MADHAV INSITITE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENE GWALIOR -474005 (M. P.) Tender Sealed tender are invited from Agencies/firms who are registered under sales tax and having valid PAN/TIN number for chemicals, media, reagent and teaching kits for Biotechnology /Chemical engineering / Applied Science Department. Tender document with terms and conditions can be obtained from account office on cash payment/ demand draft submitted in favor of Director MITS, Gwalior or can be downloaded from the institute website: on or before 30.01.2015 up to 2.00 PM. The completed tender from shall be submitted till 3.00 PM on 30.01.2015. (Dr. Sanjeev Jain) Director MADHAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE GWALIOR – 474005 01 1. TENDER DOCUMENT For Chemical & Media (Department of Biotechnology) (Consumables) January - 2015 Last Date of collection tender - 30/01/2015 till 12:00 noon Last Date of submitting tender - 30/01/2015 till 03:00 PM Last Date of opening tender - 30/01/2015 at 04:00 PM Category – 1 MADHAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE GWALIOR – 05 TENDER DOCUMENT FOR CHEMICALS S. No. Name of Chemical Quantity Company Name 1- 1-Amino 2 – napthol 4- sulphonic acid (AR) 25 gm Rankem/CDH 2- Acetic Acid 500 ml Rankem/CDH 3- Acetone (AR) 2.5 lit Rankem/CDH 4- 2,4-dinitro phenyl hydrazine (DNPH0 (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 5- 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 6- 5-sulphosalicylic acid (AR) 250 gm Rankem/CDH 7- 8-hydroxy quinoline (oxine) (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 8- 8- hydroxy quinoline (sulphate) (AR) 25 gm Rankem/CDH 9- ABO Blood Group Kit 1 Kit Span / Equivalent 10- Acetokarmin stain powder 25 gm Rankem/CDH 11- Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 1 kit Rankem/CDH 13- Adenine sulphate (AR) 10 gm Rankem/CDH 14- Adenosine tri-phosphatase disodium salt (AR) 5 gm Rankem/CDH 15- Agarose 100 gm Rankem/CDH 16- Alpha-Napthol 100 gm Rankem/CDH 17- Alpha – tocopherol 500 gm Rankem/CDH 18- Alpha – lecithin 500 gm Rankem/CDH 19- Aluminium Nitrate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 20- Amino naphthol sulfonic acid (ANSA)(AR) 25 gm Rankem/CDH 21- Ammonia solution (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 22- Ammonia per sulphate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 23- Ammonia sulphate(AR) 250 gm Rankem/CDH 24- Ammonium Hydroxide (AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 25- Ammonium Chloride (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 1 kit Rankem/CDH 27- Ammonium Acetate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 28- Anacetaldehyde (AR) 250 ml Rankem/CDH 29- Ammonium Oxalate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 30- Arabinose 10 gm Rankem/CDH 31- Asparagine 500 gm Rankem/CDH 32- Bendict’s reagent (AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 33- Barium Chloride (AR) 1 kg Rankem/CDH 34- Bile salt 100 gm Rankem/CDH 35- Bismuth Nitate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 36- Benzene (AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 37- Bromo phenol Blue 5 gm Rankem/CDH 38- Bromocresol purple 125 ml Rankem/CDH 39- Bromothymol Blue 5 gm Rankem/CDH 40- Brucine 25 gm Rankem/CDH 12- Acid fast stain kit 26- Amino Acid kit 41- Butanol (AR) 2.5 lit Rankem/CDH 42- n- Butanol (AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 43- Caffeine pure ( 1,3,7 trimethyl xanthine pure ) (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 44- Calcium acetate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 45- Calcium carbonate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 46- Calcium hypochloride (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 47- Calcium hydroxide 500 gm Rankem/CDH 48- Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 49- Calcium sulphate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 50- Calcium chloride (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 51- Calcium chloride anhydrous (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 52- Capsule stain kit 1 kit BangloreGenie/equivalent 53- Carbon tetrachloride (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 54- Caroboxy methyl cellulose ,sodium salt(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 55- Casein (purified) (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 56- Calcon Indictor (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 57- Cellulase 100 mg Rankem/CDH 58- Cellulose (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 59- Chloroform (AR) 2.5 lit Rankem/CDH 60- Chromatography kit (Gel filtration) 5 Expt BangloreGenie/equivalent 61- Citric acid (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 62- Cloning kit 5 Expt BangloreGenie/equivalent 63- Cobalt (ii) chloride(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 64- Cupric sulphate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 65- Copper (ii) chloride (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 66- Creatine(AR) 25 gm Rankem/CDH 67- Crystal violet 100 gm Rankem/CDH 68- Cytoheximide 5 gm Rankem/CDH 69- Cytochalasin B 1 mg Rankem/CDH 70- D-Sorbitol (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 71- D-Fructose(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 72- D-Galactose(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 10 microgram Rankem/CDH 74- Diethyl either(AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 75- Dimethyl alpha napthaline (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 76- Dimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde 25 gm Rankem/CDH 77- Dimethyl glyoxime (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 78- Diphenyl amine indicator 100 gm Rankem/CDH 79- Dipottasium Hydrogen Phosphate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 80- Disodium beta glycerophosphate(AR) 25 gm Rankem/CDH 81- Dithiobis-2-nitro-benzoic acid(DTNB) 1 gm Rankem/CDH 82- D-Manitol(Ar grade) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 83- DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide(AR)) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 1 gm Rankem/CDH 73- D5-alpha with plasmd 84- DPPH 85- D-Sucrose(AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 86- D-Xylose(AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 87- EDTA(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 88- Ethanol (AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 89- Ether water(AR) 2.5 ltr Rankem/CDH 500 gm Rankem/CDH 91- Ethyl acetate(AR) 2.5 ltr Rankem/CDH 92- Ethyl acetate (HPLC grade) 1 gm Rankem/CDH 93- FeCl2(ferrous chloride(AR)) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 94- Ferric Ammonium Citrate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 95- Ferrous Ammonium sulphate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 1 gm Rankem/CDH 90- Eriochrome black-T 96- Ferrozine(AR) 97- Ficol 100 gm Rankem/CDH/Equivalent 98- Folin reagent(ciocalteau reagent) 250 ml Rankem/CDH 99- Galic acid(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 100- Giemsa stain solution 500 ml Rankem/CDH 101- Glucose (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 102- Glucose oxidase 250 ku Rankem/CDH 103- Glucose-6-phosphate(AR) 1000u Rankem/CDH 104- Glycerol(AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 105- Glycine(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 106- GOD-POD kit Kit 107- Gram’s iodine 125 ml Rankem/CDH 1 Pkt Rankem/CDH 109- Hexane 500 gm Rankem/CDH 110- Hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 111- Human IL-10 colorimetric sandwich ELISA kit 1 Pkt Bangalore Genie/Equivalent 112- Hydrochloric acid(AR) 5 ltr Rankem/CDH 113- Immersion oil 125 ml Rankem/CDH 114- IMVIC test kit 1KIT 108- Gram’s staining solution kit Span/Equivalent BangaloreGenie/Equivalent 115- Inositol 25 gm Rankem/CDH 116- Invertase 100 ml Rankem/CDH 117- Iodine(AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 118- Isopropanol(AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 119- KH2PO4(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 120- Kovac’s indole reagent 100 ml Rankem/CDH 121- L-Cystein hydrochloride(AR) 25 gm Rankem/CDH 122- L-Dopa 5 gm Rankem/CDH 123- Lead nitrate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 124- Lenolic acid(AR) 250 ml Rankem/CDH 125- L-Glycine(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 126- Leishman stain solution 500 ml Rankem/CDH 127- Lysozyme 25 gm Rankem/CDH 128- Magnesium sulphate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 129- Magnesium chloride (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 130- Maleic acid 250 gm Rankem/CDH 131- Mercury (II) sulphate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 132- Mercuric chloride(AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 133- Mercury (Hg) (AR) 250 gm Rankem/CDH 10 ltr Rankem/CDH 135- Methyl paraben(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 136- Murexide indicator 100 gm Rankem/CDH 137- Methyl red indicator 25 gm Rankem/CDH 138- Methylene blue 125 ml Rankem/CDH 139- Methyl orange 100 gm Rankem/CDH 140- Molybdenum tri-oxide(AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 141- MTT(trizolyl blue tetrazolium) 100 mg Rankem/CDH 5 gm Rankem/CDH 1 gm Rankem/CDH 144- NADH 100 gm Rankem/CDH 145- NADP 100 mg Rankem/CDH 146- NADPH 5 gm Rankem/CDH 147- NBT(Nitro blue terazolium) 1 gm Rankem/CDH 148- Niacin 100 gm Rankem/CDH 149- Nitric acid 500 ml Rankem/CDH 150- Oleic acid 5 ml Rankem/CDH 134- Methanol(AR) 142- NNN’N’ Tetramethyl-p phenylenediamine Dihydrochloride(AR) 143- NAD 151- PBR322 152- PCR KIT(MASTER MIX KIT) 50 microgram Bangalore Genie/Equivalent 1 Kit Bangalore Genie/Equivalent 153- Pectin (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 154- PEG-8000(Poly Ethylene Glycol)(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 155- Pepsin 100 gm Rankem/CDH 156- Petroleum ether(AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 5 vile each Rankem/CDH 158- Phenol(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 159- Pharmalyte 5 ml Rankem/CDH 160- Plasmid DNA Extraction kit Pkt Bangalore Genie/Equivalent 161- Potassium bicarbonate(AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 162- Potassium dichromate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 163- Potassium dihydrgen orthophosphate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 164- Potassium ferrocynide(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 165- Potassium hydroxide(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 166- Potassium nitrate(AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 167- Phenolphthalein indicator 100 gm Rankem/CDH 168- Potassium per sulfate(AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 169- Potassium phosphate (monobasic)(AR) 250 mg Rankem/CDH 170- Potassium chromate 500 gm Rankem/CDH 171- Potassium dichromate 500 gm Rankem/CDH 172- Potassium permanganate 500 gm Rankem/CDH 157- PH Tablet(4,7,9) 173- Potassium iodide 500 gm Rankem/CDH 174- PROTEASE INHIBITOR(PMSF)(AR) 100 mg Rankem/CDH 1 ml Rankem/CDH 100 mg Rankem/CDH 175- Protein molecular weight marker 176- Proteinase K 177- PUC 18 10 microgram Bangalore Genie/Equivalent 178- Quercetin 25gm Rankem/CDH 179- Raffinose 10 gm Rankem/CDH 180- RBCs diluting fluid 500 ml Rankem/CDH 181- Rhamnose 5 gm Rankem/CDH 182- Riboflavin 25 gm Rankem/CDH 183- Hydrogen peroxide(50%)(AR) 500 ml Rankem/CDH 184- Low melting agrose 10 gm Rankem/CDH 185- RNase 50 mg Rankem/CDH/Equivalent 186- Safranine Solution (w/v 5 %) 125 ml Rankem/CDH 187- SDS 500 gm Rankem/CDH 188- Silica Gel 500 gm Rankem/CDH 189- Silver Nitrate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 190- Silver sulphate (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 191- Sodium chloride (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 192- Sodium acetate trihydrate (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 193- Sodium carbonate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 194- Sodium Bicarbonate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 195- Sodium citrate solution (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 196- Sodium hydrogen carbonate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 197- Sodium nitrate (AR) 100 gm Rankem/CDH 198- Sodium potassium tartrate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 199- Sodium Thoisulphate (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 5 liter Rankem/CDH 201- Starch (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 202- Sodium hydroxide pallet (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 203- Sodium diphenylamine sulphonate indicator 100 gm Rankem/CDH 204- Starch Soluble (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 205- Sulphuric Acid 5 liter Rankem/CDH 206- Super mix DNA ladder 10 ug Bangalore genie/equivalent 207- TEMED 100 ml Rankem/CDH 5 gm Rankem/CDH 209- Thio urea 500 gm Rankem/CDH 210- Thiobarbituric acid (AR) 25 gm Rankem/CDH 211- Toluene (HPLC grade) 2.5 ltr Rankem/CDH 212- Transformation Teaching Kit 20 exp. Bangalore genie/equivalent 213- Tri Chloroacetic Acid (AR) 25 gm Rankem/CDH 214- Triethanol amine 500 gm Rankem/CDH 1 kg Rankem/CDH 100 ml Rankem/CDH 200- Spirit 208- Tetra Methyl Phenyl Diamine Dihydrochloride 215- Tris Base 216- Tris saturated phenol (AR) 217- Triton X-100 100 ml Rankem/CDH 218- Tin (II) chloride 500 gm Rankem/CDH 219- Tween 20 (AR) 500 gm Rankem/CDH 220- VDRL Kit 1 kit Span/equivalent 221- Vriamine blue 100 gm Rankem/CDH 222- WBCs Diluting Fluid 500 ml Rankem/CDH 223- Widal Kit 1 kit Span/equivalent 224- Xylan power 10 gm Rankem/CDH 225- Xylene 500 ml Rankem/CDH 226- α- Ketoglutaric Acid 25 gm Rankem/CDH 227- β- Glycerophosphate 25 gm Rankem/CDH Category – 2 Tender documents for Media S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Name Of Chemicals Actinomycetes Isolation Agar Agar-Agar Beef extract BHA Blood Agar Media Carboxy Methyl cellulose, sodium salt Citrate Agar EMB Agar Genatine Agar Ham’s 10 Media LB Agar LB Broth Littman oxgall Agar Base Mac- Monkey Agar Malt Extract Mannitol Salt Agar Amount 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500 gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 100gm Company Name Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Meat Extract MR-VP Muller Hinton Agar Muller Hinton Broth Nitrate broth Nutrient Agar Nutrient Broth Peptone Potato Dextrose Agar Potato Dextrose Broth Saboured Dextrose Agar Simmon’s Citrate Agar Soyabean-casein digest Agar Starch Agar Medium Starch Casein Agar TCBS Agar (Thiosulphate Citrate Bile Salt) Tributyrin agar base w/o Tributyrin Triple Sugar Iron Agar Tryptone Broth Yeast Extract Yeast Nitrogen Base 500 gm 100gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 500gm 100gm 100gm 100gm 500gm 500gm 100mg Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia Himedia MADHAV INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, GWALIOR - 474005 (M.P.) General Terms & conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tender documents can be obtained against cash payment/ DD of Rs 500/- (in favour of Director, MITS, Gwalior payable at Gwalior) only of cost of tender form (Non- refundable) till 12:00 Noon up to 30-01-2015 from the Institute during working hours. The tender documents directly downloaded from the website, must be attached with a draft of the tender cost in favour of director, MITS, Gwalior payable at Gwalior. (web site: Earnest money deposit (EMD), of Rs. 5000/- is to be submitted along with the completed tender form duly sealed in 1st cover. The EMD shall be in the form of demand Draft/Pay order in favour of the Director, MITS, Gwalior, payable at Gwalior. Eligibility criteria for applying for the tender. i. Valid VAT and Commercial Tax registration for the similar work on the date of application. ii. Latest income Tax clearance certificate. iii. TIN Number and PAN Number iv. Proof of past satisfactory assignment of the same nature done in the reputed departments. These certificates are to be put inside the 1st envelope. The venders shall submit the tender in two sealed envelopes marked as 1st and 2nd. The first envelope should contain the E.M.D. and copies of all relevant documents pertaining to eligibility criteria and second envelope should contain the tender form of the price bid. In case, the 1st cover is not annexed for eligibility criteria in the proper form as mentioned above in clause (4), and/or is without E.M.D., the envelope marked 2nd will not be opened at all and the same will be rejected and no representation shall be entertained in this regard. These two envelops are to be put inside the third separate envelop. All sealed envelopes must be super scribed “Tender Form for Chemicals and Media Category No. 1 & 2” with Red Ink on the top of envelop. In case one vendor apply for more than one categories, the tender form of each category must be sent in separate sealed envelope. 7. 8. The last date & time of submission of tender is, (on or before) 30-01-2015 upto 3:00PM. Tender will be opened on 30-01-2015 at 04:00 PM. The second envelope of only the eligible tenders will be opened at 04:00PM on the same day. 9. Validity of the rates will be up to 31st December 2015 from the date of opening of the tenders. 10. Telegraphic/Fax and conditional tenders shall not be accepted. 11. Director, MITS, Gwalior, reserves the rights to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 12. The rates should be F.O.R. at site (Institute Premises) & no extra charges on this account (for octroi, VAT, and surcharge etc.) shall be payable to the suppliers. 13. Our Institute is exempted to pay excise duty. 14. The rates should include all materials, labour charges, profit & relevant taxes, if any. 15. The tenders, whose tender is accepted, shall have to sign an agreement as per the given format. 16. Any amount due or becoming due for the tenders shall be covered from their bills. 17. The competent authority reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any item of supply, during the currency of contract. The tenders will be bound to comply with the order of the competent authority without any claim and compensation. 18. The competent authority to dispose off the tenders will have the right of rejecting all or any part of the tender without assigning any reason; even the lowest tender does not necessarily qualify for the order. 19. The rates should be competitive and workable. 20. Any controversy will be subjected to disposal in Gwalior jurisdiction only. 21. The Income Tax and Commercial Tax shall be deducted from the bills as per the rules. 22. The whole supply should be satisfactorily executed within stipulated time from the date of issue of order. Time extension will not be permitted. 23. The tenders shall execute the work as per specifications mentioned in the supply order. 24. Before making any supply of any materials to the Institute, the tender shall get it approved by the competent authority or his representative; otherwise the supply shall not be approved. To check the rest of supply, he should submit the approved sample in our office, if items do not belong to reputed or registered make. 25. The tenderer should satisfy himself regarding the magnitude of the supply & no claim on this account shall be entertained. 26. Warranty period should be clearly specified as per the latest term and condition of the original manufacturers and the parts and labour costs are to be included for the full warranty period. 27. The warranty period will be considered from the date of supply of the items. 28. A duly constituted committee of the Institute may inspect the supply made by the tender at other place. The committee may also inspect infrastructure of those applicants who qualify the eligibility criteria in clause- 4, for satisfaction. 29. M.I.T.S. Gwalior will have the right to check the samples before supply. 30. Payment will be made after the successful and satisfactory supply. (Dr. Sanjeev Jain) DIRECTOR I have studied the above general conditions of contract and shall abide by them. Seal & Signature of the Agency/ Firm with Date
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