Critograph 1.28.14 Four Part Exhibit Unveiled John Fox Online Editor The Daura Gallery unveils four exhibits titled “Anonymous Women: Draped,” “Power & Identity: African Art from the Collection,” “Ethiopian Orthodox Art” and “Rockwell Kent: The Art of the Bookplate,” at 4p.m., Thursday, Jan. 29, at the Dillard Fine Arts Center, with opening remarks by photographer Patty Carroll. The inspiration for Carroll’s exhibit comes in part from her time living abroad in England. Instead of being identified as an artist, she was identified by her domestic status, Mrs. Jones: her husband’s last name. “When you get put into a more traditional society, people know you via the world of your husband or who you are in relation to someone else, suddenly life changes a lot and then you start thinking about who you really are and how the home is both a place of safety and a place of claustrophobia,” Carroll said. She said the photographs are a mockery of how woman can over-identify with the home and focus on making the home more beautiful and obsess with the décor. Carroll explained that men take care of the outside of the house and women take care of the inside of the house, with her and her husband as an example. Men are responsible for the snow shoveling and mowing the grass. Further, she said that men tend to grill out and women tend to use the stove, and that is their identification with the home. “In the pictures, the woman becomes part of that experience and camouflaged by the drapery as a symbol for the home,” Carroll said. “She becomes so much a part of it, that you lose her.” Dr. Barbara Rothermel, director of the Daura Gallery and assistant professor of museum studies raised some self-actualization questions about Carroll’s exhibit. “What is our identity? How do we present ourselves publicly? We consider that everyone wears a mask and we present what we want to present to people. By draping women in the accouterments and fabrics of their daily lives, we are getting another perception of how woman work and live within society,” she said. In the second exhibit, most of the “Power & Identity” artifacts are dark brown wood figurines in distinct poses such as a woman carrying a basket overtop her head with her children chiseled into the sides, or a male figurehead covered in nails and rope. Senior English major Jared Bloomquist explained that the nails in the male figurehead represented a promise to pay, or an exchange of a deed. Each family would have something similar. Junior Electronic Media major Jaret Hussamy said the figurines showed a sense of their culture and the time necessary to sculpt them. Rothermel said that the “Power & Identity” exhibit features fetish figures, masks, ceremonial and funerary objects. “These works were utilitarian in nature. They were meant to be used and support the social group, hold them together and reflect their belief systems,” Rothermel said. The Ethiopian Orthodoxy exhibit offers an array of devotional pieces that show the historical spread of Christianity into the African continent. According to the Daura Gallery webpage and Rothermel, Christianity was affluent in the east African kingdom of Ethiopia by the fourth century CE. Believers and monks opened monasteries that dispersed devotional materials such as illuminated manuscripts, crosses and icons that are recognized by their large almond-shaped eyes. The Ethiopian Orthodox style was two-dimensional compared with the Renaissance era three-dimensional appearance. Rothermel said the Ethiopian style has a rich heri- Photo by John Fox. A photograph by Patty Carrol displayed in the exhibit, “Anonymous Women: Draped,” in the Daura Gallery. tage and is very distinctive. The style has very heavy outlines and uses vivid colors. Icons were painted in churches or on blocks of wood that would then be presented to the church. Crosses were adorned with symbols of the Virgin Mary, which were of importance to the region. “St. George is the patron saint of Ethiopia, but also he was believed to be the intermediary between The Student Voice Of Lynchburg COllege the Virgin Mary and the people, so he would carry her messages,” Rothermel said. Hussamy said the crosses with pictures of Jesus in vibrant colors on them were interesting to look at. “It shows some of the religious art they were doing back then,” Hussamy said. The last of the four exhibits features bookplates by the mid-twentieth century painter and illustrator Continued on Page 5 Campus News 2 Upcoming Events Esther Olin Piano Recital: Dr. Cynthia Ramsey, Thursday, Jan. 29 7:30 p.m., Sydnor Performance Hall Fraternity and Sorority Recruitment Feb. 1-7 Organization Fair, Wednesday, February 4, 4-7 p.m., Memorial Ballroom Critograph The on Dell Wordthe “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” “To go mountain biking more.” Matthew Russo, senior “To not drink soda.” Morgan Fox, first- year 2014-2015 The Critograph is the official Lynchburg College student news and information source, published weekly during the fall and spring. All copy, photographs, and graphics are the sole property of The Critograph and may not be reproduced without the Letters to the editor must be received by 6 p.m. on Sundays. Submitted letters are limited to 250 words or less and must include name, address, and a current email address or phone number. Letters should be sent to [email protected]. If you have a correction or clarification, e-mail [email protected]. If you are interested in placing an advertisement in a print issue or online, please e-mail [email protected], ATTN. Heather Mazur. “Focus more on homework.” Amanda Wrightson, first- year Group activities or social events could put you in contact with a new, exciting person. You could feel a strong physical and romantic attraction, Aquarius. If you aren’t currently involved - and perhaps even if you are - this might be worth pursuing. The attraction is reciprocated. You will probably share interests and be able to talk for hours. Be cautious but confident. Go for it, but slowly. Courtesy of Courtesy of WEEKEND WEATHER Mariah Burgess, Editor in Chief Carrie VanBuskirk, Copy Desk Chief Andrew Props, Sports Editor Alexa Nash, Assistant Editor Hunter Tyson, Copy Editor John Fox, Online Editor Adam Rowlingson, Multimedia Editor Taylor Haney, Graphic Designer Heather Mazure, Advertising Manager Caleb Bodden, Circulation Manager Amanda George, Photographer Professor Rule, Faculty Advisor Communication Studies Jan. 20-Feb. 18 “Not procrastinate as much.” Mary Dionne, senior To see our latest issue and archives visit The Critograph 1501 Lakeside Drive Lynchburg College, Schewel Hall Newsroom 116 Lynchburg, Virginia 24501 434.544.8301 [email protected] HOROSCOPE Aquarius Go to for the 7-Day Weather Forecast. Security Blotter Tuesday, January 20 Vandalism, Montgomery Hall, Writing and Drawing on the wall. Friday, January 23 Alcohol Violation (underage possession), Montgomery Hall, Intoxicated Student w/ anxiety problems Saturday, January 24 Assault (Simple), Montgomery Hall, Student on student assault Sunday, January 25 Larceny (Petit<200), College Street, Lynchburg College trespassing sign missing. Security Blotter reprinted verbatim from online campus crime log. Campus News Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired Hunter Tyson Copy Editor 1. Stop Touching Your Face The H3N2 Flu is spread through infection of the mucosal membranes which are in your eyes and nose. Touching a doorknob or a communal computer keyboard and then touching your face exposes these membranes to any germs that you may have picked up. 2. Clean the Traffic Areas When cleaning your room, house or apartment, make sure to thoroughly clean spots that people are commonly touching. Areas like railways, refrigerator handles and table tops are some examples of areas that need extra attention to avoid spreading the flu. 3. Carry Hand Sanitizer College students touch communal items such as doorknobs, sinks and desks every day. Applying hand sanitizer prevents the flu virus from coming in contact with the mucosal membranes and it is more convenient than constantly washing your hands. 4. Don’t Count the Flu Shot Out Healthcare providers still recommend getting a flu shot to stay healthy. Even if it might not be as effective at preventing the H3N2 Flu virus, it can prevent you from getting other types of the flu. 5. Don’t Forget the Basics The little things can make a big difference in preventing the flu. Eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, stay hydrated and get plenty of exercise. Tips Courtesy of Treva W. Tyson M.D. of Wake Internal Medicine Consultants Inc. Alexa Nash Assistant Editor Cases of the flu virus peak in December through February, meaning that those who have gotten the vaccine are more protected than those who did not. The vaccine chosen for this year’s strain, primarily influenza A strain H3N2 according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is effective on about half of the viruses present. Influenza strain H3N2 has “drifted” this year, meaning that it has undergone “small, antigenic or genetic changes,” the CDC said. According to reports, 70 percent of the H3N3 virus has undergone a change. This type of drift is major, abrupt and typical of influenza A. The vaccine produced for this season matches the original H3N2 strain, but does not protect those who have contracted the drifted strain. According to the CDC, this is how patients this season are able to get the flu twice, despite being vaccinated. 3 The vaccine protects half of the H3N2, H1N1 and B strain flu types, the CDC reported. A study published in “Morbidity & Mortality Weekly” showed that the vaccine decreased a person’s risk of contracting the flu by 23 percent, much lower than previous percentages of 30 to 75 percent. The same study concluded how effective the vaccine is on certain age groups. It is 26 percent effective for those six months to 17 years of age, 12 percent effective for those 18 to 49 years of age and 14 percent effective for those 50 and older. The CDC and other health care facilities are pushing the use of flu antiviral medication. Tamiflu, which contains the antiviral compound osteltamivir phosphate, is prescribed by a doctor and taken to reduce the number of days a patient is ill with the virus. Zanamivir and peramivir (for those 18 years and older) are other antiviral medication ingredients supported by the CDC for treatment. The CDC warns that the prescriptions may be more difficult to fill because of the rise in demand; however, the drug companies assured that they will have a constant supply available. Healthcare providers still push patients to get the vaccine since it does protect them from some strains of the virus. Those younger than six months and older than 65 are still at the highest risk of hospitalization, so further precautions such as getting the vaccine twice per season, are encouraged. Viruses and other illness spread quickly on college campuses because of close proximity to others. Practicing good hygiene and avoiding contact with others when ill is the best prevention of the spread of the flu viruses. Campus News 4 Winter Abroad Carrie VanBuskirk Copy Desk Chief Two study abroad trips were offered over the recent Winter Break. One was the annual trip to Rome and the other was a trip to Sicily, Italy and Greece, which was offered to students for the first time. The trip to Rome gave students the opportunity to study photography and art history. “The class aspect was a lot of fun, and it was really interesting,” said junior Shannon Clow. Clow enjoyed the chance to study the history of the different sites visited, while learning how to work a camera at the same time. The entire trip took place in Rome and lasted for two weeks. Throughout the time in the city, the students studied architecture, food and art. Different field trips also took place allowing the students to see many different sites, one of which was the Villa d’Este. “The highlight of my trip was probably visiting Villa d’Este which is in Tivoli, Italy,” Clow said. “The location included naturally powered fountains, which were gorgeous and a great experience to see in person.” A second study abroad trip that some students experienced was to Greece and Southern Italy for three weeks. Greek and Roman literature were studied on this trip, mainly focusing on Greek mythology. Students shared that it was the best experience of their life and was life changing. Having the chance to study hands-on in a foreign city created an entirely new experience. “It was really neat to put into perspective everything we had talked about in class and see it in real life at museums, ancient ruins and other archaeological sites,” said senior Eme Gwynn. While abroad, the students met about two times a week to take quizzes and discuss the sites they had studied. “It was easy to learn from such a hands-on experience,” said junior Regina Schicke. Dr. David Lipani, profes- “Students are transformed by their time in a foreign country..,” -Dr. Lipani sor of English, led the trip to Sicily and Greece. He shared that the students’ lives had been impacted by the great experience. “Students are transformed by their time in a foreign country--among other things, they come home with a greater tolerance for difference and an appreciation of that difference,” Lipani said. After having many years of first-hand experience seeing the impact that studying abroad has on students, Dr. Lipani encourages that more students get involved. Photo courtesy of Shannon Clow..A photograph taken of the naturally powered fountains at Villa d’Este, in Tivoli, Italy while students studied abroad in Rome this past winter Photo courtesy of Regina Schicke. 21 Lynchburg College students share their school pride in Taormina, while studying abroad on a trip to Southern Italy and Greece during Winter Break. Campus News In Case You Missed it: State of the Union Address On Tuesday, Jan. 20 President Obama spoke on the condition of the United States and his most recent and ongoing proposals for legislature. Below is an outline the President’s main points and the Republican Party response. President Obama: GOP Response: “The shadow of crisis has passed, and the Expand Keystone Pipeline and create more jobs State of the Union is strong.” -More people are insured than ever before Export more goods, “boost manufacturing” overseas Fix loopholes in tax filing to lower rates -Oil prices are low -Combat mission in Afghanistan is over “Confront terrorism and the threats posed by Al Qaeda, ISIL and those radicalized by them .” -Out of the recession Replace the Affordable Care Act Offer free community college Cut wasteful Spending Tax on investments and inheritances “...advance solutions to prevent the kind of cyber attacks we’ve seen recently …” Announced combat mission in Afghanistan is over “Sensible regulations” such as consumer watchdog protection and mandated health coverage Halt the expansion of Keystone Pipeline College cuts $10, $10 off all Color Open: Weds-fri: 9-6pm Sat 9-4pm Walk-ins welcome! Appointments available. 434-229-1166 3000 Old Forest Rd, Lynchburg, Va Photo by John Fox. A piece depicting a vibrant Christian scene is displayed in the Daura Gallery. Continued Daura Gallery Rockwell Kent. Bookplates were small pieces of paper that were placed on the inside cover of a book to personalize a person’s book or collection of books. Bloomquist worked on the Kent exhibit researching the significance, original location and inaugural year of each bookplate. “[Kent] would get a short biography of the person and design the bookplate based off of that,” Bloomquist said. Rothermel said the bookplates were a way that Kent made money early in his career. “They are wonderful imagery that reflects the importance of reading, importance of books, as well as Rockwell Kent as an artist,” Rothermel said. The Daura Gallery’s main message with these exhibits is to promote social relevance. “All of them are about supporting the various cultures, societal importance and the meaning of imagery, of artifact, of object. They all hold tremendous meaning for the people for whom they were originally intended,” Rothermel said. Bloomquist said that the four exhibits give a good direct comparison of different ideas of art in one room. The exhibits will be displayed until April and after commencement, the Daura Gallery will present a traveling Pierre Daura exhibit containing nation-wide museum pieces ranging from pictures, paintings and sculptures about family. 5 Week in Review Snapchat released an update on Tuesday, Jan. 27 that caught people’s attention. Users can no longer see who is “Best Friends” with who, which created some controversy. There is also a new property called “Discover,” which allows websites to share their own content with Snapchat users, creating a whole different form of media. New England experienced more than two and a half feet of snow Tuesday, Jan. 27 in a “historic” blizzard. New York City and Philadelphia got less than forecasters expected, while Auburn, Massachusetts reported 35 inches. Snow will continue to fall into Wednesday morning, with added snowfall expected to reach an extra eight to 20 ½ inches in some states. Tesla Motors introduced the dual-motor Model S in 2014. This model has an “Insane Mode” that will increase the acceleration from 0-60 in 3.2 seconds, the standard Model S which accelerates from 0-60 in 5.9 seconds. This 3.2 second acceleration is comparable to a Lamborghini or Ferrari. Despite regular exercise, spending eight to 12 hours sitter per day can significantly increase a person’s risk of premature death, according to a study found in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The chance of developing type 2 diabetes is 90 percent as a result of prolonged sedentary activity. To prevent this outcome, stand at a desk or take walk breaks to break up work. Information compiled from various sources. Opinion 6 Lynchburg College in History The Legacy of Miss Georgia Dr. Clifton W. Potter LC History Professor Let me welcome everyone back for the spring semester which will fly like the wind; graduation day will be here before we know it. I trust that everyone had a restful and pleasant winter break. On Friday Jan. 2, my wife and I attended a lecture at the Academy of Fine Arts sponsored by The Antiquarians, an organization devoted to the arts and local history. The subject of the program and the gallery opening that followed it were devoted to the life and work of Miss Georgia Morgan who was the second chair of the Lynchburg College Art Department. From 1915 until her retirement in 1945, Miss Georgia entertained and instructed generations of LC students. She had studied in Paris and the United States and she shared her experiences with those who were lucky enough to study with her in her studio on the third floor of Hopwood Hall above rooms 25 and 26. She was also an active member of the Lynchburg Art Club which still hosts a show in her memory every year. It features the works of local artists, a cause Miss Georgia championed until her death at the age of 82 in 1951. I have had the privilege of knowing some of her students who cherished fond memories of one of our most original professors. No sooner had Miss Georgia arrived on campus than she persuaded President Hundley to allow her to fashion a landscaping plan for the main campus. The dogwoods that she planted as saplings still grace the Circle with their beauty each spring. However, it was her studio that was her real legacy to LC and the wider community. Like the Pied Piper she led her students all over Central Virginia recording nature in every season. Her canvases are found in every important private and public collection in the Commonwealth as well “There were a number of very talented artists and decorators in our class, and they turned the gym into “Ice Palace.” galleries in the North East. A number of them are part of the college collection. She framed many of her paintings herself, and she loved to use gold and silver radiator paint to add a touch of elegance to the inexpensive wood with which she worked. The opening receptions which she hosted for the annual student show were legendary—especially the punch. The recipe and the bowl in which this special libation was served were of her invention. If it needed stirring or refreshing, she simply pulled out one of the paint brushes stuck in the bun on the back of her head and performed that duty. Thus there was always an oily sheen on the surface and a hint of turpentine in the taste. A true eccentric, she loved to dress her students in fancy costumes so she could photograph them as characters from history and literature. We did not have a college Marshal until 1953 when Dr. Sommerville became the first person to fill that post. If Dr. Hundley or Dr. Montgomery had chosen to create that office while Miss Georgia was a member of the faculty, she might well have assumed that responsibility because of her seniority, and what a Marshal she would have made! Photo courtesy of Lynchburg College Archives. Miss Georgia Morgan with Dr. Ruskin S. Freer on Campus Day in 1933. Nerd Factor Tick Tock Goes the Clock Dr. Mike Robinson LC Communication Studies Professor When I read that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists had recently pushed the Doomsday Clock ahead, I was startled. A Cold War creation, the clock was designed to be a symbol of how close we are to imminent destruction. If it reaches midnight, humans are done for. The clock was moved to 11:57 p.m. Upon reading that, I immediately wondered, “Did I miss some news? Are things that bad in the Ukraine?” When I read more about the decision, I got slightly frustrated. Apparently the scientists decided to include information about global warming. I’m not a denier. Humans are impacting the environment on the planet and much difficult consideration lies ahead for our species. However, adding climate information to the clock just confuses me. As a child of 1980s who read “Watchmen,” listened to songs like Nena’s “99 Luftballons” and watched “The Day After” miniseries on TV, I expect my clock to exclusively represent how close the nuclear missiles are to flying. For the sake of clarity, I would like to suggest the creation of some alternative clocks that work in similar ways but convey separate information. The Environment Clock: These atomic scientists have the right idea. We do need a powerful metaphor for how much we humans are messing up the planet. This clock will use the familiar motif of doom at midnight. However, it should have a more natural feel to suggest the nature of the subject-perhaps a water clock or sundial (which admittedly doesn’t work at midnight, but we could shift it to noon for this cool visual). The Millennial Isolation Clock: This clock represents the degree to which adults have become completely frustrated with obsessive uses of social media and the internet. As the time ticks closer and closer to midnight, millennials can act for their own safety by closing the screen or putting down the tablet. This clock will appear as a digital readout and will, of course, be available as an app for easy download onto cellphones and other portable electronic devices. The Kardashian Clock: This clock warns us how close the world is to being overwhelmed by reality celebrities who do nothing. It is currently set to 11:59:59.99. The Comic Book Hype Engine Clock: If you know DC and Marvel Comics, then you know that both of these universes face a never ending series of crises that threaten to destroy entire universes full of the characters you know and love. In fact, Marvel just announced their Marvel Universe will end this May. Don’t worry, it will recover. Universes always do. This clock will function basically the same way as the Doomsday Clock, only it is currently set to five minutes after midnight. The Class Genesis Clock: This clock is designed to help students realize that their world is about to end and class is about to start. This information will guide students to making important decisions such as whether there is enough time to buy that bagel or coffee before class. The symbolic quality of the clock is a little trickier to read, requiring an awareness of hours every weekday and additional knowledge of half-hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Still, the clock is conveniently available practically everywhere on campus. Opinion Sports Junkie Deflating the Super Bowl Andrew Props Sports Editor Despite everything that has been going on regarding “deflategate” there is going to be a football game played this weekend. Ever since the New England Patriots have been caught up in their newest scandal, Super Bowl XLIX has seemed to have been overlooked. Even with this scandal I am still looking forward to the Super Bowl. “Deflategate,” as its being called, is the allegation that the Patriots played some role in the footballs being deflated in the American Football Conference (AFC) Championship game against Andrew Luck and the Indianapolis Colts. At this point, I don’t really care about the footballs being deflated anymore. If it was a close game, then it would be fine to make a big deal about it. But, the final score was 45-7 in favor of the Patriots. Such a large margin of victory shows the Patriots were a better team than the Colts . Even if the footballs were underinflated, Patriots running back LeGarrette Blount rushed for three touchdowns against the Colts. If Tom Brady had thrown for 600 yards and six touchdowns, then we could speculate more about the deflation. But, Blount rushed for nearly 150 yards and three scores. With a dominant performance like this, again, it just shows that the Patriots were the better team. The Patriots will more than likely face a fine and potentially lose some draft picks, but in the grand scheme of things, this really isn’t a punishment. It has been released that a member of the locker room staff is being investigated by the National Football League (NFL) because he had something to do with the deflation of the footballs . Whether or not this is ‘true’ that employee (or soon to be former employee) will be receiving a major payout from the New England organization. I highly doubt that some low-level employee was the mastermind behind the Patriots most recent scandal. But, this will be how the Patriots organization tries to spin it to avoid as much trouble as possible. Enough about the whole deflategate scandal; let’s actually talk about the game. The Seattle Seahawks are the first defending Super Bowl Champions to make it back to the Super Bowl in a decade. Their improbable comeback in the National Football Conference (NFC) Championship game against the Green Bay Packers is the largest comeback in conference championship game history, according to the Associated Press. The defining moment of the NFC Championship game was the botched onside kick by the Packers with 2:09 remaining in the fourth quarter. The Seahawks ended up winning 28-22 in overtime. If that onside kick isn’t botched the Packers are in the Super Bowl instead of the Seahawks . As of Jan. 26 the line on the Super Bowl is New England -1 and the over/ under is 47.5 according to Bleacher Report . Since the matchup was set over a week ago the lines have not changed too much, they started low and have continued to stay that way. For this week’s complete Sports Junkie, visit Science According to Izzy Critters on Campus: Best Practices Izzy Zaru-Roque Staff Blogger “If a pet is your wish, make it a fish!” Students at Lynchburg College are familiar with this quote as it is posted on various walls in the residential halls and repeated by the Resident Assistants (RA) at the beginning of each semester. Students at LC and many people across the world violate housing codes and laws in order to keep pets that may not necessarily be allowed. Violating these codes is not in the best interest of the animal. Let’s face it, college students often forget to feed themselves, are they really capable of taking care of a small animal too? Let us put this on a larger scale. In Madagascar it is illegal under international law to own a lemur as a pet. However, according to a study led by Kim Reuter at Temple University, over 28,000 lemurs are kept in captivity. Over 91 percent of the lemur species is considered at risk of going extinct due to issues such as habitat loss, rising poverty in the country and the bush meat trade. When these few lemurs left are purchased on the black market and kept in captivity they easily become victim to poor living conditions and Girl Code 7 Dressing for Weather Aleshia Washington Staff Blogger Oh, the weather outside is frightful… so put a jacket on. It’s clearly winter time and it’s frigid outside. Winter is the season where everybody gets sick, so to prevent yourself from coughing up your lungs and sneezing your brains out, cover up. I know most girls do not want to put away their pretty dresses and maxi skirts, but honey, you’re going to get sick. You can look cute with warm clothes on, I promise. If you’re going to wear a dress at least put on stockings, a jacket, boots and a scarf. There are plenty of cute clothes that you can cover up with. Honestly, when it starts getting below 50 degrees, I’m wearing sweatpants. The cold makes me super lazy, and I just do not have the energy to put on adorable clothes that I would wear the rest of the seasons. I’m not saying I always wear sweatpants, but plenty of girls can agree that they have malnutrition. Now, I realize a hamster or kitten stuck into a dorm room is not a wild lemur, but the same logic applies. Most college students must live within a restricted budget, which means they don’t have the extra spending money to get their illegal pet the food they need. Many animals also need various levels of space in order to be healthy and happy. A college student with a single dorm room would not be able to properly provide the space the animals need to stay active and healthy. Lastly, a college student’s life is con- their lazy days, and it’s mostly during the winter. When it’s time to go out on the weekends, try to cover up. I admit, parties can be a scorcher, and there is no point of wearing a big jacket when you’re just going inside a hot room. But, when you step outside of that sweaty party all of the cold air will hit you. I can agree that it is a hassle carrying a jacket around in the party when you’re trying to cut a rug. Just find a safe place to put your jacket, and then you’re all set. If you do not get as cold as everybody else, then do you; no judgment here. For the rest of the ladies that get cold easily, please stop trying to be cute by showing off your body. Who are you trying to impress? It’s not going to be cute when you are lying in bed with a stuffy nose and a terrible cough. For this week’s complete Girl Code, visit stantly fluctuating. A pet is a serious responsibility that cannot be forgotten or put to the side when found inconvenient. At the end of the day it’s best to keep the animals’ welfare in mind and recognize that the rules and laws are in place for a reason. If a pet is your wish it must be a fish. For this week’s complete Science According to Izzy, visit 8 Sports Spring Sports Preview Andrew Props Sports Editor The start of the spring semester at Lynchburg College marks the beginning of the spring sports season for many teams. Men’s and women’s lacrosse, baseball, softball and tennis all had their first practices of the season last week. The Men’s Lacrosse team will begin the season ranked seventh in the nation, according to Inside Lacrosse Magazine. In addition to the team being ranked seventh, junior attack Aaron Murphy was named to the preseason All-American team as an honorable mention. The Hornets will face a tough schedule this spring. They will face seven teams that were named in the preseason top 20 list; three of these games will be played at Shellenberger Field. These games are Salisbury University (#4) Feb. 14, Cabrini College (#5) March 1 and Roanoke College (#14) March 28 . Women’s Lacrosse opens the season Feb. 25 at Mary Washington University. The Hornets finished sixth in the Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC) last season, finishing with a record of 7-9 and an ODAC record of 6-4. The 2014 season ended with an ODAC Tournament quarterfinal loss to Guilford College. The real test will come on March 21 against ODAC conference opponent Washington & Lee University , ranked 15th in the preseason poll. Hornets Baseball looks to keep up the offensive attack they had last season. LC finished the 2014 campaign ranked 14th in the nation in batting average (.334), ninth in runs scored (317), sixth in runs per game (8.57) and 16th in hits (450). Baseball begins their season with a trip to Methodist University Feb. 6-8 and looks to build off their performance last season when they advanced to day three of the ODAC tournament. Contests against ranked preseason opponents this season include Emory University (#3), Shenandoah University (#17), Bridgewater College (#21) and Tufts University (#22) . The LC Softball team looks to keep their postseason streak alive this season as they have advanced to the Division III Regional Tournament with an at-large bid the past two seasons. In their 2014 campaign they ended the season 31-16. Softball opens this season where they ended last season, at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. Salisbury University (2014 National Championship runner-up), Virginia Wesleyan College (2014 ODAC Champions) and Christopher Newport University (2014 Regional Champions) are just a few of the important games on the slate for the Hornets . Sports Schedule Men’s Basketball Jan. 31 vs. Randolph-Macon at 2:00 PM Feb. 4 at Emory & Henry at 7:00 PM Women’s Basketball Jan. 31 at Randolph-Macon at 2:00 PM Jan. 3 vs. Hollins at 7:00 PM Men’s and Women’s Track and Field Jan. 30 at Captains Invitational and Combined Events at Newport News, VA Jan. 31 at Captains Invitational and Combined Events at Newport News, VA Weekly Scores Men’s Basketball Jan. 21 vs. Hampden Sydney College L, 63-61 Jan. 24 at Virginia Wesleyan L, 78-55 Women’s Basketball Jan. 21 at Virginia Wesleyan L, 63-59 Jan. 24 vs. Guilford W, 52-46 Photo courtesy of Lynchburg College Athletics. The Hornets prepare to face Randolph-Macon College at City Stadium in Lynchburg, VA in the 2014 ODAC Tournament. Photo courtesy of Lynchburg College Athletics. The LC softball team prepares to take on Agnes Scott College at Emory University in Atlanta, GA in the 2014 NCAA Regional Tournament. Photo courtesy of Lynchburg College Athletics. The LC men’s lacrosse team during a game against Washington College in Chestertown, MD in the 2014 NCAA Division III Tournament Second Round
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