ICBAMCLlslamicMutualFund (Asset Manager:ICB Asset ManagementCompany Ltd.) GreenCityEdgeBhaban(4'"Floor),89, Kakrait,Dhaka-1000. l/we name Address beinga unitholderof ICB AMCL lslamicMutualFund unitsagainstregistered Folio/BOA"/CNo. ..... as my/ourproxyto attendand vote for me and on my behalfat the 'special Mesting, of the unit holdersof lcB AMCL lslamic Mutual Fund to be held on Tuesday, 06 January, 20,15at-3:oo pm at Hotel-7,| (Amrokanon BanquetHall,grhFloor,KaizuddinTower,tzoj snaneeosyed Nazrullslamsarani,old-47, BijoyNagar,Dhaka-1000) and at anyadjournment thereof. Signatureof the unit holder Signatureof Proxy Signature Veritled Notes: l The signatureof the appointeeshouldmatchwith the specimensjgnatureregisteredwith lcB AMCL lstamicMutual Fund. 2. This form of proxy after duly filled, must be depositedto the Trustee Departmentof InvestmentCorporation of Bangladesh(lcB), NSc rower (12rnFroor),62/3, purana paltan, Dhaka-1000,at least 72 (sevenrytwo) hours beforethe time fixedfor the Speciallvleeting. 3 Everyunitholdershallbe entitledto attendthe specialmeetingofthe unit holdersand entifledto vote. I herebyrecordmy attendance at the speciarMeetingof unithordersof rcB AMCL rsramicMutuarFund as a holderof units/proxyof the Fund. 1 . Nameof theUnitholder/proxy: Address: 3 . UnitholdeasFolio/BO/A,/C No. Signature of the unitholder/proxy: 5 . Castingof vote(s):In person/byproxy Date: Notes: 1. The unit holdersare requestedto bringthis form duly filledin and signedfor attendingthe specialmeeting. 2 Everyunitholdershall be.entitledto attendthe specialmeetjngof th; unrthotdersand entifledto vote.
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