Rektorat Ressort Internationales Merkblatt Housing Dok.- Verantw.: witt Housing Fact Sheet – how can I find accommodation? (July 2009; all information subject to change) How can I find accommodation for a semester in Switzerland? This document contains information, tips and advice about finding housing and is intended to serve all future students of the ZHAW in their search for a place to stay. 1. General Advice • Begin searching yourself! If your own efforts are not successful, then you can contact the ZHAW International Relations Offices (IROs). The IROs will endeavour to help you within their capability. First and foremost, however, you are responsible for finding accommodation. • The housing options on the market are limited and the competition is substantial, so you should start searching early, check listings daily, and respond immediately to suitable advertisements. • Do not limit your housing hunt to the urban centres of Winterthur und Zürich. There are also nearby villages with easy access to regular transportation within a half-hour’s distance of the city centres. If you expand the geographical area of your search, you may find considerably cheaper flats for rent. Check the distance (if possible) from a potential residence to the ZHAW either in person or on the Internet. Links:,, 2. Marketplaces for Flats and WGs (shared flats) on the Internet Student Housing WG-Rooms Additional Offers For short stays: Wheelchair-accessible flats, disability housing: verfasst 31.08.2009 Real Estate Portals Seite 1 von 2 3. ZHAW Offers The Department of Life Sciences und Facility Management in Wädenswil, the Department of Social Work in Zürich and the Association for Student Housing (Studentischer Wohnraum in Winterthur -- SWOWI) can offer accommodation in apartments owned by them. The offer though is limited, but an inquiry is worthwhile. Information about housing stipends can be found on the SWOWI website. Additional housing offers can be found on the ZHAW-Marktplatz and on the ZHAW Student Association homepage VSZHAW (Verein der Studierenden ZHAW). Students in the Department of Applied Psychology may also apply to the Student Housing Cooperative (Studentische Wohngenossenschaft Zürich -- WOKO) as a fall-back. Students in need of additional help in finding housing can contact the student Network ESN. 4. Newspapers and Bulletin Boards Once on the ground in Switzerland, it is worth searching the housing advertisements on the notice boards of local universities (ETH, Zurich University, ZHAW). Also, the housing advertisements in newspapers are good sources in which to find accommodation. Nearly all local newspapers publish a page of current listings: Der Landbote, Winterthurer Zeitung, Stadtanzeiger, WOZ Die Wochenzeitung, Zürcher Unterländer, Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich, Tages-Anzeiger and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung are the best-known newspapers for the Winterthur and Zürich areas. Newspapers are particularly suitable resources for students who prefer to stay independent and rent a singleoccupant flat. WG-rooms offered by and for students are seldom listed in the newspaper. It is important to note here also that it is not always easy for foreign students to rent an apartment independently. Some property owners maintain certain inhibiting requirements such as rent deposit, contract duration, etc. Similar problems may arise if you wish to establish a WG with other foreign students. 5. Networking Don’t forget to use personal connections with colleagues and other students as your search for a roof over your head! Even if you have not arrived in Switzerland yet, you can be in touch with other students. For example, you might contact students in your home country who already completed a stay in Switzerland and ask them for suggestions or help in finding accommodation. Perhaps you’ll find contacts in Switzerland through platforms such as Facebook. Student Organizations such as ESN or VSZHAW are another opportunity to make contacts. You may find, for instance, ZHAW students who wish to rent out their own flat while they are abroad. 6. Host Families If you are interested in experiencing the Swiss culture, language and way of life, you’re in good hands with a host family. Numerous platforms on the internet offer help connecting with host families: verfasst 31.08.2009 Seite 2 von 2
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