M P STATE ELECTRONICS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD (A Govt. of M.P Undertaking) Tender Document For Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Servers, and other hardware and software components at MAP_IT, Bpl for CoE Project (Tender no. MPSEDC/CoE/2014/261) (Scanned copy of all pages of this document is to be submitted duly signed on each page.) M.P. State Electronics Development Corporation Ltd. 47-A, Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011 (M.P.) Ph.0755-2518300 Fax: 0755-2579824 INVITATION FOR BIDS Addl. Chief General Manager, MPSEDC Ltd., Bhopal invites sealed bids, from bidders for Supply, Installation and of Servers, and other hardware and software components at MAP_IT, Bhopal for CoE Project. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the office of MPSEDC ltd.; Bhopal. Bids are invited for the work mentioned hereunder: S n Items A Scope of Work: B C D E F G H I Cost of tender document: Processing Fee: Description Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Servers, SAN and other hardware and s o f t w a r e components at MAP_IT, Bhopal . 5000.00 (non-refundable) online . 250/- plus Service Tax Download of tender documents: Last date for submission of Pre-Bid Queries Last date of submission of Bid: Date of opening of technical bid: EMD: Date 23.01.2014 to 11.02.2014 Address for communication: MPSEDC LTD., 47-A, Arera Hills, BHOPAL (M.P.)BHOPAL (M.P.) Date 01.02.2014. Date 11.02.2014 up to 3.00 PM. Date 11.02.2014 at 4.00 PM. 2,00,000/- to be submitted Online Note: Tender document can be viewed/ downloaded from the website www.mpeproc.gov.in, www.mpsedc.com, http://mapit.gov.in/ and http://dit.mp.gov.in/ . Tenderer has to submit the document fee, processing fee and EMD amount Online. *All further notifications/amendments www.mpeproc.gov.in only 2 shall be posted on Letter for Submission of tender To, Dated --------, 2014. Addl. Chief General Manager MPSEDC Ltd., State IT Centre 47-A, Arera Hills Bhopal (M P) Ref: “Tender for Supply and Installation of Server & other Hardware and Software Components against tender No MPSEDC/CoE/2014/261 dated …………… due for opening on …………… Dear Sir, Having examined the tender document relating to the Supply and Installation of Server & other Hardware and Software Components as detailed in your tender, Conditions and scope of supply, Specifications etc., and having understood the provisions and requirements relating to the supply and all other factors governing the tender, We hereby submit our offer for the supply of the proposed items in accordance with terms and conditions and confirm our acceptance to execute the order within the time period specified in the tender document, at the rates quoted by us in the accompanying Technical & commercial Bid. If, after the tender document is accepted, we fail to complete the supply of the items as per the order. We agree that, M/s. MPSEDC LTD. Bhopal shall have full authority to forfeit the earnest money and cancel our order with no obligation on their part. We confirm having deposited earnest money of (Rupees two lakh only) online, and general information required is as per annexure attached. We further confirm that – i. ii. iii. iv. We have sufficient qualified manpower and necessary materials and after sales support to execute the order efficiently in the specified time schedule. The quoted rates shall be valid till the completion of the order but not less than 90 days. We further confirm that all chapters of the tender documents have been read, understood and signed and there is no deviation/discrepancy We agree to accept the extension order up to 100% quantity within six months of the issue of the order. Signature of the Tenderer With stamp and date 3 GENERAL INFORMATION AND EMD DETAILS 1 EMD Details Date of Submission of EMD online: Amount in 2 Name and Address of the Tenderer: 3 Contacts: 4 Telephones: 5 Fax: 6 E-mail: 7 Mobile No: 8 Category of the tenderer (Whether company, partnership firm or Proprietary concern) 9 Name of Chief Executive Officer and Telephone No. 10 Year of Establishment 11 Sales Tax/Commercial Tax/ CST nos. 12 Service Tax No. 13 Income Tax PAN/GIR No. 14 Name and Address of the Banker 15 List of major Clients of orders executed and the size Note: Separate sheets may be attached wherever necessary. Signature of the Tenderer With stamp and date 4 Terms and Conditions Contents of Bidding Documents for the Supply and Installation of Server & other Hardware and Software Components including O S as per specifications given in B O M, the bidding procedures and the terms of contract are prescribed here in under: 01. Eligibility Criteria: The following are the conditions, which are to be necessarily fulfilled, to be eligible for evaluation of the proposed solution. Only those interested bidders who satisfy the following eligibility criteria should respond to this Tender: • The products offered must be of high quality and manufactured by nationally / internationally reputed manufacturer having a minimum turnover of 500 Crore (Attach copy of the audited balance sheet) and ISO 9001 (Services and Manufacturing) and ISO 14001 certifications. • In case of the representative/ dealer, the representative/dealer must attach tender specific authorization letter (in the enclosed format in the tender form) from respective manufacturer for all the products quoted by him. • In case of dealer the bidder must have turnover more than . 2 crore, for three consecutive years. Attach copy of the audited balance sheet. • Bidder or manufacturer must have successfully executed at least 1 project (in the last three years) for the Supply, Installation of Hardware for a minimum value of 1 crore in the government sector (attach satisfactory completion from the authorized representatives of the client along with the work order). • The Bidder must have working office and service center in the state of Madhya Pradesh for at least three years (attach copy of MPST / CST / TIN issued by M.P. If the vendor does not have an office in M.P. he should establish the same within one month of receiving work order. 02. Amendment in Bidding Document by the Competent Authority At any time prior to the deadline for the submission of bids, the competent authority may, for any reason, whether on it’s own or in response to a clarification requested for by a prospective bidder, modify the bidding document by way of amendment(s). The prospective bidders having received the bidding documents will be notified of the amendment(s) so made in writing and such amendments shall be binding on them. In order to allow reasonable time to the prospective bidders for taking into account such amendment(s), in the preparation of their bids, the competent authority, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of bids. 5 03. Bid Price The bidders shall indicate on the prescribed Price Schedule, including item-wise and final Bid Price of the items listed Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the contract and shall not be subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price will be treated as non-responsive and rejected. 04. The EMD may be forfeited: If a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the bidder on the bid Form: or In case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails: (i) (ii) (ii) To accept the order To furnish performance security If the supplier, after accepting the purchase order fails to deliver the material/services as per the order. Any alterations, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if the person or persons signing the bid initial them. 05. Technical requirements The technical specifications as per annexure are the minimum configuration required. Higher specifications may be considered but no price weight-age for higher specifications shall be considered. 06. Warranty support System should invariably be warranted for a period of three years from the date of successful installation and commissioning. 07. Inspection Purchaser reserves the right to inspect the manufacturer/supplier works prior to supply. The supplied hardware shall be inspected by the MPSEDC Ltd.. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 08. Marking of Bids 6 The bidders shall submit EMD, technical bid (containing the technical specifications offered, literature leaflets, signed tender document etc) and commercial bid separately as per online submission process. 09. Payment: Payment: Payment shall be released by MPSEDC as per the following terms: Payment –80% of the value of goods supplied shall be released against proof of delivery of consignment to the destination places as per dispatch instructions on submission of bills in triplicate. Balance 20% shall be released after successful installation and commissioning of equipments. The bills for the purpose of payment shall be submitted to MPSEDC, Bhopal. No interest shall be payable on delayed payments due to what so ever reason. 010. Deadline for Submission of Bids Bids must be submitted online but not later than the time and date specified in the invitation of Bids. In the event of the specified date for the submission of bids being declared a holiday for the office of the competent authority, the bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day. 011. Late Bid Any bid received after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the competent authority, will not be accepted. BID OPENING AND EVALUATION OF BIDS 012. Opening of Bids Since it is a Two-bid system, Technical bid will be opened first by the Committee constituted for this purpose. If the technical bid specifications offered, EMD and deviations asked (if any) are found in order, the Committee will open commercial bid only for the eligible bidders. In case, the commercial bid is not opened on the same or next day of opening of technical bid the Committee may decide to open the commercial bid on subsequent dates. In such case the date, time and place of opening of commercial bid will be intimated to the bidders or their representatives. 013. Preliminary Examination Before starting evaluation, the bids will be examined complete, whether any computational errors have been have been furnished, whether the documents have been bids are generally in order. In case of computational error 7 to determine whether they are made, whether required sureties properly signed, and whether the the basic price will prevail. If bid is determined as not substantially responsive, the competent authority will reject it and only the substantially responsive commercial bids will be considered. The process of evaluation of bid is as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Committee, appointed by the MPSEDC LTD., will first verify that the Bid Security is in order and as per requirement of the bid. The Committee will examine the bid on Eligibility Criteria as specified. The scrutiny of technical proposals will be based on the Evaluation Criteria determined. The commercial bid will be opened only for the proposals, which are found eligible and technically acceptable by the Committee and approved. On the day specified for the opening of bid, the Committee, appointed by the MPSEDC LTD., will open the commercial bids of eligible bidders and scrutinize the same minutely. After scrutiny, the MPSEDC LTD. after having examined the proposal may accept the same or accept the bid price of any other bidder found suitable or reject all or any proposal. The decision of the MPSEDC LTD. in this regard shall be final and binding. The quantity mentioned in the tender document is as per our estimate. However, the department reserves the right to place order for the less/higher quantity or drop the items or segregated delivery schedule depending on the actual requirement. 014. Earnest Money Deposit/Performance Security The EMD of successful bidder shall be converted in performance security for the satisfactory performance/completion of the complete order (Including warranty period). 015. Contacting the Competent Authority Any effort on part of a Bidder to influence the Competent Authority or members of Technical/Monitoring committee, in its decisions on bid evaluation; bid comparison or contact award may result in rejection of the bidder’s bid. 016. General (i) Supply will be complete only when the full quantity is supplied and installed as per tender condition and accepted by us. (ii) Bid form shall be duly filled in, signed and complete in all respects (iii) The price should be inclusive of all taxes and local levies if any. On FOR destination basis. (iv) The rates should be free from all escalation. However, all Tax and duty benefits if applicable should be passed on to us. (v) Delivery period should not exceed 90 days from the date of order under any circumstances. The MPSEDC LTD. reserves the right to extend the delivery period, in the interest of the concerned dept. (vi) System should invariably be warranted for a period of three years from the date of successful installation and commissioning. (vii) The manufacturer authorization should be submitted by bidder Server & other Hardware Components separately as per the attached form. Bids not submitted online will be rejected. Conditional bids are liable to be rejected. 8 MPSEDC LTD. does not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the tender in full or in part without assigning any reason. MANUFACTURERS AUTHORIZATION FORM Ref No: …………………. Dated:………………… To, The Additional Chief General Manager M.P. State Electronics Dev. Corp. Ltd 47-A, Arera Hills, BHOPAL-462011 Tender No:……………………………………………… Due Date: ………………………. Dear Sir, We________________________________________who are established and Manufacturers of _________________________________________having factories reputed At__________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________(Address of the factory) do hereby authorize M/s___________________________(Name & Address of agent) to submit a bid, and subsequently negotiate and sign the contract with you against the above tender. We hereby extend our full guarantee, warranty and support and also in meeting warranty obligations by providing necessary spares in time for the goods & services offered by the above firm against this tender, as per standard as well as MPSEDC warranty terms. Yours faithfully (Name) (Name of the manufacturer) 9 Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer and should be signed by a person competent and having a power of attorney to bind the manufacturer. The bidder in its bid should include it. 10 Technical Specifications Note: Bidder has to provide the following items as required. High End Rack Server Sl. No. 1 Item Feature Requirements Chassis 2 U Rack Mountable 2 CPU 4 x Intel® Xeon® E5-4650 (2.7GHz/8core/20MB/130W). Server should provide an intelligent socket that would ease the installation of CPU to avoid errors caused by mis-inserting processors during install or upgrade. 3 CPU L3 CACHE Memory 20MB (1 x 20 MB) L3 cache (MAX) 4 Motherboard Intel® C600 Series Chipset 5 Memory 512 GB scalable up to 1.5 TB with DDR3 Registered (RDIMM) memory, operating at 1600MHz Server should support RDIMM with 3DPC@1066 at 1.35V MHz 6 Memory Protection Proposed memory should support identifying itself and authenticate with the server installed to increase reliability of the server Advanced ECC Online Spare Lockstep mode 7 HDD Bays Minimum 5 Hot Plug SFF SAS/SSD disks 8 Optical drive Bay USB DVD-RW 9 HDD carrier 10 Hard disk drive Hard disk drive should support "Do Not Remove" caution indicator to avoid human errors in replacing failed HDD or similar feature 3x Hot plug SFF SAS 10K 300 GB 11 Controller PCIe 3.0 based SAS Raid Controller with RAID 0/1/1+0/5/5+0 with 512MB battery backed write cache (onboard or in a PCI Express slot). Controller should support 512MB/1GB/2GB flash backed write cache 11 Compliance 12 Networking features Server should support one of the following: 1. 1Gb 4-port network adaptor supporting advanced features such as Large Send offload capability, TCP checksum and segmentation, VLAN tagging, MSI-X, Jumbo frames, IEEE 1588, and virtualization features such as VMware NetQueue and Microsoft VMQ. 2. 10Gb 2-port Ethernet adaptor supporting enterprise class features such as VLAN tagging, adaptive interrupt coalescing, MSI-X, NIC teaming (bonding), Receive Side Scaling (RSS), jumbo frames, PXE boot and virtualization features such as VMware NetQueue and Microsoft VMQ. 3. 10Gb 2-port Adapter providing Ethernet and iSCSI or Fiber Channel Over Ethernet (FCoE) connectivity using Converged Enhanced Ethernet (CEE) standards. This adaptor should support Hardware acceleration and offloads for stateless TCP/IP, TCP Offload Engine (TOE), Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), Jumbo frames and iSCSI. 13 Ports 14 Bus Slots USB 2.0 support With 7 total ports: (2) ports up front; (4) ports in back; (1) port internal and1 internal Secure Digital (SD) slot Six PCI-Express slots, at-least 5 with PCIe 3.0 (two x16 and three x8 slots) 15 Power Supply Redundant Power Supplies 16 Fans Redundant Fans 17 Industry Standard Compliance 18 Security ACPI 2.0 Compliant, PCIe 3.0 Compliant, PXE support, WOL Support, Microsoft® Logo certifications, USB 2.0 Support Power-on password Serial interface control Administrator's password Server should also support Trusted Platform Module microcontroller chip that can securely store artifacts used to authenticate the server platform. These artifacts can include passwords, certificates and encryption keys. 19 OS Support 20 Warranty 21 Provisioning Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Red Hat Enterprise Linux Virtualization, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Oracle Solaris for x86/x64 based Systems, VMware, Citrix XenServer 3 year warranty. Pre failure warranty on CPU, Memory and Hard disks Essential tools, drivers, agents to setup, deploy and maintain the server should be embedded inside the server. There should be a built -in Update manager that can update firmware of system by connecting online. 12 22 Remote Management 23 Server Management 1. System remote management should support browser based graphical remote console along with Virtual Power button, remote boot using USB/CD/DVD Drive. It should be capable of offering upgrade of software and patches from a remote client using Media/image/folder; It should support server power capping and historical reporting and should have support for multifactor authentication. 2. Remote management port should have at-least 4GB of NAND Flash to download the firmware from the website directly or from internal system. Server should support automated firware update. 3. Server should have dedicated 1Gbps remote management port 4. Server should support agent-less management using the out-of-band remote management port. 5. The server should support Active Health System which monitors and records changes in the server hardware and system configuration. It assists in diagnosing problems and delivering rapid resolution when system failures occur. 6. Applications to access the server remotely using popular handheld devices based on Android or Apple IOS should be available. 7. Remote console sharing up to 6 users simultaneously during pre-OS and OS runtime operation, Console replay - Console Replay captures and stores for replay the console video during a server's last major fault or boot sequence. Microsoft Terminal Services Integration, 128 bit SSL encryption and Secure Shell Version 2 support. Should provide support for AES and 3DES on browser. Should provide remote firmware update functionality. Should provide support for Java free graphical remote console. The Systems Management software should provide Role-based security Should help provide proactive notification of actual or impending component failure alerts on critical components like CPU, Memory and HDD. Should support automatic event handling that allows configuring policies to notify failures via e-mail, pager, or SMS gateway or automatic execution of scripts. 13 Should provide an online portal that can be accessible from anywhere. The portal should provide one stop, online access to the product, support information and provide information to track warranties, support contracts and status. The Portal should also provide a Personalized dashboard to monitor device heath, hardware events, contract and warranty status. Should provide a visual status of individual devices and device groups. The Portal should be accessible on premise (at customer location - console based) or off premise (using internet). Should support scheduled execution of OS commands, batch files, scripts, and command line apps on remote nodes Should be able to perform comprehensive system data collection and enable users to quickly produce detailed inventory reports for managed devices. Should support the reports to be saved in HTML, CSV or XML format. Should help to proactively identify out-of-date BIOS, drivers, and Server Management agents and enable the remote update of system software/firmware components. The Server Management Software should be of the same brand as of the server supplier. 24 Product Certifications Windows and Linux Certification, UL, FCC, Should be in the in the list of top 5 server brands as per IDC report published for India during year 2012. 25 OEM Certifications ISO 9001-14001, ISO 9001-2008 14 Sl. No. Item NETWORK LASER PRINTER Feature Requirements 1 Print speed Up to 40 ppm 2 First-Page-Out Less than 12 seconds 3 Resolution 1200 x 1200 dpi 4 Processor 600 MHz or Higher 5 Memory 512 MB 6 Duty Cycle Up to 150,000 pages 7 Input Capacity 500 Sheets 8 Duplex Yes - Automatic 9 Paper Sizes Multipurpose Input Trays (A4 & A3) 15 Complied (Yes/No) Sl. No. Item COLOR MULTI-FUNCTION PRINTER Feature Requirements 1 Print speed Color and black-and-white: Up to 30 ppm 2 First-PageOut Resolution As fast as 16 seconds from Ready mode 4 Copying features 5 Scanning features Color copying, reduce/enlarge from 25 – 200%, two-sided copying, collation, contrast adjustments, image adjustment, content orientation, Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF Scan resolution, optical: Up to 600 dpi Bit depth: 30-bit Scan size (flatbed), maximum: A4, Letter, A3 Scan size (ADF), maximum: A4, letter Scan speed black (normal): Up to 40 ppm Duplex ADF scanning: Yes Automatic document feeder capacity: 50 sheets File types: PDF, JPG, TIFF, 6 Faxing features 7 Processor Up to 33.6 kbps, fax forwarding, fax polling, speed dial, junk barrier, auto redialing, auto fax reduction, Windows faxing supported, up to 50,000 pages fax memory 600 MHz or Higher 8 Memory 512 MB 9 HDD Standard / 80 GB 10 Duty Cycle Up to 200,000 pages 11 Paper Input 12 Duplex 50-sheet ADF, 100-sheet multipurpose tray 1, 500-sheet trays 2 Yes - Automatic 13 Paper Sizes 3 Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi 50-sheet automatic document feeder (ADF): A3, A4, B4, B6, letter, legal, 16 Complied (Yes/No) SSL VPN APPLIANCE Complied (Yes/No) Feature Requirements Hardware: SSL VPN should be appliance based solution with purpose built hardware. Appliance Should have four Gigabit Ethernet interfaces (4x 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet). SSL VPN solution must Support 100 concurrent users and scalable up to 500 concurrent users on same appliance with no additional license upgrade Should have minimum 1 Gbps SSL throughput Should support at least 5 Virtual portal/virtual context and support up to 256 Virtual portals Must have integrated SSL hardware card for SSL encryption and decryption. Cluster & failover The SSL VPN solution must be in high availability mode with 1+1 clustering and Active-Standby support. The appliance must provide single management console for cluster configuration Should provide automated configuration synchronization from one node to another node in cluster. Should support configuration rollback function to reset to previously synchronized configuration. SSL features Clientless access SSL VPN solution should be 100% client less for web based applications must support for web based SSH access for VPN users should support URL masking of internal FQDN and IP addresses should maintain original server access control policies while accessing the file resources through VPN must support Single Sign-On (SSO) for web based applications and web based file server access Should have secure access solutions for mobile PDAs, Android smart phones, I pad, IPhones. Should have support web based not client based access to Desktop PC, servers and virtual infrastructure remotely through internet or intranet should support access to thin client applications i.e. Citrix Presentation Server applications, Microsoft Terminal Services applications and Telnet thin client Network & Application Access Should support any IP based application with bidirectional communication i.e. should support both server and client initiated traffic. On demand provisioning of L3 VPN client using ActiveX or JAVA applet, standalone and command line L3 VPN client support Should support different network pools defined per user or group Should support IPSEC tunneling within SSL VPN tunnel. Should support spilt tunnel, full tunneling control, network drive mapping, IP address assignment based on user, group, DHCP & radius must provide a single gateway access and common user experience across all platforms—including Windows®, Windows Vista, Windows Mobile, Linux® and Macintosh®, Windows 7 17 Should support L4 tunneling of fixed-port TCP applications, including common mail applications such as Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes. Should have provision to define L4 tunnel policies based on destination ip address, destination subnet and application executable. Authentication and Authorization Should support following Authentication methods:a) Active Directory b) LDAP c) Secure ID d) RADIUS e) Local database f) Certificate based authentication SSL VPN solution must provide ranking of at least 4 authentication methods for granular authentication of VPN users Should support multi domain LDAP support. Should able to restrict the users logins based on Hard disk ID, MAC address and custom checks Appliance must support Access control options based on:a) User and group b) Source IP and network c) Destination network e) Service/Port f) Host name or IP address g) IP range h) Subnet and domain I) Day, date, time and range End point security Should able to define device class based on IP Address, IP Range, Registry, OS, DNS IP, Domain Name, Gateway parameters to support multiple end point security policies should support multiple functions to define granular device class and end point security policies Should provide provision to configure success and failure URL on system. Users should able to redirect to appropriate URL based on end point security check. Appliance should provide options to define end point security policies based on following options:a) should scan for personal firewalls, anti-virus, OS, service packs b) should have option to define customized rules for a range of apps, registry checks, patches c)Should do cache cleaning when the session is over and when the browser is closed Should support two stage security checks for VPN users. Non complied users should allow to access low level resources i.e. only web based resources. Application acceleration and Virtualization Software based compression module on same appliance for HTTP based applications for improved end user experience on slower links. Hardware SSL key exchange and bulk encryption; performed in kernel. Cryptographic functions must be performed by dedicated SSL card and must not affect the main CPU SSL VPN solution should support reverse proxy architecture 18 should support 5 virtual portals/contexts and scalable to 256 portals/contexts on same appliance Each virtual portal/context must have its own independent portal page, authentication, authorization and resource access policies to support multiple communities in organization Should support network separation for each virtual portal/context should provide delegate management and role based access control for virtual portal/contexts should have provision to limit number of concurrent users per virtual portal/contexts Security & management should have integrated state full SSL firewall module with default "deny all" implicit policy should support passive and active layer-7 content filtering SSL VPN should provide support for AES, DES/3DES, SHA/MD5, TLS protocols. SSL VPN should provide Role based access control for administration integration with third party SIEM tools for log event management and correlation Integration with out of the box auditing and reporting module for detailed logs for user authentication, web access, VPN access, and system management Should support the following monitoring and logging option, User connection monitoring, event alarms, SNMP integration, Support for central SYSLOG server. Should have support SSH CLI, Direct Console CLI, SNMP, single console connection for Cluster, Web GUI for management The appliance should provide detailed logs and graphs for real time and time based statistics Should provide real time statistics on connected users, IP address, TCP connections, and system utilization should be integrated into appliance. Product / OEM Evaluation Criteria OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) should provide references for at least 3 similar deployments in INDIA Proposed SSL solution must be ICSA certified and should be listed vendor on ICSA LABS with SSL-TLS VPN 3.0 certification 19 Layer 2 Gigabit Switch S. No. 1 2 Feature Requirements Complied (Yes/No) Rack Mountable: Mountable in standard 42U, 19" rack. 24 ports, 10/100/1000 Base autosensing with 2 Nos. GBIC/SFP Slots (Number =2) populated with 1000 Base-Sx modules Switch with console port CLI based Configuration 3 Min 48 Gbps switching fabric and 35 Mpps forwarding rate for 24 port switch. 4 IEEE 802.3ad support required 5 Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) to aggregate 4x1Gbps i.e. 4Gbps uplink Management: 6 7 SSH v2,SNMP v1/v2c/v3,IGMPv1v2v3, RMON I, VLANs, GUI, SSL Web based interface. Compatibility with network mgmt. with auto discovery & management. 8 Manageability on per port basis. 9 Per-port broadcast, multicast, unicast storm control to prevent faulty end stations from degrading overall systems performance. 10 Security:802.1x support, RADIUS support, MAC address based port level filtering support 11 Quality of Service: The switches should support the aggregate QoS model by enabling classification, policing/metering & marking functions on a per-port basis at ingress and queuing/scheduling function at egress 12 The switches should support QoS classification of incoming packets for QoS flows based on Layer 2, Layer 3 & Layer 4 fields. 13 TFTP & NTP support, Support for syslog 14 Compliant to Standards such as IEEE 802.1x, 802.1w, 802.1s, 802.3x, 802.1D, 802.1p, 802.1Q, 802.3ad, 802.3u, 802.3ab, 802.3z 15 Switch should Support IPv4 and IPv6 protocols 20 Sl. No. Item WORKSTATIONS Feature Requirements 1 Processor 2 x Intel xeon E5-2650, 2.0 Ghz or Higher 2 Chipset Intel C602 3 RAM 4 Drive Controllers 32GB ECC, DDR3, 1600MHz memory; 16DIMM Slots, Support up to 512GB of RAM onboard 6-Channel SATA (RAID 0,1,5,10) 5 Graphics Card 2 x Nvidia quadro 6000 6GB or equivalent latest 6 Bays 2 x External 5.25’’ 2 x Internal 3.5’’ 7 Slots 8 Ports Two PCIe x16 Gen 3; two additional PCIe x16 Gen 3 ; one PCIe x16 Gen 3 wired x4; one PCIe x16 Gen 2 wired x4; One PCI 32bit/33MHz Front: 1 x USB 3.0, 3 x USB 2.0, 1 x 1394a Rear: 1 x USB 3.0, 5 x USB 2.0, 2 x RJ45 Gigabit LAN ports for redundancy, 1 x Serial 9 10 Webcam, Headphone Power Supply 11 Operating System 12 Antivirus 13 Certification and Additional Software 14 Warranty Webcam with minimum 2 Megapixels & Headphone with Mic 1300W externally accessible, toolless, 80 Plus® Gold Certified, 90% efficient Minimum Win 7 Pro 64 Bit or Latest Preloaded Antivirus (McAfee/Symantec or equivalent for 3 Years validity) 1. The hardware vendor should supply an automatic system performance tuning software, which ensures optimum performance tuning for leading CAD/CAM/CAE soft wares on Windows. 2. System Software Manager should be available free of cost. 3. A complete Offline Diagnostics and Asset Discovery software suite should be supplied along with the system. 3 years onsite parts and labor warranty for system and monitor 21 Complied (Yes/No) Sl. No. Item 1 Operating System & Clustering Support Capacity & Scalability 2 3 Architecture & Processing Power 4 No Single point of Failure 5 Disk Drive Support SAN Storage 5TB Feature Requirements The storage array should support industry-leading Operating System platforms & clustering including: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Vmware, Sun Solaris, HP-UX and IBM-AIX etc. Offered Array shall be scalable to at-least minimum of 240 numbers of Drives. in a single storage system. The Storage should be configured with 5 TB of usable capacity using 450GB or higher FC / SAS 10K RPM or higher disk to be configured in RAID5. 1. Vendor shall offer minimum Dual controller and shall be scalable to at-least Quad controllers for performance and scalability. Controllers shall be true active-active so that a single logical unit can be shared across all offered controllers at the same time. 2. For high performance and availability perspective, bidder shall ensure that no more than 2 number of drive shelves are connected to separate dedicated Back-end ports/Lane. 3. Offered Storage architecture shall be based on purpose built ASIC / XOR / Separate External Engine so that there shall be no load on the storage CPU during Raid Parity calculations. 4. In case vendor doesn’t have above ASIC functionality then additional 16GB read and write cache shall be provided per controller pair to balance the performance. Offered Storage Array shall be configurable in a No Single Point of configuration including Array Controller cards, Cache memory, FAN, Power supply etc. 1. When using or offering more than 2 controllers then all the offered controllers shall be interconnected either in Crossbar / Direct Matrix / Meshed architecture for maximum performance. 2. The storage array should support dual-ported 300GB / 600GB hot-pluggable Enterprise FC/SAS, and should support minimum 50GB Solid State drives and S-ATA (2000GB) drives in the same disk shelf. 6 Cache 3. Offered storage shall be end to end running at minimum 4Gbps. The storage array should have a minimum of 16GB Cache for data and control operation. Cache shall be used only for data and control operation and shall not have any overhead of operating system Cache shall be scalable to 32GB for data and control operations in the same Storage Array. 22 Complied (Yes/No) 7 Raid Support 8 Virtualization The storage array should support hardware based RAID 0, 0+1, 1, 5 and 6 levels. 1. Offered storage array shall have native virtualization support so that Raid 1. Raid 5, Raid 1+0, Raid 6 can be carved out from a logical space instead of dedicating separate physical disks for each application. 9 Data Protection 10 Host Ports & Back-end Ports 11 Global Hot Spare 12 Performance 13 Thin Provisioning 14 Maintenance 2. Every supplied disk shall be able to participate into multiple and different raid sets simultaneously Incase of Power failure, Storage array shall be able to hold data in the cache for at-least 96 hours of time or de-stage to disk drive so that un-committed information can be protected. 1. Offered Storage shall have minimum of 12 host ports scalable to 16 Host Ports for servers’ connectivity and 16 device ports/Lanes scalable to 32device ports/lanes for disk connectivity in a nondisruptive fashion. 2. Offered storage system shall support mixing of FC and ISCSI ports. Offered storage system shall be supplied with two additional native IP ports for storage based replication. offered Storage Array shall support distributed Global hot Spare for offered Disk drives. Storage subsystem shall be supplied with Performance Management software for real time performance management in a GUI. Offered Storage shall have audited third party performance benchmark where at-least 3 storage vendors have participated. 1. Offered storage array shall have support for Thin provisioning and Thin Re-claim to make the volume thin for an extended period of time. 2.Thin Re-claim (Zero Page reclaim) inside storage subsystem shall be automatic in nature and there shall be no need to run any utility inside storage for same. Thin Re-claim inside storage shall not cause any overloading of Storage CPU and shall be able to claim the Zero pages even during peak load without any performance impact. Offered storage shall support online non-disruptive firmware upgrade for both Controller and disk drives. 23 15 Business Copy 1. Offered Storage shall have support to make the snapshot and full copy (Clone) on the thin volumes if original volume is created on thick or vice-versa. 2.The storage array should have support for space re-claim for deleted thin provisioned snapshot. 3.Vendor shall provide 20% additional capacity for the overall configured capacity if space re-claim from deleted thin provisioned snapshot is not supported. 16 Storage Array Configuration & Management Software Performance and Other Management Vendor shall provide Storage Array configuration and Management software. 17 1. Vendor shall also offer the performance management software for Storage Array. 2. Storage subsystem shall be offered with Thin Provisioning software and License for the complete offered capacity. 18 Upgrade 19 Remote Replication 3. Storage subsystem shall support non-disruptive online volume migration from one tier to another tier and from one raid set to another raid-set without any interruption into host operations. Offered storage shall support non-disruptive online firmware upgrade for both Controllers and disk drives. Offered storage shall support dynamic migration of Volume from one Raid set to another set while keeping the application online. The Storage array shall also support three ways (3 Data Centers) replication to ensure zero RPO. Offered storage array shall support incremental replication after resumption from Link failure or failback situations. 24 Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Servers, and other hardware and software components at MAP_IT, Bhopal for CoE Project (Tender no. MPSEDC/CoE/2014/261) Financial Bid Sl. No. Item Qty in Nos. 1 High end Rack Server ( 4 PROCESSOR , 8 CORE) 2 2 Network Laser Printer 2 3 Color Multi Function Printer 2 4 SSL VPN Appliance 2 5 24 port Layer 2 Gigabit Network Switch 2 6 Dual CPU Intel Workstations 7 San Storage 5TB 8 Microsoft Visual Studio Professional with MSDN Unit Price . Total Price . 20 1 10 Total . VAT . Grand Total . Rupees (In words)………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………..only) NOTE:• The quantity of hardware may be changed as per requirement. Payment shall be made as per actual quantity installed. • We further confirm our acceptance to the terms & conditions of the tender document. Signature and Seal of Bidder 25 Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Servers, and other hardware and software components at MAP_IT, Bhopal for CoE Project (Tender no. MPSEDC/CoE/2014/261) CHECKLIST OF SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS BIDDER NAME: S. No. Particulars a Tender document with sign & seal of bidder(scanned copy) b Document Of Incorporation of Bidder c Tin No of Bidder d Service Tax No of Bidder e PAN No of Bidder f Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss A/c of Last 3 years of Bidder g Copy of the audited balance sheet of Manufacturer h Certificate - ISO 9001-14001, ISO 9001-2008 i List of clients of Bidder (including size of orders executed) j Manufacturer’s Authorization of ítems quoted k Technical Compliance on the manufacturers letter head with make & model l Document Submission Status Satisfactory completion Certificate along with the work order for the Supply, Installation of Hardware for a minimum value of . 100 lakh in government sector (Bidder / Manufacturer) 26 Page No in Tender offer submitted 27
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