Annie Street Plaza Programming Call for Artists and Performers Annie Street Plaza is the culmination of a two-year-long community process to create an active gathering place for the neighborhood. For the next 6 months possibly longer, the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District will test programming, greening, and maintenance schedules in the alley. We want to create a place for people in the District to bring their lunch, meet with friends, and enjoy a movie or a performance. The goal is to create an active public space where everyone can enjoy a slice of the neighborhood, encourage safe pedestrian circulation from Market Street to Mission Street, and bring visibility to the interior of the block with a gesture that offers an opportunity to sit, socialize, or enjoy art and performances. As home to more than 20 galleries and museums, Yerba Buena has the richest concentration of cultural institutions in San Francisco, as well as offering an enormous selection of food, drink, and entertainment. Our goal is to frequently present programs at Annie Street Plaza during lunch-time hours and in the evening to activate this unique and inviting space. The YBCBD hopes to present free programs at Annie Street Plaza for all to enjoy, reflecting the accessibility and variety that the neighborhood has to offer. Join Us! The YBCBD seeks artists and performers to join us to help bring Annie Street Plaza to life. If you are a musician (solo or group), dancer (solo or group), performance artist, street performer, or artist, we want to hear from you! We are interested in exploring all types of art, music, dance, film, lectures, video art, interactive installations, screenings, and activities to help activate the plaza and make Yerba Buena a destination. 5 Third Street Suite 914 San Francisco, CA 94103 415 644 0728 [T] 415 644 0751 [F] WWW.YBCBD.ORG Artist/Performer Submission Criteria All Projects must adhere to the event mandate to make contemporary art accessible, while inspiring dialogue and engaging the public to examine its significance and impact on public space. All proposals must meet the criteria outlined below. Meeting all criteria does not guarantee selection. The YBCBD reserves the right to select or reject in its sole discretion any project proposed. Materials submitted for projects not selected will be returned to the applicant. To apply you must meet all of the following criteria: You agree to cover all travel expenses required to participate in the performance/event/program. Artists/performers/programmers and collectives can be based anywhere. If the project involves an installation, you agree to create or install a site-specific project located in a publicly accessible space within Annie Street Plaza, and that no installation will interfere with the use of or access to Annie Street Plaza unless approved by the YBCBD in writing in advance of the installation. You will offer access to your project that is free of charge to the public. You will make the commitment required (personnel and otherwise) in order to bring the project to fruition. The YBCBD will provide general assistance for the production of this event, but has no obligation to provide support for the production and exhibition of your work. Insurance coverage. If display or performance of your project requires special insurance, you are responsible for obtaining the appropriate insurance coverage, and include the YBCBD as an additional insured. Sound Permits. The YBCBD has secured a Street Closure Permit and an Amplified Sound Permit for Annie Street Plaza. Amplified sound is required to travel less than 250 feet. Performers are required to stay within those guidelines and will be subjected to pay for any fines accrued if noise regulations are not met. The artist/performer/programmer is required to secure any additional permits that he/she may need. You agree to assume all responsibility for compliance with local, state, and federal health, safety and fire laws, ordinances, and regulations related to your project. Annie Street Plaza must be returned in the condition it was found. If paint, glitter, or any art materials are used, protective gear is required to preserve the plaza. Indemnity. You agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District, its officers, directors, employees, agents and all of its duly appointed representatives from any and all liability, demands, claims, actions, suits, losses, damages, charges, fines, penalties, or judgments brought against the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District, the vendors, guests or any other participants before, during, or after the performance as a direct or indirect result of, or in connection with, your performance or non-performance of duties outlined in this Application, for the display of your work, equipment or materials, or for your participation, but only to the extent that same are caused by intentional misconduct, negligence, recklessness, or other fault of you, your agents, employees, or any other person under your control. 5 Third Street Suite 914 San Francisco, CA 94103 415 644 0728 [T] 415 644 0751 [F] WWW.YBCBD.ORG Artist/Performer Application Name of Artist or Group: Primary Contact Name/Title: Address: Primary Contact Telephone: Primary Contact Email: Main Website: Needs such as electricity, amplification, additional lighting, video screen, space requirements, ect: Length of your desired performance: Preferred day and or date to perform: Preferred time of day to perform (lunch-time or evening hours): Brief description of your intended project/performance (5–10 sentences): URL links to intended project/performance or similar works (Up to 3 links) (please briefly describe how each link relates to your intended project): Connection, if any, to the Yerba Buena neighborhood and/or the YBCBD. Please attach an image to this application of yourself or group. 5 Third Street Suite 914 San Francisco, CA 94103 415 644 0728 [T] 415 644 0751 [F] WWW.YBCBD.ORG Selection Information To apply, please email completed Open Call and Independent Projects applications with the subject line “Annie Street Plaza Application” [email protected]. Once a project is selected the artist/performer/institution will work directly with the YBCBD staff to coordinate the event logistics. The YBCBD will advertise the program on a number of marketing channels including a listing on the Annie Street Plaza Events Calendar, inclusion in e-newsletters, listed on the YBCBD websites, and mentions on social media platforms to name a few. The artist/performer/institution selected will provide the YBCBD with logos, graphics, or other material for inclusion in this marketing. Application Checklist and Important Info To have my project considered for inclusion to participate in the Annie Street Plaza Program, I have: Read, understood, and accept the submission guidelines outlined within the document Completed this entire form and application Included any images necessary to describe the proposed project Emailed the complete application to [email protected] with the subject line “Annie Street Plaza Application” Important Information: You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application within 2 business days. If you do not receive a confirming email, please call the YBCBD to confirm receipt. Thank you for your support of Annie Street Plaza and of the YBCBD! About the YBCBD In 2008, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors created the YBCBD after a vote by district property owners approved the District. The YBCBD’s mission is to provide programs that foster a safer and more secure community, create a cleaner and greener neighborhood, and reinforce the viability of our economic base. We began implementing programs in 2009. They include a Community Guides program, 10B police officer program, streetscape improvements, greening projects, graffiti removal, street and sidewalk cleaning, marketing, community development, and other improvement efforts. 5 Third Street Suite 914 San Francisco, CA 94103 415 644 0728 [T] 415 644 0751 [F] WWW.YBCBD.ORG
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