PATTERN BOOK MARCH MADNESS FEB. 28 - MARCH 1, 2015 CRC RANCH TEMECULA, CA 2015 Show Rules Work Rule All exhibitors competing for Year End Awards are required to be members of TMVPHC and work a total of six (6) hours at Club shows or other TMVPHC events in order to be eligible. If you are unable to work your required hours, you may pay fifty dollars ($50.00) to the Club in lieu of working when you submit your membership application and fee. Work hours much be completed by October 5, 2015. General Rules and Requirements to Qualify for Year End Awards 1. All exhibitors must possess a current APHA or AjPHA membership and be in good standing to show in APHA approved classes. Exceptions are Lead Line or Walk Trot classes. 2. APHA Rules shall prevail. 3. Judge (es) decision is/are final. 4. Any disputes not covered by TMVPHC Show Rules will be referred to the APHA Rule Book and reviewed by the TMVPHC Board of Directors for advisement and decision. Decision of the majority of the Board present will be final. 5. Entries must be made on forms provided by TMVPHC, or online with show secretary by printed deadline. A. Registration papers or photocopies must be shown to the show office prior to first class being shown. B. Current Novice Youth, Youth, Novice Amateur or Amateur APHA card must be shown prior to first class being shown. 6 .Entry fees/check must be submitted to show office and TMVPHC Release of Liability Form must have wet ink signature prior to receiving entry numbers. 7. To qualify for year-end awards, both horse owner and exhibitor must be current TMVPHC members in good standing. 8. Owner of horse is responsible to fulfill work-rule requirement. 9. The age of a youth on January 1 of the current year remains the age of the youth for the entire calendar year. Proof of age is required for all youth members and those competing in age divided amateur classes. 10. A youth exhibitor must be at least 16 years of age or older to show a stallion in an open class. No stallions are allowed to be exhibited in youth classes. 11. Penalties will be assessed for: A. Returned checks will be charged a $50.00 service charge. B Entries not postmarked or submitted online by deadline. C. Stall/tack room reservations/payments received after deadline. 12. Exhibitors or owners with outstanding debts to TMVPHC are not eligible to earn club points. 13. TMVPHC reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or cancel any entries, also to disqualify exhibitors, prohibit exhibition of entries, and cancel awards without claim for damage. 14. Unsportsmanlike exhibitors will not be tolerated anywhere on the premises. Any disruptive or dangerous behavior is grounds for being excused or removed from show. 15. TMVPHC reserves the right to combine classes due to lack of participation if there is less than 6 horses in a class. 16. TMVPHC “Club Point Only” classes are open to any APHA registered horse. 17. Walk Trot and Lead Line classes do not count for any other 18 & Under category. Rider may not show in any other riding classes. Points will not count toward APHA points. 18. Exhibitors will be disqualified if assisted by electronic audio aids while showing in a class. Exception: An exhibitor with special needs must present a copy of the approval letter from APHA. Show management shall inform judges of any special accommodations. 19. Thirty (30) second gate calls will be enforced. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to be at the entry gate when class is called. 20. Course patterns will be posted a minimum of one (1) hour prior to the class. 21. Show management will determine the working order. 22. TMVPHC will follow the rules and guidelines of the State of California, Department of Food and Agriculture, Division of Animal Industry (Food and Agriculture Code of California, Chapter 8, Division 11, Section 24011) regarding medication given to horses being shown. Drug forms will be provided at the shows as needed, and a list of legal authorized medication is available at the show office. Any horse found to be under the influence of an illegal or undeclared medication will be acted upon by the State of California and TMVPHC as directed by the State of California. 23. SHOW OVERALL HIGH POINT AWARDS will be given for Walk Trot Youth, Youth 18 & Under, Novice Youth, Novice Amateur, Amateur 19-44, Amateur 45 & Over, Amateur Walk/Trot, JR Horse. SR Horse and Solid Paint Bred. Exhibitor must show in three (3) performance classes. Halter class is not required but will count toward overall high point awards. 24. All shows for 2015 count towards CCC, APHA and TMVPHC points. 25. Owner of horse must fulfill work-rule requirement or pay $50.00 in lieu of working. Work hours must be completed by October 5, 2015. If paying $50.00 in lieu of working, amount must be paid with membership fee. 26. Year End Overall Hi Point awards will be given in the following categories: Walk Trot Youth, Youth 18 & Under, Novice Youth, Novice Amateur, Amateur 19-44, Amateur 45 & Over, Amateur Walk/Trot, JR Horse, SR Horse, and Solid Paint Bred. Novice Amateur and Amateur classes are based on 1 horse/1 rider combination for Year End Overall High Point Awards. 27. If there is a tie, the exhibitor/horse with the most 1sts will win. If still tied, then the one with the most 2nds will win, etc. 28. In the event of a tie for a year end class first place, the exhibitors/horses shall receive equal awards and there will be no second place; in the event of a tie for a year end class second place, the exhibitors/horses shall receive equal awards. 29. Any balance due on upgrades or duplicates for year end awards must be paid in full prior to ordering. 30. A minimum of three horses must show in a class in order for the class to be eligible for a year end award sponsored by TMVPHC. Exhibitors may sponsor their own class awards if less than three horses in the class. 31. Buckle classes are an additional fee of $25.00 and do not count for any high-point awards. 32. In order to be eligible for Year-End Awards, Exhibitor must show in two out of three shows in 2015. (excluding the January Youth/Amateur Show). Rev 12/22/2014 Feb. 28-March 1, 2015 Show Fees Class Fees: $ 14.75 per Judge (Includes CCC $1 Awards Fee) Flat Fee:$ 375 (one horse, one rider, plus applicable fees) CCC Fee: $ 1 per Horse/Judge APHA Fee: $ 2 per Horse/Judge Drug Fee: $ 5 per Horse Grounds Fee: $ 20 per Horse Trail Fee: $ 15 per Horse Entered in Trail Class Entry Deadline: February 24, 2015 Show Managers: John Mueller: 909-228-9030 Jeff Seals: 909-904-8490 Show Secretary: Gladys Gilbertson 2354 Ponderosa Ln Bullhead City, AZ 86442 Phone: 928-758-5875 Fax: 866-247-8819 Late Entry Fee: $20.00 after Monday, February 23, 2015. Late entries accepted day of show. Pre-enter at least one class by February 23, 2015 to avoid the late entry fee Stalls/Tack Rooms: $125.00 for show or $75.00 per day Stalls have no bedding Use Stall Reservation Form to submit stall requests to Show Stall Manager No arrivals before 9:00 am, Friday, February 27, 2015 (Please Call for Early Arrival Information) RVs: RVs must be self-contained - Hooking up to any ranch electric will result in $100 charge imposed by CRC. Entries: or - Enter online OR use Show Entry Form and Fax to 866-247-8819 TMVPHC MEMBERSHIP FEES No Vote JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP A “junior” is anyone who has not reached the age of 19 as of January 1, 2015 SENIOR MEMBERSHIP 1 Vote A “senior” is anyone who has reached the age of 19 as of January 1, 2015 $35.00 $40.00 2 Votes $50.00 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP A “family” includes husband, wife, and all “junior” children 18 & under on January 1, 2015 Please note the following: - All owners and exhibitors competing for Year End Awards are required to be current members of TMVPHC and APHA - May join at the Show Office before 1st class shown - Club membership must be paid prior to points being counted for club awards - TMVPHC membership not required to show for APHA points - Horse registration papers must be presented at Show Office before showing - Novice Youth, Novice Amateurs and Amateurs must show current 2014 APHA card. APHA Registration Forms also available at Show Office. APHA Late fee is $25.00 plus $15.00 APHA Registration Fee, per APHA rules - Credit Cards not accepted - $50.00 fee for all returned checks Area Hotels/Motels: Motel 6 Ramada Inn Rodeway Inn 951-676-7199 951-676-8770 951-676-4833 Holiday Inn Express Best Western Inn Rancho California Inn 951-699-2444 951-676-7378 951-676-5700 Membership Form, Stall Reservation Form, Show Entry Form and Premium are available at (C)Revised 01.30.2015 Temecula Valley Paint Horse Club 2015 Membership Form 1. MEMBER INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT): Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________City: _____________________ State: __________ Zip: ___________ Phone: _______________ E-Mail Address:___________________ Ranch Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Youth Name: _____________________________________________ Birth Date: __________________ Youth Name: _____________________________________________ Birth Date: __________________ Amateur Name: __________________________________________ Birth Date: __________________ Amateur Name: __________________________________________ Birth Date: __________________ 2. WORK RULE: All exhibitors competing for Year End Awards are required to be members of TMVPHC and work a total of six (6) hours at Club shows to be eligible. If you are unable to work your required hours, you may pay $50.00 to the Club in lieu of working or you can also bring in a sponsorship for a minimum of $50.00. Remember, it is your continuing support that makes it possible for TMVPHC to offer 4 great shows a year and outstanding Year End Awards. Thank you for all your support! PLEASE INITIAL ONE: I choose to: ________Work (Work hours must be completed by October 5, 2015) ________Pay $50.00 Work Fee (Must be paid with membership fee) 3. MEMBERSHIP TYPE: No Vote JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP A “Junior” is anyone who has not reached the age of 19 as of January 1, 2015 $35 SENIOR MEMBERSHIP 1 Vote A “senior” is anyone who has reached the age of 19 as of January 1, 2015 $40 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP 2 Votes $50 A “family” inludes husband, wife and all “junior” children 18 & Under on January 1, 2015 CIRCLE TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP: JUNIOR SENIOR 4. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT (make checks payable to TMVPHC): John Mueller 18033 Willow Street Hesperia, California 92345 FAMILY 2015 Stall Reservation Form Name of Owner Horse’s Name Stallion Y N Y N Y N Y N Trainer/Barn Arrival Date Arrival Time Contact Person: _______________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Total Due for Stalls: $___________________________________ Check # ____________________________ $125.00 stall fee $75.00 day fee *STALL RESERVATION DEADLINE IS FEB. 23, 2015* Early reservations will help us place friends/trainers together $25.00 Late fee if postmarked after Feb 23. ~ RVs need to be fully self-contained ~ Please send completed forms and check(s) to: John Mueller 18033 Willow Street Hesperia, CA 92345 Phone: (909) 228-9030 Make all checks payable to: TMVPHC Amount Due * TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB BE A PART OF THE EXCITEMENT! BECOME A SPONSOR Help us to make this year an outstanding award year with your support of the club! We have a lot of great members, and with your help, we can make TMVPHC have some of the best shows of the year. Keep in mind our 3 horse minimum rule for a class to receive a club sponsored buckle. Participants are invited to sponsor their favorite class to ensure awards in any class, regardless of number of exhibitors. YEAR END BUCKLE SPONSOR _______ class _________________________________________________ $150.00 _______ class _________________________________________________ $150.00 (Class sponsorship acknowledged on premium) MAJOR SPONSOR _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ PLATINUM – Pattern Book and premium acknowledgement GOLD – Pattern Book and show premium acknowledgement SILVER – Pattern Book and show premium acknowledgement BRONZE – Pattern Book and show premium acknowledgement FRIEND –Show premium acknowledgement $2000.00 $1000.00 $500.00 $250.00 $100.00 CLASS SPONSOR (per show) _____Class_________________________________________________________ $50.00 SPONSOR INFORMATION NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP _____________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: _______________________________ PLEASE RETURN TO: RAE STAMBUK 4875 GREEN CREST DRIVE YORBA LINDA, CA 92887 714) 692-9541 Office Use Only: Payment received: By: _________________________________ Date:________________________________ Amount: ____________ Check #_________ MARCH MADNESS 4 JUDGE POR Temecula Valley Paint Horse Club FEBRUARY 28 and MARCH 1, 2015 LOCATION: CRC Ranch - 34520 De Portola Rd., Temecula, CA APPROVALS: APHA, TMVPHC, CCC HIGH POINT AWARDS: Youth Walk-Trot * Youth 18 & Under * Novice Youth * Amateur Walk/Trot Novice Amateur * Classic Amateur * Masters Amateur * JR Horse * SR Horse JUDGES: TBA SHOW MANAGERS: John Mueller 909-228-9030 & Jeff Seals 909-904-8490 SHOW SECRETARY :8 Oaks Show Services, Phone:928-758-5875,cell:805-441-8682 Fax: (866) 247-8819 8 Oaks Mailing: 2354 Ponderosa Lane, Bullhead City, AZ 86442 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 - 7:30 am 101Y Showmanship Walk/Trot 5 - 10 102A Showmanship Walk/Trot Amateur 103NY Showmanship Novice Youth 104NA Showmanship Novice Amateur 105Y Showmanship 18 & Under 106A Showmanship Amateur 19 - 44 107M Showmanship Amateur 45 & Over 108ASB Showmanship Amateur Solid Bred 109Y Youth Geldings 110Y Youth Mares 111A Amateur Mares 131 132 133 134 135 Weanling Stallions Yearling Stallions 2 Year Old Stallions 3 Year Old Stallions Aged Stallions GRAND AND RESERVE STALLIONS 136ASB Amateur Stallion Solid Bred 137SPB JR Stallions(2 Yrs & Under)-Solid Paint Bred 138SPB SR Stallions (3 Yrs & Over) - Solid Paint Bred 139S 140Y 141A AMATEUR GRAND AND RES MARES (if 3 or more in class) 142 112 Weanling Mares 143NY 113 Yearling Mares 144 114 2 Year Old Mares 145NA 115 3 Year Old Mares 146 116 Aged Mares 147Y 117 Broodmares 148A GRAND AND RESERVE MARES 149M 118SPB Amateur Mares - Solid Paint Bred 150ASB 119SPB JR Mares (2 Yrs & Under) - Solid Paint Bred 151 120SPB SR Mares (3 Yrs & Over) - Solid Paint Bred 152SPB 121A Amateur Geldings AMATEUR GRAND AND RES GELDINGS (if 3 or more in class) 153Y 122 Weanling Geldings 154A 123 Yearling Geldings 155Y 124 2 YR Old Geldings 156NA 125 3 YR Old Geldings 157Y 126 Aged Geldings 158A GRAND AND RESERVE GELDINGS 159M 127ASB Amateur Solid Bred Geldings 128SPB JR Geldings(2 Yrs & Under)-Solid Paint Bred 129SPB SR Geldings(3 Yrs & Over)-Solid Paint Bred 160NA 130A Amateur Stallions 161A AMATEUR GRAND AND RES STALLIONS (if 3 or more in class) 162Y 163 164 Hunter Under Saddle Schooling Hunter Under Saddle Walk/Trot 5-10 Hunter Under Saddle Walk/Trot Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 3 Year Old Hunter Under Saddle Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle Green Horse Hunter Under Saddle Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle JR Horse Hunter Under Saddle 18 & Under Hunter Under Saddle Amateur 19-44 Hunter Under Saddle Amateur 45 & Over Hunter Under Saddle-AmateurSolidPaintBred Hunter Under Saddle SR Horse Hunter Under Saddle-SolidPaint Bred-AlAges Hunt Seat Equitation Walk/Trot 5-10 Hunt Seat Equitation Walk/Trot Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation Novice Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 18 & Under Hunt Seat Equitation Amateur 19-44 Hunt Seat Equitation Amateur 45 & Over NOT TO START BEFORE 1:00 PM Reining Novice Amateur Reining Amateur Reining 18 & Under Reining JR Horse Reining SR Horse MARCH MADNESS 4 JUDGE POR SUNDAY, MARCH 1 - 7:30 am 201Y Trail Walk/Trot 5-10 202A Trail Walk/Trot Amateur 203 Trail Green Horse 204Y Trail Novice Youth 205NA Trail Novice Amateur 206 Trail JR Horse 207Y Trail 18 & Under 208A Trail Amateur 19 - 44 209M Trail Amateur 45 & Over 210APB Trail - Amateur Solid Paint Bred 211 Trail SR Horse 212SPB Trail - Solid Paint Bred All Ages 213S Western Pleasure Schooling 214 Lead Line 8 & Under 215Y Western Pleasure Walk/Trot 5 - 10 216A Western Pleasure Walk/Trot Amateur 217 Western Pleasure 3 Year Old 218NY Western Pleasure Novice Youth 219 Western Pleasure Green Horse 220NA Western Pleasure Novice Amateur 221 Western Pleasure JR Horse 222Y Western Pleasure 18 & Under 223A Western Pleasure Amateur 19-44 224M Western Pleasure Amateur 45 & Over 225APB Western Pleasure-Amateur Solid Paint Bred 226 Western Pleasure SR Horse 227SPB Western Pleasure - Solid Paint Bred All Ages 228Y Western Horsemanship Walk/Trot 5 - 10 229A Western Horsemanship Walk/Trot Amateur 230NY Western Horsemanship Novice Youth 231NA Western Horsemanship Novice Amateur 232Y Western Horsemanship 18 & Under 233A Western Horsemanship Amateur 19 - 44 234M Western Horsemanship Amateur 45 & Over 235 Western Riding Green Horse 236NA Western Riding Novice Amateur 237Y Western Riding 18 & Under 238A Western Riding Amateur 239 Western Riding All Ages Revised 11/10/14 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA SHOWMANSHIP (WALK/TROT 5-10) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [S/WT-107] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA SHOWMANSHIP (NOV YTH,NOV AM, JR HORSE) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [S/2-107] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA SHOWMANSHIP (18 & UNDER, AMATEUR, SR HORSE, SPB) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [S/3-107] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA HUNT SEAT EQUITATION (WALK/TROT 5-10) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [HSE/WT-74] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA HUNT SEAT EQUITATION (NOV YTH,NOV AM, JR HORSE) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [HSE/2-74] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA REINING (NOV AM, 18 & UNDER, JR HORSE) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [R/NRHAP-6] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA REINING (AMATEUR & SR HORSE) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [R/NRHAP-8] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA HORSEMANSHIP (WALK/TROT 5-10) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [WH/WT-111] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA HORSEMANSHIP (NOV YTH,NOV AM, JR HORSE) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [WH/2-111] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA HORSEMANSHIP (18 & UNDER, AMATEUR, SR HORSE, SPB) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [WH/3-111] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA WESTERN RIDING (GREEN HORSE) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [WR/GP-2] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved. 2015 MARCH MADNESS PAINT-O-RAMA WESTERN RIDING (ALL-EXCEPT Green Horse) Show Date: FEB 28-MARCH 1, 2015 [WR/OP-2] Pattern Provided by: TEMECULA VALLEY PAINT HORSE CLUB ©2015 All Rights Reserved.
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