Division of Bioeconomics NEWSLETTER – February 2014 1. Publications Papers recently published Maertens, M. and E. Verhofstadt. 2013. Horticultural exports, female wage employment and primary school enrolment: Theory and evidence from Senegal. Food Policy , vol. 43, pp 118-131 Raemakers, L., Vanderleyden, J. and M. Maertens. 2013 Adoption of climbing beans in the central highlands of Kenya: an empirical analysis of farmers’ adoption decisions. African Journal of Agricultural Research, vol 8(1), pp 1-19 Van den Broeck G., Maertens, M., Deckers., S. Romero, R., Verhulst, N., and B. Goyvaerts. 2013. Adoption of conservation agriculture in the Mexican Bajio. Outlook on Agriculture, vol 42(3), pp 171178 Verhofstadt. E. and M. Maertens. 2013. Processes of modernization in food value chains: the case of horticultural value chains in Rwanda. Outlook on Agriculture, vol 42(4), pp 251-261 Mugonola, B., Deckers, S., Poesen, J., Isabirye, M., Mathijs, E., 2013. Economics of grass strips used as sediment filters in the riparian zones of Lake Victoria Uganda. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37(9): 1040-1062. Kenis, A., Lievens, M. (2014). Searching for 'the political' in environmental politics. Environmental Politics, art.nr. 10.1080/09644016.2013.870067. Papers recently accepted Lambrecht I., Vanlauwe B., Merckx, R., and M. Maertens. 2014. Understanding the Dynamics of Agricultural Technology Adoption: Mineral Fertilizer in D.R. Congo. World Development, forthcoming De Valck, J., Vlaeminck, P., Broekx, S., Liekens, I., Aertsens, J., Chen, W., Vranken, L., Benefits of clearing forest plantations to restore nature? Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Flanders, Belgium. Landscape and Urban Planning, forthcoming Kenis, A., Lievens, M. Greening the economy or economizing the green project? When environmental concerns are turned into a means to save the market. Review of Radical Political Economics, forthcoming. Kenis, A., and Mathijs, E., 2014. (De)politicising the local: The case of the Transition Towns movement in Flanders (Belgium). Journal of Rural Studies, forthcoming. Achten, W.M.J., Dillen, K., Trabucco, A., Verbist, B., Messemaker, L., Muys, B., Mathijs, E., 2014. The economics and greenhouse gas balance of land conversion to Jatropha: the case of Tanzania. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, forthcoming Book chapters published Swinnen, J., Colen, L. and M. Maertens. 2013. Constraints to smallholder participation in high-value agriculture in West Africa. In Elbehri (ed): Rebuilding West Africa’s Food Potential: Policies and market incentives for smallholder-inclusive food value chains. FAO, Rome. Swinnen, J., Colen, L. and M. Maertens. 2014. The Role of Food Standards in Trade and Development. In: Hammoudi, A., Grazia, C., Surry, Y. and J.B. Traversac (Eds). Food Safety, Market Organization, Trade and Development. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, United States. Schuster, M. and M. Maertens. 2014. The impact of private food standards on trade and development: Evidence from Peru. In: Hammoudi, A., Grazia, C., Surry, Y. and J.B. Traversac (Eds). Food Safety, Market Organization, Trade and Development. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, United States. Division members present Erik Mathijs will present a Seminar on Sustainable development entitled “Exploration into Sufficiency-based Business Models in the Food Sector” organised in Paris on 4th of March by IDDRI and the Sustainable development Chair of the Ecole Polytechnique Frederik Lerouge will give an oral presentation on resilience concepts at the GLP Open Science Meeting 2014: Land Transformations: Between Global Challenges and Local Realities; Berlin 19th 21st March 2014 Isabel Lambrecht will present her paper “Does it make sense to target women for agricultural technology adoption? Evidence from Eastern DR Congo” at the GlobalFood Symposium, Goettingen on 25-26 April 2014. 2. Call for papers The Rise of the 'Emerging Economies': Towards Functioning Agricultural Markets and Trade Relations? IAMO Forum 2014. 25-27 June 2014 | Halle (Saale), Germany. For more information: IAMO 2014 The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is now accepting applications from students to participate in the 2014 Global Food Security Symposium Next Generation Delegation to be held on May, 22nd in Washington DC. The program was launched to provide an opportunity for promising students to engage in symposium discussions and to interact with policy, civil society, and business leaders working on agriculture, food, and nutrition issues. For more information: here. Call for papers of the 15th PhD symposium: Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, to be held in Brussels on the 30st April, 2013. Abstracts and full papers are accepted and have to be submitted to [email protected]. Deadline for submission: 31st of March, 2014. European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2014; 16th Annual Conference in Munich, Germany; 11-13 September 2014. Deadline for paper submission: 9th May 2014. For more information: ETSG 2014 3. Conferences/ workshops 13th International Conference of the ISEE will take place in Iceland, August 13-15. To find out more about the conference go to http://isee2014.yourhost.is/. 4. Fellowships/Projects/ Job opportunities Our Division of Bioeconomics, is looking to recruit a post-doctoral researcher in the field of agricultural economics, environmental economics or development economics. Interested candidates should submit a CV (including a publication list), a motivation letter, and transcripts of obtained degrees to Miet Maertens: [email protected] The 3ie International Initiative for Impact Evaluation is offering five bursaries to nationals residing in low- and middle-income countries to attend the Campbell Collaboration Colloquium at Belfast, 16-19 June. The deadline for applications is 17 February. Read more The 3ie International Initiative for Impact Evaluation is providing a full scholarship for the University of East Anglia (UEA) course on Impact Evaluation for Evidence-Based Policy in Development and three full scholarships for the short course on Beyond Surveys and Experiments: Other Approaches to Impact Evaluation. The courses will be held between 13 June and 11 July and 16-20 June 2014 respectively. Deadline for application: 14 March. 5. Other news A warm welcome to three new PhD and two new pre-doctoral students joined us: - Natalia Brzezina will work on the TRANSMANGO project, which aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of the impacts of the global drivers of change on Europe's food and nutrition security. She will focus on the European dimension of the project. - Pepijn de Snijder will work on the BELSPO project “Food4Sustainability”, which investigates collective action for sustainable food systems in a changing climate - Kewan Mertens will work on ‘Landsliding in Equatorial Africa: Socio-Economic Consequences and Resilience Strategies’. The PhD is part of the Belspo project ‘Landslides in Equatorial Africa: Identifying culturally, technically and economically feasible resilience strategies’(AfReSlide) - Moses Kakungulu from Uganda is planning to do his PhD in the framework of the VLIR TEAM project with Busitema University - Cindybell Dione Gamboa Barraza from Peru is planning to do her PhD in the framework of the VLIR IUC program with the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Ellen Verhofstadt will defend her PhD on March 10th, at 5 pm in Aula van de tweede hoofdwet. Activities abroad: Teopista Akoyi left for Uganda to start up a survey among coffee farmers – she will be back early May. Monica Schuster and Jana Schwarz are leaving soon to Peru to conduct a survey among workers in the horticultural export industry and prepare for follow-up work on environmental impacts of horticultural exports – they will be back in April. Genaye Tsegay is doing the second stage of her field work in Ethiopia and will return in to Leuven in September. Isabel Lambrecht is currently in the US, at Cornell University, as a visiting scholar and will come back in April. Last but not least, due to the growth of our division, Natalia, Pepijn and Tessa have moved to office 00/01.205. This arrangement is temporary, while other solutions are being found for the office space problem of our division. Division of Bioeconomics Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Celestijnenlaan 200E 3001 Heverlee Contact: Monica Schuster
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