ウ thought エ thousand ウ teaches n-t il(until) ol-u n-t eer(volunteer

 1 次のア∼エの中から下線部の発音が他と異なるものを 1 つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
⑴ ア food
イ book
ウ noon
エ moon
⑵ ア natural
イ main
ウ plane
エ afraid
⑶ ア through
イ though
ウ thought
エ thousand
⑷ ア plays
イ goes
ウ teaches
エ begins
2 次の各語で,最も強く発音する部分を記号で答えなさい。
⑴ un-til (until)
ア イ
ア イ
⑶ im-por-tant (important)
ア イ
⑵ vol-un-teer (volunteer)
⑷ veg-e-ta-ble (vegetable)
ア イウ エ
3 次の英文の( )内のア∼エから適当なものをそれぞれ 1 つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
⑴ Tom and (ア he イ his ウ him エ he s) brother like baseball.
⑵ Betty and Lucy(ア is イ are ウ was エ were)in the same class last
⑶ I have a lot of work (ア do イ did ウ to do エ doing) today.
⑷ This story (ア knows イ knew ウ known エ is known) to everyone.
⑸ Ken (ア read イ reads ウ is reading エ have read) a newspaper
4 次の英文の( )に入る適当な英語をそれぞれ 1 語ずつ入れなさい。ただし,与えられた文字
⑴ A : What is the day of the week that comes after Wednesday?
B : It s (T ).
⑵ A : What is the second month of the year?
B : It s (F ).
⑶ A : I usually use my left hand when I write letters.
B : Really? I use my (r ) hand.
⑷ A : What is your mother doing now?
B : She is cooking in the (k ).
⑸ A : What (l ) do they speak in Canada?
B : They speak both English and French.
1 5 次の対話が成り立つように,( )に入る適当なものをア∼エからそれぞれ 1 つずつ選び,
⑴ A : Hello.
Can I speak to Mr. Brown?
B : ( )
ア No, you can t.
イ Thank you.
ウ Speaking.
エ Good job.
⑵ A : May I help you?
B:( )
ア Yes, you may.
イ I m looking for a T-shirt.
ウ I m sorry.
エ We should help each other.
⑶ A : Pass me the salt, please.
B : ( )
ア Thanks.
イ Don t mind.
ウ Here you are.
エ It sounds good.
⑷ A : Shall we go to the movie?
B : ( ) Tom said it was interesting.
ア Yes, let s.
イ No, let s not.
ウ Yes, you shall.
エ Not at all.
⑸ A : How many times have you been to Hawaii?
B : ( ) I want to go there someday.
ア I live in Hawaii.
イ It s ten o clock in Hawaii now.
ウ Five times.
エ Never.
6 次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( )に入る適当な英語を 1 語ずつ入れなさい。
⑴ ケンは沖縄に行ったことがあります。
Ken ( )( ) to Okinawa.
⑵ 彼女はよく弟の面倒を見ます。
She often ( )( ) of her brother.
⑶ 1 週間は 7 日あります。
There ( ) seven days ( ) a week.
2 7 次の対話を読み,あとの問いに答えなさい。
Hi, Emi.
Good morning, Keita. ( A ) You look very tired.
I stayed ( ① ) late last night.
What were you doing?
I was studying math. We have a math test, don t we?
I see. But we ll take the test in the morning. I m afraid that you can t do
well if you are so sleepy.
: I know that. Don t say the same thing as my mother said, please.
: Sorry. Aren t you good ( ② ) math?
: No, I m not. I often make mistakes though I practice *calculations a lot.
( B )
: I go to an *abacus school twice a week, so I like calculations and I can do
it fast.
: That s nice! How long have you learned it?
: ( ③ ) ten years. I started it when I was five years old.
: ( C )
: An abacus is useful for math. By the way, it s 8:20 now.
: Oh, we must hurry up!
計算 *abacus そろばん
⑴ ( A ),
( B ),
( C )に入る適当な文をア∼オからそれぞれ 1 つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア What a long time!
イ When did you study?
ウ How about you?
エ What s wrong with you?
オ Do you have the time? ⑵ ( ① ),
( ② ),
( ③ )
に入る適当な語をア∼オからそれぞれ 1 つずつ選び,記号で答え
ア by イ at ウ for エ up オ out
3 8 次のメール文を読み,あとの問いに答えなさい。
July 7th
Dear Takeshi
It is two weeks since I came to Japan. I m fine here in Tokyo. When you
stayed( ① )my house in New York last year, you taught me a lot of things,
and they are helpful now. I can understand easy Japanese and sometimes talk
in Japanese with my new classmates.
But I have some problems, especially when I read Japanese. First, there are
three *characters, kanji, hiragana and katakana in Japanese sentences, so I
haven t learned all of them yet. But I can already read and write some kanjis
that came from *shapes or meanings of things, such as ki(tree) or ichi(one),
ni(two) and san(three). They are easy and interesting.
Next, I can t understand the difference ( ② ) ha and wa in hiragana.
Why do you read watashi-ha as watashi-wa ? Or why don t you write hatashiha ? To read Japanese is ( ③ ) for me!
My Japanese classmates are very kind to me. We eat our lunch together.
Their mothers make *box lunches for them every morning, but my mother
can t do that ( ④ ) she has never made a box lunch and doesn t know
how to make it. I ( ⑤ ) pictures of my friends box lunches and show my
mother the pictures every day. My mother says, “I ll try to make a box
lunch like these pictures,” but she can t make it yet. ⑥It is a great idea to
put many kinds of food in a box, I think. Does your mother make a box
lunch for you every morning?
By the way, I m going to visit your town with my family next month. I want
to meet you. Please tell me your *schedule.
See you.
Anna *
文字 *shape
形 *box lunch
by the way ところで schedule スケジュール,予定
⑴ ( ① ),
( ③ ),( ④ ),
に入る適当な語をア∼エからそれぞれ 1 つずつ選び,記号で
① ア to
イ with
ウ for
エ at
③ ア different
イ difficult
ウ sad
エ easy
④ ア though
イ when
ウ because
エ if
⑤ ア make
イ take
ウ write
エ eat
⑵ (②)
に入る適当な 1 語を書きなさい。
⑶ 下線部⑥を次のようにほぼ同じ内容に書きかえるとき,
( )
に入る適当な英語を 1 語ず
( ) many kinds of food in a box ( ) a great idea
4 ⑷ アンナからのメールの内容に合うように,
( )
に入る適当な英語を 1 語入れなさい。
Which month will Anna visit Takeshi s town in?
She will visit it in ( ).
⑸ 次の英文は,アンナからのメールを読んだタケシが書いた返事のメールです。あとの問い
Dear Anna
Thanks for your e-mail.
I think it is not easy for Americans to learn Japanese. In fact, I don t like
learning kanjis though I m Japanese. In our school, we must take a test of
kanjis every week, and I can t get good *score. But I must study harder
because reading and( ⑦ )many kanjis are necessary to pass the *entrance
We can eat *school lunch in my school, so my mother doesn t have to make
a box lunch. Is there no box lunch in the U.S.? What did you eat for lunch
when you were in New York?
It may be hard for you and your mother to learn Japanese or to make a box
lunch, but we say, “( ⑧ )” *Take your time.
Last, I m glad to hear that you and your family will come to my town. I m
usually free on Sundays. ⑨I (to / am / you / seeing / forward / looking)
again soon.
score 点数 *entrance exam 入学試験
school lunch 給食 *take ∼ s time あせらずに自分のペースでやる
⒜ (⑦)
に入る適当な 1 語を書きなさい。
⒝ ( ⑧ )にはあることわざが入る。その日本語訳として適当なものをア∼エから 1 つ選び,
ア とんびが鷹を生む イ 習うより慣れよ
ウ 親の心,子知らず エ 時は金なり
⒞ 下線部⑨が「もうすぐあなたにまた会えるのを楽しみにしています」という意味の英文
になるように,( )内の語句を正しい語順に並べかえて書きなさい。
⑹ アンナからのメールとタケシが書いた返事のメールの内容に合っているものをア∼オから
2 つ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア Anna learned many things from Takeshi while she was in America.
イ Anna can read and write all kanjis now because they are interesting.
ウ Anna s mother likes the pictures of Anna s friends.
エ Takeshi doesn t like Japanese so he can t pass the entrance exam.
オ Takeshi wants to meet Anna on Sunday next month.
5 9 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )に入る適当な英語を 1 語ずつ入れなさい。
⑴ This room is smaller than that room.
That room is ( ) than this room.
⑵ I had a good time at the party.
I ( ) myself at the party.
⑶ Why are you so angry?
( ) made you so angry?
⑷ He can speak English well.
He is ( )( ) speak English well.
⑸ Look at the boy running over there.
Look at the boy ( )( ) running over there.
( )
⑴ これはたくさんの人々に愛されている本です。
This (ア loved イ the ウ is エ book) by many people.
⑵ 私はすべての動物の中でネコが一番好きです。
I like (ア of イ the ウ best エ cats) all animals.
⑶ 彼は兄ほど背が高くありません。
He (ア tall イ as ウ not エ is) as his brother.
⑷ 私は彼と友達になりたいのです。
I want (ア with イ make ウ friends エ to) him.
⑸ メアリーがつくったケーキはおいしかった。
The (ア was イ cake ウ made エ Mary オ delicious).
⑹ 彼女がどこに住んでいるのか知っていましたか。
Did (ア she イ know ウ lived エ where オ you)?