3/27/2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INSTITUTE OF WATER, STRUCTURE AND RENEWABLE ENERGY, KIT – UNS, APRIL 2014 THE NEED OF CHANGING WATER INFRASTRUCTURES IN RESPONSE TO INCREASED FLOOD RELATED DISASTERS IN SOUTHEAST SULAWESI PROVINCE HALUOLEO UNIVERSITY 2014 Southeast Sulawesi Map 1 3/27/2014 GENERAL OVERVIEW LUAS SULAWESI TENGGARA TERDIRI DARI LUAS WILAYAH DARATAN 38.140 KM2 ATAU 28% DAN 114.879 KM2 WILAYAH LAUT ATAU 72%. TERDIRI DARI 651 PULAU, 361 PULAU MEMPUNYAI NAMA DAN 290 PULAU BELUM MEMPUNYAI NAMA. 86 PULAU DIANTARANYA BERPENGHUNI. PANJANG GARIS PANTAI 1.740 KM JUMLAH PENDUDUK 2.734.959 JIWA WILAYAH ADMINISRTRASI TERDIRI DARI : DUA KOTA DAN 11 KABUPATEN KOTA KENDARI KAB. KONAWE KOTA BAUBAU KAB. KONAWE UTARA KAB. WAKATOBI KAB. KONAWE SELATAN KAB. BUTON KA. KOLAKA KAB.BUTON UTARA KAB. KOLAKA UTARA KAB. MUNA KAB. KOLAKA TIMUR KAB. BOMBANA KAB. KONAWE KEPULAUAN NATURAL RESOURCES AGRICULTURE HOLTICULTURE FOREST FISHERIES TOURISM MINING 2 3/27/2014 Haluoleo University Around 38.000 students and 953 Lecturers CAMPUS UHO Main Campus in Anduonohu : 252 Ha 3 3/27/2014 FACULTIES No. Faculty Lecture 1 Faculty of Engineering 83 2 Faculty of Law 36 3 Faculty of Pedagogic 245 4 Faculty of Economics 115 5 Faculty of Science 103 6 Faculty of Fisheries 66 7 Faculty of Medicine 19 8 Faculty of forestry 22 9 Faculty of agriculture 149 10 Faculty of social and political science 99 11 Faculty of Public Health 16 •Civil •Architectural •Elektrical •Informatics •Mechanical •Physics •Biology •Chemistry •Math •Pharmacy •Agronomic •Agroindustry •Forestry Vision Being an prestigious University in generating high qualified human resources 4 3/27/2014 Universitas Halu Oleo 5 3/27/2014 PPP: UHO, PLN AND BELGIA COMPANY FOR SOLAR PANEL GENERATE 6 MW SUPPLY ENERGI TO UHO, PLN and PRIVATE COMPANY UHO PROVIDE 12 HA 6 3/27/2014 Water related issues in the Province Flooding, July 2013 (the first and largest) Map of River Region and flooding area 7 3/27/2014 DAMAGES TO INFRASTRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC LOSSES No Infrastructure Losses 1 Irrigation channels 2 School Buildings 3 Houses Total Note 3770 m 17 6347 503 4 Bridge 17 5 Dam 3 Source: BNPB, 2013 DAMAGES TO INFRASTRUCTURE AND KERUGIAN BANJIR ECONOMIC LOSSES No Damage Total 8. Paddy field 9 Road 10. Livestocks 437 11. Fisheries 3964 Ha 12. Horticultures 111 Ha Note 22625 Ha 122 Km TOTAL PREDICTED ECONOMIC LOSSES FOR 16 JULY 2014 FLOODING = Rp. 51 bilion…….the number will be increased, if the structural measures are not conducted….. Source: BNPB, 2013 8 3/27/2014 MAJOR CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE, LEADING TO EXTREME EVENT MASSIVE LAND CONVERSION IN UPPER STREAM AREA FOR MINING AND PEAT LAND, UNSYTEMATIC LAND USE PLANNING UNSUFFICIENT WATER INFRASTRUCTURES HUMAN RESOURCES IN WATER ISSUES LAW ENFORCEMENT Mining Activities Unprofessional mining activities, generate environmental destruction. Around 80,91 thousand hectares pristine forest damaged due to mining activities (land conversion) Almost all of Mining activities are located in the upper stream area 9 3/27/2014 SOLUTION: MITIGATION AND DISASTER PREVENTION DUE TO INCREASED FLOOD BOTH FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY: THE FOLLOWING STEPS MUST BE DONE: STRENGTENING AND UPGRADE INFRASTRUCTURE OF WATER-RELATED DISASTER. BUILDING MORE STORM WATER INFRASTRUCTURES PROVIDING EARLY WARNING SYSTEM AND FORECASTING FLOOD REVIEW AND DEVELOP A MASTER PLAN OF WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND DISASTER BASED LAND USE PLANNING BUILDING CAPACITY OF LOCAL COMMUNITY ON DISASTER. Filosofis Penanganan Konstruksi Teknik Sipil Pindahkan penduduk dari banjir Pindahkan banjir dari penduduk Hidup harmoni bersama banjir Metode Struktur Masalah Banjir dan Kerusakan Lingkungan Waduk atau embung di hulu Kolam penampungan banjir (“retention basin”) di hilir Tanggul penahan banjir penghalang sepanjang tepi sungai Saluran “by pass” atau sudetan Pengerukan dan pelebaran alur sungai Sistem polder Pemangkasan penghalang ditengah sungai Manajemen Daerah Rawan Banjir Normatif Metode Non Struktur Manajemen Hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai sob 2009 Pemantauan, peramalan, dan peringatan ancaman bencana banjir Diseminasi peringatan ancaman dan sistem evakuasi banjir Kelembagaan bencana banjir Pembuatan peta bahaya banjir Peningkatan kapasitas dan partisipasi masyarakat untuk penanggulangan banjir Asuransi bencana banjir Pengedalian erosi di hulu DAS Pengendalian alih fungsi lahan Pengendalian perijinan pemanfaatan lahan Pengendalian kualitas air sungai Kelembagaan konservasi hulu DAS Pembuatan peta kawasan lindung Peningkatan kapasitas dan partisipasi masyarakat untuk konservasi hulu DAS20 10 3/27/2014 Water Infrastructures WATER INFRASTRUCTURES 11 3/27/2014 HALUOLEO UNIVERSITY CONTRIBUTION Providing Technical Assistance and Experts Promoting research and application of science and technology information Joint water resources discussion forum organized by River Basin Agency (BWS IV Sulawesi), public work authority on structural mitigation (upgrade infrastructure) Active participation on hydrometeorology forum to promote the important early warning system and forecasting Established a Centre of Disaster Mitigation UHO 2011 with focusing on disaster risk reduction (DRR) actions Strengthening and supporting the capacity of local agency for implementation of national strategies and plans Raising Community awareness through education and training THE ROLE OF UNIV. HALUOLEO 12 3/27/2014 NATURE HAS GIVEN ENOUGH FOR ALL OF US TO LIVE ACCORDING TO OUR NEED, BUT NOT ACCORDING TO OUR GREED (MAHATMA GANDHI) 25 13
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