8 February 2015 Welcome to The River this morning 10AM Worship led by: Message given by: Prayer Blast: Jessy Kerrigan-Morley Ps Peter Morton 9:30am Children’s Programmes running this morning: Crèche: Mighty Rockets: River Kids: Parents Room: ‘Transition’ Venue Map: Ages 0-2 in the Crèche Room Ages 3-4 in the Events Room School Years 0-6 in the Children’s Church Room Is equipped with feeding and changing area Year 7 & 8 will next be meeting 15 February From Peter’s Desk ... “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...” – Romans 1:16a Last week we started our new series as a church – ‘The Glorious Gospel’ – and we looked at how this simple message contains within it, power to bring about salvation for people. God’s power to heal and move is available by faith to those who believe, but it is the gospel alone which has the power to save. When we consider this, it becomes clear how vital it is that we can not only introduce people to the power and presence of God, but that we also share this message. For as much as we want to see the power and presence of God touch people’s lives, transform their situations and heal their bodies – even more important from an eternal perspective, is that they move from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God! Over these next few weeks we’ll keep talking about the gospel and I’m hoping we’ll fall in love with it’s simplicity and power again – and find our own way to share it passionately and authentically with others. It truly is the power of God for salvation! Blessings Ps Peter Morton Notices Lunch at the Beach - An Update Last week we were hoping to connect at Eastern Beach after the service for lunch, but wet weather led us to cancelling. We will look at either doing this again soon or have a bring and share lunch in the near future. River T Shirts & New River Kids T Shirts We are doing another run of River T Shirts and there are also new River Kids T Shirts available too. T Shirts are $30 each (our cost price) but if you are ministering as a Youth Leader, Street Outreach Team member, River Kids Leader, Mainly Music Helper, Zone Helper or Mighty Rockets helper this year, we will subsidise the price down to $10 for a T-shirt. Children's sizes T Shirts are $20 each. If you would like a T Shirt, please contact Grace at the office or see her at the information desk after church. All orders must be received by Monday 23 Feb. Mainly Music - starts 9 February Mainly Music is starting up again tomorrow at 9:30am. Join us for a fantastic morning of music, dance, playtime, morning tea and connect time for only $4 per family. If you have any questions please contact Ps Jennifer. River Kids Next Week We are continuing our ‘Living for God’ series and discovering how God can help in everything we do. Don't forget your memory verse so you can earn points for your team to win the fantastic prize at the end of the term! Notices New Worship Team Members Do you have a heart for worship, play an instrument and / or sing? Would you like to be part of a team leading the Church into God's presence? Then contact Rachael Rosser ([email protected] or 027 305 0922) about auditioning for the worship team! We'd love to have you join us! Mums Time - Now on Wednesday Mornings Mums Time is starting up again this Wednesday 11 February. If you're a mum with young children, we'd love to invite you to join us! We have a great time connecting and encouraging one another as mums, as well as getting equipped to grow as women who pray and seek God for our families. It’s always great to learn about different topics and pray over a coffee, while our fantastic Children’s Pastor Jennifer looks after the kids for us! It's also a great morning for mums with preschoolers to have some time out. We meet each Wednesday morning during term time in the Events Room from 9.30am - 11am. If you're interested in coming, feel free to talk or email Ps Annika. Sign Up For The Weekly Church Email Each week we send out an email filled with what's happening at church this week, upcoming events and other items to note. If you're keen to be kept up to date, you can sign up for the email by visiting http://www.theriver.org.nz and clicking on the big envelope icon. You can unsubscribe at any time, but it's a great way to stay informed with happenings around the church! Upcoming Events Sunday Night Resumes Next Week at 6pm Our Sunday Night meeting resumes next Sunday (15 Feb) at the new time of 6pm. Advance church will be joining us for our first meeting and Ps Paul Saunders will be ministering the following week. (22 Feb) DNA Course - Starting 3 - 24 March Our next DNA course runs over 4 Tuesday nights starting on 3 March until 24 March from 7.30pm until 9.15pm and is held in the Events Room. DNA is designed for anyone who would like to know more about the church with a view to becoming a member. It covers our church history, vision, leadership, ministry and culture. Please contact Ps Dean or email our DNA Conveners Chris & Karen Redwood on [email protected] to enrol. HKC - Youth Hey HKC Peeps! Our big KICK 2015 OFF is on Friday 13 February at 7pm! Check out facebook www.facebook.com/hkcyouth and instagram www.instagram.com/hkcyouth. HKC Housegroups begin this week. Upcoming Dates Sunday 15 February Sunday 22 February Saturday 7 March Sunday 15 March Sunday 22 March First Sunday Night Service (Combined with Advance Church) Ps Paul Saunders (PM Service Only) Botany Community Day Ps James Anson (AM Service Only) Len Buttner (PM Service Only) Ministry Update Coffee's and Hot Chocolates On Sundays A huge thanks to Thomas Adams for all his work in getting things ready on the coffee machine and overseeing training! We'll have the coffee machine running properly with the new system from today. How does it work? If you'd like to get a coffee or hot chocolate you simply see Grace who will be manning (womanning?) the information desk at the back of church each week and pay her. The price will be $3 for a coffee or hot chocolate (which is uber cheap really). She mate give you a card you give to the crew on the coffee machine. If you think you will be regularly getting coffees or hot chocolates, you might want to consider get a cafe card for $20. This gives you 8 coffees/hot chocolates for $2.50 each. These can be left at the coffee machine where they'll be filed with your name on it, so that next time you come it's right there. (Isn't that nice?). Here's a pic of what they look like: And yes... there will also be self-serve tea and (*cough) instant coffee (*cough) available for free each morning too if you don't want to pay for the good stuff :) Because we know not everyone will :) Report by Ps Peter Morton (coffee connoisseur) Ministry Update Ministry Update Corlia & Riaan - Living Streams Trust Before Christmas, a number of buckets were filled by members of our church with Christmas presents to give out to families who are in need. Thank you to those who donated to these families. The families were hugely blessed and many thank you messages were received. “ Corlia, I know it's late but I had to text you to say thank you soooooo much for the bucket of goodies. I am blown away by the kindness and generosity of the people who have donated the gifts. The kids will be absolutely thrilled to bits with the presents & I don't usually get anything for myself, so this is a real special treat. I cannot thank you enough. God bless you & the kind people who donated the presents. We are so grateful xxx” - Emma “Thanks.love the psalm 46v1:3. Pt on my fridge” - Bianca “Oh my....oh my...oh my!!! :-) I was thinking how loving u r, how fantastic it will be to receive ur xmas card (as this is what I had thght u were trying to send our way) BUT just now a van rolled dwn our drive & delivered a box....of surprise...wonder...love &care....a true xmas box! To be thought of and helped in such a way is so heart warming....you hve no idea :-) things as u knw hve gotten no better for me financially, and in my stupidity I felt that wth my husband hvng found wrk, had time to heal, has read my email pleas...well I truly believed he was more honourable a man & father and that he wld send $ to his children ....i find myself proven wrong again this year, facing another xmas without a 'xmas fund' to enable mch at all for my darlings.... ...and this love, this toughtfulness, this blessing arrives!! Xoxo last wednesday I turned 43... I hve learned much in my journey, right now is the most loving of paths for me personally ...I hve lost a spouse, a mate, I see my children without a father, I struggle to do all I must....but I am loved, I know it! I am thankful, so thankful my dear Corlia for you....for people like you, who continue to NOT forget....not forget those of us who quietly keep trying...and sometimes must slip away to try life somewhere else :-) my love to dean & philippa...kindness in abundance that helps save a 'mothers honour' that helps this mother deliver to her babys as she dreams she could!! Xoxo to you church, your outreach, to you.... ....I thank you all ...with flowing tears, droplets of realised love down my cheeks, a smile to my heart...a smile for my darling children....a feeling of being cared over, being treated and gifted such a magical box!! I just can't truly express all this delivery has done to me today...it has touched me so Xoxo a thousand thank yous....and endless warmth & love to you all....merry xmas!!!!! Xoxo...... I find myself sitting in true AWE and APPRECIATION of people as yourself, people with real heart....you are happy to share what they have to give to those without X I find my place in life is now that of true, bare humbled acceptance ...that my words are the only 'gift' I can now give others :-) it wld be warming knowing all my txts were passed on, to all those hearts who opened to give freely to the likes of me & my family X” - Anna “Merry xmas & thanks for lovely gifts. Out with bubbles now.” - Carolyn “oh ohk itz owk c u soon then oh nd fank yu so mujj 4 presents may God bles u nd ur famly” - Meavale “Happy New Year Corlia. Abundant blessings to your family. Thanks again for all the Christmas blessings! Everyone was so excited to get all their gifts.” - Jane “Thankyou for blessing us :-)” - Erin “Merry Christmas Corlia & family, and Happy Birthday Jesus :-) Hope u have a glorious day and thank you for everything you have done for me and my family this year Blessings xoxo” - Lesa “Hi beautiful lady, hope u well :-) we gud...kids loved the pressies so thank u so v much for DAT. Did wrap Sarah's kids an got it to them an they were thankful” Tracy “We can not express our gratitude enough after receiving your presents. The girls were very excited and very thankful for what they received ( these were some of the things they needed for their school) and one thing surprised them ( how did you know the colour each one of them like?) For me personally, it was a big blessing ( being here without relative ) Christmas is the time I miss my family. I do not let these feelings take away my joy, peace because I got new families and friends from here including you who have blessed us this Christmas . Thanks a lot and God Bless you for blessing others whom you do not know. Who to Contact Church Office Hours: Mon - Thurs, 9am - 4:30pm. Telephone: (09) 577 2577 / (09) 577 2522 Staff Team Senior Pastors: Peter & Annika Morton / 021 577 257 / [email protected] Executive Pastors: Dean & Philippa Smyth / 021 762 235 / [email protected] Youth Pastor: Claire McLean / 021 577 510 / [email protected] Children’s Pastor: Jennifer Spellman / 021 577 513 / [email protected] Financial Administrator: Grace Christie / [email protected] Ministries Daughters (Women’s Ministry): Annika Morton / [email protected] DNA Courses (for newcomers): Chris & Karen Redwood / [email protected] Dream Interpretation: Dean Smyth / [email protected] Foodbank: Corlia Timmerman / [email protected] HKC Youth: Claire McLean / [email protected] Mainly Music: Jennifer Spellman / Mon 9:30am / Events Room / [email protected] Mums Time: Annika Morton / [email protected] River Kids: Jennifer Spellman / 021 577 513 / [email protected] River School: Dean Smyth / Mon 7pm / [email protected] Room Bookings & Rentals: Dean Smyth / [email protected] Street Outreach Team: / Caleb Marshall / 021 024 82 344 ‘The Zone’: Jennifer Spellman / Tues 3:30pm / Events Room / [email protected] Transition: Amber Adams / Fortnightly Sun 10am / [email protected] Worship: Peter Morton / [email protected] Young Adults: Claire McLean / [email protected] Rosters This Sunday - 8 February Next Sunday - 15 February Greeters Lauren, Sam W, Caitlin Karen B, Carol, Kate Coffee Machine Jason, Kelly TBA Crèche Jess, Thalia, Brianna Kelly, Caitlin Mighty Rockets Mansfield, Annalia Candice, Caleb Marshall Counters Caley, Dave Grace, Warren Media Clifton Graeme (AM) Jordan A (PM) HKC Youth House Groups Jordan Abicht and Nathan Morton: Year 7-8 Boys - “Comrades” Where & When: Tuesday 3:30pm, Events Room, The River. Contact: Jordan 021 022 82079 or Nathan 021 083 39794 Mikayla Arbuthnott -Year 7-8 Girls - “Glow” Where & When: Tuesday 3:30pm, The River. Contact: 021 150 3769 Jazz Taiaroa - Year 9-13 Girls - “Radically Ignited” Where & When: Sunday 3:00pm - Crèche Room, The River. Contact: 021 053 6016 Alex Pope - Year 9-13 Boys - “Hott Dawgs” Where & When: Sunday 1:00pm, Howick. Contact: 021 178 4746 River House Groups Thomas & Amber Adams - Young Adults (18-25 Years) Where & When: Wednesday 7:30pm, 5 Osprey Street, Pakuranga Contact: 022 173 5845 / [email protected] Justin & Halina Hinds and Chris & Candice Osborne - (20-35+) Where & When: Wednesday 7:30pm, 55C Mountain Rd, Mangere Bridge Contact: Justin 027 304 5464/ [email protected] Niel & Rida Vivier - Young Families Where & When: Wednesday 6:00pm, 16 Tiraumea Drive, Pakuranga Contact: 576 9684 / [email protected] Kevin & Briar Mills - 35’s upwards Where & When: Wednesday 7:30pm, 6 Dunkirk Road, Panmure Contact: 527 3718 / [email protected] Riaan & Corlia Timmerman - 35’s upwards Where & When: Thursday 7:30pm, 480 Chapel Road, Dannemora Contact: 950 6649 / [email protected] “Mums Time” / For mums with preschoolers (including crèche) Where & When: Wednesday 9.30am, The River Events Room Contact: Annika Morton / 021 577 237 / [email protected] Helen Blyth - Ladies House Group Where & When: Thursday 7:30pm, The River Events Room Contact: 535 7772 / [email protected]
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