87 CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 5.1 VHDL IMPLEMENTATION OF GA PROCESSOR The GA processor described in sections 2.6 of this thesis is implemented using the Xilinx ISE package 8.1. The VHDL coding is used to describe the different modules of the GA processor and is described in Appendix-1. The LFSR module described in chapter 2 is implemented and the 12-bit random number is obtained in parallel vector processors represented by signals s1 to s16. The size of each of the vector processor is 12 bits. The simulated results are captured using the Modelsim package and are shown in Figures 5.1 to 5.8 The VHDL code is shown in Appendix-1. 88 Figure 5.1 Waveforms of the GA processor captured in package Modelsim 89 Figure 5.2 Simulation showing the vector processor s1 generating the 12-bit random number 90 Figure 5.3 Simulation showing the vector processor s2 generating the 12-bit random number 91 Figure 5.4 Simulation showing the the 12-bit random number vector processor s10 generating 92 Figure 5.5 Simulation showing the vector processor s3 generating the 12-bit random number 93 Figure 5.6 Simulation showing the vector processor s4 generating the 12-bit random number 94 Figure 5.7 Simulation showing the vector processor s5 generating the 12-bit random number 95 Figure 5.8 Simulation showing the vector processor s6 generating the 12-bit random number 96 5.2 VHDL IMPLEMENTATION OF VRC Once written in VHDL, the VRC design can be synthesized and programmed into the FPGA. Use of VHDL allows as much design as possible to be portable to other synthesis tools, other FPGA cards/ FPGA architectures. 5.2.1 VHDL Implementation Methodology Producing a VHDL implementation of the VRC involved several design stages. This section explains these stages and provides an overview of the design methodology used. The VHDL code implementing the VRC is shown in Appendix-2 of this thesis. Examination of the image enhancement filter Specification The first step in the development process was to analyze thoroughly the input-output specification for the VRC. The basic data inputs and outputs of the VRC are shown in Table 5.1. This table is concerned with the information passed to and from the VRC. The specific binary inputs and outputs used to transmit the information will be covered later. Table 5.1 VRC Main Data Inputs/Outputs Main Data Inputs Input Bits Description Totally 72 bits are given as input to the VRC. These are the bits corresponding to nine 8-bit pixels of the 3x3 window. Output bits An 8-bit processed output is given which replaces the center pixel of the 3x3 window. 97 5.3 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF EHW FILTER Real images are often degraded by some random errors, this degradation is usually called noise. Noise can occur during image capture, transmission or processing, and may be dependent on, or independent of, image content. Noise is usually described by its probabilistic characteristics. Different noise models that are commonly used are described in section 5.3.1. 5.3.1 Noise Models Multiplicative noise In this model, the noise magnitude depends on the signal magnitude itself. An example of multiplicative noise is the degradation of film material caused by the finite size of silver grains used in photosensitive emulsion. Quantization noise This occurs when insufficient quantization levels are used, for example, only 50 levels for a monochromatic image. Due to this noise false contours appear. However, this noise can be eliminated by simple means. Impulsive noise When an image is corrupted with individual noisy pixels whose brightness differs significantly from that of the neighborhood, then it represents an impulse noise effect. Salt and pepper noise This describes saturated impulsive noise – an image corrupted with white and/or black pixels. The effect is more appropriate for binary images. 98 Gaussian noise Idealized noise, called white noise or Gaussian noise, has constant power spectrum, meaning that its intensity does not vary with increasing frequency. This noise model is often used. 5.3.2 Algorithm to Generate Additive, Zero Mean Gaussian Noise An algorithm to generate zero mean additive Gaussian noise in an image is given in this section. The noise is considered additive in the sense that noise and input image are independent variables. i) Select a value for variance of noise σ; low values generate low noise effect ii) If the image gray-level range is [0,G-1], calculate P[i]=1/ σ iii) i=0,1,-----G-1 For each pixel (x,y) of intensity g(x,y), generate a random number q1 in the range [0,1]. Determine j=argmini(q 1-p[i]) iv) Generate a random number (sign)q2 from the set [-1,1]. Set f*(x,y)=g(x,y)+q 2j. v) vi) Set f(x,y) = 0 if f*(x,y) <0 f(x,y) = G-1 if f*(x,y) > G-1 f(x,y) = f*(x,y) otherwise (5.1) Repeat from step 3 till all pixels are scanned It is to be observed, the truncation eqn. 5.1 will attenuate the Gaussian nature of the noise and this will become more marked for values of σ that are high relative to G. 99 5.3.3 Comparison Results with Gaussian Filter In the first phase of this work, simulations were performed using Gaussian noise distorted bitmaps generated using section 5.3.2. Gaussian noise is a very good approximation to noise that occurs in many practical cases. Gaussian noise is considered in accordance with central limit theorem, which states that, it is possible to represent a mixture of noises with different probability density function in terms of probability density function of Gaussian noise. Filtering operation can be done either with a frequency filter or with a spatial filter. Generally, a spatial filter is preferable as it is computationally cheaper than a frequency filter. Bitmap of Lena is used as the target image at different distortion levels for the generality of the EHW architecture. All results were compared with the filtered results from the Gaussian filter. The bitmap images distorted by Gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance of 0.003, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009, 0.01 and 0.2 were used for the testing. Figure 5.9 is the original Lena bitmap of size 128x128. Figure 5.10 is the Lena bitmap distorted by Gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance 0.003. Figure 5.11 is the result from Gaussian filter. Figure 5.12 is the resulting image of the EHW filter. The Mean Difference per pixel is 135602 for Gaussian filtered image and 127985 for evolvable hardware filtered image. This establishes the superior performance of the proposed evolvable hardware based image enhancement filter. To test the generality of the image filter evolved, various different image sets are given as input to the evolved filter and the output is verified. Figure 5.13 is the original Baboon bitmap image of size 128x128. Figure 5.14 is the image distorted by Gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance 0.008. 100 Figure 5.15 and Figure 5.16 are the image filtered by Gaussian filter and the EHW filter respectively. The Mean Difference is 225353 and 215612 for Figure 5.15 and Figure 5.16 respectively. Another image, Saturn, distorted by Gaussian noise of variance 0.007 is given as input to the evolved circuit and the output is verified. Figure 5.17 is the original Saturn bitmap image of size 128x128. Figure 5.18 is the image distorted by Gaussian noise. Figure 5.19 and Figure 5.20 are the image filtered by Gaussian filter and the EHW filter respectively. The Mean Difference is 157912 for Gaussian filtered image and 100849 for evolvable hardware filtered image. Similar results for different images are shown in Figures 5.21 to 5.44. Fig. 5.9 Fig. 5.11 Fig. 5.10 Fig. 5.12 Figure 5.9 Original Lena Image 128x128, Fig. 5.10 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.003, Fig. 5.11 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.12 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 101 Fig. 5.13 Fig. 5.15 Fig. 5.14 Fig. 5.16 Figure 5.13 Original Baboon Image 128x128, Fig. 5.14 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.008, Fig. 5.15 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.16 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 102 Figure 5.17 Fig.5.17 Fig. 5.18 Fig. 5.19 Fig. 5.20 Original Saturn image 128x128, Fig. 5.18 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.007, Fig. 5.19 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.20 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 103 Fig. 5.21 Fig. 5.22 Fig. 5.23 Fig. 5.24 Figure 5.21 Original Chemical Plant image 128x128, Fig. 5.22 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.006, Fig. 5.23 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.24 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 104 Fig. 5.25 Fig. 5.27 Fig. 5.26 Fig. 5.28 Figure 5.25 Original Man image 128x128, Fig. 5.26 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.009, Fig. 5.27 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.28 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 105 Figure 5.29 Fig. 5.29 Fig. 5.30 Fig. 5.31 Fig. 5.32 Original Peppers image 128x128, Fig. 5.30 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.02, Fig. 5.31 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.32 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 106 Fig. 5.33 Fig. 5.35 Figure 5.33 Fig. 5.34 Fig. 5.36 Original Chart image 128x128, Fig. 5.34 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.008, Fig. 5.35 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.36 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 107 Figure 5.37 Fig. 5.37 Fig. 5.38 Fig. 5.39 Fig. 5.40 Original Test pattern image 128x128, Fig. 5.38 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.005, Fig. 5.39 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.40 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 108 Fig. 5.41 Fig. 5.43 Figure 5.41 Fig. 5.42 Fig. 5.44 Original Moon image 128x128, Fig. 5.42 Image Distorted by Gaussian Noise of Mean 0 and Variance 0.01, Fig. 5.43 Image Filtered by Gaussian Filter, Fig. 5.44 Image Filtered by EHW filter. 109 5.4 MEAN DIFFERENCE FOR VARIOUS STANDARD TEST IMAGES The comparative results of the evolved filter and that of the Gaussian filter are obtained by measuring the three standard performance measures, viz., Mean Difference, MSE in dB and PSNR in dB for different images. These results are tabulated in Tables 5.2, Table 5.3 and Table 5.4 along with the variance of the noise introduced in each experimental study. From the tables it is evident that the evolvable hardware filter outperforms Gaussian filter. The mean difference per pixel for all the standard test images presented above is evaluated for both EHW and Gaussian noise and is tabulated in table 5.2. Lesser the MDPP better is the filtering. Table 5.2 Comparison of Mean Difference for Various Standard Test Images Image Variance of noise Gaussian Filter EHW Filter Lena 0.003 135602 127985 Test pattern 0.005 160621 139955 Chemical Plant 0.006 173449 143152 Saturn 0.007 157912 100849 Baboon 0.008 225353 215612 Chart 0.008 198807 100531 Man 0.009 203399 180606 Moon 0.01 217764 143384 Peppers 0.02 295040 237896 110 5.5 MEAN SQUARE ERROR FOR VARIOUS STANDARD TEST IMAGES The mean square error for all the standard test images presented in section 5.3 is evaluated for both EHW filter and Gaussian filter and is tabulated in table 5.3. Lesser the MSE better is the image enhancement. Table 5.3 Comparison of Mean Square Error (dB) for Various Standard Test Images Image Variance Gaussian Filter EHW Filter Lena 0.003 20.46 20.36 Test pattern 0.005 21.90 21.21 Chemical Plant 0.006 22.44 21.08 Saturn 0.007 22.10 19.42 Baboon 0.008 24.79 24.64 Chart 0.008 24.18 23.55 Man 0.009 23.96 23.14 Moon 0.01 24.41 20.98 Peppers 0.02 27.07 26.08 5.6 PEAK SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO (PSNR) FOR VARIOUS STANDARD TEST IMAGES The PSNR for all the standard test images presented in section 5.3 is evaluated for both EHW filter and Gaussian filter and is tabulated in Table 5.4. Higher the PSNR better is the image enhancement. 111 Table 5.4 Comparison of PSNR (dB) for Various Standard Test Images Image Variance Gaussian Filter EHW Filter Lena 0.003 27.67 27.77 Test pattern 0.005 26.23 26.92 Chemical Plant 0.006 25.69 27.05 Saturn 0.007 26.03 28.71 Baboon 0.008 23.34 23.49 Chart 0.008 23.96 24.58 Man 0.009 24.17 24.99 Moon 0.01 23.72 27.15 Peppers 0.02 21.06 22.05 5.7 SYNTHESIS REPORT The original and distorted bitmap images are stored in input buffer initially. It takes 128x128 clock cycles to store each image. At the same time using random number generator generates 16 initial chromosomes. 16x25x10 clock cycles are needed to generate the initial population. 128x128 clock cycles are used to evaluate the output for each chromosome. Totally 16x128x128 clock cycles are needed to evaluate the output for all chromosomes. To select the best chromosome 16 clock cycles are needed. Bit by bit mutation is used and to generate the new population 15x250 clock cycles are needed. The evolved filter is the result of the evolution of an array of 4x6 PEs with one PE at the output. The level back parameter is set as 2. Number of generations in the GA processor was chosen as 3000. The coding was done in VHDL using Xilinx Project Navigator and simulations were performed in 112 ModelSim 6. The hardware evolution took 2 minutes on Xilinx Virtex FPGA xcv800 running at 49 MHz. This compares favorably with software simulations reported previously which took approximately 6 hours (Pentium III/800 MHz system) to achieve the best chromosome. Thus, the speed has been increased by 180 times and the evolution time has been greatly reduced. This makes the evolved filter highly suited for on-line implementations. The evolved VRC occupies 1754 slices of the Xilinx Virtex FPGA xcv800 (9408 slices) and the whole evolvable system including the GA processor occupies 3204 slices. This amounts to 34% of the resources and hence chromosomes can be operated in parallel and the processing time can still be greatly reduced. The synthesis report is given in Table 5.5. Table 5.5 Synthesis Report - Device Utilization Summary (Population Size = 16, Chromosome Length = 250) Target information: Vendor: Xilinx Family: VirtexDevice: v800fg680 Speed: -6 Optimization Goal: Speed Number of Slices 3204 out of 9408 34% Number of Slice Flip Flops 1087 out of 18816 5% Number of 4 input LUTs 6200 out of 18816 32% Number of bonded IOBs 79 out of 516 15% Number of BRAMs 8 out of 28 28% Number of GCLKs 1 out of 4 25% Minimum period 20.160ns Maximum Frequency 49.603MHz Minimum input arrival time before clock 27.706ns Maximum output required time after clock 6.887ns 113 5.8 CONCLUSION The work has presented a novel approach to digital image filter design based on the technique of evolvable hardware. FPGA model for the function level evolvable hardware is analyzed and associated with the evolutionary algorithms employed. The evolution time has been greatly reduced by implementing the evolutionary algorithm in hardware. The EHW architecture evolves filters without a priori information and out-performs conventional filter in terms of computational effort, filtered output signal and implementation cost.
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