November 21 - Fluoride Free Lethbridge

November 21, 2014
The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.
– Leonardo da Vinci
What deception has been imposed on us by those who are of the “opinion” that
fluoride is safe and prevents cavities! There is NO science to support such
claims, yet sheeple believe the lies promulgated by the White Coats.
Dentists, doctors, and health authorities have been deceived because they
refuse the science and believe opinions, cloaked in grand sounding words and
declared with the air of authority. Don’t be deceived by opinions; know the truth
founded on sound scientific studies and speak boldly against artificial water
Important Videos
In this video, Dr. Hans Moolenburgh, fluoride fighter of the Netherlands,
explains what he and other doctors saw when the Netherlands started
fluoridating the drinking water, and why they campaigned to successfully end the
practice forever. He has proof of harm done by fluoridation.
The interview starts with an example of a baby crying from stomach ache and as
soon as the drinking water was replaced with unfluoridated water, the child
stopped crying. Simple symptoms, such as headaches and stomach aches, can
be a direct result of consuming fluoride. Watch the video for these and other
very interesting findings.
Fluoride wasn’t included in the studies described in Little Things Matter: The
Impact of Toxins on the Developing Brain. Take the information in this video
and add it to what is known about how fluoride exposure damages the brain.
Note that most of the toxins identified in this video have direct association with
fluorides, such as fluoridation increasing lead absorption in children and fluoride
use in pesticides.
When City Councillors are advocating artificial water fluoridation, ask them if they
agree that a person can have too much fluoride. Then ask if they know how
much is too much and from what sources each individual is receiving. Can they
honestly answer those questions for every man, woman and child under their
Prince George and Sparwood, BC
The citizens of both communities voted to end fluoridation – Prince George was
54% and Sparwood was 59%.
Cranbrook, BC will continue to be fluoridated. The referendum question on the
ballot was "Are you in favour of Council adopting the City of Cranbrook ceasefluoridation bylaw No. 3799, 2014, which authorizes stopping the addition of
fluoride to the municipal water supply effective January 1, 2015?" It was
defeated 2,794 to 2,473. (It was close.)
Here’s a letter of appreciation from Emile Begin in Prince George:
Great news to share with the many friends and contacts I (we) have made
over the last few years from around the world!
Please excuse me if I have unintentionally missed anyone, and please
forward to others (I need to make a better contact list!)
On November 15, 2014 the City of Prince George had a "non-binding
Fluoridation referendum / opinion-poll." The results.... WE WON!
Here is a news release from the Prince George Free Press paper with a
summary of that event, now fully public!
I wanted to share this with everyone because we all need some good news!
And I want to THANK-YOU all!
All of those elected into the Prince George City Council had agreed to
support the referendum regardless of the outcome before being elected.
They will be working on the "details" to turn off the hydrofluorosilicic
acid, fluoridation taps later in January and February.
Estimated time to shut off the hazardous waste is three months (around
February 2015, according to the Mayor-elect). (And after 59 years of
forced fluoridation, I guess we can wait a little longer for them to figure it
Did I mention, WE WON! (And with your help, so we ALL WON, one
more world victory!)
I have met, emailed or spoken with many of you and I hope to be able to
keep in touch now that this battle has been won in Prince George, British
Columbia, Canada. It is also to thank everyone individually
and collectively and I apologize if I have missed anyone.
I greatly appreciate all of the support, suggestions, comments, guidance,
research, web pages, emails, phone calls, images, pdf reports, historic
documents, current research, advice, guidance, suggestions, lessons learned
and help everyone provided to everyone in our City of over
71,000 residents (including over 22,000 children).
I want to make a special acknowledgement to Dr. James Beck... the first
person I reached out to, 19 months ago. Dr. Jim responded suggesting he
might be able to help us, me, my children and our City. Thank-you Dr,
Jim, you did help; very much.... words fall short to describe what that help
means to me and our City.
Jane Shaak of the Health Action Network (HAN).... thank you for your help
when you were in PG for 30 years, the 1998 difficulties, including your
help over these last 19 months. With your help, many more contacts were
made including great suggestions and guidance to help us weave through
local politics and history!
Also, a special Thank-you to Jeff Green and his family.... sadly Jeff has left
the building. I spoke with him a few times over the last year and wish we
could have shared the win with him, too. We listened and applied many of
your respectful suggestions. (Including our Marilyn Judd, who was our
Prince George hero before she left us.)
Dr. Kennedy, Fluoridegate... thank you for your patience when I asked if
you could condense your movie down to a couple 12 - 20 minute versions,
and you didn't laugh too hard!
I understand more now and greatly appreciate all you are doing, including
the introduction to Kathi Justus!
There are several other American friends, dentists,
doctors, chiropractors’ researches, who also helped us, thank you.
Kathi Justus, your help and continuing contact is very greatly and
respectfully appreciated (our horses and dogs, OK cats and hedgehogs too,
in the City thank you!) The recent video you provided allowed me to make
yet another contact and gain his permission to share his video on toxins to
children. The 7.01 minute video is well researched focused in the US,
including lead information (part of the HFSA toxic cocktail added to our
Here is the new video, and we have permission to use it from the author at
Simon Fraser University in British Columbia (Dr. Bruce Lanphear)! Little
Things matter:
To our friends in Lethbridge, Edmonton, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec,
and across Canada, thank you.
To our friends in Ireland, Australia, Dubai, New Zealand and the United
Kingdom...thank-you. I hope this Canadian win will also help you.
To each of you, who have shared your world with me, thank you!
I will continue to work on the fluoridation issue in between being a single
dad, and professional forester and hopefully some of what we were able to
find and share will help others too.
Take Care everyone.
Emile Begin, dad.
Fluoride Free Prince George:
Vote No Fluoride Prince George:
Generating Urban Sentiment:
PG Citizens Unite Against
Peel Region
Anti-Fluoride in Drinking Water: Litigation Update
Will citizen group litigation and the threat of personal liability stop fluoridation of
drinking water in Ontario?
In Canada, there have been unsuccessful challenges to fluoridation
programs in Alberta and British Columbia: see, e.g.,Millership v. Kamloops
(City); Locke v. Calgary (City). Those cases, however, are distinguishable
on at least three different grounds.
First, those challenges were brought by self-represented litigants. While it
appears that these individuals did an admirable job at marshalling the
evidence and the arguments, novel constitutional challenges such as this are
highly complex and require the assistance of counsel.
Second, the scientific evidence about fluoridation is improving. More
information than ever before is known about fluoridation. At the time
that Millership (2003) and Locke (1996) were decided, for example, the
NRC Report had not yet been published. Nor had the Harvard study on the
association between osteosarcoma and artificial fluoridation been
Third, Canadian constitutional law under s. 7 of the Charter has developed
significantly over the past five years. The principle of fundamental justice
of “gross disproportionality” is a fairly new principle in Canadian
constitutional law. Prior to the Supreme Court’s recent decisions
in PHS and Bedford, there was some doubt over whether this principle was
indeed a principle of fundamental justice and also some doubt over what
“gross disproportionality” actually meant. In my view, the best argument
against fluoridation relies on the principle of gross disproportionality. This
argument was not available to the claimants in Locke and Millership. Each
of these factors suggests that these other cases will not bar a successful
constitutional challenge to fluoridation in Ontario.
Good things are happening in Ireland!
From the FluorideAlert.Org, November 15, newsletter:
Another Domino Falls in Ireland
Ireland is the last remaining country in the world with a nationwide
fluoridation mandate, but likely not for long. On Monday, November 10,
the Kerry County Council unanimously passed a motion opposing public
water fluoridation. The motion states: “that Kerry County Council will
write to the Government calling for the cessation of public water
fluoridation.” The unanimously vote received cross party support and
was passed without any disagreement amongst the councilors.
This is the fifth major Council to adopt a similar resolution this year and
comes just weeks after Cork and Dublin, the two largest cities in the
country passed motions along with Cork County Council and Laois
County Council doing so earlier in 2014. These councils represent
approximately 1.5 million residents.
According to local campaigners, “One Fine Gael Councillor who wished
to remain anonymous said the job of Irish Water was not to medicate the
Irish populace but to deliver clean and safe water.” We couldn’t agree
For more information on the victory in Kerry, please visit the Fluoride
Free Towns campaign (Like their Facebook page).
Also in Ireland, a great article was published in the October edition
of Ireland's Dental Magazine written by documentary producer Marcus
Stewart. It’s a great introduction to the fluoridation issue and a strong
science-based rebuttal to the typical pro-fluoridation attacks. The article
starts on page 20.
Promotional Materials
Let’s do everything we can to experience the victory of NO MORE FLUORIDE!!!
Write City Council.
Speak out with your Lawn signs.
Wear your FFL T-shirts (go to photos to see the design).
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