曲がる余剰次元と宇宙項 - braneworld cosmology - G 8 GT ? YITP, Kyoto U Misao Sasaki Plan of this talk 1. Introduction --- relativist/cosmologist’s view of braneworld --- Randall-Sundrum’s (single) braneworld 2. Brane cosmology from the bulk point of view 3. Alternative models --- DGP model, Bulk inflaton model, … 4. Einstein Gauss-Bonnet braneworld 5. Summary 1. Introduction Braneworld domain wall with matter fields 3-brane = 4D time like (singular) hypersurface in 5D spacetime (bulk). Brane tension (s) vacuum energy 0 → self-gravitating domain wall Causality on the brane causality in the bulk Ishihara ‘01 A new picture of the Universe! Two different views on gravity in the bulk string (~particle) picture geometrical (~wave) picture emission of closed loops spacetime fluctuations This talk is based on a view from this standpoint Need to UNIFY the two pictures! One fact worth keeping in mind …. In General Relativity or any theory with 1/rn-2 force law in n-dim spacetime, embedding a self-gravitating brane with co-dim > 2 ie, object with T~ dp(x) where p>2 in n-dim will generically form a black hole (brane)! Example: n=4 thin (singular) limit • domain wall (p=1) → OK • string (p=2) → marginally OK • monopole (p=3) → BH! need to consider a thick brane for co-dim>2 (future issue) Randall-Sundrum’s (single-) braneworld RS ‘99 ··· 5D Einstein theory with 5<0 1 S 2 d 5 x g R 25 ) d 4 x q s 4 25 M5 ds 2 dy 2 e 2 y 5D Anti-de Sitter (AdS5) dx dx for 52s 6 5 • Warp factor b(y)e-|y|/ decreases exponentially as |y|→. b y) e y • Extra dim is effectively compact with size ~ • gravity is confined within |y| Z2-symmetry ; 2 6 5 4 on the brane vacuum energy s s 1 4 5 2 12 2 5 ) 0 for RS flat brane ) 2 On scales > , gravity reduces to 4D Einstein. On scales < , 5D Einstein gravity is recovered: G5 M G5 M G4 M Newton 2 r r r r for a point mass M on the brane. 8 G4 42 52 Randall & Sundrum ’99 Garriga & Tanaka ’99 Only gravity propagates in the bulk Experimental bound: <0.1 mm (‘large’ extra-dimension) cosmology of the early universe is modified significantly ( <0.1 mm t <10-13 sec) 2. Brane cosmology from the bulk point of view Binetruy et al. (’99), Krauss (’99), Ida (’99), ... 5D AdS-Schwarzschild as a bulk 2 dR ds 2 A R ) dT 2 R2d2K ) ; A R) T n A R) K R2 ; R K 1, 0, 2G5 M BH mass 2 2 Induced metric on the brane 2 dsbrane "bulk" 2 R ) 2 2 A R ) T ) d A R) R2 d2K ) d 2 R2d2K ) R Junction condition A R) R T 52 6 s RS ) 2 52 6 1 ; s RS 2 K R K 2 4 H 2 2 1 R R R 3 12 2 4 6 2 5 RS flat brane's value 2 4 R 42 8 G4 52 • Cosmological evolution deviates from 4D at H 1 • /R4 term due to BH in AdS bulk (5D Weyl tensor ‘E’) ~ ‘radiation’ on the brane Shiromizu, Maeda & MS ‘99 dark radiation / Weyl fluid ~ conformal field AdS/CFT 3. Alternative models RS braneworld 5D Einstein gravity • Simplest non-trivial realization of braneworlds. • There are many other possibilities. • RS two-brane model → existence of ‘radion’ = distance between 2 branes radion is tachyonic in cosmology! m2~ -4H2 Gen & MS (’01) Frolov & Kofman (’03) may have interesting implications e.g., Kanno, Soda & Wands (’05) • DGP braneworld Dvali, Gabadadze & Porrati (’00) 1 1 5) 5 S 2 d x g R 2 d 4 x q 25 M5 2 4 4 4) R induced gravity on the brane 5D gravity on large scales: r > r0 4D gravity on small scales: r < r0 52 r0 2 4 IR modification of gravity: our universe will NOT be described by 4D Friedmann if r0~H0-1 2 1 1 4 H 2 2 3 r0 r0 r0 2 2 4 ‘Dark energy’ due to 5D gravity, leading to H=2/r0 • 5D theory may not be pure Einstein: scalar fields f (moduli, dilaton, …) ··· bulk inflaton model Kobayashi & Soda, Himemoto & MS, Maeda Wands (’00),… • 4,eff 1 5,eff 2 s ) 2 5 12 2 s 16 f 2 5 2 5,eff determined by 5D dynamics of f H2=4,eff/3 ··· Hubble parameter on the brane 1/2=-5,eff/6 ··· Effective AdS curvature in the bulk Low energy (H 1) effective theory on the brane = 4D Einstein-scalar system Minamitsuji, Himemoto & MS, Kanno & Soda (’03) Brane can inflate without inflaton on the brane, while the bulk is collapsing! Signatures of 5D bulk appear only if H 1 • bulk degrees of freedom = Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes y,x ) 0 x ) dp f p y ) p x ) ‘zero’ mode 2 9 2 m p H KK modes 4 ~ massive fields on the brane 2 KK modes are non-negligible when H 1 • important difference from KK cosmology: KK effects on the brane KK modes in KK cosmology (classical) KK modes act as negative energy dust on the brane! Minamitsuji, MS & Langlois ‘05 • 5D action with higher derivatives Gauss-Bonnet term ··· ghost-free; inspired by string theory LGB R2 4Rab Rab Rabcd Rabcd e.g., Mavromatos & Papantonopoulos ‘05 Einstein Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity: 1 S 2 d 5 x g R 25 LGB 2 5 M5 • • GB term is topological in 4D. EGB is non-trivial only for D5. Natural extension of Einstein theory in the sense that no derivatives higher than second appear in the field eqns. Lovelock ’71 • A brane can be consistently embedded in the EGB bulk despite the presence of R2 terms. Deruelle & Delezel ‘00, Charmousis & Dufaux ‘02 Davis ’02, Gravanis & Willison ’02, …….. 4. Einstein Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) braneworld 1 S 2 d 5 x g R 25 LGB d 4 x q Lbrane 4 2 5 M5 • EGB also admits AdS bulk, but with curvature radius given by 4 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 1- 1 or 2 1 + 1 2 4 3 4 3 4 convenient parameter 2 (We assume >0 & 5<0) 0 1 for -, 1 for + ‘-’ branch reduces to AdS in Einstein in the limit →0: 1/2 → 1/02 ≡-5/6 ‘+’ branch is known to be unstable (but may have interesting cosmological implications) • (Z2-symmetric) de Sitter brane in AdS bulk ds 2 dy2 b2 y ) dt 2 H 2cosh 2 Ht ) d23) b y) H sinh y / tension: s s RS 1 H 2 2 ) 2 1 1 2 H 3 ) de Sitter with radius H-1 2 ) 1 2 -1/2 ; s RS 6 52 t =const. hypersurface in 5D (two identical H4 cut and pasted at radius y=y0 , b(y0)=1) 0 • Flat (Minkowski) brane if s is tuned: ds 2 dy 2 e 2 y dx dx for s s RS 1 1 3 2 1 / 2 • Gravity on the brane reduces to 4D Einstein on scales > , as in the case of RS braneworld. (because the extra-dimension is essentially compact) However, …….. Gravity never becomes 5D even at short distances! Deruelle & MS ‘03 0 4 2 0.3 Newton Geff x ) M r ; x r scalar-tensor (~Brans-Dicke) theory at r < Davis ’04 0.6 0.9 Experimental bound on is relaxed substantially: 1km ~ < ~< 100km is also possible if ~ 1 Thus, 5D EGB leads to intrigueing possibilities that • Size (curvature radius) of the extra-dim may be macroscopic. ~10 km is an interesting scale for SN/NS/GW physics • Scalar-tensor gravity on the brane at short distances, while Einstein (tensor) gravity at long distances. Emergence of an (effectively massive) 4D scalar field Impact on the early universe cosmology? ~10 km t ~10-4 sec Linearized gravity on de Sitter brane Minamitsuji & MS ‘04 2 T □4 4H 2 ) 5 ; 2H 2 2 1) 6 1 d G h 3H 2 h 1 52 2 H 2 2 1 T fluctuation of brane position 1 ) pure Einstein? D D □4 3H 2 H 2 2 1 1 1 negligible at r y h y0 ) 5D (KK) effect 2 2 → BD gravity 2 H 1 1 y h y0 ) 52 dpGp y0 ; ) T p ,2 ) ‘KK propagator’ Integro-differential equations spin 2 part of matter stress tensor 5. Summary Braneworld gives a new picture of the universe Different models can lead to a variety of predictions difference can appear at short or long distances In DGP braneworld, 4D at r r0 , 5D at r r0 Infinitely large extra dimension “dark energy” without dark energy In EGB braneworld, BD at r , Einstein at r KK modes summed up to give 4D-like behavior Extra dim can be as large as ~ 10km Effect of KK modes (5D gravity) in the braneworlds is highly non-trivial: brane geometry effective 4D geometry in conventional KK cosmology KK modes lead to • cosmological constant in DGP • massive scalar in EGB • negative energy dust in RS • …. There are surely much more to be done in braneworld cosmology. string-inspired models, cosmological perturbations, ‘thick’ braneworld, higher co-dimensions, black holes, quantum effects, …. and observational predictions! any hint of deviation from Einstein? Models with instabilities should not be rejected at once. After all, instabilities are needed in cosmology!
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