Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School February 1, 2015 Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School ~ February 1, 2015 6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Main Number: 414 442-7600 website: ~ Parish FAX: 444-0408 ~ School FAX 442-0644 Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM ~ Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 8:15 Calendar for the week of February 1 ~ Sunday, February 1 ~ Donut Fellowship ~ Paulik Hall Faith Formation Classes from 8:30-12:30 10:00am Mass Collection for SS Meal Program Blessing of St. Blaise Monday, February 2 ~ 7:00pm AA/Al-anon ~ Paulik Hall 8:00pm Young Men’s Basketball ~ Gym Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 8 to Noon, 1 to 4 Friday: 8 to Noon Sunday, Feb. 1 10:00am For MGC Parish Tuesday, Feb. 3 8:15am For MGC Parish Thursday, Feb. 5 8:15am Wednesday, February 4 ~ 3:20pm Practice: Children’s Chorale ~ Church 4:30pm Practice: Hand bells ~ Church 6:30pm Practice : Choir ~ Church Saturday, Feb. 7 8:15am For MGC Parish 5:00pm Arthur & Therese Zahnke Thursday, February 5 ~ 8:15am Mass 1:30pm School Music Practice ~ Church 2:00pm SS Meal Program ~ Paulik Hall 6:00pm School Committee ~ Conference Room 6:00pm Capitol West Neighborhood ~ Paulik Hall 8:00pm Men’s Basketball ~ Gym Sunday, Feb. 8 Tuesday, February 3 ~ 8:15am Mass Friday, February 6 ~ 7:30am-3:00pm No School Saturday, February 7 ~ 7:30am Rosary 8:15am Mass followed by individual reconciliation 5:00pm Mass of anticipation Sunday, February 8 ~ 10:00am Mass † Mary Prioletta 10:00am † Julian Altenbach Remember your loved one with a Mass intention "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Readings for the Week of February 1, 2015 Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Monday: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Next Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 SCRIP volunteers for February 7 & 8 Saturday ~ R. Babich & H. Capetillo Sunday ~ A. Cross & K. Grothe SCRIP can also be purchased at the Parish Office during the week. There’s a great selection of scrip cards. Help support the good works of MGC. Linen Ministry pickup for February 8 is Janet Knippel MGC is looking for volunteers to sell SCRIP after 5pm Mass on Saturdays. If available please contact Laura Brzakala @ 414-313-1014 Good Steward Weekly Report Week 30 Weekly YTD Budgeted 01/25/15 01/25/15 Week 30 Envelopes $3,590 $149,851 $152,885 Offertory $317 $9,994 $9,808 School $75 $5,775 $4,846 Totals $3,982 $165,620 $167,538 Short of budget ($1,918) Those who serve February 7 & 8 Saturday, February 7 ~ 5:00pm Servers: B. Dompke, E. Berthold Lectors: K. Kohut Eucharistic Ministers: K. Kohut, P. Sovey, M. Gebert, M. Betzwieser, R. Houssaye, R. Babich Sunday, February 8 ~ 10:00am Servers: S. Williams, N. Boeding Lectors: E. Gordon, J. Gordon Eucharistic Ministers: E. Gordon, J. Gordon, T. Cheski, K. Grothe, B. Grothe, A. Kallman, M. Moritz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weekdays, February 3 ~ A. Alfaro, L. Prueher February 5 ~ A. Carle, L. Gleesing In Loving Memory God has called to Himself the following Ralph Sheperd Let us pray as a community of faith that they may experience the joy and peace of eternal life. Our deepest assurance of prayer for them and their families. Capital West Neighborhood Association is sponsoring a CANDIDATE FORUM Milwaukee Supervisory Dist. #15 Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 – 6:30PM Paulik Hall – Mother of Good Counsel The Primary Election is Tues, Feb. 17 All are welcome. PASTORAL STAFF: MGC Main Number 414-442-7600 Parish Director: Deacon Andy Meuler.....................x125 [email protected] Assisting Priest: Fr. Dan Pekarske SDS..................x103 [email protected] Deacon Dean Collins................................. 262-782-0535 [email protected] Deacon Arturo Ysmael SDS…..……..…..………….x147 [email protected] Director of Faith Formation: Rebecca Scholz…….x107 [email protected] Director of Music: Dr. Mark Konewko..................... x117 [email protected] Business Manager: Sue Puls……........................... x105 [email protected] Director of Compliance: Rachel Baker…………….x104 [email protected] Director of Facilities: Adolfo Delgado……............. x168 [email protected] Parish Secretary: Theresa Boeckeler......................x102 [email protected] SCHOOL STAFF Principal: Regina Shaw …….................................... x119 [email protected] School Secretary: Barb Berthold …........................ x118 [email protected] Director of Extended Care: Denise Schienke…..... x123 [email protected] Cafeteria Director: Lisa Klug…………….…………...x122 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trustees Mary Moritz & Bob Ninnemann Pastoral Council Chairperson: Steve Prueher......414-640-0190 St. Vincent DePaul: 414-442-7600 x155 Other Ministries: Contact the Parish Office at 414-442-7600 x102 or the School Office x118. For a more complete listing of our ministries check our website at Happy Birthday to our MGC Kids and Teens February 2 ~ Greta Nilssen February 4 ~ Omar Smith Jr. February 6 ~ Naquin Henry February 7 ~ Maycee Gregor Layla Hawkins Nolan Hawkins Nyla Tate-Copeland From the Desk of Father Dan Dear friends, What does God want for me? The old Baltimore Catechism, question #2, sums it up the best: God wants me to know, to love, and to serve Him, and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven. And what does God want from me? Simply to do His will. Living as I do in a religious community, there are always those new members, interested people, candidates, novices, etc., who are fully engaged with this question: What is God’s will for me? Should I be a priest or brother? Am I being called to a life of ministry? We call their struggle “discernment.” Discernment is not reserved to religious. We all go through the same process when we deliberate about what school to attend, what career path to follow, who to marry, when it’s time to retire or to downsize, etc. What is God’s will for me? At times this process of discernment can become quite overwhelming. The issues are so big and the stakes are so high. For myself, I find it much easier to deal with these difficult issues simply by adding one word to my question: What does God want for me today? Yes, there are many big issues and matters of consequence to be decided. But in addition, each day there are many small things to be decided. Simply by adding the word “today” to my question about doing God’s will keeps me focused on the here and now, on what I can really accomplish. This in turn keeps me from getting lost in the fog of the future which none of us can fully penetrate. The answers we get this question can be very simple or very startling. Do the laundry. Salt the walk. Call your friend to see how s/he is doing. Bake some cookies. Mail a card. Read more about your faith. Take a nap. These may seem like quite ordinary things. Yes, they are. But just because they are ordinary does not mean that they are not God’s will for me today. We are now in the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. Most of us live ordinary lives, and mostly we make daily ordinary choices. For most of us, carrying out these simple choices is our way of doing God’s will and of working out our salvation. God does have things for us to do today. So let’s get to it! Love, Fr. Dan MGC Student Prayers We 8th graders pray for health of many in our community. We ask that they may find comfort in their times of need, and that they continue to recover with our support. We also pray for the healing of our hearts -for patience, tolerance, and peace here at MGC and around the world. We ask that we can continue to learn not just all of our subjects, but also how to respect one another and love one another as we are called. My fellow 7th Grade classmates and I would like to pray for Mr. V’s family and all MGC staff who have lost loved ones. May Mr. V’s mother and all our deceased loved ones be with God in Heaven. We pray for Mrs. Connell that she is healing quickly and doing better. We pray for students that they work hard this quarter and do their best work, and for children who are not able to attend school. Our prayers go up for the 8th graders so that they will succeed in high school and for the MGC basketball teams that they may be successful and safe in all their games. We pray for our parish community that they may be warm and safe during these cold winter days. We extend our prayers for Simon that he heals quickly in the care of God’s Hands. We also want to include Father Dan that he is doing well through all of the rough times going on. And finally, we pray for everyone and the special intentions they are holding in their hearts. Amen MGC Student Essays ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud to be MGC! by Ahjalia Kemp – 2nd grade I like MGC because we have art, music, PE, Spanish, and lunch; they’re all fun. MGC teachers are good ones, our principal is too. I get to meet with my 7th grade buddy and do activities. The reason I go to MGC is because my dad knew that I’d get a good education. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud to be MGC! by Nicholas Cross – 2nd grade I am proud to be MGC because of all the good things that I learn about God. I like showing my school pride by playing on the soccer team. I also have great friends for classmates. Lastly, I like my teachers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud to be MGC! by Navaya Walker I am a proud student at MGC! I like to do math with the class because it’s fun, and I get a 93 or a 100 on my math test. Mrs. Shaw handles a lot of problems, and she’s real good at it. I like that we have lost and found buckets so people can find their lost things. On the playground when someone falls we help them up. I love MGC! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proud to be MGC! by Lylani Phommarath – 6th grade Mother of Good Counsel has it all! It has the smartest teachers, highest academic standards, and special classes that other schools do not have. These are some of the reasons why I am proud to be MGC. MGC is known for having very high academic standards. We learn so much more than students at many other schools because of the qualified and knowledgeable teachers. We also have programs where students learn to play an instrument and play soccer or basketball. MGC also has special classes. We have foreign language where we learn Spanish and engage in fun projects. We also have “PE” which stands for physical education. Some schools don’t have PE, but we are very lucky. Music and art are also special classes where we are creative. For all of these reasons we are Proud to be MGC. MGC replaced negatives with positives for me and helped me perform better in academics and to make good friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Magic of MGC by Amiah Griffin – 6th Grade When you are looking for a good education, MGC is your destination. Mother of Good Counsel is a school filled with the kind of love that takes us out of our own needs and puts others first. MGC has a unique identity and provides wonderful opportunities for its students. Mother of Good Counsel builds a strong sense of community. For example, events like tag day raise money for charitable causes. We pay to be out of uniform for a day. This shows us that we should always give service to others. MGC has rigorous academics. We are held to high academic, organizational and personal standards. We also have subjects that other schools don’t such as Spanish, music, PE, religion, and art. MGC also teaches Christian values that help shape students into the person God has called them to be. We go to church every Thursday, and the teachers are there to make sure we do everything right. Our Catholic education is structured and disciplined. Administrators and teachers at MGC are truly dedicated to giving their students the best education possible. In conclusion, MGC is a wonderful place to be if you are looking for a loving community, rigorous academics, teachers and staff who help you, extraordinary extracurricular activities, and Christian values. This is why I am proud to MGC! MGC Student Essays - cond. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not Just School – Brioni Luenig – 6th grade Faith, Service, and Knowledge: The core themes of true community. Mother of Good Counsel School displays these foundational qualities in more ways than one. It is a place you can walk into and not only experience academic excellence, but also receive spiritual insight and personal growth. The high academic standards at MGC are why we have such talented and successful students. The Accelerated Reader Program strengthens students’ abilities to read and write. The hands-on learning in the science lab provides for a deeper understanding beyond what words on a screen or textbook could offer. MGC instills a lifelong Christian perspective within its students in everything they do, even into adulthood, is mindful of God’s will and the well-being of others. Every class, from math to reading to science, has a biblical-based approach that connects students to the will of God. MGC offers weekly masses to learn about God and to be in His presence through the Eucharist. MGC is set apart from other schools because of its Catholic teachings and principles. MGC also focuses on building community and friendship. Events like Jump Rope for Heart and ice cream socials bring people together. In addition, Mother of Good Counsel values community outside of its own walls, like in the case of Tag Day donations. MGC strives to be a place where individuals enter with endless potential and exit with mental, spiritual, and personal growth. It fosters honest and hardworking students who do all things for the glory of God, with so many dedicated teachers, coaches and staff who value Faith, Fellowship and Fun. I’m proud to be MGC! Valentines Weekend Begonia Sale After the Liturgies on Sat. Feb. 14 – Sun. Feb. 15 These beautiful little plants come in pink, red, or yellow and cost only $5.00 each. All profits from this sale benefit Sherman Park/Northwest Interfaith Older Adult Outreach Program. MGC is on the Board of the Sherman Park/Northwest Interfaith and strongly supports it because it offers the following necessary services to our elderly parishioners at no charge: Connects older parents with the help they need to remain in their own homes. Acts as an advocate with the City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee County Dept. of Aging as well as the Federal Government on behalf of the elderly in getting help that they are entitled to Provides volunteer services tailored to fit specific needs of socialization, transportation, and shopping. Call Interfaith anytime for help or to volunteer at (414)466-8858. Sherman Park/Northwest Interfaith is located at St. Margaret Mary, 5970 N. 92nd Street MILITARY OUTREACH USA Let us know of any family members or friends who are currently serving and we will add their names to our prayer list. [Submit the information below to the parish office.] Name of military member: Rank and branch of service: Where deployed: Relation to: / name of parish member: (e.g. Son of John Smith) Open Enrollment 2015-2016 School Year 3K-8th Grade Contact Barb @ 442-7600 ext 120 Proud to be MGC! Proud to be MGC! That is our theme for this school year. This week we recognize our K4 class who had the best participation is last week’s Tag Day. Way to go Mrs. Kunstmann, Mrs. Tourtillott and K4 class! MGC welcomes our newly baptized child; Joseph Rembrandt Allen, son of Benjamin Allen & Ann Kwiatkowski. Congratulations to the Allen and Kwiatkowski families. We ask for God’s blessings on you as Joseph Rembrandt begins his new life in Christ. February 18, 2015 Morning Mass in each parish 8am Christ King and St. Pius 8:15am MGC and St. Bernard Noon Mass at Christ King (quad-parish) 6:30pm Mass at St. Bernard (quad-parish) MGC Church Children’s Choir St. Anthony Fish Fry Friday, February 6 and February 20 4-7PM – School Multi-purpose Room Reichling Hall N74W13604 Appleton Avenue Menomonee Falls For more information please call the parish office at (262) 251-5910 X710. Heart of the Nation Viewing The Mass MGC Children’s Choir taped will air on February 8 &15 at 5:30am on Channel 6 and 9:00am on Channel 24. It will also be available at MGC Basketball Games Saturday 02/07/2015 8th/7th Grade Boys @ MGC 11:15am St. John Vianney 8th/7th Grade Girls @St. Josephs Wauwatosa 11:15am St. Josephs - Wauwatosa 6th/5th Grade Boys @Blessed Savior 6th/5th Grade Girls @MGC 9:15am Blessed Savior 12:15pm St. Dominic Please come and support the MGC Basketball teams this weekend. Remember that we are there to encourage and support our teams. Our conduct and enthusiasm at the games is always on display! Please remember to demonstrate the kind of positive support that our kids can be proud of- Go MGC!!!
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