A Weekly Publication of Calhoun First United Methodist Church United Methodist Mission Statement: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Senior Pastor Dr. Bob Hoffmann Office: 706-403-4596 Cell: 706-263-5254 [email protected] Associate Pastor Rev. Katie Mattox Office: 706-403-4604 Cell: 770-755-8151 [email protected] Music Director Rev. Robert (Bob) Daniel [email protected] 706-403-4598 Ministry Assistants Krista Hall, Children Missy Hathcox, Middle School Carol Gomez, High School Receptionist Amanda McGill [email protected] Front Desk: 706-629-2685 Church & Financial Secretary Laura Dutton [email protected] Office: 706-403-4594 Worship Leader Chris Agan [email protected] Musicians Donna Looney, Organist Margaret Thornton, Pianist Nursery Staff Sharon Leberman, Coordinator [email protected] Cell: 678-986-6690 Hailey Kelley James Kelley Laura Leberman Kristin Stanley Director of Preschool Shea Walraven [email protected] Preschool Office: 706-629-2813 Director of David Learning Ctr Julie Hare [email protected] Day Care Office: 706-629-3110 205 East Line Street P.O. Box 517 Calhoun, GA 30703 www.calhounfirst.com February 2, 2015 From the Pastor… As we claim this new year of 2015 for the glory of God and the making of Christian disciples, one of our Congregation’s highest priorities should be Sunday School and the teaching and sharing of God’s Holy Word. Indeed, this new year has the potential to be our greatest opportunity for the study and nurture of God’s Word - the Bible throughout the life and witness of our beloved Church. Therefore, I challenge all of us to renew our efforts and energies for the continuing growth and outreach of our Sunday School Ministry. In this regard, let me share a specific word about our Bible-teaching program with three distinct groups within our Congregation. First, to our Sunday School Leadership/ Teachers: I would encourage our teachers to accept the fact that you are an essential component in our Sunday School leadership. That means that you should lead the effort, but do not assume that you are to do everything. Strive to involve others in your class in the work for which you are responsible. They will grow and your efforts will be multiplied. An effective way to move in this direction is to make positive suggestions and assignments. For example, ask a particular person to give special attention to a chronic absentee or to a new prospect, or ask someone to research a certain Biblical passage or subject, or assign two or three people to plan and promote some class or department “get-together.” Remember, others are looking to you for leadership and guidance, so don’t be timid to do it. Second, to those who currently attend Sunday School, whether regularly or irregularly: Please strive toward more consistent attendance and better preparation of the assigned lesson. This will significantly improve the overall quality of the Sunday School hour, thus making the whole process of “Bible Study” more attractive and engaging to those who are currently disinclined or uninterested in Sunday School. Remember, you are the very nucleus around which our future growth and success must build. Third, to those who aren’t presently involved in Sunday School: First, a question to you. “Would you be willing to see our Church discontinue or drop her Sunday School program?” Next, a request. If there is something wrong or weak or inadequate with our existing Sunday School program, please help us identify the problem and make any suggestions that might be helpful. Please be assured that Judy McEntyre, our Sunday School Superintendent, Don Nix, our Assistant Sunday School Superintendent, Rev. Katie Mattox and I want to address your concerns about our Sunday School and its impact upon our Church and community. Because Sunday School is so vitally essential to the health and well-being of our Congregation, “We believe in Sunday School!” As always, I shall be blessed to greet you and all who will join us for Bible Study and Worship this Sunday in the Father’s House. I especially hope to see you at 9:45 a.m. in Sunday School! In His Service, Bob Sermon for This Sunday, February 8: “Home Is Where It Begins” Scripture: Exodus 20:12; Mark 7:9-13 Lay Ministers for Sunday, February 8 8:30 Usher/Greeter Reed Davis 11:00 Greeters Angela Green, Jennifer Thomason 11:00 Ushers Barett Hagood, Capt; Philip Beamer, Jerry Mashburn, Eric Prater, Steve Thomason TV & Sound 8:30 Todd Anderson 11:00 Todd Anderson Buddy Looney February Altar Guild Ruth Mathews Offering Counters Russell Dudley, Jimmy Prater, Haley Stephens, Barrett Hagood Take A Look at Our Prayer List If you see a name that needs to come off the prayer list, please call the church office at 706-629-2685, or email [email protected]. We want to stay current on the prayer needs of the church family! Meeting This Sunday The Family Ministries Committee will meet this Sunday, February 8, in the Church Parlor immediately following the 11:00 worship services. Our Faithfulness February 1, 2015 Budget Received $10,910.00 Weekly Budget $12,160.00 Over +/Under -$1,250.00 Year-to-Date Pledged Received $37,665.00 Pledged Budgeted $33,575.77 Over +/Under +$4,089.23 Non-Pledged Received $27,392.50 TOTAL $66,057.50 Less Expenses - $47,815.34 Over +/Under +$18,242.16 Attendance Sunday School Worship 134 206 Happy Birthday! Our Members Joe & Barbara Blackmon Lee Clegg Martha Cleveland Lolita & Kody Conley Bill Green Nancy Jordon Susan Magnicheri Judy McCarver Joanne Owens Mildred Padgett Clyde Petty Rae & Edna Quinn Paul Whittemore Claude Wright Frank Wright Church Members in the Military Our Friends February 8 Nick Cochran Joe Ragsdale February 9 Payton Kenney Tram Lance Mike Trantham February 11 Velma Sadler February 13 Samantha Stewart Happy Anniversary! Called Meeting David Learning Center Board of Directors Next Monday February 9, 2015 6:00 pm Please make note of the time of this meeting. It’s an hour earlier than we usually meet. All Board members are urged to attend. Remember in Prayer February 13 Gerald & Lydia Hite Clyde & Louise Petty Iris Abercrombie Marvin Agan Cyndi Alsobrooks Johnny Brown Andrew Brumlow Tim Clark Ed Collins Cloyd Dick Renee Gibson Edna Gowder Jill Burger Hales Jimmy Henderson Craig Henson Walter Johnson Sharon LaChance Richard Langston Peggy & Jack McEntire Vicki McKeown Esme Miller Amanda Hall Mitchell Nina Moore Jerrell Puckett Runette Rampy Beda Fowler Ryan Charlotte Shaw Sarah Shaw Patti Spieker Hazel Beth Steely Nell White Dena Autry Wofford Tommy Wyatt U.S. Military Personnel Our Missionaries Tim & Ansley Crabtree: Scotland Humphrey Kanga: Kenya Children’s Connection The Methodist Men will have their first meeting of the year this Thursday, February 12, at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. All men are invited and encouraged to attend as we start another busy year of mission and community service. Pray for Katie Let’s keep Rev. Katie Mattox in our prayers as she tours the Holy Land with Bishop Watson through February 11. Wednesday Night Activities For Children: 5:15 Bible Believer’s Choir 6:00 Children’s Connection (children attending Children’s Connection will be fed supper) For Youth: 6:00 Middle School Bible Study with Missy Hathcox 6:00 High School Study on Comparative Religions with Carol Gomez For Adults: 6:00 Wednesday Night Supper 6:30 Dr. Bob’s Bible Study 6:30 The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life by Rick Warren 6:30 Revival by Adam Hamilton, 7:00 Chancel Choir Did You Know… Valentine Dance! This Wednesday, February 11 6:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Dinner will be served at the event. If anyone would like to volunteer to help, please contact me at 770-881-0645. I look forward to seeing everyone this week for Children’s Connection! Krista Hall Children’s Ministry Assistant Bible Believer’s Choir... ...will be singing at the 11:00 Traditional Worship Service on Sunday, February 22, 2015. VAC Pantry ...that sitting down and sharing a meal is a Biblical way to show hospitality and make new friends? You have a chance to do just that, each Wednesday evening at 6:00 in the CAC. Our small groups are taking turns preparing and serving the meals. Plates are $5 each, and the fellowship is priceless! Your $5 donation goes to a mission chosen by those preparing the meal. Please make a reservation weekly in Sunday’s bulletin. See next week’s menu on this page! All parents and children: We hope you are making plans for our first Father/Daughter, Mother/Son Annual Women’s Winter Retreat at Farmville UMC Saturday, February 7, 2015 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Lunch Provided Our Guest Speaker this year will be Janet Sliger, Director of Lay Servant Ministries for the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church While shopping for groceries, please pick up some extra of the following for the VAC Pantry: Canned Vegetables Canned/Boxed Soups Bisquick Next Week’s Menu for Wednesday Night Supper February 11 The Sweet Adelines will be serving a dinner of home cooking! Pintos Potatoes Cole Slaw Cornbread Tea & Dessert Make a reservation in Sunday’s bulletin. Official Church Calendar February 8-15, 2015 Rev. Katie Mattox is touring the Holy Land through February 11. Preschool meets Monday through Friday in the CAC from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Rev. Bob Daniel will be preaching the EVOLVE Worship Service and teaching the Confirmation Class February 8. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 1:00 pm Walking in Gym 4:00 pm Heart & Soul 6:00pm Called Meeting of the David Learning Center Board 7:00pm Board of Trustees Meeting This coming Sunday is Scout Sunday. Our Boy Scouts will be helping to lead Worship at both 11:00 services. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 2:30 pm King’s Cooks 6:00 pm Troop Planning 6:30 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Boy Scouts WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 1:00 pm Walking in Gym 5:15 pm Bible Believers Choir 6:00pm Parent/Child Valentine Dance (FH) 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Supper (CAC) 6:00 pm Youth Bible Studies 6:30 pm Adult Bible Studies 7:00 pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 6:30pm United Methodist Men (FH) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Scout Sunday 8:30 am Early Traditional Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship 11:00 am EVOLVE Worship 12:00pm Family Ministries Committee 4:30 pm Confirmation Class 4:30 pm Handbell Choir 5:30 pm Youth Activities Calhoun First United Methodist Church NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 205 E. Line Street P.O. Box 517 Calhoun, GA 30703 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 1:00 pm Walking in Gym SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 8:30 am Early Traditional Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Worship 11:00 am EVOLVE Worship 4:30 pm Confirmation Class 4:30 pm Handbell Choir 5:30 pm Youth Activities U.S. POSTAGE PAID Calhoun, GA PERMIT #238 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������
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