Feale Water Management Unit Action Plan Name Feale Water Management Unit Area 1321 km2 River Basin District Shannon RBD Main Counties Kerry, Limerick, Cork Protected Areas Drinking Water: River Feale, River Smearlagh Bathing water: 2 including: Ballybunion South, Ballybunion North. Shellfish Designated Water: West-Shannon Ballylongford UWWTD: 2 including: Feale Estuary Upper, Cashen / Feale Estuary. SACs: 3 including: Feale River, Lower River Shannon, Moanveanlagh Bog. SPAs: Stacks to Mullaghareirk Mts, West Limerick hills, Mount Eagle SPA (004161); Kerry Head (004189) Sectoral Total Phosphorus Source % (This does not imply impact) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 re ns io ltu at l ir cu pu Ag Po d e er ew ns U s s s s ry re nt try st nd se la ea tu r u a es l P ul r t d A os t c o a n L I F en ua an d Pe ed rb d tm un Aq U er ro ke ea w r r g e o T ck ns W er U Ba at W te as W Calculated in accordance with OSPAR HARP Guidelines. Not an indication of risk, rather an indication of potential to cause risk. Feale Water Management Unit Action Plan STATUS/IMPACTS Overall status There are 83 river waterbodies in this WMU - 46 are good, 25 are moderate and 12 are poor status. There are no lakes. Status elements Genphyschem dictates overall status for 2 moderate water bodies (SH_23_2945, SH_24_857), fish dictates overall status for 1 moderate water body (SH_23_1885). Q score dictates the remainder overall status. Chemical status fails in 1 good water body, and passes where assigned. Physchem is moderate in 2 poor and 2 moderate water bodies. River Status Possible Impacts - EPA Water Quality 2007 GALEY Mostly satisfactory, with good quality, but only moderate quality at the penultimate location (0500) and with continuing poor quality at the final one (0700) GLENACARNEY Continuing satisfactory with good quality again recorded 0% 14% GLENGORBRY Continuing with just moderate ecological quality. KNOCKFINNISK Continuing satisfactory with good quality again recorded LYRACRUMPANE Continuing satisfactory with good quality recorded 55% 30% MILLTOWN HOUSE STREAM Satisfactory with good quality recorded. OOLAGH Continuing satisfactory with good quality recorded at both locations OWVANE Satisfactory, with good ecological quality, at all locations examined in 2008. Also known as White River. . OWVEG (KERRY) Good quality again recorded at both locations. SHANAGOLDEN STREAM Again satisfactory, with good ecological quality, at both locations SMEARLAGH Continuing satisfactory with good quality recorded at all four locations TARBERT STREAM Satisfactory, with good ecological quality, for the first time since surveys began. TARMON STREAM Continuing unsatisfactory with poor quality again recorded TULLALEAGUE Less than satisfactory with moderate quality again recorded. Also known as Knocknagashel Stream. High Good Moderate Poor Bad Yet to be determined Feale Water Management Unit Action Plan PRESSURES/RISKS Nutrient sources 90% Total phosphorus is diffuse, mainly from agriculture (76%), unsewered properties (7%) and forestry (7%). 8% comes from WWTP. Point pressures 17 WWTPs – Abbeydorney, Abbeyfeale, Athea, Ballyduff Imhoff Tank, Ballyhahill, Ballylongford Septic Tank, Brosna, Causeway, Duagh, Foynes, Glin, Kilflynn, Knockagoshel, Listowel, Lixnaw, Loghill, Mouuntcollins, Moyvane, Rockchapel, Shanagolden, Tarbert Septic Tanks, Templeglantine, Tournafulla. 1 Waste Facility: Goradroma Landfill Site. 7 IPPC – Alumina Production, Food manufacturer, Pig Farm, One Electricity Generation Site with 4 licenses. 1 IPPC Facilites Contaminated Site: Aluminium Manufacturer. 5 Section4s – Food (Pudding) Manufacturer, Livestock Marketer, Hotel and 2 Creameries 4 WTP - Cappagh/Cloonafineela (SH_23_720), Listowel Town (SH_23_2941), Lyre DR (SH_23_373), Abbeyfeale (SH_23_21). Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) and Industrial Discharges The following WWTPs are at risk: Abbeydorney Abbeyfeale WWTP Athea Ballyduff Imhoff Tank Ballylongford Ballyhahill Brosna Causeway Duagh Foynes Glin Kilflynn Knockagoshel Listowel WWTP Lixnaw Moyvane (Newtown, Sandes) Rockchapel Shanagolden Tarbert Septic Tanks Templeglantine Tournafulla The following industrial discharges are at risk: Creamery and Food Manufacurer PRESSURES/RISKS Quarries, Mines & Landfills 4 Quarries. 0 at risk. 15 landfills – Gortadroma (Currently Active), and West Rockchapel, 3 Coilte, Muingnaminnane, Colbert Landfill, Rockchapel, West Rockchapel, Leanmore, Glin Demesne, and Meentinny. 3 WBs at risk from 3 different landfills (SH_23_114, SH_23_2514, SH_23_2941). Agriculture 24 WBs at risk - IE_SH_24_357, IE_SH_24_1055, IE_SH_24_1612, IE_SH_24_1548, IE_SH_24_1382, IE_SH_24_1392, IE_SH_24_87, IE_SH_24_1610, IE_SH_23_1341, IE_SH_23_2931, IE_SH_23_806, IE_SH_23_829, IE_SH_23_2631, IE_SH_23_938, IE_SH_23_2630, IE_SH_23_753, IE_SH_23_2703, IE_SH_23_1590, IE_SH_23_2767, IE_SH_23_2214, IE_SH_23_2927, IE_SH_23_2939, IE_SH_23_2945, and IE_SH_23_2628. On-site systems There are 12,860 septic tanks within this WMU, 7,704 of these are located in areas of very high or extreme risk. Forestry 4 WBs at risk from suspended solids - SH_23_1718, SH_23_2105, SH_23_1769, SH_23_1821. Dangerous substances None at risk Morphology 8 WBs at risk - SH_23_2931, SH_23_829, SH_23_2631, SH_23_2169, SH_23_2939, SH_23_2945, SH_23_2628, SH_23_2949. Abstractions 2 WBs at risk - SH_23_720, SH_23_373. Other N/A Feale Water Management Unit Action Plan SELECTED ACTION PROGRAMME NB All relevant basic measures, general supplementary measures and SEA mitigation measures apply OBJECTIVES Point Sources WWTP measures are summarised in the Table below WWTP upgrades & licensing to be implemented where required. Examine the terms of discharge authorisations to determine whether they require review for the purpose of compliance with water body objectives including protected area objectives and environmental quality standards. Diffuse Sources Good Agricultural Practice regulations inspections/enforcement. Septic Tanks: At Risk septic tanks are to be prioritised for inspections. Subsequent upgrade or connection to municipal systems depends on inspection and economic tests. Other diffuse sources may need recommandations. Other Morphological pressures in the Feale require 8 channelisation investigation to establish if supplementary measures are required to address water quality issues associated with morphology. Abstractions - Future abstractions licensing programme. The Shellfish Pollution Reduction Programmes for shellfish growing areas will apply to the WMU as it flows into the WestShannon Ballylongford Shellfish Waters. Future Developments Restore 2015 Protect 8 Water bodies. 45 water bodies. Alternative Objectives 0 Heavily Modified or Artificial Waterbodies Extended deadlines (2021): 30 river water bodies 3 New modifications (2021): N69 Listowel bypass, N21 Abbeyfeale to Adare, E.g. new abstractions, flood defences. Shellfish Pollution Reduction Plan for WestShannon Ballylongford Throughout the river basin management cycle future pressures and developments will need to be managed to ensure compliance with the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and the Programme of Measures will need to be developed to ensure issues associated with these new pressures are addressed. Point Source Discharge Abbeydorney County Kerry Priority 2 Measure (Capital Works) Increase capacity of treatment plant. Abbeydorney Kerry 2 Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Abbeydorney Kerry 2 Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Abbeyfeale WWTP Limerick County 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant. Athea Limerick County 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant. Kilflynn Kerry 2 Increase capacity of treatment plant. Kilflynn Kerry 2 Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Lixnaw Kerry 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant. Lixnaw Kerry 1 Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Moyvane (Newtown, Sandes) Kerry 2 Increase capacity of treatment plant. Moyvane (Newtown, Sandes) Kerry 2 Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Moyvane (Newtown, Sandes) Kerry 2 Provide nutrient removal or relocate outfall. Ballylongford Septic Tank Kerry 1 Increase capacity of treatment plant. Ballylongford Septic Tank Kerry 1 Provide tertiary treatment or relocate outfall. Point Source Discharge County Priority Measure (Investigation before Capital Works) Ballyduff Imhoff Tank Kerry 2 Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Causeway Kerry 3 Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Duagh Kerry 3 Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Knockagoshel Kerry 2 Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Brosna Kerry 2 Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Brosna Kerry 2 Investigate the need for tertiary treatment or for the relocation of the outfall. Foynes Limerick County 2 Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Glin Limerick County 2 Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Tarbert Septic Tanks Kerry 2 Investigate the need for increase in capacity of treatment plant. Point Source Discharge Listowel WWTP Kerry Priority 2 Investigation of CSO's Point Source Discharge Rockchapel County Cork North Priority Measure 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Listowel WWTP Kerry 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded Athea Limerick County 2 Ensure capacity of treatment plant is not exceeded County Measure Feale Water Management Unit Action Plan Feale Rivers Biological Elements IE_SH_Feale Supporting Elements Protected Areas Cork, Limerick SH_23_2012 Y Kerry SH_23_1010 Y Kerry SH_23_1019 N SH_23_1010 G Kerry SH_23_1093 N SH_23_373 G Kerry SH_23_131 Y Kerry SH_23_1341 N SH_23_2631 M Y Y GES 2021 Kerry SH_23_1716 N SH_23_1743 G Y Y GES 2009 Kerry SH_23_1718 Y G Kerry SH_23_1743 Y G Kerry SH_23_1821 N SH_23_1718 Kerry SH_23_1865 N SH_23_1718 Kerry SH_23_1867 N SH_23_1718 Kerry SH_23_1885 Y Kerry SH_23_1902 Y Kerry SH_23_1966 N SH_23_2832 Kerry SH_23_2033 N SH_23_373 Kerry SH_23_2083 N SH_23_131 G Kerry SH_23_2105 N SH_23_1885 M Kerry SH_23_2107 Y Kerry SH_23_2130 N SH_23_2941 Kerry SH_23_2169 N Kerry SH_23_2214 N Kerry SH_23_2259 Kerry SH_23_2280 Kerry Kerry 2009 GES 2009 Y Y GES 2009 Y Y GES 2009 M Y Y GES 2015 G G Y Y GES 2009 G G Y Y GES 2009 GES 2009 SH_23_995 G G G G G H G G H H G G G M M H M G G Y GES 2009 Y GES 2009 Y Y GES 2009 Y Y GES 2009 G Y GES 2009 G Y GES 2009 G Y GES 2009 G M Y Y GES 2015 M Y Y GES 2015 G Y GES 2009 G Y GES 2009 Y GES 2009 Y GES 2015 GES 2021 GES 2009 SH_23_373 G GES 2009 SH_23_2631 M GES 2015 N SH_23_373 G Y GES 2009 N SH_23_2832 G Y GES 2009 SH_23_2532 N SH_23_2929 P GES 2021 SH_23_2628 N SH_23_2631 M GES 2021 Kerry SH_23_2630 N SH_23_2631 Kerry SH_23_2631 Y Kerry SH_23_2703 N SH_23_2631 M Kerry SH_23_2745 N SH_23_2941 G Kerry SH_23_2752 N SH_23_2929 Kerry SH_23_2832 Y Kerry SH_23_2927 N SH_23_2631 M GES 2021 Kerry SH_23_2931 N SH_24_1610 P GES 2021 Kerry SH_23_2939 N SH_23_2631 M GES 2021 G G G G G M Y G M H Y Date objective to be achieved N Objective SH_23_1103 GES Y G Drinking Water Cork, Limerick Y G G Nutrient Sensitive Waters G Special Protection Area G H Special Area of Conservation H G Chemical Status H G Y SH_23_1828 Ecological Status G Y Physio-chemical Y SH_23_166 Specific Polutants SH_23_1828 Cork, Kerry Morphology Cork Phytobenthos (Diatoms) Cork Y Fish N SH_23_1827 FreshWater Pearl Mussel SH_23_111 Macroinvertebrate s (Q) Cork Donor Waterbody Member State Code Monitored Y (Extrapolated N) County Y Y Y M Y GES 2021 M Y GES 2021 GES 2021 Y GES 2009 GES 2021 Y GES 2009 Y P Y G Y Feale Water Management Unit Action Plan Feale Rivers Continued IE_SH_Feale Supporting Elements Biological Elements Protected Areas N SH_23_721 G Y GES 2009 G Y GES 2009 H G g H G F Y Date objective to be achieved SH_23_720 G Objective Kerry G Drinking Water 2009 Y P Nutrient Sensitive Waters GES Special Protection Area Kerry Y M Special Area of Conservation 2021 G Chemical Status GES SH_23_2832 M SH_24_1181 Ecological Status Y N Physio-chemical Y SH_23_693 Specific Polutants SH_23_373 Morphology Kerry Phytobenthos (Diatoms) N Fish Y SH_23_2949 FreshWater Pearl Mussel SH_23_2945 Kerry Macroinvertebrate s (Q) Kerry Donor Waterbody Member State Code Monitored Y (Extrapolated N) County GES 2021 GES 2021 Kerry SH_23_721 Y Kerry SH_23_753 N Kerry SH_23_806 Y Kerry SH_23_829 N SH_23_2945 M Kerry SH_23_895 N SH_23_373 Kerry SH_23_938 N SH_25_3403 Kerry SH_24_1181 Y Kerry SH_24_1382 N Kerry SH_24_1610 Y Kerry SH_24_1612 Y Kerry SH_24_357 N Kerry, Cork SH_23_1769 Y M G M Y Y GES 2015 Kerry, Limerick SH_23_121 Y G H G Y Y GES 2009 Kerry, Limerick SH_23_2407 Y P M GES 2021 Kerry, Limerick SH_23_2530 N SH_23_2467 Y GES 2009 Kerry, Limerick SH_23_2767 N SH_24_1548 Kerry, Limerick SH_23_2929 Y Kerry, Limerick SH_23_2941 Y Kerry, Limerick SH_23_813 N Limerick SH_23_114 Y Limerick SH_23_1590 N Limerick SH_23_1729 Y G Limerick SH_23_1733 Y G Limerick SH_23_1984 N SH_23_1729 Limerick SH_23_2055 N SH_23_1729 Limerick SH_23_2467 Y G Limerick SH_23_2514 Y G Limerick SH_23_997 N Limerick SH_24_1055 Y Limerick SH_24_1392 Y G Limerick SH_24_1548 Y M Limerick SH_24_857 Y G Limerick SH_24_87 Y Limerick SH_24_878 Limerick SH_24_886 Limerick Limerick, Cork Limerick, Kerry, Cork SH_23_2631 M G H P M SH_24_1548 GES 2021 Y GES 2009 GES 2021 G Y GES 2009 P Y GES 2021 2021 G P GES M GES 2021 GES 2021 P G P M G M SH_27_749 Y P G P G G H M Y GES 2021 P Y Y GES 2021 H G Y Y GES 2009 Y GES 2009 Y GES 2009 Y GES 2009 G G H SH_24_1273 G Y G H M 2021 2021 G SH_23_2832 G GES GES P G P Y Y H G Y Y GES 2009 G Y Y GES 2009 G Y GES 2009 G Y GES 2009 2009 H G Y Y GES H M Y Y GES 2021 G Y GES 2009 G Y GES 2009 SH_23_2467 G G G Y GES 2009 M Y GES 2021 M Y GES 2015 P P Y GES 2021 Y G G GES 2009 Y P P Y GES 2021 SH_24_890 Y M 2015 SH_23_995 Y M SH_23_510 Y G M G H H M Y GES M Y Y GES 2021 G Y Y GES 2009
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