The Messenger Whitehouse United Methodist Church Love - Serve - Share Christ January 29, 2015 Pastor: Rev. Matt Thomas 903-839-2173 Cell 903-279-7903 [email protected] Church E-mail: [email protected] Coffee Hour 9:30 am Sunday School for all ages 9:45 am Worship Services 8:30 & 10:45 am February 1st Forth Sunday after the Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 Sermon: The New Model of Ministry (Jesus Template) Greetings! Not long ago we started a series on Sunday mornings having to do with disciple making. A part of the series has highlighted where we are in terms of our cultural identity and where God is calling his church. One of the cultural issues the church faces is consumerism. Missiologist, Alan Hirsch, has a great commentary on consumerism and its effect on the church. I would encourage you to give it a listen on YouTube. The link is watch?v=NN3oA5AETuI Alan has a number of other videos related to disciple making that would also be of benefit to you. Consumerism is deeply rooted in American culture and the culture of the church. February 8th Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany SCOUT SUNDAY Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 920c Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 Sermon: The Teachings of Jesus An offshoot of consumerism within the church is attractional and gimmick strategies to put more people in the pews. Bigger bands, programs, and events to get people signed on to the church are our current methods to grow the church. However, these approaches don’t make deeply committed followers of Jesus. We may be able to get people through the door, and they may actually stay. However, to help them mature in their faith is going to require more than just jazzed up worship and programming. Disciples are made in deeply accountable and small discipleship groups. In these settings persons do life with other persons, are on mission together, invite others to be involved, and grow together in accountable ways. These covenant groups are social, but they are also committed and vulnerable. These groups and this process are the means to bring participants to deep maturity. February 15th Last Sunday after the Epiphany 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 Sermon: Where the Rubber Meets the Road This Sunday the sermon title is “A New Model of Ministry,” which will explore, in more depth, Jesus’ method for maturing his disciples. During the sermon I’ll show you a short video on a more missional model of the discipleship. Toward the end of the series we will have a short skit demonstrating how to start cultivating relationships and begin the process of disciplining others. February 22nd First Sunday in Lent Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 Sermon: The Great Commission to Make Disciples I want to encourage you to try to attend every Sunday. The series will conclude as we begin Lent. We have the entire month of February. God Bless you as we become accountable followers of Jesus. Matt 1 All are welcome! February 18th service starts at 7 pm Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. It occurs 46 days before Easter. It falls on a different date each year because it is dependent on the date of Easter. It can occur as early as February 4 or as late as March 10. This year it falls on February 18th. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of believers as a sign of mourning and repentance to God. It was originally called dies cinerum (day of ashes). The ashes used are from last year's burned Palm Sunday palms. Community Breakfast Acolytes 8 am to 9:30 am. Saturday, February 7th February 1st Foruth Sunday after the Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 Sermon: The New Model of Ministry (Jesus Template) SPC Jeremy D. Stafford - Washington Come and join us for breakfast and a blessed start to your day. SrA Michael Robinson - Fort Polk, LA A1C Christopher Voudrie - Alaska PFC John Colton Remedies - Fort Bennings, GA 1st Lt. James Kite - Fort Campbell, KY For the month of February Dylan Rogers –Afghanistan –Pakistan Matt Lockwood - Pensacola, Florida Feb 1st Ella Gaertner February 8th Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany SCOUT SUNDAY Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 920c Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 Sermon: The Teachings of Jesus Dylan Bass Feb 8th Noah Thomas Evie Volkert Feb 15th Ella Gaertner February 15th Last Sunday after the Epiphany 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 Sermon: Where the Rubber Meets the Road Asia Zolliecoffer Feb 22nd Emma Thomas February 22nd First Sunday in Lent Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 Sermon: The Great Commission to Make Disciples Josh Green Julia Staron (in hospital with advanced Crohns) Joy Turner (Oak Brook Nursing Home) Gilda Spraggins (in Hamptons) Bobbie Hanks (health) Acker Hanks (hospice) Norma Powell (James’s mother in Hospice) NEWSLETTER: Would you like to receive the newsletter via email? Go to and click on the “email newsletter” icon in the middle of the screen on the home page. Enter you email address and zip code and click register. It’s that simple! 2 2 January in review February the restarting of programs and activities!!! “Happy Birthday Jesus” diaper drive was a huge success. Sunday and Wednesday night activities have resumed. Wednesday nights begin at 6 pm-in Fellowship Hall with a light snack supper. The cost is $2. There is a contemporary worship time until 6:30. Anyone wanting to attend the meal and worship time is welcome. Lessons, Music, and Puppets begin at 6:307:30 pm. Copies of the Wednesday and Sunday night schedules are in the welcome center, or you can always view it on our website at Due to the church matching the donations collected, we were able to divide them between 3 different nonprofit organizations: Philadelphia Blessing, The Methodist Children’s Home, and the Rainbow Room. Great Ministry!! If you are available and would like to be in the Sunday school rotation for ages 1st-3rd, 4th-6th or high school, please contact Mary Kay Woods. We also would love to have some additional mentors. Tom Campbell and Cathy Hughey are two of our current mentors and they can both explain the experience to you or you can contact Mary Kay Woods. The Chamber quarterly luncheon was held in Fellowship hall and the new CEO and President of the YMCA, Jeremy Bumgardner, was introduced. Stop by the Y and welcome him to the community. He is anxious to make improvements to the facility and help us to become fit and healthy. The choir has resumed and practice is held on Sundays at 6 pm. If you are interested in joining the choir or would like information about the choir, contact Tommy Butler at [email protected]. Any adult or high school student who loves to worship the Lord is welcome to participate in the church choir. Wednesday night Bible Study, led by Karn Schmidt resumed and will conclude on February 4 th. If you have a topic or study that you would be interested in attending, please contact Pastor Matt or Mary Kay Woods. If you would like to lead a study, contact Pastor Matt. Our first Council on Ministry meeting was a success. With such a great turn out, we were able to set all the 2015 calendar ministries. Christina provided a taco soup that was just perfect for the cold weather. Kudos!! Welcome to our new nursery worker, Chrystal Kirpatrick. Chrystal teaches at Jackson Elementary in the Chapel Hill School District. We are pleased to welcome her to our staff. February Dates/Activities: Feb 1st – Super Bowl Party at the Parsonage 5pm. Bring party food/drink Feb 7nd – Deadline to register for UM Army Feb 7th- Community Breakfast 8-9:30am and hosting “Jesus Closet” clothing ministry in the parking lot from 9:45-noon near the pavilion. Feb 8th- Women of Faith Sunday - Short video and sign up nd after 2nd service. This is a farewell tour so don’t wait to save your spot. Conference date is Oct 2 -3rd. Tickets are $84.50. Feb 13th – Valentine Banquet- Sponsored by Methodist Men 6:30 pm Feb 13th-14th- Lakeview Sr. High Retreat Feb 15th -Administrative Board meets after second service Feb 16th- Evangelism Meeting 6:30 pm Feb 18th- Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm WUMC started out the New Year on the right foot, literally. The Sunday night group met and walked the streets of Whitehouse collecting cans for the “Souper Bowl” drive for Philadelphia Blessing. A total of 157 cans in total were collected!! Great job ya’ll!! 3 3 1. A little but big thing. Thank you to the person or persons who put chairs and the alter back after the cantata without being asked. Matthew 25:40 Sunday, February 8th is Scout Sunday. The Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts want to say thank you to the church for allowing them use our building. As a thank you they are providing a pot luck luncheon following the second service. You do not have to bring anything but yourself. Please make plans to attend. 2. Thank you choir for your talents and giving spirits during Advent and Christmas. All continue to pray for spirit filled services as we share God’s love in and out of the “building.” 1-28-15 Valentine Banquet Friday, February 13, 2014 Church Co-Ed Softball Team 6:30 pm Last summer we were contacted by a local church to participate in the church softball league. Due to time of year, we did not have enough time to form a team much less play. We are investigating the interest of our church members in the formation of a team. If you are interested in participating or helping, please contact Mary Kay [email protected] or contact the church office. Players must be at least 14 to play on the team. Please make reservations to attend the banquet for a great meal, wonderful companionship, and entertainment. Call Mary to RSVP by Thursday noon for the banquet (903-839-2173) or email: [email protected] Don’t forget to bring your cans of soup this Sunday. To help celebrate Super Bowl Sunday and Souper Bowl collection Mary Kay Woods As an outreach program, Jesus Closet will be held on February 7 from 9:45 to noon in the church parking lot, near the pavilion. This is a ministry of Faith Community Church. Clothing will be given to those in need. If you know someone who is in need, please make them aware of this event. 4 will start at 4:30 pm. You will need to bring a snack food, drinks, and a can of soup. We are looking into serving a light snack dinner on Wednesday nights. We will be charging $2 for anyone who wants to eat. In order to do this, we need volunteers who are willing to come and prep, serve, and clean up (5:30 pm-6:45 pm). If you are not already helping in the program in some way, please consider getting involved in this area. If we do not get volunteers to help with dinner, we will not be able to offer it. The staff and volunteers cannot manage the program as well as dinner prep/ cleanup. It is our goal to provide a meal so the students are fed, esp those of working parents who do not have time to feed them before the program and to end the program on time so that everyone can get home before 8 pm. If we are able to have the dinner, it will begin February 4th. AARP will be here on Tuesdays to assist you in doing your taxes. We have one day because we do not have enough helpers. You are to bring currant W2 forms, ID with picture on it, last years tax returns, SSS, 1099, 1099R, and 1099 forms They will start at 10 am and stop at 2 pm. Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue Wed Thu 3 QUILTS FOR KIDS 9 AM TO 1 PM AARP TAX HELP 10 AM TO 2 PM MATT’S BIBLE STUDY 6 PM 4 Beth’s Ladies Bible Study 9 am? & 1 pm 10 QUILTS FOR KIDS 9 AM TO 1 PM MATT’S BIBLE STUDY 6 PM AARP TAX HELP 10 AM TO 2 PM 11 17 QUILTS FOR KIDS 9 AM TO 1 PM MATT’S BIBLE STUDY 6 PM AARP TAX HELP 10 AM TO 2 PM 18 Beth’s Ladies Bible Study 9 am & 1 pm 6:00 t0 7:30 pm Church Study Night 5 MATT’S BIBLE STUDY 9 Fri Sat 6 7 8 to 9:30 am 13 14 AM Bee Keepers meeting 6:45 pm at parsonage 8 15 9 Trustee Meeting 6 pm Finance Meeting 7pm 16 Administrative Board after second service. Beth’s Ladies Bible Study 9 am & 1 pm 12 MATT’S BIBLE STUDY 9 AM 6:00 t0 7:30 pm Church Study Night From the 19 MATT’S BIBLE STUDY 9 AM 26 MATT’S BIBLE STUDY 9 AM 20 21 27 28 Whitehouse UMC Staff 7 pm Ash Wednesday Service 22 23 Boy Scout den meeting 6:30 to 8 pm every Monday night in Fellowship Hall. 24 QUILTS FOR KIDS 9 AM TO 1 PM MATT’S BIBLE STUDY 6 PM AARP TAX HELP 10 AM TO 2 PM 25 Beth’s Ladies Bible Study 9 am & 1 pm For February 2015 Linda Greenwell 6:00 to 7:30 pm Church Study Night Washington’s Birthday 5
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