r *ELECTRICITY SERVICE COMMISSION U.P. POWER CORPORATION LTD. (A U.P. Govt. Undertaking) B-17, J-ROAD, SECTOR-C MAHANAGAR EXTN. LUCKNOW Advertisement No.3 /VSA/ 2O 14 Applications are invited from eligible candidates in required annexed format from Indian Nationals for direct recruitment to the post of COMPANY SECRETARY against vacancy in Distribution Companies(DISCOMS) i.e. Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited; Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited; Pashchimanchal Vidyut-Vitran Nigam Limited; Poorvanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited and U. P. Power Transmission Corporation Limited (UPPTCL/TRANSCO) as detailed below. The posts given below are not interchanqeable SL.N o POST CODE 1 301 2 302 3 303 4 304 5 305 NAME OF POST NAME OF COMPANY Company Secretary Company Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.(DWNL) Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.(MVVNL) Paschimanchat Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.(PVVNL) Purvanchat Vidyut Vitra n Nigam Ltd.(PuVVNL) Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Secreta ry Company Secretarv Company Secretary Company Secretary NUMBER OF POST (Unreserved) ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE Ltd.(UPPTCL) Selection will be made on the basis of Educational and Professional qualification, Experience,General Appearance and Interview. Separate applications wilh requisite application fee must be sent for each post. ( 1)ELIGIBILIry CoNDITIONS : (i)AGE: The candidate should not be more than 45 years of age as on 0L.07 .2O14(Inclusive of all relaxation, whatsoever). ( ii)EpUCATTONAL QUALTFTCATTON : (A)Candidate should be a member of the institute of Company Secretaries of india and should hold a Degree in Law from a recognised University (B)Preference shall be given to a candidate having qualification of Cost Accountant in addition to (A) above from a recognised I nstitute, (iii)EXPERIENCE a : Minimum 05 years of independent work experience as a Company Secretary. Preference shall be given to those candidates, who have the above experience as a Company Secretary in a power sector company . (2)RESERVATTON: Being unitary post in each DISCOM and UPPTCL, reservation is not applicable, (3)PAY-SCALE: - Pay Band Rs.(37,400-67,000)+ Grade Pay Rs.8900 + Dearness and other allowances admissible as per rules of UPPCL/UPPTCL(TRANSCO)/ DISCOM. (4) MARITAL STATUS: Any married male/female candidate having more than one wife/husband alive and female candidate who is married to a person has already one or more living wife/wives, are NOT eligible to apply. (5) APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES (NON-REFUNDABLE):- Application processing fees is R.s. 1000.O0(Rupees One thousand only) for each post and is non-refundable. (a) Application Processing Fee(Non-refundable) can be paid through Crossed Bank demand draft/Banker's cheque issued from any Nationalised Bank or its associated bank. Fees in cash form or by any bank other than nationalised bank or its associated bank will not be accepted.(b)The Bank demand draft/Banker's cheque should be drawn in favour of " Secretary, Electricity Service Commission "and payable at LUCKNOW,(c) Bank charges are to be borne by the applicant. d) Application processing fee, once paid will neither be refunded /transferred nor will be held in reserve for any other future selection process. . (6) HOW TO APPLY : Download the Application Form given in Annexure-1 of this advertisement. Fill the application form and attach Application Processing Fee (Crossed Bank demand draft /Banker's cheque issued from any Nationalised Bank or its associated bantitr along with self attested photocopy of certificates in support of eligibility" The candidate must write his/her name, father's name/husband's name, post code and address at the back of the demand draft/banker's cheque. Separate application with requisite application fee must be sent for each post.The envelope should be of size 24"xL4" and clearly super scribe the Post code and name of the post applied for. Application should be sent through INDIA -POST SDEED POST to "Secretary, Electricity Service Commission, U.P. Power Corporation Ltd.; B-17,J-Road,Sector-C, Mahanagar Extn., Lucknow-226006. Application sent by courier or by hand will not be accepted. (7) JURISDICTION : Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts at Lucknow only. (B) DISCLAIMER:IN CASE OF ANY AMBIGUITY, THE EXISTING POL]CIES, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF UPPCL WILL BE FINAL. lication Start Date L7.L2.20L4 L7,OL"20t5 NOTE:(A)THE COMPLETE APPLICATION FORM ALONGWITH SELF ATTESTED ELIGIBILIry CERTIFICATES AND REQUISITE APPLICATION FEES SHOULD REACH THE OFFICE BY 17.O1.2015. THE APPLICATION FORM PHOTOCOPY OF ALL SHOULD BE SENT BY INDIA-POST SPEED POST ONI-Y.FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY ANY OTHER MODE" (B)ESC, UPPCL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEI- THIS ADVERTISEMENT AT ANY STAGE WITHOUT ASSIGNING ANY REASON THEREOF. SECRETARY p ELECTRICITY SERVICE COM MISION ANNEXURE-1 / GOR Advt No.- 3/VSA/2014) for"""""" 3. Name of the Nigam applied for 2. AFFIX SELF Name of the post applied 4. Post code :. ATTESTED LATEST ""' ":"""""' PASSPORT SIZE PHOTOGRAPH 5. Name of the aPPticant(In Full) (i) Hindi (ii) In English (CaPital letters) 7. (i) Hindi 9. Spouse's (i) Full Name Hindi """': Etl (b) Age as on 01.07.2014 v"u" Efl natel 10. (a) Date of birth: tr. Gender: Male n (Please 12. Female Month nn Month nfl Y"a. IE nay. [tr D tick in the relevant column) Marital status (Please tick in the relevant column) Unmarried tr Ofers Married tr t+. (a) Address for communication "'"".."'o""""""""".. ..o...........o............o...o..........o.......o........o...o.........o... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . o . o . . .. .... o .o..o. .. .. . Pin COdet ttt ' ' ' ' o' ' ' ' ' t o' ........o...o.................o....o........................o.....o..o.......o.... Pin Code :...o.o...."""'t T a. '/ / i ualifications: From class Xth onwards ts.Academic Name of Exam. Passed Name of Institution/ Examining Body Year of Marks passing Details Marks Obtai ned Class 101 Intermediate(Cla ss 12'h; Graduate Post Graduate Company Secretary course to. sl. Details a of (, E xDertence :- Name of Organization Post Held No. Period From To Nature of Work experience .Details of Application Fee Pavment: Bank draft I Banker's cheque Number 18- Any other details Date Name of Issuing Bank Amount in Rs. / i I...... Declaration ........sorlou[IG.7*ir" of..... hereby declare and solemnly affirm that r h-ave fully understood all the eligibility clause provided in the advertisement and accordingly all the particulars stated in the application form are true to the best of -y r."oioredge and belief. I will submit the required documents/certificates of eligibility on demand to the commission. rf serection, the information submitted by me is found falselfake/misinterp reted/ incorrect or myself does not satisfo the eligibility criteria for the post applied, the commission wil have a right to cancel my candidature/serection and if the same comes to the noticJ ,even after my appointment, my services may be terminated, in addition to any legal action as deemed fit by UPPCL' I will not claim any refund of fees or compensation or any sort of damages. at any stage of Place Date : Signature of candidate : Encl : 1' self attested copy of each Certificate in support of the above details . 2'crossed Bank Demand Draft/Banker's .rr.qrl from any nation arized Burrk n.| .'',,t' 1
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