HYPOGEA2015 International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities Italy, Rome, March 11/17, 2015 LIST OF SUBMITTED PAPERS AND POSTERS (2014, october) AUTHORS TITLES OF CONTRIBUTIONS 1 Andaloro Maria , Benucci Michele , Bixio Roberto2‐3, De Pascale Andrea4 DISBEC, Università degli Studi della Tuscia (Viterbo); 3 Centro Studi Sotterranei Genova; Ispettore On. Cavità Artificiali ‐ MiBACT (Ministero dei Beni delle Attività 4 Culturali e del Turismo); Museo Archeologico del Finale ‐ Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri. New surveys on underground structures in Cappadocia: a dialogue between art historians, conservators, archaeologists and speleologists. Bakhtadze Nodar Ilia State University ‐ Tbilisi (Georgia) Results of archaeological study of the rock‐cut monuments in Kvemo Kartli (Georgia) 1 1 Bellocchi Edoardo1, Morucci Marco2 Bixio Roberto1‐2, Saj Stefano 1‐3 Bixio Roberto1‐2, Saj Stefano1‐4, De Pascale Andrea1‐3 2 1 Calò Stefano Università del Salento Cappa Giulio Carpiceci Marco, Cresciani Giovanna, Angelini Andrea Carpiceci Marco, Inglese Carlo, Colonnese Fabio Catoni Gabriele 2 Chiappino Claudia & C. The urban water network in the old town centre of Genoa ‐ the underground path of Rio Fossatello. Contribution to the definition of cartographic symbols for artificial cavities. Cave settlements in Southern Apulia. Rupestrian evidences in the Otranto's Valley. Hydraulic works in Albano Rome) Rock hewn architecture's survey: a problem of construction of the geometrical model Potentials and limits of new technologies for morphological and chromatic surveying of rupestrian habitat Recent developments of 3D scanning Artificial Cavities Commission of SSI ‐ National Mining 2 Engineer Association; Other Authors from Underground Team in CTS (to define) LIST OF SUBMITTED PAPERS AND POSTERS – 2014, October Etruscan underground channels near Orvieto. 1 1 2 Club Speleologico Proteo Vicenza Club Archeologico Alfina Castelgiorgio 1 2 Centro Studi Sotterranei (Genova); Ispettore On. Cavità Artificiali – MiBACT (Ministero dei Beni delle Attività 3 Culturali e del Turismo); Direttore Responsabile Opera Ipogea ‐ Journal of Speleology in Artificial Cavities 1 2 Centro Studi Sotterranei (Genova); Ispettore On. Cavità Artificiali – MiBACT (Ministero dei Beni delle Attività 3 Culturali e del Turismo); Conservatore Museo 4 Archeologico del Finale – IISL; Direttore Responsabile Opera Ipogea ‐ Journal of Speleology in Artificial Cavities The Cozzo Disi Mine (Casteltermini, Italy). A multi‐disciplinary approach to recording, study, preservation and cultural development of the mining heritage in Sicily. Pag. 1 HYPOGEA2015 International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities Italy, Rome, March 11/17, 2015 Çiğdem Özkan Aygün, Hakan Eğilmez Ali İstanbul Technical University (ITU), Department of Fine Arts Instanbul Turkey Lost Constantinople: subterranean water structures‐application of speleology techniques in the archaeological research 1 Ciotoli Giancarlo1, Nisio Stefania2, Succhiarelli Claudio3 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Geologia 2 Ambientale e Geoingegneria (IGAG); Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e Protezione Ambientale, Dipartimento 3 Difesa del Suolo‐Servizio Geologico Nazionale; Roma Capitale, Dipartimento alla Programmazione e Attuazione Urbanistica. Crescenzi Carmela1, Giustiniani Claudio1 UniFi, Dipartimento di Architettura‐DIDA D'Alessandro Massimo Filmmaker e Documentarista ‐ A.S.S.O. Davtyan Smbat Di Donato Stefania Ph.D. Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale della Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli The underground architecture as subtractive act. Dolotov Yuri Russian Geographical Society Classification of artificial underground structures. Dore Pier Paolo, Dallocchio Eleonora The ancient aqueducts of the Valley of Logulentu. Dore Pier Paolo, Piras G. A new stretch of aqueduct of Turris Libisonis in Punta Lu cappottu (Porto Torres, SS): preliminary considerations and recent acquisitions. Faccini F.1, Corvi M.2, Perasso L. 2, Raso E.1 & Mariotti M.G.1 Feresin Fabio, Diqual Augusto, Giacomin Antonio Ferrari Graziano, Lamagna Raffaella Religious buildings in Ortahisar (Turkey). The survey of the complex of Sakli kilise and Ali Torun. Underground visions. The subsoil of cities in the cinematographic imaginary. (DOCUMENTARY) Rock‐cut hydro‐engineering structures in ancient and medieval Armenia 1 University of Genova, Department of Earth, Environment 2 and Life Sciences; Ligurian Speleological Agency An underground historical quarry in the Hanbury Botanical Gardens of Ventimiglia (Italy) Commissione Grotte “E. Boegan” ‐ Trieste The Project "Palmanova Underground" The Campanian Aqueduct stairway rediscovered Shafts and survey errors of ancient tunnel engineering in Jerusalem and Caesarea water syustems (Israel). An Emilia‐Romagna Regional Speleological Federation research project: “Eastern Romagna Gypsum and Sulphur". Artificial cavities. Frumkin Amos Israel Cave Research Center (ICRC), Department of Geography, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91905, Israel FSRER ‐ Garberi Maria Luisa Federazione Speleologica Regionale Emilia Romagna FSRER ‐ Ponti Elisa Federazione Speleologica Regionale Emilia Romagna LIST OF SUBMITTED PAPERS AND POSTERS – 2014, October The underground cavities of capital territory of Rome: typologies, distribution and risk sinkholes. The Research Project of Speleological Federation of Emilia‐Romagna Pag. 2 HYPOGEA2015 International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities Italy, Rome, March 11/17, 2015 Region "Gypsum and Sulphur of Eastern Romagna" 1 Galeazzi Carla Garasic Mladen 2 Hypogea Ricerca e valorizzazione CA; EGERIA Centro 3 Ricerche Sotterranee; Commissione Nazionale Cavità Artificiali SSI 1 2 Garasic Mladen1‐2‐3, Garasic Davor2‐3 Germani Carlo1, Colombo Vittorio2 Terms about artificial caves in UIS Caver's Multi ‐Lingual Dictionary UIS; Croatian Speleological Federation 1 2 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering; Society for Research, surveying and filming on Karst Phenomena 3 /DISKF/, Zagreb, Croatian Speleological Federation 1 The Albanus Project (Castel Gandolfo, Roma, Lazio, Italia) 2 Egeria Centro Ricerche Sotterranee , Roma Sotterranea Some very interesting artificial caves in Croatia Traiano Aqueduct: the Santa Fiora branch. Roma (Italia) 1 Germani Carlo1, Galeazzi Carla2 Responsible for cadastre of artificial cavities of Rome and Latium for Hypogea (Federation of caving groups of 2 Latium, Italy), President of Hypogea (Federation of caving groups of Latium, Italy), Giannini Nicoletta Archeologa Medievista Gradozzi Marco Roma Sotterranea Gunko Alexey Russian Geographic Society, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia The cadastre of artificial cavities of Rome and Latium "Shape of the city" and water management. The aqueduct of Genzano of Rome, an artifact of a long period. Survey, analysis and relevant interpretation of further interventions in the underground site of Claudium Sarmanovsky Copper mine 1 Hakan Eğilmez Ali, Emre Kuruçayırlı, Gülşen Küçükali(*), Metin Albukrek(*), Elif Aytekin Uzel(*), Şengül G. Aydıngün, Russian geographic society, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia; 2 Natural architectural and archaeological museum‐reserve «Divnogorye», Voronezh, Russia. Arkeolog, Lecturer in Istanbul Technical University, member of ASPEG (Anatolian Speleological Society), Arkeolog, member of ASPEG (Anatolian Speleological Society), Asst. Prof. Kocaeli University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Archeology, (*) member of ASPEG (Anatolian Speleological Society) Häuselmann Philipp Swiss Institute for Speleology and Karst studies UIS working group survey and mapping Gunko Alexey1, Gondratyeva Sofya2 Water supply tunnels of İstanbul Küçükçekmece Lake basin (Bathonea) CARS (Centro Appenninico Ricerche Sotterranee) Taranta 2 Peligna (CH), I Lupi del Gesso, Gissi (CH) The UIS symbol set for cave maps and its possible extension for artificial caves Landscape and human activities in the town of Gypsum (Gissi, Chieti, Italia) Laureti Lamberto Università di Pavia (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell'Ambiente) Comm CA SSI Old mines in the Eastern side of the Italian Alps. Leontev Mihael, Ilya Agapov, Vadim Kladov Research of Skanova artificial cave in the Penza region, Russia, 2009 ‐ 2014 Iacovone Cesare1, Ottaviano Antonio2 , Pellegrini Mario1 1 LIST OF SUBMITTED PAPERS AND POSTERS – 2014, October Artificial cavities of Divnogorye Pag. 3 HYPOGEA2015 International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities Italy, Rome, March 11/17, 2015 Libera Roberto Lionetti G. 1, Borneo V. 2, Santarcangelo S. 2, Pelosi M. 1, Parise M.2,3 Lombardi Leonardo, Santucci Elettra Museo Diocesano di Albano The underground Cemetery of San Senator (Albano, Roma, Italia) 1 Freelance, Matera, Italy, Centro Altamurano Ricerche 3 Speleologiche, Altamura, Italy, CNR‐IRPI, Bari, Italy The San Nicola Pellegrino rock‐hewn complex at Matera: a magnificent example of the rupestrian culture in Southern Italy Particular problems on the realization and use of the aqueducts 2 1 Loret Emanuele1, Medici Franco2, Medici Giacomo3, Testana Carlo4 Mazzoli Mario Milla Fabrizio 2 PhD, consultant Esa‐Esrin, Frascati (Italy) , Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials and Environmental, 3 “Sapienza” University of Roma (Italy), School of Earth and 4 Environment, University of Leeds (U.K.), PhD Building Architecture “Sapienza” University of Roma (Italy) A.S.S.O. ‐ Archeologia, Subacquea, Speleologia ed Organizzazione S.N.S.S. ‐ Scuola Nazionale di Speleologia Subacquea della Società Speleologica Italiana Mus Muris Association (Turin, Italy) Parise Mario 1, Galeazzi Carla 2, Germani Carlo 2, Bixio Roberto 3, Del Prete Sossio 4, Sammarco Mariangela 5 1 2 CNR‐IRPI, Bari, Italy, Egeria Centro Ricerche Sotterranee, 3 4 Rome, Italy, Centro Studi Sotterranei, Genova, Italy, 5 Geologist, Caserta, Italy, Salento University, Lecce, Italy Parise Mario CNR‐IRPI, Bari, Italy Pellandra Davide Ivan Archeologo Polimeni Beniamino Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi Ranieri Cristiano, Felluca Elena Gruppo Speleo Archeologico Vespertilio 1 1‐2 3 Sanna Laura , Paolo Forti Santagata Tommaso1, Lugli Stefano2, Camorani Marco Ennio3, Ercolani Massimo4 Schatzamann Andreas CNR‐IBIMET – Istituto di Biometeorologia, Sassari, 2 GSAS Gruppo Speleo Ambientale Sassari, 3 Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, Bologna. Experiences of exploration and documentation of artificial floodead areas Speleology in artificial cavities and archaeoastronomy: the cave of Casnea, Briaglia (CN) The map of ancient underground aqueductes in Italy: updating of the project, and future perspectives. A huge cultural and historical heritage at risk: the underground settlements of the southern Italy The hill of Prima Porta, underground structures, tanks and wells. The Rupestrian heritage of Jabal Nafusa: a study on settlements and architectural forms The Aqueduct Paul: new archaeological discoveries Subacqueous antistalactites: a new ype of speleothemes from the old aqueduct od Sassari (Sardinia, Italy). 1 GSE‐Gruppo Speleologico Emiliano, GSC‐Gruppo 2 Speleologico Carpi; University of Modena and Reggio 3 Emilia, Department of Earth Sciences; GST‐Gruppo Servizi 4 Topografici s.n.c.; Federazione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna. Laser scanner survey and true view applications of the "Grotta della Lucerna" (Ravenna, Italy), a Roman Mine for Lapis Specularis Roma Sotterranea An ancient highway to the tufa quarries: new considerations on a LIST OF SUBMITTED PAPERS AND POSTERS – 2014, October Filtering galleries and ancient constructions integrated in the landscape and geology of the of lake Nemi basin. Pag. 4 HYPOGEA2015 International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities Italy, Rome, March 11/17, 2015 forgotten monument north of Rome. Şengül G. Aydıngün, Hakan Eğilmez Ali, İlker Gürbüz(*), Gülhun Gürbüz(*), Metin Albukrek(*), Gülşen Küçükali(*), Bülent Erdem(*) Asst. Prof. Kocaeli University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Archeology; Arkeolog, Lecturer in Istanbul Technical University, member of ASPEG (Anatolian Speleological Society); (*) member of ASPEG (Anatolian Speleological Society) Underground structures from Istanbul Çatalca/Maltepe. Shahinyan Samvel, Shahinyan Ashckhen Armenian central‐domed churches, their rock‐cut analogs and the mythological bases of architecture Shahinyan Samvel, Pogosyan Gacik, Davtyan Smbat Armenian Speleological Centre Underground anthropogenic landscape in the Armenian Highland; from late Stone Age to the Middle Ages. Shivtiel Yinon Zefat Academic College; Cave Research Center in Israel Styopkin Vitaliy Viktorovich The Russian Geographical Society 1 2 OBRUK Cave Research Group; ITU, Istanbul Technical University Dovecotes and cave dwellingd of Gesi ‐ Kayseri (Turkey) Tuccimei Paola, Soligo Michele Università “Roma Tre”, Dipartimento di Scienze Palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from speleothems in artificial caves (Latium, Italy). Varriale Roberta CNR ‐ Istituto di Studi sulle Società del Mediterraneo Urban Undergrounds: the worldwide perspective Vitelli Marco Presidente A.S.S.O. Opportunities and limitations to use of the flying drones (APR) in the exploration and documentation of artificial cavities Yamaç Ali OBRUK Cave Research Group Cave Dwellings of Halfeti ‐ Urfa (Turkey) Yamac Ali1, Eric Gilli2 Tok Ezgi1‐2, Yamaç Ali1 Yamaç Ali2, Tok Ezgi1‐2 Yamaç Ali2, Tok Ezgi1‐2, Filikci Betul1‐2 Yvanoskaya Ekaterina, Garshin Dmitry Zhalov Aleksey 2 Water tunnels of Guvercinlink Valley (Cappadocia – Turkey) 2 OBRUK Cave Research Group; ITU, Istanbul Technical University 3 Surveying some of underground cities of Cappadocia (Turkey) 2 OBRUK Cave Research Group; ITU, Istanbul Technical University Underground cities of Kayseri (Turkey) Underground history of Domodedovo district. Artificial cavities of Bulgaria Speleo Club ”Helictit” – Sofia, Bulgaria LIST OF SUBMITTED PAPERS AND POSTERS – 2014, October Artificial caves cut into Galilee cliff tops and their historical significance. Caves in Divnogorye and Belogorye: monastic and national tradition in the river Don caves construction Pag. 5 HYPOGEA2015 International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities Italy, Rome, March 11/17, 2015 Zissu Boaz1, Kloner Amos1 1 Department of Land of Israele and Archaeology,Bar‐Ilan University, Ramat Gan (Israel) The Necropolis of Hellenistic Maresha, judean foothills, Israel LIST OF SUBMITTED PAPERS AND POSTERS – 2014, October Pag. 6
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