Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMEI{T OF EDUCATION REGION TV.A CALABARZON Gate 2, Karangalan Village, Cainta Rizal ',.' --- MEMOR,ANDUM ir0??11 SUPERINTENDENTS TO A-rq I I FROM : Subject: 2014 National Competition For Altemative Leaming System (ALS) Leaming Facilitators on the Development of Basic Literacy Learning Materials June 16,2014 With reference to DepEd Memorandum No. 60, 2014, the Bureau of Alternative Learning System through the Cuniculum and Learning lVanagement (CLM) announces the 20'14 National Competition for Alternative Learnrng System (ALS) Learning Facilitators on the Development of Basic Literacy Learning l\4aterials One of the aims of the competition is to develop and enhance the knowledge and skills of ALS Learning Facilitators through the development of quality, innovative and appropriate basic-level modules/materials. The competition is part of the ALS Teacher Program that rs designed to support the professional growth and development of Learning Facilitators, particularly the District ALS Coordinators (DALSCS), lvlobile Teachers (l\4Ts), Instructional l\ilanagers (lMs) and Literacy Volunteers (LVs) nationwide. ln this regard, all divisions are encouraged to participate in the said competition. Deadline for submission of entries is on July 3, 2014 al DepEd Regional Office to be endorsed by the DepEd Regional Director. Attached are lnclosure No. 1 to DepEd l\,4emo No. 60, s. 2014 (Guidelines), lnclosure No. 2, s. 2014 (Offrcial Entry Form) and lnclosure No. 3, s.2014 (Session Guide Format). lmmediate dissemination of this lVemorandum is earnestly sought. [t,r,vtd: Jorrn t' i Fn// rnemo comp€iilion_als/c mveib/061614 h tt'/t'l tl 1t'l I Eepublir ot tte DtilFpines De1sfiment of @bucution 29 HIJ 101., DepEd MEMORANDUM No. 60, s. 2Ot+ 2014 NATIONAL COMPETITION FOR ALTERNATryE LEARNING SYSTEM (ALS) LEARNING FACILITATORS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC LITERACY LEARNIT{G MATERIAT,S To: Bureau Directors Regional Directors Directors of Services, Cenlers and Heads of Units Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public ard Private Elementary and Seconda:y Schools All Others Concerned 1. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Alternative leaming System (BAI-S), announces the 2014 Natlonal Competltion for Alternatlve L€araing SysteE (ALS) L€arolng Facllltators on the Development of Basic Literacy Leartrlng Materlals. 2. 'fhe Competition is part of the ALS Teacher Program that is desigrred to support ttre professiona-l growti and development of ALS learning Facilitators, particularly the District ALS Coordinators {DALSCs), ALS Mobile Teachers (MTs), Instructional Maragers (IMs) and Literacy Volunteers (LVs) nationwide. 3. The Competition aims to: a. develop and enhance the knowledge ald skills of ALS l-earning Facilitators through the development of quality, innovative and b. c. 4. appropriate basic-level modules/materials; produce additional modules compliant witlL ttre K to 12 Curriculum for basic-level learners in different formats; and recognize ard encourage interests, strengtis, and talents of Learning Facilitators on tlle Development of karning Materials. The following documents are enclosed for reference ald guidance of all concerned: a. Enclosure No. I - Guidelines for the 2014 Nationa.l Competidon b. c. Enclosure No. Enclosure No. 23 - for ALS lrcarning Facilitators on the Development of Basic Literacy l,earning Materials; Officia.l Entry Form; and Session Guide Format For more information, all concerned may contact the Literacy Dlviston (LD), 5. Bureau of Altelnatlve Learning System (BALS|, 3'd Floor, Mabini BuiLding, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no.: {02) 635-4694. 6. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. Secre Depgd complex, Meratco Avenue, Pasrs city ,uoo ,Fuaa 72aa/';:3'722a1632'L u, A tary uau-oururu:lz-szog { ** a.p.a gou pr', (Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Memorandum No, 60, s. 2014) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BUREAU OF ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM Guidelines for the 2014 NATTONAL COMpETtTtON FOR ALS LEARNtNc FAC|LtTAToRs ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC LITERACY LEARNINC MATERIALS l. Background The ALS Teacher Program of the Bureau of Alternative Learning System supports the professional growth and competency development of ALS Learning Facilitators. ln 2006, there was a national module writing competition for ALS Mobile Teachers wherein the winning modules formed part of the basic Iiteracy learning materials currently used nationwide. ln 2oo7, BALS conducted a successful National Competition on ALS Supplementary Learning Materials Development that ALS Mobile Teachers participated in. This year, BALS launches the 2ot4 National Competition for ALS Learning Facilitato6 on the Development of Basic Literacy Learning Materials, particularly involving the District ALS Coordinators (DALSCs), Mobile Teachers (MTs), lnstructional Managers (lMs) and Literacy Volunteers (LVs) nationwide. ll. Obiectives The national competition aims to develop/enhance the knowledge and skills of ALS L€arning Facilitators through the development of quality, innovative and appropriate basic-level modules/materials; produce additional modules for basiclevel learners in different formats in compliance with the K to 12 Curriculum; and recognize/encourage interests, strengths, and talents of the Learning Facilitators on the development of learning materials. lll. ceneral Guidelines 1. 2. The competition is open to all DAL5CS, MTs, lMs and LVs nationwide. The competition will be conducted at the national level. However, only entries that will be nominated and endorsed by the DepEd Regional Office will be included in the national evaluation. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The competition will be in two formats: Print and Non-print Learning Materials. Each region is entitled to submit best five (5) entries per category: Entries must be based on the learning competencies in the ALS Curriculum for basic literacy level and the K to 12 Curriculum. Regional entries will be submitted in three copies. Submission of an entry must be accompanied by a duly accomplished Entry Form (Enclosure z). All entries endorsed by the DepEd Regional Director must be submitted and addressed to: The Off;ce of the Director Bureau of Alternative Learning System Department of Education lF Mabini Bldg., DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig City Receipt of entries may be confirmed with the Literacy Division, BALS at telephone number (02) 6154694 (direct line), (o2) 6355189 (fax). 1o. All national entries become property of DepEd. 11. Deadline for submisslon is on July 4, 2o't4. All entries must reach the BALS on or before this date. 9. lV. Major Considerationsjnlhc xtodldc l/VIrling 1. The entries for the competition are categorized as follows: 1.1 Print Learning Materials . ALS Basic Literacy Learning Material/Module 1.2 Non-print Learning Materials o o ALS Digitized Learning Module ALS Radio-based lnstruction Lesson/Script 2-Print Learning Materials 2.1 ALS Basic Literacy Learning MaterialslModule, lt must be accompanied by Session Cuide to demonstrate the use in the learning session for Basic Literacy. Please see Enclosure 3 for the Session Cuide template. J,Non-print Learning Materials 3,1 ALS Digitized LedrninE Module. lt must be accompanied by a Storyboard, Script, and Module Guide. The Module Cuide (eGuide) should not be more than J pages, written on a letter/short-sized bond paper, double-spaced. The cover page should contain vital information about the learning material and the author. lt must contain basic information on the following; J.1.1 Description of the digitized learning module/material r . o What are the objectives? Determine what you want to accomplish. Who are the target audiencel The group of people you want to reach Why is recommendable? State the use, benefits, advantages, and limitations of the learning material. it 1.r.2 Utilization of the digitized learning module/material . How to use the digitized learning module/material. Step-by-step description on the utilization of the material. ).2 ALS Rddio-based lnstruction LessonfScript. Cuide and Canned Lessons (audio lesson). lt must be accompanied by a Session 4. AII learning materials and session/module guides must be based on experientiauadult learning approach or the 4As of learning (activity, analysis, abstraction, and application). 8. All participating ALS Learning Facilitators are encouraged developing the learning materials. 9. Entries must be produced in Filipino language. to exercise creativity in V. Eualu.alion of Entries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Regional offices may create their own selection strategy using their own resources to obtain regional entries. All entries nominated by the DepEd Regional Director will undergo evaluation and judging at the national level. There will be separate evaluations for all categories namely, Print: a) ALS Basic Literacy Learning Material/Module, and Non-Print: a) ALS Digitized Learning Module; b) ALS Radio'based I nstruction Lesson/Script. Evaluation and iudging at the national level will involve a panel of external evaluators and selected BALS technical staff who will evaluate the regional entries to determine the national winners. The decision of the Panel of Evaluators isfinal and irrevocable. Any entry found to be copied or imitated will be subjected to immediate disqualification and administrative sanction. The winners and the schedule of awarding will be announced formally. Vl. ( r:iterialor E"valuation The competition entries will be evaluated based on the following criteria: t. Print Learning Material - ALS Basic Litera€y Learning Materials/Module Focus 2. Points Content Format Presentation and Organization 44 Accuracy and Up-to-dateness of lnformation 20 Total 100 16 Non-print Learning Material- ALS Digitized Learning Module Focus Points Accuracv )o SiEnificance 10 Methods Presentation 4o 36 Total too J, Non-Print Learning Material- ALS Radio-based lnstruction Lesson/Script Points Focus Content Production , Delivery and Tone Presentation and Organization Accuracy and Up'to-dateness of Information lmpression and lmpact Total )o 20 )o 8 10() Vll. Awards and Priz€s 1. Winners for the each category will receive prizes in the form of cash and plaque/certificate of recognition as follows: Prizes ist Prize 2nd Prize Non-Print Print LearninE Module Php 4o,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition Php j5,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition Digitized Module Php 4o,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition Plaque of Recognition Php j5,ooo.oo/ Php Plaque of Recognition Plaque of Recognition jo,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition 3rd Prize Php 3o,ooo.oo/ Php 3o,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition Php z5,ooo,oo/ Plaque of Recognition Plaque of Recognition 4th Prize 5th Prize Php zo,ooo.oo/ 5 Consolation Prizes 2. Vlll. Php 25,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition Php 2o,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition Php 7,ooo.oo/ Certificate of Recognition RBI Lesson/Script Php 4o,ooo.oo/ j5,ooo.oo/ Php Php 25,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition Plaque of Recognition Php 2o,ooo.oo/ Plaque of Recognition Php 7,ooo.oo/ Certificate of Recognition Php 7,ooo.oo/ Certificate of Recognition All participating ALS Learning Facilitators whose entries reached the national evaluation will receive a Certificate of Participation from the DepEd-BALS. Iinnetable(April-August2ol4) Month April 2o14 May-June 2oi4 )uly 4,2o14 )uly z1-2\,2014 Auqust 2o14 Aetrvlty lnformation dissemination Learning materials development Deadline of submission of entries National evaluation of entries Awarding ceremony (Enclosure No, 2 to DepEd Memorandum No. 6O. s.2OL4l DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BUREAU OF ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM NATIONAL COMPETITION FOR ALS LEARNING FACILITATORS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC LITERACY LEARNING MATERIALS OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Nome Position Region Division Dislricl Dislrict Address & Telephone/fox numbers Mobile Number Emoil Address Colegory: Description of the Leorning Moieriol I solemnly sweor on my honor lhol lhis lgorning moteriol is my otiginal crconon ond nol on imitqtion of ony exisfjng leorning mqleriql in ony governmeni, non-governmenl, privoie qnd commercio inslilution. orn fully qwore of lhe consequences qnd penolties thql moy be imposed upon me should this moleriol be proven copied or imitoted, under existing lows, rules, ond regulolions. I lherefore offix my signolure ond lhql of my immediole supervisor to otlest to lhe occurocy ond kuihFulness of lhis eniry iorm. s;qned th 55 ?014. dov ol Nome of Contestoni Nome of Supervisor Signolure Over Prinied Nome Signoture Over Prinled Nome - Dqie received: By: (Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandurn No. 60, s. 2O141 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BUREAU OF ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM 2014 NATIONAL COMPETITION FOR ALS LEARNING FACILITATORS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC LITERACY LEARNING MATERIALS SESSION GUIDE FORMAT PANIMULA (lntroduction) l. MGA LAYUNIN (Objectives) t. ) 4. ll. PAKSA (Topic) A. Pomogot ng Arolin (Lesson Tiile) Pongunohing Kosonoyon so Pokikipomuhoy (Life Skills) B. Mgo Kogomilon (Moteriols) lll. PAMAMARAAN (Procedures) A. Ponimulong Gowoin/Pog gonyok (lntroduction/Motivoiion) B. Ponlinong no mgo Gowoin (Developmentol Aclivities) 1. Poglolohod (Activity/Presentotion) 2. Pogioiolokoyon 3. {A n o lysis/Disc ussio Poglolohot {Abstrcciion/Summory) 4. Poglolopoi (Applicotion) lV, PAGTATAYA (Evoluoiion) V. KARAGDAGANGGAWAIN(Assiqnmenl) n)
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