidence-based supported employment conference, sponsored by The Centre for Mental Health and the NHS Confederation, London, UK, March 3 2011. 11. « Projet de recherche et de démonstration sur la santé mentale et l’itinérance : Organisation des services», (Research and demonstration project on mental health and homelessness : Organization of services), Professionnels de santé mentale – sanitaire et social (Mental health and social care professionals), Marseille, France, March 2 2010. 12. « Projet de recherche et de démonstration sur la santé mentale et l’itinérance : Devis de recherche», (Research and demonstration project on mental health and homelessness : Research design), Professionnels de santé mentale – sanitaire et social et chercheurs de l’Université de Marseille (Mental health and social care professionals and researchers from the Université de Marseille), Marseille, France, March 2 2010. 13. “Anglo-Saxon Influences on French Canada: Research on and Development of Assertive Community Treatment and Case Management in Québec”, Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Lebanon, NH, October 30 2009. 14. « Le "Placement et soutien individuels", modèle spécifique de "soutien à l'emploi": Fondements théoriques, modes de collaboration et résultats de recherche . » (Individual Placement and Support, a specific model of supported employment : theoretical foundations, collaboration among actors, and research findings). Institut de Recherche Santé & Social, Haute École Spécialisée – Suisse Occidentale Valais, Sion, Switzerland, October 28 2008. 15 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 15. “On the economics of evidence-based supported employment for people with severe mental illness : what we know, what we don't know, and a few speculations”, Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, London, England, August 1 2008. 16. “Assertive Community Treatment/Assertive Outreach: Recent research developments and economic perspectives”, Institute of Mental Health and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Nottingham, England, July 4 2008. 17. “On the economics of evidence-based supported employment for people with severe mental illness : what we know, what we don't know, and a few speculations”, Institute of Mental Health and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Nottingham, England, July 4 2008. 18. « Le case management: Ce que nous dit la litérature internationale » (Case management : What the international literature tells us), Service hospitalier universitaire Ste-Anne, Paris, France, May 20 2008. 19. « Évolution du case management au Québec » (Evolution of case management in Québec), Service hospitalier universitaire Ste-Anne, Paris, France, May 20 2008. 20. “On the economics of evidence-based supported employment for people with severe mental illness: what we know, what we don't know, and a few speculations”, Universidad Publica de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, April 4 2008. 21. “Evidence-based supported employment for people with severe mental illness: principles, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and implementation” (in Spanish), Pamplona, Spain, April 3 2008. 22. “On the economics of evidence-based supported employment for people with severe mental illness: What we know, what we don’t know, and a few speculations”, London School of Economics and Political Science, February 5, 2008. 23. “Evidence-based supported employment for people with severe mental illness: principles, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and implementation” (invited plenary speaker), Cataluñya province conference on employment for people with disabilities, Barcelona, Spain, December 3 2007. 24. “Costing and justifying evidence-based practices”, Invitational conference on Mental Health Planning and Budgeting Models, National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) Research Institute, Alexandria, VA, June 30 2003. 25. “Evaluation of the (Montreal) Douglas Hospital’s PACT Program: Preliminary Results”, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Department of Psychology, Indianapolis, May 8 2000. 26. “Economic impacts of assertive community treatment: a review of the literature”, Center for Psychiatric Services, Dartmouth University, May 7 1999 27. “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences Between the U.S. and Canada”, Harvard University School of Public Health, November 8, 1995. 28. "Practice expenses in the Medicare Fee Schedule: the Service-Class Approach", Conference on Practice Expenses in the Medicare Fee Schedule, sponsored by the Health Care Financing Administration, Baltimore, MD, May 23-24, 1994. E.3.3 Presentations to government bodies 1. Roundtable on the role of the private sector in health care delivery (invited participant among 16 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 several), with the Honourable Ujjal Dosanjh, Minister of Health, Montreal, May 3 2005. 2. (With Alain Lesage and others) « Commentaires sur le Plan d’Action en Santé Mentale 2005-2008», (Consultation on the Mental Health Action Plan organized by the Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services), February 8 2005. 3. (With Paula Goering and Alain Lesage), “Comments on the Alberta Mental Health Research Plan”, Consultation organized by the Alberta Mental Health Research Plan Working Group, videoconference, November 5 2004. 4. « Les soins aux personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves : Vers une intervention plus efficace et efficiente » (Care for people with severe mental illness : Towards a more effective and costeffective intervention), Comité d’experts sur l’organisation des services en santé mentale, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Montréal, May 4 2004. 5. “Mental health research”, Senate of Canada Standing committee on social affairs, science, and technology, Montréal, May 6 2003. 6. (with C Mercier and A Lesage), “Santé mentale et réforme des services de santé et services sociaux: observations et propositions”, (Mental health and reform of health and social services : observations and proposals), Commission d’étude sur les services de santé et les services sociaux (Commission Clair), Montréal, September 15 2000. 7. "Paying physicians for their practice costs: the practice characteristics approach". Physician Payment Review Commission conference, Washington, D.C., November 1992. E.3.4 Presentations to the general public 1. (with Guy Latraverse, Louise Nadeau and Alain Lesage, André Picard of the Globe and Mail being the moderator), “Clearing a path to mental health: How can we improve access to effective mental healthcare services?”, CIHR café scientifique, organized by the Institute for Health Services and Policy Research, Montreal, February 9 2010. E.3.5 Participation in press conferences 1. (with Robyn Tamblyn, Robert Perreault and Réjean Laprise) “Evaluation of the impact of Québec’s drug insurance law”, Royal Victoria Hospital, March 26 1999. E.3.6 Media appearances (since 2012) 1. Quoted in Montreal newspaper Le Devoir, « Le Québec a finalement sa politique de lutte contre l’itinérance », February 27 2014. 2. Quoted in Montreal newspaper The Gazette, “Housing First approach now in jeopardy”, December 3 2013. 3. CBC Daybreak, Interview on Chez Soi project, June 24 2013. 4. CBC news, Interview on Chez Soi project, March 7 2013 5. CBC Daybreak, Interview on Chez Soi project, February 19 2013. 6. Quoted in Montreal newspaper Le Devoir, “Québec abandonne l’approche Logement d’abord”, concerning results of Chez Soi project, February 19 2013. 7. CTV news, Interview on Chez Soi project, February 13 2012 8. CBC Daybreak, Interview on Chez Soi project, January 11 2012. 17 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 F. OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS F.1 Journals F.1.1 Journal Editor (one of several editors, with an Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Zelmer) 2011 – Healthcare Policy F.1.2 Ad hoc reviews American J of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy BMC Psychiatry British Journal of Psychiatry Canadian Community Mental Health Journal Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Clinical Schizoprenia & Related Psychoses Healthcare policy Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Journal of Mental Health Journal of Social Policy Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Nordic J of Psychiatry Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Psychiatric Services Schizophrenia Research Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology F.2 Grant Reviews F.2.1 Panel member or chair 2013 Panel member, Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions, Strategic Clinical Networks research grant applications, Edmonton, AB, November 18 – 20. 2009 - 2010 Panel member, Utilisation optimale des médicaments, Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (2 meetings, 2009 and 2010). 2004-2007 Chair, Health Services Evaluation and Interventions Research Committee B, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Two meetings per year, each 2 days long) 2002-2004 Panel member, Health Services Evaluation and Interventions Research committee B, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Total of 4 meetings, each 2 days long) 2001 Panel member, Special call for proposals, Ontario Mental Health Foundation and Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (One meeting lasting 1/2 day) 2001 Panel member, Special call for proposals, Health Policy Research Program, Health Canada (One meeting lasting 1 day) 2001 Panel member, Clinical, evaluative, epidemiological, and operations research program, Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ - Québec Health Research Fund) (One meeting lasting 2 days) 18 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 1999 Chair, Ontario Mental Health Foundation and Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Special call for proposals (One meeting lasting 1/2 day). 2000 Panel member, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (Two meetings, each lasting 2 days) 1999 Panel member, Clinical, evaluative and epidemiological research program, FRSQ (One meeting lasting 2 days) 1998 Panel member, Optimal drug utilization program, FRSQ (One meeting lasting ½ day) 1997-1998 Panel member, National Health Research and Development Program (Two 2-day meetings) F.2.2 Ad hoc grant reviews, last 3 years ANR France (2013) National Institute for Health Research Programme Grants for Applied Research (UK) (2013) Health Research Board, Ireland (2012) McGill University Health Centre, Research Ethics Board (2011) F.3 Administrative responsibilities F.3.1. McGill University 2004-2005 Co-coordinator (with Diane Boivin), Psychiatry Department seminar series F.3.2 Douglas Institute Research Centre (other than research theme direction roles listed on p. 2) 2012 - 2012 2011 - With Anne Crocker, activities (including contributing to the planning of a day-long event at the Douglas on September 4) related to the introduction of the RAI-MH evaluation tool at the Douglas Participation in meetings related to planning number of beds for the proposed new Douglas building With Anne Crocker, activities related to planning for an UETMIS (Unité d’évaluation des technologies et modes d’intervention en santé) at the Douglas F.3.3 Other 2002 - 2005 Co-coordinator (with Alain Lesage), FRSQ Services research theme, Réseau Santé Mentale et Neurosciences (Mental health and neuroscience research network) F.4 Committees F.4.1 Admissions committees 2000, 2011, 2014 M.Sc. Admissions Committee, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health 2010 & 2012 Ph.D. Admissions Committee, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health 19 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 F.4.2 Promotions committees 2012 - Psychiatry Department Promotions Committee F.4.3 Thesis examination committees, since 2008 1. Internal examiner, M.Sc., Kirsten Humbert, “Ministers as informal mental health care professionals”, Department of Psychiatry, October 2013. 2. Pro-Dean, PhD thesis defense, Department of Biology, July 2012. 3. Internal examiner, M.Sc., Dasa Farthing, Validation of the Hayes Ability Screening Index (HASI) for intellectual disabilities among federal inmates in Québec, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, July 2011. 4. External examiner, M.S.W., Amélia Fromage, Évaluation d’un programme Individualisé de Placement de Soutien à l’emploi, (Evaluation of an Individualized Placement and Support Program), Département de service social, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, April 2011. 5. Internal examiner, M.Sc., Yuen Shan Stephanie Law, “Comparing the cost-effectiveness of different standardized tuberculosis treatment regimens in settings with varying prevalence of drug-resistant tuberculosis”, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, October 2010. 6. Internal examiner, M.Sc., Brendan Smith, “Life course, Socioeconomic Position and Type II Diabetes: The Experience of the Framingham Offspring Study”, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, September 2009. 7. External examiner, Ph.D., Chris Perlman, Use of the Resident Assessment Instrument - Mental Health to compare quality of care across Psychiatric Facilities, Faculty of Health Studies and Gerontology, University of Waterloo, August 27 2009. 8. External examiner, Ph.D., Sarah Ann Birnie, Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, “A comprehensive costing analysis of intensive case management for individuals with severe mental illness and a history of homelessness, including cost-effectiveness as compared to standard care,” August 2008 and February 2009. F.4.3 Other committees 2013 - Member, Mouvement pour mettre fin à l’itinérance à Montréal (group of about 25 individuals, including homeless shelter directors, academics, representatives of the Chamber of commerce, the police, the City of Montréal, the South-West Borough, lawyers, etc.). The aim of this group is to lobby for Montréal to imitate other North American jurisdictions in formulating at 10-year plan to end homelessness. One element of such a plan is to regularly carry out a street count and survey of the homeless at 1-, 2-, or 3- year intervals, using a consistent methodology. I am the technical leader on the committee charged with designing and conducting the street count and survey. About 5 hours per month. 2013 - Invited expert, Permanent scientific committee, Institut National d’Excellence en Santé et Services sociaux (Québec counterpart to England’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). Approximately 2 hours per month. 2011 – 2013 Member, Permanent scientific committee, Institut National d’Excellence en Santé et 20 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 Services sociaux (Québec counterpart to England’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). Approximately 10 hours per month. 2010 – 2012 Member, Groupe d’experts provincial sur l’intégration au travail en santé mentale (Provincial group of experts on vocational integration in mental health). Approximately 3 hours per month. 2009 – 2010 Provisional Council, Institut National d’Excellence en Santé et Services sociaux. Approximately 8 meetings of 4 hours each. 2009 – Community mental health advisory committee, Canadian Institute for Health Information. By February 2014, three day-long meetings in Ottawa plus occasional conference calls, and comments on draft documents. 2008 M.Sc. Committee, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health. Approximately 10 hours of meetings altogether. 2007 - 2010 Institute Advisory Board, (Canadian) Institute for Health Services and Policy Research. Three 2-day meetings per year for three years. 2006 - 2007 Inter-faculty search committee for a health economist (Joint position between the Department of Economics and the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health). Approximately 25 hours. (Successful search as Erin Strumpf, then Ph.D. candidate from Harvard, was ultimately hired.) 2006 - 2007 FRSQ representative, Comité de pilotage, Défi « Efficacité du système de santé », Conseil de la Science et de la Technologie du Québec. Approximately 25 hours. 2005 - 2006 Member, Joint strategic planning committee, Douglas Hospital and Douglas hospital research centre. Approximately 10 meeting hours. 2004 - 2007 Member, Table de concertation pour l’allocation inter-régionale des ressources en santé mentale (Provincial roundtable to develop needs-based inter-regional allocation formulas for mental health services). Also member of subcommittee to investigate methods to take research and teaching into account. Approximately 14 meeting hours per year. 2002 - 2007 Comité consultatif, Équipe PACT, Hôpital Robert-Giffard, Québec (Advisory committee for ACT team in Québec City psychiatric hospital). Approximately 12 meeting hours per year. 2002 - 2007 Management committee and Recruitment committee, Douglas Hospital Research Centre. Approximately 10 meeting hours per year. 2006 Mental Health and Addictions Report Editorial Committee, Canadian Institute for Health Information. Approximately 10 hours. 1999 - 2004 Co-chair (with Jacques Gagnon), Québec Hospital Association task force to promote the development of Assertive Community Treatment in Québec. Approximately 15 meeting hours per year F.5 Professional societies 2011 - Fellow of CIRANO (Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations, a Québec-based group of academic researchers including many economists) 21 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 2013 - Member of the executive and of the conference planning committee, Mental Health Theme Group, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). Several conference calls in between annual meetings. 2012 – 2013 Past-chair and member of the conference planning committee, Mental Health Theme Group, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). Several conference calls in between annual meetings. 2009 – 2012 Chair, Mental Health Theme Group, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). Several conference calls in between annual meetings. 2006 - 2010 Treasurer, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). Approximately 40 hours per year. 2005 - 2006 Member, Web site committee, CAHSPR. Approximately 6 meeting hours per year. 2004 - 2010 Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR). Approximately 10 meeting hours per year. F.6 Other professional and scientific contributions F.6.1 Organization of conferences and symposia 1. Chair of the organizing committee, one-day conference on the Montréal Chez Soi project and its results, Montréal, November 29 2013. 2. Organizer, half-day conference on results of At Home/Chez Soi project, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, July 12 2013. 3. Member of the organizing committee, 2013 provincial conference on Intensive case management (Soutien d’intensité variable). 4. Chair of the organizing committee, half-day conference titled “Practices to support recovery”, Douglas Institute, June 7 2012, featuring Professors Bob Drake and Gary Bond in addition to local speakers and panelists. 5. Co-organizer, with Hélène Racine, Director of Nursing, Douglas Institute, of half-day symposium on Strategies for improving quality in mental health services for people with severe mental illness, featuring as main speaker: Gary Bond, PhD, Chancellor’s Professor, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Douglas Institute, May 4 2007. 6. Chair of the organizing committee, “Échange de connaissances entre décideurs et chercheurs en santé mentale au Québec: Vers des mécanismes plus efficaces” (Knowledge exchange between decision-makers and researchers in mental health in Québec: Towards more effective mechanisms), Douglas Hospital, Montreal, June 10 2005. 7. Chair of the organizing and scientific committees, Inaugural conference of the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Montreal, May 25-28 2004. 8. Chair of the organizing committee, 2nd conference on Assertive Community Treatment, sponsored by the Québec Hospital Association, Montréal, November 21 2002. 9. Chair of the organizing committee, conference “Assertive Community Treatment: promise, issues and challenges in the Québec context,” sponsored by the Québec Hospital Association, Montréal, March 26 1999. 22 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 F.6.2 Other knowledge translation activities 2012- Development of web pages for Chez Soi project on Douglas web site 2012 – 2013 Development of a 20-minute video on experiences of formerly homeless participants receiving IPS services as part of Chez soi sub-study (I sponsored and oversaw the development of the video but did not get involved in the details): This was shown at our AQRP presentation on October 31. 2007 - 2008 Coordinator (with Jacques Rhéaume of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux), Joint activities of 3 groups involved with organizing training of staff of Assertive Community Treatment and case management programs (including Groupe de soutien named above), $200,000 grant from the MSSS. 2004 - 2007 Chair, Groupe de soutien au développement du suivi intensif en équipe (Task force to promote the development of ACT in Québec). Approximately 15 meeting hours per year. Also involved in development of web pages on the Douglas hospital web site: F.6.3 Invitations to think tanks, expert panels, etc. 1. 2012 – Contributor (for invited expert consultation and for review of draft report) to the Commissaire à la Santé et au Bien-Être 2012 report on mental health services. 2. 2008 - Chercheur associé, Centre national d’excellence en santé mentale. 3. Editorial panel member, 2006 report on hospital mental health services, Canadian Institute for Health Information. 4. Invited participant, Think Tank on economic evaluation framework for primary health care, Canadian Alliance of Community Health Centre Associations and University of Toronto, Department of Health Policy Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, March 21-22, 2006. 5. Expert panel member, Center for Mental Health Services/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Decision Support Simulation Cost Efficiency Study, Rockville MD. March 30-31 2006. 6. Invited participant, advisory meeting, Reporting activities related to Hospital mental health database (HMHDB), Canadian Institute for Health Information, Aylmer, Québec, April 7 2006. F.6.5 Consultations, past 3 years 1. Member of committee (chaired by Pierre Boyle) to prepare the Centre de recherche Fernand-Séguin for their FRSQ evaluation, January 2013. Approximately 15 hours. 23 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 2. Consultant to the Direction de la Santé Mentale, preparation of the new Plan d’action en santé mentale, 2012 – 2014. Approximately 40 hours altogether. 3. Consultant to Individual Placement and Support sub-study of “Behavioural medicine and Organisation science Applied research Synergy in Trent region: a NHS and University collaboration for patient benefit”, Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research AND Care, National Health Service, Nottingham, England, 2009 - 2013, £8,706,408. Approximately 15 hours per year. 4. Study on the economics of Individual Placement and Support, Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Lebanon, NH, 2008 – 2010. Approximately 40 hours. G. RESEARCH G.1 Research Activities G.1.1 Past Physician payment – especially incorporating practice expenses into a resource-based relative value scale U.S. – Canada health service use comparisons Economic evaluations of mental health policies and interventions Evaluations of Assertive Community Treatment (Evidence-based intervention for people with severe mental illness) G.1.2 Current Evaluations, including economic evaluations, of mental health policies and interventions, especially the strengths model of case management, supported employment and Housing First interventions for people who are homeless and mentally ill Patterns of use and costs of antipsychotic medications G.2 Personnel support awards 2001 – 2005 FRSQ Chercheur-boursier Senior, $188,264 1999 – 2001 FRSQ Chercheur-boursier Junior II, $106,868 G.3 Research grants G.3.1 Current 1. Latimer E, Bergeron-Leclerc C, Bonin JP, Dorvil H, McAll C, Mayo N, Moodie E, Vallée C, Whitley R, “Evaluating the strengths model of case management for people with severe mental illness : A multi-province study”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, April 2014 – March 2017, $1,230,051. 2. Latimer E, Bonin JP, Crocker A, Dorvil H, Mayo N, Moodie E, Vallée C Whitley R, “Montréal Chez Soi follow-up extension”, Mental health commission of Canada, November 2013 – October 2015, $500,000. 3. Tompa E, Ostry A, Neis B, Dewa C, de Boer C, McLeod CB, Breslin C, MacEachen E, Latimer E, 24 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 Baril-Gingras G, and 28 others, “Income security and labour-market engagement: envisioning the future of disability policy in Canada”, SSHRC Insight grant, March 2013 – Feb 2020, $2,760,782. 4. Strumpf E, Borgès Da Silva R, Latimer E, Ouimet M, Provost S, Tousignant P, “Are Primary Care Teams Effective? Evidence from Quebec's Family Medicine Groups on preventive care and from patients with multiple chronic conditions”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating grants, September 2012 – August 2015, $393,546. 5. Hodgins, S, Latimer E, “The lifetime costs of criminal offenders: a Canadian study of a sample of males followed from age 6 to 30”, Social science and humanities research council, April 2012 – March 2015, $240,196. 6. Vasiliadis, H-M, Drapeau M, Latimer E, Lesage A, “Assessing the system level costs and benefits of improving equity in access to psychological services for depression in Canada”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating grants, March 2012 – February 2014, $180,180. 7. Hechtman, L, Grizenko N, Harvey WJ, Joober R (co-PIs), Francoeur E, Latimer E, Schmitz N, “Efficacy of careful medication and tailored case management follow up treatment for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating grants, March 2012 – February 2017, $968,220. 8. Latimer E, Fleury MJ, Lesage A, Bonin JP, Crocker A, Dorvil H, Gagné J, Nielsen G, Vasiliadis HM, Hurtubise R, Morin P, Roy S, Bond GR, Drake RE, Becker D, “Research and demonstration project on mental health and homelessness – Montreal site”, Mental health commission of Canada, April 2009 – March 2014, $3,333,350. 9. Malla A, Norman R, Joober R, al-Maleki A, Schmitz N, Latimer E, Brown T, “A randomized controlled evaluation of “Extended specialized earlier intervention service” vs “regular care” for management of early psychosis over the five-year critical period”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Randomized clinical trials, April 2009 – March 2014, $2,367,886. G.3.2 Past 1. Whitley R, Latimer E, “Recovery Centers for People with Mental Illness: Defining a Research Agenda”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Planning grants, June 2012 – May 2013, $24,437 2. Strumpf E, Tousignant P, Borgès R, Latimer E, “Are Primary Care Teams Effective?”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating grants, April 2012 – March 2013, $100,000. 3. Blais, R, Abrahamowicz M, Lachaine J, Latimer E, Tamblyn R, « Effets d’un retour à la gratuité des médicaments prescrits dans un régime d’assurance-médicaments public », Canadian Institutes of Health Research, April 2010 – March 2012, Operating grants, $208,980. 4. Vasiliadis, H-M, Latimer E, Préville M, ‘The per capita excess societal costs attributable to common mental disorders and the inappropriate use of medication in the elderly living in the community”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, April 2009 – March 2012, Operating grants, $179,478. 5. Corbière M, Reinharz D, Goering P, Goldner E, Kirsh B, Latimer E, Lecomte T, “A Pan-Canadian Analysis of Programmatic, Organizational and Individual Aspects of Supported Employment Programs Implementation”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grants, September 2009 – August 2011, $223,343. 25 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 6. Strumpf E, Latimer E, Tousignant P, “The effect of primary care on health care system outcomes: health services utilization, health care spending, and population health.”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating grants, April 2009 – March 2012, $315,167. 7. Crocker A, Nicholls T, Seto M, Côté G, Latimer E, “Persons with mental illness and the operation and effects of the criminal justice system : Trajectories, treatment and disposition”, Mental Health Commission of Canada, September 2008 – August 2012, $731,920. 8. Johnson, S, Marwaha S, Secker J, Meems Luks, Burns T, Killaspy H, Latimer E, “A mixed methods investigation of the impact of introducing Individual Placement and Support to a catchment area”, NHS (England), Research for Patient Benefit, Jan 2009 – Dec 2011, £250,000. 9. Latimer E, Delorme A, Vasiliadis, H-M, Brown T, Malla A, “Partenariat pour l’amélioration des services de suivi intensif et de soutien d’intensité variable”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, October 2007 – March 2012, $237,000. 10. Vasiliadis, H.M., Lesage A., Séguin M., Latimer E., Coûts et bénéfices de stratégies populationnelles de prévention du suicide, July 2009 – June 2011, CIHR, $150,000. 11. Bonin, J.P.,. Côté, S., Latimer E, Lesage A., Projets Chez Soi: transfert de connaissances CanadaFrance, IRSC, May 1 2010- March 31 2011, CIHR, 14 951 $. 12. Fournier L, Delorme A, Arsenault R, Aubé D, Benigeri M, Breton M, Ciampi A, Clément M, Corbeil D, Cossette D, …, Latimer E, …Trudel J-J (28 applicants including many decisionmakers), « Transformation de la première ligne en santé mentale au Québec : Accompagnement et suivi » (Evaluation of the transformation of first line mental health services in Québec), No. RC21270-05, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF), 2006-2009, $1,186,033. 13. Corbière M, Reinharz, D (Co-PI) , Goering P, Goldner E, Kirsh B, Latimer E, Lecomte T, “A PanCanadian analysis of programmatic, organizational and individual aspects of supported employment programs implementation”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, June 2006 – May 2009, $487,077. 14. Crocker A, Côté G, Latimer E, « Individus déclarés non criminellement responsables pour cause de troubles mentaux : dispositions, ressources et trajectoires de services », FRSQ, Programme santé mentale, September 2006 – August 2008, $149,862. 15. Vingilis E, Hartford K, Latimer E, Mitchell BC, Schrecker TF, Velamoor VR, Wiktorowicz ME, “Marrying knowledge generation with knowledge diffusion and utilization: The consortium for applied research and evaluation in mental health”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement Team Grant, April 1 2004 – December 31 2007, $643,291. 16. Latimer E, Abrahamowicz M, Clark R, Malla A, Moodie E and Tamblyn R, « L’utilisation des médicaments pour les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves au Québec : Implications pour la transformation des services et des politiques » (Use of medications for people with severe mental illness in Québec : Implications for the transformation of services and policies), Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec - Subventions de recherche en santé mentale, May 2005 – April 2007, $133,907. 17. Fournier, L., Poirier LR, Fleury MJ, Pineault R, Lesage A, Latimer E, Aubé D, Roberge R, Clément M, Haggerty J, FRSQ - Réseau santé des populations, « Évaluation du processus, de l’impact sur la santé et des coûts de différents modèles d’organisation des services de première ligne dans le traitement des personnes atteintes de troubles anxieux et dépressifs> (grant for the 26 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 preparation of above CHSRF grant), 2004-2005, $10,000. 18. Caron J, Joubert N, Latimer E, Lecomte Y, Raynault M, Tousignant M, « Le soutien social, la santé mentale et le bien-être des populations à faible revenu au Canada », Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Jan 2004 – Dec 2004, $40,000. 19. Latimer E, Piat M, Lecomte T, Drake RE, Becker D, “Individual placement and support: Process and outcomes of an intervention to help severely mentally individuals find and maintain competitive employment”, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, April 2003 – March 2005, $164,314. 20. Latimer E, Piat M, Lecomte T, Mercier C, Drake RE, Becker D, “Individual placement and support: Process and outcomes of an intervention to help severely mentally individuals find and maintain competitive employment”, Programme conjoint FRSQ/CQRS/MSSS, April 2001 – March 2003, $25,953. 21. Latimer E, Piat M, Lecomte T, Mercier C, Drake RE, Becker D, “Individual placement and support: Process and outcomes of an intervention to help severely mentally individuals find and maintain competitive employment”, Canadian Institute for Health Research, April 2001 – March 2003, $158,755. 22. Caron J, Latimer E, Tousignant M, (Jean Caron, Ph.D., P.I.), “Les relations entre les composantes du soutien social, la santé mentale et la qualité de vie chez des populations défavorisées au niveau socio-économique”, Canadian Institute for Health Information, April 2001 – October 2002, $149,956. 23. Latimer E, “Le modèle IPS d’insertion au travail des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves: État de la situation”, Agence d’Évaluation des Technologies et Modes d’Intervention en Santé, January 2001 - July 2001, $9,600. 24. McCusker J, Cole M, Primeau F, Élie M, Latimer E “The prognosis of major and minor depression in elderly medical inpatients,” Medical Research Council, October 2000 – September 2003, $248,931. 25. Latimer E, McCusker J, Cole M, Primeau M, Élie M, “Cost-effectiveness of intervention to identify and treat depressed elderly inpatients”, Medical Research Council, May 2000 – April 2002, $57,780. 26. Latimer E, McCusker J, Cole M, Primeau M, Élie M, “Cost-effectiveness of intervention to identify and treat depressed elderly inpatients”, Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec, May 2000-April 2002, $4,789 (complement to MRC funding above). 27. Latimer E, Zarowski C, Boisvert M, “Intensive case management of the seriously mentally ill: respective roles of hospital-based and community-organization-based programs”, joint program of the Québec Health Research Fund, the Québec Social Research Council, and the Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services, May 1999 – April 2001, 128 926 $. 28. Mercier C, Caron J, Latimer E, “Evaluating the impact of communicating research results to mental health treatment teams”, joint program of the Québec Health Research Fund, the Québec Social Research Council, and the Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services, May 1999 – April 2001, 99 471 $. 29. Zarowski C, Latimer E, “To live together or apart: A study to assist families and their mentally ill relatives in choosing a home”, Health Canada grant, Project 4833-05-95-00179, via AMI-Québec, June 1999 – May 2000, $16,000. 27 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 30. Co-investigator (Laurence Kirmayer, P.I.), “Development and evaluation of cultural consultation service in mental health”, Health Transition Fund, October 1998 – September 2001, 431,298 $. 31. Latimer E, Mercier C, Perreault M, “Cost-effective Implementation of Assertive Community Treatment for Persons with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness,” Medical Research Council, April 1999 – March 2002, 154,323 $ (declined due to overlap with NHRDP grant). 32. Pedersen D, Zarowski C, Piat M, Latimer E, “The impact of psychiatric services restructuring (virage ambulatoire) on caregiver experience and caregiving networks in South-West Montreal”, Québec Social Research Council, March 1999 – February 2001, $76,110. 33. Latimer E, Mercier C, Perreault M, “Cost-effective Implementation of Assertive Community Treatment for Persons with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness,” National Health Research and Development Program, December 1998 – November 2001, 139,119 $. 34. Latimer E, Mercier C, Perreault M, Farquar J, “Integrated service delivery to the seriously mentally ill in their own living environment,” Health Transition Fund, April 1998 to September 2000, 174,808$. 35. Latimer E, Mercier C, Perreault M, “Evaluation of an Assertive Community Treatment program for persons with severe and persistent mental illness,” Québec Social Research Council, April 1998 – March 2000, 107,132$ (declined due to overlap with Health Transition Fund grant). 36. Brown T, Dongier M, Latimer E, Seraganian P, Kokin M, Ross D, “Brief intervention for substance abusers: From a naturalistic to experimental research investigation” (Tom Brown, P.I.) Québec Social Research Council, April 1998 – March 2001, 136,000$. 37. Greenfield B, Hechtman L, Larson C, Latimer E, “The Effectiveness of a Crisis Team for Suicidal Adolescents» (Brian Greenfield, P.I.), National Health Research Development Program, August 1996 – October 2000, $159,485.< 38. Tamblyn R, Mayo N, Hanley J, Latimer E, McLeod P, Grad R, Huang A, Perreault R, “Évaluation du régime général d’assurance-médicaments,” (Robyn Tamblyn, Principal Investigator), Medical Research Council of Canada, February 1998 - January 2000, $33,796. 39. Co-Investigator, “Évaluation du régime général d’assurance-médicaments,” (Robyn Tamblyn, Principal Investigator), Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux et Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec, June 1997 – December 1998, $99,921. 40. Co-Investigator, “Derivation of Relative Values for Practice Expense Using Extant Data,” (Dan Dunn, Principal Investigator), Health Care Financing Administration, 1995-1996. 41. Co-investigator, "Technical Assistance in Support of Health Care Reform in Colombia," (William Hsiao, Principal Investigator), Inter-American Development Bank, January 1995 – February 1996. 42. Co-investigator, "The Analysis and Assessment of Methods of Health Risk Adjustment" (Daniel L. Dunn, Principal Investigator). Society of Actuaries, October 15 1994 – June 30, 1995. 43. Principal Investigator, "Examination of Alternative Methods for Calculating Relative Values for Practice Expense". Health Care Financing Administration, July 1, 1993 - October 31, 1993, US$91,616. 44. Co-investigator, "U.S.-Canadian Differences in the Use and Costs of Physician Services" (W. Pete Welch and Steven J. Katz, Co-Principal Investigators). Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, July 1, 1993 - December 31, 1994. 28 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 45. Co-investigator, "Costs and Outcomes of Evolving Consumer Households" (Barbara Dickey, Principal Investigator), National Institute of Mental Health, May 1, 1993 – April 30, 1995. 46. Co-investigator, "A Feasibility Study for an Integrated Simulation Model of the U.S. Health Care System" (William Hsiao, Ph.D., Principal Investigator), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, July 1, 1992- June 30, 1993. 47. Co-investigator, "Evaluation of New York City Cluster Care Demonstration" (Penny Hollander Feldman, Ph.D., Principal Investigator), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1990-1993. 48. Principal Investigator, "Effects of Increased Auto Safety Belt Use on Fatalities", Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 1987-1988¸ US $5,000. G.4 Publications G.4.2 Articles in peer-reviewed journals Submitted 1. Vasiliadis, HM, Lesage A, Latimer E, Séguin M, “The costs and benefits associated with population suicide prevention programs”, March 3 2014. 2. Roy L, Crocker A, Nicholls T, Latimer E, Gozdzik A, O'Campo P, Rae J, “Profiles of criminal justice system involvement of mentally ill homeless adults”, February 2014. In revision 1. Corbière M, Lecomte T, Reinharz D, Kirsh B, Latimer E, Goering P et al., “Pan-Canadian study of supported employment programs for people with severe mental illness: Predictors of job acquisition”, in revision, Schizophrenia Bulletin. Accepted or in press 3. Latimer E, Gariepy G, Greenfield B, “Cost-effectiveness of a rapid response team intervention for suicidal youths presenting at an emergency department” Can J of Psychiatry, accepted February 2014. 4. Latimer E, Naidu A, Moodie E, Clark R, Malla A, Tamblyn R, Wynant W, “Variation in long-term antipsychotic polypharmacy and high-dose prescribing across physicians and hospitals”, Psychiatric Services, accepted February 2014. 5. Poremski D*, Whitley R, Latimer E, “Barriers to obtaining employment for people with severe mental illness experiencing homelessness”, Journal of Mental Health, accepted Feb 2014. 6. Lee L*, Feldman L, Latimer E, Carli F, “A Comparison of the Validity of Two Indirect Utility Instruments as Measures of Postoperative Recovery”, Journal of Surgical Research, accepted Feb 2014. 7. Ambrosini D, Bemme D, Crocker A, Latimer E, Narratives of individuals concerning psychiatric advance directives: qualitative study, Journal of Ethics in Mental Health, accepted 2012. 8. Ambrosini D, Crocker A, Latimer E, Preferences for instructional or proxy advance directives in mental health: an exploratory mixed methods study, Journal of Ethics in Mental Health, accepted 2012. 29 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 Published 9. Lee L* , Kaneva P , Latimer E , Feldman LS (2014), “Mapping the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index to short-form 6D utility scores”, J of Surgical Research 186 (1), PMID: 24021906. 10. Roy L, Crocker A, Nicholls T, Latimer E, Ayllon A (2014), “Criminal behavior and victimization among homeless individuals with severe mental illness: a systematic review”, Psychiatric Services PMID: 24535245. 11. Lee L*, Li C, Landry T, Latimer E, Carli F, Fried GM, Feldman LS (2013). A systematic review of economic evaluations of enhanced recovery pathways for colorectal surgery. Annals of Surgery, PMID: 23673770. 12. Bonin JP , Lacasse-Bédard J , Latimer E , Denis V , Larue C , Pelletier JF , Goering P (2013), [Role of families of homeless persons with mental disorders : retrospective and prospective view of relationships], Santé mentale au Québec 38:1, PMID: 24336994. 13. Vasiliadis H-M, Dionne P-A, Préville M, Gentil L, Brassard J, Berbiche D, Latimer E (2013), “The excess healthcare costs associated with depression and anxiety in elderly living in the community”, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 21:6, 536-548. 14. Vasiliadis HM , Latimer E , Dionne PA , Préville M (2013), “The costs associated with antidepressant use in depression and anxiety in community-living older adults”, Canadian J of Psychiatry 58:4, PMID: 23547643. 15. Lee L*, Sudarshan M, Li C, Latimer E, Fried GM, Mulder DS, Feldman LS, Ferri LE. (2013), “Cost-effectiveness of minimally invasive versus open esophagectomy for esophageal cancer” Annals of Thoracic Surgery, PMID:. 23838923 16. Lee L*, Elfassy N, Li C, Latimer E, AS Liberman, Charlebois P, Stein B, Carli F, Fried GM, Feldman LS (2013). “Valuing postoperative recovery: validation of the SF-6D health state utility”. Journal of Surgical Research 184 (1) PMID: 23522456. 17. Knapp M, Patel A, Curran C, Latimer E, Catty J, Becker T, Drake RE, Fioritti A, Kilian R, Lauber C, Rössler W, Tomov T, van Busschbach J, Comas-Herrera A, White S, Wiersma D, Burns T (2013), “Supported employment: Cost-effectiveness across six European sites”, World Psychiatry 12(1): 60-68. 18. Latimer E, Clark R, Malla A, Moodie E, Tamblyn R, Naidu A (2013), “Underprescribing of Clozapine and Unexplained Variation in Use across Hospitals and Regions in the Canadian Province of Québec”, Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, April, 33-41. 19. Drake, R Latimer E (2012),, “Lessons learned in developing community mental health care in North America”, World Psychiatry 11 (1) 47-51. 20. LeBlanc, L., Tourigny, M., Boyer, T., Latimer, É. & Crocker, A. (2012), “Profils d`évolution des personnes ateintes de troubles mentaux graves et recevant un service de soutien d`intensité variable. Revue Canadienne de Santé Mentale et Communautaire 31 (1), 33 – 44. 21. Dionne P.A., Vasiliadis H.M., Latimer E., Berbiche D., Preville M. (2012), “The Economic Impact of Inappropriate Prescribing of Benzodiazepines and Related Drug Interactions in the Elderly,” Psychiatric Services, December, doi: 10.1176/ 30 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 22. Goering P., Girard V., Aubry T., Barker J., Fortanier C., Latimer E., Laval C., Tinland A., (2012), « Conduite d’essais relatifs aux politiques qui soutiennent le modèle d’intervention accordant la priorité au logement : l’histoire de deux pays », Lien Social et Politique 67, 161–182. 23. Lloyd-Evans B., Marwaha S., Burns T., Secker J., Latimer E., Blizard R., Killaspy H., Totman J., Tanskanen S., Johnson S., (2012) “The nature and correlates of paid and unpaid work among service users of London Community Mental Health Teams”, Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, Available on CJO 2012 doi:10.1017/S2045796012000534. 24. Goering P, Streiner D, Adair C, Aubry T, Barker J, Distasio J, Hwang S, Komaroff J, Latimer E, Somers J, Zabkiewicz D (2011), "The At Home/Chez Soi trial protocol: A pragmatic, multi-site, randomized controlled trial of a Housing First intervention for homeless individuals with mental illness in five Canadian cities", BMJ Open 2011; 1:e000323 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000323 25. Latimer E and D Rabouin (2011), “Le soutien d’intensité variable à l’heure du rétablissement: Enseignements des etudes expérimentales et quasi-expérimentales”, Santé mentale au Québec XXXVI, 1, 13-34. 26. Latimer E, Bond G, Drake R (2011), “Economic approaches to improving access to evidence-based and recovery-oriented services for people with severe mental illness”, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 56:9, 523 – 529. 27. Crocker A, Nicholls T, Côté G, Latimer E, Seto M (2010), “People not Held Criminally Responsible Due to Mental Disease: Do We Offer them the Same Protection and Comparable Access to Mental Health Services All Over Canada?”, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 29:2, 55-63. 28. Latimer E, Crocker A, Farmer O, Jenkins T (2010), “Pressure and perceived coerciveness in an Assertive Community Treatment program: An exploratory study”, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 29 (1): 35 – 50. 29. Thornicroft G, Atalem A, Dos Santos RA, Barley E, Drake RE, Gregorio G, Hanlon C, Ito H, Latimer E, Law A, Mari J, McGeorge P, Padmavati R, Razzouk D, Semrau M, Setoya Y, Thara R, Wondimagegn D (2010), “WPA guidance on steps, obstacles and mistakes to avoid in the implementation of community mental health care”, World Psychiatry 9: 67-77. 30. Latimer E (2010). “An effective intervention delivered at sub-therapeutic dose becomes an ineffective intervention” (Editorial). British Journal of Psychiatry 196, 341-342. 31. Corbière M, Lanctôt N, Lecomte T, Latimer E, Goering P, Kirsh B, Goldner EM, Reinharz D, Menear M, Mizevich J, Kamagiannis T (2010), “A Pan-Canadian evaluation of supported employment programs dedicated to people with severe mental disorders”, Community Mental Health Journal, 46 (1): 44-55. 32. McCusker J, Latimer E, Cole M, Ciampi A, Sewitch M (2009). The nature of informal caregiving for medically ill older people with and without depression. The International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 24: 239-246. 33. McCusker J, Cole M, Yaffe M, Cappeliez P, Dawes M, Sewitch M, Ciampi A, , & Latimer E (2008), “Project DIRECT: Pilot study of a collaborative intervention for depressed seniors”, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 27(2), 201-217. 31 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 34. McCusker J, Cole M, Latimer E, Sewitch M, Cepoiu-Floricel M, Ciampi A, Belzile E (2008). “Recognition of depression in older medical inpatients discharged to ambulatory care settings: a longitudinal study.” Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 30 (3), May-June, 245-51. 35. McCusker J, Latimer E, Cole M, Ciampi A, Sewitch M (2007). “Major depression among medically ill elders contributes to sustained poor mental health in their informal caregivers,” Age and Ageing Jul;36(4):400-6. 36. Caron J, Latimer E, Tousignant M (2007), “Predictors of psychological distress in low income populations of Montreal,” Canadian Journal of Public Health 98 (Suppl 1): S35-44. 37. Cappeliez P, Robitaille A, McCusker J, Cole M, Yaffe M, Sewitch M, Floricel Cepoiu M, Ciampi A, Dawes M, & Latimer E (2007). “Recovery from Depression in Older Depressed Patients in Primary Care: Relation with Depression Severity and Social Support,” Clinical Gerontologist 31(2), 17-32. 38. McCusker J, Cole M, Ciampi A, Latimer E, Windholz S, Belzile E (2007), “Major depression in older medical inpatients predicts poor physical and mental health status over 12 months, ” Gen Hosp Psychiatry. Jul-Aug;29(4):340-8. 39. McCusker J, Cole M, Ciampi A, Latimer E, Windholz S, Elie M, Belzile E (2007). “Twelve-month course of depressive symptoms in older medical inpatients,” International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22: 411-417. 40. Brown, T.G., Dongier, Latimer E., Legault, L., M., Seraganian, P., Kokin, M. & Ross, D (2006) “Group-delivered brief intervention versus standard care for mixed alcohol/other drug problems: A preliminary study”, Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 24(4), 23-40. 41. McCusker J, Cole M, Ciampi A, Latimer E, Windholz S, Belzile E (2006). “Does depression in older medical inpatients predict mortality?” Journal of Gerontology (Medical Sciences) 61A (9): 975-981. 42. Latimer E, Lecomte T, Becker D, Drake R, Duclos I, Piat M, Lahaie N, St-Pierre MS, Therrien C, Xie H (2006), “Generalisability of the individual placement and support model of supported employment: results of a Canadian randomised controlled trial”, British Journal of Psychiatry, 189:55-73. 43. Cole MG, McCusker J, Ciampi A, Wyndholz S, Latimer E, Belzile E (2006). “The prognosis of major and minor depression in older medical inpatients”, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 14(11): 966-975. 44. Cole MG, McCusker J, Elie M, Dendukuri N, Latimer E, Belzile E (2006), “Systematic detection and multidisciplinary care of depression in older medical inpatients: A randomized trial”, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Jan 3;174(1): 38-44 45. Latimer E, “Community-Based Care for People with Severe Mental Illness in Canada”, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 28, 2005, 561-573. 46. Latimer E, “Economic considerations associated with assertive community treatment and supported employment for people with severe mental illness”, Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 30(5), 2005m 355-9. 47. Latimer E, “Promoting effective evidence-based practices for people with severe mental illness”, Canadian Public Policy Vol. XXXI Supplement, 2005, S47-S52. 32 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 48. McCusker J, Cole M, Dufouil C, Dendukuri N, Latimer E, Windholz E, Elie M, “The prevalence and correlates of major and minor depression in older medical inpatients”, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 53(8), 2005, 1344-53. 49. Drake, RE, Latimer EA, Leff S, McHugo GJ, Burns BJ, “What is evidence?”, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 13:4, 2004, 717-728. 50. Mercier C, Caron J, Garcia A, Latimer E, “Conditions facilitating knowledge exchange between rehabilitation and research teams – a case study”, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 28:1, 2004, 5563. 51. Latimer E, Bush P, Becker D, Drake R, Bond GR, “How much does supported employment cost for people with severe mental illness? An exploratory survey”, Psychiatric Services 55:4, 2004, 401-406. 52. Teng J, Mayo N, Latimer E, Hanley J, Wood-Dauphine, S, Côté R, Scott S, “Costs and caregiver consequences of early supported discharge for stroke patients”, Stroke 34, 2003, 528-536. 53. McCusker J, Jacobs P, Dendukuri N, Latimer E, Tousignant P, Verdon J, “Cost-effectiveness of a brief two-stage emergency department intervention for high-risk elders: results of a quasirandomized controlled trial.” Annals of Emergency Medicine 41(1), 2003, 45-56. 54. Latimer EA and Lecomte T, “Le soutien à l’emploi de type “IPS” pour les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves: une approche d’avenir pour le Québec?”, Santé mentale au Québec, XXVII, 1, 2002, 241-267. 55. Corbière M, Crocker AG, Lesage AD, Latimer E, Ricard N, & Mercier C, “Factor structure of the Multnomah Community Abilities Scale.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 190(6), 2002, 399-406. 56. Latimer EA, “Economic impacts of supported employment for the severely mentally ill.” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 46, August 2001, 496-505. 57. Tamblyn R, Laprise R, Hanley J, Abrahamowicz M, Scott S, Mayo N, Hurley J, Grad R, Latimer E, Perreault R, McLeod P, Huang A, Larochelle P, Mallet L, Assal E., 2001, “Adverse Outcomes of Prescription Drug Cost-Sharing among the Poor and Elderly”, Journal of the American Medical Association 285:4, January 24/31, 2001, 421-9. 58. Bond GR, Drake R, Mueser K, Latimer E, “Assertive Community Treatment for People with Severe Mental Illness: Critical Ingredients and Impact on Clients”, Disease Management and Health Outcomes, 9 (3), 2001, 141-159. 59. Latimer EA, “Economic impacts of assertive community treatment: a review of the literature”, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 44, June 1999, 443-454.< 60. Latimer EA, D Verrilli and WP Welch, “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences between the U.S. and Canada,” Inquiry 36, Spring 1999, 90-100. 61. Looper K, Fielding A, Latimer E, Amir E, “Improving Access to Family Support Organizations: A Survey of the Membership of AMI-Québec Alliance for the Mentally Ill,” Psychiatric Services 49:11, November 1998, 1491-1492. 62. Dickey B, Latimer E, Powers K, Goldfinger S, "Housing Costs for Adults who are mentally ill and formerly homeless,” Journal of Mental Health Administration 24:3, Summer 1997, 291-305. 33 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 63. Feldman PF, Latimer EA, Davidson H, "Medicaid-Funded Home Care for the Frail Elderly and Disabled: Evaluating the Cost Savings and Outcomes of a Service Delivery Reform," Health Services Research 31(4), October 1996, 489-508. 64. Welch, WP, Verrilli D, Katz S, Latimer E, "A Detailed Comparison of Physician Services in the U.S. and Canada," Journal of the American Medical Association, May 8 1996, 1410-1416. 65. Dickey B, Gonzalez O, Latimer E, Schutt R, and Goldfinger S, "Mental Health Services Used by Homeless Adults: The Boston McKinney Demonstration Project," Psychiatric Services 47(2), 1996 152-158. 66. Latimer EA and NM Kane: "Practice expenses in the Medicare Fee Schedule: the Service-Class Approach," Health Care Financing Review, Spring 1995, 197-211. 67. Latimer EA and WC Hsiao: "The Development of Health Economics: an American Perspective," Japanese Journal of Health Economics and Policy, Vol. 1, 1994, 3-27. 68. Sauerborn, R, Nougtara A and Latimer E: "The Elasticity of Demand for Health Care in Burkina Faso: Differences across Age and Income Groups". Health Policy and Planning 9(2), June 1994, 185-192. 69. Latimer EA and Becker ER: "Incorporating Practice Expenses into the RBRVS". Medical Care Supplement, November 1992, NS50-60. 70. Latimer EA, Yntema D and Causino N: "Physician and Practice Characteristics, Frequency of Performance, and the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale". Medical Care Supplement, November 1992, NS40-49. 71. Latimer EA "Effects of Increased Belt Use Levels on Fatalities", Risk Analysis, September 1992, 449-454. 72. Latimer EA and Lave LB: "Initial Effects of the New York State Auto Safety Belt Law". American Journal of Public Health. February 1987, 183-186. G.4.3 Notes, letters and comments in refereed journals 1. Crocker A, Nicholls T, Côté G, Latimer E, Seto M (2010), “Individuals Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder: Are We Providing Equal Protection and Equivalent Access to Mental Health Services to Accused Mentally Ill Individuals Across Canada?”, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 29:2, 47-54. 2. Latimer E (2008), “Individual placement and support programme increases rates of obtaining employment in people with severe mental illness”, Evidence-Based Mental Health. May;11(2):52. 3. McCusker J, Cole M, Latimer E, Ciampi A, Windholz S (2007), Reply to letter from Rozzini and colleagues about depression in older medical inpatients, Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 62:7. 4. Grizenko, N, Poinsier B, Mercier C, Perreault M, Latimer E, “Developing a patient care monitoring system”(letter), Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 45, February 2000, 88-89. 5. Marshall M, Bond G, Stein LI, Shepherd G, McGrew J, Hoult J, Rosen A, Huxley P, Diamond RJ, Warner R, Olsen M, Latimer E, Goering P, Craig TK, Meisler N, Test MA. “PRiSM Psychosis Study. Design limitations, questionable conclusions.” British Journal of Psychiatry 175, December 34 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 1999, 501-3. 6. Latimer E and Battista R, “The Ethical Allocation of Scarce Resources in Surgery: Implants and Costs -- Commentary,” Canadian Journal of Surgery 40:6, December 1997, 424-425. 7. Feldman PF, EA Latimer et H Davidson, “On doing policy-relevant evaluative research: reply to Hornbrook”, Health Services Research, April 1997, 123-125. G.4.4 Technical reports. 1. Goering P, Veldhuizen S, Watson A, Adair C, Kopp B, Latimer E, Nelson G, MacNaughton E, Streiner D, Aubry T, “National At Home/Chez Soi Final Report”, submitted to Health Canada, February 28 2014. 2. Latimer E, Rabouin D, Méthot C, McAll C, Ly A, Dorvil H, Crocker A, Roy L, Poremski D, Bonin JP, Fleury MJ, Braithwaite E, “At Home/Chez Soi Project: Montréal Site Final Report”, submitted to Health Canada via the Mental Health Commission of Canada, February 28, 2014. 3. Latimer E and Cummings J, “Évaluation du programme de suivi intensif en équipe du Centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard” (Evaluation of the Robert-Giffard Hospital ACT program), March 2007. 4. Latimer E and Ly A, Impacts du passage au salaire minimum (Economic impacts of paying disabled workers at the minimum wage). In Mercier, C, Pelletier, JF, Fleury, MJ, Roussseau, J, Évaluation d'un modèle alternatif d'intégration au travail pour les personnes handicapées : Consentra, Montréal : Centre de réadaptation Lisette-Dupras, Direction des technologies de l'information et de la recherche, July 2005. Also available at : . 5. Tremblay J, Latimer E and Ouadahi Y, Suivi intensif dans la communauté à Baie-Comeau et à Sept-Îles, Final report presented to the Agence de Développement de Réseaux Locaux de Services de Santé et Services Sociaux de la Côte-Nord, July 2004. 6. Latimer E, Le programme S.I.M. (Suivi Intensif dans le Milieu) de Laval (Pavillon AlbertPrévost/Cité de la Santé-CHARL) : Résultats de l’évaluation après 1 an. Final report, presented to the Agence de Développement de Réseaux Locaux de Services de Santé et Services Sociaux de Laval, April 2004. 7. Caron, J., Latimer, E., Tousignant, M. Les relations entre les composantes du soutien social, la santé mentale et la qualité de vie chez des populations défavorisées au niveau socio-économique. (Relations among components of social support, mental health and quality of life in low-income populations.) Report presented to the Canadian Institute of Health Information, November 2002. 8. Latimer E, Mercier C, Crocker A. Prestation de soins intégrés pour les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves et persistants dans leur milieu de vie. (Integrated health care delivery for people with severe mental illness in their living environment.) Final report submitted to the Health Transition Fund, April 2001. 9. Tamblyn R, Laprise R, Mayo N, Scott S, Latimer E, Reid T, Abrahamowicz M, Hanley J, Mallet L, Grad R, McLeod P, Huang A, Perreault R, Hurley J, Larochelle P, Assal E, Évaluation de l’impact du régime général d’assurance-médicaments (Evaluation of Québec’s drug insurance plan), Parties I et II, Québec: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, March 1999. 10. Dunn DL, EA Latimer, “Derivation of Relative Values for Practice Expense Using Extant Data,” Final report submitted to the Health Care Financing Administration, April 1, 1996. 35 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 11. Co-author, “Master Implementation Plan for Health Care Reform in Colombia,” submitted to the InterAmerican Development Bank and the Government of Colombia, March 1996. 12. E Latimer, N Kane, D Dunn, P Braun, DYntema, Examination of Alternative Methods for Calculating Relative Values for Practice Expense, Fairfax, VA: NTIS, 1994. 13. Co-author, "Feasibility Study for an Integrated Simulation Model of the U.S. Health Care Sector: Final Report", Submitted to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August 13, 1993. 14. W Hsiao, P Braun, E Becker, D Dunn, NA Causino, E Latimer, D Yntema, et al., A National Study of Resource-Based Relative Value Scales for Physician Services: Phase III, Fairfax, VA: National Technical Information Service, 1992. G.4.5 Reviews, book chapters, books G.4.5.1 Books and monographs (including published, peer-reviewed reports) 1. Latimer E (2008). “Le soutien à l’emploi de type “Individual Placement and Support” pour les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves : sa pertinence pour le Québec”, (The Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment for people with severe mental illness : Its relevance for the province of Québec), Agence d’Évaluation des Technologies et Modes d’Intervention en Santé du Québec. Monographie. AETMIS MO-2008-01 :1-73. Available at : (Peer-reviewed). 2. Latimer E (1999), “Le Suivi Intensif en Équipe pour Personnes Atteintes de Troubles Mentaux Graves”, Conseil d’Évaluation des technologies de la santé du Québec (CETS 99-1 RF). Montréal: CETS, 1999, xvi-88p. Also released in English under the title “Assertive Community Treatment for People with Persistent and Particularly Severe Mental Illness,” April 2001 (CÉTS-99-1-RE). (Peerreviewed.) 3. Dickey B, Beecham JK, Latimer E, Leff HS, Estimating per unit treatment costs for mental health and substance abuse programs, Cambridge, MA: The Evaluation Center @Human Services Research Institute, March 1999. 4. Dunn DL, A Rosenblatt, DA Taira, E Latimer, J Bertko, T Stoiber, P Braun, S Busch, A Comparative Analysis of Methods of Health Risk Assessment, SOA Monograph M-HB96-1, Schaumburg, IL: Society of Actuaries, 1996. G.4.5.2 Book chapters, proceedings, contributions to a collective work 1. Latimer E, ‘Supported employment’ in E Vingelis and S State, Eds., Applied Research and Evaluation in Community Mental Health Services: An Overview, McGill Queens Press, 2011. 2. Fleury, M.J. and E Latimer, « Les enjeux systémiques qui sous-tendent les nouvelles interventions » (Systemic issues underlying new interventions), in Lecomte, T. and C. Leclerc, Eds., Manuel de réadaptation psychiatrique, Québec : Les presses de l’Université du Québec, 2004 3. E Latimer, “Analyse économique et services de santé mentale” (Economic analysis and mental health services) (2003), PRISME no. 42, 34-47. 4. E Latimer, D Verrilli and WP Welch, “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences between the U.S. and Canada,” in Forward to Basics: Proceedings of the Seventh Canadian Conference on Health Economics, Ottawa, Ontario, August 1997. Pran Manga & William 36 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 Swan, Eds. 5. Graham JD and E Latimer, "Themes and future directions", in Graham, J. Ed., Preventing automobile injury: New findings from evaluation research, Dover, MA: Auburn Publishing House Company, 1988. G.4.5.3 Book reviews 1. Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of counselling in health care by Keith Tolley and Nancy Rowland, Transcultural Psychiatry 34(3), 1997, 404-406. G.4.6 Abstracts and conference presentations G.4.6.1 Published Abstracts (partial list) 1. Latimer E, Crocker A, Farmer O, Jenkins T (2007), “Pressure and perceived coerciveness in an Assertive Community Treatment program: An exploratory study”, BMC Psychiatry 7(Suppl 1): P9. 2. Latimer E, Lecomte T, Becker D, Drake R, Duclos I, Piat M, Lahaie N, St-Pierre MS, Therrien C, Xie H, “Generalizability of the IPS model of supported employment for people with severe mental illness: Results and economic implications of a randomized trial in Montreal, Canada”, Abstracts supplement, The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. Vol. 8, Supplement 1, March 2005, S29. 3. Brown, T.G., Dongier, M., Latimer, E.A., Kokin, M. & Ross, D. (2002). Brief Intervention for Substance Abusers: Effectiveness and Efficacy. Addictive Behaviors, 27(6), Abst. AD005. 4. Caron, J., Latimer, E. and Tousignant, M. (2002). Predictors of Psychological distress and quality of life in disadvantaged socio-economic populations of Montreal. Journal of Urban Health, 79 (4): S60-S61 5. Latimer E, Greenfield B, Cunningham H, Larson C, Hechtman L, “Differences in resource use between two alternative mental health service delivery models for suicidal adolescents presenting at the emergency room”, Fifth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry, Chicago, May 1012, 2000, Abstracts supplement, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 3:1, May 2000. G.4.6.2 Presentations at scientific conferences (with peer review) G.4.6.2.a – Local and National 1. “A closer look at the At Home/Chez Soi economic findings to date”, Canadian Economics Association – Progressive Economics Forum (part of a session on homelessness and At Home/Chez Soi including James Hughes, Stephen Gaetz and Cameron Keller), Montréal, May 31 2013. 2. (With Angela Ly), “Economic impacts of a Housing First intervention for Homeless People with Mental Illness: Preliminary 1-year results of the Chez Soi / At Home project in Montreal,” Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Vancouver, BC, May 30 2013. 3. (With Angela Ly), “Economic impacts of a Housing First intervention for Homeless People with Mental Illness: Preliminary 1-year results of the Chez Soi / At Home project in Montreal,” Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal, Québec, September 29 2012. 37 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 4. “Identifying Effective Lower-Intensity Case Management Programs for Service Systems that Include Assertive Community Treatment: Literature Review”, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Halifax, NS, May 11 2011. 5. “Le soutien d’intensité variable à l’heure du rétablissement: Que peut-on conclure à partir de la littérature scientifique? » (Case management in an era of recovery : what can we conclude from the scientific literature?), Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences (ACFAS: French-Canadian Association for the Advancement of the Sciences), Montreal, May 10 2010. 6. “Economic impacts of Housing First approaches for people with severe mental illness who are homeless : A (preliminary) review of the literature”, Rethinking Homelessness Conference, Montreal, October 27 2010. 7. “Effects of introducing then removing cost-sharing for drugs among people with schizophrenia in Québec: A natural experiment”, Canadian Health Economics Study Group, Montreal, May 27 2010. 8. (With Paula Goering and Carol Adair), “Housing the Homeless with Mental Illnesses: Intervention Research when your “Lab” is a Country”, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Toronto, May 13 2010. 9. “Differences in antipsychotic prescribing patterns between psychiatrists and generalists in Québec: Implications for mental health care reform”, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Toronto, June 12-14, 2007. 10. Latimer E, Wynant W, Clark R, Malla A, Moodie E, Tamblyn R, “Differences in antipsychotic prescribing patterns between psychiatrists and generalists in Québec: Implications for mental health care reform”, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Toronto, June 14 2007. 11. “Individual Placement and Support to help people with severe mental illness find and maintain competitive employment: preliminary results of the first Canadian randomized trial”, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Montreal, May 28 2004. 12. “Applicability and costs of evidence-based supported employment in Canada: Transposing U.S. results to the Québec context”, Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology, October 29, 2003. 13. “Process Measures, and Clinical and Economic Outcomes of a High-Fidelity Assertive Community Treatment Program in Montreal”, Canadian Health Economics Research Association, Halifax, May 26, 2002. 14. “Le suivi intensif en équipe dans la communauté comme stratégie d’intégration des services”, ACFAS, Sherbrooke, May 16, 2001. 15. “Le modèle ‘Individual Placement and Support’ pour l’intégration au travail des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves: revue de la littérature et perspectives d’adoption au Québec”, ACFAS, Sherbrooke, May 15, 2001 16. “Evaluation of the Douglas Hospital’s PACT Program: Preliminary Results”, Club de Recherches Cliniques du Québec, Bromont (Québec), September 30, 2000. 17. “Differences in resource use and costs between two alternative mental health service delivery models for suicidal adolescents presenting at the emergency room”, Canadian Evaluation Society Meetings, Montreal, May 14-17, 2000. 38 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 18. “Economic impacts of assertive community treatment: a review of the literature”, Canadian Psychiatric Association, Toronto, Ontario, September 16, 1999. 19. “Economic impacts of assertive community treatment: a review of the literature”, Canadian Health Economics Research Association, Edmonton, Alberta, August 19, 1999. 20. “Is $16.67 per month too much? Net economic impact of Québec’s reduction in drug insurance coverage as it affected mentally ill welfare recipients,” Canadian Health Economics Research Association, Edmonton, Alberta, August 21, 1999. 21. (with Daniel Gélinas) “Assertive Community Treatment: review of the literature”, annual conference of the Québec Psychiatric Association, Aylmer, June 17 1999. 22. «Impact économique net du régime général d’assurances-médicaments en regard des prestataires de la sécurité du revenu atteints de maladies mentales», Colloque annuel du réseau FRSQ sur l’utilisation des médicaments, Sherbrooke, May 25 1999. 23. “Utilization of physician services at the end of life: Differences Between the U.S. and Canada”, Canadian Health Economics Research Association, Ottawa, Ontario, August 22 1997. G.4.6.2.b – International 24. (with Angela Ly and Daniel Rabouin) “Looking at the At Home/Chez Soi Research and Demonstration study through an economic lens”, Housing First Partners conference, Chicago, IL, March 12 2014. 25. “Economic and other impacts of Housing First in the Canadian At Home/Chez Soi study,” (part of a session delivered with Stephen Hwang), American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 4 2013. 26. “Cost offsets from the At Home/Chez Soi Canadian Housing First Research and Demonstration Project”, International Homelessness Research Conference, Philadelphia, June 4 2013. 27. “Economic impacts of a Housing First Intervention for Homeless People with Mental Illness”, Eleventh Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry – ICMPE, Venice, March 23 2013. 28. (with Angela Ly) “Economic impact of a Housing First intervention for Homeless People with Mental Illness: Preliminary 1-year results of the Chez Soi / At Home project in Montreal”, Health Technology Assessment International conference, Bilbao, Spain, June 25 2012. 29. (as part of panel with Paula Goering, Cam Keller, and Jijian Voronka), “Central local-dynamics [in the At Home/Chez Soi project] from the perspective of a local site”, American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA, November 5 2011. 30. “Costs and cost-effectiveness of the individual placement and support (IPS) model of supported employment : a review of the literature”, World Psychiatric Association, Buenos Aires, September 21 2011. 31. Latimer E, Rabouin D on behalf of the At Home/Chez Soi Project Team, “The At Home/Chez Soi Canadian Study of Housing First for People who are Homeless and Mentally Ill: Study Design and Baseline Data for the Montreal Site”, World Psychiatric Association, Buenos Aires, September 20 2011. 32. Latimer E, Rabouin D, “Identifying effective lower-intensity case management programs for service 39 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 systems that include assertive community treatment: a review of the experimental and quasiexperimental literature”, World Psychiatric Association, Buenos Aires, September 21 2011. 33. Latimer E, Rabouin D on behalf of the At Home/Chez Soi Project Team, “The At Home/Chez Soi Canadian Study of Housing First for People who are Homeless and Mentally Ill: Study Design and Baseline Data for the Montreal Site”, European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation, Ulm, Germany, June 23 2011. 34. “The At Home/Chez Soi Canadian Study of Housing First for People who are Homeless and Mentally Ill”, Institute of Mental Health and ISPS (Institute for the Study of the Psychological treatment of the Schizophrenias and other psychoses) conference, Nottingham, England, March 10 2010. 35. Latimer E, Lecomte T, Becker D, Drake R, Piat M, Lahaie N, et al., “Supported employment for people with severe mental illness: Implications of the first Canadian randomized trial”, International Health Economics Association, Barcelona, Spain, 12 July 2005. 36. “Generalizability of the IPS model of supported employment for people with severe mental illness: Results and economic implications of a randomized trial in Montreal, Canada”, 7th Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry, Venice, Italy, March 20 2005. 37. “Providing Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and Case Management Services in the Province of Quebec, Canada”, American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA, October 24, 2001. 38. “Differences in resource use between two alternative mental health service delivery models for suicidal adolescents presenting at the emergency room”, Fifth Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry, Chicago, May 10-12, 2000. 39. E Latimer, B Dickey, K Powers, O Gonzalez, R Schutt and S Goldfinger, “Determinants and Costs of Housing Instability Among the Homeless Mentally Ill”, American Public Health Association, New York, NY, November 20 1996. 40. EA Latimer, PH Feldman, H Davidson, “The Cluster Care Model of Home Care Services Delivery: Effects on Home Care Hours and Costs,” American Public Health Association, New York, NY, November 1994. 41. "Paying physicians for their practice expenses under the Medicare Fee Schedule: incentive and equity considerations", American Economic Association, Boston, MA, January 1994. G.4..6.3 Abstracts with poster presentation or presentation by a co-author (partial list) (presenter’s name is underlined; oral presentation except where indicated as poster) 1. (poster), Latimer E and Rabouin D, “Choosing between the EQ-5D and SF-6D to measure healthrelated quality of life among people with mental illness”, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Halifax, May 9- 12, 2011. 2. (poster) Latimer E, Wynant W, Clark R, Malla A, Moodie E, Tamblyn R, “Towards quality indicators for prescribing of antipsychotics in schizophrenia”, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Toronto, May 11 – 14 2010. 3. (poster) Latimer E and Rabouin D, “Economic impacts of supported employment: A review of the literature”, European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH), Krakow, Poland, May 2008. 40 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 4. McCusker J, Cole M, Latimer E, Sewitch M, Cepoiu M, Ciampi A, “Recognition and treatment of late-life depression in ambulatory care settings: A longitudinal study,” Canadian Association of Gerontology, Calgary, November 1-3, 2007. 5. Latimer E, Quesnel-Vallée A, Liu A, Caron J, “Income, access to mental health services and perceived unmet need in Canada”, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Toronto, June 14 2007. 6. McCusker J, Cole M, Latimer E, Sewitch M, Cepoiu M, Ciampi A, “Recognition and treatment of late-life depression in ambulatory care settings: A longitudinal study,” Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Toronto, June 13 2007. 7. (poster) Cappeliez P., Robitaille A., McCusker J., Cole M., Yaffe M., Sewitch M., Cepoiu MF., Ciampi A., Lach L., Dawes M., Latimer E. (2006, Octobre). Rémission de la dépression des personnes âgées traitées en soins de santé primaires Liens avec la sévérité de dépression et le soutien social. VIIIe Congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie. Quebec, Canada. 8. (poster) Latimer E, Ly A, Mercier C, Pelletier JF, “Economic impacts of paying disabled people in vr programs at the minimum wage in Québec”, Mental health research showcase, Banff, Alberta, Nov 28-29 2005. 9. (poster) Jenkins T, Latimer E, Farmer O, Crocker A, “Pressure and perceived coercion in an assertive community treatment program”, Canadian Academy for Psychiatric Epidemiology, Vancouver, BC, November 2005. 10. McCusker J, Cole M, Latimer E, Windholz S, Ciampi A, Belzile E. “History of depression modifies the effect of other risk factors for 16-month survival in older medical inpatients”, 34th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Canadian Association on Gerontology, October 20-23, 2005. 11. Cole MG, McCusker J, Elie M, Dendukuri N, Latimer E, Belzile E, “Trial of systematic detection and care of depression in older medical inpatients”, XIII World Congress in Psychiatry, Cairo, Egypt, 10-15 September 2005. 12. Caron, J Latimer, E., Tousignant, M., “Predictors of psychological distress and quality of life in low income populations of Montreal.” Montreal CPHI Health & Place Workshop 2005, Val David, Québec, May 2005. 13. (poster) Latimer E, Lecomte T, Becker D, Drake R, Piat M, Lahaie N, et al., “Individual Placement and Support to help people with severe mental illness find and maintain competitive employment: Preliminary results of the first Canadian randomized trial”, International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Savannah, GA, 2-6 April 2005. 14. (poster) Caron J, Latimer E, Tousignant M, Raynault MF, Huang JH. “The mental health and wellbeing of poor populations in Canada.” Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Montréal, Québec, October 12 2004. 15. Caron J, Latimer E, Tousignant M, Raynault MF, Huang JH. “The mental health and well-being of poor populations in Canada.” Xth Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Bristol, England, September 2004. 16. (poster) McCusker J, Cole M, Dendukuri N, Wyndholz S, Latimer E, Elie M, “The prevalence and associated factors of major and minor depression in older medical inpatients”, American Geriatrics Society, Baltimore MD, May 2003. 41 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 17. Caron J, Latimer E, Tousignant M. “Predictors of Psychological distress and quality of life in disadvantaged socio-economic populations of Montreal.” Banff workshop on spatialisation and health, Banff, Alberta, December 2002. 18. Brown, T, Dongier, M, Latimer, E, Kokin, M & Ross, D. “Brief group-based interventions for multiple substance abuse”. World Forum on Dependencies-2002, Montreal, Canada, September 2002. 19. (poster) Brown, T, Dongier, M, Latimer, E, Kokin, M & Ross, D. “Brief Intervention for Substance Abusers: Effectiveness and Efficacy.” Addictions 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 2002. 20. Caron J, Latimer E, Tousignant M. “Predictors of Psychological distress and quality of life in disadvantaged socio-economic populations of Montreal.” First International Conference on Inner City Health, Toronto, 2002. 21. (poster) Latimer EA, Barbeau M, “Cost offsets associated with the use of Miacalcin for the treatment of osteoporosis, International Society for Pharmaceuticals and Outcomes Research, Philadelphia, May 2002. 22. (poster) Latimer EA, Mercier C, Crocker A, Cunningham H, Ouadahi Y, “Process, outcomes and costs of a high-fidelity ACT program in Montreal”, Canadian Psychiatric Association, Montreal, November 16 2001. 23. (poster) Latimer EA, Crocker A, Mercier C, Cunningham H, Ouadahi Y, Martin A, “Exportability of the Assertive Community Treatment Model to Canada: Initial outcomes of a high-fidelity program”, American Public Health Association, Atlanta, October 2001. 24. (poster) Latimer E, Hollenberg E, Cunningham H, Martin A, “Implications of alternative approaches to maintaining medication compliance in intensive case management programs”, American Public Health Association, Boston, November 2000. 25. (poster) E Latimer and L Nadeau, “Cost-effectiveness of Assertive Community Treatment for persons with severe and persistent mental illness in Québec, Canada,” International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care, Ottawa, Ontario, June 8-10, 1998. 26. K Looper, A Fielding, E Latimer, E Amir, “Improving Access to Family Support Organizations: A Survey of the AMI-Quebec Alliance for the Mentally Ill Membership,” Canadian Psychiatric Association, Calgary, Fall 1997. 27. (poster) E Latimer, B Dickey, K Powers, S Goldfinger: “Determinants and Costs of Housing Instability Among the Homeless Mentally Ill”, Association for Health Services Research, Atlanta, GA, June 1996. 28. (poster) D Dunn, A Rosenblatt, D Taira, E Latimer, “The Analysis and Assessment of Methods of Health Risk Adjustment”, Association for Health Services Research, Washington, DC, June 1995. 29. P Feldman, E Latimer, H Davidson, “The Effects of Medicaid Home Care Service Reform on the Functional Status of Frail Elderly Clients,” American Public Health Association, New York, NY, November 1994. 30. HS Davidson, PH Feldman, EA Latimer, “Impact of Home Care Reform on Satisfaction with Care and Depressive Symptoms among Frail Elderly Home Care Recipients”, American Public Health Association, New York, NY, November 1994. 42 Curriculum Vitae – Eric Latimer, Ph.D. – March 5 2014 G.4.7 Other G.4.7.1 Articles in non-peer-reviewed publications 1. M.J. Fleury, E Latimer and C Vallée, “La réforme en santé mentale – des services plus accessibles et continus pour tous? », Le Point 6(1), Printemps 2010. 2. E Latimer and L Soderstrom, “Privatisation en santé: au-delà des préjugés” (Privatization in health: beyond preconceived notions”), La Presse, July 6 2000. 3. E Latimer, “La loi sur l’assurance-médicaments et les prestataires de la sécurité du revenu atteints de troubles mentaux graves” (The drug insurance law and welfare recipients with severe mental illness), Le Partenaire 8:1, summer 1999. G.4.7.2 Practice guidelines 1. E Latimer, D Thomson, D Gélinas, M Hayes, AM Ponton, L Lemieux, J Gagnon (November 2004), « Guide de pratique pour les équipes de suivi intensif en équipe dans la communauté » (Practice guidelines for Assertive Community Treatment for people with severe mental illness), Association des Hôpitaux du Québec. 2. E Latimer, T Boyer, A Lesage, M Roberge, D Gélinas, J Gagnon, (2000), “Cadre de référence: Le suivi intensif en équipe pour personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves” (Implementing Assertive Community Treatment for people with severe mental illness), Association des Hôpitaux du Québec, 32pp. 43
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