Mill Valley Market ~C!>' Marin is happy to support established 1937 metry see the difference the Mill Valley Bay Area's Premier Optometry Practice & Eyewea r Boutique Historical Society. Channle Duhn. 0 .0 . l ean B~nnan, 0 .0 . Sharon Segal, Optician - Comprehensive Eye Exams Extensive Selection of Fine Eyewear - Vision Service Plan Provider Open Tuesday through Saturday Laser Surgery Consultants - Exams in English · Chinese - Spanish -. V Sp. 415-388-8262 158 Throckmorton Ave . Mill Valley CA 94941 President's Message -----, STANLEY SEARLES 388·8260 \ THE PLUMBER HEATING, REPAIRS & PLUMBING MILL VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 201112012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Tim Amyx VICE-PRESIDENT Betty Goerke SECRETARY John Leonard TREASURER Bob McCul/y DIRECTORS This year's Review focuses on two of Mill Valley's great treasures. Our library has been around since 1911 and celebrates its centennial this year. It is likely to be around forever. The other great treasure covered in this issue is a Mill Valley business that opened in 1961 and sadly, closed its doors in 2007. It was our beloved record store, "Village Music". It's hard to imagine any Mill Valley citizen who has lived here for even a short period of time who has not been a frequent visitor to both. Village Music had a great run during the heyday of vinyl Rock and Roll music. It was the perfect record store, at the prefect time, in the perfect setting. Writer Gary Scheuenstuhl worked for many years alongside Village Music owner John Goddard. He shares his memories of working with John and of experiencing the magic of the shop, in addition to his warm memories of growing up in Mill Valley and being part of a unique period of our local history. The annual History Walk will once again take place on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. This year we will focus on the Nlntellectual Pursuits· of Mill Valley. It will be a short walk from the Outdoor Art Club, moving up along Lovell Avenue and some of its side streets. We will share the wondrous history of the Library, Newspapers, Churches and Schools of early Mill Valley. The walk will conclude at the library on Throckmorton and include a rare inside walking tour. Enjoy the 2011 Mill Valley Historical SOCiety Review, and we look forward to seeing you at the annual HistoryWalkon May 29th. - Tim Amyx Vivian Broadway, Barbara Ford, Chuck Oldenburg, Cul/yn Vaeth, Michael Lipman, Betsey Cut/er, Catherine Rosekrans, Nancy McQuilkin MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON Donna Carrillo REVIEW EDITOR Lippy REVIEW DESIGNER Mary Osborn PHOTOS Suki Hill Lucretia Little History Room, Mill Valley Public Librory COVER Jefferson Airplane onstage at the "MagiC Mountain Music Festivar Mount Tamo/pais June 1 " 1967 I Photo: Suki Hill PUBLISHED BY Mill Valley Historical Society 375 Throckmorton Av.enue, Mill Valley, Co. 94941 www.millvalleyhisrorica/sociery.or9 2011 MILL VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW 3 The Birth Of The Rock Festival I by Paul liberatore photos by 5uki Hill It was 1967, the Summer of Love, and fo r one momentou s weekend, Mill Valley was the center of the counter culture universe. For t wo extraordinary days, June 10 and 11, as many as 20,000 young people converged on our peaceful. woodsy town for the Fantasy Fair and Magic M ou ntain Music Festival, a seminal rock and roll concert cum carniva l in the Cushing Mem oria l Amphitheater on the east peak of Mount Tamalpais. "There have never been so many people in that amphitheater as at that moment , ~ wrote Bill Claxton, then a Tam alpais High School student. .in a 2010 Marin Independent Journal history blog edited by Mark Lomas. ul recall everyone was on their feet the whole time. I remember lots of stalls selling beaded necklaces and buttons (especially anti-Nixon ones)." The nrstoutdoor rock festiva l in history, it would foreshad ow Woodstock, Altamont, and the fam ed Monterey Pop Festival, which took place a week later, reducing Magic Mountain to a footnote in the chronicle of the Sixties. But what a foo tn ote. "It was ama;Z:ing, Clnd set me on the path 10. the S~mmer of love," Barbra Lose!, who was 15 when she atte nded the festival. posted on the Marin history site. "At 58, I still have the sam e m ind set as I did then. Magic Mountain. What a trip ... " The festival was produced by KFRC, a Top 40 AM station, and the lineup epitomized the co nfused state of the music business at t he time, when the status quo of the three-minute radio pop song was bei ng threatened by the emergence of album-oriented FM stations. It included pop and soul acts like the Fifth Dimen Sion, Oionne Warwick and Smokey Robinson & the Miracles, psychedelic rockers the Jefferson Airplane; Moby Grape and 13th Floor Elevators, Marin's own Sons of Champlin and Steve Miller (he lived by the Golf Clubhouse), L A. country rockers the Byrd s, who brought along the great Hugh Masekela to sit in on trumpet; Jim Morrison and the Doors, in their first big sh ow, when they were just starting to get hot with ~ Light My Fire," and a bunch of grou ps that lasted about as long as the pot smoke in the mountain air - Blackburn & Snow, Kaleidoscope, the Chocolate Watch Band, the Sparrow, among others. Ju st as is the practice now for the annual Mountain Pl ay (the only major 20 11 Mil l VA t t EY HISTORI CAL SOCIETY REVI EW 5 event, by the way, currently allowed in the Mountain Theatre), ticket holders were discouraged from driving to the site. They were ferried from the Marin Civic Center via Trans-Love-Bus-lines, the name a take on a lyric from the Animals' hit "San Francisco Nights." If you look at the photos of the festival by photographer Suki Hill and others that have survived the decades, you can see that the Love Generation was still in its embryonic stages. ~Noteveryone was a hippie,~ says Dawn Laurant, curator of the Marin History Museum's coming Marin Rocks exhibit. ~When you're looking in the crowd, most of the kids are wearing buttondown shirts and horn rim glasses and short hair. You see a few long hairs peppered here and there. but it's not all hippies yet. And I love that about this festival. It was just beginning to crest, before things fully peaked. It was just the beginning. And I really think that for Marin, it was the beginning of The acid by Owsley made it even more magical. the hippie invasion, only it wasn't quite an invasion yet. It was the beginning of this whole new movement." It was also the beginning of the rock concert bUSiness, before the almost military organization and high technology that would later turn live shows into the huge industry we're familiar with now. Tickets were all of $2, and the' proceeds, if there were any, were to go to the Hunters Point Child Care Center in San Francisco. A giant inflatable Buddha greeted concertgoers as they arrived. From the top rim of the stone amphitheater, they looked down on two stages, a main stage and a smaller one for lesser known bands. The main stage was decorated with six 14-foot-long, handmade banners, each one featuring a different astrological sign. After the festival, they were inexplicably thrown away, but were rescued from the trasH bin by a young concertgoer named .Mariposa de los Angeles, who kept them over the years and recently , Marty Balin of the Jefferson Airplane onstage at Sidney B. Cushing Memorial Theater, Sunday, June 11, 1967. (Opposite page) The 8yrds perform on June 11, 1967 donated them to the Marin History Museum. The museum kept one, a banner with the cancer symbol, for the Marin Rocks exhibit. Most rock fans have never heard of the Magic Mountain Festival, overshadowed as it has been by Monterey Pop and the other events that collectively fell under the rubric of the Summer of Love. And even people who were there may not be aware that it was originally planned for the weekend before, but was rained 8 out and rescheduled for the following weekend. As a consequence, some of the acts originally booked couldn't make the new date and had to cancel, most prominently Aretha Franklin. different advertised acts. The Marin History Museum has collected several of the festival posters, including one by the celebrated Sixties poster artist Stanley -Mouse" Miller. of the Because inclement weather the week before, the festival grounds were still wet and muddy. In the same kind of youthful abandon that would later be on display in the muddy antics at Woodstock, It was just beginning to crest before things fully peaked. who was replaced by Dionne Warwick. That explains why some of the festival posters have different dates and 2011 Mill VAl lEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW festival goers made the most of the slippery situation. The history museum has donated footage of young people sliding joyously down wet hill sides on sheets of cardboa rd. By most account s, there was an electricity in the air that didn't come exclusively from t he music. "I was there with my first true love and it was great; wrote Stephen Miramon in the Independent Journal history blog. ~The acid by Owsley (the Grateful Dead 's famed chemist) made it even more magical if you can believe t hat. Time stood stilt and everything was one. We ended up walking down the mountain to Mill Valley. The music played back in my ears that night and the memories never went away." There is some dispute over whether the Hell's Angeles provided security for the event. The history museum people seem to think they did, but other accounts have it that the Angels escorted the Jefferson Airplane to the site, but did not act as security guards. In any case, it was a peaceful weekend that passed without incident. ~ lt was such a fine little festival,~ a Marin history blogger, Jeffrey McMeans, recalled. "I stood on a place that had the best views of the whole frigging Bay Area with the biggest grin, thinking life would never be as fine as it was at that moment: o 201 1 M ILL VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REV IEW 9 2011 Mll[ VALLE - ISTORICAl SOCIETY REVIEW Village Music There is something about being in a vintage rec:ondl store that is magica l and nostalgic. It evokes a time before digital music could be stuffed onto a sterile drive, and our ears could be blown out by the overly compressed music found on iPods. Music in those days was more tactile. It almost implored listeners to engage all their senses to interact with it. Few can compete with the pleasures of holding a newly purchased LP in your hands, then cutting the wrapper and unveiling the cover's artwork and the magical black disc within. From the sights - the walls covered in vintage posters of concerts long ago, to the smells - the chemical tang of vinyl, and the stale, earthy, mustiness of the record covers themselves, the best vintage record stores also engage the visitor on a tactile and sensual level. Village Music was just such a place, walls and ceilings covered with posters, picture discs dangling in the air on fishing line, and all kinds of music memorabilia such as the high school senior yearbook photo of Janis Joplin and a framed piece of paper bolted to the wall from t he Carl Perkins Fan Clu b, autographed by Carl Perkins and all four of the Beatles. I bought Billy Joe my first Hits" by my first 45rpm record there, Royal 's "Cherry Hill Park'", and long playing record there, " Big the Rolling Stones. I'm sure that first experience of walking into that record store was a deep influence on my ·eventually opening up my own NMi li Valley MusicHshop three years ago. Village Music was origina lly in a location in the Sequoia Theatre building on Throckmorton Avenue. The original owner, Sara Wilcox, moved it to its famous location at 9 E. Blithedale Avenue in 1961. Mill Valley local Jo hn Goddard started working there when he was 13 years old and worked there through hig h school at Marin Catholic. Born in Marin County, John attended Park School. He left Mill Valley and the record store to attend a succession of colleges, ending at San Jose State. Not wanting to go to Viet Nam. he managed to flunk out of his draft physical with what was termed an ~incipient ulcer~. He then dropped out of school with the intention to work at the Post Office. 2011 MILL VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW 11 At about this same time, Sara Wilcox had tired of running the store and had found a buyer -- a retired sheet-music salesman who needed someone to run it for him. John agreed to become the store's manager. While in his car on the way to sign the final attorney's papers, the salesman had a heart attack and passed away before ownership cou ld be transferred. Sara Wilcox then suggested that John take over Village Music and give her a percentage of the profits until he had paid enough to buy the business. Af ter running a department store record department in San Jose and then being an Assist ant Manager at Oiscorama, at the age of 24, John now found himself t he owner of a record store. Originally, it had been a typical mom-and-pop store, wit h records, 12 saxophone reeds, guitar strings, tambourines, radios, record players, guitars, drums and a mish-mash of other stuff. The first thing he did was turn it into a proper record store. From this humble beginning in 1968, John took over a next-door space , and then finally added a third space to make it the well-known place it finally became. Village Music grew into a famous world -wide destination for record collectors. For a brief time, John had stores in San Anselmo and Rohnert Park, before deciding to consolidate all the stock into one large space. And what a space it was! Village Music had Howlin' Wolf's first royalty check on the wall, as well as Bing Crosby's Army 10 Card, mug shots of Janis Joplin when she was busted for shoplifting in Berkeley, and a pencil-written two 20 11 MI LL VALLEY HISTORICAL SO CI ETY REVIEW I page letter t hat Bill ie Holiday had w ritten to her drug dealer/husband from prison. This became an amazing collector's store run by a collector, and staffed by other collectors. I was one such collector by age 12 and joined John in the store as a staff member in 1979. I was on hand when John had a work party to expand into his third space and I was there when he had his first major in-store celebrity appearance featuring Cab Calloway. For John this was a risky event because he never received a clearance by Calloway to use his likeness as Village Music's logo. But Cab was flanered to be thought of so highly. The event was a great success with a line snaking through the aisles of the store as people patiently waited to get their albums or memorabilia signed. Village Music's reputation continued to grow, receiving quite a bit of national press helping to raise Mill Valley's profile. Major stars shopped there, did in-store appearances, played private parties for the store, and became John's friends. John once commented that it was wonderful to find a musical hero who you like as a person as well: get any better. The first time B.B. King came into the store, I was showing some music videos and I knew he was a l ouis Jordan freak so I put on some louis Jordan videos. B.B. King is a large man and half of my inventory is on the floor. At one point, I turned around • was thel"e when he hud his first nmjor in-store celehl"ity appearance feutllring Cab Calloway. "One of my favorite musical moments was going to the W.e. Handy Blues Awards show in Memphis and going backstage and having B.B. King introduce me to Carl Perkins as 'the owner of the best record store in the world'. For a music freak, it doesn't and he was gone. I found him sitting on the floor over on the aisle with legs kind of spread out looking through Oscar Peterson albums with one hand, waving his arms singing along with Louis Jordan. I thought, Oh, Jesus, nobody will believe this! ~ 201 1 MILL VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCI ETY RE VIEW 13 B.B. would then stop in at every tour. I was personally on hand when he arrived with his two full-size tour buses before heading to a hotel, and he generously let his entourage purchase records with his account and then had them wait while he shopped and bought boxes of blues and jazz records. It was amusing to see those buses try to lit in front of the Mill Valley Outdoor Art Club. On the 25th Anniversary of the San Francisco 81ues Festival, 8.B. stayed an extra day to come into the shop on his birthday and said to John, UI couldn't think of another place I'd like to be on my birthday! ~ Carlos Santana was also a good customer who came into the store on the day after 8i11 Graham died just to give John a hug. I saw him quite often and he always treated me with love and friendship George Lucas walked into the store shortly after ~Star Wars" opened and, according to John: '" thanked him for making one of my favorite movies, and he was ready for the Star Wars rap and I said 'American Graffiti ', and he said I have to thank you, , researched the entire soundtrack out of this store.~ The interior of Village Music wa s a virtual museum of pop music memorabilia phoro: Sukl Hill 14 20 11 M ILL VA LLEY HISTORICA L SOC IETY REVIEW When Mick Jagger was rehearsing for his first solo tour at Skywalker Ranch, he stopped in and said, ''I've been told this is a stop I should make before I leave town. He bought about $400 worth of mostly Reggae cassettes to listen to on the flight to Australia. N John also started throwing parties twice a year for his anniversaries and Christmas with both famous artists and those that he had always loved but were perhaps more obscure. It became one of the most prestigious tickets in town. An example from John: NMy 21st anniversary party was an evening with Elvis Costello and Nick Lowe and friends. Elvis did a solo set and then Nick Lowe did a solo set and then Elvis came out and played a set with James Burton and Jerry Garcia. Charles Brown performed, a couple of the Fabulous Thunderbirds, Sammy Hagar, Bob Weir, it was a pretty much an endless nonstop stream of music. It was the first time Elvis had met Jerry Garcia and I had the joy of introducing them .~ In the late 80's vinyl records were being replaced by CDs and the record companies encouraged their demise in a number of ways. With rising rents and a changing music demographic growing increasingly comfortable with. illegal downloading and copying, the music store as the sale outlet for music purchasing had become a rarity. In the end John was paying over $11 ,000 a month in rent (that's a lot of music to sell!) and was finding less pleasure in the business. When he started his store, 80% of sales were local, but by the end 80% of the business was from collectors from all over the world. On September 30th, 2007, John closed the doors to Village Music. The night before, we closed the store at 6pm and then returned at midnight for more than 24 hours of record selling madness. It was insanely fun and crowded with people buying records and memorabilia, all wanting to have a piece of this landmark to remember Seen at Village Music Photos from Top 10 bottom (pIlOlOf}rophffl unknown/: Jimmy Scott I Ruth Brown; Jerry Garcia I Hank Ballard; Carlos Santana I Ki m Wiison; John Goddard I Johnny Otis; John Goddard I Ry Cooder 20 1I MILL VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW 15 it by. I had to buy a few of my favorite posters off the wall to hang in my own store so that I could have a piece of that history on my walls! At the end of the evening, Austin de lone and lisa Kindred led everyone in a rousing version of ~Goodnight Irene" and then it was all over. It was sad. There were tears and hugs and the end of an era. John's passion for music remains one of the driving forces of his life. He started going to live shows at the age of 13. He saw little Richard at Mission High School in San Franci ~co and a package show at the Cow Palace with Fats Domino, Frankie lymon, Clyde McPhatter, The Everly Brothers, Paul John and wife, M ichael Cipo llina wi th Elvi s Costello 16 2011 MILL VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW Anka, Buddy Holly and Eddie Cochran . He sta rted collecting records, and then began working at Village Music to augment his collection. When he took over the store, he started buying and selling used records to increase his collection. It was always the music that came first. That is what I take away most from my experience of working there. John would always be able to talk about music with a Jerry Garcia or a Ry Cooder. It was from their sha red musical experience that friendships would blossom. After the store dosed, a few ex· employees took John and his late wife, Michael Cipollina out to Marin Joe's for an appreciation dinner. We were there to reminisce and let John know what working there meant to all of us. At the very next table was Carlos Santana eating dinner by himself. He gave John a hug and told him how important he was to the community as someone who followed his passion. He shook my hand and told me that whatever I did, be sure to follow my own passion as well, because he knew that I was planning on opening my own store. I try to take that lesson to heart every day. o He shook m y hand and told me that wltatever fdid, be su."e to follow Illy own passion. 2011 MilL VAl l EY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW 17 An Interview with Austin de Lone Playing Around: Live Music in Mill Valley For dose to 40 years local musician and band leader, Austin de Lone, has lived in Mill Va lley and p layed in all of its live music venues. We sat down for a conversation about his persona l history of playi ng live in town and why Mill ValJey remains such a fert ile place to hear live music. Photo: Wendy Elkin Where was your first live performance in Mill Valley? That was in a place called The Old Mill Tavern where Vasco is now. We came out to Mill Valley in June of72. My band (Eggs Over Easy) had just recorded our first album in Tucson. We found a house in Mill Valley where we lived as a band right up the street from The Office which would later become The Sweetwater. Our local tavern was The Old Mill Tavern. We spent a lot of time in there (laughs). After we'd been there for a couple of weeks they (management) said to us, 'What do you guys do? Do you guys work'? We told them we were in a band and had a record coming out. They didn't believe us and just laughed and said, 'Playa gig'. So we set up and started playing gigs. Eventually Fred Mart in, the Pattersons and John Nolan started The Sweetwater because they could see there was this happening (m usic) thing in town. How does a particular venue affect the performance inside? Well for one, it's the attit ude of the people who work t here. So there's a vibe that descends from t he top down. Also the hospita Iity (read: d rin ks) they offer you and what kind of PA system they have. And certainly there's the factor of what the room actually sounds like. We were a bar band and a lot of small rooms sound good as long as you don't play too loud. Which decade saw the most live music happening in Mill Valley? The 70's! A lot of music in t he 80s, but the 70's were just totally rockin'. 18 Why was Mill Valley in particular a magnet for live music in the ' 70s? In many ways life in Mill Valley was Simpler back then. The earl y 70's were an extension of the 60's. There was still a lot of positive idealism, hope for changing the world, and the peace/love movement had yet to be preemptej;! by corporate marketing departments and jaded politicians. The legendar9' .Old Mill Tavern was a veritable melt ing pot of hippies, rednecks, admen, musicians, hairdressers and so on. Mill Valley was a place where you could be yourself. It was a magical time. • Have you ever played more than one Mill Valley venue on the same date? Yes (thinking). I'm sure there were times when I did an afternoon show at The Sweetwater, then after, The Old Mill. Also when we did John Goddard's closing party we played at the 142 Throckmorton Theatre all day then we played all night across the street at The Sweetwater. That was really fun. Have you ever been tempted to open your own music venue? Mildly (grins). When Jeannie Patterson was getting out ofThe Sweetwater, there was a guy who owned a dub in the City who asked me if I would be his part ner because the owners of The Sweetwater building were looking for a local to spea rhead the operation. But it's a hard job, so I dunnO.It's a hard job ... (trails off) Has Mill Valley's reaction to live music changed over the years? In the history of The Sweetwater is an interesting barometer of the whole town. When The Sweetwater first st'arted everything was fine. Then there were a long series of meetings with locals and City ma nagement and they had to 2011 MILL VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW struggle to keep being able to do what they did. Then of course it became a legendary club, even internationally. By t he time the club was looking to move to a different location downtown 1 was surprised at how the town still embraced the idea of always having a great venue. They love the 142 Throckmorton, and hopefully The Woods will lift up t hat vibe of the club scene like The Sweet water. Why did a lot ofthe 70's musicians leave Mill Valley? Well the real estate boom in the late 70's and 80's turned a lot of things around and the town 't ightened up' after that. It lost some of its wide open, 'Wild West' character. A lot of people went, (looks at watch) 'time's up' and moved on. Was there a particular musical performance in Mill Valley which was never recorded that you now wish you had a recording of? I saw a show at The Sweetwater once with just Aaron Neville and a piano player named Amasa Miller from New Orleans Just the duo. Fantast ic! How can Mill Valley's live music scene improve? It's nice that Vasco is doing a music thing, and the Deuce is doing occasional music. Hopefully it will improve when The Woods is finished with its construct ion. That seems to be a club that people have adopted and quite enjoy going to. What's your hope for the future of live music in Mill Valley? I hope t hat t here will continue to be a place for all of the young kids coming up now to play and perform in. And I think (considering the 142 Throckmorton and The Woods) there will be. - Lippy Classical Music Fades In the late 1950's, Homestead Valley's community center, Brown's I-Iall, was no longer serving [he community very well. The Improvement Club was havi ng trouble meeting irs expenses. It was decided (0 prod uce at least one money· making event every l11onth. As a result. volunteers produ<;ed lectures, plays, an shows, concerts, dances. etc. In the winter of 1960/ 1961, the Ho mestead Valley Improvement Club presented a series of three Candlelight Concerts of classical music in Brown's Hall. The enthusiasm of the audiences, plus favorable press reviews, encouraged the music committee to present mort: such coneens. The Candlelight Gmccrts cominm.-d to be offered every winter for 20 years. Rm a coneen series itselr is only parr of the story. Tn 1977, the first Ca ndlelight Concert was preceded by a Homestead Christmas Medieval Feast. Forty gaily costumed residents met at a home on Melrose at 3 PM for a "jo lly hour" of mead, wassail and aphrodisiacs. This was followed by a procession to the Community Center for the feast: cock-a-Ieekie soup, crabbe, suckling pig, vegetables, and pears, all served by local wenches. Trumpet fanfares announced C".lch course. Tht: fC'.lSt was t:xcellent preparation for the concert. The San Francisco Pro-Musica played ancient music on ancient inst ruments. Subsequent Candlelight Concens in (ile 19n/1978 season featu red (he Dan z.i Woodwind Quintet from Holland, a recital by clarinetist frealon Bibbins of the San Francisco Symphony orchestra, and three concerts by the Bach to Mozart Chamber Players directed by Raymond Dliste. An outgrowth of the first Candlelight Concert senes had been a Mozart Fc.~lival in Stoltc Grovc held on the day before Labor Day in 196 1. It was such a success that annual Moun Festivals became a tradition in Stolte Grove for over 40 years. TIle 19n Mozart Festival orchestra consisted of2 1 musicians directed by Raymond Dustc. principal oboest of the San Francisco Symphony. The other musicians were from the San Francisco Symphony. Oakland Symphony, Marin Symphony and San Francisco Opera orchestras. There were four violins, tWO violas. two cellos. a bass, a harpsichord, a flute, a clarinet, tWO oboes, a bassoon, two Frt:nch horns, twO rrumpets, and two vocalists, a sop rano and a baritone. The program consisted of seven pieces compost:d hy Purcell, Mozart, Handel and Franceschini. Usually about 400 people would enjoy the music under the rt:dwoods in Stolte Grove along with good food and beverages. Afler lhe lurn of the cemury, fewe r than 200 came to the concerts, which were always held on the day before Labor Day. Financial losses moumed and the music com mittee decided that the 2004 concert would be the last one. Since 2007, the music committee has instead produced three highly succc...sful annual ja7.-Z fcstivals in the meadow at the community center on lhe day before Labor Day. Times change, but live music in Homestead Valley remains a constant. - Chuck Olden berg Groundbreaking ceremony for new library in Old Mill Park, 1965. Mill Valley Public Library Celebrates Its Centennial by Chuck Olden berg The Mill Valley Public Library has a distinguished history. In 1900, Mill Valley began maintaining a small public reading room in various downtown buildings. In 1904, Outdoor Art Club members established a library for townspeople at their new Clubhouse. The collect ion came from member and community donations and eventually grew to 750 volumes. The colle·etion and furnishings were then moved to the Assembly Room of the Firehouse. In 19D9 the library moved to the 5chlingman Building at Throckmorton near Madrona. 20 In 1908, Mill Valley voters approved the first library bond which authorized $2500 to purchase a permanent library site. The vote whether or not to acquire site was 122 Yes, and 67 No. later that same year, the Town Trustees passed Ordinance 138 establishing the Mi ll Valley Public library and appointed the first library Board of Trustees. library enthusiasts applied to the Carnegie Foundation for $20,000 to finance the library. In 1909, property taxes were increased to guarantee S200D/year to operate the library, as required by the Carnegie Foundation. The Spenser 2011 MILL VALLE Y HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW property on the corner of lovell and Madrona at 52 lovell was purchased for $2500. Andrew Carnegie (1835 - 1919) was an industria list. businessman, entrepreneur and a major philanthropist. He was born in Scotland and migrated to the United States as a child with his parents. He earned most of his fortune in the steel industry. In the 1870s, he founded the Carnegie Steel Company, a step which cemented his name as one of the "Captains of Industry~. By the 1890s, the company was the largest and most profitable industrial enterprise in the world. From 1901 forward, public attention was turned from Carnegiethe shrewd businessman with the acumen that enabled him to accumulate such a fortune, to:Carnegie the public~spirited philanthropist. In total, Carnegie funded some 3,000 libraries, located in 47 US states, and seven other English speaking countries. His method was to build and equip, but only on condition that the local authority matched that by providing the land and a budget for operation and maintenance. Mill Valley's Carnegie library opened on July 22, 1911. Miss lillian Gardner, youngest daughter of famous Mill Valley pioneer Jacob Gardner, was appointed librarian. In 1917 she was follow ed by Miss Sybil Nye who reigned over city books for 22 years. The Carnegie library served Mill Valley for 5S years. Efforts to build a larger library began in 1937. The hillside site of the Carn~gie library proved inconvenient, and the building was too small to accommodate the growth in the number of books. Overthe next several years, eleven sites were considered including a branch library in Park School, R&R garage at lovell and Corte Madera, the corner of Miller and Park, the Greyhound bus depot, the old post office, Dowd's Storage yard, Mill Valley lumber Yard, and the tennis courts at Boyle Park. Bond elections in 1956 and 1958 were defeated by narrow margins. The site ultimately selected, the upper part of Old Mill Park, was first mentioned in April 1959. In August 1959, the City Council increased property taxes to fund a new library building. In 1964, voters approved a bond issue. By this time, the Carnegie library was bursting at the seams with books and periodicals, and overcrowded with children and adult users of the library. In 1966, it was closed when he new library opened. In 1970, the Carnegie library was sold at auction for $16,500. In 1979, it was sold again, this time for $420,000 to Joseph leis who remodeled it into a luxurious 5100 sq. flo private home. Art exhibitions have been held in the home on several occasions. In 2000, the home was opened for the annual Walk-Into-History. It was sold again in 2010 for about $2.7 million. A portrait of Andrew Carnegie has been passed on from owner to owner. In 1964, over the objection of many loyal library supporters who opposed building the library on land in Old All bl()ck ()nd white photos courtesy of the Lucretia Little History Room, Mill Va lley Public Library 201 1 M ILL VALLE Y HISTO RICAL SOCI ETY REV IEW 21 .-- ~-. = , .. Serving Mill Valley Residents & Business Owners Since 1921 PEe K STANTON r N SUR . A NeE Peck-Stanton-Hockett Insurance Agency, Inc. 174 E. Blithedale Avenue PO. Box 459 Mill Valley, CA 94942 415-388-2236 ext. 18 phone 415-388- 1868 fax David R. Peck, President [email protected]
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