www.arizonatash.org 11th Annual Inclusive Practices Institute 2015 February 6th February 7th (10:00-4:00, lunch and snacks provided) (9:00-3:00, lunch and snacks provided) Deer Valley Unified School District Administration Offices 20402 N. 15th Avenue Phoenix AZ High Expectations and Accountability for Students with Disabilities Characteristics of Arizona Schools that Yield Great Gains for Students with Disabilities: High Flyers Fundamental Principles of Inclusion for ALL Students Learn about ADE's Inclusion Coalition Universal Design for Learning Positive Behavioral Supports Differentiating Instruction Autism Visual Supports - Make and Take Session Accommodations and Modifications Person Centered Planning $110 per person per day/ $180 for two days https://www.regonline.com/11thannualinclusivepracticesinstitutecopy Purchase orders and checks payable to Arizona TASH 5672 E. Hedgehog Place Scottsdale, AZ 85266, Fax 480-419-0602 Additional information and registration links at www.arizonatash.org Sherry Mulholland Andrea O’Brien [email protected] [email protected] 520-603-4010 602-717-8106 Friday February 6th I AM NORM Youth Strand for Middle and High School Students (10:00 am- 4:00 pm, lunch and snacks provided) I am Norm is a youth-created, youth-led movement formed to ignite change and committed to a world where people of various abilities have equal opportunities. With I am Norm, YOU can make a difference. Attend this workshop and learn how you can join youth from all over the nation who are working to redefine “normal” and make their communities more inclusive. At this workshop, you will: Work together to challenge “normal”, and create your own terms for promoting acceptance in your communities Learn how to become advocates and leaders, with tools that you can use to make your own clubs and groups inclusive. Take it back with you, and your club could become part of our national network* of New Norm Clubs! Make your own I am Norm video to show what you’ve learned and to promote inclusion nation-wide. Your video could end up being featured on our website!* *Privacy release forms are required before any youth’s image or information can appear on I am Norm’s website or networks. For middle school and high school youth and accompanying teachers ($35 per person) https://www.regonline.com/11thannualinclusivepracticesinstitutecopy Purchase orders and checks payable to Arizona TASH 5672 E. Hedgehog Place Scottsdale, AZ 85266, Fax 480-419-0602 Additional information and registration links at www.arizonatash.org Sherry Mulholland Andrea O’Brien [email protected] [email protected] 520-603-4010 602-717-8106
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