02-01-15 Opportunities - St. Pauls Lutheran Church, School and

Our Stewardship For: January 22, 24 & 25, 2015
Church and Communion Attendance:
Our Gifts to God:
KQ Sunday School:
Total for ECHO
JAN 1, 2015
JAN 4, 2015
JAN 11, 2015
JAN 18, 2015
JAN 25, 2015
JAN To Date Giving
JAN Monthly Budget Needs
Mission Dimes: Loose dimes in the offering plate are divided equally between Bethesda
Lutheran Home, Lutheran Bible Translators, and the LCMS Mission in the Dominican
Republic. Coins for Christ: Loose quarters, nickels and pennies in the offering plate are used
for special mission projects.
Opportunities for Special Gifts/Memorials—Thank you!
Barry & Ruth Wier gave a gift for the School Endowment Fund in memory of Lois Wahrle’s
brother-in-law and a gift for St. Paul’s Band program in memory of Sandra Van Able (Mr.
David Viemeister’s mother-in-law); Evon Mitchell gave a gift to Unified in memory of Evelyn
Lokken (Betty Mitchell’s sister); Doris Alwin gave a gift to the Parking Lot fund in loving
memory “of my husband, Francis’, birthday”; Deb & Duane Mundth gave an undesignated
gift “in memory of Cindy Perkin’s mother”; Keith & Betty Oldfield gave a gift to the Parking
Lot Fund in thanksgiving for “all blessings received for 62 years of marriage”; David & Karen
Speth gave a gift to Unified “for blessings received”;
In memory of Ellwood “Woody” Springbrum: For St. Paul’s Family Tuition Assistance
Fund: Sharon Dammen; Nanci Zigler; Gary & Judy Neumueller; JoAnn Wall; Judith Vopelak;
Sara Cullen; Hal & Lorraine Knutson; Margo Lindemann; Joyce Garvoille; Simon & Lois
Smith; For the Parking Lot Fund: Roger & Diane Krause;
In memory of Ginny Davis (mother of Renae Frisque): For St. Paul’s Family Tuition
Assistance Fund: Andy & Angie Ellefson; For the Parking Lot Fund: Ray & Joan Fenrick;
Tom & Cheryl Skelly; Paul & Cindy Bertagnoli; For the School Library: Rich & Karen
Zastoupil; Dave & Sara Knuth.
For the Week of February 1, 2015
For the Family of God at St Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church, School and Day Care
210 South Ringold Street Janesville WI 53545-5199; (608) 754-4471
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Daniel J. Decker, Pastor
[email protected]
Kevin J. Hendrikson, Principal
[email protected]
754-4471 ext. 203
Jared Stiek, Dir. of Parish Music [email protected]
754-4471 ext. 232
John Mueller, DCE-Youth
[email protected]
754-4471 ext. 202
Marybeth Madsen, DCE Intern
[email protected]
754-4471 ext. 205
Children’s Activity Bags Available to Use During the Worship Service: Each bag contains
a book, stuffed animal, and crayons. If you have forgotten your own items to keep your child
quietly active during the service, grab a bag from the crying room in the back of the church.
After the service please return the bag and all its contents back to the crying room.
Have you been to our website? For those with internet access,
www.StPaulsJanesville.com is the place to go for information on all of the activities of
the congregation. Under the “News” tab you will find copies of the weekly “Opportunities”,
“Taking Faith Home” and the monthly “News N Notes” Newsletter. (This information can
also be found on the Home page along the left-hand side under the “Announcements”
heading.) Under the “School” tab you will find a link to the “Principal’s Pads”.
Listen to God’s Word online at www.StPaulsJanesville.com! On our main page you will
find links under “Latest Sermon Audio” on the right hand side of the page. Or go to the
Church Tab and you’ll find a link (on the left hand side of the page) to “Sermon Audio.”
Don’t Have Internet Access? We also have sermon audio available on CD. Simply contact
the church office (754-4471 ext. 200) for more information.
Lenten Worship Schedule: Join us for Ash Wednesday Services, Wednesday, February 18,
for worship with Holy Communion at 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Our regular Lenten services are
Wednesdays from February 25 through March 25 at 2:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. You are invited
to join us as we reflect on our Lord’s great love for us.
Join Us for A Lenten Supper! St. Paul’s Organizations would also like to invite you to join
us for a Lenten Supper prior to each evening’s worship service. The meal is served in
Fellowship Hall (the church basement) from 5-6 p.m. There is no cost for the meal. Instead a
free-will offering is taken. Your donations help provide funds for a variety of projects by our
groups. The Ladies’ Aid will prepare the meal on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015.
Our Church Calendar for the week of February 1, 2015
Opportunities to Remember Others In Prayer
Sunday: Comm. Wor.-8a; Sunday School/Bible Study/Joyful Noise-9:15a; Contemporary
Wor.-10:30a; Afternoon Comm.-1:30p; Public School Confirmation-4:30p; Jr. High Youth
Monday: Moms In Prayer-7:45a;
Tuesday: Bible Study-9:30a; Adult Fellowship-6p; Men’s Basketball-8:30p.
Wednesday: Chapel-8:10a; LifeLight: Prayer-9:30a; Handbells-5:30p; Contemp. Rehearsal6:30p; Sr. High Youth Group-6:30p; LifeLight: Romans Part 2-7p.
Thursday: Breakfast Bible Study-6:30a; Ladies’ Aid-1:30p; Wor.-6:30p.
Saturday: Contemporary Comm. Wor.-6p.
Next Sunday: LWML Mite Box Sunday; Wor.-8a; Sunday School/Bible Study/Joyful Noise9:15a; Contemporary Comm. Wor.-10:30a; Public School Confirmation-4:30p; Jr. High Youth
Pray for Us Missionary Calendar Available! You are invited to pick up the most recent
prayer calendar, showing prayer requests submitted to LCMS World Mission by our coworkers in the Lord’s Mission around the world. They are available in the back of church.
Please join us today (Sunday) for a very special service: Afternoon Communion at 1:30 PM
Sympathy: Our prayers are with Cindy Perkins and family on the loss of her mother,
Geraldine Seedorf. We also remember Kelly Zastoupil and family on the loss of her
grandmother. May our Lord comfort all who mourn.
Altar Flowers: The flowers on the altar today are given by Michael Zimmerman in loving
memory of his wife, Linda. Thank you for the beautiful gift. The flowers under the hymnboard
last weekend were from the funeral of Woody Springbrum. We thank the family for sharing
them with us.
Worship Folders: If you’d like to sponsor the worship folders, simply call Stacey in the
Church Office (754-4471) to reserve your date. The cost is $50.00. Available dates are: Feb. 8,
15, 22, March 1, 29; April 5, 12, 26. Thank you.
Birthday Greetings: On Friday, February 6, Ellie McLaughlin celebrates her 90th birthday.
Cards may be sent to 4219 Hearthstone Dr, Janesville WI 53546. Blessings to you always,
Hospitalized: Please remember, if you want a pastor to visit you when you are hospitalized,
you or a family member or friend will have to notify the pastors or the church office directly at
754-4471 ext. 200 and let them know which hospital you are in. Thank you. At Mercy-Ilean
Brockway; At St. Mary’s-Richard Henning. Please remember them in your prayers along with
Gerri Stibbe and Jill Hrycay who have been released.
A Big “Thank You” to the Sidewalk Snow Shoveling Team! Thank you for being on duty
and shoveling the sidewalks so far this season! Please let Rick Coplien, Doug Kent, Dirk
Soergel, John Iverson, Aaron Martinson, John Toberman and Scott Olson know we appreciate
their efforts. Thank you!
Aarons' Hands is an informal prayer group that meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings
of the month, from 2 to 3 p.m. in the School Conference room. The group lifts up in prayer the
specific requests of missionaries. Everyone is Welcome – just bring a prayerful heart.
Moms In Prayer meets Mondays from 8 to 9:30 a.m. in the Boy Scout Room of the school.
This group is not just for Moms—dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone who would
like to pray for our school, teachers, students, and staff are welcome to join! We meet every
Monday that school is in session. For more details, contact Lisa Stanton at 608-563-0203.
Opportunities to Be in God’s Word: Weekly Bible Studies
Fellowship Hall ................................................................................ Ezekiel with Pastor Daniel Decker
Fellowship Hall ................................... The Six Chief Doctrines of the Bible with Pastor Daniel Decker
WEDNESDAYS AT 9:30A: ............................................................................................... LifeLight: Prayer
Fellowship Hall .................................................................................. with Ione Erlien (608-754-6976)
WEDNESDAYS AT 7P: ........................................................................................ LifeLight: Romans Part 2
Conference Room ............................................................................. with Bob Radtke (608-752-3963)
SECOND & FOURTH WEDNESDAYS AT 7:30P at Mocha Moments ............................... Men’sBible Study
Mocha Moments—1121 Center Ave., Janesville ..............................with Bret Rusert (608-756-0399)
Fellowship Hall ............................................. “Prophets and Kings” with Barry Wier (608-752-9330)
Back Porch Bible Study with Elizabeth Decker, 4242 Saratoga Dr, Janesville WI; (618-973-5791)
SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAYS AT 9A at Charming B’s. ......................................... Mom’s Bible Study
Charming B’s Coffee Shop—819 E High, Milton ...................... with Angie Ellefson (608-868-2415)
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Mite Box Sunday Is the Second Sunday of Each Month
It is our opportunity to bring our mites to church
and place in the large Mite Box as we leave the sanctuary.
Thank you, for the gift certificates in celebration of our service anniversaries. We
feel blessed to be a part of such a wonderful and supportive faith family.
----- LeAnn Bertagnoli, Erica Welton; Sara Knuth, Neil McLaughlin, Kathy Overley, Karla
Spoon; Mark Fenrick, Kevin Hendrikson, Val Schnulle, Stacey Marenda, Ruth Ann Schultz;
and Jim Kroll.
Would you be able to put up posters for St. Paul’s school at your place of
business or businesses you frequent? There are posters available in the back of
church. Please help us get the word out about what a great school St. Paul’s has!
Journey to the Cross: Families with children in Pre-K4 through 5th grade are invited to
participate in Journey to the Cross every Wednesday in Lent, beginning on February 18th at
5:30p. This “Journey” will help them better understand the events of the last week of Jesus’
life. Please make plans to attend with your family.
Journey to the Cross Needs Parent Helpers: We are looking for parents to take the part of a
witness to the events of Holy Week. Please contact John Mueller (754-44741 ext. 202 or
[email protected]) for more information.
The Church Council meets on the second Monday of each month. The next meeting is
February 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of School. All members of the
congregation are welcome to attend Church Council meetings. Minutes of the approved
Church Council meetings are also available for review from the Church Office or a copy will
be mailed to you upon request.
2014-15 Council Members are: Brian Laatsch, Chairperson, 608-314-0825; Karl
Miller, 608-754-1508; Mark Toberman, 608-876-6646; Cindy Ward, Vice Chair 608-7581220; Kathy Zakarias, Secretary, 815-519-2181; John Iverson, 608-554-9230; Brett Rusert,
608-756-0399; Ralph Bock, Treasurer, 608-449-1460; Bridget Lindau, 608-290-1460.
St. Paul’s is getting ready for a new pictorial directory! We have selected Lifetouch
Church Directories for this important project. Every family photographed receives a
complimentary directory and an 8 x 10 portrait! Our first week of photography is March 10
thru 14. We plan two additional photography weeks this summer. You can sign up right now
using the link on our website: www.stpaulsjanesville.com. We will also have in-person sign
ups the weekend of February 19, 21 & 22. Or call Stacey in the church office (754-4471 ext.
200) and she’ll make an appointment for you! We are encouraging ALL St. Paul’s Families to
participate and help make our directory complete!
“The Light Shines in the Darkness” Lenten Devotional booklets are now available from
the back of church. “The light of God is shining in a very dark world! That’s the message of
these Lenten devotions from Rev. Wayne Palmer, theological editor and writer for Lutheran
Hour Ministries.” We hope you will find the universal message of hope in the Gospel of John
a light to you as well. Feel free to take a copy for friends and/or relatives, too!
Sound Board Operators Needed: Do you like listening to music? Please consider serving
our congregation by operating the sound board for the Worship Team. Operators are needed
for Saturday 6p or Sunday 10:30a services, twice a month. Rehearsals are one hour before
each service. Training regarding use of the soundboard will be provided. Contact Marty
Pateros at 608-449 6871 or [email protected] for more information about this
important service opportunity. Thank you!
Janesville’s P4J registration will begin Monday, February 2, 2015. P4J or “Preschool 4
Janesville” is a four year old kindergarten program initiative by the Janesville School District.
If you are looking to enroll your child into St. Paul's P4J program and would like to get on a
Potential List that we will give to JPS, please contact the school office before Wednesday, Jan.
21, 2015. Your child must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2015, in order to enroll
into the P4J program.
Adult Fellowship Club invites you to their February meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 3 in
Fellowship Hall (the church basement). We will meet at 6p for a meal; please bring a dish to
share. Following the meeting Janesville’s City Manager, Mark Freitag, will share his
experiences during his military career. We hope you will join us.
New “Art of Living by Faith” Class set to begin on Sunday, March 8, 2015, from 3 to 4:30p
in the school conference room. This is an adult confirmation course on the Bible-based
teachings of the Lutheran Church. If you are wishing to join St. Paul’s congregation, this is the
class for you. For more information, please contact Pastor Dan Decker at 608-754-4471 ext.
201; 608-322-5839 or [email protected].
Do you need some help as you parent your child? Do you find that some days you just want
to scream! Are the stresses and strains in your daily lives causing your time with your children
to be un-enjoyable? Let’s face it: Parenting today is NOT easy! Love & Logic© is a parenting
program that gives parents tools needed in today’s world to build strong relationships with
their children as you teach them through your love and using logical consequences. The next
Love & Logic© sessions will begin on Tuesday, February 17th at 6:30p and continue
throughout the following six weeks. This is a FREE program offered here at St. Paul’s through
our Parent-Teacher League (PTL) of our school. Sessions will be led by Elizabeth Decker in
the Science Lab (room 225). Childcare will be available. Please indicate your need for
childcare when registering. You may register by calling the School Office (754-4471 ext. 204)
or contacting Elizabeth Decker at either [email protected] or 618-973-5791.
Calling All Thrivent Members! If you’re a Thrivent Financial member, you can lead a
Thrivent Action Team, to bring people together for a one-time project to help others in the
community. Thrivent will provide $250 per project in seed money. (Our recent Veteran’s
Dinner and Sunday School Linus blanket project are two examples of outreach projects that
would qualify for the $250 seed money.) We are currently looking for Thrivent members
willing to partner with our mission teams to sponsor upcoming projects.. If you would be
[email protected]) or Stacey in the Church Office (608-754-4471 ext, 200 or
[email protected]). Thank you.
The Latest Issue of St. Paul’s “Principal’s Pad” is available for pick-up in the Narthex
(back of church).
Praise Team is looking for additional guitar players and drummers for the Saturday
night and Sunday morning (10:30a) contemporary services. We rehearse at 6:30p on
Wednesdays and one hour before each service. You do not need to commit to playing every
weekend. We are looking for a back up drummer for Saturday and Sunday; we need a back up
bass player on Saturdays and a regular bass player on Sundays; we need a back up electric
guitarist for Saturdays and a regular electric guitarist on Sundays; and we are looking for back
up acoustic guitarists for both services. If you are interested, or would like more information,
please contact Cindy Perkins at 608-295-0868 or [email protected]. (Earlier
announcements had listed an incorrect email address.) Thank you!
School classes are open to all children ages two years through 8th grade. (Two and three year
old students must have a parent with them). We meet in the school gym for opening and then
head down to our classrooms to meet our teachers.
SUNDAYS AT 9:15A: Jr. High Grapple for 7th & 8th Grade Students! Come grapple with
the real questions you’re asking – join us for Grapple each Sunday from 9:15am-10:15am. It’s
NOT Sunday school – it’s so much more. You don’t want to miss the fun! Contact Heather or
Mike Sullivan at (608) 758-4526 for more info.
Coffee with a Lutheran Flavor: St. Paul’s Ladies’ Aid is still selling the organic and fairly
traded coffees from the Equal Exchange/LWR Coffee Project. This coffee is delicious and
requires less coffee to brew a pot. Regular coffee is $6.00 per bag. Flavored (caramel toffee,
French vanilla) is $6.75 per bag. Decaf Coffee is $7.00 per bag. For more information contact
Sue Arnold at 884-4940 or Judy Perleberg at 756-5156 or purchase on the last Sunday of the
month between services in Fellowship Hall.
Junior High (grades 6-8) Youth Nights will be Sundays from 6 to 7:30p
Senior High (grades 9-12) Youth Nights will be Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30p
Our Youth Group is Open to ALL students in 6th to 12th grades. Friends are welcome, too!
Sun., Feb. 1 from 6 to 7:30p: Jr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Wed., Feb. 4 from 6:30 to 7:30p: Sr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Sun., Feb. 8 from 6 to 7:30p: Jr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Wed., Feb. 11 from 6:30 to 7:30p: Sr. High Youth meeting in Youth Room.
Snack Food Needed: Youth Group is now seeking snack food donations for Sunday night
meetings. Donations of chips, cookies, pretzels, juices, etc. would be greatly appreciated!
Bring them to the Youth Room (basement of school) or place on the ledge in Fellowship Hall
(where the stage used to be)–be sure to mark your donation “Youth Group”. Thank you!
JLIT Is Coming: February 27, 28 & March 1, 2015
to allow all participants and their families to worship with us!
Pre-Service Sing A Long before our Contemporary Worship over JLIT weekend! Come
to the church sanctuary Saturday at 5p (before the 5:30p worship service) or Sunday at 10a
(before the 10:30a worship service) and join us for songs as we Praise our Lord!
JLIT---Where can I help? The 43rd Annual Janesville Lutheran Invitational (Basketball)
Tournament, or JLIT, is Feb. 27, 28 & March 1, 2015. This is a major fundraiser for St.
Paul’s. Money raised is used in all areas of the church and school, not just athletics. Because
of this, your help is greatly needed around the church and school during the weekend. Even if
your child is not involved in athletics, please consider helping during the JLIT weekend.
Please sign up in Fellowship Hall (the basement of church) to help in areas such as
concessions, clearing snow, watching the gym doors and hallways, or helping check tickets.
This can be counted toward your family’s volunteer time.
Our A Girls basketball team will have an opportunity to play a game against Mt. Prospect at
3p on Saturday of the tournament. Stop by and cheer our girls on to victory!
Desserts Needed for JLIT-- We need bars, cookies, cakes, and pies that we can sell in
Fellowship Hall during the weekend. Dessert donations can be dropped off in Fellowship Hall
after 3p the Friday of JLIT weekend (February 21).