INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT, CATERING TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED NUTRITION, V.S.S NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR-751 007 TENDER NOTICE NO -001/IHM / GT/14-15 Sealed tender is invited from Regd.Software Firms or its Authorized Business Partners for Supply , Installation and maintenance of education management systems in the Institute .The education software include students attendance systems with IDcards ,communication , library managements,inventory and accounts managements .The tenderers should visit and meet our officials of the institute before quotting the rate and other terns and conditions The Tender documents will be available in the Cash Counter of the Institute on payment of Rs.200.00 in shape of Cash from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.from Monday to Friday on all working days from 17.11.14 to 21.11.14 . The Tender Documents can also be downloaded from our website- for further details .Amendment /Corrigendum ,if any, would be hosted on our website only. The tender papers have to be submitted in the tender box available in the Admn.Block of the Institute or, sent by speed post /regd. post so as to reach in the institute not later than 5.30pm on 24.11.14 along with the prescribed tender document fee of s.200/- in shape demand draft in favour of Principal, IHMCT & AN, Bhubaneswar, payable at Bhubaneswar. The Technical tender will be opened on the next day i,e dt.25.11.14 at 10 am by tender opening committee of the Institute in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representative who may wish to be present. The Financial Tenders will be opened on 26.11.14 at 11.30 a.m. only in respect of qualifying Technical Tenderers in the presence of qualifying tenderers or their authorized representative who may wish to be present. The top of the envelope should be superscripted with “Tender for Supply and installation of Software ”. The authority reserves the right to accept/reject any part of or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof Principal I/c TENDER FORMAT Software Supply , Installation andmaintance for Institute of Hotel Management, Catering technology and Applied Nutrition,Bhubaneswar-7 Tender Reference NO -001/IHM / GT/14-15 (GENERAL TENDER) ==================================================================== SECTION -1: INVITATION FOR TENDER The Tender will have 2(Two) Parts viz. General /Technical Tender Bid and Financial Price Tender Bid. In order to be eligible for participation in the Tender, the Tenderers must fulfill following criteria : 1. The tenderer should be exclusively a firm or its Authorized Channel Partners and should have registered office anywhere in India. 2. The tenderer must have prior experience in supplying relevant products of this items in tender to any Government/ PSUs / Govt. Education Institute in India. The Documentary proof for the same must be enclosed in General Tenders. 3. The tenderer must be a registered firm with Odisha Sales Tax Authority/ Indian Central Sales Tax and must furnish the photocopies of VAT registration certificate, and up to date VAT clearance certificate along with the General Tenders. 4. The tenderer should submit photo copy of Service Tax registration along with General Tenders 5. The tenderer must have Income Tax Registration (PAN) number and must submit copies of it along with last 3 years Income Tax filing returns as proof of tax clearance. 7. The tenderer must enclose Tender document fee of Rs. 200/- (non refundable) with general bid. EMD for Rs 5000/- or 1% of BID value which ever is more / higher to be submitted with General Bid in a separate sealed envelope marked “Earnest Money Deposit --EMD” in form Demand Draft drawn on any National Bank in favour of Principal, Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar, Bhubaneswar and payable at Bhubaneswar. which will carry no interest. 8.The tenderer must enclose proof of all documents as in Annexure G-5. 9 Tenderer should inspect the site of installation prior to supply and do the need full changes if required for such work after giving in writing to the Institute mentioning the required changes or modification required. The cost of such work should be included in the price bid against the item / items. 1. The tenderer has to quote all the items indicated in both figures and words, otherwise the bid will not be considered. Corrections /Overwriting if any in the tender shall be initialed with date after rewriting. 2. The supply & installation of all the products should be completed within 45 days from the date of issue of Purchase Order. No extension shall be granted to the selected bidder unless the reasons are beyond his control and Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar, Bhubaneswar is satisfied with the reasons. 3. The EMD should at least be valid for a period of 90 days. The EMD is liable to be forfeited, if the bidder withdraws or amends impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of his offer. In case of a successful bidder the bid security shall be forfeited if the bidder fails to accept the Work/Purchase Order or fails to furnish performance security after accepting the Work/ Purchase Order within 7days of issue of Work/Purchase Order. 4. The EMD of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned by Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar, Bhubaneswar within reasonable time after the finalization of the tender. No interest shall be allowed on the earnest money. 5. The successful bidder will be required to furnish performance security of 5% of the contract value in the form of Bank Guarantees from any Indian Nationalized Bank and it will retained till satisfactory completion of the warranty period. 6. Tenders, which are received after the time and date specified above, will not be considered. In case the intended dates for opening of tenders is declared as holiday, the tenders will be opened on the next working day at the same time. Tenders will be opened at Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar, Bhubaneswar -751007, Odisha, India. The name of the bidders participated will be read out in the presence of such tenderers / authorized representatives 7. Submission of Tender document through e-mail / Fax / Telegram is not permitted. 8. The rate should be quoted in Indian currency only. The rate should be quoted in figures as well as in words, if there is variation between the rates quoted in figures and in words, the rates quoted in „Words‟ shall be taken as correct. 9. If improper rates are mentioned for the same items, the tender is liable to be rejected and must be countersigned by tenderers with full signature and date. 10. All pages of the tender documents should be officially stamped and counter signed by the Tenderer. i. Copy of the Registration certificate of the firm with Organization profile. ii. The address of their local office if any, in Odisha along with contact nos. (Both Landline and mobile), FAX and E-mail address. iii. Signed copy of the tender document with full signature of the tenderer as an acceptance of the terms and conditions of the tender. (Annexure G-3 ) iv. Xerox copies of Up-to-date VAT clearance certificate and PAN no. allotted by Income Tax Department and Income Tax filing for last three years ending with 31.03.2013. This should be officially stamped & signed v. Copy of Service Tax Registration certificate . This should be officially stamped & signed ix. Address with telephone and mobile number of the service centers in Odisha for the item quoted by the bidder. xii. x. Self declaration stating that the bidder has not been blacklisted by any Govt./PSUs (Annexure-G4) . In case the declaration is found to be false at any point of time, the authority has the right to reject / cancel the tender / Bid even if it is finalized or , order placed . xi. Annexure -G5 duly filled in for checklist. Copies of the ISO Certificate if any may be submitted. FINANCIAL TERMS i. The rates quoted by the bidder against items contained in bill of quantity of the Tender document, shall be inclusive of all Taxes, Transportation, Octorai and other duties . The various items of testing, commissioning and maintenance shall be inclusive of all costs such as VAT/ CST / service tax as applicable in Odisha. ii. Conditional offers and offers qualified by such vague and indefinite expression such as “Subject to immediate acceptance”, “Subject to prior sale” etc. will not be considered. iii. The price and conditions of the offer should be valid for at least a period of 90 days from the date of tender opening. iv. Delivery and installation should be made within 45 (Forty Five) days from the issue of the purchase order. The full payment will be made after delivery and installation and the submission of bills to purchaser in triplicate along with chalans and installation certificate issued by the subject to acceptance of performance guarantees of 5% submitted by tenderer. PURCHASER : Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar, Bhubaneswar-7, Odisha, India. v. PRICE : The price quoted should be with break up. No subsequent request for addition of taxes would be entertained by IHM. In case of any rise in price even beyond the control of tenderer which occurred beyond the period of scheduled supply of items even if it is permitted by the authority on the request of the suppliers, the authority is not responsible to pay the extra price subjected to Govt of India Notification for any justification. vi. Basic Price (in Rupees) including Excise duty if any (+)VAT /CST (On sub-total price) (+) Freight and Insurance charges if any (+) Installation, transportation, octorai charge should be detailed separately. vii. TERMS OF PAYMENT : 100% payment will be released within 30 days after delivery and installation of all the items subject to acceptance of performance guarantees of 5% submitted by tenderer. viii. DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION : Tenderer should give consent /preparedness for delivery of the softwares within 45 days after receipt of the Purchase order of the Institute.. Any damage during transit should be borne by the supplier. ix. PENALTY FOR DELAY IN COMPLETION OF CONTRACT : The delivery/installation period quoted in the tenders should be guaranteed under a penalty @ 0.5% on total value of the equipments per week or amount thereof of delay, subject to maximum 10% of the contract /purchase order value. The purchaser reserves the right to cancel the order if it is not executed within the prescribed completion time and forfeit the entire EMD amount. x. ARBITRATION : Any dispute or difference between the parties with regard to this document and all connected and related matters whatsoever shall be discussed and settled amicably. In the event of any failure to resolve the disputes and differences amicably , all such disputes or differences whatsoever shall be referred to the sole Arbitrator appointed by the IHMCT&AN,Bhubaneswar-7,Odisha. The decision of the Arbitrator will be final and binding on both sides. xi. FINAL AUTHORITY : If the tenderer desires to appeal against any matter he shall appeal to Principal /Secretary , Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar,Bhubaneswar-7, Odisha, India whose decision on such matters shall be final and conclusive. EVALUATION TERMS i. General and Technical Evaluation: The Tenders will be evaluated by a duly constituted Evaluation /Internal purchase Committee as decided by the Institute. Evaluation Committee /Internal purchase Committee will examine the eligibility of the Tenderers as per the eligibility criteria and Product with the mentioned Technical specifications. ii. Tenders of the Tenderers, not satisfying the eligibility criteria or/and Minimum Technical Specification indicated in Technical Bid with quoted product‟s Specification shall be rejected. Institute may ask for additional information or demonstration of items from the Bidders within the time limit, in which the Bidders' have to submit same. iii. Financial Evaluation: Financial Tenders of only technically qualified Bidders shall be evaluated by Evaluation Committee. The Tenders, found lacking in maintaining compliance to the Financial Tender format shall be rejected. iv. The IHM do not bind themselves to accept the lowest (L1) Finance bid or bind to give any reason for further dissection. v. Any effort by an agency to influence IHM Tender evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the Tender and forfeiture of the Tenderers's EMD. vi. Where deemed necessary, IHMCT&AN may seek clarifications on any aspect of their Tender to the Tenderer. However, that would not entitle the agency to change or cause any change in the substance of the Tender submitted or price quoted. This would also not mean that their quote has been accepted. ANNEXURE Annexure-G1 GENERAL INFORMATION Company Name Registered Office Address City PIN State Website Telephone Mobile FAX E-Mail Branch Office Address (in Odisha State) City PIN State Website Telephone Mobile FAX E-Mail To be filled in capital letters Annexure-G2 REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORISATION LETTER Date :- Ref : To Principal / Secretary , Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar,Bhubaneswar-751007 Ms./Mr. is hereby authorized to sign relevant document on behalf of the company in dealing with invitation reference No. ENQUIRY NO: 001/IHM / GT/12-13 .She/He is authorized to attained meetings, negotiation and submit technical and commercial information as may be required by you in the course of processing above said application. Authorized Signatory Representative signature Signature Attested Authorized Signatory With Company Seal Annexure-G3 ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS & CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE TENDER DOCUMENTS To Principal / Secretary , Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar,Bhubaneswar-751007 Sir, I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the Tender Document reference NO001/IHM / GT/12-13 for Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Bhubaneswar. I declare that all the provisions/clauses of this Tender Document are acceptable to me and my company. I further certify that I am an authorized signatory of my company and am, therefore, competent to make this declaration. Signature of witness Date: Place: Company Seal Signature of the Tenderer Date: Place: Annexure-G4 SELF DECLARATION (IN COMPANY LETTER HEAD) To Principal / Secretary, Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, VSS Nagar,Bhubaneswar-751007 In response to the tender reference no 001/IHM / GT/12-13 ,I/ We, Ms/ Mr. …... as a ……, declare that our company…………….. is not under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of India/State Governments. I/we further declare that our company has not defaulted in executing any government order in the past and have not declared blacklisted by any central/ state govt. organizations. Authorized Signatory Signature of witness Date: Place: Company Seal Signature of the Tenderer Date: Place: Annexure-G5 LIST OF ENCLOSURES Description Enclosed Annexure / Attachment / Sl. No. (Yes/No) 1. 2. Copy of registration certificate of the firm Organization profile 3. Annexure-G1: General information Annexure-G2:Representative 4. authorization letter 5. Annexure-G3: Acceptance And of terms conditions in the tender documents 6. Up-to-date VAT clearance certificate 7. Service Tax Registration Certificate Copy of PAN no. allotted by Income Tax 8. Department, Govt. of India 9. Documentary proof of authorized partner of Manufacturer (OEM) for items quoted. 10 Tender document cost /Performance security /EMD amount Page No. / Envelop no. of the Enclosure top of the sealed envelope and write name of the firm on the back side of DD) 11 1-DD No : Amount : 23- 12 EMD in a sealed envelope with General bid (Super scribe EMD on the top of the sealed envelope and write name of the firm on the back side of DD) General bid duly signed 13 (sealed envelope) Financial bid duly signed 14 (sealed envelope) Customers list 15 where similar works was completed/going on during last three years with detailed information 16 Annexure G-4 Self Declaration. DD No : Amount : FINANCIAL TEDER FOR SOFTWARE Sr. No. Name of the articles Qty Taxes Details Specifications Unit Price TOTAL Total Amout IN WOTD S The education software The education software include students attendance systems with IDcards , communication , library managements,inventory and accounts managements SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH SEAL FINANCIAL TEDER ZYM MATERIALS Sl. No. 1 2 3 Items HOME GYM WITH PREACHER CURL WITH PUSH UP BAR WITH SIT UP BENCH 150 LBS PVC WEIGHT WITH METAL COVER HEAVY 50MM X50MM SQUARE TABULAR STEEL FRAME MAGNETIC BIKE 5KG FLY WHEEL 8LEVEL TENSION CONTROL SYSTEM COMPUTER DISPLAY FOR SPEED ,TIME,DISTANCE AND CALORIES WITH HAND PULSE WITH WHEELS FOR EASY MOVEMENT ADJUSTABLE SEAT HEIGHT FOR DIFFERENT USERS ADJUSTING CAPS FOR UNEVEN FLOOR MAXIMUM USER WEIGHT 100KG MULTIFUNCTION TREAD MILL4=1 HIGH QUALITY STEEL FRAME HIGH INTENSITY RUNNING BOARD RUNNING SPACE 13.5 X46.5 INCHES FIVE WINDOW LCD MONITOR SHOWING CALORIES TIME, SPEED, DISTANCE AND PULSE WITH TWISTER STEPER WITH PRESSOR CYLINDERS WITH PUSH UP BARS 3 LEVEL MANUAL INCLINE MAXIMUM USER WEIGHT 100 KGS 4 CROSS TRAINER MAGNETIC ELLEPTICAL ASSEMBLED WITH Price per Unit Taxes TOTAL 5 UNIVERSAL PIVOT JOINT FOR CRANK AXLE AUTOMATIC ALY ADJUST THE TOLERANCE OF DISK RUNNING COMPUTER DISPLAY FOR SPEED ,TIME,DISTANCE AND CALORIES WITH HAND PULSEAND ROOM TEMPERATURE 6KG FLY WHEEL WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM 8 LEVEL TENSION CONTROL SYSTEM WITH WHEELS ADJUSTABLE SEAT HEIGHT FOR DIFFERENT USERS ADJUSTING CAPS FOR UNEVEN FLOOR MAXIMUM USER WEIGHT 100KG OLYMPIC BENCH MULTI PURPOSE 6 ZYMNASTIC PLAIN BENCH 7 ZYMNASTIC PUSH UP STAND 8 DUMBELL IMP 9 STEERING WHEELS PLATE KRI 10 ZYMNASTIC Z BAR 4‟ 11 ZYMNASTIC BAR 3” , 4” , 5” Signature of Tendeers With seal FINANCIAL TEDER FOR FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ABC Dry chemical powder type fire Extinguisher: 1. Type-Stored Pressure 2. Capacity-2kg, 4Kg, 6Kg, 9Kg 3. Extinguishing element-MAP (Mono Ammonium phosphate). 4. Pressurizing Agent-Dry Nitrogen 5. Powder particle size-16to 33 micron. 6. 100% silicon coated powder particle 7. applicable on class A, B, c& electrically started fire. 8. Mass Spectrometer Helium Leak detection Test certificate. 9. Approved by ISI-15683 Recent Amendment in code of practice. 10. ISO9001& CE Certified and EN approved 11. CAN construction-EDD Quality steel - Deep Drawn &CO2 mig welding. Valve Construction-Forging & machining, Coating-Epoxy Polyster powder Coating 12. EPDM(Ethyl Polypropylene Diemo minor)Rubber Hose pipe 13. Range of Throw-4.9 met. 14. Hydraulic test pressure of cylinder 30Kg/cm2 15. Minimum discharge quantity-95% 16. Warranty Period-5Years 17. Mass spectrometer helium leak detection test certified. 18. Magnectic pressure gauge to indicate the readiness of the extinguisher. 19. High gloss Epoxy paint from inside and Outside of the container. 20. Manufacture must have DGS&D Registration and NSIC Certificate. CO2 type fire Extinguisher: 1. Type-Stored Pressure 2. Capacity-2Kg, 4.5Kg, 6.5Kg, 22.5Kg 3. Trolley mounted and handle in the centre of gravity 4. Fire Rating-2Kg-21B,4.5Kg-55B,605Kg-70B,22.5Kg-89B 5. Extinguishing element-Carbon dioxide 6. Applicable on class B,C &Electricity started fire. 7. Department of Explosive Certificate (approved Govt. Of India) 8. Approved by ISI No.15683 9. ISO 9001&CE Certified 10. CAN construction-Hot spinning 11. Valve Construction-Forging, 12. EPDM Rubber Hose Pipe 13. Discharge Time-Less than 10Sec. 14. Burst Pressure-280Bar. 15. Magnetic pressure gauge to Indicate the readiness of the extinguisher Signature of Tendeers With seal FINANCIAL TEDER FOR LCD /LED PROJECTOR DISPLAY SYSTEM---3 LCD SYSTEM SIZE DISPLAY AREA OF DEVICE-.63(16MM)X3 , ASPECT RATIO-4.3,PIXELS(1024X768X3) PROJECTION LENS- ZOOM OPTICAL MANUAL LIGHT SOURCE - ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE MERCURY LAMP210W TYPE RECOMODATION LAMP-5000H REPLACEMENT TIME FILTER CLEARING CYCLEMAX-7000 H PER PIECE (INCLUSIVE ALL TAXES)-SCREEN SIZE LIGHT OUTPUT COLOR LIGHT OUTPUT CONTRAST RATIO DISPLAYABLE SCANNING FREQUIENCY DISPLAY RESOLUTION COLOUR SYSTEM KEY STONE CORRECTION OSD LANGUAGE COMPUTER AND VIDEO SIGNAL CONTROLSIGNAL OUTPUT/INOUTPUT OPERATING TEMPORATURE STORAGE TEMPORATURE POWER REQUIREMENT POWER CONSUMPTION REPLACEMENT LAMP Signature of Tenderer With seal
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