First Presbyterian Church 1803 - 83rd Street Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143 TOWER TOPICS Church Phone: 262-652-6838 Church e-mail: [email protected] Church Website: DATED MATERIAL January 28, 2015 PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR GOOD SAMARITAN CONCERT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH 7:00 PM IN THE CHURCH SANCTUARY Czerny’s Angels More Information can be found in the Newsletter FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Recently a member of the church on vacation sent me an email, part of which reads as follows: Yesterday, we toured Biosphere 2, a fascinating science center north of Tucson. I won't go into all the detail except to say that there are five "bio-domes," separate areas replicating five different climate zones. One of the bio-domes replicates the Sonoran desert climate - the climate found here in the Tucson area. In that zone, our tour guide pointed out that one of the trees looked big and healthy but it was being held up by a piece of cable that attached it to the roof. The guide explained that in the decades the Biosphere has been in existence, the trees and large cacti in the desert bio-dome appear to have done very well, but they are in fact soft and weak. Several require assistance to keep from falling over. What went wrong? The scientists at Biosphere have determined that the glass enclosure of the biodome provides a great sunny environment for the plants. But it also prevents the plants from being exposed to the desert winds. It turns out that the desert trees and cacti need the strong winds to force them to grow strong and firm. I am not a “when life hands you lemons make lemonade” kind of person. I have more of a “rage against the wind” mentality. But I can appreciate the imagery that it is the wind that makes us strong. There are many times when we buffeted by the winds of life, threatening to knock us down, rob us of our dignity, or even injure us in the process. But perhaps it is the struggle we put up in the face of those winds, the moving forward in faith and in the hope of Christ that God and the caring people in our lives have my back, that gives us strength and resolve. Perhaps if we faced no struggles, we would be as weak and flimsy as those cactus plants. The Bible often uses the imagery of being forged, or made pure, by fire. Perhaps it is the fire of life’s struggles, when faced in the hope of Jesus Christ that strengthens our faith, our love for God and others who struggle, and our call to minster to our neighbor. I know that many of you reading this are in the midst of some struggles in life. Health issues, the crushing loss of a loved one, depression, addiction (yours or someone you love), joblessness, relationship struggles, or other uncertainty. I am praying for you and I hope that soon you are looking back on those times from a position of strength. Your church family is here for you, and God never leaves you to struggle alone. So that one day, as you are looking back, it is my prayer that you can say, “By the grace of God, with the help of my brothers and sisters in Christ, I am stronger because of those struggles.” I pray you will be more confident, knowing your strength; more compassionate, having suffered those winds; stronger in faith, knowing the reality of God’s saving love; and more certain than ever that you are a beloved child of God. Lance ~~~~~~~~~~~~ SESSION NOTES January 6, 2015 Session Meeting We sadly removed Walter Reynolds from the rolls upon his death. Communion was served to 135 on December 7th and by intinction at the 10:00 p.m. Christmas Service. The new Fellowship Hall AV system has been installed thanks to a grant from the Presbytery for $6777.10. Treasurer’s Report: General Operating Fund Beginning Balance 12/1/14 Receipts Disbursements Ending Balance 12/31/14 $ $ -$ $ Building Reserve Fund Beginning Balance 12/1/14 Disbursements Interest Ending Balance 12/31/14 $ 13,460.37 -$ 6,788.33 $ 0.47 $ 6,672.51 Capital Campaign Fund Beginning Check Book Balance 12/1/14 Deposits (Offerings) Presbyterian Church Loan Ending Check Book Balance 12/31/14 $ 22,157.20 $ 9,797.65 -$ 11,643.58 $ 20,311.27 42,941.92 42,519.02 31,835.57 53,625.37 Beginning CC Savings Account 12/1/14 Interest Ending Savings Account Balance 12/31/14 $ 10,370.50 $ 0.98 $ 10,371.48 Total Checking and Savings Account Allocated for mission 1/1/14 to date Ending Capital Campaign Balance 12/31/14 $ 30,682.75 -$ 2,216.50 $ 28,466.25 The loan amount owed as of January is $149,714. January 18, 2015 Congregational Meeting The 2014 Annual Report was reviewed. The following items were discussed: The audit team asks that a receipt accompany check requests, and that the requesting party not sign a request made out to themself. Building and Grounds noted that grant monies were received to install the new A/V system in the new wing. They also reported that the new church sign will be in the same style as the new Memorial Garden sign and will include the PCUSA logo. There is need for a new church librarian. The Deacons added a few new ministries in 2014. Highlights for the fellowship Team was hosting the May 2014 Presbytery meeting, and hosting a new members breakfast for the first time. Memorial Team reported that funds were sent to Coban, Guatemala for church construction. Mission and Evangelism noted two new outreaches. They also discontinued Intervarsity since we have received no information since the previous coordinator left. Stewardship and Finance noted that we will post the balance of our building loan each month. Clarence Griffin also clarified information on the Manse Account. Worship and Music announce the return of Lenten Soup Suppers in 2015, and requested people to sign up. The Financial Secretary highlighted that on-line giving is now available to the church. It was also noted that the church cannot give tax credit for donation of inkind services, and donation of items must be accompanied by a receipt to receive credit. The Parish Nurse noted that indoor walking routes are available at church on Monday through Thursday, 8:30 to noon. In regard to the 2014 Financial Summary Report, Pastor Lance reiterated that while we have tightened up our budget to be fiscally responsible while paying of the building loan, the church remains financially sound and missions and ministries continues with good support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEACON’S CORNER Shalom Center Food Ministry Our church volunteers in the soup kitchen on the first Tuesday of the month (except for April and November). There were 15 adult and 1 youth volunteers serving soup to 88 people on January 6th. Thank you to Pastor Lance for making the soup, the volunteers who served, and all those who made the cupcakes. In January, we collected 4 bags of groceries (42 lbs.) and ½ bag of toiletries for the Shalom Center. Chain of Prayer- Judy Wynstra is heading up the Chain of Prayer. If you have a prayer need, please call Judy and leave a message if no one is available and she will start the chain of prayer for you. If you would like to be added to the chain, please contact Judy. Snowman Mitten Collection - The Snowman Mitten Barrel is in the Narthex. Mittens, gloves, hats, & scarves will be collected for school age children in our community. The collection will run through mid-February. Thank you to Miriam Johnson who heads up the mitten collection and distribution to local schools. Card Ministry - The Deacons send cards to church members who cannot be with us in church, are sick or injured, or who are going through a rough time and need our support. If you know of anyone who could use a card from the Deacons, please contact Miriam Johnson. Next Meeting is scheduled for March 23rd at 6:00 p.m. DAILY LECTIONARY PASSAGES FOR FEBRUARY 2015 Feb. 1 – Psalm 108, 150; Isa. 51:9-16; Heb. 11:8-16; John 7:14-31 Feb. 2 – Psalm 62,145; Isa. 51:17-23; Gal. 4:1-11; Mark 7:24-37 Feb. 3 – Psalm 12, 146; Isa. 52:1-12; Gal. 4:12-20; Mark 8:1-10 Feb. 4 – Psalm 96, 147:1-11; Isa. 52:13-53:12; Gal. 4:21-31; Mark 8:11-26 Feb. 5 – Psalm 116, 147:12-20; Isa. 54:1-10 (11-17); Gal. 5:1-15; Mark 8;27-9:1 Feb. 6 – Psalm 84, 148; Isa. 55:1-13; Gal. 5:16-24; Mark 9:2-13 Feb. 7 – Psalm 63, 149; Isa. 56:1-8; Gal. 5:25-6:10; Mark 9:14-29 Feb. 8 – Psalm 103, 150; Isa. 57:1-13; Heb. 12:1-6; John 7:37-46 Feb. 9 – Psalm 5, 145; Isa. 57:14-21; Gal. 6:11-18; Mark 9:30-41 Feb. 10 – Psalm 42, 146; Isa. 58:1-12; 2 Tim. 1:1-14; Mark 9:42-50 Feb. 11 – Psalm 89:1-18; 147:1-11; Isa. 59:1-21; 2 Tim. 1:15-2:13; Mark 10:1-16 Feb. 12 – Psalm 97, 147:12-20; Isa. 60:1-22; 2 Tim. 2:14-26; Mark 10:17-31 Feb. 13 – Psalm 51, 148; Isa. 61:1-9; 2 Tim. 3:1-17; Mark 10:32-45 Feb. 14 – Psalm 104, 149; Isa. 61:10-62:5; 2 Tim. 4:1-8; Mark 10:46-52 Feb. 15 – Psalm 103, 150; Dan. 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Cor. 3:1-9; John 12:27-36a Feb. 16 – Psalm 5, 145; Deut. 6:1-15; Heb. 1:1-14; John 1:1-18 Feb. 17 – Psalm 42, 146; Deut. 6:16-25; Heb. 2:1-10; John 1:19-28 Feb. 18 – Psalm 5, 147:1-11; Jonah 3:1-4:11; Heb. 12:1-14; Luke 18:9-14 Feb. 19 – Psalm 27, 147:12-20; Deut. 7:6-11; Titus 1:1-16; John 1:29-34 Feb. 20 – Psalm 22, 148; Deut. 7:12-16; Titus 2:1-15; John 1:35-42 Feb. 21 – Psalm 43, 149; Deut. 7:17-26; Titus 3:1-15; John 1:43-51 Feb. 22 – Psalm 84, 150; Jer. 9:23-24; 1 Cor. 1:18-31; Mark 2:18-22 Feb. 23 – Psalm 119:73-80, 145; Deut. 8:1-20; Heb. 2:11-18; John 2:1-12 Feb. 24 – Psalm 34, 146; Deut. 9(1-3) 4-12; Heb. 3:1-11; John 2:13-22 Feb. 25 – Psalm 5, 147:1-11; Deut. 9:13-21; Heb. 3:12-19; John 2:23-3:15 Feb. 26 – Psalm 27, 147:12-20; Deut. 9:23-10:5; Heb. 4:1-10; John 3:16-21 Feb. 27 – Psalm 22, 148; Deut. 10:12-22, Heb. 4:11-16; John 3:22-36 Feb. 28 – Psalm 43, 149; Deut. 11:18-28; Heb. 5:1-10; John 4:1-26 IDENTIFICATION STATEMENT Tower Topics Kenosha, WI 53143 Issue #207 PER CAPITA DEACONS EXTRA Each year at this time the Stewardship and Mission Teams of the church remind us that now is a good time to pay our per capita. What is per capita? Per capita is one way in which money comes from the congregations and supports the work of the presbyteries, synods, and General Assembly. There are other means of giving as well (offerings, shared and directed mission giving, Theological Education Fund, and so forth) but per capita is one way that the higher levels of church government receive the funds they need to operate and do their ministries and mission programs. It is also a way for those bodies to budget, by setting an amount to be collected and sent on by each congregation and portioned out to the various levels of church government. Late in 2014 the Deacons discussed what “local missions” needed support. We support a host of local missions in and around Kenosha. One of the Deacons mentioned the “Wounded Warrior Project”. After some research we found a local connection. Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Grashen, a graduate of Bradford High School, lost both of his legs to an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan on August 1st. Matthew is 23 years old. Through the work of the Deacons and the “local missions” line item, and the thoughtfulness of these officers of the church, $500 was given to Matthew and his family for whatever aid is needed. Thank you for supporting the work of the Deacons who are working on behalf of this congregation to share Christ’s love in Kenosha. This year the per capita amount is $30 per each member of the church ($7.07 for GA, $5.20 for Synod, and $17.73 for Presbytery). That is the amount the church pays for each active member of the church. In this congregation we ask that you consider giving that amount in addition to your pledge and offering to the church. If you received giving envelopes, you can use the per capita envelope in the box. If you give online you can select per capita as the receiving account designation. Or you can simply mark your check or any general giving envelope as Per Capita. Thank you for all the ways you help support the valuable work of the Presbyterian Church (USA) – locally and around the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ DISCOVERY DAY DON’T MISS OUT on one of the best Presbytery opportunities of the year Discovery Day, Saturday, February 21st. There will be great classes (including ones for kids), challenging ideas to help improve individual and congregational life, wonderful fellowship with Presbyterian brothers and sisters, and inspiring worship. Register at: LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS FIRESIDE FRIENDS This Lenten season will mark the return of the Lenten soup suppers and devotions. The season of Lent kicks off on Ash Wednesday (February 18th) with the Chili Supper at 6pm and worship service at 7pm. Then, each Wednesday from February 25th thru March 25th we will gather at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall for supper and a time of devotion. We are accepting volunteers to bring soup on each of those Wednesdays. Please sign up early so that we know how many soups we need to prepare each night. All are welcome to mark time with us in Lent. Come and enjoy the food, the fellowship, and a chance to reflect on our Christian faith journey. Fireside Friends will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 10th for our annual planning meeting. Because it’s so close to Valentine’s Day, feel free to wear red and hearts and enjoy the fellowship. Come and share your ideas for themes or topics upon which we can focus this year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you can, please bring a cleaning or paper product for Women’s and Children’s Horizons or a non-perishable food item (like Peanut Butter) for our “Walkin-In-My-Shoes” grandmothers. Contact Julie Iorio or Mary Wirch if you have questions or ideas you’d like to express. THANK YOU ASH WEDNESDAY CHILI COOK-OFF Deacons, Thank you for all the cards and well wishes for myself and David. The Annual Ash Wednesday Chili Cook-Off will be Wednesday, February 18th at 6:00 pm. Sign up and bring in a crock pot of chili or just come and enjoy a delicious chili dinner. Vote for your favorite chili by donation, winning entry will be awarded the highly coveted First Presbyterian Church of Kenosha Chili Cook-Off Trophy. The sign-up sheet is posted on the narthex bulletin board. We need lots of participants! Everyone is welcome! Jody Armstrong ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHIME CHOIR Practices for the Children’s Chime Choir begin on February 15th at 12:00 noon. We will also practice on March 1st and March 15th. PARISH NURSE’S NOTES Shh-h-h…we seem to be sort of tiptoeing through winter this year, especially compared to what we dealt with last year! It can just keep going this way right up until spring, so far as most of us are concerned (sorry skiers!). We can also be relieved that we missed out on the storm that recently hit the East coast. We pray for safety for everyone involved in all that snow and wind. Are you keeping moving, even if you aren’t getting outside as much as usual? Remember to get off the couch and do some walking when the commercials come on the TV—or leave the computer screen at least every 20 minutes. I was on “hold” on the phone a few days ago, and realized that I was just sitting there, listening to the music—it finally dawned on me to take my own advice, so I got up and moved around. I had enough time to put dishes in the dishwasher, wipe down the counter tops, fluff the pillows on the couch, stash some items in their proper places, and feed the cat! Recent studies are showing that even 20 minutes of walking (not strolling!) each day can make a big difference in keeping your heart healthy. Try out the walking pathway at church if you are bored with walking at home. (Call to be certain someone is there.) Do some walking and praying at the same time—20 minutes will go by very quickly. How’s the eating going? Hopefully all the Christmas cookies are long gone. Make it a goal this year to eat fewer processed foods—these are usually loaded with salt, fats, and sugars. The American Heart Association recommends a daily sugar intake of 5 to 9 teaspoons—most Americans consume about 22! The closer our food is to the source, the better it almost always is for us. No, I don’t mean you need to go out in the field to eat your potatoes—just don’t buy potatoes that come in a box or a bag! We have been trained from an early age to crave sugar and salt. Read labels—it can be quite surprising to realize what foods have added salt and sugars. Frozen vegetables can often contain more vitamins and minerals than fresh ones that have been transported long distances, simply because they are frozen so quickly after being harvested. “Organic” is usually a good choice, even though the cost may be higher. It is a good sign if your apples aren’t all shiny with wax and haven’t been sprayed multiple times with pesticides. I included a list of the “dirty dozen” some months ago, and will have cards to hand out soon that you can carry with you when shopping. When you go to put food in your mouth, a good question to ask is: “Is this food worthy to be put in my body?” Don’t munch mindlessly! Hoping everyone stays healthy during the rest of this winter and flu and cold season— wash your hands, and keep them away from your face! Blessings to all. Karen Sorenson, Parish Nurse CZERNY’S ANGELS CONCERT Our second Good Samaritan Concert this season will feature the five-piano ensemble, Czerny’s Angels. It will be in the sanctuary on February 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Bring your valentine for an early celebration of the serious and fun musical repertoire of “Angels”. As always, there will be a reception following the concert. The freewill offering will be used to support our mission in Guatemala. Czerny’s Angels, formed in 2013, is a unique Carthage College chamber group. Rather than including vocalists, string players, or wind players, this group is exclusively comprised of pianists. Its five members are accomplished musicians who are actively involved in the college’s piano studio. They enjoy playing piano solo, piano quintet, and everything in between. Czerny’s Angels has performed at a wide variety of venues including chapel services, scholarship dinners, piano monster concerts, and the ensemble’s own recitals. The name of the group is a testament to the ensemble’s interest in both musicianship and fun. Carl Czerny (1791-1857) is a primary historical figure in piano technique, composition and performance, while Charlie’s Angels was a popular action comedy show of the 1980’s. Hope to see you there! BAPTISM POEM In one adult class on Sunday morning while discussing the passage of the day - Jesus' Baptism - we were given the homework to write a haiku poem about baptism. The following is Lois Van Dahm's recollection of her baptism: MEMORIES OF MY BAPTISM There were three of us; Brother, sister, and myself, Like a trinity. I was only five; I cried when it was my turn. Why wouldn't I cry? I felt the water; It wet the bangs of my hair. I felt the Spirit No dove was present, Just my Father's hand on me. That's all I wanted. I recall it well: No dove descended on me; Daddy's hand sufficed. A promise was kept; The baptism was complete. Aunt Anna was pleased. SENIOR LUNCHEONS Our senior luncheon is scheduled for Tuesday, February 17th at 11:30 a.m. All seniors and their guests are welcome. Please join us for delicious food and wonderful fellowship! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ HELPING HANDS Do you need a little extra help? The Helping Hands program offers various types of assistance to our members. Contact Donna Bauman at 652-6838 to see if we can help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEACONS FOOD COLLECTION The Deacons collect non-perishable food items for the Shalom Center on the first Sunday of every month. This month they will be collecting food on Sunday, February 1 st. Thank you for helping feed the hungry in our community. 2015 SYNOD SCHOOL The 2015 Synod School will be held July 2631, at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. The Synod School provides a welcoming and safe community for people of all ages and interests to learn, to grow spiritually, and to share in fellowship. Special programs for children and youth (infant through 12th grade) allow parents (and grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) to attend classes with other adults, knowing that their children are well cared for and having a great time. Besides attending, we welcome those who might be interested in teaching in the Children and Youth programs. Contact Diana Barber at 1-800-328-1880 ext. 207 or [email protected] for more information if you’d like to help teach the kids. Copies of the 2015 pamphlet can be picked up on the old fellowship hall table, and more information on-line can be found at WORSHIP ATTENDANCE January 4 125 January 11 123 January 18 128 January 25 127 January 2015 Sunday Average 126 Sunday School Lesson for February The Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 25 Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus.[a] “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” 27 He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” 28 And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.” But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”30 Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped 29 him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32 So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii,[b] gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.’ 36 Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” 37 He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” This story of the Good Samaritan is one of those Bible stories that everyone knows. We can’t remember when we first learned it. Let’s listen to it with new ears. We start with the initial question. The lawyer (scholar of Jewish law, not pin striped graduate of Harvard) comes to Jesus with a simple question. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” We’ll give him the benefit of the doubt so we will imagine this to be a question posed without deception. He isn’t looking to trick or trap Jesus. He really wants to know the answer. But it IS a tricky question. It comes out of a set of very common preconceived ideas. 1) There really is something called “eternal life.” 2) There is something we have to do to earn it. Those are common ideas and people wrestle with these questions all the time. They emerge when life gets difficult or one hears of tragedy or gets bad news from the doctor. People look around and wonder, “Is this all there is?” Equally common is the idea that you get what you work for, even when it comes to spirituality or eternal life. No one gets a free lunch. We bring those ideas with us wherever we go. So this lawyer brings them to Jesus. Jesus answers him – life is found in loving God and neighbor. Jesus’ answer isn’t new or revolutionary. It isn’t even particularly spiritual. It is more like common sense. A religious scholar like this lawyer would clearly have already learned that lesson. It is pretty basic, reaching back to the very beginnings of the Hebrew faith. But then the lawyer exposes himself, he is looking for a loophole – “And who is my neighbor”? This is what we will always do if we live our lives with the idea that eternal life is something to be earned by our following the rules – we will seek loopholes that make it easier for us to “win”. Then along comes Jesus. He is the end of our spiritual striving to gain God’s favor just as he is the end of our rebellion against God. The question of eternal life has now been answered – Jesus has done for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Eternal life is a different existence that begins now and continues on the other side of the grave. Because of this, our attention is free to turn to the daily realities of life, which would include going out of our way to attend to the needs of those who need help. Let us pray: Dear Jesus, remind us of the times in our lives when people have gone out of their way to be helpful to us, when people have come around us in times of great need. Remind us this morning that we love you as we love our neighbors - in practical, down to earth ways. Thank you for the gift and the promise of eternal life and the freedom we have to be who you have created and called us to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen. SESSION February Birthdays! 1st......... Eldon Lang 10th ...... Deb Kotten 18th ...... Todd Kotten 20th ...... Janice Steinseifer 21st....... David Elmblad 22nd ...... Werner Steinseifer 25th ...... Tom Berry ............ Vince Shuler 26th ...... Aimee Edenhofer 28th ...... Paige Loveall Kelly Andrichik (Mission & Evangelism) Ron Bauman (Building & Grounds, Personnel*) Erika Behling (Nominating, Worship & Music) Mandy Bergeson (Christian Education*) Sandra Billingsley (Christian Ed, Nominating) Heather Casiano (Christian Education) Rachel Conran (Mission & Evangelism) Wes Djuplin (Building and Grounds) Karen Edenhofer (Fellowship/Membership*) Bill Misamore (Stewardship & Finance) Dave Misun (Fellowship/Membership) Paul Spottswood (Memorial*, Mission & Evang.) DEACONS Kathy Anderson, Elaine Azuma, Lynn Faulk, Janice Hamelink, Julie Iorio*, Miriam Johnson, Kathie Mandry, Keith Rusch, Carole Serpe ( ) indicates committee assignments; *indicates Team Leaders Kia Hauter is leader of Missions MISSION STATEMENT ANNIVERSARIES February 3rd ......... David and Jody Armstrong 7th ......... Paul and Lydia Spottswood If you would like your birthday or anniversary listed, please drop your information in the office, call 694-0485 or send us an e-mail to [email protected]. Called into being by God’s grace, we are Christians in progress; Called to grow together in God’s ways through worship, study, fellowship, evangelism, and service; Called to be servants of God’s love to one another, to our community, and to the world. We welcome all to our community of faith. FEBRUARY WORSHIP VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE Head Usher: Alan Frederick February 1st N. Door Greeter: Greeters: Reader: Sound System: Counters: Nursery Helper: Fellowship Host: Comm. Preparer: February 15th Lynn Faulk Gerald and Norma Jones Kia Hauter Tom Berry Pat Koesser David Thompson Nancy Quist Fellowship Team Carole Serpe N. Door Greeter: Greeter: Reader: Sound System: Counters: Nursery Helper: Fellowship Host: Kathie Mandry San Kennedy Charles Leicht Jerry Jones Pat Koesser David Thompson Molly Bergnach Fellowship Team February 18th – Ash Wednesday Sound System: Todd Kotten February 22nd February 8th N. Door Greeter: Greeter: Reader: Sound System: Counters: Nursery Helper: Fellowship Host: Julie Iorio Jean Kastman Deb Kotten Brad Dickow Pat Koesser David Thompson Karen Edenhofer Fellowship Team N. Door Greeter: Greeters: Reader: Sound System: Counters: Nursery Helper: Fellowship Host: Thank you to our volunteers! Mariam Johnson Robert and Carol Kessler Heather Casiano Don Mandry Pat Koesser David Thompson Dana Berry Mariners
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