technical data sheet BRANE VHP ® PERMEABLE MEMBRANE LIGHT DUTY NON - REFLECTIVE MEMBRANE WALL WRAP VERY HIGH VAPOUR PERMEANCE Product Code: TSVHP-82 DECLARED TOTAL SYSTEM R-VALUES Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP is a Very High Permeance, High Water Barrier building membrane The contribution of this product to the total R-value depends on installation and environmental conditions. The R-value will be reduced in the event of the accumulation of dust on upward facing surfaces and in those cavities that are ventilated made with a three-layer construction: two outer layers of spun-bonded fabric protecting an inner core of Very High Permeance membrane. L.C. / WEATHERBOARD WALL, with one layer of Trade Select Brane® VHP + two layers of PLEATED SILVERBATTSTM TM This design overcomes the shortcomings of typical single-layer products, which often either have much lower permeance (and are therefore unsuitable for applications where a Very High Permeance is required); or otherwise are not reliably waterproof, or do not even claim to be waterproof. The advanced product design of Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP ensures a Very High Water Vapour Transmission (WVT) rate of 1584 grams per square metre per 24 hours under standard test conditions and a guaranteed High Water Barrier tested in accordance with AS/NZS 4200.1:1994 Pliable building membranes and underlays, Part 1: Materials; both of these properties captured in one product ensures Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP is the most CALCULATION REF: 299w39b 3.0 SUMMER R 2.6 WINTER RT T L.C. / WEATHERBOARD WALL, with one layer of Trade Select Brane® VHP + R2.6 Fibrous Batt TM efcient product possible. Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP is an important element in the design of buildings to avoid future condensation risks and associated structural problems of decay and corrosion, as well as “sick building syndrome” caused by mould. Construction CALCULATION REF: 299w5021 3.1 SUMMER R 2.8 WINTER RT Non-woven polymer fabric Very high permeable membrane T BRICK VENEER WALL, with one layer of Trade Select Brane® VHP + two layers of PLEATED SILVERBATTSTM TM Non-woven polymer fabric Application Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP is used as a wall wrap behind bre cement and timber cladding in most Australian climates. (Note: it is NOT recommended for this application in the humid tropics, use Medium Vapour Barrier Trade Select Wall Wrap instead.) CALCULATION REF: 299w321 SUMMER SUMMER R 2.9 3.4 SUMMER WINTER RT T Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP can be used as wall wrap in brick veneer construction (However, Trade SelectTM SILVERBRANE HPTM High Reective membrane is the preferred membrane for this application outside the humid tropics). Specications WATER VAPOUR TRANSMISSION RATE 1584 g/m2·24hr (23°C, 50% RH) AMETALIN WVT CLASSIFICATION Very High Vapour Permeance VAPOUR RESISTANCE 0.08 MN•s/g UV RESISTANCE 3 Months DTE-41605-2 TSVHP-82 technical data sheet BRANE VHP ® PERMEABLE MEMBRANE LIGHT DUTY NON - REFLECTIVE MEMBRANE WALL WRAP ClassiÀcation Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP classiÀcations under AS/NZS 4200.1:1994 PRODUCT Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP AS/NZS 4200.1:1994 FLAMMABILITY INDEX AS 1530.2-1993 Low Low 5 DUTY AS/NZS 4200.1:1994 Light* ClassiÀcation RESISTANCE TO WATER PENETRATION AS/NZS 4201.4:1994 High High VAPOUR BARRIER ASTM E96 Low (PROCEDURE B) ClassiÀcation BURST STRENGTH AS 2001.2.19-1988 254 N 200 N EMITTANCE AS/NZS 4201.5 0.42 Value CALCULATED REFLECTANCE 58% * Based on minimum value for burst strength. WATER VAPOUR TRANSMISSION RATE: 1584 g/m2·24hr (23°C, 50% RH) TRADE SELECT CLASSIFICATION: VERY HIGH PERMEANCE Installation Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP should be installed in accordance with AS/NZS 4200.2:1994 Pliable Building Membranes and Underlays, Part 2: Installation Requirements. Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP is to be installed horizontally as a continuous membrane by pulling taut and Àxing to all framing members with the printed side facing out. Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP should extend from the top plate to the bottom plate on concrete slabs or bearers in timber construction. During installation use Àx galvanised clouts or staples in timber construction, and tech screws in steel construction. In high wind areas it is recommended to use Áat, punched multi-point fasteners, or cap screws. Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP should be overlapped no less than 150 mm at all joins to facilitate drainage. To shed water outwards, stagger and overlap all joins. If using a stapling tool, take care not to puncture live electrical cables. Any damage made to Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP during installation, including holes and tears, must be repaired. Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP is not designed to withstand prolonged direct exposure to UV light and the elements. Outer cladding should be installed without delay. Health and Safety Information Ametalin has assessed this product according to the criteria outlined in the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC): 1008 (1998) and NOHSC: 1005 (1999). As a result of the assessment, this product is classiÀed as non-hazardous according to the NOHSC criteria. NCC/BCA Compliant Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP complies with AS/NZS 4200.1:1994 and therefore satisÀes all general requirements of the National Construction Code and Building Code of Australia. Dimensions Trade SelectTM Brane® VHP is sold in sizes: 2740 mm x 30 m (82.2 m²) The speciÀcation of permeance of building membranes depends on a number of factors including construction type, materials, climatic data, site-speciÀc conditions, and very importantly settings and maintenance of air conditioners as well as care taken to avoid damage to the membranes. The Trade Select web site provides guidance to assist designers in understanding the issues surrounding water vapour management in buildings, and offers solutions for a notional “typical” building at a number of locations around Australia. It should be understood that our guidance is just that; it is not deÀnitive advice upon which to base a design decision. Users are advised NOT to rely on Trade Select’s general guidance, but to seek advice from a qualiÀed engineer based on actual design and site conditions. It is almost impossible to guarantee that a building will never have condensation problems. The object of our guidance is to assist designers in making an appropriate trade-off between risk and cost. Correctly specifying building membranes – vapour barriers, vapour retarders and permeable membranes as appropriate -, to manage vapour movement and reduce the risk of moisture problems, should be based on a hygrothermal analysis during critical months. This examines the temperature and dew point proÀles through the building element. Trade Selects consulting engineers can undertake a project-speciÀc hygrothermal analysis based on parameters supplied by the client at a relatively modest cost. © Amalgamated Metal Industries 2011 All rights reserved. Information in this publication and otherwise supplied to users as to the subject product is based on our general experience and is given in good faith, but because of particular factors which are outside our knowledge and control and affect the use of products, no warranty is given or to be implied with respect to either such information of product itself, other than that on the label, in particular about the suitability of the product for any particular purpose. The purchaser should independently determine the suitability of the product for the intended purpose. In high wind areas it is not recommended to install using only double sided tape to foil side. This product should be stored in a cool dry place. AUSTRALIAN DESIGNED, AUSTRALIAN OWNED. Australian Refletive Insulation 51 Hawthorn Rd, Burpengary.AMALGAMATED 4505 QLDMETAL INDUSTRIES PTY. LTD. 41-43 Birralee Road Regency Park SA 5010 T: 1300 37 38 39 F: 07 3102 0501 T: +61 8 8347 0941 F: +61 8 8347 0915 E: [email protected] E: [email protected]
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