Trypanosomatids: from the field to the lab III & GPLF Annual Meeting National Museum of Natural History, Amphitheater of the Great Galery of Evolution, Paris, France Organizers: Linda KOHL (MNHN, Paris), Isabelle FLORENT (MNHN, Paris), Frédéric BRINGAUD (CNRS, Bordeaux), Brice ROTUREAU (Institut Pasteur, Paris) and Philippe GRELLIER (MNHN, Paris). Trypanosomatids2014/GPLF Joint meeting -‐ FINAL PROGRAM Wednesday October 15th 12:00-14:00: Registration 14:00-14:10: Welcome and introduction 14:10-14:20: Tribute to Elisabetta Ullu by Philippe Bastin Session 1: Trypanosomatids and Public health – Chairperson: Geneviève Milon 14:20-‐15:00: Invited speaker Jean Jannin (WHO) The WHO roadmap for the elimination of neglected tropical diseases. Progress and challenges in the implmentation of control programmes against trypanosomoses and Leishmanioses 15:00-‐15:40: Invited speaker Bénédict Blayney (SANOFI) Sanofi and trypanosomatids 15:40-‐16:00: Marie-Noëlle Ungeheuer (ICAReB, Institut Pasteur, Paris) Setting up the conditions for the WHO HAT specimen bank: Analysis and perspectives for the improvement of sleeping sickness. 16:00-16:30: Tea at the ‘Grande Mosquée’ 16:30-‐17:10: Invited speaker Philippe Solano (IRD) Research and control of vectors of trypanosomatids at UMR INTERTRYP. 17:10-‐17:30: Pascal Grébault (IRD/CIRAD) From the field to the computer: modeling the pathogenic complex of sleeping sickness Thursday October 16th Session 2: Trypanosomatid biology – Chairperson: Torsten Ochsenreiter 10:10-‐10:50: Invited speaker Eva Gluenz (University of Oxford) Insights into the biology of L. mexicana amastigotes from RNA-sequencing. 10:50-‐11:10: Mathieu Cayla (Institut Pasteur, Paris) Stage-specific activity of the Leishmania MAP kinase MPK10 is regulated by a parasite-specific auto-inhibitory domain. 11:10-‐11:30: Guilherme Melo (Institut Pasteur, Paris) Canine visceral leishmaniasis: development of a rodent model to investigate brain inflammation. 11:30-‐11:50: Cécile Fort (Institut Pasteur, Paris) Uncoupling flagellum formation and maintenance. 11:50-‐12:10: Stijn Rogé (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp) Recombinant T. b. brucei strains expressing gambiense variant surface glycoproteins and their applicability for serodiagnosis of sleeping sickness. 12:10-‐12:30: Jackie Cheung (Imperial College, London) The role of Variant Surface Glycoprotein in T. brucei evasion of phagocytosis by macrophages. 12:30-14:15: Lunch at the ‘Grande Mosquée’ Session 3: Protists diversity and biology – Joint Session – Chairperson: Eva Gluenz 14:15-‐14:55: Invited speaker Claudia Masini D'Avila-Levy (Fiocruz, Brazil) Trypanosomatids taxonomy: from species to typing units. 14:55-‐15:15: Slavica Stanojcic (University of Montpellier) DNA replication dynamics in trypanosomatids. 15:15-‐15:35: Julien Santi-Rocca (Institut Pasteur, Paris) Dissection of the flagellar gate in Trypanosoma brucei. 15:35-‐15:55: Achim Schnaufer (Centre for Immunity, Infection and Evolution, Edinburgh) What do kinetoplastids need a kinetoplast for? Life cycle progression of T. brucei in the presence and absence of mitochondrial DNA. 15:55-‐16:15: Dhikra Souidenne (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris) Molecular contribution to the evaluation of the biodiversity of Dicyemids and Chromidina in Mediterranean and Atlantic sea. 16:15-‐16:35: Isabelle Desportes (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris) The Gregarines: The early branching Apicomplexa. 16:40-19:30: Poster session Trypanosomatids2014/GPLF Joint meeting -‐ Friday October 17th Session 4: Protists biology – Joint Session – Chairperson: Claudia Masini D'Avila-Levy 10:10-‐10:50: Invited speaker Jens Boenigk (University of Duisburg-‐Essen) Linking ecophysiology, species diversity and functional diversity in protistology. 10:50-‐11:30: Invited speaker Torsten Ochsenreiter (University of Bern) Mitochondrial organelle biogenesis: what can we learn from Protists. 11:30-‐11:50: Lotfi Bounaadja (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris) Search for novel selective inhibitors of the neutral metallo-aminopeptidase M1 and M17 (PfA-M1 & PfA-M17) from Plasmodium falciparum. 11:50-‐12:10: Cecilia C. Klein (University of Lyon, France) Biosynthesis of essential amino acids and vitamins in symbiont-harbouring trypanosomatids depends on the mutualistic bacterium as revealed by genomic analyses. 12:10-‐12:30: Philippe Bouchard (Université de Clermont-‐Ferrand) Développement d’un modèle d’éco-toxicogénomique de milieu aquatique perturbé : la paramécie. Recherche de signatures transcriptomiques et de biomarqueurs spécifiques de l’impact de xénobiotiques. 12:30: Closure of the meeting – Linda Kohl 12:40-14:15: Lunch at the ‘Grande Mosquée’ Trypanosomatids2014/GPLF Joint meeting -‐ Poster Presentations 1. Acetate production contributes to mitochondrial ATP biosynthesis in trypanosomes Yoann Millerioux1, Charles Ebikeme1, Pauline Morand1, Muriel Mazet1, Marc Biran1, Guillaume Bouyssou2, Jean-‐Michel Franconi1, Patrick Moreau2, Frédéric Bringaud1 1 Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques (RMSB), UMR 5536, Université Bordeaux Segalen, CNRS, 33076 Bordeaux, France. 2 Laboratoire de Biogenèse Membranaire, UMR 5200, Université Bordeaux Segalen, CNRS, 33076 Bordeaux, France Email : [email protected]‐ 2. Characterization of an unusual Leishmania major HSP70-related protein Sima Drini, Najma Rachidi, Olivier Leclercq and Gerald F. Späth Institut Pasteur Paris, 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 Email : [email protected] 3. Commonalities in Chagas disease development despite Trypanosoma cruzi genetic and immunopathogenic diversity. Julien Santi-‐Rocca1†, Fernando Fernández-‐Cortés1‡, Carlos Chillón-‐Marinas1, María Luisa González-‐Rubio1, David Martin2, Núria Gironès1 and Manuel Fresno1 1Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Cantoblanco, Madrid 28049, Spain. 2Novancia Business School, 75015, Paris, France. †Current address: Trypanosome Cell Biology Unit, CNRS URA 2581, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris, France. ‡Current address: Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom Email : julien.santi-‐[email protected] 4. Development of a lateral flow assay for the diagnosis of animal trypanosomosis based on Nanobody® technology Pinto Joar; Goossens Julie and Magez Stefan. Laboratory for Cellular and Molecular Immunology, VIB Structural Biology Research Center, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels Belgium. Email: joar.pintotorres@vib-‐; julie.goossens@vib-‐ 5. Exploiting the Leishmania puriome for drug target deconvolution Olivier Leclercq, Najma Rachidi, Florent Dingli, Damarys Loew and Gerald Spaeth Institut Pasteur, Unité de parasitologie moléculaire et signalisation, 25 rue du docteur Roux, 75015 PARIS Email : [email protected] Trypanosomatids2014/GPLF Joint meeting -‐ 6. Human African Trypanosomiasis: characterization of genes involved in symbionts - tsetse fly - trypanosome interactions Illiassou Hamidou Soumana1, Béatrice Loriod2,3, Sophie Ravel1, Bernadette Tchicaya1, Danny Séverac4, 5, 6, Stéphanie Rialle4, 5, 6, Laurent Journot4, 5, 6, Gustave Simo7, Pascal Rihet2,3, Anne Geiger1 1UMR 177, IRD-‐CIRAD, CIRAD TA A-‐17/G, Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France ; 2UMR1090 TAGC, INSERM, Marseille, F-‐13288, France; 3Aix-‐Marseille University, Marseille, F-‐13288, France ; 4CNRS, UMR-‐5203, Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle, Montpellier, France ; 5INSERM, U661, Montpellier, France ; 6Universités de Montpellier 1 & 2, UMR-‐5203, Montpellier, France; 7Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon Email : [email protected]; [email protected] 7. Importance of the deglutamylase CCP5B in Leishmania major apoptosis Louise Basmaciyan, Magali Casanova, and Nadine Azas Infections Parasitaires, Transmission et Thérapeutique, UMR-‐MD3, Aix-‐Marseille University, Marseille, France. Email : [email protected]‐ 8. Investigation of the flagellum base composition in T. brucei Julien Santi-‐Rocca, Norus Ahmed and Philippe Bastin Trypanosome Cell Biology & CNRS URA2581, Institut Pasteur, Paris Email : [email protected] 9. Leishmania major metacaspase is implicated in apoptosis and autophagy Magali Casanova, Iveth Jimena Gonzalez, Habib Zalila, Nicolas Fasel and Nadine Azas Infections Parasitaires, Transmission et Thérapeutique, UMR-‐MD3, Aix-‐Marseille University, Marseille, France. Email : magali.casanova@univ-‐ 10. Molecular mimicry strategies and recognition at the host/pathogen interface: current structural work on T. cruzi calreticulin C. Moreau, E. Laffly, A. Chouquet, G. Cioci, M. Ianello, N. Thielens, C. Gaboriaud Institut de Biologie structurale, UMR5075 CEA-‐CNRS-‐Université Joseph Fourier, 6, rue Jules Horowitz ; 38000 Grenoble, France Email : [email protected] 11. Morpho-molecular inventory of Gregarines from marine organisms in Dinard and Concarneau Florian Jacques1, Jérôme Fournier2, Nadia Améziane3, Aicha Badou3, Joseph Schrével1, Isabelle Florent1 UMR 7245 CNRS MNHN, Molécules de Communication et Adaptation des Microorganismes, Equipe BAMEE – Biodiversité et Adaptation des Eucaryotes à leur Environnement, Département RDDM, MNHN. UMR7208-‐BOREA / IRD207 / UMPC, Station Marine de Dinard, Département MPA, MNHN. UMR7208-‐BOREA, Station Marine de Concarneau, Département MPA, MNHN. Email : [email protected] Trypanosomatids2014/GPLF Joint meeting -‐ 12. Recruitment of IFT proteins during flagellum construction in Trypanosoma brucei Eloïse Bertiaux, Philippe Bastin and Brice Rotureau Trypanosome Cell Biology Unit, CNRS URA 2581, Institut Pasteur, 75015 Paris, France Email : [email protected] 13. Salivary gland transcriptome of the Rhodnius neglectus triatomine Carla Nunes de Araújo1,2, Paula Beatriz de Medeiros Santiago1, João Victor de Araújo Oliveira3, Izabela Marques Dourado Bastos1,Tainá Raiol Alencar3, Jaime de Martins Santana1 Address : 1Pathogen-‐Host Interface Laboratory, Department of Cell Biology, The University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil ; 2Faculty of Ceilândia, The University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil ; 3Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Cell Biology, The University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil. Email : [email protected] 14. The GDP-Mannose Pyrophosphorylase in Leishmania donovani: a therapeutic target for new inhibitors POMEL S.*, DALIGAUX P., MAO W., CAVE C. and LOISEAU P.M. Université Paris-‐Sud, Faculté de Pharmacie, UMR CNRS 8076 BioCIS, 5 rue Jean-‐ Baptiste Clément, 92290, Châtenay-‐Malabry Email : sebastien.pomel@u-‐ 15. Three-dimensional reconstruction of Angomonas deanei reveals association of the protozoa organelles and a symbiotic bacterium Carolina Moura Costa Catta-‐Preta, Wanderley de Souza, Maria Cristina Machado Motta Laboratório de Ultraestrutura Celular Hertha Meyer, Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Email : [email protected] 16. Trypanosoma brucei Strains Tagged with Blue and Red-Shifted Luciferases for Bioluminescent Imaging in Murine Infection Models N. Van Reet, H. Van de Vyver, P. P. Pyana, A. M. Van der Linden & P. Büscher Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium Email : [email protected] Trypanosomatids2014/GPLF Joint meeting -‐
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