Camp Hill United Methodist Church 417 South Twenty-second Street Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 Phone (717)737-5631 Fax (717)737-3844 E-mail: [email protected] Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00AM-4:00PM Friday 9:00AM-12:00PM Welcome to Camp Hill United Methodist Church (CHUM), where our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We strive to be rooted in God through faith in Christ as we worship the Lord together and individually; to relate to other believers for fellowship, accountability, and spiritual growth through small groups; and to reach out beyond our church and ourselves to meet the needs of others, inviting them to follow Christ with us. Whether you are a visitor or a regular attender, we celebrate your presence with us today. February 1 Celebration Holy Communion Pastor Tom Willard New Life Pastor Jake Waybright February 8 Celebration Pastor Tom Willard New Life Pastor Jake Waybright Services—9:30 & 11AM We offer two worship styles every Sunday morning. Each of them includes biblically-rooted, relevant messages. Celebration services in the sanctuary include choral and instrumental music, congregational singing, and printed liturgy. New Life services in the Wesley Center include singing led by a praise band and incorporate multi-media and visual arts. Sunday School for all ages 9:30 Please stop by the Welcome Center in the Lobby for information, directions and other assistance. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month in Celebration and the third Sunday in New Life. We provide a safe, well-staffed nursery for infants and small children during worship services and Wednesday night activities. Our sanctuary is equipped with “t-loop” capabilities for digital hearing aids. Please check the CHUMC website, for worship messages, announcements, dinner menus and more. And find us on Facebook at Camp Hill United Methodist Church. Membership is open to all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and who are committed to growing as fully devoted followers of Jesus through active participation in the ministry of the church. Please contact Pastor Jack Grove at home 691-4796, or email [email protected]. Help celebrate the birthdays of our home-bound members by sending them a card. Home-bound birthdays: May Ryan - Feb. 2 Hospitalizations As of January 28, 2015 Claremont Rehab Steve Kocher, #423 Holy Spirit Becky Bryant, #602 Carol Ross - Feb. 3 Ethel Porter - Feb. 8 Carol Harrison - Feb. 28 Attendance for January 25 9:00 Worship 11:00 Worship Total 356 228 584 Sunday School NA VibraLife Rehab Ray Donley, #403 Christian Sympathy To Charlotte Atkins and Billie Beauregard. Ken Atkins— Charlotte’s husband, Billie’s father and a CHUM member since 2012—died at 90 on January 27th. Service is February 23rd at Indiantown Gap National Cemetery. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their family and friends. THE PASTOR'S PARAGRAPH TO THE CHUM FAMILY As I write this I am preparing for a weekend away (January 16-18) at my annual Christian men’s retreat which I helped launch back in 1970. This year is the 45 th year of this retreat, and a number of men from CHUM are joining me—along with about 35 men altogether—at John and Donna Szwast’s camp named Ingelby. I always look forward to this weekend. For 45 years I have been joining together on this winter weekend with Christians friends whom I’ve known since high school. Every year, too, many new men also join us for this time of Christian growth, fellowship and fun. It’s always one of the highlights of my year. Over the years the retreat has grown into a Christian Father and Son Retreat, so my two sons will also be joining me there. They, too, look forward to “The Retreat” each year, and always make the effort to attend--even when one of them lived outside the US. The other weekend to which I look forward each year is CHUM’s Men Retreat at Mount Asbury, which is coming up on March 20-22. This is an excellent time for men to get away together and be challenged to grow in our walks with Christ. I hope that you’re already making plans to join Pastors Jake, Jack, and me at the CHUM’s Men’s Retreat. Registration information is in your bulletin and you can sign-up out at the Men’s Table in the Gathering Space. ---Pastor Tom CHUM’s Weekly Prayer List is on tables at the back of the worship spaces and at the Welcome Center or go to and follow the Prayer List link. Is there someone whose face you’ve missed in worship recently? - If so, please let the church office (737-5631) know. It’s also a good idea for you to reach out and let them know that you’ve missed them. * * * How you can Help * * * Panguma Scholarship Update -The last six months have been devastating for Sierra Leone. Prior to the viral outbreak, the efforts of many organizations, including the UMC Susquehanna Conference, were finally beginning to make a difference. Our non-profit partner for school scholarships, Operation Classroom, had some very difficult decisions to make regarding the funds we had raised for the current school year. Details for this scenario can be viewed on the church website, using the Team Panguma icon, or by logging in to . The good news is the schools are now scheduled to re-open on March 1! The importance of your financial support of the scholarship program cannot be overstated...thank you! Please join us as we pray for the people and the crisis situation in Sierra Leone. Family Promise—CHUM’s next opportunity to serve will be February 15-22. Signups can be done on line at the CHUM website ( Call Chris and Laura Durant (717-525-8501) for more information. Again, thank you. We look forward to serving with everyone in 2015. Occasional DRIVERS Needed for doctor's appointments, etc. We would like to compile a resource list of folks who can help. Please contact Pastor Sharon at [email protected] or 691-8241 indicating your availability. Thank you! Bethesda Mobile Mission—Our next service opportunity for Bethesda Mobile Mission is Friday February 20. Our focus collection continues to be Men's and Ladies socks and underwear. Men's : Medium, Large and Extra Large (both briefs and TShirts) and Ladies sizes 6 or 8. White Athletic socks are always best. All items can be placed in the Bethesda Mission collection box located near the Missions Table. While there check out all of the service opportunities for Bethesda Mission and many others. Questions, contact Chris Durant at 717-525-8501. New Hope Ministries Needs Toilet paper, paper towels, hand & laundry soap, shampoo, diapers 4-5-6, toothpaste, toothbrushes. Support the Walk For Hope, April 19, 2015. Contact: Burton Lee, 766-4569. Food Pantry Focus Items for this month are Boxed Mac & Cheese and Ramen Noodles. We give over 1,000 boxes of Mac & Cheese and about 400 packages of Ramen Noodles each month to 740 families (about 2,800 people) who need emergency food. CHUM’s support to the Ecumenical Food Pantry the past 40 years has always been outstanding. Donation of any nonperishable food item is always welcome even if it is not the focus item. Thank you. Ernie & Martha Speck, 766-4922. Helping Hands— Coffee, iced tea mix, hot chocolate mix, sugar, powdered creamer, forks, & napkins. Collection box at the Missions table. Thank you! Check Out Youth Ministry ~ Anyone in grades 6-12 is welcome The Bridge & 67 Grapple are cancelled today because most of our students and leaders are away at ZETEO, winter retreat! Tonight: Super Bowl Party at Doug & Rachel Beaver's home 6-9pm. 4162 Birchwood Lane, Mech. 17055. Near Lower Allen Community Park. Please bring a snack or dessert to share! College Cookie Mailing is Tuesday, February 3! It’s not too late to s e i bring cookies. Bring them to the church kitchen by the morning of Februok g ary 3 and come help with this fun project! Attention parents of college stuCo ilin Ma dents, please get their name and address to the church office by Monday, February 2. Email [email protected] or phone 737-5631 x222 Sunday Morning at CHUM 8:30 Pastors’ Prayer Warriors ~ Fireside 9:30 Celebration ~ Sanctuary 9:30 New Life ~ Wesley Center 9:30 Nursery SS ~ 116 9:30 2 yr-olds SS ~ 114 9:30 Preschool SS ~ 18 9:30 Kindergarten SS~ 20 9:30 1st Grade SS ~ 24 9:30 2nd Grade SS ~ 30 9:30 3rd Grade SS ~ 29 9:30 4th—5th Grade SS ~ 28 9:30 67 Grapple ~ 118/119 9:30 Youth “The Bridge” ~ 125 9:30 Footprints of God SS ~ 2 9:30 Coffee in the Kitchen ~ Fellowship Hall Kitchen 9:30 Pioneer Adult SS ~ 7 9:30 Fidelity Adult SS ~ 117 9:30 Challenger Adult SS ~ Fireside 10:30 Carriers of the Light ~ Jenny’s office 11:00 Celebration ~ Sanctuary 11:00 New Life ~ Wesley Center 11:00 Pathfinders ~ Fireside Room 11:00 Infant - 3 yr-olds ~ 116 11:00 CFC ~ Fellowship Hall Calendar for February 1 - February 8 Sunday 2/1/15 Monday 2/2/15 6:00 Upward BB Practice ~ Wesley 6:00 Upward Cheer Practice ~ 125 6:30 Celebration Ringers ~ Sanctuary 7:00 Band of Brothers ~ Fireside 7:00 Hannah Circle ~ Fellowship Hall 7:15 Chancel Bells ~ Sanctuary Tuesday 2/3/15 6:00 Men’s Breakfast ~ Summit Rest. 6:00 Upward BB Practice ~ Wesley 6:00 Upward Cheer Practice ~ 125 Wednesday 2/4/15 4:15 Jr. Youth Bells ~ 119 Wednesday Connection 4:45—5:45 Dinner ~ Wesley 5:30 Youth Bells ~ 119 5:45 Laurel Towers Bible Study ~ off site 6:00 Kinder Connection ~ 19/20/21 6:00 Kids Connection ~ 18/23 6:00 Child Care ~ 105/106 6:00 Youth - The Pursuit ~ Catacombs 6:00 Confirmation ~ 28 6:00 A Disciple’s Path (Pastor Tom) ~ Fellowship Hall 6:30 A Disciple’s Path (Jessica Schneck) ~ 117 6:30 Angel & Alleluia Choirs ~ 118/119 6:30 Sanctuary Choir ~ Sanctuary 7:00 New Life Praise Team ~ Wesley Thursday 2/5/15 6:00 Women’s Breakfast ~ John’s Diner 10:00 Bad Girls Bible Study ~ Fireside 1:00 Sheltering Arms ~ 117 2:30 Linden Terrace Bible Study 6:00 Upward BB Practice ~ Wesley 6:00 Upward Cheer Practice ~ 125 7:00 Trustees ~ 117 9:00 Wesley Volleyball ~ Wesley Center Friday 2/6/15 6:30 Men’s AM Bible Study ~ Seltenheim’s 6:00 Upward BB Games ~ Wesley Saturday 2/7/15 9:00 Upward BB Games ~ Wesley Sunday 2/8/15 12:00 Shepherd’s Meeting ~ Prayer Room 3:30 New Life Worship Team ~ 125 6:00 Rooted Youth Gathering ~ Wesley CHUM Outdoors will meet on Sunday, February 8, following the late services in the Fireside Room to plan the group’s schedule for 2015. This meeting is open to all, and people are encouraged to bring ideas for activities. Lunch will be provided. To ensure enough food for all please RSVP to Debbie Haar at [email protected] or 717-737-1006. Worship Band Opportunity! Interested in being in the Worship Band? Come out on February 8th or March 1st from 3:30 - 5:30 to find out what it's like and meet some of the team (and to enjoy some chili). See Andrew Brisbin for more details or email him at [email protected] Upcoming Adult Studies ~ See today’s insert or stop by the Adult Spiritual Growth table in the Gathering Space to check out the spring offerings that begin after Ash Wednesday. Sign up for a class and order materials while you’re there. Take-them-a-Meal ~ If you or anyone you know needs to have a meal or meals delivered (illness or other incapacitation, new baby, etc.), please let the CHUM office know so we can connect you with our fellowship meals program. CHUM Scrip—Remember, we’re here every Sunday. SCRIP works well for birthdays, Valentine’s Day, or your regular weekly groceries and for the big holidays. On average CHUM receives 8.5% of the face value for each gift card sold with proceeds funding summer camp scholarships. Stop by the CHUM SCRIP table (in the upper lobby) to purchase these cards, or to place an order for any of the 100+ stores that are participating in our fundraising program. CHUM Preschool is now accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. If you are interested in enrolling your 2-5 year old, please pick up a registration form at the information centers throughout the church. Questions, please call Georgia Reisinger at the preschool office at 737-0262. 1st Quarter 2015 Mission Projects—Updates as of 1/25 CACCC Childcare $500 $248 (Church Affiliated Child Care Center) Scholarships - Multiple denominational / nonprofit / year-round organization serving local families of children aged 6 weeks to 16 years. CHUMC serves as one of their four locations. Sierra Leone Initiative (Pastors Salaries) $2500 $645 We are pleased to continue in our fifth year of partner support. Your gifts during this quarter fund our annual commitment to salary support for Sierra Leone pastors. Ecumenical Food Pantry $1500 $454 The Ecumenical Food Pantry was established in 1972 to provide emergency food for those in need and serves 2,500 people each month. Your gifts will help offset the increased demand and higher cost of food. Beacon Clinic, Hbg $500 $98 The mission of Beacon Clinic is to share God’s love and witness by offering faith based, free primary healthcare services to the underserved and under-insured adult residents of uptown Harrisburg. Upward Basketball games are Friday nights at 6:00 & 7:15. Saturday games begin at 9:00, the last one starts at 6:00. Our teams and cheer squads would love to have you come out and encourage them! February 6 & 7 are Upward Spirit Days, so if you attend, get ready to show some Upward Spirit (Upward giveaways plus pom poms for the fans)! 2015 Upward Concession Stand Volunteers Needed Friday nights and Saturday now til March for the 2015 Upward Basketball season. There is a link to VolunteerSpot on the CHUM website under Upward for sign-ups. (Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone.) You can also contact Ellen Iorfido at 620-3181 and she can sign you up manually. Thanks,! Men’s Retreat registration deadline is March 8. Registration Forms along with $20 are due that day. The Retreat is scheduled for Friday, through Sunday, March 20-22, at the Mt. Asbury Retreat Center in Newville, PA. Our 2015 speaker is Dr. Larry R. Hygh, Jr., the Director of Communications for the California-Nevada Conference of The UMC. Financial aid is available for all of the lodging choices and for commuters. See Pastor Jack Grove for more information. February 11, Noon --CHUMC Senior Luncheon! All seniors (55+) are invited for lunch and fellowship in the Wesley Center. John Maietta will present a program on Classic Toys. You're invited to bring along an antique toy from your past! Please register NO LATER than SUNDAY February 8 by contacting the church office (7375631 x222) or by emailing Pastor Sharon at [email protected]. Thanks for your prior registration which helps with table set-up and food preparation. Summer Conference Camp brochure is now available on the camping web site. Online registration is available. CHUM will once again pay half the fee (Thanks to SCRIP program - Please support it!) Most fees jump $30 after April 1 so please register early and save us all some money. Spring 2015 Walking with God (WWG) Class for prospective members begins Sunday, March 1. It is open to everyone interested in CHUM membership and/or becoming an active part of the life of the congregation. It does not commit a person to CHUM membership. The WWG experience is for both clergy and laity, and includes those joining through profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or letter of transfer. WWG has 8 one-hour classes, interchangeable between Sunday a.m. (11noon) and Wednesday p.m. (6-7:00). Classes are held downstairs in room 2 (below the Sanctuary). Sunday classes: March 1, 8, 15, & 29; April 12, 19, & 26; & May 3. Wednesday classes: March 4, 11, & 18; April 8, 15, 22, & 29; & May 6. Enroll by Sunday, February 22. Call Pastor Jack Grove at 691-4796; email with your mailing address & phone number to [email protected]; or fill out an Enrollment Form at the WWG presentation board in the Gathering Area and return at the Welcome Center or in the offering plate. The Harrisburg Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will present a members’ recital in the CHUM sanctuary on Tuesday, February 10 at 7:00 PM. The participants will each perform two stylistically differing settings of organ pieces based on the same chorale, hymn tune or melody arranged by different composers or arrangers from varying time periods. All are invited to come and hear our Moller/ Brunner-Buch organ as played by organists from the Harrisburg area.
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