DOCUMENT RESUME ED 277 011 AUTHOR TITLE PUB DATE NOTE CS 210 202 Lin, Carolyn A Quantitative Analysis of Worldwide VCR Penetration. Aug 86 _ 52p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (69th, Norman, OK, August 3-6, 1986). PUB TYPE Reports - Research/Technical (143) -Speeches/Conference Papers (150) EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. Developed Nations; Developing Nations; *Economic Factors; Foreign Countries;_Hypothesis Testing; Mass Media; *Media Research; *Ownership; Political Attitudes; Predictive Measurement; *Predictor Variables; Regression (Statistics); Statistical Analysis; *Videotape Cassettes; *Videotape Recorders ABSTRACT By examining relationships between a host_of national policy, domestic economic, media system,_and media int astructure factors, t Study assesses possible_predictors for videotape cassette recorder (VCR) penetration across 63 countries. Overall statistical results generated_through hypothesis testing indicated that these factors were_relatively important predictors of VCR penetration in industrialized and less industrialized countries. Specifically, findings indicated-that (1) the level of gross national_product (GNP) per capita provides the economic basis for VCR diffUsion;_(2) -national TV systems with greater structural and_programing freedom,_ but without a multichannel environment, may encourage more rapid VCR penetration; (3) the number_of TV sets_available to a population correlates positively with the_level of VCR diffusion; (4) although newspaper_circulation_and telephone penetration are significantly relatod_to VCR penetration, these correlations are largely a functiOn of GNP per capita; and (5) radio use and movie attendance are relatively independent from the acquisition of_VCRs_because,VCR use relies-more heavily on TV penetration_and its related variables. Results suggested that VCRs may penetrate_TV households across nations mord rapidly than any other electronic medium in the history of telecommunications. (Appendixes list the low, medium, and high income countries included in the study and provide extensive statistical data.) (JD) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document. *********************************************************************** * * 1.14. OEPANIMENTOVEDUATKIN Office of EducationarReamuch-and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) * Mt_ document Nos been reproduced as ecetved frorn the person or organization originating II r.) Minor changeably* been made to improve reproduction quality Pomts pi view or opinions slat edi n this docu- ment do not necessarily represent official CD OERI position or policy. C:1 LUc\I A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF WORLDWIDE VCR PENETRATION t4r :Carolyn Lib Department of Telecommunication Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 "PERMISSION TO REPWIDUCE -THIS MATERIAL HAS SEEN GRANTED SY Carolyn Lin TO THE EDUCATIONACRESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." ABSTRACT Recently, product video cassette recorders have become a in many nations around the world. However, for this global video boom are largely unknown. popular the reasons There appear to be many potentially uneven factors associated with the diffusion of video attempts cassette to recorders assess the worldwide. relationship The between current all study these of potential factors and the penetration of video cassette recorders across sixty-three countries. generated national media through policy, The overall statistical hypothesis testing suggest that a domestic economic, results number national media system of and infrastructure factors are relatively important predictors for the spread of video cassette recorders across as well as less industrialized states. industrialized INTRODUCTION Videocassette recorders (or VCRs) have, very popular product in many countries videocassette viewing recorder's recently, around world; the ability to record programs and replay p e-recorded programs become a for movies, (e.g. A later how-to tapes, etc.) at a viewer's convenience has altered the "temporal" nature of traditional television viewing patt,arns. not only enjoys the iiewing time flexibility, The VCR owner he or she al§b has the access to a variety of program choice§ that are not available 1. to h-on-VCR owners. The control" technical capability of a VCR to place "viewing the heavily onto a viewer's' hand has caused some economic, 2 social as well as political concerns worldwide. a commercial television system, For instance, in time-shifting and home recording of copyright materials may create a significant economic impact bn the television and the film industry. In a nation that has more eigid social and political restraints on personal expression, the invasion of Western films or entertainment material (e.g. pornography, politically sensitive material) to VCR households may be regard as undesirable by authorities. It is, therefore, not uncommon for nations to impose various restrictions on the import or purchase of VCRs for different reasons. TO better understand this booming global video phenomenon, one may first consider it as a part of the electronic revolution 3 that has facilitated the progress of the information age. Moreover, VCR growth can also be attributed to the advancement in telecommunications access to and technology. As such, both an demand for various types of individual's information data, entertainment, etc.) have been greatly increased. unlike (e.g. However, the penetration patterns of other kinds of telecommmunicatechnologies tions (which generally reach the industrialized nations first and the non-industrialized nations much later), VCR ownership diffuses among different nations around the world in somewhat unpredictable fashion. Ftot instance, such the penetration ratio in a "media rich" state the United States (10.7%, of Kuwait (92%, 1983) is 1983) or India (342%, much lower than that 1983)-- the "media poor" 4 According to a survey done by states. Intermedia, industrial- ized nations don't necessarily have higher penetration rates than 5 nonindustrialized the violates well This phenomenon the traditional expectation that VCR spread first states. apparently ownership among industrialized nations that already developed telecommunication infrastructure in place should have a before reaching the less industrializ.2d states. Qualitative generalizations and explanations for the problem Of "irregular" thia inaccurate social penetration pattern are likely existence of various uneven because of th,- to political, a d economic circumstances among individual nations. iS highly possible that, while some penetration-related may they apply ina equate to certain nations, in other cases. are found be It factors completely In order to more precisely analyze this problem, the current study will empirically test a number of hypotheses to supplement qualitative explanations with a set quantitative evidence. 5 LITERATURE REVIEW irregularity The of VCR penetration patterns is largely a function of national policy, system and diScussion, media infrastructure domestic economy; combined. the In media following a host of factors gathered from the literature serve as potential may probably that predictors for VCR penetration worldwide will be individually reviewed. Western Industrialized Nations Among both the industrialized or economically developed social science research and market research have otatev, revealed some of the underlying reasons fOr the diffUSiOn of VCRS. The uses of (i.e., United States Based on empirical the VCR include time shifting, recording favorite research, video-library movies or programs for major building "permanent" 6 collections) and prerecorded-tape viewing. VCR prices have been identified as a major factor associated with the purchase decision. Penetration (twice is found to highest among pay cable subscribers as likely to purchase a VCR than non-cable consumers and four times more likely to purchase than basic cable subscribers); because these subscribers have additional opportunities for time7 ahifting and video-library recording. Moreover, it is reported that nearly 75% of home recording among all VCR households is for time shifting purposes; 56% of the VCR owners record movies at a 8 weekly average of 3.3 hours. across the With regard to VCR distribution a study indicates that households with middle income and up ($20,000 and up) owned 87% of the VCRs sold population. 9 in 1982. That figure increased to 90% in 1985. 3 Home recording of movies or TV programs has raised serious 10 concerns from the movie industry and copyright Time-shifting and commercial skipping (i.e., during commercials producers. TV when viewers replay) ha3 also deeply concerned TV skip adver- 11 pre-recorded Although tisers. affected attendance, theatre viewing tape major movie somewhat has companies also who supply the majority of the pre-recorded tapes may not necessarily Suffer They receive more royalties from video release from it. 12 : than from network and cable release. titles available on tapes, outlets (not including department prospect With at least 6,000 movie approximately 14,000 video specialty grocery, drugstore, convenience store and store video stands) and economic rental service, for promising. pre-recorded On the whole, .tape sales or rental VCR sales are projected to the one is of experience 13 continuous solid growth as prices continue to decline. European Nations region The picture of VCR penetration in appears to be somewhat different from that of the StateS. this Uhited Several unique factors can be found intervening with the distribution of VCRs; For instance, national wealth or GNP per capita may reflect the rates of penetration. trialized north, In the urban indus- VCR penetration is generally higher: the United Kingdom, 18.5% in West Germany, 30.1% in 20.5% in Norway, and 14 17% in Sweden. In contrast, in the less industrialized south, VCR penetration tends to be lower: 4.7% in Spain, 6% in Portugal, 15 and 2.4% in unequitable example, Nevertheless, Greece. circumstances France and there peculiar to certain Austria impose duties and 4 7 also some countries. For are taxes on VCR purchase and ownership; Portugal, Italy and denmark practice VCR 16 restrictions or qudtas. import These levies and rrictions have a net effect on raising VCR sales prices. nations depending on exigencies such as a national among on prices may affect the market growth unevenly high However, VCR costs, evidence policy media infrastructure and media systems. suggests countries which can that matki!A continuously VCR costs may expect relatively rapid sales growth their Sweden, lower (a.g;, Denmark and Italy) than those who are likely to maintain 17 prices high (e.g. Spain a d Belgium). With regard to media infrastructure, the color TV pentration seems to be an important Countries contingent. with a small color TV as Spain (15%, _1982) ahd Italy (35%, such population ratio 1982) lag behind in 18 their VCR population. In terms of media systems, the number of channels available to national TV systems help determine the VCR distribution trend. More affluent states with single channel or such as because increase channels Norway and Denmark have much higher penetration rates viewers tend to look for alternative program options their total program choice states with apparently (VCRs help provide alternative program choices). poorer state-run can On the contrary, limited programming such as to the Portugal and Greece, nevertheless, don't seem to react to the lack of multiPle viewing environments by rapidly increasing their VCR distribu- 19 tion, On the other hand, environments (i.e., in nations with multichannel viewing multiple TV channels, satellite channels) such as the Netherlands, VCR penetration has shown steady increase. 5 cable channels, or Sweden and Finland, VCR users in these nations are heavily engaged in time-shifting as well pre- as 20 tape viewing. recorded an exception is also number of feature films in their daily schedules; are ample opportunities for viewing movies there American movies) on TV all day long; because mostly (i;e., As a result, well developed software supply system in place; large Time-shifting unnecessary pre-recorded tape purchases almost seem and founcL public and private channels combined provide a Italy, In However, there is no the VCR penetra- 21 tion rate is also relatively low. The marketing situation in Italy reflects that a sound video software system is closely related to spread the needless to say the available movie titles on tapes. of VCRs; In faCt, gross number of pre-recorded tape sales have created serious the problems among European countries because most of the pre- legal recorded instance, tapes nearly in the video market 50 are pirated -copies. percent of the circulating units in For West Germany are illegal. That percentage is 70 percent in the Nether22 lands and 75 percent in the United Kingdom. These nations are currently developing more severe penalities against pirac5,. In Europe, in relation economic and legal issues concerning VCR growth to the broadcasting industry are from those facing the United States. ing rather different As many European broadcast- systems are primarily either state-run or public service market nature, them. in competition for TV products is not a threat for Instead, softwace piracy problems that have given rise to copyright complaints from the American film industry and national policy on concerns. the VCR importation are rega:-ded as more prominent Less Industrialized Nations Among the less industrialized nations, wealth" the so-called "newly industrializing" nations; or increasingly have become economically competitive with developed nations. precisely more to affect the assess all the uneven prediction of VCR In order situations diffusion, "oil= these may that nations are distinguished from those "typical" developing nations; The Newly Indus rializing or Oil-Wealth Nations nations come under the label of "newly are--the Republic of China (or Taiwan), Singapore; and Brazil; Several industrializing." Hong Kong, They South Korea; The "oil-wealth" nations are, namely; the Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. These nations seem to share the following characteristics--a thriving GNP per capitat_...;.6 a rising middle class; a trend toward urbanization and a rapid 93 -: in TV penetration. These economic and media structure growth factors nations. 62 have contributed For example; to the diffusi-.on of VCRs those in Singapore has a VCR penetration ratio of that figure is 20% in Taiwan; 24% in Hong Kong; 19,3% in 24 SaUdi Arabia; 75% in Qatar and 92% in Kuwait (as of 1983); Developing nations, these To the majority impose import controls or set and ownership of VCRS; Therefore, when tariffs their VCR prices much higher than those of developed nations. many consumers developing the of VCRs are considered as a luxury item. nations purchase Nations often the on become As a consequence; try to smuggle VCRs across national borders or 25 purchase them through black markets made VCR prices These two activities have an unstable factOr for penetration Prediation. 10 For instance, India (34;2%, 1983) and Sri Lanka (22.1%, 1983) both have a relatively:.high penetration rate but their VCR pticeS 26 are very high as well. One reason for this phenomenon is that there there are many illegally owned VCR sets--either smuggled purchase from black markets; Moreover; software piracy or also appears to be a problem in many nations. The other explanation iS that VCRs are primarily owned by a small group of wealthy elites 27 who This high degree of VCR afford a TV set. may concentration i reflected by a high VCR in turn, ownership penetration because penetration figures are normally assessed tate; through calculating the total number of VCR sets belonging to per hundred TV households of a nation; ownership among VCR the concentration of high income classes in certain nations been gradually declining. been Nevertheless, haS In Egypti Nigeria and India, VCRs have acquired by the middle class population; The lower income 28 population has also started to make demands. VCR penetration is thus apparently related to overall the buying ability of a nation, which is best measured by the GNP per 29 capita. wealthier countrie.s generally hal..e higher rates than less wealthy nations. However, penetration India and Sri Lanka, with their exceptionally high degrees of VCR ownership concentration, provide two contradicting examples. nation's overall wealth level, tion is In addition concentration in income distribu- also found to be associated with VCR penetration--the higher the income concentration, the greater the VCR distribution ratio. For phillipines instance, own a VCR, 27.4% of the total TV households in its wealthiest 10% whereas; the households 30 share about 38;5% of its national 8- 11 household income. In contrast, among Western European nations the have that the lowest concentration ratios of income distribution--West Germany, Norway and highest; buying Netherlands--VCR penetration the figures are the contradiction is probably a result of the strong This ability iof large middle classes in these wealthy very 31 Western nations. There are two exceptions where concentration of distribution does not seem to predict VCR diffusion. the income In Brazil, VCR penetration is at 4.2% but 50.6% of its national house- hold income is shared by 10 percent of the wealthiest households. 32 Similar conditions were also identified in the case of Mexico. This conflict ng situation may be explained by the parallelism in media structurc found among BTazili Mexico and Italy. All three nations have a multichannel viewing environment, high VCR priceS, and a relatively poor software marketing system, all of which may contribute to slow-down in the diffusion of VCRs; In spite of this, certain nations with multiple TV channels (i.e., generally appear to have higher VCR penetration rates 22;9%) as compared to nations with single viewing options ( belonging to a commercialized TV system) Venezuela, (e.g., channel dO or 33 .g.) Indonesia, 15.6%; Iraq, 14.0%). limited However, there are very few nations with a multiple channel system (i;e;, Latin American ; broadcasting owned and/Or institutions nations by and large). The majority systems among developing nations are either state-operated under systems or government auspices--which the State- public serVice usually provide 34 very limited program choices or channel diversity. 9 of The level of urbanization which directly reflects the living standard of most elites of a nations may also be connected to VCR diffusion. Most elite populations in the developing world tend to concentrate in urban areas. better access to modern living facilities such electrical appliances modernized or sophisticated them; Urban dwelling provides theth With electronic and Westernized media. life styles also Moreover, more foster more he1 -1 for entertainment and demands electricity, as information among As such, VCRs appears to be a relatively desirable item to own; This point can be easily proven by examining countries that have large urban populations such as Peru (66%) (84%)--eaCh has a Venezuela and VCR penetration ratios of 17.:% and 22.9%, 35 respectively; However, in comparison to the ildnstrialized Western European states where urbanization is generally high, the situation The less urbanized nations such as reverses. Norway 36 (549) is found to have the highest penetration rates. This is peobably largely a result of the overall trend towards Suburbanization in many of the Western nations; larger color TV populations in developed nations While Said to be related to higher VCR penetration, true among are this is generally the developing nations as well-- except that black- 37 and-white less, sets there penetration relatively replace color sets as the are ratios high. t o exceptions. India and population.s Sri are very low but VCR penetration This contradiction is function of the high degree of VCR ownership elite measure. in these nations; probably, NevertheLanka's rates again, TV are a concentration among Socialist Nations VCRs have created an unavoidable dilemma for socialist regimes in terms of national policy on home entertainment. nations hardware of the spread of uncensored afraid are use and software may damage their domestic film and ideological control over their citizens. Most video of industries Although they have -; adopted severe sanctions against software piracy and blaCk-tarket trade of software and hardware, these two illegal activities have 38 continued to flourish. tb deal most nations have started with the problems created by the video age instead bf For instance, the Soviet Union a d Poland have suppressing them. begun In response, to manufacture their own VCR hardware and software; VCR imports have been opened up. They have also monopolized the distribution of software to prevent the illegal diffusion of Western films and TV programs. However, VCRs have been priced at an ex- pensive level compared to the average income of a typical citizen. Regardless hardware Of the high prices and multiple resv.rictions and software purchase, people in the world socialist desire a VCR as much if not more than people from elsewhere; VCR on is viewed as a tool that may be used to provide both The enter- state-run tainment and information which is unavailable on their 40 TV from systems (especially Western films); underground reported producing Organizations ranging groups to the Catholic church have also videos to bypass their state's monopoly been on 41 information; in these penetration Even though the demands for VCRs are very socialist nations, the relatively low income and of TV sets among average households may mean a growth for the VCR market; high low slow Overall issessment It seems that for each potential VCR-penetration predictor, there may be one or two unpredictable anomolies. These situations are usually caused by certain unique social or economic circums- tances explainable through qualitative generalizations; In sum, the major potential predictors for VCR penetration worldwide are: (1) national policy factors--price and import restriction, (2) domestic ,!conomic factors--GNP per capita, concentration ratio of distribution; income and urbanization ratio, factor--national TV system, and the nuMber of TV channels media infrastructure--TV penetration ratio (4) attendance frequency. Available movie- and The contingent predictors for some nations the extent of hardware smuggling, are: (3) media system black-market trade, and ""-716 Software piracy. Media infrastructure factors are generally interrelated with each other. the The spread of one type of mass medium may facilitate diffusion of other mass media, social circimstances permit. in media use increases; tion provided that economic and As such, when audience sophisticathe media infrastructure may also 42 become more diversified, additional media and vice versa. infrastructure Therefore, factors that may several precede the adoption of VCRs will be elaborated herein Mass mediausually diffuse across societies in certain a 43 general pattern. has been For instance, extensively nations,and radio, with its low cost, distributed among better developed relatively well diffused among the less developed the 44 nations. Newspaper circulation, an indicator of the culture and literacy level of a nation, generally expands reading after and movie culture has been in place. radio Chtet8 But it only 45 the elite populations in the developing World. around telephones may, as part of the measure for the electronic-media national LaStlk, development of infrastructure (not a mass medium in nature),_ prevail either before or after TV and VCR sets enter a 46 They generally concentrate within the elite society. segments developing nations but are distributed among different classes in in better developed nations at varying degrees. The grOWth of VCR diffUSion iS related tO the soundness of a media infrastructure; structure whereas; the development of a media infra- is largely dependent upon the nature of media system. national its In general, the world media systems can be classi47 fied according to the four theories of the press --totalitarian; authoritarian, social responsibility and libertarian--and a fifth 48 theory of the press, tutelary theory. of media freedom--with system, constitute systems libertarian the followed a These five general types continuum system being by social responsibility, relative of most the tutelary system "free" (i.e., system commonly exists in certain newly democratized states a dominating party that led the revolutionary victory over previous dictatorship),_ authoritarian and totalitarian a with the system, 49 in a descending order. A libertarian media system generally allows the development of media structure and content with very little constraints the authority. state with in Publid ThiS type of system only exists in a capitalistic well established democratic tradition United States. from such as the A social responsibility system, with its emphasis ServiCe, tend4 to reStriCt Certain Strudtural and programming nations freedoms of the mcdia (e.g;, and their previous colonies) most Western European certain fulfilling for 50 or educational purposes. social A tutelary system, With it§ principle of keeping the media from being too critical about government policy, often places "self-regulating guidelines" for media structures are relatively fre0 Despite of this, them; evolve as market opportunities emerge. commercialized often the and belong to Systems of this kind are the to "democratic" newly 51 (eg, regimes Taiwan as well as Mexico and most other Latin 52 American nations). An authoritarian system, military governments or dictatorship Argentina, Chile, (e;g., Saudi Arabia); is relatively stringent in its tolerance Algeria; Of best exemplified by nations with peliticallY or socially damaging media content or structural 53 development. Nevertheless, privately owned or state-run; With itS belief ih u§ing the media systems can Finally, mediA either system, a ti$talitarian StrUttUre and communicate national policy and party propaganda, be content has little if any system freedom at all. All communist states operate this type 54 of state-owned and -ccntrolled media system. To summarizei nations with a media system of diversified content, multichannel capacity and sound infrastructure are likely to encourage rapid VCR growth. those likely system to On the other hand, nations without and infrastructure characteristics are acquire VCRs to increase the:.r viewing even more options, if 55 their political and economic conditions permit. most In fact, media systems in the world don't have diVerSified multichannel capacity or sound infrastructures. most content, The tradition of mass media research has always treated the media as the cause for social changes media growth and development should be whereas development, or a process. reciprocal Literature has indicated that VCR uses are primarily intended for entertainment purposes, and no government has yet coordinated VCR _ diffusion into national development plans. when This suggests there is a relatively new medium such as the VCR, the examination media penetration factors should probably precede development of However, effects. VCR penetration, gathering worldwide the lack of a full-scale study on the youth of the medium and the problem reliable statistics on VCR sales and prices have such a task relatively difficult. made Bearing these caveats in mind, the current study will be exploratory in nature. Nevertheless, a thorough examination of all the possible VCR-penetration will of be conducted to assess the Causal relevanCe of each factors factor in relation to VCR penetration; HYPOTHESES Twelve main hypotheses and two subhypotheses were generated These hypotheses are described based on the literature review. aa f011ows. : H2 : H3 : H4 H5 : : Lower VCR prices will be positively Correlated with VCR penetration; The level of import control will be negatively correlated With VCR penetrAtion. National GNP per capita will be positively correlated with VCR penetration; Urbanization ratio will be positively correlated with VCR penetration. Among low income statesi higher concentration for income distribution will be positively correlated with VCR penetration. 15 18 H5a: Among middle income states, greater concentration for income distribution will be negatively correlated with VCR penetration. H5b: Among high income states, larger concentration_for income distribution will be negatively correlated with VCR penetration; _ H6 : H7 : H8 H9 : : The degree of national TV system freedom will be positively correlated with VCR penetration. The capacity of TV channel repertoire will be negatively correlated with VCR penetration; TV penetration will be positively correlated with VCR VCR penetration. Radio penetration will be positively correlated with VCR penetration. Newspaper circulation will be positively correlated with VCR penetration. H10: Hll: Movie attendance frequency will be negatively cOrrelated With VCR penetration. H12: Telephone penetration will be positively correlated with VCR penetration. METHODS Data Selection Sixty-three nations were studied (see Appendix 1). PenetratiOn data for All nations (except for Bahrain) were obtained from the South report of an Intermedia survey. Bahrain was replaced Korea due to insufficient information on other ;Various sources were used to compile different types of tion and economic indices, indicators; These sources include: World D:tve1o2ment Re2ort Year Book, South Korea and media system and and the UNESCO Statistical _; penetra- infrastructure the V Handbook, the Euro2a Hook. In addition, two and Puerto Rico nationals wel, -; predictors; the EIU Special Report; the World Rao by ilso interviewed gather certain statiatics unobtainable from OubliShed SourceS. to 56 11b Measurement Fourteen penetration factors or variables wart tested. Each of them will be individually defined below. VCR Penetration Ratio, measured by the number of VCR sets owned by per 1,000 inhabitants of a population, represents a much more precise estimate of VCR diffusiot across a nation's popula- tion than that measured by using total TV households. The latter measure, highly biased by concentration of VCR penetration among many developing nations, purpose of this study. is considered unsuitable for Finally, the although the penetration data were recorded based on governments' import and export statistics, manufacturer records, the trade information, and news media reports, actual penetration rates -for certain nations might have been underestimated. The reason is that the unknown Statistics of 57 illegally-owned VCR sets may not be included. VCR Price may reflect the affordatiility of a VCR. If a range 53 prices is obtained, IMRort Control, controls study) related according different levels. licensing VCR the average of the two is adopted. defined through grouping the various types of to VCR imports (adopted to the degree of from restraint, the Intermedia contains The least stringent level of control three involves VCR ownership and/or taxing VCR purchase to raise prices. The medium level of control mechanisms Setting up VCR import quotas to limit the number of VCR the . Include imports. The most restrained level of control comprises of the combination 59 of control devices from the other two levels and/or import baits. GNP Per CaRita, the general measure of the overall national 60 wealth, may reflect a nation's general VCR-purchase ability. Urbanization Rati is also considered to be an indicator of the proportion nationi of the percentage of urban population of a , population the that may_have access electricity to or 61 electronic media such as VCRS. Concentration for Income Distribution, national is a measure of income is distributed among the higher income a nation's distribution of total household income If concentrated percentage among the elitesi it is indicated On the diStributiOn iS h ghly cohoehtrated among the upper-middle class, whole, the highly iS by if national other hand; large a is it income household-income elites reflected by a high a d the percentage income controlled by the top twentieth percentile of On classes: of income held by the top tenth percentile of households. how of hous-holds. the degree of income distribution equality in A population may reveal how a relatively expensive item such as t e 62 VCR may effect the market across that population. Income categories different GNP Category, defined developed in the World development Income reclassifying Report, The Low Income Category includes "low income economies" and Income economies" on and Category Category national nations "lower middle income economies." combines nations from "upper "East European nonmarket economies." contains nations within the "high the three has levels (determined according to the level of per capita). Middle based ih The middle The income High oil 63 exporters" group and "industrial market economies." TV System, structural determined according to the relative and programming freedom, includes three degree Of distinctive levels of systems (defined through rearranging the six categories 18 21 adopted UNESCO statistical Yearbook). from the government-owned commercial system, or a public and/or mixed system (i.e., Nations service with system, or a a a nation with two or more different systems) are considered to have the lowest, the medium, 64 or the highest degree system freedom, respectively. of TV Channel Repertoire, represented by the number of TV channels available to a national TV system, is an index of channel content Presumably, diversity. and/or a system with more TV channels may have more diversified program content. However, the degree of diversity is largely a function of the level of relative media 65 structural a d content freedom of a national TV system. TV-Penetration Rati per 1,000 people measured by the number of TV sets owned , a population, of indicates degree_ of the 66 diffusion for the electronic video/mass cultvIre in a nation. Ra±o-Penetration Rati , assessed by the number of radio sets owned per 1,000 persons of a population, reveals the diStribution 67 of the most fundamental form of media culture in a nation. Newspaper-Circulation Ratio, estimated by the circulation per 1,000 individuals of a population, depicts the cxtnt Of reading 6C culture relative to mass media consumption in a natien. Movie-Attendance dance Freguencyi reflected by the annual per resident of a population, atten- suggests the popularity ot 69 theattre-going and the spread of film culture in a nation. Telephone-Penetration telephone illustrates sets one owned Ratio, represented per 1,000 inhabitant by tue number of a population, dimension of a nation's overall development ifi electronic media infrastructure and its progress in modernization 70 and urbanization. Data Analysis All of the data 7ere statistically in analyzed. Specifically, order to demonstrate the relationship between VCR penetration all predictor variables, and correlation coefficients across all nations and for nations within calqulated were Pearson each Correlation coefficients independent income category separately; were also computed to explain the interrelationship among all the Media infraastructure factors (i.e., newspaper and movie attendance frequency) as a whole as well as for nations within nat:kons income circulation telephone, and radio, TV, The averages of VCR, level. penetration newspaper ratio, all for separate each radio- and telephone TV-, circulation ratio, and Movie= attendance frequency were tabulated for all nations combined for within nations different each income and classification to present the relative degrees of penetration among different media. theoretically Lastly, factors were chosen for multiple a significant statistically and/or regression analysis to interpret the causal relationship between VCR penetration and all relevant predictors. regression model Significance regression were should be the relative constructed pertaining for to However, each of the three into to separate obtain income all three income categories combined categorieS because not enough number of nations in each category to three valid individual regreaSiOn models. 20 three penetration one overallregression model only the theoretical three Ideally, sets of causality results to explain the independently. tested predictor. each entry of variable determined by was models individual patterns bf order The was there formulate RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Statistical results for each hypothesis will be discussed in factor groups of national policy, domestic economic, media system The statistical significance level for and media infrastructure. all tests Results on the correlations is p<;05. among averages of all the penetration infrastructure factors, media ratios, ahd a regression test will also be Interpreted herein. (Appendix 2) National Policy Factors Nations with higher VCR prices ate found Hypothesis 1 have lower VCR penetration rates across the population. the However, correlation -.20 is not statistically significant in support hypothesis one; of to categories, it (Table 1) With regard to the three discovered'that among high was income income states, higher prices do affect the penetration rates middle income states (r.-.03) and low income For the states t..=;28); prices seem to have little or insignificant effects on VCR sales result may contain statistical bias because of the sthall (these number of valid cases in these two income categories). Overall, the results generally suggest that the VCR ptice iS a factor with different levels cf importance For more affluent natilns, growth bOth (Table 2) across nations. lower prices contribute to more rapid bf VCR sales because upper as well as middle classes the major consumers. On the other hand, in less are wealthk middle-income and low-income nations, prices are not as important a consideration because the rich elites can afford high priceg. Further verification on this hypothesis using a greater number of nations in each income category will be needed. Hypothesis 2 The level of VCR import control seems to be irrelevant to VCR penetration (r=.08). (correlations for The rejects hypothesis three income categories the 2 not calculated because of very small case numbers in two categories. (Table 2) Nevertheless, has provided three revealing result this facts. FirSt, taxing and licensing VCR ownership does not prevent people from legally or illegally owning VCR are intended not Second, VCR import quotas for limiting the VCR supplies (adopted for limiting the Japanese imports instead) to affect regular demandS. Finally, taxes, restrain the -; and import quotas combined will licenses, demand for legal or VCRs; illegal not means will 71 continue to be adopted for acquiring VCRs. Domestie Economic Factors Hypothesis significantly associated with greater GNP per capita higher This supports hypothesis. (r=.48). income As predicted, 3 VCR penetration (Table i) rates Among GNP per capita does contribute to the spread states, is of VCRs (r=.51), whereas, for the middle-income nations (r=.005) and low-income group (r=-.10), GNP irrelevant to VCR penetration. per (Table 2) capita appears to be Comparing these find- ings with those obtained in hypothesis 1, a relatively consistent penetration pattern among nations from these three income can be found. national For the economically developed nations, wealth well reflect the buying ability of middle and upper-middle classes, penetration. national wealth However, neither for groups because their large it also determines the level of the less developed nations, reflects the buying elites, nor does it predict VCR penetration well. ability while of the Hypothesis 4 Urbanization ratio apprears to be to VCR penetration (r=.06). Among the irrelvant This rejects Hypothesi_s 4. (Table 1) nations from three wealth levels, less ur.,anized high- income states have higher VCR penetration rates (r=-.16, p.05), suggesting that the major VCR owners are suburban middle classes By comparison, more urbanized middle-income (r=.20, and elites. p>!.05) and low-income states (r=.56, p<.05) tend to have greater penetration ratios. (Table 2) These results reveal that among the middle-income states, the elites, middle class (the major VCR owners) and certain number of the poor all reside in the urbanization thus, ratio is not well related to VCR cities; diffusion. On the other hand, in the low-income states, urbanized elites are indeed the major VCR owners. Based on these results, urbanization may still be a faily important factor because it may reflect extent the to which how much modernization could affect the adoption of electronic media among many less industrialized nations. Hypothesis 5 income of the top 10% and 20% households' shares of national household incline penetration r=.71, Among low-income states, are highly respectively). income correlated with each other and VCR (r=.80 and This suggests that greater concentration distribution in a poor nation may degree of VCR diffusion among elites. predict a higher However, the result could be somewhat biased because the number of nations analyzed is too sman to generate reliable coefficients. Thus, this hypothesis is supported with reservations. Hypothesis 5a tions between VCR (Table 2) Among middle-income states, penetration and the top 10% and the 20% households' shares of national household income are -.22 correlaincome (0.05) and -.19 (p>.05), in that order. Again, biases might have been introduced to the results because of the small number of included in the analysis, cautions. (Tabel 2) penetration tion Thus, this hypothesis is rejected with nevertheless, the finding does imply that VCR may experience greater increases if income distribu- less concentrated among the t p elites and is nations upper- the middle class, and better distributed across the population. Hypothesis 5b Among the high-income states, the top 10% and 20% income households' shares of national household income are negatively and insignificantly associated with VCR (r.--.31 and -.26i against respectively). penetration But cautions should be raised the reliability of the result because the number of nations analyzed is relatively small. AS such, this hypothesia iS rejected with certain reservations. general sense, distributed (Table 2) However, in the result reveals that nations with more wealth (or larger middle classes and a evenly smaller poor populations) may have higher levelS of VCR distribution. Media System Factors Hy2othesis largely irrelevant hypothesis 6. The capacity of TV channel repertoire 6 to VCR penetration (Table 1) (r=.08). This iS rejects However, the insignificant correlation is caused by the intervention of the strong correlations between TV channel repertoire and concentration in income distribution (top 10% and top 20%)--that deflated the value of the correlation. Among the three income levels, also apply; the high-, middle-, similarly nonsignificant correlations are -.03, .25 a d .001 and low-income states, repectively. resultt for the (Table 2) Hypothes-is 7 TV sySteMS With greater degrees of freedom do indicate higher VCR penetration ratios (r=.26). This hypothesis 7. aOrrelatiOn (r=.22), (r=.28, (Table 1) not is significant for somewhat but For the three income the supports categories, the middle-income states high-income states significant for the 0.10) and LoW-indoMe statei (r=.37i p<;07). (Table 2) Based on the literature and the coding method of this study, most high-income nations do have less restrained media systems than Middle-income nations (mainlY neWly democratized states or socialist regimes) that allow more rapid VCR diffusion. inCaie niiiOni, freedom Among the /ow- many systems have fairly compartble levels compared to the Wetteth systems that they are of patterned after, and thus alSo permit more flexible market growth of VCRs. Media Infrastructure Factors Hypothesis 8 --; significantly TV penetration is found to be positively and aSsociated with VCR hypothesis 8 is supported. penetration (r=.26) Thus, (Table 1) However, a similar result only holds for the low-income states, Which Show dh .86 correla- tion, whereas, foe the Middle-income and high-income states, that correlation results is -.10 and .20, respectively. (Table 2) imply that if TV penetration ihtreaded ambhg the These major VCR users from the low-income States (the elites) and the middleincome states (tie middle and upper classes), also VCR diffusion may increaie as long as national wealth permits. hand, On the other Widle TV Oehetratien inareases in a high-income state, spreads buyers). among the lower classes instead (not the this may have dentribUted to the adverse between the TV and VCR penetration ratio. 25 28 Majdt it VOI4 correlation Hypothesis The correlation between radio 9 and VCR diffusion is not a significant one (r=.12). hypothesis 9. that (Table 1) tion This rejects Among the three income correlation is .75, -.09 and -.16 for the low- and high-income states, the for primarily respectively. low-income states may spread penetration categories, middle- , The significant correlamean that probably VCRS among nations that have a high level of diffusion because those nations also have the ability to certain a radio acquire level of TV and VCR penetration (the corre,ation between radio and TV penetration ratios is .93). tions , The negative correla- for the middle- and high-income states seem to imply strong VCR-buying penetration nations than already ability is probably more relevant either TV or radio diffusion that to because VCR these have very high levels of radio penetration and relatively strong TV penetration as well. Hypothesis 10 Nations with greater newspaper circulations appear to have higher VCR penetration rates (r=.25). supports hypothesis 10. tion appears correlations (Table I) This result newspaper circula- However, to be a faily insignificant factor atter its with GNP per capita and concentration distribution were partialed out. high income for The correlation results for the three income categories seem to have reflected this point. Among the low-income states, the correlation between newspaper circulation a d VCR penetration is .67. That correlation for the middle- income states is .10, and -.04 for the high-income states. (Table 2) These findings imply that newspaper is indicator a relatively because it is almost very insignificant to the of VCR distribution among middle- and high income states. 26 p weak growht Hypothesis Although movie-attendance 11 frequency is negatively associated with VCR penetration, the correlation is a non-significant one, 11. (Table 1) however (r=-.10). This rejects hypothesis insignificant correlations were also obtained foe nations from all three income categories (r=-.05, r=-.14, r=-.11). However, these results should be interpreted with care (Table 2) because the number of nations from each income category ill the analysis is small. together the decrease intlUded On the whole* the findings weakly link in movie-attendance frequency with the increase of VCR distribution. Hypothesis 12 ratios income have higher VCR also supports Nations with greater telephone penetration hypothesis categories, penetration 12. the penetration (Table 1) rates =.59). ( With regard to for the'high-income (r=.27), three the correlations between VCR and This telephone middle-income (r=.38) and low-income states (r=.37) are, nevertheless, not significant; However, these results should be examined with reser- (Table 2) -. vations because the small number of nations analyzed in each _ income category may create statistical biases to inflate the test significance; Moreover; the correlation between telephone and VCR penetration ratios significantly decreases if GNP per capita was partialed out highly correlated with ratio). with penetration This finding helps explain why some less wealthy nations greater VCR diffusion don't always have penetration (e.g., higher telephone telephone Hong Kong), whereas, higher tolephone wealthier nations with diffusion don't necessarily have greater VCR 72 penetration (e.g., Telephone penetration ratio, the U.S.). thus, should probably be considered as an unstable factor. 27 30 Additional Resuits intercorrelations among media The indicate that except for movie-attendance frequency, tactors (newspaper circulation, tion ratios) are highly that infrastructure i factors radio, TV and telephone penetra- ntercorrelated. (Table 3) This suggests the growth of one medium may ehhance the spread of except that the popularity of movie-going is medium; other all another relatively independent from the development of a media infrastructure. terms of the three income Ih frequency other categories, movie-attendance again is not significantly associated with any of factors in all three categories. income states* (Table 4) For the high- except for newspaper circulation, the other three factors are significantly correlated with each other. circulation media probably infrastructure, culture. Newspaper not only depends on the soundness but also relies on a of prevailing the reading Among the middle-income states, only radio penetration is significantly correlated with all other factors. among the other three factors fail to reach implies the Correlations significance. Thia that the distribution of radios may affect the diffusion of television, newspapers and telephones. However, penetration growth among television, newspapers and telephones probably won't strongly affect each other. Lastly, newspaper radio and telephone penetration are circulation, TV, all significantly correlated. that for poor nations, These findings strongly increases i ndicate the development of one medium may heavily influence the spread of another medium. probably for the low-income states, As such, radio diffusion and arrives before the growth of newspaper circulation, television ownership and telephone use in that order. 28 The estimated averages of VCR penetration ratios along with media infrastructure factors across all nations and for the three income categories are in Table 5. is that bleae According to the results, the high-income nations heavily outnumber it the middle-income and low-income nations in every category except for movie-attendance frequency. wealthy This seems to suggest that people of nations don't really rely movie-going for tainment the middle-income nations also show much higher levels of use media use than the low-income nations. their media the enter- because their may be able to afford other alternatives. Moreover; the media i This implies that nfrastructures are much more complete than those low-income nstions. On the whole, results the of have presented a picture revealing .considerable gaps in the develpment of media infrastructures and VCR penetration between rates nations from three different income categories. Regresslon Model Based included on the above discussion, regarding the the regression model; in attendance whereas, frequency not relevant control to VCR a d Moreover, movie- penetration, 0 price and newspaper cicrulation appear to VCR indicator. are import variables not be weak concentration for income distribution and telephone penetration ratio are both fairly unstable factord. The first two factors chosen to be in the regression urbanization factors), wealth ratio are and GNP per capita (two domestic both important indicators for a nation's model, economic overall and modernization--the two general preconditions for diffusion. VCR The next two factors selected to enter the model, TV system and TV channel repertoire (media system factors) determine relative the channel and program diversity which, in turn, help shape the environment for VCR penetration. to enter the equation, infrastructure nation's basic and radio penetration TV factors)* The two last factors may electronic reflect media the structure ratio (media development of ultimately that facilities the potential VCR diffusion. overall regression results indicate that signifitant R- The square values are produced at each of the three entry steps, the the total variance explained by the model is .37. and (Table 6) Urbanization ratio fails to explain a significant amount total the With variance (B=-.21) because of its strong GNP per capita (r=.41), ratio (r=.49). highly TV (r=.53) and of correlations radio penetration_ After controlling for the effects of thsoe three correlated variables, urbanization ratio apprears to be negatively and highly insignificatnly correlated with VCR penetraThis further supports the findings of hypothesis 4, tion. suggests that urbanization is not strongly indicative which of VCR diffusion and produces bidirectional correlations among different income categories. significant level On the other hand* .63 beta weight, GNP per capita, indicates that a with a nation's wealth may reflect its citizens' buying ability which in turn is attributable to VCR penetration. beta The significant systems weight (B=.36). containing produced by TV This system is demonstrates that nations TV with ahd TV greater levels of structural and programming freedom may also allow more rapid VCR penetration. token, positive channel repertoire, with a negative and 30 33 By the same significant bet& weight (B=-.31, diversified channel p<.02)0 reveals that TV systems with a less environment may facilitate VCR penetration. TV peretratlon ratio, associated with a non-significant beta f .210 is short on its ability to explain a substantial amont of the total between TV capita Judging variance. from the partical and VCR penetration rations controlling for GNP per and TV system (highy correlated with TV Penetration ratio at r=.44 and r=.33, the relevance of TV penetra- respectivel.y)i ratio as an iindicator slightly decreased. tion correlations explains This the reason why an insignificant beta weight was obtained. Lastly, by radio the negative beta weight (B=-.34, p.000) generated penetration ratio is a result of its with GNP per capita and TV penetration ratio. ing out correlation partial- Through those two highly correlated variables, penetration radio ratios became negatively correlated. and nations (in comparison to other media)0 phenomenon nations is readily observable among some have lower radio penetration but much that across radio penetration is not good indicator for the growth of VCR distribution. this VCR reveals This because of the rather extensive diffusion of radios that 6 strong Moreover, less wealthy higher VCR diffusion (e.g., Hong Kong), whereas, some wealthier nations have extremely high radio diffusion but much more moderate VCR 73 penetration (e.g., the U.S.). Overall, is the That is freedom toire, the regression model suggests ':.hat GNP per capita most important factor associated with followed by the relative of a TV systems, VCR structural and penetration. programming the diversity of the TV channel reper- and TV penetration ratio. 31 Further, 4 urbanization ratio, though indicator of development and an strongly relevent to VCR diffusion. highly modernization, because not radio is not a Similarily, precitive factor for VCR penetration. is This is probably VCR use requires access to a TV instead cf a radio set; even if many radio owners (in poor or wealthy nations) may afford a they are not necessarily capable of acquiring a TV Set, In it is clear that accounted for by the model was heavilY sum, reduced due to Ale strong intercorrelations among some probably predictors. Moreover, relationship existing between VCR penetration and the variables. cal VCR. is the curvilinear a predictor This implies the need for adopting two more statisti- techniques--a facilitate there of trend analysis and a further examination of the causal analysis--to path relations between VCR penetration and its relevant predictors. CONCLUSION provided The Overall results generated from this study have relatively revealing information for interpreting theoretical assumptions discussed herein. Specifically, the level of national GNP per capita provides the economic basis for VCR diffusion. National TV systems with greater structural and programming freedome but without a multichannel environment may rapid VCR penetration. encourage more Moreover, the number of TV sets available to a population also helps determine the level of VCR diffusion. The with of failure for VCR prices to have a significant VCR diffusion is probably a result of insufficient VCR prices from the middle- and low-income nations. condition is also found in the case of another 32 relation records Sikilar variable--concen- for income distribution. teatioh been gathr,red for these had data reliable explanation. have suggesting provide a more Further, the variable import control does different that with correlation noticeable a eignificart predictors, two results could have been attained to statistical not if more complete Presumably) of import levels penetration, VCR control re hat Instead; they are primarily intended to curb the spread of VCRs. developed to meet various economic concerns from nations. newspaper Although V R and between are telephone -penetration eni per GNP radio penetration ratio and movie attendance Lastly, not considered to be powerful predictors. movie-going acquisition GNP Similarily, the significLnt correlation between VCR strong telephone penetration ratios is also a result of the relations to that correlaion is largely a function of penetration, per capita. circulation is significantly related appear of to be relative'.y frequency, Radio independent capita. use and the from VCRs because VCR use more heavily relies an TV penetration ankl its related variables. It across is conceivable that VCRs will penetrate household& nations more rapidly than any other electronic medium the history of telecommunications. a TV viewer's relationship in VCRs, as a medium that alters with television, can be used for a variety of communication purposes such as education, instruction, or development projects in general; such, as well as entertainmenL As various types of video contents intended for accomplishing different social, political, cultural or development goals may be developed by nations around the world; This, in turn, may gener- rate a number Of neW reaearch Orobleis for interested scholars. This study attempted to assess the VCR penetration through domestic economic, Whether relevant the possible predictors examining a host of policy, media system and media infrastructure factors. theoretical and statistical factor national for discovered herein significance facilitates the of each eVehtual construction of a formal media-penetration theory yet needs to be determined by iravided from future research efforts; this exploratory study reSearch in thia emerging Subjet area. 34 7 Hopefully, will the results stimulate further APPENDIX I Low Income Category High Income Category Ethiopia Oman Libya India Tanzania China Sri Lanka Pakittan Indonesia Egypt Thailand The Philippines Nigeria Peru Jamaica Columbia Guyana Lebanon Puerto Rico Middle Income Category Syria Jordan malaysia South Korea Chili Brazil Mexico Taiwan Panama Portugal Argentina South Africa Venezuela Greece Israel Hong Kong Singapore Iran Iraq Poland USSR Saudi Arabia Qatar_ Kuwait United Arab Emiratea Ireland Spain Italy New Zealand_ United Kingdom AuStria Japan Belgium Finland The Netherlands Australia Canada France Germanyi Fed. Rep.. Denmark United States Sweden Norway Switzerland APPENDTN 2 9 Table 1 Correlations_Between VCR Penetration and All Variables VCR Penetration Ratio VCR Price -.20 .134 34 Import Control .08 .'425 23 GNI' Pet Capita .48 .001 60 Urbanization Ratio .06 .329 61 Income Distribution Top i0% Households -.27 .063 33 TOP 20% Households =.24 .092 33 TV Channel Repertoire .08 .276 61 TV system .24 .031 61 TV Penetration Ratio .26 .020 61 Radio Penetration Ratio .12 .175 61 Newspaper Circulation .25 .028 57 Movie-Attendance Frequency -.10 .278 39 Telephone Penetration Ratio .59 .001 35 **Statistical significance is indicated if p< .05. Table 2 Correlations Between VCR Penetration and Other Variables by Income Categories Low_ Intome_Category VCR Price GNP Per Capita Urbanization Ratio .28 -.10 .56 .249 .359 .010 8 16 17 Middle-Income Category -.03 ghlncbine Category .476 8 -.42 .043 18 .005 ;492 21 .51 .006 23 .20 .191 21 :..46 .014 23 .26S 10 -.31 ;122 16 .302 10 -.26 .162 16 .22 ;168 21 .28 .100 23 25 ;137 21 -03 ;448 23 Concelitration for Income Distribution Top 10% Households Top 20% HOUSeholdS TV System TV Channel Repertoire TV Penetration Ratio Raditj Penetration Ratio Newspaper Circulation Movie-qtendance Frequency Telephone Penetration Ratio .80 ;71 .37 .001 .86 ;75 .67 -.11 .37 ;016 438 .068 .498 .001 .001 .001 ;386 .273 IffeN=14 **Statistical significance is indicated if p < .05. 7 1 17 P 17 22 .19 .20 .193 21 -.10 .320 23 17 .09 .353 21 -;16 .231 23 17 ;10 .352 18 -.04 .434 22 9 -.14 .309 14 ;425 16 5 .38 .124 11 .27 .132 19 Table 3 Radio Penetration Correlations Among Media Infrastructure Variales TV Radio Penetration Penetration Newspaper_ Attendante Ratio Ratio Circulation --FItqURMiq _r_ p Movie- p .70 .001 62 .57 .001 34 .52 .001 58 .02 .460 39 .03 .420 40 .12 .248 36 .60 .001 35 .70 .001 62 .60 .001 34 Ratio Newspaper Circulation Movie-Attendance Frequency Telephone Pene- .21 .160 24 tration Ratio **Statistical significance is indicated if p c .05. 43 44 Table 4 Correlations Among Media Infrastructure Variables by Income Categories TV Penetration Ratio Low Income _n Middle Income r_ .93 17 (.001) .35 21 (.062) Newspaper_ Circulation ;54 17 (.013) .07 Telephone_ Penetration -.269 (.252) .91 5 (.015) High Income -n- -r- Radio Penetration Ratiö MovieAttendance Frequency -Radio Penetration Ratiä n .73 14 .16 (.294) .10 16 (.361) 11 n r n r High Inrome n r 24 .42 23 (.022) (.436) Middle Income (.001) 18 (=392) -.06 Law Income ;67_ 19 .57 17 (.008) -.24 9 (.267) ,935 (.001) .010) .41 18 (.004) .25 _23 (.122) .35 14 (.114) -.11_ .50 11 (.057) .57 16 (.345) _19 (.006) Ratio Newspaper Circulation Low Income MovieAttandance Frequency Telephone Penetration Ratio -.28 Middle Income Movie-Attendante Fréqüëncy High Income .36 12 (.123) .14 (.233) ;79 5 (.058) .14 10 (.348) .57-:-__ 19 LOW Income Middle Income .10 3 (.469) =.23 8 (.290) High Incnme 15 (.310) (.005) **Figures in the parentheses indicate statistical probabilitieS. **Statistical significance is indicated if p 115 .05. =.33 _ 13 (.134) Table 5 Ettimated Averages for VCR Penetration Ratio and Media Infrastructure Variablet VCR TV Penetration Radio Newspaper Penetration Penetration Circulation Ratio Ratio _i_Ratio Low Income i Teleophone MOVié.=. Attendance Penetration Frequency Ratio sets Al Sett 4.4 17 55 17 192 18 43 17 2,5 10 5 5 21 21 209 21 327 21 187 18 5 14 183 11 40 23 342 24 626 24 302 23 .44 16 446 19 23.3 61 218 62 405 63 190 58 2.5 40 302 35 n coat ets n no./times n sets utegoty Middle Income Category High Income Category All Three Categories Table 6 Multiple Regression VCR Penetratión Ratio Urbanization Ratio GNP Per Capita -.21 .124 60 .63 .000 60 .18 TV System TV Channel Repertoire 36 .019 60 -.31 .006 60 .32 TV Penetration Ratio Radio Penetration Ratio ;003 .000 .22 .186 60 -.34 .048 60 .37 .000 **Statistical significance is indicated if p< .05. 8 References 1Motion Picture Association of America, Recorders and the Law of Copyright (1984); Videocassette and J. D Straubhaar- "Developmental impact of the video-cassette-recorder on Third-World countries," Journal Of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 29:1:5-21 (1985). 2Boyd, home 3 _ _Peltom, Global Talk J. 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