CIRCULAR OF THE DIRECTOR December 2014 No. 21 Dear

December 2014
No. 21
Dear parents, ein herzliches Grüß Gott,
The year 2014 is almost over and although it hasn’t been an easy year for some
members of our school community from a personal point of view, the overall
balance is positive, as far as our school is concerned. I have already expressed
my sincere gratitude to all colleagues for their share in making our school such a
wonderful place to be and work for and I would like to thank all of you for your
confidence in us and for the support you give us. I also thank our partners from
the European Patent Office and the Parents’ Association wholeheartedly for the
great and constructive cooperation we have.
Outcome of the Follow-Up Inspection 2014
As I have already mentioned at various occasions, the outcome of the Follow-Up
Inspection was very positive and the result of the very constructive and effective
working together from colleagues and with colleagues. This outcome will be
discussed with your representatives in the School Advisory Council and the
Administrative Board.
I am and we as your school management are very grateful for all positive
developments in various areas such as differentiation, in order to meet the needs
of the individual pupil/student as much as possible. The exchange of good
practice within and between sections has proven to be a tool par excellence to
achieve further improvements and we will go on promoting and supporting this
model of learning from and with each other and thus ameliorating our
educational concept.
In many evaluations that we as a school management carried out, we have
noticed the progress made in the most important areas of our school
development (differentiation, forward planning, transition, European dimension,
social dimension, whole day concept, learning strategies, languages) and the
impact of all kinds of projects and initiatives, embedded in the respective Action
Plans, to guarantee a structured approach.
One out of many excellent examples is a current common project between the
classes S4 of the Italian and the Dutch speaking sections about Caravaggio and
Rembrandt. In this project the subjects Italian, Dutch, German, art and
chemistry are integrated in a very European way and both teachers and students
show a high degree of motivation and involvement. In February an impression of
this project will be shown in our display cabinet in the entrance hall.
Europäische Schule München
81739 München
Telefon: +49 (0) 89-62816–0
Fax: +49 (0) 89-62816–444
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel:
U-Bahn-Linie 5
Self-evaluation among parents’ and students’ representatives
In the context of our cyclic Quality Assurance system and with the aim to
facilitate the further school development in a structured way, a self-evaluation
among parents’ and students’ representatives is taking place in December 2014
and January 2015. As the teachers’ recommendations, the recommendations
from parents’ and students’ representatives will be part of the input for our Multi
Annual School Plan 2015 – 2019. Of course we will discuss these
recommendations from students and parents internally and in the Educational
Councils, the School Advisory Council and the Administrative Board.
At various occasions I have already mentioned that security is an issue that
needs to be taken very seriously, especially in European institutions. The
Secretary-General also made this very clear at our Administrative Board in
January 2014. First of all, each and every European School needs to respect and
implement the local laws on security, and secondly, as mentioned, a European
School needs to be extra cautious, to prevent unsecure situations to happen and
to be able, in case of an emergency, to act as adequately and professionally as
For all these reasons our school has a security manager, Mr Otto Schönbrunner.
He has been working in our school since 1st May 2014 and the planning is that by
the end of 2015 the school’s policy on security in its broadest sense will be
available and implemented. The security manager gives advice to the
management and the security company, in order to organise the security in our
school in a more professional way than up to now.
Since a more professional security concept is new in our school, we will go on
discussing within the management team, with the security manager and with the
staff representatives, and also with the Parents’ Association and the Educational
Councils to develop and implement a security policy that suits our school. In the
School Advisory Council and in the Administrative Board we will inform all
representatives on a regular basis.
In case of any questions, please, contact your representatives and also Mr
Schönbrunner is available to receive your ideas and feedback.
December is a wonderful month, full of reflection and celebration.
Millions of people all over the world celebrate the birth of Christ and come
together with family and friends, sharing memories and hopes.
All kinds of celebrations have also taken place in our school as well and our
colleagues and our pupils/students have done a magnificent job in organising
Christmas concerts and parties for nursery, primary and secondary and for
members of staff, theatre plays, an ecumenical celebration, and so on. It is really
impressive to witness how dedicated and professional the colleagues involved are
and how motivating they are for our pupils and students.
I wish you and your families, also on behalf of my colleagues, a Christmas full of
wonders, and a new year with health and happiness!
Rudolph Ensing
Europäische Schule München
81739 München
Telefon: +49 (0) 89-62816–0
Fax: +49 (0) 89-62816–444
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel:
U-Bahn-Linie 5