tl S r i L a n k dJ . A q u a t S . / 4 ( 1 0 9 9 ) :l l 2 2 Efficacy of QuinaldineSulphateas an Anaestheticfor the OrnamentalCarp (Cyprinuscarpio)in SimulatedPackaging for Long DistanceTransport M HETTIARACHCHI*andS.P.S.D.SENADHEERA Department ofzoology, Universityof Kelaniya,Kelaiiya 11600,Sri Lanka +Conespondins aurhor(E-mail [email protected]) Abstrscl High costincunedin trrnsportingfish in largelolume of waleris a malorproblenr rn airlifling omamental fish !o foreign markets The present study was canied ou! to investigatethe efficacy of lhe anaesthetic, qlinaldine sulphatebuffercd wrlh sodium bicarbonate on omamentalcaas (Koi carps;Cyprinuicaryio, in simuiatedpackasinefor air transpon QuinaldinesulphatesigDificantlyreducedthe rate of oxygen consumptionand the accumulationof ammoniain water The mo$ emcrenrconcentration of buffered quinaldin€sulphatewhich was responsible for the greatestreductionin accumularion of ammoniaandthe rateof oxygenconsumpdon \ras 50 ppm.Youngkoi carpsof7 5 , 9.0 cm in total lengthanaesthetised with 50 ppm quinaldinesulphateat rhedensiryof40% offish bodywerght to weightofwater rauodid not showanymonaliry at roon tenperabreof28 0C durng the 40 hours of exposuretime while unanaesthenzed fish ai the same densiry sufibred i00% mortaliry. The recovery time during the post packagingperiod was found to be lessthan5 mmutes The presentstudy mdrcatesthat young koi carpscould be rransported at higherpackingdensities,using,thesuitabledosageof qrinaldinesulpharewhich will maxmizethe effectiveutilizatronofspaceandweighrdlring rransponadon. Introduction The export of live tropical omamental fish from Sn I-anka has incleased in an unprecedentedmanner dunne the past decade eaming a substanrialamounr of foreign exchargeto the county Accordingto the tradestanstics, Sri Lankahaseamedl0 millon rupeesin 1986 and rt was envisagedto eam 250 million rupeesby 1994 (Shariff & Subasinghe 1992;Anon. 1989).Efficient packagingof fish causingminlmrlmmorrality during transpof plays an i'nportant role ln the successof $is trade. This is panicularly importantwhen thesefish aretransportedovef long disturcesto foreign markers The pnmary problernspertainingto the curent closedsystempackagingare the low oxygen capacrb,of water and the accumulationof loxic excretorywastes.Another problen is the handling stressthat resultsfrom initial capture,loadhg into fansport containen, rhe actual transport,unloadingand stocking.Hrgh transpondensityand poor warerqualiryrnay be additionalsresses(Robertson er /]/. 1988).Transportation oftenresultsm morraliries offish which Inayoccurirnm€diately followmgihe transpodor secondanly dueto osmoregulatory maltunctions or infectiousdiseases 1970,citedby Robertson eral 1988) Oved€'neyer Even thoughthe iow oxygen capacitycanbe solved by th€ useof pure oxygen,the accumulanon of both ammonraard carbondioxrde!s ioxic to fish directlv and also 14 M Hettiaruchch & S.P S D Stnudhetu indi.ectly by dccreasrngthe ability offish to exLractoxvsen waLer(Teo & Chen 1989) lhis can be agg.avaledby an rncrelse in temPeraturc(Brookwav 1950. crted bv Teo & Chen 1993) which also incrcascsLheoxygen consLrmptionrales thus makrng the sjtuatron for the fish in ordcr to avert thcse adversecflecls the orranental fish exponers use vanety of methods such as pre t.ansporl stanarion. use of chilled shiPping waler, addition of salts to the Freshwater and usc of anaesthcticsCucrcntlv, the use of anaestheticsto rranquillize the fish to reduce the metabolc activities and s!rcssresponses during the transportationis becoming increasinglycommon The presenlstudv was carried out io investigatethe effects and efficacy of rhe anaesthetic.quinaldine sulphate(buffered wiih NaHCO,) on omamenlal carys (Clprinus .a?ro) in simulaled packaging for aif Materials& Methods rangingfrom25 ppm t'' sulphatesolutionswith drfferentconcentrations Quinaldine for everyI g oi ofNaHCOr using 0 45 with NaHCOT s 70 ppmwereprepafedandbufte.ed from ? 5 cm 48 bourc ranging carps fot pre starved koi sulphateAcclirnatedand Ouinaldin€ offish at a weight separat'elv in each conceDtralion to 9 0 cm in total lenglhwereimmersed quinaldine of buffered concentration to weight of waler ratio of 1.10.The approxmate in relationto th€ usrngbehaviouralrespoDse carpswas seLected suiphaieto anaesthetize (Tablel) stageofanaesthesia to find designed experimen! bagswereusedfor thepackagrng Doublepolyethylene carps under koi to keep of quinaldinesulphalerequi.ed voong the besl concentralion were bags six such concentration' for a period of 40 houn For a selectel anaesthesla three rePltcates employed,s in Fig I and experimentwas canied out with andfish, thebagswereflattenedto expelthear and% After addingthe chemicals ofthe volumeofeachbagwasinflatedwlth industrialoxvgen ThesebagswerethenseaLed (28 05 I ed placedin a sryrofoambox for 40 hoursat.oom tenperahrre wrtl rubberbands 0 280C) At the endofthe lestperiod(40 hours),waterin eachbag was analvsedfor pH' oxygen(DO) and total ann1oniaThe amountofExcessDissolved drssolv€d iempe|atufe. wasobtainedas after40 hoursof exposure Oxygen(EDO) in the bagswith the anaesthetic EDO in cst water (with anassthetic) : AmounrofDO - AmouniofDO in thecontrol in testwater The waler in the bass was then replaced sraduallv with aged laP water and davsin aqraflaand nortalig offish was reco.dedThe fish were keptfor five subsequent that resulledin the highest of anaesthetic the mortaliwwas recorded.The concentration EDO aft€r 40 hours of exposlre was usedto determinetbe maximrm loading capacilv oi youngkoi carpsunderanaesthesra. Results obsewedin young kor carpsfor the Table I shows the stagesof anaesth€sia quinaldine solutionsAt 25 ppm quinaldine sulphate of buffered differentconcentrations at45 ppm,fish wereunderlight and ofslighi sedanon to show the signs fishbegan sulphate, lower than that of the unbecame movements of opercular anaeslhesia and the speed l) Anaesthenc Jbr ornanentalkoi carp (control) fish. At 60 ppm, fish beganro show some srgnsof stressand ana€sthetized increased mlcous secretion wasobservedFishstoppedresponding to anystimuliat 70 ppm quinaldine sulpbateandwe.e at thestageof sufgicalanaesthesla Al 90 ppm, the opercular rnovements of fish stoppedwithin ten minutesand fish werc in the stageof rnedullary Table2 showsthe effectsofdifferentconcentrations ofquinaldinesulphateon the packagingwater and the suflrval of young koi carps-A slight drop in the pH was r€corded ln thebagswith quinaldinesulphate. The amountof totalammoniawas lowerin thewater wrth quinaldrnesllphatethan in the controlexceptat the concentration of 70 pprn. The (9 lowestvalue 9 rng/l)was recordedal 50 ppm quinaldinesulphatewhich is about23% Iowerthanthatof the control.This valuewas srgnificantlydifferentfrom the amountsof ammoniaat otherconcentEtions ofquinaldinesrlphaie(p<00001). Table2 alsoshowstheamountofexcessoxygenin thepackaging waterat different concenlration\ sulphale. ofquinaldine lhe amountol ercesso\)genin lhewarerincrcaed up to theconcentration of50 ppm of qr inaldinesulphe.eandthendecreased The recorded valuesofdrssolvedoxygenin packagrng waterat 70 pprnwaslessthanthatofthe control. Oxygenconsunptronrate (OCR) of koi carpsdecreased with increasingconcentration of quinaldinesulphatefrom 25 ppm to 50 ppn in thepackaging waterandthenincreaed The OCR of koi carpsat the concent.ation of 50 ppm of quinaldinesulphatewas smallerthan that of th€ control A negativesecond order relationshipbetweenthe anaesthelc concentration andtheoxygenconsumpiion mlewasevident(Fig,2). penodof40 hours,therewasno significantdifference At theend of the exposure theamountsofdissolvedoxygenin thebaeswith qurnaldrne berween sulphate only (BagNo 4 ) andtheblank(BagNo 6 - withoui anaesthetc)Thrsrndrcates thatthe chernicaldid not havea srgmficanleffecton the dissolvedoxygencontentof paakaging water /r t)\ r't\ . f,-'lr-(i\l\ :-l_:--.-:: .td"t.t & SUFFER Q STJLPHATE O SULPft^rE - - --ER ICl'rll.F] BLJqNK CONTRoL AGED FIs'l & TAP AGEDTAP WATER WATER Fig i Anangementoipolfhene bass Table3 showsthe effectsof packingdensityon the survivalof youngkoi caQs anaesthelsed with 50 ppm quinaldinesulphate. Up to the packingdensrryof 30% of body weight to weight of water ratio, there was no morrality in the controls and test fish. M. Hettiaractuhi & S P S D Senadheen of 35% and Morialities oF 66.6% and 100% wore .ecorded in the confols at the densitles qurnaldine sulphale ppm 50 40% respectively,while no monalitv in test fish treatedwirh were rccordedat thesedensities There was no significant differenceln pH' waterremperaNreand d$solved oxvgen th€re was a levels in the lreated bags and controls at all the densiliesof fish How€ver' (9 9 mg/l) and lreated significant difference (p<0 05) in the amount of total ammonia in control (20 mg/l) bass at 40% densitv of fish o.@25 0w)0 -c. ro o) u) E 0.0015 t oc010 o 00006 10 n 30 & 50 60 70 ration(PPm) Concent rig 2- The relahonshiPbetween concentBtionof quinaldinesllphate consumptionrate (OCR) of kol carpsunder anaesthesia and oxvgen Discuision for fi\h ir shouldhaveraprdand'moorh rs lo be a goodanaestheric lfa chemical at doseswhrchare shouldbe achreved and recov€ryAnaesthesia inductionof ana€slhesia in water(Brown be soluble shouldalso noi toxic eitherto thefish orto theuser'Anaesthetic hen buffered-n'ith iSs:i n*rlo of the presenlshrdv show that quinaldinesulphate anaesthelrc as an be us€d to almostall the abovecharact'ers sodiumbicarbonaapossess€s of about long duration for a i"t vou.g Lt *.pr. if ,fte fish are to b€ kept under anaesthesia result this.would appeanto be 50 ppm Higherdosagethan +Ohours,thetest concentration p'.lrposes' in a hrsher degreeof anaesthesja(Table i ) whjch wor'ld be suitablefor medical 11 AnaestheticJar ornamentul koi &rp Tablel. Slagesofanaesthesia in youngkoi carpsanaesrhetised wrrhquinaldinesulphare. Concentation Shgeof daesthesia Behavroural response in fish (pPm) l5 Fi\h weeenle ed behavednomallr . 20 25 I- I Vollntaryswimminsantrnued Nochdge inthe speedofoperold movmenrs. Equilibriumnomal Stghtlos of ractivity tolisual@drdhle stimlli. Lishr - sedaiion l0 |-2 DeD €daron volunhry swimningstopledSlightreduclron in the sPed tupmuldmoveme L Lqu bdu- .mal T o l r ll o * o l r e d n \ ' r , r o\ , u a ld d u o i l e : r m u l , o u r respondedro posjtionalcldges. t5 II - I Lossofequilibrium, but erortswerenadeto ight itsell Fish becaaeexcrteded drespeedofopftular ots inftased; weaklyraponded to positional cndges. Lisht ndcosis 40 Il 2 Speedof opduld mov€menrsd@reded apprcrrmdelyto omrl rn al lor\ of€qur|bnumdd no eiTon5.oash, rLe I wstl ,e\pondcd rosrong tactileed vibEtionalstimuli;No respoDsk) positional chdges DeD nmo5 \ , 45 III - I Li8hlaacrhesia Speedof ope.cuh movementsbecme lowq lhe nomal- Otbd behaviouEa in deePnNosis 50 III ' 2 L ghrmeshe$a Furtherde.l%e in the speedof ope.@l& novdentsOrhe behavrouE a rndep nmois 60 nl - 3 SragebeMeenLisht mEsrhecia& A slight inftase in thespeedoi opercul&movedots Fsh ofstres Indased muss secretion onrnegrlls. 70 III-4 Surgicald@slhsia Totallossofreactiviryto ey stinuli Sped of oPe@le movments v€'v law IV Total lossof opmuld novenents 90 Modifiedfrom M. K Sooskopf, citedby Brown(1993). llt M Hc tura.hiht&SPSD Senadhctru Ae 9 o-ooooo<Io E oo*-NN-s v1 qvr"l?\vt! , 9 g .>l :- "-"dz .. 4 =:;=;d.\, .+; ci -;6i -.i? d9cn:qn09v'aq 9 z 6 -rr q . : . - 1 < ? . . 1- \ q q q €FqiaeEq Kn?93s€Rb 9.1 F>.6 s*.= 9 096vlc9C9 ;R3t33a3; t9 Anae:thenclor ornanental koi carp ? i: s ooooo AE - o9sa € .j09n6 -; :' (, .:G AF u9 + e"" -6 zoe & S.PS D Senadheer.l M Hettiarachchi !o be a Blasiola(1976,citedby Brown 1993)statedtha!quinaldineis considered of 200 a concentratjon andhe recommended fo. fish by someresea'cheN €ood anaesthetrc 15 of a concentralion lpm for tropicalmarinensh Generally,for warmwabr nshspecies ppm is 16 in manv species lO ppm is used The doserequi.edto reachstageIII anaesthesia that concen!-ations @r;wn 1991).Howevef,Sado(1985.cited bv Brown 1993)repofted (1993) statodthatquinaldine iangingfrom 50 ppm to 1000ppm arcusedfo. tilapia Bfown morepotentat highpH valuesDuflng is l;ss efiectiveat pH valueslessthan5 andbecomes rn water rangedbelween6.3 and6 7 andincrcase thepresentstudy,thepH oI thetreatment quinaldine mav reducethe effectivedoseof pH usinghigherdosesof sodiumbicarbonaie young koi carpsfor sulphate ' Accordingto Teo & Cben(1989),the pefiod betweenpackingand unpackingof and tropicalomamentalfish vanes fiom 12 to 40 bours dependingon the destinatron, fish in of packaging system in a factors lwo most imponant are ihe and oxygen arnmonia in the levels oxvgen the dissolved present show that studv of the bags.Results polyethylene the endof40 hourswerehish evenjd thebagswithoutth€ anaesthetrc lTable 2) This showslhat the currentPmcliceof supplvrngoxygen bv chargtngpu'e oagsro marntair1 . I mlioot puteo\)gento $drer volumecdn o\)eeninlopollerh)lene poftionoftbe space for eniwe suficienroxygen thefish allhoughit lakesup a considerable (1994) for clown fish and'Teo €r a1 bv Chow were made in thebags Simrlarobservations Teo & Chen (1989) expenments transport in simulated & Chen (1989) for suppy into the quantity ofoxvgen a large to charge s+ch necessary that it mighi not be suggested waler so that add more used to could be less oxvgen bags;the spacesavedlion charging due to more increase ofweighi the However, harmtulnetabolicwasreswould be dilured bv exporters warerln the packingbagsmight not be accepted Resultsof ihe presentstudyshowthat€venthoughthedissolvedoxygensupplyls up to 35% of bodv weight to weighi-of whenthe packingdensiryis increased adequate, mortaliryof voungkoi ca+s was verv high (66 6old war;r rdtio without th€ anaesthetic, ofmetabolicwastes,especialtv This couldperhapsbe largelyaftributedto theaccumulation (1976), high levels of oxvgen reduce arnmonia According'to Winstone& Solornon joumev' sucha Some"pecres on 'ons strainano promotesunival of'lsh respiutory under arnnonia, to less susceplible to be minbo* irout, and roach have been found (1958' & Noms McFarland However high oxysenlensions(Merkens& Downins 1957) lv Coo or 1995)havercporledthatnerabolicwaslel€velmustbe low enoushto "r uptake of oxygen by l'ish even at adequatelevels of dissolved oxvgen "it!a allow sufficient levelsof mortaliiesoccur in the Chowet at (Igg4) aho pointedoui that unacceptable currentsystemof packagingfish in polvethvlenebags,althoughthe dissolvedoxvgen supplyis adequate During the presenrstudy,carpswerc starvedfor 48 hoursbeforethe expenmenl in orderto reducedefecaiionas well as to stop 'egurgitationof food which, commenced, wouldcaus;pollutionofpackagingwater.Manv studieshaveindicaledtbattheproblemof ammoniaaccumulatronin closedsystemssuch as packagingbags is panlv solved bv on theirsize(Ar.'endet al 1982;Frose1986;Teostafr'ingthe fish for 2 - 3 daysdepending & Che; 1989;Guo er al 199s).However,accordinsto Teo & Chen(1989),starvationof effecron themetabolc|atesof guppi€s' fish prior !o packagingdid not havea consrdefable Memwhile.Phillip; & Brookwav(1954,cited bv Teo & Chen1993)found thatstarvation on the metabollcrate Brown theeffectoFanaesth€tic ofbrook rroutfor 63 hou6, enhanced (1993) slatedthat food shouldbe withheld for up to 24 hours and fish shouldnot be pnor to anaesthesta disturbed AnaestheticJtu o amentatkoi cary Duringtbe presentstudy,itwas obsepedthat theamountof ammoniaexcretedby anaesrherised )oung [o, carpsal l50dish body\re,ghrIo uerghtof warermuoandat a concentmhon of50 ppm of quinaldinesulpbate was23%lowerthantbatof thecontrol Guo e/ al. ( 1995) reportedsimilar results for platy fish (xri'ophorus naculatus). Even i't z densiry ol'40%offish weightto weigbtofwater ratio,no moftaljtywasobserved dunngthepresent study in the bagswith 50 ppm of quinaldinesulphateand the recordedtotal ammonia contentin thesebagsweresrgnjficanllylowerthanthatin thecontrol(p<0.02)Therefore, it was evidentthat use of quinaldinesulphatehas signjficantlyreducedthe amountof ammoniareleased by youngkoicaQs evenat highdensiiies. Many authorshavepojniedout thataccurnulation ofanmonia couldbe suppressed by additionof an ion exchangeresinsuchas clinoptilolitein to transportwater (Nemato to 1957;Amender a/. 1982iBower& Tumer 1982).Toxic carbondioxidecanbe converted bicarbonate by mai.tainiDgtb€ pH oF the water above7; however,ammoniatoxrcrty increases at pH valuesabove7 (Teo & Chen 1989).Thereforc,useof a suitabl€bufferto in maintainpH at or closeto neutrallevelswill reducethe toxicityolboth thesemeiabolites transportwater Meanwhile, some expoiers try to reduce the activify of lropical fish by lowenngthe tempemture. During the presentstudy,the cerlng of loadingcapacrryfor young koi carps,anaesthetised with 50 ppm of quinaldinesulphatewas 6ot detemi.ed Furtherresearchis suggested to determinethe maximumloadingcapacilyfor youDgkoi qurnaldrne carpswith sulphateas theanaesthe.ic, rn the presence of an ion-exchange resin, an anti microbial agent and an efficieni buffer at low temperaturewhich would ftrther increasethe survivalof fish dunng transportation while reducingthe weight and space rFnilFrino hioLPr ^r^fir( AcknowledgemeDts We \fish to expressour kind gmtitude !o Mr. Ananda Pathrrdna,Propnetor of qulnaldmesulphate AquaMarineLtd., Sri Lanka,forthe gift of amesthetic, Referencet AmendD F , T. R Croy,B. A. Goven,K A. Johnson& D H. Mccartby i982 Transportationof fish in closed systems:Melhods to control ammonia, pH and bacterialgrowth. Transacnons carbondroxrde, of American F'sheries s o c i e tlyl l : 6 0 3 6 1 1 . 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