THE lhiLL VALLEY HisT0RicAL S0CiETY 388· 8260 HEATING REPAIRS & PLUMBING Outdoor Clothing & Trail Maps STORE HOURS MON -SAT 10-6 SUNDAY 11-5 138 THROC KMO RTON MILL VALLEY CA 94941 415-383-0127 lh iLL VA LL EY H i sTO R icAL S OCiETY • 2006 / 2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDE N T j nlJ/l Leonel I'd VI CE PRES I DE NT j Uel 11 M !/IT"), TR EA S URER to Muc h app reciation to J olene W alsh, Ellen Canet Boring and Lorena McCourtney K locka rs, for ge nero usly sharing their fami ly memories of rh e Mil l Valley Police Department , and ro Sheryl Patto n, Community Affai rs Officer of the MV PD fo r her ass istance. Acknow ledgement to David Grossma n- Lucretia Litrie History Room Librari an, Mill Va lley Pu b li c Library for facilitating access to and reprod ucrion of photos. Thanks to Al an Nayer, ex rrao rd in ary cyber artist , for hi s cont inued inspired work on m illvalley historica lsoc Bil! Devlill SEC R E TARY B"rbara T hanks to Pegg y Che noweth fo r proofread ing and A lison Owings fo r her creat ive tirie suggest ion. T hanks to John Selix, thi rd grade teacher at O ld Mi ll School, for facilitati ng hi s scudents' pub lication of Mi II Valley Then & Now. KeJll DIH ECTORS Tilll A JI/)'x III a rial/lie Bab,,1 Cathy BII/JI/ber;:. PeKKY CbutOll,eth Bm·bard fo rd AlcUi Lee Kd/e MmzieJ Cb"d O/dm lJ/lrg Alison Oil illgs /?dche! /?tidy All historical photos, except where noted below-Courtesy of the Lucretia Litrie History Room , Mill Valley Public Library. Ly tton Barber-Coucresy of Roge r Barber. Ketn'll Metinini Mill Valley Record g roup photo---Courresy ofS uk i Hill. See sukihillphotos .org or man y of her phoros at the Mill Valley Public Library. • Mari n Civic Center shootour-Courtesy of Marin Indepe ndent J ournal. M E M B E I{ S HI P C H A I R P E H SON All current photos-Courtesy of J im Srephenson. EDI TO R j Oeill MII/TelY REVIEW DESIGNER Bar/;llrtl SlIlIlllm· P I{ 0 0 F RE A D E R Bib liography-Mill Valley History Room fi les, includ ing irs oral histori es collect ion; rhe Mi ll Valley Record; Barry Spirz . M ill Valley, Cali forn ia: Mi ll Valley: The Ea rl y Years: Porrero Meadow Pub lis hi ng Co. , 1997 . Peggy Chennu,etb COVER--(rop) The Mill Vc/lley Police Del'm/llletJ/. FrOIli le/t. Lee Sellers. Chie/j illl McGOII 'CIII. Chc/rles /\lcCOlir/lley. j oe Cellle/. 1947. (borrom) The f irst iIl ill Valley Marshetl/. Cons/llblej ellnes i\f,-DnllClld. 1906. • Pu bli shed by Mil/ V"lhy Histori(({/ S()(iet)' .175 Throckmorron Avenue M ill Valley, CA 94941 mill va ll ey h istoricalsoc • ER RATA- In rh e 2006 MVH S Rev iew, M ill Va ll eyt an Gu s Cosr iga n, was m israken ly ide nri fied as rhe bu ilde r of a home ar rh e corne r of Lag uniras and N orrh Road s in Ross . Mr. Cosrigan·s hom es and bu siness consrrucr ion are sprinkled rhro ug h Mi ll Va lley. Hi s sryit is eas ily recog nized wirh rhe use of heavy red wood beams, used brick, a nd so l id Durch doors. Thank yo u ro Ri chard Torney, Hi srorian for rhe Moya Library/ Ross Hi sro rical Sociery, (or credir ing rhe com·cr builder. The Ross home was builr by Ray Thomas Ol esen , in a sry le refe rred ro by him as "Ti m brick ..· M e. O lese n also huil r rh e Borrlc Hou se ar rh e Marin Arr a nd Ga rden Cenrer in Ross. III i LL VAL LI: Y H i ~TO R j C AL ~o c i ETY R~ v i EW 2 0 0 7 ~ PAG E 3 W e a re forrunare co have a mulrirude of local marerials in rhe Lucreria Lirrl e Hiscory R oom ar rhe Mill Va lley Public Library rhar pcovide a picru re of life in years pas r. Newspaper acco unes, pri mar ily fcom rhe Mill Valley Reco rd , for m a bac kbone of rhe research for rhi s arricl e abour crime in Mill Valley s ince jusr before irs inco rpora rion as a ciry in 1900. The ora l h is ro ry projecr of rhe Mill Va lle y Hi scori cal Soc iery spans rhree ce neuries. O ne of rhe fi rsr ineerviewees was born in [ 880. So me 150 or so incerviews have bee n co mplered , and are avai lab le co be read in rhe li bra ry, o r checked our. 11 Jffl}ffl:ftd 12 :ffi7JJ!!IP~J[~ fo und ed in 1899, rhe Marin Co uney Enee rp ri se lare r became rh e Record-Eneerpri se, a nd in 19 17 rhe na me was abb reviared CO rhe Mi ll Va lley Reco rd . Une il 199 1 ir wo uld be rhe major so urce of loca l news and informari on in cown. Irs mosr renacio us and s uccessful p ubli shers ca me as a pa ir: K arha rin e a nd Ned Mills . For over rweney yea rs, rhese render-aged local children have gar hered resea rc h in rhe Hiscory Room ar rh e Mill Va ll ey Publi c Lib rary, and for so me , inee rvi ewed a perso n affili a red wir h rh e ir co pic. Ihill VALLE Y HiS T OR i CA L ,OCiETY Rcv i EW :1007 * PAGE 4 ~ e are fortunat e to have a multitude of local material s in th e Lucret ia Little Hi sto ry Room at th e M ill VaJl ey P ub li c Li brary that ptov ide a picture of life in yeats past . Newspape r accounts, pri mar ily ftom the M ill Valley Record , fo rm a backbon e of the research for this art icle about crime in Mil l Valley since just before its incorporat ion as a city in 1900 . Howeve r, a treas ure trove of loca l info rm ation is within the oral hi stori es of two of our prev io us poli ce chiefs of M il l Va lley, wh ich provid e a rare perspective of crime in a sma ll tow n fo r th is article. Since 1':)69, the M ill Valley His tor ica l Soc iety, (MVHS) h~IS co ll ected o ral hi sto ries from many of its cit ize ns. T he chi efs te ll us in t heir own words, what was im portant during their te nure. Wha t wo uld become M ill Va ll ey mu st have seem ed idylli c to J o hn Reed in T hefi-rst Mill Valley Marshall, Constable J ames McDonald, in 1906 18 34 when he was granted 4,42 8 beautiful acres here by the Mex ican govern me nt. However, it would ta ke years to have t he ownership McDonald should have had an easy time of enforcing the peace. of Reed's lands set tl ed. O ne of the first reco rded loca l land The town was found ed and advertised as dry, and alco hol was not di sp u tes was over six acres near th e present day Park Terrace to be solei within th e city limits. Ye t, that didn't preve nt it ftom develop ment. O wnership of t he small parcel was eventually se ttled being broug ht into town by visitors or ftom saloons being built with t he ass ista nce of loca l constab les, but it bega n with "fisticuffs outside of the city limits. At that time, th e eastern town limit and the draw ing of weapons. " Land was at the toot of many was near East Blithedale and Hill Avenues, so the saloons marched altercatio ns then , and t hey increased sig nificanrly afte r the eastward, wi th Marshall McDonald becoming an owner of one of th e drinking establishments. As a result of his newly found second press ures of ptope rty-seeking settlers who came to northern Ca lifornia afte r th e Go ld Rush of 1849 . occupation, he was fired from his first. During the 1890's, summer ca mps dotted Mill Valley 's open spaces for those hardy enoug h to take a ferry across the bay and sleep out in th e wilderness. Reports of "crowding , vandalism , and noi se," at th e camps were a constant. A picture fam iliar to many ftom the arch ives of the history room at the library is ofJ ames McDonald, th e town's first Marshall from 1906 to 1907. Astride his horse in ftont of a redwood stump in Old Mill Park, Marshall fl1 iLL VALL EY Hi STOR i C A L SO That area, known as J agtow n, was the center of "cockfig hts, chi cken shoo ts , brawls and the like." Barry Spitz wro te in his history of Mill Valley, that "jag," was a colloquial term for intoxication. It is doubtful th at proper Mill Valleyan s would have bee n seen th ere. Alcohol fuel ed these rec reat ional act iviti es and the societal impact of alcohol nationally would bring about the passage of the Volstead Amendm ent, or Prohibition. i ETY REV i EW 2 007 ~ PA GE 5 Marshals would cominue to serve the city until the first Chief of Police, Alex McCurdy, was hired in 1926. Duties for the chief extended to serving as the tax collector, building inspector, city clerk, as well as serving all of southern Marin Couney as a deputy sheriff. Prior to McCurdy's hiring, a 1921 crime culled from the Mill Valley Record reported that a vacuum cleanet salesman pled guilty in COurt to making improper advances ro Mill Valley women. And "rowdi es and hoodlums" continued to abound. Hunting was still common in Southern Marin and poaching was not unusual. In 1929 it was reported that large plants were illegally removed from the Outdoor Art Club during the Christmas season. Murders were rare, and usually occurred outside the city limits. And, banks were the occasional targe t of robberies in any decade. Crime continued, whether fought by marshals or police chi efs. By 1937 , Mill Valley hired former Sausalito police chi ef, James McGowan, who would serve the city as its police chief until his retirement in 196 1. McGowan was proud ro say that in his first tweney-four years as chief, there were no murders in Mill Valley. U nfortunately, two murders did occur just before his retirement, one in D ecember of 19 60, and another in January of 1961. It was shocking for a community of its size and quietude. McG owan was a warm and fri endly presence, known to almost everyon e in to wn. H e was also known to g ive errant kids two chances , but not a third. H e and his wife had a quaint cottage with a luscious rose garden at 201 Miller Avenue, which was then the main street in town. As Chief McGowan was readying for retirement in 1961, he described a more rolerant view of alcohol then. "We had more drunks in 1937 than now. We would lock them up awhile and let them cool off." Often, the beat patrolman would circle the bars in the downtown area at closing time, and make sure that anyone who had imbibed roo much alcohol gOt a ride home. McGowan was respected throughout the community and ran a tight ship. The rown allotted a small budget and he sruck to it. The budget did not provide for the head of the department to have his own car, so a patrolman in th e one unmarked police car would pick him up in the morning, deliver him home for lunch, pick him up after he dined, and bring him home again at night. late in 1953, the departmene acquired a second vehicle and Mill Valley then sported one green and one red police car. One of the spotlights on the cars had a red lens, which was the only official disting ui shing mark . At that time, patrolmen issued at least five speeding citations each month from those cars! H eaters for the police cars seemed an unaffordable luxury. A patrolman would sit downtown at the corner of Throckmorron and Miller Avenues during the graveyard shift and watch for the red light on a pole at the bus depot ro f1icker, indicating that a phone call had been made to the deparrmene . There was no radio to communicate ro the patrolmen in t he field either. It was so cold that one poli ceman wrapped hi s chest and legs in newspaper beneath his clothing to retain his body heat. Ap parently, t he chi ef th oug ht that a heater mig ht make a man drowsy. After p risoners began bei ng t ransported to Sa n Rafae l instead of staying in one of the cells in the M ill Val ley City H all jail , heaters were in sta lled in police vehicles. When McGowan retired in ] 961, the department totaled twelve men . H is successor's challenges would be very different and he would fig ht to add men to the force. Cri m e was minimal , alt houg h there was t he occasiona l burglary or car theft. For t he most part, it was a peacefu l t ime. Police Chief Alexander Steele McCurdy, / 934 llliLL A LLEY Hi ~TOR i cAL ~OC i ETY REViEW 200 7 ;.t: PA GE 6 Over th e years, one important advantage for the safety of M ill Valley's res idents and property is that all of the chiefs since McGowa n 's retirement have worked th eir way t hro ug h the ranks. They all served as patrolmen, lea rn ed abo ut the community, and what made it unique, befo re be ing placed in t hat impo rta nt pos it ion of res pon sib ility. Dan Te rzich was hired by McGowa n and se rved as chi effro m 1961 to 1972 . It is important ro place in historical context that Mi ll Vall ey's first blac k family moved to M ill Va ll ey in 1956, and its fi rst black teacher was hired in 1960. Th e te nsions between w hi te and black stud ents wou ld sur face at Tamalpais Hig h Schoo l and M ill Va ll ey wou ld share in the pa inful racia l awa ren ess with students from Mar in C it y, as well as wo rk in g for racia l reconc iliat ion. From left, Lee Sellers, Chief Jim McGowan, Charles McColtrtney,Joe Canet, 1947 , I n the earl y 1960's, officers were called to Tamalpa is H ig h Schoo l or C s D rive-I n on Mi ller Ave nue to break up racially mo tivated fi g hts. No fata liti es res u lted, but an undercurrent of viol ence cou ld be felt on the campus. Locals sa id th at children no longer respected law enforce ment and legal restri ct ions prevented police from p unish ing a student by havi ng him was h po lice ca rs or sweep t he poli ce station as they had unde r the prev ious chief. From left, Joe Canet, Albert Canet, Harold Henry, Charles McCourtney, H . Tomlinson, ChiefJim Swonger. Mill Valley Police Department, 1943. llli LL VALLEY Hi STOR i CA L SOC i ETY REviEW 2 007 * PAGE 7 M~·Gowan, Ben Hartwell, However, th e most dramati c event to occ ur while Terzich was in office, was wh en he made a routine trip to the San Rafael Civi c Center with parking tickets and two arres t reports. The date was Aug ust 7, 197 0, and th e poli ce invest ig atOr who was schedul ed to m ake the trip was on vacati on. Dan tOok a loca l m erchant with him to th e new Hall of Ju sti ce to g ive him a tOur. As th ey were walking down a hall , a sheriff's d epuey ran toward s th em calling , "T here's a man in Jud g e H aley's court with a g un. " D an rep lied , "I'll g o with yo u." H e then tOld th e merchant who was with him to stand over again st t he window. "Ju st th en, the judge, the jurors, and th e ass istanc distri ct attOrney, all wired tOg eth er, came out of th e courtroom with five m en holding g uns on them . One of Police Chief Dcm Terzich looking at mClrijuana plants with Officer \Villictrn Walsh, 1964. th em was onl y seventeen years old. They were all blacks, threatening ro kill everyone in sig ht and ordering came ro work. A bomb also exploded at Tamalpai s High School in the same week, slightly injuring a student. A student at the high us to put up our hands. One man put a 357 Mag num in the back of my head and the seventeen year old slammed a mac hine g un school was later arrested for borh of these incidents. Two inco my stOmac h and relieved me of m y revolver. " unmarked police cars were later targeted with different types of bombs. It was fortunate that there were no injuries as a res ult of Carl Mosher (long time Mill Valley resident , merchant and the later bombings . MVHS interviewer), "Were you in uniform / " Dan Terzich: " 0, I was in civilian clothes . If 1 had been in uniform, I think I would have been taken. The judge was murdered, three of the black men were killed, the assistant di strict attOrney was sh ot throug h the spine and paralyzed from the wai st down." The picture included with thi s article of th e "San Rafael Civic Center Massacre," foretells a heartbreaking srory that would tefl ect the national angst over racial issues between white and black Bill Walsh was a hometOwn boy who began at the Mill Vall ey Police Departm ent (MVPD) in 1955 as a patrolman. Raised in Homestead Valley, he grew up hunting and fishing locall y. H is caree r would span four decades. Intensely ORAL loyal, Bill was appreciative of the opportunities HISTORIES afforded him by former chief McGowan and FO rlller Police chiefi would visit him after his retirement. ...... .......... l : nll . Billlr~"sh .: i'erzich, & Pete Brilldley ....... Budget pressures would cause the city to explore combining police and fires services, thereby AT THE eliminating the salary of the fire chief. Walsh In April of 19 71, a bomb exploded at the Bank of LIBRARY America in downtOwn Mill Valley in protest of the U.S. served as police chieffrom 1972 ro 1976 and Chief involvement in Vi etnam. The Bank of America had been a of Police and Fire from 1976 to 1986. Combining the targe t throug hout th e state for th ese types of protest. The bomb twO most important public safety functions was a huge went off just after 8:00 a.m., moments before employees normally challenge. At the time, only a few communities in the nation considered such a strategy. ....... Mill Valley Police Chief Dan Terzicb, convict James iHcClain, and Judge Harold Haley just before the Ma'r in County Civic Center Shootout on August 7, 1970. McClain and Haley died soon after tbis photo was taken. One memorable event for Lieutenant Walsh was in early January 1966. Merchant Ted Holmbee of Strawbridge's, located at 86 Throckmorton Avenue , accepted a 50 traveler's check from a customer, but noted that the signatures did not appear to match. Excusing himself from the store to get change, he qui ckly walked to the police department at city hall to ask for assistance (newspaper articles don 't explain why the merchant returned ro his stOre alone without police assistance). On the way back to ThiLL VALLEY Hi STO Ri C AL SO C i ET Y RE V i EW 2007 , ; PA GE 8 CITY Or=- MILL V Straw bridge's (with the custo mer still waiting), he stopped off dut y Bill Walsh and asked for his help . With the customer's driver's license in hand, Bill observed that the two stap le marks that were a standard in all lice nses at the time were not vi sible. MII.. L V'-'LL E Y, C .... LI,.OR~ L LEY It ,.>rl.l,2I''53 Even with the police depart ment just a block away, one mig ht wonder why an armed rob ber and ex-convict, who had stolen 75,000 worth of traveler's checks in Hawaii, would wait atound for change . Yet, wait he did. Asking the profess ionall y dressed man to accompa ny him to the police statio n, an arrest was quickly made of t he ex-convict who sa id to \X!alsh, "You've got yourself a big one t hi s time, Lieutenant." Oth er events would encroach on the usually quiet town that would pun ctuate a decade or a career in the MVPD . In 1973, a tee nage boy hiking above the g olf course found a sma ll jawbone. No tifyi ng po li ce , they di scovered the scattered remai ns of a fiv e-year old child who was never identi fied . Fore nsic specia lists were called in to ass ist the M VPD, but alt houg h they could identi fy the age of t he child , they were unab le to dete rmine the cause of death. P ro bably the mos t personally wrenching event for all members of the MVPD when Walsh headed the d epartment was the 1974 shotgun murders of a longtim e reserve police offic er, his wife and son, by a local tee nager. Almost every member of the force was involved in the inves ti ga tion, although criminologi sts and ot her local police age ncies were recruited. Walsh formed five d epart ment inves tigative tea ms and the suspect was swifdy arrested without incid ent. Thi s sad event had a reverberating impact on many peo ple in the community for years to follow. An event of national signifi ca nce that occ urred during Bill's tenure as chief was the theft of a few boxes from the Mill Valley home of form er Pentag on Analyst, Daniel Ellsberg. ElIsberg was kn ow n for the release of the Pentagon Papers, a top-sec ret study of the United States' military involvement 111 Vietnam. The FBI expected Walsh to supply information abom the burg lary and exacdy what was stolen, but he maintained that he would not release any documentation until ordered to do so by the courts or given permissio n by Mr. ElIsberg. The perperrawr of the theft was arrested and the boxes and contents were recovered. Ellsberg said that he would not object to the contents' release, and also fully supported the information being made public. Four briefcases, one small zipped case, and one cardboard box were given to the counsel of the House Subcommirtee on Foreign O perations and Governm ent Information . The burglar, who was later convicted of the robbery, was a local man who had co mmitted a string of home robberies. Building the public safety building is a sto ry 111 itsel f, and one of W alsh's significant contributions. H e kn ew from talking with others who managed similar proj ects that the community's needs would soon Outgrow the MILL VA LI.!;r · Police ChieflVilliam Walsh, 1970. POLICE Memo fmm ChiefJames McGowan to Mill Valley City Manager; Al Almcrantz, dated 1953, seeking a/J/Jroval to hire a n ew patrolman, Dan Terzich. Terzich would succeed McGowan as police chief in 1961. proposed building, so he lobbied for one that would suit the city for years to come. In 1978 Walsh conducted an analysis of crime in Mill Valley, and our city with a population of 12,000 had a crime rate relative to that of a city of 35,000. For a fiv e-year period in the 70's, there were four to fiv e hundred residential burglaries eac h year. Cl early, it was not a crime free tOwn. Crime outside the city limits certainly had an impact on the MVPD, even if its staff wasn 't directly responsible. The Trailside Killer 10 the late 70's and into the 80's killed twO Mill Valley ,,'omen on Mt Tam, which required some involvement from the MVPD, but Mill Valley remained protected in its cul-de-sac ftOm many nearby crimes. It was also when \1ifalsh was in office that technolog y became a significant tool to fight crime and educating the force in contemporary prevention and enforcement techniques became an important goal for him. The evolution made for a radi cally different police presence than what lone Marshall James McDonald represented on his horse. After Walsh's retirement in 1986 , another homegrown policeman would lead the fight against the next century of crime. fl1iLL VA LL EY Hi sT8 R i c AL s8c i ETY ReViEW 2007 • ..t:: PA G E 9 7tl e're listening . In a sense, the ora l hi sto ry proj ec t of th e M ill Valley Historical Soc iety spans th ree centuries; one of t he fi rst interview ees was born in I SilO, and here we are in 2007. We are, it seems fa ir to say, ma ki ng g reat stri des slow Iy. W hen I was conviv iall y ca jol ed a yea r or so ago into head ing up rhe oral hi story d ivision , it was my in rention- indeed, it re mains my Intention- to branc h our (not an un fi t tin g m etap ho r in a fi eld brimmin g with fa mil y trees). In ad dition to interviewing individual res id ents largely on t he bas is of t he ir long- t ime associat ion s wirh in M ill Valley, I thoug h t it woul d be interesting to interview people aro und t he stru ct ural bas is of t heme . O h, abo ut a hundred such them es p resented themse lves : from rea l es ta te to teachers to env ironmenta li sts to yupp ies to .. As benefi cent dictato r of the projec t , I chose two themes t hat inte rested m e th e mos t: Roc k and Ro ll , and War and Peace . Unde r t he firs t t heme, I pictured the well know n slew of rocke rs , and rocker ...... relarives, and rocker han ger on ners, and recovered rock ers. U nd er the second theme, I p ict ured vete rans of any war, and peace act ivis ts of th e same . . ... . . . . . . . . Well , I'd say we are st ill at the opening actlin it ial skirmish stages of bo rh . We have completed an in terview with J ohn G oddard of Village M usic (see excerpts), wh ich was completed just before h is anno un cement he is (o h nol) closing shop, fig uring t hat 40 p lus years behi nd hi s own counter is eno ug h. And we h ave co mpleted an interview with World Wa r II nurse Berrh a Cash in . We hope soon ro schedu le more inte rv iews with veteran s and peace activi sts (somet i mes both a re t he sam e in one p erson) and wi t h the mo re t ha n local lumin ari es in music. Whoever can ge r Bo nni e Raitt to sit sti ll for hal f an hou r for us ge ts a free yea r's mem bership in th e M ill Valley H istori cal Soc iety. How's that fo r temptat ion ) Mean while, interviews wi th th e Mill Va ll ey elde rs conti nue apace. W hat is ORAL HISTORY EXCERPT "I saw James Brown when "Try Me" was his current record, and ] saw the Everly Brothers when "Wake Up Little Suzie" was their current record. ] saw people like Buddy Holly and Richie VaIens, and] saw Elvis Presley before he went in the Army in his gold lame suit, and my parents used CO let me go, and they were nuts CO let me do it. But as a resulc of it, ] got real involved in mus ic. I've been a collector all my life. I used to collect rocks and] used co collect bird nests. I collected comic books . . . coins, and] collected stamps; then music happened and I started collecting records and I starred working for Village Music because] got a discount on my records." [hi L L VALLEY Hi ST OR i C A L SO C iETY R EV i EW 2 007 holding us up from maki ng ORAL . HISTORIES . great strides rapid ly) oral-histories Two t hing s: . @tnillvalley • Loose ends '. : and t ime. First , as my .... ONLINE .. ' colleag ue and historical society board member Cathy Blumberg and I have fo und , there were a good deal of loose encl s to set ar ig ht- s uch as interviews cond ucced but nor transcribed, in terviews transcribed, but not proofread by th e interviewee, intervi ews proofread but correc ti ons not retyped. We do feel we are nea ring the e nd of the pas t, and emergi ng blinking into th e prese nt, and future. . ......... . ....... Secondly, wir h on ly a finite amount of time for twO voluntee rs to devote to th is ongoing proj ect, we also needed to step back to : do a general houseclea ning involving rest ing eq uipment (usab le and not), and trying to orga ni ze va ri ous m ysterious sc raps of effl uv ia (us), co nducc a training for intervi ewe rs (me ), bu y di gital recorders to aug ment our old fas hio ned ana log reco rders (Cathy), fi g u re how to lise same (us, with man y t han ks to Dav id G rossm an in the H istory Room), li ne up transcribers (paid or volu nteer), who work with either cassette or M P3 dig ital fil es (us), ready release forms, title pages , and so forth (Carhy). Oh, and assign ing interviewers to do imer views (mostly me) . O h , and doing rh e indexing (Cathy). Orga ni zi ng all the above ) Keeping track of whi ch interview is at which srage of being ready for Mill Valley prime t ime? it: PA GE 10 Don 't ask. But do feel ready to hop in and help: with sugges ti ons of people to be interviewed , with doing some interview ing yourself, with index ing, or with, need I be more blunt, organizational skills. Where) oral-histori es@ mill vall ey h istOricalsoc is the place to find us. Some [ 50 or so imervi ews have been compl ered, and are available to be read in the library, or chec ked Ollt. Our goal, among others, is to make rh em, and the new o nes, ~va ilabl e to be read , and li stened to, on line. T hey are, in a word , a mixed bag, refl ective of rh e circumsrances of th e imervi ewer, rh e inrervi ewee, and rhe circum stances that effect both. Som e may be mined for loca l hi story, others for sociolog ica l opinions of an ea rli er era, ochers fo r a wider worldview. Ma ny show wh ar g ood ora l h isto ri es should : that one person's world can be a m icrocosm of a wider o ne, and that wit hin rh e wide r one arc rhe intimate con nect ions tying us to a place, and to each other. o E D "] \\, I \\ ,l' That I \\e1 time feeli, turn of <Ii don • ORAL HISTORY EXCERPT "For a long tim~ we cam e ()\ \'1/1.' camped in a tt nt und er t the first hou se. I k buil t it pa overnight and p,lrtiy so he cou scartcd building loom s." [h i LL VALLEY Amwers (em be fOllnd on www,17l.illvaffey historicalsociety,o'rg; in the 2000 Mill Valley Historical Society Review, available in the Mill Valley Library's History Room; or on page 12 of this isme. H ow many phones were there in Mill Valley in 1900) Don't ask. Bur do feel ready co hop in and help : wi th sugges tions of people co be imerviewed, with doing some imerview ing yourself, with index ing, or with, need I be mo re blum, organizational skills. ORAL HISTORY EXC, PT .. ,- This boy's orga ni za ti on was founded in Mill Valley in 1910. 2 What elememary school ope ned in Mill Valley in 192 [I Where) oral-histories @ millval ley is the place co find us. Some 150 or so imerviews have bee n completed , and are ava il able to be read in the library, or checked out. OUt goal , among others, is co m ake them, and the new o nes, ava ilab le co be read, and li ste ned to, o n line. They are, in a word, a mixed bag, re flect ive of the circumsta nces of th e intervi ewe r, t he in te rviewee, and the circumstances that effect both. Some may be mined for local history, others for soc iolog ical opinions of an ea rli er era, others for a wider worldv iew. Many show what g ood oral histories sho uld: that one pe rso n 's world can be a mi crocosm of a wider one, and that w ithin t he wider one are the in timate connections tying us to a place, and to each other. 1 3 4 "I went and saw Little Richard when When people cou ld drive over the Golden Gate Bridge, many more people moved to Mill Valley. What year was the bridge completed) 1 wa!> 1.'1 and it changed my life. That wa.~ fir~t the rock-and -roll show I went to. I gO[ that feeling the first time I saw Janis Joplin. I got that feeling the first time I saw Ry Cooder, ,. ' ,.... . ....,,,' ,:,"'. , ., "'0:" , ' " " ' . ','", : What yea r d id passenge r tra ins srop coming to Mill Valley) I saw Jerry Lee " ' ",J . ~ 5 got it the first time \f ;l:', . Lewis, got it the first 6 In 1954, it cost a q uarter fo r the Seq uoi a Theatre's K iddie Matinee. What movies were playing there) time I saw Otis Redding, I got it big I fill ~ time when I ,,1\\ Judy Garland, got it big time when I ~aw 7 Frank Sinatra. It covers a lot of an~ a" What was t he pop ulat ion of M ill Va lley in 1962' In 1974,]enny Fulle became the first gi rl in M ill Val ley to p lay this sPOrt. W hat is the spo rt' 8 there 's a couple of gospel shows that just turned l11y head around, There's a lot of different kinds of music that ha,e A film about Mill Va lley's crooked railroad to the East Peak of Me. Tam was made in 1988. What is its name' 9 done that to me through the years." • How many children did the Mill Valley Soccer and Little League Clubs have enrolled in 199'1.1 10 ORAL HISTORY EXCERPT . .. "For a long t ime we cam e over here [M ill Vall ey} on wee kend s. We ca mped in a tell( under the oaks whil e Mr. G ravander buil t the first house. I Ie built it partl y so we wo uld have a place to stay ove rnig ht and pa rtl y so he could have hi s workshop here. H e starred buildi ng looms." !h i ll. VAl l EY H i HO R i cA l , O i E1Y J< Evi EW 2 00 7 * PAGE II 3: t the eurn of the 20th ceneury t here were a handful of newspapers p ubli shed in M ill Valley. T he M ill Va ll ey T imes was the town 's first pub l icat io n In 1893 and targe ted the summer res idents who ·would swe ll the loca l popul ation when schoo l let out , and anyone who could, escaped th e summe r fog of Sa n Fran cisco. Fo und ed in \ 899, th e Marin County Enterpri se later became the Record-Enterprise, and in 19 17 th e name was abbreviated to the Mil l Valley Reco rd . U nt il 1991 it wou ld be t he ma jor source of local news and informat ion in tow n. 1926 by newspaper publishe r Ellen Browning Scripps. Katha rin e's mother had met Ms. Scripps at th e time she was talking abo ut her id ea for a women 's college. The founde r co nfided that she didn 't know if anybody wou ld come, but Katha rin e's mother assured her tha t she had two daug hters and that they would come. Ka tha ri ne would at tend , but her sister wo uld grad uate from Vassar. By early 1963, thirteen di ffe rent pub lishers had applied th eir various sk ills and talents to prod uce th is local wee kly paper, bu t its m ost tenac ious and successfu l p ub li she rs ca me as a pair: Kat harine and Ned M ill s. Their combined profess io nal backg rou nds, as we ll as t he spirit of th e time, led th em ro create a new li fe in a small no rth ern Cali fo rni a tow n , p ubl ishin g a week ly newspaper. W ithin a few weeks of purchasing the Record, t hey bega n publi shing the cit y counc il age nd a p ri o r to th e meet ings. Within a few months, Katharin e was writing her Notes: For the Record, a ser ies of homey common se nse vi g net tes that wou ld co ntinu e until they so ld th e pape r in 1987. \'<' hile Kat harin e wo uld exe rcise th e editori al content a nd control, Ned wo ul d beat the streets for newspaper advert isem ents, always with th e goal to in crease circul ation. Katharine's Notes was usually t he first page t hat readers would turn to a nd th a t fue led Ned 's success with his impress ive 25 % ci rculation increase. It seems natural that Katharin e beca me a journ ali st , even a newspaper pub li sher, wit h her attendance at Scr ipps commi tted ro by her mother. Afte r g raduat ing from co llege in L9 39, she went back to Beat ri ce to be wi th her fat hcc and yo unger sister. H er mothe r had di ed five years earlie r. She became th e women 's editO r of the Beatrice Times at a t ime when jo bs for women we re scarce a nd her newspaper ca ree r was launched. If yo u as k Ned, as I d id , he' ll te ll yo u th at o ne of th e Reco rd 's acco mpli sh ments of which he is mOSt proud was influe ncing the change of ci t y council meet ings from Wednesdays to Mo ndays, so that the Reco rd could repo rt the proceedings in time for its midweek pu bl ication . Few small towns received that level of com mitted reporting from a local newspaper. Another innovation chat the Mills' introduced was to bring th e Reco rd to n ewss~a nds, instead of just the custOm ary home delivery. To learn more about the Mills, one can read tht:ir shared ora l history at the library, or even borrow it. Katharin e Sherwood was rai sed in Beatri ce, Nebraska, close to where her great-g randfath er had homes teaded. She g raduated from Scripps College , a women's school at Claremont, California found ed in Illil l VAll EY Hi STO R i CAL SO C i ETY REViEW 2007 * H e r sister, te n yea rs yo unge r than she, acco mpani ed Katharine to New York a yea r after th eir banker farh er died in 1944. "Throug h a seri es of lucky breaks" Katha rine was hired at the Ne wspaper Enterpri se Assoc iation, (NEA). Althoug h she eventually qUIt working full time after having chIldren, she co ntinued writing a column for th e NE A until her work at th e Mill Valley Record required toO much of her time and effort. N ed is a nati ve Californi an and attended public school in Los Angeles. However, his family's Virginian roots caUed him back to PA GE 12 the University of Richmond in Virginia . H e was hired by the Ri chmond N ews-Leader upon his college graduation. After a fiv e-year stint th ere, he joined the Army Air Corps and when the war ended joined th e NEA, where Katharine and des tiny awaited him. Karharine's marriage to N ed Mills was the res ult of an office tomance. They met just after the war in 1946 , since tbeir desks were ac ross the room from one another at tbe N EA. She headed the wome n's desk, a nd Ned , the sports desk. They were marri ed in 1947. N ed describ ed the headiness of t he t ime d uring t heir lives in Ne w Yo rk . T hey enjoyed atte nding tbe flood of functions avail able free to journali sts at t he time. It was du ring t hat pe ri od that Ned moved from ma nag ing the spo rts desk to tbe busi ness aspect of newspapers. Thi s expe ri ence wou l I become cr ucial when the M ills' late r purchased t he Mill Va lley Record. They moved w it h t he N EA to C hicago, b ut N ed 's p lan to becom e president of t hat organ izat ion d id n't com e to fru ition , so a subseque nt move wou ld b rin g them W es t. By th en, th ey had tbree childre n. Katharine and Ned shared a dream of own ing a sma ll tow n newspaper and were read y for life's nex t ad ve ntu re . Searching for a small town paper took Ned to Soledad, Califo rni a, dust y Salinas Va ll ey hom e to a state pri son. Eve n tbou g h Jo hn Steinbeck's nove l, O f M ice and Me n is set in oled ad , it was n't t he cu ltura l sett ing t hat Katharine and N ed wa nted fo r their fa mily. Al cho ug h Ned had not bee n to Mi ll Valley before, a newspaper broker wanted him to learn abo ut th e possibility of purchasing the Reco rd , even t boug b it wasn't for sale yet. Ned repo rted tbat, "We came up at abo ut 3:00 o'clock in th e afternoon. It doesn't take a sales man to sell Mill Valley's bea uty." Aft er the move, th e Mill s immersed themse lves in the newspaper and their pride in the Record is refl ected in their 1978 oral hi swry. Katharine: "One of the changes that was exc i ti ng to us personall y is the change in our production methods. When we boug ht the paper in 196 3 it was in the building at 2 1 Corte Made ra, and the old Maso ni c Hall had g rown up aro und it. The ((It was a marvelous sight when they pulled out the old linotypes and mounted them on a big truck in front of the Mill Valley Market. To see them going down the street . .. they looked exactly like old dowagers going to the opera. Great bosomed linotypes sailing down the street. KATHARINE MILLS JJ press was an old fl atbed and was forever breaking down . You 'd call the welder in the middle of the nig ht to weld it together again . Then we began w g row and in 1966, we moved to 78 East Bli t hedal e. We had to break up tbe old fl atbed, and we bought an old rotary press in Sacramento." Forme r Mill Valley Record employees report tbat working th ere was an excep ti o nal expe ri ence . Matt Staffo rd, who is no w tbe Entertainment Editor of the Pac ific Sun, sa id "The bands-on experie nce was, of co urse, priceless; and working at t he Record was easily t be bes t job that I ever had." "It was a marvelous sig ht when they pulled out the old linotypes and mounted them on a big truck in front of t he Mill Valley Market. To see them g oing down the st reet ... they looked exac tly like old dowage rs going to the opera. Great bosomed linotypes sailing down the street. " Katha ri ne wrote poeti call y, even abOllt a printing press . The Mills were acknowledged for their conrriburions to the creative life of M ill Valley with a Milley Award in 1997 . Even after they so ld the newspaper in I 9i:l7 , afte r twenty-four years of service to the com m uni ty, they continued ro part icipate in th e activit ies of th eir adop ted hometow n. The Record would survive for a few more Wh il e Ned was lead ing th e charge to make th e business vi able, Kath a ri ne steadfas t! y held t he ed itori al vi sio n to a hig h standard , mentori ng many young wom en a nd men along th e way. N ed said that it was a con ser vat ive paper when th ey came ro it , and th ey steered it in a mu ch mo re moderate direc cion. They championed women's rig hts, afford able housing , a nd ot her causes not previously associated w ith th e Record. They suppo rted bLlilcling the midd le school and the public safety budding , and cheir causes were not always popul ar. They lacer moved from East Blith eclale ancl forres t to 43 8 Miller Ave nu e, where Ned could report by 1978 chat all they had in that building were people, typewriters and a X erox; no printing press. The newspaper publishing business clunged dramatically in the twenty-four years that they were there to guide it, mill VALL EY Hi sT0R i cA L S0 c i ETY RE Vi EW 2007 If. years, but cl osed sad ly and abrup tly in Sep tember of 1991. Katharine died in April 2006, and N ed still lives in the family home in Mill Valley. As form er em p loyee, Matt Stafford, sa id in a tribute after Katharine's death, "That was a newspaper. • 'f!tI17Jl liO '81i!-Cfl/d f.IJlf'Jrfl/Q,( U06 8111/(11/,115 "6 '/I/')(PSJ.l f] ~lItgt.J:r7 ,(/-I PJlI / Jllq q JV:J. Jj"n 'Of 'J!JN/l'lUOI..l. tin R 'Zfr6 'll 'L 'IJ/Wld lIfT! ~CU. fa " .cmllJq:; p lm ' IIJ IV Jlll~fl'.1 "I' W ill'") ·9 ·0176 , ., ·L[6' ·17 'loocPS W IV 1'10 ·[ ·" IJOJS ,(o [j "II ·Z 'II ., :S1l 31X.\SN V VIAI\LL PA GE 13 Z t's spring t ime in M ill Valley and th e acacia t rees have spent their ye llow bloo ms ant.! th ird g raders' parents have sped off ro t heir wo rkdays . T he Mill Va lley Sc hool D istricr's fifteen t h ird grade teachers are p reparing the ir srudents fo r an an nual research and writ ing ass ig nment about t he ro wn's h isrory. For over twenty years, th ese tender-aged loca l ch ildren have ga th ered research in the Hisrory Room at t he M ill Vall ey P ub lic Lib rary, and for some, interv iewed a person affi liated wit h t heir ropic. T he History 0 fSco ut Hall II's hIstory because Sdce~ut~~ut I'm a scout and my to wnte about ahcoOtolrybUI~~~~t TOday Scout Hal[ . [ P IS used f( . , ack I, Pack 33 or many otheniJin Play, and it can be ,and Pack 34. It is also us gs SUch as Scou t Troop neigllborhood m rented out fOr a dance c[ cd fOr the Mountain storage closets eetIngs. On the seCond ass and the loca l . Oar there are a bUnch of n Readied fo r research by their teachers , the Ch ildren and Hisrory Room Librarians, as we ll as vo lunteer docents, over t hree hundred students will explo re M il l Valley hi story. They are offered m u lti p le to p ics from wh ich to choose. For many, it is the ir first resea rch und ertaking . Pare nts are also req uired to p ut forth some effort in th is important lang uage arts proj ect. O ld M ill Schoo l teac her, John Sel ix , has sharet.! samp les of srudents' wo rks . Vis it www.mill va lley hisrori ca fo r the third graders ' 2007 hisrory projects afte r thei r com p let ion. Here are just a few _ samp les of t heir work . to\\~~: em "nung abo ut Hall IS Hall used ck l ea , . t np, IS There dad 15 the pa t fl ail has an Interes I NIlII Valley reSIdent laundry u because Sco Mr OoughtY, a n example IS a 0 saloon operated by' ut hall" as used for - a a stable m mIll valley other thltlgs tha~ SC~able Can yOU ImagIne NOW place and a ho r,e s The H,story ofScou! HaLl THE HI ST ORY OF SCOUT HALL by Laird Grant Then By Bridget Lowry MILL VALLEY RECORD by B ridget LOll'ry d October 1899 and coveredevery e The Mill Valley Record start race plus it was written m sea _""_g [rom school to the DIp lin type machine . After UU>'. I bought a a hand until C.E. Esse syne the next year it took over the that the Record grew fast. Btben the Record got sold to Ne;:,ell Belvedere-Tiburon RecO:~ 1935 it began its "Golden Age at French DouglaS and th la sold the paper to Fred Drexler the same tiroe Newell IXlU!,n: could take over it. In 1939 It who took over It until his and won a few awards, for r . '", of lllinois School of beC " ~e a twice a week n ewspapeu ar the ruverSh.,I '. example, in that same ye d' the leading three commuruty Journalism put the Recor ill papers\ ord changed for the 'worst of all Then came the day t h e Rectaff member. The Record stopped reasons, money" states a s Wednesday September 4 , 1992. CJ...LU> NOW By Bridget Lowry The Herald start d befo re the Record s to e e~s a weekly newspaper in 199 1, The Herald d id n 't ha';"Ptro~~~t ~ Record was stopp ing. Pau l Ande rso n the d irect f th g. . director of The Ros s ' VaLl R or a e pa per IS a lso the and Fa irfax) Twin C' li e porte r, (ror Ross, San Anselmo · I es es (Lark sp ur C t M ' Pleld , and Greenbrae) and 3 th ' or e a d e ra , Ken t sold the papers then got call~ ber nk;.wspapers. He also sa id "I Th d ' ac . ~ e .Itor of these new spa pers is An e la M the Publi shing Company is ca lled M . g ard an, and 2400 Bridgeway in SaUsalito. ann Scope and IS loca ted TIm Th i l l VA ll EY Hi ~ TO R i c A l ~ . C i ETY Rr: v i EW 2 0 0 7 'I:t. PAG E 14 THE MILL POLICE DEPIALLEY by J a mes ral!!!!iiliii!.ia':: TomRb~MENT auo-re The Mill valley police D<l'""",e.' By James 1rombadore 2~. The fust pol'ct1 :JIl for Mill V.lley ,,'as called a Mmhal !-!Js nom' 'sas James D McDonald. He "as elected ugust \900. He !ode a torse \;ec.use cars ",reD l .>Je~ lIl,en<ed He ,,'as M."hall for 29 ye"'. The flISt Mill valley Pobce Chief"'.' . McCurdy frotn 1929 lO \931. Other Chief. "ere.Jaro<" P. !VI_Sowan (1931 19Sn (\ 961-1972), Willi8Dl Walsh lI912 , and pete arindley ch (1981- 99 ). The police ",er<: in Cit)' Hall in do"""OY'" Mill valley until 1997 . ln 7 1 police 1997, the moved to a neWbuildinS called the Willi"" Walsh Public SafelY 19(1), Dw TerD Buildins oear Hauke Par'<- It haS the police and Fire Det>artIJloolS. A long tiJIle ago before poli=en had waUri-talJcis , Mill Valley Police had ' red flag on lOP 0[' building o<ar 7-Eleveo. They would raise it when it was w emergenCY· NOW TheMjjI VaIle Apn1 28, 200 _ . Departm ). I Ill/en ' By JllltJe; POlice DepTrombnd artment Wa ' . em. He gave ?eWed Capta ' Ore ) nlllTOr and I me a lour of Ul Angel Bero Police nWent in a " lbe statioo I 3/ of Ibe"" - -ellItm. jad cell . saw . ull VaIl Ritter. Now enl IS across fr fo r bolding s an Inlerview r ey Pobce ' <he POli om H...,- . uspects " 00tn ",i,L co olIi co bav ""e Fr eId . "ow. lb '" a one_ . cen . Now e CCmpule ' . The Chi e M ill V po/i Mill Vall ' lbe dis n In the' efnow ' aIley poli ey. Now, lbe . PO lcber and I I ' palJ'ol en". IS Cruef Ro"-Ce nre Un POlice the j ail " Now. ~ ~I ponanr use a s are In M un" v lD"" ' ptain B for Mill V cBnoer for fu,g Brin Co also lire <mal and lean, ,L aIley becaus er prints in. ty offices nOI . "'. his lory of th e lbeYprolecl -lead ofink. Th 10 e!vlill Valle us. I I was fun I e YPOlice De 0 meel Partmenl. C The PI Do aZa is the Se You w hean ant to kn of Mill Vall . ek, Climb fide a trees ana re Ow WhY? Sec e y' It IS . Ihe m . can meet S Wheel bike ad bOOks at IhaUSe You can aln Place 10 ea o ana COOl St anta Cia there! O . e OepOI Play hid meet Ores Us a urmg . lIe e-a 10 Shows ' ana rest na he giv Christm amea ho nd-g . ~NO and mUsic. 110: urants aroun:SthYOU candY: there is s/e:a Skip and e the eS nes T Ing a square b qUare. S . here ar na You ecause it's l ome dayS th e banks, .... Un ! ~ n, i L L VAL LE Y H i sTORi c A L SO C I. ETY REViEW 20 0 7 * PA G E I S ere are art Serving Mill Valley Residents & Business Owners Since 1921 PEe K STANTON INS U RAN C E Peck-Stanton-Hockett Insurance Agency, Inc. 174 E. Blithedale Avenue PO. Box 459 Mill Valley, CA 94942 415-388-2236 ext. 18 phone 4 15-388- 1868 fax David R. Peck, President dpeck@isugroup .com
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