TOWN OF CLINTON Inland Wetlands Commission 54 East Main

Inland Wetlands Commission
54 East Main Street
Clinton, Connecticut 06413
Clerk: [email protected]
Regular Monthly Meeting
August 5, 2014
7:00 P.M.
(The Old Police Station)
1. WEO Report: August 5, 2014
 WEO Permits: none as of August 1, 2014
 Violations
o Update: 11 Old Schoolhouse Lane
o Update: Lots 6, 12 & 13 Lindera Lane
o Update: 1 Walnut Hill Road
 May 5, 2014 Letter of Violation
 June 23, 2014 Notice of Violation issued
 July 9, 2014 WEO permit submitted
 July 9, 2014 Owner advised a Commission Permit needed
 July 16, 2014 Owner given application
o Update: IWC 14-002V: 8 Fernwood Lane
o New: IWC 14-005V: 369 East Main Street
o New: IWC 14-006V: Lot 13, Lindera Lane
 Other
o 14 Bargate Road – ZBA Decision with condition puts shed into wetlands.
Applicant advised to ask ZBA for a modification of their decision
o Circle Drive – emergency road work by DPW, Town of Clinton
2. IWC 14-005R: Under and on the sides of the Road Between 11 & 13 Circle Drive,
Town of Clinton Department of Public Works (Applicant) Town of Clinton (Owner).
Regulated Activity: Emergency Drainage Repair. Zone: R-80.
3. IWC 14-006M: 8 Fernwood Lane. Kevin L. Colebank (Applicant) Kevin L. & Laura
Colebank (Owners). Application for Modification of Permit for IWC 03-001R as
Modified in IWC14-002V. Assessor’s Map 82 Block 52. Lot 1-8. Zone: R-80.
4. Applications received after the filing of the agenda – to be added by motion
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IWC –Agenda
Regular Meeting
August 5, 2014
5. IWC 14-004R: 41 East Shore Drive, Andrew Mazur (Applicant) Andrew and
Margaret Mazur (Owners). AFTER-THE-FACT: Regulated Activity: multi-level deck
from house to lake. Assessor’s Map 14 Block 4 Lot 38. Zone: R-30. Last Day for
Decision: September 4, 2014
 Action on July 21, 2014 Site Walk Minutes
 Determination of Significant Activity
 Request for Waiver of A-2 Survey
 Action on Application
6. Minutes: July 1, 2014 Regular Meeting
7. IWC 14-003 Regs: IWC Proposed Amendment to IWC Regulations: Roadside
8. Continued Business/New Business
 Correspondence/Bills
 July 24, 2014 Letter from Cuddy & Feder re: AT&T Cell Tower Proposal for
Spencer Hill Road, Killingworth (notification of completion of the municipal
consultation process)
 Committee Report: Clinton Events: Radka
 Update: PZC Planning Committee: Radka
 Update: Unilever Study Steering Committee: Radka
 Update: Conservation Commission: Zamecnik
 Membership
 Student Members: one vacancy to be filled in September 2014
 Regular Members
o Vacancies: 2 Alternate Seats
9. Procedures
10. Additions to Agenda: September 2, 2014 Regular Meeting
11. Chair’s Comments
Emailed: Town Clerk
Board of Selectmen
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