St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral 3256 Warren Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Phone: (216) 941-5550, Fax: (216) 941-3068 E-mail: [email protected] - V. Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Ionel Satnoianu, Assistant Priest Rev. Fr. Florin Bica, Attached; Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe The Good Shepherd Newsletter VOLUME XXI February 2015 IN THE FOOTSEPS OF ZACCHAEUS PE URMELE LUI ZAHEU This year, Easter will be on April 12 and Great Lent begins on February 23. The transition from the joy and abundance of the feasts of incarnation of Christ to the somber and chalenging simplicity of Great Lent requires an enlightened faith and concrete steps of personal preparation for it. În anul acesta, Paştile vor fi în 12 aprilie, iar Postul Mare va începe în 23 Februarie. Trecerea de la bucuria şi abundenţa sărbătorilor întrupării lui Hristos la sobra şi provocatoarea simplitate a Postului Păresimilor cere o credinşă luminată şi paşi concreţi de pregătire personală. Cred că nu mai este nevoie să menţionez că schimbarea meniului este deja de mult necesară în primul rând pentru sănătatea noastră trupească. Pentru orice ucenic serios al lui Hristos, actul postirii este mai mult decât doar o dietă este mai degrabă un act de credinţă şi de redirecţionare spirituală. Este calea pocăinţei, iar aceasta trebuie înţeleasă ca terapie duhovnicească a întregii noastre fiinţe: trup, minte şi suflet. Dacă vrei să înveţi valsul, trebuie mai întâi să înveţi paşii: 1-2-3, nu-i aşa? Paşii care duc spre intrarea în postul mare, înţeles ca o cărare ce duce spre Înviere, sunt desigur dumincile de dinainte de Post, din perioada Triodului. Aceste sunt: Duminica Vamesului si Fariseului (8 feb.), a Fiului Risipitor (15 feb.) si a Judecatii din Urma sau a Iertării (22 feb.). Ritmul liturgic al Bisericii ne călăuzeşte paşii. Ca şi Zaheu din Evanghelie, fiecare dintre noi caută să-l cunoască pe Iisus. Dumnezeu, care înţelege dorinţa ta ca pe un pas înspre El, vine în casa şi inima ta, întocmai cum a făcut şi cu acest vameş. Iisus este atras să rămână la el pentru că pocăinţa i-a fost autentică, auto-dăruirea hotărâtă şi sinceră. Deşi a oferit o masă, Zaheu a pus capăt modului său de viaţă vechi şi a hotărât să lase comfortul, deoarece dorea să fie şi el sărăc cu duhul, adică să smerească în Hristos, bogăţia supremă a omului. Aşadar, acum, când semnalul tranziţiei de la praznice la post a fost tras, suntem şi noi chemaţi să decidem ce vom face. Lua-vom calea postului, simplificându-ne plenar viaţa (minte, suflet şi trup)? Sau, vom opta oare pentru comfortul traiului „bun”? Să învăţăm din pilda lui Zaheu! Pr. Remus Grama Nedless to say, a change in our menu is long due for our own physical health. For a serious disciple of Christ, fasting is much more than diet; it is an act of faith and spriritual re-direction. It is the way of repentance and repentance is to be understood as a therapy of the entire being, mind, soul and body. For this reason anyone who wishes to embark unto it has to first learn the ropes. No one could dance walls without first learning the 1-2-3 steps, right? The steps of our entering Great Lent, as a spiritual means which leades to Pascha, are the pre-lenten Sundays that mark the begining of the Triodion. These are: the Publican and Pharisee (Feb.8 ), the Prodigal Son (Feb. 15) and the Farewell to Meat or Forgiveness Sunday (Feb. 22). The liturgical rythm of the Church guides our foot steps. Like the little Zacchaeus, each one of us desires to see Jesus. And because God takes our desire as a first step toward Him, He comes into our house and heart, as he did with this tax-collector. Jesus was drawn to stay with Him because his repentance was genuine and his committment was bold and sincere. Zacchaeus put an end to his former way of life and accepted to deprive himself of his comfort, because he longed for being poor in spirit. This translates by following the humility of Christ, which is our supreme richness. So, now, when the signal for transition from feasting to fasting is given, you are called to chose and decide. Will you take the way of the fasting, simplifying your life from the mind, heart and body forth? Or, will you opt for the comfortable „status quo” of indulging and neglecting your true self. May Zacchaeus be your guide! Fr. Remus Grama Children’s Choir Rehearsal Please, bring your child to learn to sing the responses to the Divine Liturgy! We will meet every Saturday, at 3:30 pm in the Church School, starting on February 7. The parents and children are very enthused about this project and we hope you will ALL come! The goal is that by spring, our children will be able to give the responses to the Sunday Liturgy. Catechism Classes During the children’ s rehearsal, the parents will have Catechism lessons taught by our clergy. This will be followed by discussions. Let us turn this into a fun and self-enhancing spiritual opportunity. The Winter Saints’ Dinner A large crowd stayed for our annual winter dinner. We would like to thank the ladies who worked in the kitchen and prepared this outstanding meal! Thank you to those who served at the tables and cleaned after. Many thanks to our generous Sponsors! Thank you all for your support! Fish Fry Begins February 20! Saint Mary’s Fish Fry is well known to clevelanders and they come by the herd. On February 20, we resume this project again. This involves a lot of work, many volunteers and a lot of organizing. In order to maintain this fund-raising at the expected standard, we invite you to come and help. We need some volunteers on Thursday for cleaning the fish and set the tables. All Friday volunteers are asked to come as early as possible. We hope all our AROY will be here to assist us with their energy and youthful smiles! For any questions, please, call our office. EPISCOPATE CLERGY CONFERENCE On february 3-6, our Priests will attend the Clergy Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. This is a mandatory continuing education requirement. Except for a few hours, when volunteers will pick up calls, our office will be closed. If you have an emergency, please leave a message on the emergency mailbox and we will contact you. The Rev. Father Florin Bica will respond to urgent pastoral needs in our absence. GREAT LENTS BEGINS ON FEB 23 Great Lent will begin Monday February 23rd. It is time to come back to the Lord and re-enter the communion of His saints. This is the only means to escape life's pressures and renew our own being, denying ourselves, taking the Cross daily and offering ourselves to the Lord. I invite all our members to come and experience the joy of our liturgical life. Every Liturgy is a glimpse of Paradise at hand. Besides our Sunday services, during Great Lent we will have evening Pre-sanctified Liturgy, lecture and Supper. Confessions will be herd on Saturday evenings, right after Vespers. We are all called to repent and bare fruits for the Gospel. Let’s start afresh! Read the Bible daily. Be altruistic and concerned with the needs of others. Come; receive the most holy and precious Body and Blood of Christ, our only source and means of reconciliation and life eternal. In Christ's Kingdom, our only escape from meaninglessness, we have an everlasting home and a bright and meaningful future in His Kingdom, in the company of those who love Him, forever. Come and rejoice in the Lord! See you in church! PRAYING IS NOT ENOUGH AN ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP IN THE BODY OF CHRIST REQUIRES A LIFE OF PRAYER AND A LIFE OF ACTION. PRAYING IS NOT ENOUGH! ENROLL YOURSELF AS A CHURCH MEMEBER AND LET’S DO HIS WORK TOGETHER! ARE YOU A MEMBER? YES, CHANGE IS POSSIBLE! A FEW YEARS AGO, The Winter Saints Dinner went down. Now, we changed it! A FEW YEARS AGO our Church School attendance was low, and we changed it! YES, WE CAN CHANGE! LET’S MAKE SAINT MARY VIBRANT AGAIN: PLEASE, COME TO CHURCH ON TIME. The bells announce the begining of the Liturgy at 9:30 AM! We should be in church 5 minutes earlier! FATHER, WHERE SHOULD I SIT, WHEN I COME TO CHURCH? A faithful asked: Where is it proper to sit when I come to church? First, it should be known that in our church we do not have pre-assigned pews. Even though some churches auction the seats, we do not. So, our rule is: first come, first served! For our members it should be a matter of hospitality not to give a cold shoulder if someone sits in your most prefered pew. By contrary, we should respect and welcome one another and visitors who may not know where you usually sit. It would also be desirable that those who come first should fill the first pews. This way, those who come late will not disturb us while we pray. Let us be amaiable and loving to all those sho set foot in church. The experience of church should be the peace and joy of the Kingdom of God, right? NO TALKING IN CHURCH, PLEASE! When we attend the Divine Liturgy, we may sing along, but Do Not Talk! When you do so, you create disturbance around you. It is a grave sin to bring the worldly worries and break the peace of the church. Please respect the House of the Lord! Thank you! Holy Matrimony Congratulations to Brian William Boose & Sinziana Seicean on their Holy Matrimony in our church, Sunday, January 11, 2015.Nasii: Radu & Mihaela Mecea. May God bless their marriage! Congratulations to Stefan Felix Predescu & Oana Adriana Huluta on their Holy Matrimony in our church, Thursday, January 1, 2015. Nasii: Dorel & Argentina Bancos. May God bless their marriage! Newly Baptized Congratulations to: -Gabriel & Gabriela Bejan on the baptism of their daughter Joanna Isabela on January 18, 2015. Nasii: Ion & Amalia Sipoteanu. La multi ani! -Nathan & Christine Samsa on the baptism of their daughter Noel Caitlynon January 24, 2015. Nasii: Ps-a Mary Ellen Rosco, Thomas Rosco. La multi ani! SÂMBETELE MORȚILOR THE MEMORIAL SATURDAYS PLEASE, USE DONATION ENEVELOPES Regardless that you offer your donations in cash or checks, please use the donation enevelopes. This helps our trustees record or trace your donation easier. CANDLE DONATIONS When you lite your candles, if there is no trustee present, please insert your donation in the donation box. Do not leave money unattended! WINTER REMINDER During the cold season, once you come in the church, please make sure the door is closed behind you. This helps us keep the church warm and confortable. When leaving church buildings, if you are the last, please turn lights off and possibly make sure someone will lock the door. Thank you for assuming the church! 14 februarie – Moșii de iarnă 10 am Parastas de obște (General Parastas) 28 februarie - Sf. Teodor Tiron 9 am Sf. Liturghie și Parastas (Div. Liturgy & General Memorial Service) 4 aprilie - Sf. Lazăr 9 am Sf. Liturghie și Parastas (Div. Liturgy & General Memorial Service) GREAT LENT SERVICES REGULAR LENTEN SERVICES: SLUJBELE DIN POSTUL MARE (except the first week and the 5th week): Every Wednesday FORGIVENESS SUNDAY: February 22nd The last Sunday before Lent begins is called the Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, after the Divine Liturgy we should ask forgiveness from one another in order to enter the spiritual journey of fasting in peace. FIRST WEEK OF GREAT LENT In the first four evenings of the Great Lent we will recite the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete from 6 PM. On Wednesday evening of this first week of lent (Feb. 25), after the service there will be a presentation and discussions in the Cultural Hall. No meal will be served. THE PRE-SANCTIFIED LITURGY Our series of Pre-Sanctified Liturgies will begin on the second Wednesday of Great Lent. Strict fast (from noon to the time of Liturgy!) is required from those who plan to partake. The services are followed by a Lenten supper, lecture and discussions. WEDNESDAY LECTURES: Temele cuvintelor de învățătură de miercurea Every Wednesday of the Great Lent, following the Presanctified Liturgy, we will have a light Lenten meal and the following lectures: February 25: Orthodox Christian Fasting -Postul Crestin Ortodox (no meal) March 4: Repentance- Pocainta March 11: The Eucharist - Euharistia March 18: The Orthodox Christian Family - Familia Crestina Ortodoxa April 1: The Church, the Body of Christ Biserica - Trupul Lui Hristos We need volunteers to prepare the meals for these days. If interested, please, call our office. 6 P.M. Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, Supper & Lecture in the Cultural Hall Friday: 6 P.M. Great Compline 7 P.M. Confessions Saturday: 5 P.M. Great Vespers Followed by Confessions Sunday: 8:30 A.M. Matins 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great SLUJBELE DIN POSTUL MARE: În fiecare Miercuri (Exceptând prima şi a 5-a săptămână) 6 PM Liturghia Darurilor mai înainte Sfinţite, agapă de post şi prezentare în Sala Culturală. Vineri: 6 PM Pavecernita Mare 7 PM Spovedanii Sâmbătă: 5 PM Vecernia urmată de spovedanii Duminică: 8:30 AM Utrenia sau Rugăciunea de dimineaţă 9:30 AM Dumnezeiasca Liturghie a Sf. Vasile cel Mare. NO PARTIES DURING GREAT LENT The teachings and the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church urge us to get spiritually renewed during Great Lent. Individual faithful and parish organizations are asked to avoid organizing parties and secular celebrations of any kind during this sacred time. Să nu organizăm petreceri în post! Din învăţăturile Sfantei Tradiţii a Bisericii Ortodoxe înţelegem că timpul acesta al Postului Mare, este un timp pe care trebuie să-l folosim pentru curăţirea noastră spirituală şi pentru o schimbare decisivă a vieţii noastre. De aceea se cere fiecărui credincios în parte şi organizaţiilor parohiale să nu organizeze nici o petrecere sau alte sărbătoriri pe perioada postului. ORTHODOX NEWS OBERLIN HOLY PASCHA 2015 OCF presents Dr. Eugenia Constantinou. Friday February 13, 2015 at Oberlin College, Wilder Hall 101 7:00pm. The topic of the presentation is “DOUBTING ONE’S FAITH”. The cost is FREE. Then on Saturday February 14th at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (2000 Tower Blvd.) in Lorain, Dr Constantinou will give a presentation on The Book of Revelation beginning with lunch at 11:30. Schedule for Saturday: 11:30 am - Lunch 12:30 pm - The Book of Revelation, Part 1 1:30 pm - Break with refreshments 2:30 pm - The Book of Revelation, Part 2 *** Please RSVP for Saturday’s Luncheon. Call St. Nicholas Church (440) 960 - 2992 or email [email protected]. Cost is $5 before Feb 2, and $8 after. Dr. Constantinou holds several degrees in Religious Studies in Holy Scriptures. She is the author of several books, and a contributor SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY March 1, 2015 -- Pan-Orthodox Vespers, Holy Trinity Church, Parma. Six Pairs of Wooden Dolls 0On behalf of our church we would like to thank University Professor Conf. Dr. Manuela Macarie of the University of Iasi for the donation of six pairs of wooden dolls representing the folk costumes of six ethnographic zones of Romania: Schei Brasov, Rasnov, Maramures, Bucovina (Suceava), Prahova and Lugoj. The items belonged to her grandfather, Sociologist Eugen D. Nicolau, a former professor at Veniamin Costache Seminary. He was also the author of several books in sociology and ethnology. The costumes of these dolls were painted in 1930. Multumiri! SPECIAL CHURCH NEEDS: Item Needed Cost $ Holy Thursday (12 Gospel Candles) 12 120 All Flowers on the Cross 3 arrangements 150 All (Holy Thursday) Altar Candles 45 all Paschal Flowers (pots) 18 ea Paschal Day Candles (clergy) 3 70 ea Liturgical Wine 6 cases 98 ea Incense 10 boxes 40 ea Charcoal (altar) 5 boxes 40 ea Accessories for distribution of Pasti 200 (all) (Vessels, Cloth, etc) Bread & Wine 500 (for the blessed bread & wine called Pasti) PASCHAL RECEPTIONS NEEDS Cozonac, wine and boiled eggs for Paschal Reception - Any $______ donation accepted (midnight & morning) Children’s treats approx. 250 Paper Products, cups and spoons 100 all OUR PARISH DIRECTORY The new parish directory (booklet format) is now available. Members are entitled to receive one free copy. This may be received from the epitropi or from the parish office. CARTEA DE TELEFON A MEMBRILOR Noua carte de telefon a membrilor bisericii (in format de buzunar) este disponibila. Membrii bisericii vor primi gratuit un exemplar. Acesta poate fi ridicat de la epitropi sau din biroul parohiei. MY GIFT FOR THE HOLY PASCHA DARUL MEU DE SFINTELE PAȘTI At this time of Holy Pascha, În acesta perioadă, când ne when we remember the price that aducem aminte de preţul plătit de our Lord has paid for each of us Domnul pe Cruce pentru fiecare on the Cross; let us show our dintre noi, să ne arătăm şi noi love for Him, by supporting His dragostea pentru El, sprijinind Holy Church. You may send your gift of Sfânta Sa Biserică. Vă rugăm să trimiteţi love for one or more of the following: darul dragostei pentru una sau mai multe dintre urmatoarele: Name__________________________ Numele_________________________ Enclosed, please find my donation to Alaturat, trimit expresia dragostei mele Saint Mary Cathedral: pentru Catedrala Sfanta Maria: Pascha Donation….....................$________ Donaţia de Paşti…………………....$________ Parish Dues …….……………….…..$_________ Membria…......................................$________ Charity…………………………………..$_________ Caritate ……………………………..…..$________ Altar Needs……….………………...$_________ Altar ……………………………….………..$_______ Other …………………………………… $_________ Altele……………………............... …… $________ Thank You for your kind expression of Vă mulţumim pentru expresia credinţei şi a love and faith! May God repay you and your family with His heavenly gifts! Please clip this coupon and bring it personally to the church or mail it, along with your donation to St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, 3256 Warren Road, Cleveland, OH 44111. dragostei dvs. ! Dumnezeu să vă răsplătească cu darurile Sale cele cereşti! Vă rugăm să tăiaţi acest cupon şi să-l aduceti personal sau sa-l trimiteţi alături de donatia Dvs. pe adresa: St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, 3256 Warren Road, Cleveland, OH 44111. AVEM NEVOIE DE VOLUNTARI LA SALA SOCIALA PENTRU SERILE DE PESTE PRAJIT PAROHIA NOASTRA VA SERVI PESTE PRAJIT IN FIECARE VINERI INCEPAND CU DATA DE 20 FEBRUARIE, TIMP DE 7 SAPTAMANI (20 februarie – 3 aprilie) WANTED! FISH FRY WORKERS THE CHURCH WILL BE HOSTING ITS ANNUAL FISH FRY EVENTS FOR 7 WEEKS (Feb. 20- Apr. 3) STARTING ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Volunteers Are Needed On: Avem mare nevoie de voluntari: Thursdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm for Fish Cleaning, Set-up, Baking, Sauce Making & Cabbage & Noodles - Joia intre 10 am – 3:00 pm pentru curatarea pestelui, aranjarea meselor, gatitul pestelui si pregatirea sosurilor si a garniturii. - Fridays from 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm for Fryer Cooks -Vinerea intre 3:30 pm - 8 pm pentru prajitul pestelui -Vinerea intre 4:30 pm - 8 pm avem nevoie de voluntari pentru primirea oaspetilor, servirea mancarii, serivirea cafelei, supravegherea parcarii, vanzarea biletelor si servirea bauturilor la bar -Vinerea intre 8 pm - 10 pm pentru curatenie. DACA DORITI SA AJUTATI, VA RUGAM SA SUNATI LA BIROUL PAROHIAL LA 216-941-5550 Fridays from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm for Hosts or Hostesses, Waiters or Waitresses, Coffee Servers, Bread Servers, Kitchen Servers, Parking Lot, Dessert Table, Ticket Sellers, Bartenders Fridays from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm for Dining Room Clean-up IF YOU CAN HELP FOR ANY OF THESE ASSIGNMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT: THE CHURCH OFFICE at 216-941-5550 OR E-MAIL at [email protected] SAU TRIMITETI UN E-MAIL LA [email protected] AVEM NEVOIE DE CEL PUTIN 40 DE PERSOANE IN FIECARE SAPTAMANA AT LEAST 40 PEOPLE ARE NEEDED FOR EACH WEEK, SO PLEASE SIGN-UP AS AN INDIVIDUAL OR AS A FAMILY. Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church 3256 Warren Road Cleveland, OH 44111 CURRENT OCCUPANT OR Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Cleveland, Ohio Permit No. 1077
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