Silica Day Programme.indd

Silica Day
A LEMAR-LabexMer event
13 February 2014
IUEM, Brest, France
Genomics vs. biogeochemistry
to better understand diatoms
and silica cycle
key words: biogeochemistry, genomics, physiology, ecology, biochemistry, isotopic chemistry
9:00: welcome
IUEM Amphitheater B (Conference and oral communications open to all participants)
9:30 -10:15: Chair: Paul Tréguer
Conference: Chris Bowler (ENS): Genomics-enabled exploration of the secrets of marine diatoms
Tea/coffee break 10:15 – 10:40
10:40-12:25: IUEM room 219: Chair: Aude Leynaert
Oral communications (10+5mn)
● Dan Conley (Lund U.): Linking the terrestrial and oceanic Si cycles
● Christina De La Rocha (IUEM-UBO): What controls the isotopic composition of silicon entering
the ocean and therefore, to a great extent, the average silicon isotopic composition of seawater.
● Philippe Pondaven (IUEM-UBO) : Grazing-induced defenses in diatoms
● Paul Tréguer, David M. Nelson & Philippe Pondaven (IUEM-UBO) : Co-limitation of diatoms by
Fe and Si in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
● Vianney Pichereau (IUEM-UBO): La (meta-) génomique du phytoplancton au LEMAR
● Pascal-Jean Lopez (MHN): Biomineralization in environmental constraints: from genomic to cellular dynamics
12:30-14:00: lunch
14:00 – 14:45: IUEM room 219, working group (invited participants): Chair: Paul Tréguer
Oral communications: (10+5 mn)
● Aude Leynaert (IUEM-UBO): Sympatric diatoms
● Aurélie Godrant (IUEM-UBO): First results of a proteomic analysis on diatoms exposed to Fe
and/or Cu limitations - Introduction of proteomic analyses on the impact of Si on cyanobacteria
● Brivaela Moriceau (IUEM-UBO): Interaction silice carbone au sein du frustule: variabilité des
pools organiques et impact sur la dégradation/dissolution des diatomées
14:45-16:15: Round-table moderated by Philippe Pondaven & Vianney Pichereau
Questions to be addressed:
1-genomic as a tool to caracterise fonctional biodiversity: applications to diatoms
2-genomic as a tool to better understand the impact of the environment on the structure of diatoms
3-genomic as a tool to explain silicification coupled with other intracellular processes
4-expression of genes specific to diatoms vs. other microorganisms
Expected outputs of the silica day: key questions to be addressed within proposals to be submitted
to ANR and or ERC
16:25: end of the silica day.