Curriculum Vitæ Version of August 2014 Kilian Raschel French nationality Born on March 17, 1983 in Tours (France) Professional address: Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique Théorique Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Université François Rabelais Parc de Grandmont F-37200 Tours Contact: Tel.: 0033-2-47-36-74-12 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Academic education 2011–... : CNRS researcher, Tours University (France) 2010–2011: Post-doctorate at Bielefeld University (Germany), under the supervision of Barbara Gentz, Professor at Bielefeld University 2007–2010: PhD dissertation “Walks confined in a quadrant”, under the supervision of Irina Kurkova, Professor at Paris VI University Prize “Jacques Neveu 2010” for the best French PhD Thesis in Probability and Statistics Probabilities and Random Models Laboratory, Paris VI University 2006–2007: Master 2 in Mathematics (Probability and Applications) at Paris VI University Mention très bien Writing of a dissertation “Random walks in the quarter plane”, under the supervision of Irina Kurkova 2005–2006: Agrégation de Mathématiques, 2005 : Passed the entrance examination of the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan 2004–2005: Master 1 in Mathematics at Tours University Mention très bien, félicitations du jury Writing of a dissertation “About elliptic functions”, under the supervision of MarieFrançoise Bidaut-Véron, Professor at Tours University 2003–2004: Licence 3 in Mathematics at Tours University Mention très bien, félicitations du jury 2000–2003: Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles: PTSI at Lycée Henri Brisson in Vierzon, PSI at Lycée Vaucanson in Tours, PSI* at Lycée Descartes in Tours 2000 : Baccalauréat at Lycée Descartes in Tours 1 Research articles Preprints • About a possible analytic approach for walks in the quarter plane with arbitrary big jumps, with Guy Fayolle1 • A human proof of Gessel’s lattice path conjecture, with Alin Bostan2 and Irina Kurkova3 • New steps in walks with small steps in the quarter plane, with Irina Kurkova • On the exit time from a cone for random walks with drift, with Rodolphe Garbit4 Published papers 17. On the exit time from a cone for Brownian motion with drift, with Rodolphe Garbit Electronic Journal of Probability 19 (2014) 1–27 no. 63 16. Random walks in the quarter plane, harmonic functions and conformal mappings, with an appendix by Sandro Franceschi 3,6 . Stochastic Processes and their Applications 124 (2014) 3147–3178 15. Non-D-finite excursions in the quarter plane, with Alin Bostan and Bruno Salvy5 Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 121 (2014) 45–63 14. Some aspects of fluctuations of random walks on R and applications to random walks on R+ with non-elastic reflection at 0, with Rim Essifi6 and Marc Peigné 6 ALEA 10 (2013) 591–607 13. Passage time of a random walk in the quarter plane for opinions in the voter model, with Irina Kurkova Queueing Systems 74 (2013) 219–234 12. Random walks reaching against all odds the other side of the quarter plane, with Johan van Leeuwaarden Journal of Applied Probability 50 (2013) 85–102 11. The compensation approach for walks with small steps in the quarter plane, with Ivo Adan7 and Johan van Leeuwaarden 7 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 22 (2013) 161–183 10. Extinction probabilities for a distylous plant population, with Pauline Lafitte-Godillon8 and Viet Chi Tran9 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 73 (2013) 700–722 9. On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane, with Irina Kurkova Publications Mathématiques de l’IHÉS 116 (2012) 69–114 8. Some exact asymptotics in the counting of walks in the quarter plane, with Guy Fayolle DMTCS Proceedings of AofA’12 (2012) 109–124 1 Inria Rocquencourt Saclay 3 LPMA, Université Pierre et Marie Curie 4 LAREMA, Université d’Angers 5 Inria Lyon 6 LMPT, Université de Tours 7 Universiteit Eindhoven 8 École Centrale de Paris 9 Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Université de Lille 2 Inria 2 7. Counting walks in a quadrant: a unified approach via boundary value problems Journal of the European Mathematical Society 14 (2012) 749–777 6. Random walks in the quarter plane with zero drift: an explicit criterion for the finiteness of the associated group, with Guy Fayolle Markov Processes and Related Fields 17 (2011) 619–636 5. Random walks in Z2+ with non-zero drift absorbed at the axes, with Irina Kurkova Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 139 (2011) 341–387 4. Green functions for killed random walks in the Weyl chamber of Sp(4) Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré 47 (2011) 1001–1019 3. Explicit expression for the generating function counting Gessel’s walks, with Irina Kurkova Advances in Applied Mathematics 47 (2011) 414–433 2. Green functions and Martin compactification for killed random walks related to SU(3) Electronic Communications in Probability 15 (2010) 176–190 1. On the holonomy or algebraicity of the generating functions counting lattice walks in the quarter plane, with Guy Fayolle Markov Processes and Related Fields 16 (2010) 485–496 3 Teaching 2011–2015: Mathematics oral examinations in Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles for second year students (in ECS2, MP*, PC* and PSI*) at Lycée Descartes in Tours Teacher assistant in probability and statistics at Tours University 2010–2011: Lecturer at Bielefeld University 2007–2010: Moniteur (teacher assistant) at Paris VI University: 192 hours of exercise sessions in analysis for first year students 2008–2010: Mathematics oral examinations in Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles for second year students at Lycée Raspail (Paris) 2006–2008: Mathematics oral examinations in Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles for second year students at Lycée Honoré de Balzac (Paris) Software Scientific calculus softwares: Maple, Matlab, Scilab Desktop applications softwares: LATEX, HTML Foreign languages English, French, German 4 Recent research stays and conferences 15.07.14-18.07.14 : Workshop on Persistence probabilities and related fields, Darmstadt 02.03.14–08.03.14: Workshop “Enumerative Combinatorics”, Oberwolfach 04.11.13–09.11.13: Conference “Lévy Processes and Autosimilarity”, Hammamet 22.10.12–26.10.12: München University 29.08.12–31.08.12: Journées MAS 2012 09.07.12–14.07.12: Münster University 18.06.12–22.06.12: Journées de Probabilités 2012 04.06.12–08.06.12: Inria Paris-Rocquencourt 31.05.12–01.06.12: Workshop MODEMAVE 30.04.12–03.05.12: LaBRI 05.03.12–09.03.12: ALEA 2012 13.02.12–16.02.12: Workshop “Scaling limits of random walks in the quarter plane”, Eurandom 01.02.12–03.02.12: Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux 2012 5 Selected talks 05/2014: Mini-courses “Random processes in cones”, Groupe de Travail PEIPS 05/2014: Seminar Aléa du CMAP 05/2014: Seminar of combinatorics of LIX 04/2014: Probability seminar, Institut Fourier 03/2014: Number theory seminar, Institut Camille Jordan and Institut Fourier 12/2013: Combinatorics and number theory seminar, Institut Camille Jordan 09/2013: Ergodic theory seminar, Rennes 1 05/2013: Probability seminar, Toulouse 10/2012: Pure mathematics seminar, Clermont-Ferrand 06/2012: Probability seminar, ENS Ulm 05/2012: Probability seminar, Cergy-Pontoise 02/2012: Probability and ergodic theory seminar, Tours 11/2011: Seminar Algorithms Inria, Paris-Rocquencourt 10/2011: Ergodic theory seminar, Rennes 1 04/2011: Probability seminar, ENS Lyon 01/2011: Mini-Workshop “Analysis in the quarter plane”, Jena 10/2010: Probability seminar, Bielefeld 10/2010: Mathematics seminar, Orléans 05/2010: Colloquium “Jeunes Probabilistes et Statisticiens”, Le Mont Dore 04/2010: Probability seminar, Eindhoven 04/2010: Probability seminar, Cergy-Pontoise 02/2010: Probability seminar, Graz 02/2010: Seminar Algorithms Inria, Paris-Rocquencourt 6
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