OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities Activities in 2013 This report has been submitted : 2014-02-24 10:54:43 Name of disease (or topic) for which you are a designated OIE Reference Laboratory: Rabies Address of laboratory: Anses – Laboratoire de la rage et de la faune sauvage de Nancy Domaine de Pixérécourt Bâtiment H Technopôle agricole et vétérinaire CS 40009 F-54220 MALZEVILLE FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)3 83 29 89 50 Fax: +33 (0)3 83 29 89 58 e-mail address: [email protected] website: www.anses.fr; http://www.ansespro.fr/eurl-rabies/index.htm Name (including Title) of Head of Laboratory (Responsible Official): Elodie Monchatre-Leroy, Directrice Name (including Title and Position) of OIE Reference Expert: Florence Cliquet Which of the following defines your laboratory? Check all that apply: Governmental OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 1 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france ToR: To use, promote and disseminate diagnostic methods validated according to OIE Standards 1. Did your laboratory perform diagnostic tests for the specified disease/topic for purposes such as disease diagnosis, screening of animals for export, surveillance, etc.? (Not for quality control, proficiency testing or staff training) Yes Diagnostic Test Indicated in OIE Manual (Yes/No) Indirect diagnostic tests Total number of test performed last year Nationally Internationally Séroneutralisation virale, test FAVN Oui 1964 1739 Test d'efficacité des vaccins vétérinaires inactivés Oui 31 29 Test d'efficacité des vaccins humains inactivés Non 0 0 RT-PCR temps réel Oui 358 3287 Titrage de virus rabique Non 37 96 Nationally Internationally Direct diagnostic tests Diagnostic par immunofluorescence directe Oui 475 9 Diagnostic par inoculation à une culture cellulaire de neuroblastomes murins Oui 158 8 Diagnostic par inoculation à la souris Oui 0 1 recherche de l'ARN viral Oui 278 52 Typage de souches Oui 141 47 ToR: To develop reference material in accordance with OIE requirements, and implement and promote the application of OIE Standards. To store and distribute to national laboratories biological reference products and any other reagents used in the diagnosis and control of the designated pathogens or disease. 2. Did your laboratory produce or supply imported standard reference reagents officially recognised by the OIE? 2 OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france No 3. Did your laboratory supply standard reference reagents (non OIE-approved) and/or other diagnostic reagents to OIE Member Countries? Yes Type of reagent available Related diagnostic test Produced/ provide Amount supplied nationally (ml, mg) Amount supplied internationally (ml, mg) No. of recipient OIE Member Countries Region of recipients Africa Sérum naïf de référence Séroneutralisation virale, ELISA Produit 25 ml 235 ml 6 Americas Asia and Pacific Europe Middle East Africa Virus standard CVS Séroneutralisation virale Conservé 0 2,5 ml 3 Americas Asia and Pacific Europe Middle East 4. Did your laboratory produce vaccines? No 5. Did your laboratory supply vaccines to OIE Member Countries? No ToR: To develop, standardise and validate, according to OIE Standards, new procedures for diagnosis and control of the designated pathogens or diseases 6. Did your laboratory develop new diagnostic methods validated according to OIE Standards for the designated pathogen or disease? No 7. Did your laboratory develop new vaccines according to OIE Standards for the designated pathogen or disease? No OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 3 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france ToR: To provide diagnostic testing facilities, and, where appropriate, scientific and technical advice on disease control measures to OIE Member Countries 8. Did your laboratory carry out diagnostic testing for other OIE Member Countries? Yes No. samples received for provision of diagnostic support No. samples received for provision of confirmatory diagnoses Name of OIE Member Country seeking assistance Date (month) MALTA 15 mars 1 LUXEMBOURG 14 mai 1 LUXEMBOURG 7 juin 1 THE NETHERLANDS 27 novembre 4 THE NETHERLANDS 27 novembre 4 9. Did your laboratory provide expert advice in technical consultancies on the request of an OIE Member Country? Yes 4 Name of the OIE Member Country receiving a technical consultancy Purpose How the advice was provided GREECE Appui pour la mise en oeuvre de la vaccination orale de la faune sauvage à l'automne 2013 Sur place et à distance LATVIA Appui pour la mise en place d'une station expérimentale animale Sur place LATVIA Appui pour la mise en place de la surveillance active de la rage des chauves-souris Sur place TUNISIA Surveillance de la rage, outils pour l'étude de la population canine et des mesures de contrôle de la rage canine Sur place MEXICO Cahier des charges techniques pour accéder à la nomination en tant que Laboratoire de Référence OIE Réunion BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Conseils sur la stratégie de surveillance et de contrôle de la rage Sur place BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Participation à l'évaluation des besoins en équipements des laboratoires Sur place OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france ToR: To carry out and/or coordinate scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories, centres or organisations 10. Did your laboratory participate in international scientific studies in collaboration with OIE Member Countries other than the own? Yes Title of the study FP7 ICONZ (Integrated Control of Neglected Zoonoses in Africa) FP7 Predemics (Preparedness, Prediction and Prevention of Emerging Zoonotic Viruses with Pandemic Potential using Multidisciplinary Approaches) Duration Purpose of the study Partners (Institutions) 5 ans (20092014) Participer à des études épidémiologiques au Mali et au Maroc : des zones pilotes ont été sélectionnées et des études des populations canines sont menées avec prises de sang des chiens. Des questionnaires auprès des propriétaires permettront de définir le rôle des chiens dans les zones sélectionnées. L’objectif est ainsi de pouvoir définir dans ces pays une stratégie adaptée de contrôle de la rage animale. 22 institutions, 17 pays représentés 5 ans (20112016) Mieux comprendre la dynamique de transmission du lyssavirus EBLV-1 chez les chauves-souris. Comparaison et analyse phylogénétique du génome complet du Lyssavirus chez les chauves-souris montrées infectées en France et en Europe - Identification de marqueurs d'adaptation et de virulence de deux biotypes du virus rabique adaptés au chien et au renard 17 institutions, 9 pays représentés ToR: To collect, process, analyse, publish and disseminate epizootiological data relevant to the designated pathogens or diseases 11. Did your Laboratory collect epizootiological data relevant to international disease control? Yes 12. Did your laboratory disseminate epizootiological data that had been processed and analysed? Yes 13. What method of dissemination of information is most often used by your laboratory? (Indicate in the appropriate box the number by category) a) Articles published in peer-reviewed journals: 10 Cliquet F., Robardet E. and Picard-Meyer E.- Genetic strain modification of a live rabies virus vaccine widely used in Europe for wildlife oral vaccination. Antiviral Res., 2013, 100, pp 84-89. Fischer M., Wernike K., Freuling C.M., Muller T., Aylan O., Brochier B., Cliquet F., Vazquez-Moron S., Hostnik P., Huovilainen A., Isaksson M., Kooi E.A., Mooney J., Turcitu M.A., Rasmussen T.B., Revilla-Fernandez S., Smreczak OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 5 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france M., Fooks A.R., Marston D.A., Beer M. and Hoffmann B.- A step forward in molecular diagnostics of lyssaviruses Results of a ring trial among European laboratories. PlosOne, 2013, 8, pp 1-9. Millan J., Chirife A.D., Kalema-Zikusoka G., Cabezon O., Muro J., Marco I., Cliquet F., Leon-Vizcaino L., Wasniewski M., Almeria S. and Mugisha L.- Serosurvey of dogs for human, livestock, and wildlife pathogens, Uganda. Emerg. infect. Dis., 2013, 19, pp 680-682. Picard-Meyer E., Mrenoshki S., Milicevic V., Ilieva D., Cvetkovikj I., Cvetkovikj A., Krstevski K., Dzadzhovski I., Robardet E., Gagnev E., Iliev E., Plavsic B., Kirandjiski T. and Cliquet F.- Molecular characterisation of rabies virus strains in the republic of Macedonia. Arch. Virol., 2013, 158, pp 237-240. Picard-Meyer E., Servat A., Robardet E., Moinet M., Borel C. and Cliquet F.- Isolation of Bokeloh bat lyssavirus in Myotis nattereri in France. Arch. Virol., 2013, 158, pp 2333-2340. Robardet E., Andrieu S., Bruun Rasmussen T., Dobrostana M., Horton D.L., Hostnik P., Jaceviciene I., Juhasz T., Muller T., Mutinelli F., Servat A., Smreczak M., Vanek E., Vazquez-Moron S. and Cliquet F.- Comparative assay of fluorescent antibody test results among twelve European National Reference Laboratories using various antirabies conjugates. J. Virol. Methods, 2013, 191, pp 88-94. Robardet E., Ilieva D., Iliev E., Gagnev E., Picard-Meyer E. and Cliquet F.- Epidemiology and molecular diversity of rabies viruses in Bulgaria. Epidemiol. Infect., 2013, pp 1-7. (in press) Robardet E., Picard-Meyer E., Servat A. et Cliquet, F.- Étude de deux ans portant sur les résultats d’essais interlaboratoires de diagnostic de la rage (test d’immunofluorescence, test d’inoculation à une culture cellulaire pour le diagnostic de rage, test d’inoculation à la souris, techniques de PCR) : point de départ pour l’harmonisation des méthodes. Euro Ref., 2013, pp 18-26. Servat A. and Cliquet F.- Official batch control of rabies veterinary vaccines: current situation and perspectives in the European Union. Altern. Lab. Anim., 2013, 41, pp 10-11. Wasniewski M., Guiot A.L., Schereffer J.L., Tribout L., Mähar K. and Cliquet F.- Evaluation of an ELISA to detect rabies antibodies in orally vaccinated foxes and raccoon dogs sampled in the field. J. Virol. Methods, 2013, 187, pp 264-270. b) International conferences: 14 Cliquet F.- Procedure for rabies antibody proficiency testing. Rabies serology meeting, Nancy, October, 1-2, 2013. Cliquet, F.- Several tasks of the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) in the frame of rabies surveillance and control in Europe and in Third countries. Workshop on regional policies to control rabies in the Southern Mediterranean, Paris, 15-16 October 2013. Cliquet F., Guiot A.L., Schereffer J.L., Tribout L., Mähar K. and Wasniewski M.- Evaluation of an ELISA to detect rabies antibodies in wild (foxes and raccoon dogs) and domestic carnivores (dogs and cats). Rabies serology meeting, Nancy, October, 1-2, 2013. Millan J., Chirife A.D., Kalema-Zikusoka G., Cabezon O., Muro J., Marco I., Tico V., Cliquet, F., Leon-Vizcaino, L., Wasniewski, M., Almeria, S., Mugisha, L. 2013. Dogs in the interface: serosurvey of pathogens threatening human, livestock and wildlife health. AITVM International Conference, 25-29 August 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1 p. Picard-Meyer E.- Comparison of different commercial SYBR Green® RT-PCR kits. 6th Workshop for Rabies NRLs, Athens, Greece, 13-14 November 2013. Picard-Meyer E. et Servat A.- Situation de la rage en Europe. Epidemiosurveillance programmée et évenementielle des chauves-souris en France. Séminaire Rage chauve-souris, Luxembourg, 4 juillet 2013. Picard-Meyer E., Servat A., Robardet E., Moinet M., Jouan D., Borel C. and Cliquet, F.- Bat rabies surveillance in France. First report of Bokeloh Bat Lyssavirus in France. 5th European congress of virology, Lyon, September 1114, 2013. Robardet E. and Cliquet F.- Inter-laboratory test for rabies diagnosis (FAT/ RTCIT/ RT-PCR/ qRT-PCR): 2013 session. 6th Workshop for Rabies NRLs, Athens, Greece, 13-14 November 2013. 6 OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france Robardet E. and Cliquet F.- Inter-laboratory test on tetracycline and age determination on red fox tooth samples. Second session (2012). 6th Workshop for Rabies NRLs, Athens, Greece, 13-14 November 2013. Robardet E., Andrieu S. and Cliquet, F.- Comparative assay of fluorescent antibody test results among twelve European National Reference Laboratories using various anti-rabies conjugates. Rabies in the Americas - RITA XXIV, Toronto, Canada, October 27th-31st, 2013. Servat A. and Cliquet, F.- Validation of the FAVN test as a serological potency assay to replace the in-vivo potency tests of inactivated rabies vaccine for veterinary use. Rabies in the Americas - RITA XXIV, Toronto, Canada, October 27th-31st, 2013. Servat A. and Cliquet F.- Validation of the FAVN test as a serological potency assay to replace the in vivo potency tests of inactivated rabies vaccine for veterinary use. 6th Workshop for Rabies NRLs, Athens, Greece, 13-14 November 2013. Wasniewski M.- Satisfaction survey. EURL for rabies serology. Rabies serology meeting, Nancy, October, 1-2, 2013. Wasniewski M., Kempff S., Labadie A., Rieder J., Schereffer J.L., Tribout L. and Cliquet F.- Results of the collaborative study on a commercialised ELISA kit. Rabies serology meeting, Nancy, October, 1-2, 2013. c) National conferences: 0 d) Other: (Provide website address or link to appropriate information) 6 Rapports significatifs: Cliquet F. and Wasniewski M.- Rabies serology proficiency testing. EU Reference laboratory for rabies serology, Anses Nancy Laboratory for rabies and wildlife, 2013, RF-04/2013-V1-EN. Cliquet F. and Wasniewski M.- Rabies serology proficiency testing. EU Reference laboratory for rabies serology, Anses Nancy Laboratory for rabies and wildlife, 2013, RF-04/2013-V2-EN. Robardet E., Andrieu S. and Cliquet F.- Inter-laboratory test 2013 for rabies diagnosis: Fluorescent antibody test (FAT), Rapid tissue culture infection test (RTCIT), Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Real time RT-PCR. Anses Nancy EURL for Rabies, Malzéville, 2013, pp 1-46. Robardet E. and Cliquet F.- Review of the analysis related to rabies diagnosis and follow-up of oral vaccination performed in NRLs in 2012. Anses Nancy EURL for Rabies, Malzéville, 2013, pp 1-12. Wasniewski M. and Cliquet F.- Collaborative study on the ELISA test produced by BioPro O.K. Servis. EU Reference laboratory for rabies serology, Anses Nancy Laboratory for rabies and wildlife, 2013. Picard-Meyer E., Fediaevsky A., Servat A. and Cliquet F.- Surveillance de la rage animale en France métropolitaine. Bull Epidémiol Santé Anim – Alimentation, 2013, n°60, pp 12-18. ToR: To provide scientific and technical training for personnel from OIE Member Countries To recommend the prescribed and alternative tests or vaccines as OIE Standards 14. Did your laboratory provide scientific and technical training to laboratory personnel from other OIE Member Countries? Yes a) Technical visits: 2 OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 7 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france b) Seminars: 3 c) Hands-on training courses: 16 d) Internships (>1 month): 0 Type of technical training provided (a, b, c or d) Country of origin of the expert(s) provided with training No. participants from the corresponding country c Grèce 1 c Indonésie 1 c Kazakhstan 2 c Montenegro 3 c Bulgarie 1 c Grèce 3 c Royaume Uni/Mexique 1 c Mali 1 a Mexique 1 a et b France 1 b et c Chine 2 c Mexique 1 ToR: To maintain a system of quality assurance, biosafety and biosecurity relevant for the pathogen and the disease concerned 15. Does your laboratory have a Quality Management System certified according to an International Standard? Yes Quality management system adopted ISO 17025 16. Is your laboratory accredited by an international accreditation body? Yes 8 OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france Test for which your laboratory is accredited Accreditation body Contrôle d’efficacité des vaccins antirabiques inactivés à usage vétérinaire et humain Mutual Joint Audit (EDQM) depuis le 05 mars 2008 Contrôle d’efficacité des vaccins vivants à usage oral pour la faune sauvage Mutual Joint Audit (EDQM) depuis le 30 janvier 2012 Séroneutralisation virale (recherche des anticorps antirabiques) COFRAC (depuis le 01 février 2008) Méthode FAT (antigène du Lyssavirus) COFRAC (depuis le 01 octobre 2012) Méthode RTCIT (Lyssavirus) COFRAC (depuis le 01 octobre 2012) 17. Does your laboratory maintain a “biorisk management system” for the pathogen and the disease concerned? No (See Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals 2012, Chapter 1.1.3 or Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals 2012, Chapter 1.1.1) ToR: To organise and participate in scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE 18. Did your laboratory organise scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE? No 19. Did your laboratory participate in scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE? No ToR: To establish and maintain a network with other OIE Reference Laboratories designated for the same pathogen or disease and organise regular inter-laboratory proficiency testing to ensure comparability of results 20. Did your laboratory exchange information with other OIE Reference Laboratories designated for the same pathogen or disease? Yes 21. Was your laboratory involved in maintaining a network with OIE Reference Laboratories designated for the same pathogen or disease by organising or participating in proficiency tests? Yes OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 9 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france Purpose of the proficiency tests: 1 Sérologie rage chiens et chats 1 Role of your Reference Laboratory (organiser/ participant) Organisateur No. participants Participating OIE Ref. Labs/ organising OIE Ref. Lab. 65 Allemagne, Australie, Belgique, Brésil, Corée du Sud, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Etats-Unis, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Israël, Italie, Japon, Lettonie, Lituanie, Macédoine, Mexique, Pays-Bas, Pérou, Pologne, Portugal, République Slovaque, République Tchèque, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Russie, Serbie-Monténégro, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse, Turquie, Ukraine validation of a diagnostic protocol: specify the test; quality control of vaccines: specify the vaccine type, etc. 22. Did your laboratory collaborate with other OIE Reference Laboratories for the same disease on scientific research projects for the diagnosis or control of the pathogen of interest? Yes Title of the project or contract Scope Name(s) of relevant OIE Reference Laboratories Evaluation des performances d'anticorps monoclonaux pour la réalisation d'une nouvelle méthode de diagnostic (DRIT) Développer une méthode de diagnostic alternative au FAT Laboratoires de Référence de l'OIE pour la rage : - d'Afrique du Sud d'Allemagne - du Canada - de France - du Royaume Uni Test interlaboratoire poru la détermination d'un sérum antirabique canin de référence Proposer à l'OIE la reconnaissance du sérum canin comme sérum de référence international OIE Laboratoires de Référence de l'OIE pour la rage : - d'Afrique du Sud d'Allemagne - des Etats-Unis - de France - du Royaume Uni ToR: To organise inter-laboratory proficiency testing with laboratories other than OIE Reference Laboratories for the same pathogens and diseases to ensure equivalence of results 23. Did your laboratory organise or participate in inter-laboratory proficiency tests with laboratories other than OIE Reference Laboratories for the same disease? Yes Note: See Interlaboratory test comparisons in: Laboratory Proficiency Testing at: http://www.oie.int/en/our-scientific-expertise/reference-laboratories/proficiency-testing see point 1.3 10 OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 Rabies - Florence Cliquet - france Purpose for inter-laboratory test comparisons1 Diagnostic de la rage par le test d’immunofluorescence (test référencé par l’OIE) Organisateur et participant Diagnostic de rage par la technique d’isolement viral sur culture cellulaire (test référencé par l’OIE) Organisateur et participant PCR conventionnelle Organisateur et participant PCR temps réel Organisateur et participant No. participating laboratories Region(s) of participating OIE Member Countries 43 Africa Americas Asia and Pacific Europe Middle East 25 Africa Americas Asia and Pacific Europe Middle East 27 Africa Americas Asia and Pacific Europe Middle East 23 Africa Americas Asia and Pacific Europe Middle East ToR: To place expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE 24. Did your laboratory place expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE? Yes Kind of consultancy Location Commentaires sur le chapitre rage du code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres 2013 Nancy Commentaire pour la révision du chapitre rage du manuel des tests de diagnostic et vaccins pour les animaux terrestres 2013 Nancy Subject (facultative) 25. Additional comments regarding your report: Question 1 Les lignes dans le tableau "RT-PCR temps réel" et "Titrage de virus rabique" font partie des Tests de diagnostic direct, et non des Tests de diagnostic indirect (le tableau ne permet pas d'ajouter des lignes). OIE Reference Laboratory Reports Activities, 2013 11
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