NEW CONCESSION SCHEMES FOR ELIGIBLE WIS RECIPIENTS AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Anticipated Questions and Answers Sections: A. General B. Concession Scheme for eligible WIS Recipients (Workfare Transport Concession Scheme, WTCS) • Concession Quantum & Concession Validity period • Eligibility Criteria C. Concession Scheme for Persons With Disabilities • Concession Quantum & Concession Validity period • Eligibility Criteria D. Application for Concession Card (for eligible WIS Recipients and Persons With Disabilities) E. Application for Monthly Concession Pass (for Persons With Disabilities) F. Interim Financial Assistance (for 6 Apr – 5 Jul 2014 period) G. Other Financial/ Transport Assistance Schemes H. A. Use of Concession Card GENERAL Start of concessions Q1. Why are the two new concession schemes starting later from 6 July, when the revised fares is implemented much earlier? Would there be interim assistance provided to help eligible WIS recipients and persons with disabilities to help them manage the cost of higher fares? The two new concessions schemes will be implemented on 6 July 2014 as time is required for the application process and for the production and delivery of personalised concession cards to all eligible recipients. As the new concession schemes will only be effective from 6 July 2014, three months after the effective date of the fare increase on 6 April 2014, interim financial assistance of $30 will be provided to all eligible WIS recipients who receive a WIS payment between 1 December 2013 and 5 July 2014. Persons with disabilities who are certified to be eligible by SG Enable by 5 July 2014 will receive interim financial assistance of $80. This is to help defray the cost of travelling on public transport between the time the fares are increased and the launch of the new concession schemes (i.e. from 6 April to 5 July 2014). B. CONCESSION SCHEME FOR ELIGIBLE WIS RECIPIENTS Concession Quantum & Concession Validity Period Q2. What is the WIS Income Supplement (WIS) Scheme? The Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) Scheme was introduced in 2007 as a permanent feature of Singapore’s social security system. WIS supplements the income and CPF savings of older low-wage workers, while encouraging work and individual effort. For more information about the WIS Scheme, please visit: or call 1800222-6622. Q3. When will Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) be paid? WIS is paid four times a year to eligible Singaporean employees to help them meet their expenses more easily. Please see table below for the WIS quarterly assessment period and payment dates. If you worked in… 1st quarter (Jan to Mar) 2nd quarter (Apr to Jun) 3rd quarter (Jul to Sep) 4th quarter (Oct to Dec) Employees will receive the WIS payout in June of the work year September of the work year December of the work year March of the following year An eligible employee will automatically receive his WIS every quarter based on his monthly CPF contributions. If you are working as a self-employed person, your WIS will be paid to you on 1 May of the year following the year of assessment if you declare your Net Trade Income and contribute to your Medisave Account by 31 March of the following year. Q4. What is the Workfare Transport concession quantum? WIS recipients below the age of 60, who receive a WIS payout from 1 Dec 2013, will enjoy 15% discount off adult fares when using the Workfare Transport Concession Scheme (WTCS) Fare Cards. Page 2 of 14 [Note: WIS recipients who are 60 years old and above may apply for the senior citizen concession scheme which offer greater concessions. Senior citizens enjoy 25% discount off adult fares and will not have to pay additional fares for distances beyond 7.2km] Q5. What is the validity period for the Workfare Transport Concession? The validity period for the Workfare Transport concession is one year from when a WIS recipient receives his WIS payout. If the WIS recipient drop out of the WIS scheme in the subsequent quarter, his concession is still valid, as the concession validity is for one year from when he last received a WIS payment. He can still use the concession card and enjoy concessionary fares until the validity period of his WTCS concession expires. Beyond the one-year concession period, the Workfare Transport concession validity will expire if the recipient does not receive any more WIS payments. The commuter will be charged the adult fare if he continues to use his WTCS card on public transport. Q6. Can a WIS recipient continue to enjoy travel concessions if they are no longer on the WIS scheme? The concession tenure granted is for at least 12 months upon the WIS payout. Renewals of the transport concessions will be dependent on whether the cardholders subsequently receives any WIS payment before reaching age 60, after which he becomes eligible for the senior citizen concession scheme. Q7. Is the timeline for the card application and the concession validity the same for a selfemployed person? Yes, the timeline for card application and the concession validity for a self-employed person are the same as that for salaried employees. Both employees and self-employed persons are advised to apply for their concession cards as soon as they receive their WIS payout in order to enjoy Workfare Transport concession fares early. Q8. Will self-employed persons who received their WIS payouts in May 2013 receive the notification letters? Notification letters will be sent to eligible WIS recipients who received their WIS payouts from 1 December 2013. Self-employed persons who received their WIS payouts in May 2013 will not receive notification letters. However, if the self-employed declares his annual net trade income and makes Medisave contributions by 31 March 2014 and receives WIS on 1 May 2014, a notification letter will be sent to him to invite him to apply for the WTCS card. Interim financial assistance of $30 will also be made available for this group of selfemployed WIS recipients if they qualify for WIS payouts on 1 May 2014. Q9. Why was 1 December 2013 chosen as the cut off for WTC concession eligibility? Why not November 2013 or earlier? Page 3 of 14 1 December 2013 was the date of the last major WIS payout before PTC’s decision on the Fare Review Exercise 2013 was announced. Q10. Will the Workfare transport concession validity date be updated and extended whenever a WTCS cardholder receives his subsequent WIS payout? Renewal of the concessions will depend on whether the cardholder has received any subsequent WIS payments before his concession validity period expires. If he receives a subsequent WIS payment, the validity of his Workfare transport concession will be automatically extended whenever he presents his card at any General Ticketing Machine, Add-Value Machine or Top-Up Machine, and will be reset to commence from the last WIS payment date. Q11. Can WIS recipients continue to use their concession cards after the concession validity period is over? After the expiry of the concession validity, the Workfare transport concession card can be used but the cardholder will pay adult fares for travelling on the bus and rail network. Cardholders are advised to keep their card even after the concession validity has expired as they may re-qualify for WTCS subsequently. Q12. What should an eligible applicant do if they forget to renew their WTCS concession validity before it expires? The cardholder can proceed to any General Ticketing Machine, Add-Value Machine or Top-Up Machines and tap his or her card on it. His or her transport concessions will be renewed automatically. Q13. Will the WTCS cardholder enjoy discounted cash fares by showing his/her WTCS card when travelling on bus, or when buying a single trip train ticket to travel on the MRT? No. The WTCS cardholder will only enjoy discounted fares if his concession is still valid and he pays for his bus or train trip using the value stored in the card. There are no discounted cash fares for WTCS cardholders as it will not be possible for the bus captain to recognise if the cardholder’s concession has expired or not. Moreover, there are also no concessionary fares for standard tickets (single trip tickets) for trains. Eligibility Criteria Q14. What is the eligibility requirement for the WTCS for WIS recipients? The WTCS is applicable for individuals below 60 years old who have qualified for the Ministry of Manpower’s Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) scheme, and have received a WIS payment from 1 December 2013. Individuals under the WIS scheme who are 60 years old would be eligible for the Senior Citizen concession scheme, which provides greater concessions than the WTCS. To qualify for WIS for 2014, a worker must meet the following criteria: Page 4 of 14 a) b) c) d) e) Be a Singapore citizen; Be aged 35 years and above as 31 December 2013; Earn an average gross monthly income of not more than $1,900; Work at least two months in any three-month period; Be staying in a property with an annual value not exceeding $13,000, as assessed on 31 December 2013; f) Not own two or more properties; and g) If married, i) He/she and his/her spouse together do not own two or more properties; and ii) The assessable income of his/her spouse does not exceed $70,000 for Year of Assessment 2013 Employees will automatically be assessed for WIS every quarter based on their monthly CPF contributions. Self-employed persons will need to declare their annual net trade income and make Medisave contributions by 31 March 2014 to receive WIS on 1 May 2014. Q15. Why must a WTCS cardholder apply for a Senior Citizen concession card when approaching the age of 60? Can’t they continue with the same card? The Senior Citizen concession card is a more permanent scheme and offers a higher discount off adult fares. As each card is only programmed with one concessionary discount off adult fares, WTCS cardholders must apply for the senior citizen concession card to enjoy greater concessions. C. CONCESSION SCHEME FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Concession Quantum Q16. What is the concession quantum for the concession scheme for persons with disabilities (PWDs)? PWDs will enjoy 25% discount off adult fares and will not have to pay additional fares for distances beyond 7.2km. PWDs also have the option of buying a Monthly Concession Pass with unlimited bus and train rides at $60 per month. Q17. Will the PWD concession cardholder enjoy discount cash fares when travelling on a bus? (For instance, where the stored value card is insufficient to pay for the fare and the cardholder does not have enough money for the minimum top-up value) Yes, the PWD will enjoy discounted cash fares for travelling on the bus network, if he shows his PWD concession card. Eligibility Criteria Page 5 of 14 Q18. What is the eligibility criteria for the concession scheme for persons with disabilities? Persons aged less than 60 years of age, who are Singaporean Citizens and Permanent Residents, and a. Are beneficiaries of existing disability schemes and services and members (with permanent disability) of relevant Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs); or b. Attended Special Education (SPED) schools operated by a VWO; or c. Certified by a medical practitioner to have a permanent disability of one or more of the following: i. A physical disability; or ii. A visual impairment; or iii. A hearing impairment; or iv. Autism Spectrum Disorder; or v. Intellectual Disability [Note – those 60 and above will automatically qualify for the senior citizen concession] Q19. Why is there an upper age limit? The age limit for the travel concession scheme for persons with disabilities is set at 60, after which, the applicant will be eligible for the Senior Citizen Concession Card. The Senior Citizen Concession Card provides the same level of concessions. Q20. I am turning 60 years this year. What it the cut-off date for me to apply for the concession card? Persons who are 2 weeks from their 60th birthday on 6 Jul 2014 can still apply for the concession card for persons with disabilities. Beyond that, you should apply for the Senior Citizen Concession card instead. The concession card for PWDs will be valid until the cardholder turns 60 years and 4 months. To continue enjoying concessionary rates for travel on public transport, please apply for a Senior Citizen concession pass. Q21. Are eligible students able to qualify for both the PWD transport concession and student transport concession? Individuals are in general eligible for one type of concession only. PWD students in our mainstream schools, SPED schools and selected institutions (including Junior Colleges, Centralised Institutes and Institute of Technical Education) who qualify for the PWD transport concessions should continue with their student concessions, as the student concessions offer them a greater discount. PWD students in Polytechnics and Universities have the option to apply for both the PWD transport concession and the student Monthly Concession Passes (MCPs). They can decide which scheme suits them better based on their travel patterns. The table below Page 6 of 14 shows a broad breakdown of the recommended concession schemes for these students – Recommended Concession Scheme for PWDs in Universities and Polytechnics Travels frequently Travels frequently Travels frequently Is an infrequent on all modes of on bus only on train only user of public public transport transport in general University PWD Concession Student Student PWD Concession PWD Card Concession Card Concession Card Card - Hybrid MCP - Bus-only MCP - Train-only - Use for adenabled MCP hoc bus and PWD Concession train rides Pass PWD Concession only* - Use for adPass hoc train rides - Use for adhoc bus rides only* only* Polytechnic Student Student Student PWD Concession PWD Concession Card Concession Card Concession Card Card - Hybrid MCP - Bus-only MCP - Train-only - Use for adenabled MCP hoc bus and PWD Concession train rides Pass PWD Concession only* - Use for adPass hoc train rides - Use for adonly* hoc bus rides only* *enjoys 25% discount off adult fares Q22. Will SPED students who are aged 21 (enrolled in vocational certification programmes) be eligible for student concessions, or the PWD public transport concession? Students who are currently still enrolled in SPED schools, including vocational certification programmes, are eligible for student concessions. Upon graduation from SPED school, they will be eligible for PWD public transport concessions. Q23. Can persons with temporary disabilities or where the nature of the disability is uncertain, qualify for the concession scheme? The concession scheme is meant to support persons with permanent disabilities. MSF and SG Enable will consider such cases individually, and where there are extenuating circumstances, we will consider extending the concession scheme to such individuals. Q24. Can the PWD concession card be used at pedestrian crossings with the Green Man + function? Page 7 of 14 Yes, PWD concession cards can be used at pedestrian crossings with the Green Man + function so that PWD can enjoy more green man time (3 to 13 seconds) to cross the roads. For more information on the Green Man + Scheme, please refer to link. D. APPLICATION FOR CONCESSION CARD (WIS RECIPIENTS AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES) Q25. How would someone know if they are eligible for either of the new concession schemes? WTCS: Around 6 April 2014, eligible applicants will receive an application package informing them of their eligibility, information on the concession scheme and how to apply. PWD: If you are a beneficiary of existing disability schemes and services and members (with permanent disability) of relevant VWOs, you will be automatically eligible and will receive an application package informing you of your eligibility, information on the concession scheme and how to apply around 6 April 2014. Other persons will need to submit their application through SG Enable, to determine if they are eligible for the scheme. Those who wish to check if they are automatically eligible can also do so online at the SG Enable website (, using their SingPass account, from 3 March 2014. If you are unsure on your eligibility for the two concession schemes, you may contact: For PWD Scheme – SG Enable (email [email protected]; or call 1800-858-5885) For Workfare Transport Concession Scheme – CPF Board (email [email protected]; or call 1800-222-6622) Q26. How can someone apply for the concession card? Workfare Transport Concession Card: To apply for this concession card, eligible applicants can visit TransitLink’s website ( from 6 April 2014 to complete the relevant online application form and submit their photograph online (the photograph is necessary as the card would be personalised to each cardholder). Alternatively, eligible applicants can complete the physical copy of the application form and mail it back using the postage-paid business reply envelope provided together with the application package. PWD: Eligible applicants, i.e. beneficiaries of existing disability schemes and services and members (with permanent disability) of relevant VWOs, will receive an application package around 6 April 2014 which will inform them of their eligibility for the concession scheme as well as details of their application. They can proceed to make their application by visiting TransitLink’s website ( from 6 April 2014 to complete the relevant online application form and submit their photograph online (photograph is necessary as the card would be personalised to each cardholder). Alternatively, applicants can complete the physical application form and mail it back Page 8 of 14 using the postage-paid business reply envelope, both of which are provided together with the application package. Other persons will need to apply through SG Enable via hardcopy forms, or online. All forms can be downloaded from the SG Enable website ( Hardcopies may be obtained from SG Enable’s office or from VWOs providing services and programmes for PWDs. SG Enable will receive returned forms and submit the application to TransitLink on behalf of the PWD. Q27. Is there a deadline to apply for the WTCS concession card? There is no deadline for applications. WIS recipients and persons with disabilities are advised to submit their applications by 30 April 2014 so that that they receive their concession cards by 6 July 14 when the concession schemes take effect. If applications are received after 30 April 2014, the concession card will be processed and mailed to them for use about 2 months from when the application is received. However, for WIS recipients, the WTCS concession validity of at least 1 year starts from your WIS payment date, so please apply as soon as possible. Q28. How long does it take after submitting an application for some to receive their concession card? Depending on the volume of applications received, it could take 4 – 8 weeks from when TransitLink receives the application to process the application, personalise the concession card and mail it to eligible recipients. Q29. If someone is eligible for both the WTCS and PWD concession scheme, can he/she apply for both concessions or switch between concessions? If an individual is eligible for multiple concession schemes, such as both the WTCS and PWD concession schemes, we recommend that he/she applies for the concession scheme that offers higher discounts for a longer duration (in this case, the PWD concession scheme has a longer validity (up to 60 years old) and a discount of 25% off adult fares, while the LIW concession scheme has a validity of 1 year and a discount of 15% off adult fares). Applicants are only allowed to hold either a WTCS card or the concession card for persons with disabilities. However, if the cardholder intends to switch his/her card under the WTCS to the PWD scheme, which offers higher discounts, the government will fund the card replacement on a one-time basis. Should the cardholder wish to switch back to the other concession scheme subsequently, the cost for the next replacement card would be borne by the cardholder. Q30. Can an individual under the WTCS obtain a refund of the remaining stored for their concession card after they drop out of the WIS scheme or when their concession validity expires? Page 9 of 14 Yes, the WTCS cardholder can obtain a refund of the remaining stored value in the card after he/she surrenders the concession card but he is not advised to do so. This is because the card can no longer be used once the stored value is refunded. As the WTCS cardholder may subsequently qualify for WIS again, he is encouraged to keep the card for future use. After the end of the validity period, the user can use the WTCS card like a regular adult fare card, but he will be paying full adult fares. Q31. Do individuals need to re-apply for the concession card if he/she drops out of the WIS scheme but subsequently re-qualify for it again? No. When an individual re-qualifies for the WIS payout, a notification letter would be mailed out to inform him/her of their eligibility. The cardholder can proceed to any General Ticketing Machine, Add Value Machines or Top-Up Machines to renew the validity of his concession card. E. APPLICATION FOR THE MONTHLY CONCESSION PASS (FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES) Q32. What does a person need to do to purchase the Monthly Concession Pass? Persons with disabilities can cap their travel expenditure to $60 through the purchase of the Monthly Concession Pass (MCP). They simply need to bring along their PWD concession card and purchase the MCP at any TransitLink Ticket Office, Add Value Machine, Passenger Service Counter or General Ticketing Machines from 6 Jul 2014. The MCP for persons with disabilities will be made available for purchase from any General Ticketing Machines, from 23 June 2014, before the start of PWD concessions on 6 July. PWDs will be able to select the MCP start date from 6 Jul to 13 Jul at GTMs from 23 June to 6 July. . For subsequent months, the Monthly Concession Pass can be purchased up to 7 days in advance. For example, to enjoy the Monthly Concession from 20 August, the card holder can purchase his Monthly Concession Pass up to 7 days from 13 August 2014. Q33. How can I calculate the discounted fare rate I will pay using this concession card? Should I purchase the Monthly Concession Pass? The travel fare depends on individual travel patterns and distance travelled. You may wish to calculate the fares using the Distance Fare Calculator ( alculator.html). Depending on your monthly usage, you may consider if the Monthly Concession Pass provides better rates for your travel purposes. Page 10 of 14 F. INTERIM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Q34. Will there be financial assistance provided before the concession schemes kicks in on 6 July 2014? As the new concession schemes will only be effective from 6 July 2014, three months after the effective date of the fare increase on 6 April 2014, an interim financial assistance of $30 will be provided to eligible WIS recipients and $80 will be provided to persons with disabilities. This interim assistance will help defray the transport costs from the time the revised fares take effect on 6 April and the time the PWD/WTCS concession schemes become effective from 6 July 2014. Q35. How was the quantum of the interim financial assistance decided? Would this be sufficient to cover the increased transport cost for the more vulnerable groups? The interim financial assistance of $30 and $80 is calibrated to help defray the transport costs from the time the revised fares take effect on 6 April and the time the PWD/WTCS concession schemes become effective from 6 July 2014. Q36. How can the interim financial assistance be claimed? Eligible WIS recipients and Persons with Disabilities may claim the interim financial assistance without the need to apply. They will be notified of the interim financial assistance around 6 April 2014.You need not submit another application for the interim financial assistance. To claim the interim financial assistance, recipients are advised to bring along the notification letter and their existing travel card, or WTCS/PWD concession card after they receive it to any of the following: • Add Value Machine (AVM – a purple machine), by placing their travel card on the card reader and selecting the “Redeem Voucher” icon on the screen, and follow the instructions. • Ticket Office/Concession Card Replacement Office, by presenting their existing travel card, NRIC and interim financial assistance letter to the officer who will check and credit the total interim financial assistance amount into the travel card presented. Page 11 of 14 To give recipients more time, the interim financial assistance can be claimed up to 31 December 2014. There is therefore no need to rush. Recipients can obtain their interim financial assistance when they need to top-up their cards, and do not need to make a special trip to make the claim immediately on receipt of the notification letter. Q37. How long is the validity period for interim financial assistance? The interim financial assistance amount can be claimed up to 31 December 2014. There is no need for recipients to rush and they can obtain the financial assistance amount at their convenience when they next top up their travel card at any TransitLink Ticket Office/Concession Card Replacement Office and Add Value Machine. Q38. Would the interim financial assistance be given to eligible WIS recipients who join WIS scheme after 5 July 2014 or to persons with disabilities who are certified after 5 July 2014? If not, why? The purpose of the interim financial assistance is meant to cover the period between the fare adjustment and the date of implementation of the two new concession schemes, when the revised fares have taken effect but the concession schemes have not been launched. Eligible WIS recipients who join the WIS scheme or persons with disabilities who are certified after 5 July are therefore not entitled to the interim financial assistance as they can enjoy the concession schemes from 6 July 2014. G. OTHER FINANCIAL OR TRANSPORT ASSISTANCE SCHEMES Q39. What are the assistance schemes available to help those who may not qualify for any concession schemes? Assistance is available to help needy families mitigate the impact of an increase in their public transport expenditure due to a fare increase through public transport vouchers distributed through the People’s Association as well as other community-based financial assistance schemes. Page 12 of 14 H. USE OF CONCESSION CARD Q40. Can the cardholder use their concession card for public transport immediately when they receive it (eg, if they receive the card before 6 July 2014)? No. The two new concession schemes will start from 6 July 2014, and concession cards can only be used on public transport from 6 July onwards. Q41. Can concession card holders transfer their concession from one card to another? The concession is personalised to the card. It is not possible to transfer the concession to another card. Q42. Can concession card holders hold more than one concession card? Concession cardholders are generally allowed to hold only one concession card. However, cardholders who are holding on to tertiary (polytechnic and university) or Fulltime National Servicemen (NSF) concession cards will be allowed to hold the persons with disabilities concession card concurrently. Q43. Is there any penalty if the user passes his concession card to others for use? The concession card can only be used by the respective holder who is eligible for concessionary travel. Those found misusing a concession card are liable to a penalty fee of $50. Q44. Is there an activation fee to activate the concession cards? There is no card activation fee. However, cardholders would to ensure they have sufficient value in their card before use. Q45. Who can cardholders contact if they encounter problems with their concession card? Cardholders are advised to proceed to any TransitLink Ticket Office for assistance. Q46. Can concession cardholders apply for GIRO or credit card Auto-Top? Yes. Application for GIRO auto-top up can be done via the General Ticketing Machine. Application form for Credit Card auto-top up can be found on WIS recipients who are on auto-top are advised to tap their WTCS cards at any General Ticketing Machine or Add Value Machine at least once every 3 months to have their concession validity extended Q47. What should the cardholder do if he loses his concession card? Cardholders can report the loss of their card by calling TransitLink’s hotline 18002255663 (from 8am to 6pm daily, excluding public holidays) and providing their NRIC number or concession card number along with their contact number. They can also leave a voicemail if calling after operating hours. Page 13 of 14 A card replacement form would have to be filled up and submitted online through the TransitLink website. The replacement concession card will be mailed within 5 working days and there will be a replacement fee of $18. The lost card will be invalidated within 48 hours from the time of the report. For security reasons, the loss report is irreversible once it is lodged in the system and the card, even if found, would no longer be usable. Q48. Do cardholders need to make a police report if their card gets lost? No police report is required. Page 14 of 14
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