Application for Admission 2015/2016 1844 Teri Road Austin, Texas 78744 APPLICATION FOR ADMI SSION 2015-2016 APPL IC AT ION C H EC K L IS T In order to begin the application process, please turn in the following items: □ □ □ □ Completed application for each applicant Copy of Birth Certificate Recent Photo Application Fee: $75 for one applicant $100 for two applicants □ □ □ $125 for three applications $25 for currently enrolled family adding a sibling Most recent report card and standardized test scores (except Pre-K and Kindergarten students) Financial Aid application (if applying for financial aid) Copy of academic or behavioral assessments or interventions (if student has been evaluated) In addition, please turn in the following: □ Confidential Teacher Questionnaire Initiated by parent, mailed in by applicant’s current teacher Does not apply to Pre-K &/or homeschool applicants APPL IC AT ION PR O C ESS January 31, 2015 February 21, 2015 Applications for Admission & Financial Aid due Mock Class & Admissions Testing Pre-K & Kindergarten students participate in a Mock Class 1st grade students are assessed by City School faculty during classroom visits 2nd-6th grade students take the ISEE placement test After turning in your application, contact the school office to sign up for testing February-March, 2015 Classroom Visit & Parent Interview Classroom Visits and Parent Interviews are scheduled through the office after admissions testing Late March, 2015 Notification of Admissions April, 2015 Second Round of Admissions begins The Second Round is rolling admissions – students begin progressing through the admissions process as soon as the completed application is turned in City School •1844 Teri Rd.• Austin, TX 78744 • (512) 416-7744 [email protected] • Page 1 APPLICATION FOR ADMI SSION 2015-2016 APPL IC ANT I NF O R M AT IO N Legal Name: Today’s Date: last first middle Name Used: Date of Birth: School Phone: Grade Applying: (if different from above) Current School: Current Grade: Home Address: City, State, Zip: Lives with: Primary Language: Father Mother Is either parent deceased? Phone: Stepfather Stepmother Guardian Other: Are the parents separated or divorced? PAR E NT / GUAR D I AN INF O R M AT IO N Father/Guardian: Email: Cell Phone: Employer & Occupation: Work Phone: Home Address (if different): Home Phone: Mother/Guardian: Email: Cell Phone: Employer & Occupation: Work Phone: Home Address (if different): Home Phone: R EF ER ENC E S Please list people who know you and your family, including City School families if possible. Do not list family members. Name: Email: Phone: Name: Email: Phone: Name: Email: Phone: C HUR C H AF F IL IAT I O N Attending church: Pastor/Leader’s name: City School •1844 Teri Rd.• Austin, TX 78744 • (512) 416-7744 • [email protected] • Page 2 APPLICATION FOR ADMI SSION 2015-2016 What are the applicant’s strengths and areas of interest? Toward what goals – academic, spiritual, emotional – can we co-labor with you in the growth of the applicant? In what ways, general and specific, do you hope the applicant will benefit from a City School education? Has the applicant ever… …been in a Bilingual Program? If yes, please give details. …received academic or behavioral assessment or intervention? If yes, please explain and attach most recent documentation. Is the applicant in good academic and behavioral standing at his/her current school and all schools attended previously? If no, please explain. Does the applicant have any medical conditionals (regular medication, allergies, physical limitations) of which we should be aware in the application process? City School •1844 Teri Rd.• Austin, TX 78744 • (512) 416-7744 [email protected] • Page 3 APPLICATION FOR ADMI SSION 2015-2016 T UIT IO N A ND SC HO O L SC HED UL E Pre-K Kindergarten 1st – 6th Grades Materials Fee (all students) $ 3,190.00 Tues-Thurs, 8:20-12pm $ 7,980.00 Mon-Thurs, 8:20-3pm; Fri, 8:20-12:30pm $ 5,300.00 $ 300.00 Mon-Thurs, 8:20-12pm; Fri, 8:20-12:30pm F INA NC IAL A ID IND I C AT ION City School’s mission is to provide an excellent, Christian education to a community that reflects the diversity of the Kingdom of God. In accordance with that goal, we work to help meet the scholarship needs of our families. As part of the application process, we ask families to indicate if they will request Financial Aid. Please check one of the following: Our family will not apply for Financial Aid for the upcoming school year. Our family will apply for Financial Aid for the upcoming school year.* *If you will apply, please estimate the amount you can pay per month: ________________________________ (Monthly payments are made 12 months of the year, from April to March.) F INA NC IAL A ID A PP L IC AT IO N Families seeking financial aid must apply online via FACTS at HTTPS://ONLINE.FACTSMGT.COM/AID. Answer every question accurately and completely to ensure all factors are considered in the grating of financial aid. No family will be considered for Financial Aid until their FACTS application has been submitted. NO N- D ISC R IM INAT O R Y PO L IC Y City School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid, or employment policies, or any other school-administered programs. City School •1844 Teri Rd.• Austin, TX 78744 • (512) 416-7744 • [email protected] • Page 4 APPLICATION FOR ADMI SSION 2015-2016 At City School we are mindful that we do not function above parental authority but rather with delegated authority from parents. In the spirit of that parent-school partnership we ask that parents participate in their child’s education and the life of the school. Parents or guardians are expected to volunteer regularly. Service opportunities will be publicized in August and throughout the school year. I/We, , the parent(s)/guardian(s) of _, agree and promise to fulfill my responsibilities as a parent/guardian of a City School student. I understand that it is imperative that I remain involved with my child’s education at home and at school. I will volunteer my time, attend quarterly conferences with my child’s teacher, and support the work of City School to the best of my ability. Parent/Guardian: Date: Parent/Guardian: Date: ST AT EM ENT O F F A I T H The Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of his Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made: Who for us men and for our Salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried; and the third day he rose again according to the scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead: Whose kingdom shall have no end. I believe in one Holy Ghost, the Lord and giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spake by the prophets. And I believe in one holy catholic * and apostolic church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. (*The word “catholic” means universal.) I understand that City School’s curriculum and instruction have as their foundation the historic Christian faith expressed in the Nicene Creed, and I support my child being instructed in a manner consistent with belief in the truth of that Creed. Parent/Guardian: Parent/Guardian: Date: Date: City School •1844 Teri Rd.• Austin, TX 78744 • (512) 416-7744 [email protected] • Page 5
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