GOLD SHIELD PAYS. Over $5,000,000 last year Look at the chart to see that EVERY facility in California has members just like you who have needed GOLD SHIELD. TOTAL PAID FACILITY NAME AVENAL STATE PRISON $119,154.21 CALIF SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT $156,024.90 CALIF INSTITUTION FOR MEN $404,727.26 CALIF INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN $105,554.31 CALIF MEDICAL FACILITY $111,393.41 CALIF REHABILITATION CENTER $25,874.38 CALIF CORRECTIONAL CENTER $120,492.64 CALIFORNIA MEN’S COLONY $272,518.36 CALIFORNIA YOUTH AUTHORITY CALIPATRIA STATE PRISON • Gold Shield provides up to 65%* of your base pay up to $5150 per month (whichever is lower) during the coverage period. CCI CUMMINGS VALLEY • Vacation and PLP time are not affected. CENTRAL CAL WOMAN’S FACILITY • On–&–Off -The -Job coverage. 24/7/365 • Claims pay for 24-months of coverage • Gold Shield is $65 per month. *When combined with other disability income for qualified non-occupational disabilities. Combined pays cash direct to you. Combined pays cash DIRECTLY TO YOU or to whomever you choose, and PAID IN ADDITION to benefits provided by any other insurance policy, workers compensation, or social security. This is money you can use however you see fit. Groceries. Car payment. Mortgage or rent. School. You get the picture. Health insurance may pay the doctor, but it does nothing towards your other bills. GOLD SHIELD + COMBINED THE BEST 1+2 PUNCH $64,791.16 CALIF CORR INSTITUTION, TEHACHAPI CDC HEADQUARTERS $2,189.94 $151,576.53 $12,529.96 $1,711.92 CDC PAROLES $356,619.61 CENTINELA STATE PRISON $75,360.05 $121,514.81 CHADERJIAN YOUTH COR FACILITY $84,004.19 CHUCKAWALLA VALLEY PRISON $95,156.14 CORCORAN STATE PRISON $212,065.94 CORRECTIONAL TRAINING FACILITY $134,246.61 CYA PAROLES $1,236.60 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH $7,491.90 DEUEL VOCATIONAL INSTITUTION $51,095.59 FOLSOM STATE PRISON $47,645.58 HERMEN G STARK YOUTH COR FAC $41,270.40 HIGH DESERT STATE PRISON $120,404.20 IRONWOOD STATE PRISON $180,406.01 KERN VLY STATE PRISON, DELANO $79,080.47 LANCASTER STATE PRISON $342,110.69 MULE CREEK STATE PRISON $102, 926.08 N CALIF YOUTH CORR CENTER NORTH KERN STATE PRISON OH CLOSE YOUTH COR FACILITY $4,176.40 $102, 670.74 $18,702.78 PELICAN BAY STATE PRISON $298,737.97 PLEASANT VALLEY, COALINGA $105,795.32 RJ DONOVAN $259,418.85 S YOUTH COR RECEP CNTR/CUNIC SACRAMENTO STATE PRISON $1,442.70 $88,802.70 SALINAS VALLEY STATE PRISON $174,341.79 SAN QUENTIN STATE PRISON $122, 693.74 SIERRA CONSERVATION CENTER $119,761.31 SOLANO STATE PRISON $191,690.29 TRANSPORTATION CHAPTER $36,995.83 VALLEY STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN $32,103.14 VENTURA YOUTH COR FACILITY WASCO STATE PRISON $118,281.09 $95,651.99 Total payouts for 12 month period ending November 2013 REWARD YOURSELF Enroll in Gold Shield Disability Benefit Plan and receive our handsome signature duffle. HOW IT WORKS: 1. Visit your Benefit Rep while they are here this week at your institution. 2. Talk to them. Ask Questions. Get Educated. 3. Sign Up. Your benefit rep will handle all the forms and paperwork. 4. Relax and feel good knowing you’re more secure. Once the paperwork is processed your reward will be sent out. If you have any questions the Benefit Trust Fund is here to help. We’ve Got You Covered. 1-800-In-Unit-6 1-800-468-6486 All rewards are while supplies last. Bath tote does not include grooming items. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
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