People of Pilgrimage - Oblate School of Theology

People of Pilgrimage: The Liberated Heart-Becoming Who We Truly Are
Oblate School of Theology
The Sixth Annual Contemplative Retreat
Lecture Series
Sixth Annual Contemplative Retreat
The Liberated Heart
This retreat is based on
Joyce Rupp’s book: Open
the Door: A Journey to the
True Self. Thomas Merton
writes that when we find our
true self we find God and
when we find God we find
our true self. This “finding”
is a life-long process of
which leads to greater compassion and a stronger connection with the world
beyond self. We are each called to be in this process of personal growth, to discover and claim
more of our inner goodness. Becoming our true
self involves numerous challenges. We can get
caught in busyness and non-awareness and become lost in the ego’s longing to have complete
control. When we seek to be spiritually liberated
we often meet up with our weaknesses and unexpected difficulties on the road. In befriending
these barriers and bumps our heart becomes ever
more liberated and authentic. During this retreat,
Joyce Rupp will invite participants to enter the
inner terrain of their lives. She will provide both
theory and practical suggestions from a variety of
spiritual traditions in order to explore the process
of becoming a more liberated and whole human
Sr. Joyce Rupp, OSM
Two Tracks
Choose either:
A) A four day contemplative retreat with Sr.
Joyce Rupp, including time for silence
B) A three-evening lecture series with Sr.
Joyce Rupp.
Non Profit Org
US Postage
The retreat includes prayer, reflection time, teachings from Sr. Joyce
Rupp, plus three evening lectures
by Sr. Joyce, quiet time, and opportunities for spiritual direction with
one of the retreat conveners:
Suzanne Broussard, Rosalyn F.
Collier, or Sylvia Maddox.
San Antonio, TX
Permit No.1001
The lecture series consists of three evening lectures by Sr. Joyce Rupp, followed by booksigning opportunities. The lectures will take place
in the Whitley Theological Center on campus 7:00
- 8:30 PM, Mar. 2, 3 and 4, 2015.
People of Pilgrimage:
The Liberated Heart Becoming Who We Truly Are
Joyce Rupp is well known
for her work as a writer,
“spiritual midwife,” international retreat leader and
conference speaker. She is
a member of the Servants
of Mary community, author
of numerous best selling
books, and the co-director
of The Institute of Compassionate Presence. She has led retreats throughout
North America, as well as in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Joyce has a B.A.
in English, a Master’s degree in Religious Education, and a M.A. in Transpersonal Psychology.
Joyce Rupp resides in Des Moines, Iowa, and can
be visited online at
An Ecumenical Gathering
of Pilgrims on Oblate Hill
4:30 PM Sunday, Mar. 1, 2015
Noon, Thursday, Mar. 5, 2015
Registration Form
Local Partners
 Oblate Hill provides a welcome retreat
setting and tranquil grounds for quiet
walks and contemplation.
 Healthy, delicious meals are prepared
by our award-winning culinary professionals.
 Private and semi-private accommoda-
tions are available at Oblate Renewal
 Commuters are welcome.
 Spiritual direction is available.
Bracken United Methodist Church
Called Back to the Well at OST
Ecumenical Center for Education,
Counseling and Health
Pax Christi in San Antonio
peaceCENTER of San Antonio
Spiritual Services, Haven for Hope
St. Benedict’s Workshop
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
San Antonio Community of
Sankofa Institute for African American
Pastoral Leadership
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate
The SoL Center, University
Presbyterian Church
Viva! Bookstore
Registration (including meals): $350
Three evening lectures: $45
Mail registration to
Continuing Education
Oblate School of Theology
285 Oblate Drive
San Antonio, TX 78216 • (Brenda) 210-341-1366 X 212
For you created my inmost being; you
knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13
Art: Sr. Marie Paul, O.S.B.; © Monastère des
Bénédictines du Mont des Oliviers and Editions CHOISIR, Genève. The Printery House, Conception, Missouri, exclusive U.S.
agent. Used with permission.
Retreatants attending the entire retreat may receive a
certificate of continuing education for 30 clock hours.
Pilgrimage Retreat Itinerary
Name ____________________________________
Sunday Mar. 1, 2015
2:30 pm Check in begins
4:30 pm Pilgrimage gathering
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Sr. Joyce Rupp — a teaching
9:00 pm Night Prayer
Address __________________________________
Monday Mar. 2
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Sr. Joyce Rupp — a teaching
10:30 am book sale and signing
1:00 pm quiet time
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Sr. Joyce 1st lecture at Whitley Center
8:30 pm book sale & signing
9:00 pm Night Prayers
Tuesday, Mar. 3
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Morning Eucharist; quiet time
1:00 pm Quiet time
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Sr. Joyce 2nd lecture at Whitley Center
8:30 pm book sale & signing
9:00 pm Night Prayers
Wednesday, Mar.4
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Quiet time
1:00 pm Quiet Time
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Sr. Joyce 3rd lecture at Whitley Center
8:30 pm book sale & signing
9:00 pm Night Prayers
Thursday, Mar. 5
7:30 am Morning Prayer
8:00 am Breakfast
9:30 am Sr. Joyce — a teaching
11:00 am Closing Ritual
Noon Lunch and departure
City ______________________ State ________
Zip ____________ Phone ___________________
e-mail ___________________________________
Special needs: ___________________________
____ Single Occupancy $ 60 per night
____ Double Occupancy $ 38 per night (pp)
____ Commuter
Name of roommate:
Dates of lodging:
__ Mar. 1 __ Mar. 2 __ Mar. 3 __ Mar.4
______ Retreat Registration Fee ($ 350)
______ Lodging
______ lecture series only ($45)
$ ___________ Total
Method of payment:
Make check payable to
Oblate School of Theology
□ Check
# _______
□ MasterCard □ Visa □ Discover
Name (print) on credit card:
Credit card number
_______________ __________________________
Expiration date ___________ 3 digit code ______
Total amount charged: __________________
Signature: ________________________________