Financial reporting of Sky Group 19 December 2014 Sky News – Jeff Randall DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion Disclosure • The changes outlined in this presentation are draft proposals. • They have not yet been subject to audit and legal opinion, nor have they been approved by the Board. • There is therefore the potential for further changes to our disclosure before we report H1 results on February 4th, 2015. • Any KPIs or financials are illustrative only. 2 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion Introduction • Sky has created Europe's leading entertainment company after completing the acquisition of Sky Italia and a majority interest in Sky Deutschland. • Our expectation is that this will lead to some changes to our external financial reporting. • Our objective is to better align our external reporting with our strategy, to enable the investment community to better understand the key drivers and results of our business and to align external and internal management reporting. • In order to proactively help investors and analysts, this presentation outlines some of the potential key changes to our external reporting. 3 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion Contents •1 Operating segments •2 Operating metrics and disclosure •3 Changes to how we display our financials •4 Primary financial statements •5 Adjusted profit •6 Deferred tax •7 2015 external reporting calendar 4 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 1 Operating segments 5 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 1 Operating segments • Historically, the BSkyB Group has disclosed a single reportable segment comprising the whole of the UK and Ireland business. • We propose to present three segments for the enlarged Sky Group. This is to reflect the different: - competitive set in each market - economic and regulatory environment in each market - stages of maturity of the businesses • The three segments are: - UK and Ireland - Italy - Germany and Austria • The results for Germany may continue to be published additionally by Sky Deutschland for so long as the business remains listed. 6 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 1 Operating segments • We will have an eliminations column which will include any inter-segment trading – for example, the sale of set-top boxes and programming between businesses. • We will not be presenting a segmental split of assets and liabilities. – The Sky Group has one Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement • As well as presenting statutory financials in sterling, we may provide narrative commentary using a “constant currency” method to show the underlying performance of the business. • As well as presenting statutory financials, we may provide pro-forma financials for the Group to show the underlying performance of the business. 7 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 1 Operating segments UK and Ireland Including six months of revenue and costs Illustrative proposed extract from Note 2 of the press release Segmental income statement for the half year end 31 December 2014 UK & Ireland £m Italy £m 2014/15 Half Year Germany & Austria £m Subscription Transactional Wholesale and syndication Advertising revenue Other revenue Revenue [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] Inter-segment revenue Revenue from external customers [X] [X] Programming Direct network costs(i) Sales, general and administration Operating expense £m Group Total £m 2013/14 Half Year Group Total £m [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] 3,096 119 208 237 97 3,757 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] 3,757 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] (1,311) (414) (1,467) (3,192) EBITDA Depreciation and amortisation [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] 794 (229) Operating profit [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] 565 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] 21 6 (65) 527 Share of results of joint ventures and associates Investment income Finance costs Profit on disposal of available-for-sale investments Profit on disposal of associate Profit before tax Eliminations Germany & Austria/Italy Including revenue and costs since acquisition date (13th November 14) Old comparatives as reported last year for the UK and ROI 8 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 2 Operating metrics and disclosure 9 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 2 Operating metrics and disclosure • Our previous disclosure was a legacy of the period in which we were a standalone DTH business. • Our focus today is fundamentally on growth based on multiple products and routes to market. • To reflect the increased breadth of the business and to align the metrics across the Group, we propose to formally report on four headline non-financial KPIs for each territory: – Customers – Products – Churn – Local currency ARPU • These are not exclusive and in addition, we will provide narrative commentary by territory and this will include more granular information, for example growth of broadband in the UK and ROI 10 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 2 Operating metrics and disclosure • Where applicable, we expect to align calculation methodologies and definitions to ensure consistency across the Group – Where we do this, we will provide historic comparatives on a restated basis • For example, the three Skys currently calculate churn differently: – UK and ROI use a quarterly annualised method – Italy use a 52 week rolling method – Germany report both • In this case we expect to adopt rolling 52 week for all territories and to provide, if material, comparatives on each basis. 11 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 2 Operating metrics and disclosure Proposed quarterly table as included as Schedule 2 of the press release All figures (000) FY12/13 unless stated Q1 UK and Ireland 10,654 FY13/14 FY14/15 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 10,742 10,812 11,153 11,224 11,330 11,420 11,495 11,546 Germany and Austria Italy Retail customers UK and Ireland 28,898 29,513 30,228 31,634 32,434 33,307 34,071 34,775 35,535 UK and Ireland Customers and products as reported at Q1 – these will not change. Germany and Austria Italy 4,035 Churn and ARPU may have some small changes as we align methodologies. Germany & Austria/Italy We will disclose historical KPIs prior to H1 results. Total Products UK and Ireland Germany and Austria Italy Wholesale customers Churn UK and Ireland Germany and Austria Italy ARPU UK and Ireland (£) Germany and Austria (€) Italy (€) GBP/€ (average) 3,714 3,751 3,801 3,677 3,617 3,624 3,602 4,041 10.9% 10.3% 10.8% 10.9% 11.0% 10.8% 10.9% 10.7% 11.0% £542 £558 £567 £569 £559 £570 £571 £576 £576 12 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 3 Changes to how we display our financials 13 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 3 Changes to how we display our financials: Revenue • We expect to make small changes to the way we display our revenue. • The main reason to do this is to reflect the increasing breadth of our business. • We currently report transactional revenue across different revenue lines in our P&L. We intend to introduce a new revenue line item, Transactional revenue, which will combine all the transactional revenue we receive. Examples of this include: – a customer buying a Sky Store movie – NOW TV sports day pass (NB that a monthly subscription is reported in Subscription revenue) • We propose to consolidate the revenue we derive from monetising our channels and programmes across other platforms (Wholesale, Sky Vision, sublicensing) into a new single Wholesale and syndication line. • To simplify our income statement we are combining the relatively immaterial amount of revenue that we receive from Hardware, Installation and Service into the Subscription revenue line. • These changes are summarised in the reconciliation on slide 15. 14 1 Currently includes Sky Bet fH en to IS to Su bs cr ip tio New 6,255 85 20 (82) 6,278 85 (85) Wholesale 407 2 Advertising 472 15 Other 1 398 Total Revenue 7,617 - ov em en tf ro m n re Ot ov ve e h TV m er nu to tr ent e an o Su f sa S bs M ct ky re ov io S vs na to em l r re e a W en vs n ho t o )f d S le f S s ro p a l ky M m or e a IQ ov Su ts em nd a bs PP e Sy nd to V r fr nt S nd e om o Tr ev f ica arc an s ( Ot Sp tio h r sa inc o he rt ev n ct N rt ss M or s f io O ov o yn r na W Ad o W d em m lr v ho ic er O ev en a l t t e s ti s he i to s o al n in r fW e g r to an and ev ho d Sk s le S yn y sa le di V is ca io PP tio n V to n r ev re s Tr vs an sa ct io na lr ev s HIS M Subscription Old M FY 14 ov em 3 M DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion Reconciliation from old disclosure to new: UK & ROI revenues in FY14 - 82 (20) 27 (17) (27) - 3 85 (3) 433 Wholesale and Syndication 487 Advertising 334 Other 7,617 Total Revenue - Subscription HIS Transactional 15 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 3 Changes to how we display our financials: Costs • We may also make some small changes to our cost lines. • We’ll continue to report programming costs for each segment. • We expect to combine the sub-categories of our other operating costs for statutory purposes within a single Selling, General and Administration cost line. We’ll provide a split of this by territory and continue with additional narrative commentary, particularly around marketing costs within SG&A. • We will continue to report Direct Network costs for our UK and ROI business. However, this line is not relevant for Germany or Italy due to the nature of their operations. For information, Direct Network costs include, amongst other things: – LLU rental – Broadband and WLR connection costs – New Line Provision – Customer migrations – Content delivery network costs 16 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 3 Alignment of accounting policies • There are currently some differences in the ways in which each territory recognises revenue and costs. Differences of accounting policy • We are reviewing the accounting policies in each territory to align with the accounting policies of the Sky Group. • This will result in the accounting policies of Italy and Germany being aligned with those of UK and ROI for the purposes of our Sky Group accounts. • Generic examples of this could be asset lines and programming amortisation. Differences of fact • Where there are differences of fact and commercial circumstances, the accounting policies in each territory will reflect this. For example: – the UK and ROI treat the accounting for set-top box costs differently to Germany and Italy. This is because of differences of fact regarding who owns the set-top box in each territory and accordingly we do not expect this to change. 17 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 4 Primary financial statements 18 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 4 Primary financial statements: Income Statement Condensed Consolidated Income Statement for the half year ended 31 December 2014 Revenue Operating expense EBITDA Depreciation and amortisation Operating profit 2014/15 2013/14 Half year £m Half year £m 3,757 (3,192) 794 (229) 565 Share of results of joint ventures and associates 21 Investment income 6 Finance costs (65) Profit on disposal of available-for-sale investment - Profit on disposal of associate - Profit before tax Taxation Profit for the period • We expect minimal change to our primary financial statements (income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement). 527 • The consolidated income statement is extended in order to apportion the result of Sky Deutschland to Sky Deutschland’s minority German shareholders. • Earnings per share is calculated after deducting the portion of the Germany result attributed to minority shareholders. (116) 411 Profit for the period attributable to: Equity shareholders of the parent company 411 Non–controlling interests 411 19 Numbers are illustrative. DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 4 Primary financial statements: Balance Sheet Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2014 31 December 31 December 30 June 2014 2013 2014 £m £m £m • The balance sheet will consolidate all the assets and liabilities of the Sky Group. Non-current assets Goodwill 1,028 1,019 Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment 747 1,035 810 1,088 170 578 173 533 Deferred tax assets Trade and other receivables 29 17 31 20 Programme distribution rights 19 7 221 3,844 195 3,876 1,017 546 Trade and other receivables Short-term deposits 613 395 635 295 Cash and cash equivalents Derivative financial assets 765 4 1,082 15 2,794 2,573 6,638 6,449 Investments in joint ventures and associates Available-for-sale investments Derivative financial assets Current assets Inventories Total assets • The opening acquisition balance sheet will include new intangible assets relating to the existing customer contracts in the acquired businesses. • The difference between the assets acquired and consideration paid will increase the Sky Group’s goodwill balance. • Similar to the income statement, the balance sheet will also apportion the net assets of the German territory between the Group’s shareholders and the minority shareholders of Sky Deutschland. 20 Numbers are illustrative DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 4 Primary financial statements: Cash flow statement Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the half year ended 31 December 2014 2014/15 2013/14 Half year Half year £m £m Cash flows from operating activities Cash generated from operations Interest received Taxation paid Net cash from operating activities 774 6 (135) 645 Cash flows from investing activities Dividends received from joint ventures and associates Net funding to joint ventures and associates • We expect the changes to the Group cash flow statement to be minimal. 17 (2) Proceeds on disposal of investments Purchase of property, plant and equipment (122) Purchase of intangible assets (123) Purchase of subsidiaries (net of cash and cash equivalents purchased) Purchase of available-for-sale investments (20) (2) Decrease in short-term deposits Net cash (used in) from investing activities 200 (52) • Cash flows from operating and investing activities will include payments and receipts of the Italian and German territories. • Cash outflow for ‘Purchase of subsidiaries’ will include the cash element of consideration paid. Cash flows from financing activities Net proceeds from borrowing Repayment of obligations under finance leases Proceeds from disposal of shares in Employee Share Ownership Plan (“ESOP”) (1) 4 Purchase of own shares for ESOP (164) Purchase of own shares for cancellation Interest paid (115) (69) Dividends paid to shareholders of the parent Net cash used in financing activities (298) (643) Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents (50) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 815 765 Numbers are illustrative • Cash raised in debt and equity markets to finance the transaction will be shown as inflows in the financing section of the statement. 21 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 5 Adjusted profit 22 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 5 Adjusted profit • In common with most FTSE companies, we present our financials on an adjusted basis to allow you to understand the underlying performance of the business. • We’ll continue to provide statutory financials and provide a reconciliation between statutory and adjusted. • This is not a change. For example, following our previous acquisition of O2’s consumer broadband and fixed-line telephony business in April 2013, we adjusted for the costs of the integration. 23 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 5 Adjusted profit • The transaction will add new items to our reconciliation from statutory to adjusted measures. • As communicated as part of the transaction, there will be a number of substantial one-off items this year including: – – – – Profit arising on the disposal of part of our investment in ITV Profit on disposal of our stake in National Geographic Fees and costs associated with the transaction and financing One-time costs of achieving synergies (likely to be some this year and more in the following few periods) • There will also be a number of new, recurring adjusting items including: – Amortisation of acquired intangible assets (principally the value of customer contracts arising from the acquisition accounting process), in line with the practice adopted for the acquisition of the O2 broadband business – The deferred tax charge (see section 6) that arises in each period as the acquired tax losses in Germany are utilised. This will align our results more closely to cash tax paid, after taking relief for the losses 24 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 5 Adjusted profit Extract from Note 5 of the press release 2014/15 Half year £m Reconciliation from profit for the period to adjusted profit for the period Profit for the period xxx Profit on disposal of available-for-sale investment xxx Profit on disposal of associate xxx Advisory and transaction fees and finance costs incurred on the purchase of Sky Italia and Sky Deutschland xxx One-time costs of achieving synergies xxx Amortisation of acquired intangible assets Remeasurement of all derivative financial instruments not qualifying for hedge accounting and hedge ineffectiveness xxx Tax effect of above items xxx Reversal of deferred tax charge relating to acquired German tax losses xxx Adjusted profit for the period xxx xxx 25 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 6 Deferred tax 26 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 6 Deferred tax • We expect to be able to utilise Sky Deutschland’s historical losses of €2.6 billion to reduce our current tax payments. • The value of these losses will be recognised in full as a deferred tax asset in our opening acquisition balance sheet. • Our current estimate is that the deferred tax asset is worth in the region of €700 million. • The deferred tax asset will be unwound through the income statement as the acquired losses are utilised. There is no time limit on their utilisation. • We will exclude this deferred tax charge from our adjusted earnings measures in order to align our results more closely to cash tax paid after taking relief for the losses. 27 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 7 2015 external reporting calendar 28 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion 7 2015 external reporting calendar Proposed reporting date: Enlarged group • Historically BSkyB has been one of the fastest reporting companies in the UK. 2014/15 Q2 Wednesday 4 February 2014/15 Q3 Wednesday 6 May • Sky Deutschland’s own external reporting is later and our enlarged group will become more complex to account for and audit. 2014/15 Q4 Wednesday 5 August • We will therefore align reporting dates for our quarterly earnings releases making them later by around a week 2015/16 Q1 Wednesday 4 November • We expect Sky Deutschland to report the same day so long as they remain listed. 29 DRAFT - Subject to audit and legal opinion We’re here to help Edward Steel [email protected] +44 207 032 2093 Lang Messer [email protected] +44 207 032 2657 Robert Hope [email protected] +44 207 032 2654 30
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