Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church Parish Visitor February 2015 In This Issue… Page 2 Pastor’s Page Page 3 Youth Pastor’s Page Page 4 Youth Page 5 Youth & Planning Ahead Page 6 ASP Pizza Sale Form Page 7 W/ELCA, Parish Events Page 8-9 Calendar Page 10 Worship Assistants Page 11 Staff & Sponsor Form Thank you to Dale & Shirley Amundson for sponsoring the Parish Visitor in memory of Philip Torpen whose birthday was Feb. 11th. Thank you to Sharon Jermstad for sponsoring the Security System for the month of February. Still need people to sign up to make soup and bars for Lent! Lots of dates are open for Greeters & Coffee Fellowship Contribution Statements are available in the Narthex W/ELCA books are available in the Narthex Council Meeting Agendas & Minutes are now available on our website: www.oelc.org – Check it out! Council Meeting Agenda & Minutes will also be available in the shelves on the office counter OFFERING ENVELOPES: for the months of March & April, the envelopes will only have “General Fund” and “Mission” listed for donation designation. CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK!!! If you have pictures from church events, email them to Molly and she will put them on the facebook page and the website. 1 Dear Friends in Christ, The current news: Lent is upon us! February 18th is Ash Wednesday, a day I take ashes, made from last year’s Palm Sunday branches, and put them on our foreheads as a sign of repentance. The branches we once waived joyously in honor of our Lord have taken a turn for the worse, symbolizing our own falling away and turning from God. In this night of repentance, we begin the journey to Easter with our Lord, considering his suffering and his act of passion for our benefit. I hope you come and worship with us on these Wednesdays of Lent. It is said, that Lent is a Springtime for the soul! As in the past, each Wednesday (except for Ash Wed.) will offer a great soup supper beginning at 4:45 p.m., with worship to begin at 6:00. The soup menu varies each week, while this year’s worship theme focuses upon increasing and expanding our love for God. In Mark 12, a scribe comes to ask Jesus, "Which commandment is the first of all?" Jesus answers, "The first is, 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength"' (Mark 12:28-30). Jesus responds to the scribe's question with words from the Shema, the passage from Deuteronomy 6 that is recited daily as a center by many of the Jewish faith. These words form a covenant between God and God's people and show us a way to respond to our God who so extravagantly loves us through the cross. Accordingly, these words will rightly form the center of our Lenten Study in 2015. Our hope is to learn ways in which we actually can better love the Lord our God with all our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our strength. The Worship Schedule for Osseo Evangelical is as follows: February 18 Pastor Thompson with Ashes, Lenten Medallions, & Holy Communion February 25 Pr. Mary Ann Bowman(Pigeon Falls) Love the Lord with all your Heart March 4 Pastor Les Munnik Love the Lord with all your Strength March 11 Pastor Ken Taylor (Strum) Love the Lord with all your Mind March 18 Pastor Bob Castro (Eleva) Love the Lord with all your Soul March 25 Pastor Yvonne Marshall (Whitehall) Hear O Israel....The Lord is One! April 2 Maundy Thursday - Pastor Thompson with 1st Communion & Absolution April 3 Good Friday Services 1:30 p.m. - Pastor Thompson These are the Lenten Bible texts if you would like to study them beforehand: Mark 12: 28-34; John 12:37-43; Psalm 42; I Kings 3:3-15; Isaiah 12:1-6; (Ash Wed. is Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21; Maundy Thursday is John 13:1-7, 31b-35; Good Friday is John 18:1 – 19:42). I hope to see you at worship in this holy time of year as we gather to be fed and nourished with God’s Word, hearing pastors from around the area, collecting a new Lenten medallion to carry with us, and above all, to be forever changed by God’s love in Jesus Christ. Pastor Lewis J. Thompson 2 From PASTOR LES It’s February and everyone knows that February means Valentine’s Day! The day we shower our loved ones with cards, candy, flowers and romantic dinners. It’s the day when the unattached hope to spark the interest of someone special, and a day that long-time couples enjoy thinking about how their relationship has evolved and grown. Yes, February is the month we celebrate LOVE! And for me the best way to celebrate “LOVE” is to be around youth and youth activities. We had a little lull during January to catch our breaths from the holiday season, but from now till we leave on our ASP Mission trip it will be fullsteam ahead. For Family Ministries we will be sponsoring a chili cook-off and adult night of bowling. Our TGIF Team (Middle School) is busy planning our Lock-In and Friday game night. ASP team is organizing the March pizza sale, potato pancake breakfast and our ever famous Spring Steak Fry. The high school C-YA team is revamping youth group because the high school play has started and we try to be flexible in our scheduling in an effort to include the play participants. You, the congregation, have been “AWESOME” in supporting all the youth activities in our community-- with supplying the baked goods and purchasing our products! Please continue to show your “LOVE” for all our youth by your prayers and support of our programs. We have a new Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church Facebook page, and just created ASP, C-Ya and Middle School Youth Group Facebook pages and there will be lots of reminders there! Please take a second to “like” these pages so you are sure to receive this information. You don’t want to miss out on the fun and fellowship! And, continue to watch in the newsletter and bulletin for the time and dates of upcoming youth and family events. Please have an open heart and an open WALLET while attending our fundraisers!!! Always feel free to call or face book me with questions or comments. With God’s “LOVE” Pastor Les Warm Up with the 2nd Annual Community Chili Cook-Off and Talent Show The cold, snow and ice are bad, but they’re no match for an evening of delicious, spicy, hot chili and some home grown entertainment. You can join the fun at the 2nd Annual Community Chili Cook-Off and Talent Show on Saturday, February 21st. The fun, family event will run from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at the Osseo Lutheran Church. Chili cooks from the Osseo Lutheran and Osseo UCC churches will be offering their special chili recipes in hopes of winning one of the fabulous cook-off prizes. The all-youcare-to-eat dinner is only $5.00 per person and will include at least 15 different kinds of chili, desserts and beverage. Diners will vote for their choices in categories such as Chili with the Most Beans, Chili with the Most Noodles, Hottest Chili, Most Unique Chili and the coveted Best Overall Chili. While deciding which chili will get your vote, you will be entertained by some of Osseo’s best local talent. The list of performers includes vocalists, comedians, dancers, instrumentalists and more. In order for this awesome fundraiser to happen we need your help. We want many unique, personalized chili’s like yours!! So please consider entering your personal chili in the contest. All you need is a good crock-pot full. We would love to have you serve it or we can supply a willing youth to do that part. We also need entertainment. If you can sing–play an instrument–tell jokes-anything-we need you!!! Join your friends and neighbors for a great meal and warm fellowship while supporting programs and activities for Osseo area children. All proceeds from the Chili Cook-Off and Talent Show will be used to fund middle school scholarships for Luther Park Bible Camp this coming July. Last year’s grand prize for the best overall chili went to Lori and Leah Reynolds for their “Harley Davidson Chili.” For more information about the Cook Off and Talent Show or to enter your special chili, or entertainment, call Pastor Les at 715-533-8273. 3 C-YA CHRISTIAN YOUTH ALLIANCE PIZZA SALE INDIVIDUAL ORDER FORM Pizza Sales are a major fundraiser for our ecumenical C-YA Youth Group. Sales fund our annual Appalachia Service Project (ASP) mission trips. This summer high school youth will travel to central Appalachian Mountains to spend one week as volunteers working to make homes safer, dryer, and warmer. Your support helps to make this and other missions possible. Please return this order form by Sunday ~ February 22nd to Pastor Les Munnik at Osseo UCC, the Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church, any C-YA Youth member or mail to Osseo UCC, Box 490 Osseo, WI 54758 or call Pastor Les at 715-533-8273 Pizzas may be picked up between 3:00 and 5:00 pm on Saturday, March 7th at the Osseo United Church of Christ. Buyer’s Name:________________________________ Buyer’s Phone #:______________________________ Seller’s Name:________________________________ Please Check 1 12” A B C D E F G H 9” I J K L I will Pick Up___ Type of Pizza Seller will Deliver___ Price Each 3/for Cheese Sausage Pepperoni Canadian Bacon Vegetarian Sausage & Pepperoni Sausage & Mushroom Supreme $7.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.50 $8.50 $9.00 3 / $20.00 3 / $23.00 3 / $23.00 3 / $23.00 3 / $23.00 3 / $24.00 3 / $24.00 3/ $25.00 Cheese Sausage Pepperoni Supreme $5.00 $5.50 $5.50 $7.00 3 / $14.00 3 / $15.00 3 / $15.00 3 / $20.00 Quantity Total A B C D E F G H 9” I J K L Make Checks payable to C-YA Youth Group Total ordered _________ Paid/Due_______ Check #_____ 64 ❖ Sunday School Calendar †Grades K-2 will sing at the 10:45 a.m. service on February 8th †Grades 3-6 will sing at the 10:45 a.m. service on February 15th †ALL grades will sing at the 10:45 a.m. Palm Sunday service on March 29th †No Sunday School on Easter, April 5th 1st COMMUNION is just around the corner. Pastor ✓Lions Club Spaghetti Fundraiser Wednesday, February 4th at Osseo Golf Club, 4:30 – 7:00 PM (info on bulletin board at OELC) ✓NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE – February 16th ✓Ash Wednesday – February 18th Worship Service @ 6:00 PM ✓Lenten Soup & Service – February 25th – Soup @ 4:45 PM; Worship Service @ 6:00 PM Thompson will begin instructing the 6th graders during the Sunday School hour February 22nd, March 1st, & 8th. Their 1st Communion will be on Maundy Thursday, April 2nd at the 6:00 PM Worship Service. ✓6th Graders First Communion instruction begins Sunday, February 22nd and continues March 1st & 8th; Sundays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. ASP News We are set!!! We are taking a record 31 participants to ASP this year - 23 youth and 8 adults. A complete list is included in this newsletter. With this large number of participants we will need a large budget to be able to go. A $21,000 budget!!! But God has been VERY GOOD to us already and because of the generosity of both congregations and our community we are almost half way there. In the coming months we will be having some major fundraisers (see pizza form in this newsletter) so please have an open heart and help support these awesome youth and adults as they represent our church’s and communities as they serve in the Appalachia mountains this coming June. Confirmation Class Schedule ✓6th Graders First Communion will be on Maundy Thursday, April 2nd during Worship at 6:00 PM ✓Good Friday Worship Service is Friday, April 3rd at 1:30 PM ✓Easter Sunday is April 5th – 6:30, 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. ✓8th Graders Confirmation will be on Sunday, May 3rd at 10:45 a.m. Confirmation Treats th 8 grade… February Planning Ahead February 4 – Ben Walker 4 Forgiveness – make appointments to meet with Pastor February 11 – Madison Hageness & rough draft of faith statement due & Ashley Skoyen 11 Passion of Christ movie 18 ASH WEDNESDAY ~ No classes ~ 6:00 PM worship ** During Lent, students work on their personal faith statement and make appointments to meet with Pastor. Attendance at 6:00 PM Wednesday evening Lenten worship services is required and students will need to sign in their attendance at each service. Each student is assigned to work at one of the Lenten soup suppers 7th grade… February 4 “To do list for Believers” - Book of James 11 Understanding Lent /Holy Week 18 ASH WEDNESDAY ~ No class ~ 6:00 PM worship ** No classes are held during Lent. Attendance is required at 6:00 PM Wednesday Lenten worship services. Students will need to sign in their attendance at each Lenten and Holy Week service Each student is assigned to work at one of the Lenten soup suppers. 5 Spring Pizza Sale Set for March 7th Calling all Pizza lovers! Once again it’s time to order your delicious ASP pizzas! Yes, the spring ASP Pizza Sale is set for Saturday, March 7th. On Saturday, March 7th members of the C-YA youth, ASP volunteers and many individuals from the Osseo UCC and Osseo ELCA Lutheran churches will gather at the United Church of Christ to assemble those wonderfully, cheesy pizzas. Each 12-inch pizza has a full half-pound of fresh mozzarella cheese and a generous portion of other quality ingredients. Volunteers will work under quality-controlled conditions assembling 7 different kinds of pizza. Which is your family’s favorite? Is it Pepperoni, Sausage, Canadian bacon or the monster sized Supreme? They’re all delicious so you’d better order several. Orders should be placed before February 22nd! The money raised through the Pizza Sales funds the annual ASP mission trip each June. Each summer teen volunteers and adult leaders from Osseo and the surrounding area participate in the annual ASP mission to the poorest regions of southeastern Appalachia. During that week they will work in hot, dirty and difficult conditions to make homes dryer, safer and warmer. Their hard work will change their lives. Pastor Les Munnik said, “Each year the interest in ASP has grown and this year we have a record four vans going. That means 23 teen volunteers and 8 adult leaders! It also means more tools, gas, meals, etc. So each pizza sold does make a big difference, but I’m confident that our community will support us and our mission to help others.” In order to be a part of an ASP Team, each teen volunteer must sell at least 50 pizzas, attend several workshops and team-building exercises, and participate in all fundraisers. Pizza Day is always a fun, high-energy event. Additional volunteers are always welcome. Don’t miss your chance to help out and enjoy great pizza! Order now! To order your ASP Pizzas fill out and mail the form included in the newsletter or drop it off in the office and give to Molly. If you want to give credit to any of the ASP youth going on this trip just write their name in the seller’s line. Questions call Pastor Les 715-533-8273 Remember - Pizza orders should be picked up at Osseo UCC between 3:00 and 6:00 PM on Saturday March 7th. Ruby’s Pantry Just a huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers who have volunteered the second Tuesday of the past two months and helped out at Ruby’s pantry at the UCC Church. Last month we served over 210 families with 21,000 pounds of delicious surplus food to help make their food dollar stretch. Over 70 volunteers came to help unload, package, greet and assist participants. This could never have happened without the help from the Osseo Lutheran Church and friends from the Osseo community. Our next distribution will be Tuesday, February 10th. We are always in need of more volunteers. We have sit down jobs as well as greeting and packaging positions. Volunteers are needed from 2:30 to 8 PM. Come for all day or for just a couple of hours. And don’t forget to PLEASE come and make a donation of $20 to receive all this great surplus food. The food needs to find a home and the money stays in the community to help with this program. There is no financial prerequisites for receiving this food. EVERYBODY is welcomed and encouraged to come and receive the food. It usually includes over 50 items of fresh produce, fresh dairy products, meat and non-perishable food items. No one is ever turned away at our Ruby’s Pantry. If a family cannot afford to pay the $20 donation they still receive the food. We also have $20 gift certificates if anyone would love to give one to a family in need. Any questions, call Pastor Les at 715-533-8273 or talk with Vern Larson at church. 64 ASP Participants 2015 W/ELCA Calendar February 10th & 24th Quilting 10:00 a.m.-4:00 PM February 17 Circle Bible Study 1:00 PM th April 1 12:00 Noon Salad Luncheon Program: Mary Segerstrom ***Potential date change – we’ll keep you posted June 3 12:00 Noon Picnic Program: Kingdom Kids October 3 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 PM BAZAAR Drawing at 1:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry: Our next monthly meeting is Wednesday, February 4th from 1:003:00pm. Youth Adults Trevor Fischer Frans Carlstrom Tommy Fischer Marty Kempf Lucas Bowerman Denny Lindell Cody Carlstrom Pastor Les Munnik Bradley Boudrea Sue Fischer Madison Zobrist Pattie Matthews Autumn Scheel Jackie Tiller Kamaera Tiller Naomi Bodway Emily Orth Andrea Kubishak Parish Events We Express Sympathy to family and friends upon the death of… † LaVern Peterson, 72 LaVern died at home on Monday, January 19, 2015. Funeral service for LaVern was Sunday, January 25, 2015. † Gordon (Gordie) Hong, 83 Gordie died at Care Partners Memory Center of Eau Claire on January 21, 2015. Funeral service for Gordie was Monday, January 26, 2015. We Rejoice in the Baptism of… Brad Matthews Ethan Dahl Sawyer Bee Collin Sumner Wyatt Holmen Brandon Davidson Madeline Kempf Daxtyn Nash Swett, born November 20, 2014 to Christopher and Nicole Swett. He was baptized on Sunday, January 25, 2015. 7 Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church 50351 Harmony Street – PO Box 337 Osseo, WI 54758-0337 715-597-3213 FAX 715-597-6317 www.oelc.org [email protected] Pastor: Lewis J. Thompson………………715-597-2566 home E-mail: [email protected] Youth & Family Ministries: Pastor Les Munnik.………715-533-8273 & [email protected] Parish Administrator: Molly Vold……………………[email protected] Assistant Parish Administrator: Deanna Klindworth…[email protected] Custodians: Ingrid Thompson; Carl Holmen Financial Assistants: Shirley Bagley, Betty Ward Organist: Lowell Yena………………………………………………….715-286-5675 Praise Team Director: Jim Newman……………………………………[email protected] Chancel Choir Director: Dan Newman…………………………………[email protected] Kingdom Kids Preschool Teacher/Director: Melissa Jensen………………[email protected] Assistant Preschool Teachers: Becky Rongstad, Justina Zimmerman Church Council Council President: Vern Larson Secretary: Alyssa Skoyen Vice President: Tom Peterson Treasurer: Dionne Anderson Shannon Hasz, Bryce Haas, Maria Paulus, Brett Jensen, Kurt Howson, Tali Kempf, Allyson Barka, Betty Ward Sponsorships: Altar Flowers, Bulletins, Newsletter, & Security System Altar flowers sponsorship for a Sunday is $20.00. Sundays in February 2015 are NOT AVAILABLE; ALL DATES in March 2015 are available. Bulletin sponsorship is $14.00 per Sunday. All Sundays ARE AVAILABLE in 2015. Security System sponsorship is $25.00 per month. ALL months after February ARE AVAILABLE. Newsletter Sponsorship is $75 per month; $40 half month. ALL months after February ARE AVAILABLE. If you wish to sponsor altar flowers, bulletins, security system, or newsletter, please call the church office (715-597-3213) or return the following: ALTAR FLOWERS BULLETINS NEWSLETTER SECURITY SYSTEM NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ DATE YOU WISH TO SPONSOR __________________________________________________________ IN MEMORY OF ______________________________________________________________________ IN HONOR OF ________________________________________________________________________ 11 8 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 8:15 a.m. Worship Celebration with Holy Communion 3 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 5:30 PM Girl Scouts Coffee Fellowship 9:30 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration with Holy Communion TUESDAY 4 9 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting Coffee Fellowship Synod Winter Theological Event – Sunday PM to Monday 6:00 – 8:00 10:45 a.m. Worship PM Celebration with Community Mach/Creason Theatre Baptisms & Grades Practice K-2 Singing 15 16 8:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. Worship Staff Meeting Celebration Coffee Fellowship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration & Grades 3-6 Singing FRIDAY 6 Pastor’s Sabbath 7 12 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice 13 Pastor’s Sabbath 14 19 9:30 a.m. Dairyland Pastors Conference @ OELC 20 Pastor’s Sabbath 21 4:00 PM Chili Cook-off & Talent Show 1:00 PM Prayer Shawl Gathering 4:00 PM Confirmation 10:00 a.m. – Noon Pastors Text Study SATURDAY Hart Baby Shower Fellowship Center Noon – 4:00 PM 6:00 PM Craft Corner 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice 8:15 a.m. Worship Celebration 9:30 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL THURSDAY 5 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study @ Norske Nook Super Bowl lunch sale after Worship Services 8 WEDNESDAY 10 10:00 a.m. – Noon Pastors Text Study 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 PM Quilting 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice 11 4:00 PM Confirmation 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice 17 18 10a.m.–12PM 10:00 a.m. Pastors Text Osseo Nursing Study Home MARCH NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE!!! 1:00 PM W/ELCA Circle Bible Study 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice Trempealeau County WIC 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 PM 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice 6:00 PM Ash Wednesday Worship Service with Holy Communion 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice 8 9 6:00 – 8:00 PM Community Theatre Practice 9:00 a.m. Praise Team Practice SUNDAY 22 8:15 a.m. Worship Celebration with Holy Communion 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30-10:30 a.m. 6th Graders First Communion Instruction begins MONDAY TUESDAY 23 8:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 24 10:00 a.m. – Noon Pastors Text Study 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 PM Quilting WEDNESDAY 25 Soup Supper 4:45 PM THURSDAY 26 FRIDAY 27 SATURDAY 28 Pastor’s Sabbath Lenten Worship Service 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration with Holy Communion Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church - 50351 Harmony Street – PO Box 337 – Osseo, WI 54758-0337 – 715-597-3213 Pastor: Lewis J. Thompson 715-597-2566 (home) [email protected] Youth & Family Ministries: Les Munnik 715-533-8273 (home) [email protected] 9 10 1011 2/25 2/22 2/18 2/15 2/8 2/1 Date PM 6:00 a.m. 10:45 8:15 a.m. PM 6:00 a.m. 10:45 8:15 a.m. a.m. 10:45 Need Volunteers Maggie Luallen a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 10:45 Deb Gregory & Sharon Jermstad Jane Stanek,Barb Dunham & Sadie Seymour Greeters Time Dalton Swett Leah Reynolds Steve & Darcy Guntner & Tina Sass & Vern & Becky Larson Sue Coey, Kim Kubishak, Dan & Linda Ness Ashley Skoyen Cierra Hansen Madison Hageness Sadie Bowerman Camryn Christopherson Carter Bratina Sawyer Anderson Hannah Abley Acolytes Judy Hageness, Jane Stanek, Jody Groell, & Stacy Smith Greg & Tammy Dahl & Jason & Shelley Christopherson Communion Servers Harry & Alice Laufenberg & Eric & Suzanne Rogness Jay Rongstad Robert Johnson Dan Ness Jamie Lindell Jackie Tiller Sylvia Haugen Peggy Lundberg Janet Johnson Lectors Need Volunteers Need Volunteers Need Volunteers Council Coffee Hosts #17 Brian Markgren (Capt.), Chris Halvorson, Eric Halvorson, Joe Markgren, Jason Gaier, Jeff Gunning, David Lundberg, Brock Lundberg #16 Larry Husom (Capt.), Steve Seefeldt, Chris Nysven, Mitch Skoyen, Jon Skoyen, Rick Vojtik, David Higley #13 Curt Skoyen (Capt.), Arvin Boetcher, Lowell Berg, Marv Kittelson, Richard Anderson #9 Terry Halderson (Capt.), Dennis Lindell, Tim Johnson, Vern Larson, Teddy Simpson, Duane Gullicksrud, Wyatt Holmen #10 Dan Ness (Capt.), Steve Gibboney, Ben Gibboney, Aaron Hagberg, Mel Krienke, Greg Oelrich, Jay Rongstad, Martin Abley #8 Martin Jermstad (Capt.), John Balliet, Eric Boettcher, Tom Twesme, Gerry Bodway, Kurt Howson, Matthew Stanek #7 Frans Carlstrom (Capt.), Jeff Bahnub, Cody Carlstrom, Dave Hageness Jr., Lucas Bowerman, Dave Loonstra #6 Eric Johnson (Capt.), Terry Moore, Dan Biesen, Bob Johnson, Mark Hoffman #5 Marv McCune (Capt.), Dale Amundson, David Steen, Ernie Vold, Duane Klindworth, Alex Myhers, Ernie Myhers, John Haugen #3 Rick Tiller (Capt.), Eric Rogness, Tom Peterson, Lucas Eide, Harry Laufenberg, Archie Sanrope, Dean Eide Usher Teams 12 PARISH VISITOR is the newsletter of Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church 50351 Harmony Street ~ P.O. Box 337 Osseo, WI 54758-0337 715-597-3213 www.oelc.org † [email protected] Please join us for Sunday Worship 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Pastor: Lewis J. Thompson Our Mission at OELC: to share our faith and bring people to Jesus Christ, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to minister to the needs of ALL people. Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church 50351 Harmony Street • P.O. Box 337 Osseo, WI 54758-0337 Address Service Requested * DATED MATERIAL * NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID OSSEO, WI PERMIT NO. 5
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