Vacuum 86 (2012) 1855e1859 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Vacuum journal homepage: Rapid communication Spherical geometric model for absorption electrons/positrons phenomenon: Application to the mean penetration depth calculation A. Bentabet* Bordj-Bou-Arreridj University Center, Institute of Sciences and Technology, 34000, Algeria a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 11 April 2012 Received in revised form 13 April 2012 Accepted 14 April 2012 I present a spherical geometric model for the slowing down and transport of electrons and positrons in solids. This latter is mainly based on the Continuous Slowing Down Approximation (CSDA) scheme. In advantage, I have developed an analytical expression of the mean penetration depth at normal and oblique incidence by combination between my model and the Vicanek and Urbassek theory. For this, I have used the Relativistic Partial Wave Expansion Method (RPWEM) and the optical dielectric model to calculate the elastic cross-sections and the ranges respectively. Good agreement was found with the experimental and theoretical data. Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Continuous slowing down approximation Mean penetration depth Monte Carlo simulation Electron Normal incidence Oblique incidence Positron Vicanek and Urbassek theory 1. Introduction The electron and positron material interaction has a great importance in so many domains of analytical techniques of the material such as electron probe microanalysis, electronenergy-lossspectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, positron annihilation spectroscopy, etc. It is important to know that Monte Carlo method (MC) has become a powerful tool for doing such a study [1,2]. Frequently the Continuous Slowing Down Approximation (CSDA) [3,4] is applied. In this approximation, it is assumed that an electron loses energy continuously along the length of its trajectory. In Ref. [4], the validity of the CSDA for describing electron trajectories in MC simulations at energies relevant to auger electron spectroscopy (AES) was analyzed and the performance of Monte Carlo simulations was evaluated calculating the backscattering factors for AES [4]. The mean penetration depth (Z1/2) is one of the most important functions of the absorption transport phenomena. Analytical model of light ion backscattering coefficients from solid targets have been made by Vicanek and Urbassek [5]. I have already studied Z1/2 in my previous works either in order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed differential cross-section * Fax: þ213 35782145. E-mail address: [email protected]. 0042-207X/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2012.04.023 approximation [6e9] or to demonstrate the reflection coefficient theory implications [10]. All these works are based on a stochastic model (Monte Carlo method). However, in the present work, I developed a new mathematical expression (deterministic model) for Z1/2. In advantage, in the best of my knowledge, relatively no analytical model exit for electron or positron mean penetration depth in solid targets. In this work, I have proposed a simple geometric spherical model of absorbed particles based on CSDA scheme. Then, I have developed an analytical expression of the mean penetration depth (Z1/2) reflecting one of the absorption phenomena, as application of my model. 2. The model Before describing my model, it is worth noting that when we use Monte Carlo method (MC) based in individual scattering event scheme, each absorbed particle has a specific penetration length in the interior of the target. So, the statistical mean value of all obtained penetration lengths is the range. However, when we use MC based in CSDA scheme, all absorbed particles have the same penetration length with a length equal to the range of penetration. On the basis of the above considerations, I proposed a spherical model of absorbed particles impinging in the solid target which is essentially based on CSDA scheme. 1856 A. Bentabet / Vacuum 86 (2012) 1855e1859 Consequentially, I can write Z1/2 as follow: Z1=2 ¼ 1000 900 700 600 500 400 i 300 200 Zi 0 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 xi ¼ x ¼ Fig. 1. The distribution of the trajectory endpoints, projected onto the yez plane, for 2 keV electrons impinging on A1. The arrow denotes the entrance position [11]. So, in the present study, solid targets are in the form of thick thin film (or semi-infinite solid) attacked by slow electrons or positrons. In other word, I suppose that the target is taken as being a parallelepiped with infinite length and width and thickness (half entire space). The coordinates of the particles are located using a (OXYZ) reference so that axis (OX) and (OY) belong to the exterior surface outside of the target (entry surface) and (OZ) is directed toward the interior of the solid. The angles q and 4 represent the polar and the azimuthal angles which can be varied as follow: 0 q p and 0 4 2p. When I associate for each incidental particle the index “i”, the location of the absorbed particle will be defined as follow: qi, 4i and Zi (or ri) where Zi is the normal distance between the absorbed particle “i” and the exterior surface and ri is the projected range’s absorbed particle “i” (in other word Zi ¼ ri cos qi). As example, Fig. 1 represents the absorbed electrons in Al target done by [11] (I have added only the axis and the location coordinates particle). By definition, the mean penetration depth (Z1/2) is the average distances which separate the absorbed particles and the entry surface, and it is given by [8]: Z1=2 ¼ hZiA ¼ NA 1 X ðZ Þ NA i ¼ 1 i A (1) where the index A indicate “absorbed phenomenon”. Elsewhere, I can write Zi as follow: Zi ¼ ri cos qi ¼ R$cos ai Z0 dE SðEÞ NA N0 (5) Let’s put nowPðai Þ as the probability that the polar angle a takes the value ai. Therefore, when ai is greater than p/2, the particle will be considered as backscattered (not absorbed). In other term: Pðai Þ ¼ Pai s0 for 0 ai p=2 0 for ai p=2 (6) So, hcos aiA can be written, in probabilistic form, as follow: hcos aiA ¼ x NA X cos ai Pðai Þ (7) i Or in continuous form as: hcos aiA ¼ x Zp=2 0 cos a dPðaÞ da da (8) Among the simpler scheme used in Monte Carlo code is that based in Continuous Slowing Down Approximation (CSDA). For this, the distribution of the scattering angle is that of elastic collision. Therefore, the scattering angle qs after each elastic collision is calculated assuming that the probability Pel(qs) of elastic scattering within an angular range from 0 to qs is a random number uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1] given by [11]: Pel ðqs Þ ¼ 1 sel Zqs 2psinðqÞsðqÞdq (9) 0 Consequently, the density of Pel ðqs Þ is given by: (2) where ai is the polar angle verifying the equation (2) and R is the range given by: R ¼ (4) where hcos aiA is the mean value of cos a of absorbed particles. Equation (4) showed that I have simplified the distribution of the trajectory endpoints (the absorbed particles) by another system where all endpoints (virtual absorbed particles) are distributed on the surface of half sphere with a radius equal exactly the range (see Fig. 2). Elsewhere, all incident particles have the same probability to be absorbed by the target (they have the same incidence energy with the same incidence direction). Let’s put xi as the probability that the particle “i” will be absorbed by the target, N0 as the total number of incident particles and NA as the total number of absorbed particle. Consequently, xi can be written as follow: 800 100 NA NA 1 X 1 X ðri cos qi ÞA ¼ ðRcos ai ÞA ¼ Rhcos aiA NA i¼1 NA i¼1 (3) E0 where E0 and dE/ds are the primary energy and the energy lost per unit length of primary particle respectively. Del ðqs Þ ¼ dPel 1 ¼ 2psinðqs Þsðqs Þ sel dqd (10) where sel and sðqs Þ are the total and the differential elastic crosssections respectively. In equation (10), qs is the scattering angle which can be varied from 0 to p (for each scattered particle either absorbed or backscattered). In other word, in the interior of the target, the scattering angle depends to the incident direction just before collision. When all initial directions are considered as random uniform events, I conclude that 50% of scattering event will be done during the return to the surface of the target. A. Bentabet / Vacuum 86 (2012) 1855e1859 1857 Fig. 2. Spherical geometric model. In fact, according to the CSDA scheme, I suppose (as hypothesis) that the distribution probability of the polar angles qi (or the corresponded angle ai) can be described by the same expression that of the elastic scattering angle qs by taking in consideration the passage from the scattering angle type (varied from 0 to p) to the polar angle type (varied from 0 to p/2 for absorbed particles). In short, I conclude that the mean value of a functionf ðaÞ linked to a transport quantity, in the interior of the target, is given by: hf ðaÞi ¼ Zp=2 0 f ðaÞ dPðaÞ 1 2p da ¼ da 2 sel Zp f ðqs Þsin qs sðqs Þdqs Or, it is clear that: 2p sel sel sTr The factor ½ of equation (11) reflects the scattering symmetry angle vis-à-vis the normal of the target, comparatively to that of the polar angle. f ð2qÞsin 2qsð2qÞdq ¼ 0 1 2p 2 sel Zp f ðqÞsin qsðqÞdq (12) 0 By (11) 0 Zp=2 taking in consideration the equation (11), Z p ¼ 2p sin qs sðqs Þdqs and the transport cross-section Z0 p ¼ 2p ð1 cos qs Þsin qs sðqs Þdqs I conclude that: 0 hcos aiA ¼ x 2 s 1 Tr (13) sel In other part, the absorption probability and the backscattering coefficient are related by the following equation: Table 1 Mean penetration depth (A ) as a function of incident electron/positron energy for semi-infinite Al, Cu, Ag and Au by using equation (19). E0 (keV) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Al Cu Ag Au Electron Positron Electron Positron Electron Positron Electron Positron 121 365 694 1095 1566 2108 2718 3397 4140 4946 123 337 630 1013 1490 2058 2707 3423 4195 5008 47 136 258 408 585 785 1008 1253 1520 1808 54 144 266 415 587 780 993 1227 1483 1763 39 113 211 329 467 626 803 998 1210 1436 46 126 228 351 496 661 847 1050 1268 1499 31 80 145 222 311 410 520 639 769 907 39 102 180 272 377 495 624 763 910 1065 1858 A. Bentabet / Vacuum 86 (2012) 1855e1859 Table 2 Mean penetration depth (A ) as a function of incident electron/positron energy and angle of incidence q0 for semi-infinite Al, Cu, Ag and Au by using equation (19). q0 (Deg) E0 (keV) 1 Al 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 5 10 Cu Ag Positron Electron Positron Electron Positron Electron Positron 118 107 79 27 1533 1405 1057 375 4849 4467 3406 1220 122 116 97 38 1485 1436 1280 810 4925 4595 3618 1327 45 38 26 9 562 481 323 111 1736 1487 998 345 53 49 39 14 572 517 377 132 1713 1529 1091 379 38 32 22 7 447 379 252 87 1372 1157 765 265 45 42 34 13 484 438 320 112 1454 1289 907 315 30 25 17 5 294 244 159 55 858 706 459 160 38 36 29 10 366 325 230 79 1026 889 605 209 xþh ¼ 1 (14) Therefore, the mean penetration depth can be written as: Z1=2 ¼ s R ð1 hÞ 1 Tr sel 2 (15) Elsewhere Vicanek and Urbassek [5] showed that h has been calculated analytically at normal angles of incidence is expressed by: h¼ 1 þ a1 1 n2 1 1 1 1 þ a2 þ a3 3 þ a4 2 n 1=2 (16) n n2 pffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi with: a1 ¼pffiffiffi 6= p; a2 ¼ 27=p; a3 ¼ 27= pðð4=pÞ 1Þ and 2 a4 ¼ ðð3=2Þ 2Þ : In expression (14), n is the mean number of wide angle collisions defined as, n ¼ NRstr (17) where N is the number of atoms per unit of volume in the solid target given by: N ¼ Au Electron NAv Ar (18) where A, NAv, and r are the atomic mass, the Avogadro constant and the mass density respectively. Finally, when I substitute the expression (16) in (15), Z1=2 can be written analytically as follow: ) ( s R 1 1 1 1 1=2 Z1=2 ¼ 1 Tr 1 1þa1 1 þa2 þa3 3 þa4 2 n sel 2 n n2 n2 (19) Consequently, my spherical geometric model permits the analytical calculation of the mean penetration depth at normal incidence through the knowledge of R, sel and sTr . Important remark: I have taken into account only the elastic effect in the determination of the scattering angle because several works showed that the use of both algorithms (one simulating individual electron scattering events and the other implementing CSDA) were in satisfactory agreement for primary energies exceeding 1 keV [2]. At lower energies there were deviations up to 10% occurred due to numerical approximations. Since the CSDA considerably simplifies the simulation algorithm and decreases the computation time required to obtain a particular precision [2]. The validity of my model will be closely connected to the experimental and theoretical database. Indeed, the next section will be shown aiming this object. In fact, I have calculated Z1/2 of both electron and positron impinging in Al as light element, both Cu and Ag as intermediate elements and Au as heavy element, in Electron: PW1 Ref [15] Positron: PW2 Ref [16] 6 5 4 Ref [9] Exp1 Ref [16] Exp2 3 2 Aluminium 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 Mean penetration depth (100 A°) Mean penetration depth (1000A°) 7 10 Electron: PW1 Ref.[14] Ref.[9] Exp Positron: PW2 Ref.[16] Ref.[16] Ref.[14] 8 6 4 Gold 2 10 Energy (keV) 0 2 4 6 8 10 Energy (keV) Fig. 3. Mean penetration depth of electron and positron as a function of the incident energy for semi-infinite Al. PW1 and PW2: present work by using equation (19). Exp1 and Exp2 (experimental points): estimated from the experimental data reported in Ref. [14]. Fig. 4. Mean penetration depth of electron and positron as a function of the incident energy for semi-infinite Au. PW1 and PW2: present work by using equation (19). Exp (experimental points): estimated from the experimental data reported in Ref. [14]. A. Bentabet / Vacuum 86 (2012) 1855e1859 the energy range up to 10 keV where the range (R) was performed by integrating the inverse of the best fit of the stopping power numerical results given by Ashley [12] (see equation (3)). The integration was performed from the primary energy E0 to 100 eV instead of 0 eV. The residual range was neglected because very low energy electrons/positrons generally are not included in the experimental evaluation of backscattering coefficient. Also, sel and sTr are calculated by using ELSEPA code developed by Salvat et al. [13] where I tacked only the exchange and correlation potential, in the electron case, in consideration. Tables 1and 2 represent the mean penetration depths in function of primary energy obtained via equation (17) for a normal incidence. I preserve the same remarks and comments mentioned in the previous works [7,8] for the physical aspects of these results. Figs. 3 and 4 show my analytical mean penetration depths Z1/2 as a function of electron/positron incident energy over the range 1e10 keV at normal incidence for Al and Au, respectively. For comparison, theoretical data [9,14e16] and values estimated from the experimental data reported in Ref. [14] are also presented. My calculated values are in reasonable agreement with the available experimental ones. The slight discrepancy between theory and experiment is believed to be due to the experimental results that have been estimated from the thin film transmission data [7,8]. 3. Summary In summary, the transport of absorbed particles normally incident, impinging in solid targets, is modeled within a spherical geometric model where the radius length of the sphere is 1859 proposed equal to the range. On the basis of my model and the Vicanek and Ubassek theory, I have developed a mathematical expression for the mean penetration depth depending of the range (R), the total elastic cross-section ðsel Þ and the transport cross-section ðsTr Þ characterizing the interaction between the particle projectile and the target. My calculated values are in reasonable agreement with the available experimental and theoretical data. It is worth noting that in the present work the attention was only restricted the mean penetration depth. 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