%NJ WOOD & GRIEVE ENGINEERS 375 — 377 Punt Road Cremorne Apartment Development Acoustic Services Brief Client Name: ILy Australia Pty Ltd 19" June 2014 Revision: R01 Prepared by Geoff White Project Number: BD17100-MEL-N Level 22, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Phone (03) 8554 7000 Fax (03) 8554 7100 Email [email protected] Web www.wge.com.au VGc LL:tiq L ■ Albany Brisbane Busselton Darwin Melbourne Perth Shenzhen Sydney 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE I REVISION DATE COMMENT APPROVED BY ROO 13/06/2014 Issue for Town Planning GS RO1 19/06/2014 Issue for Town Planning GS MATECH \ 8D17100 \ 00 \N \REPORTS \N_DR_002.DOCX REVISION 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. ACOUSTIC ISSUES 2 3. PROJECT OVERVIEW 3 3.1 3.2 SITE DESCRIPTION SENSITIVE RECEIVERS 3 4. DESIGN CRITERIA 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE LIMITS NOISE SURVEY SEPP N-1 TYPICAL NOISE LIMITS AS1055.2 ESTIMATED AVERAGE BACKGROUND LEVELS NOISE LIMITS CALCULATED FOR THIS SITE TRAFFIC NOISE CRITERIA INTERNAL NOISE LEVELS 7 10 10 5. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 11 5.1 BUILDING CODE OF AUSTRALIA [CLASS 2] 11 6. CONSTRUCTION 13 6.1 PART F5.4 FLOORS PART F5.5 WALLS 13 14 18 19 20 20 21 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 INSTALLATION PART F5.6 SERVICES PART F5.7 PUMPS PART J ENERGY EFFICIENCY [ZONE 6: MELBOURNE] SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS APPENDIX 1: GLOSSARY OF ACOUSTIC TERMS MATECH \ BD17100 \00\ N \REPORTS\ N_DR_002.DOCX 3 5 5 6 6 23 CONTENTS I 3 7 5 - 3 7 7 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE INTRODUCTION This Acoustic Report has been prepared for The Belgrave Group of Companies for the development of 375 - 377 Punt Road — Cremorne and represents the proposed Acoustic Services. This Acoustic Report sets out the acoustic performance requirements for the project. The design criteria presented in this report are based upon relevant Australian Standards and Wood & Grieve Engineers previous experience and have been benchmarked against other similar projects. Included in this report are the key acoustic considerations that form the basis of the acoustic design for the project including: Noise intrusion from external noise sources Airborne sound insulation requirements Impact sound insulation requirements Background noise levels generated by mechanical services within the different spaces The acoustic terms used in this report are explained in Appendix 1. MATECH\B017100\00\N\REPORTS\N_0R_002 DOCX INTRODUCTION 1 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE ACOUSTIC ISSUES The following development application issues are addressed in the report: The impact of external noise sources on the development including: • Road traffic noise intrusion. o Rail noise and vibration impact. o Aircraft noise intrusion. o Control of mechanical plant noise emission to noise sensitive receivers (including those within the • development itself) from the use of the development. Application of the Australian/New Zealand Standards internal acoustic requirements for residential • components of the development. The noise criteria and recommended noise levels presented have been adopted to assess: Noise intrusion into the proposed development. • Noise emission from the operation of the proposed development. • Criteria for noise emission from the development site have been set using recommended levels outlined in the Victorian State Environment Protection Policy No. N-1 and Australian Standard AS1055.2 in lieu of recorded data. M \TECH\BD17100\00%N\REPORTS\N DR 002 DOC( ACOUSTIC ISSUES 2 3 7 5 — 3 7 7 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE 3. PROJECT OVERVIEW 3.1 Site description The project comprises the construction of a new Apartment Building on 375 -377 Punt Road - Cremorne which is to include: 17 residential apartments over 6 storey's including a ground floor tenancy Undercover car parking and stackers in a basement Store & Refuse Area Storage areas The site is currently vacant, and has street frontage to the West (Punt Road), East (Huckerby Street) and South (Rout Street). There is residential properties to the East across Huckerby Street and a new apartment block currently in construction South across Rout Street and the remainder of the site has both commercial and residential nearby along with car-parking areas, major street frontage and train services Figure 1 shows the location of the site in red. Figure 1: Aerial view of the site Source: USGS 3.2 Sensitive receivers Sensitive receivers in close proximity to the site are the residential areas located to the south and east of the site. These residential receivers are marked in yellow in Figure 2, with additional non-sensitive commercial areas also marked in blue. MATECH\BD17100\00\N\REPORTS\N DR 002 DOUG PROJECT OVERVIEW 3 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Figure 2: Sensitive Receiver Locations & Surrounding Uses Source: USGS MATECH 8017100 \ 00 \N \REPORTS N DR_002. D000 PROJECT OVERVIEW 4 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE DESIGN CRITERIA In general noise from industrial and commercial facilities must comply with the requirements of the Victorian EPA State Environmental Protection Policy No. N-1 (SEPP N-1), which applies noise limits at noise sensitive locations such as residential areas. For this project, design measures to protect the residential areas from existing noise sources in the area of the development will be implemented as part of the design of the new development, rather than the existing commercial and industrial facilities being required to comply with the SEPP N-1 noise limits. The following sections outline acoustic design criteria for this project, for noise emission from the development to noise sensitive areas, and noise intrusion to the noise sensitive areas of the development. ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE LIMITS 4.1 The Victorian Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) State Environmental Protection Policy No. N-1 (SEPP n-1) prescribes procedures for determining the statutory environmental noise limits which apply at noise sensitive locations, such as residential areas, with respect due to commercial, industrial and trade operations. Generally it is accepted that noise from mechanical plant and building services that may affect noise sensitive receivers be assessed under SEPP N-1 criteria, therefore the SEPP N-1 criteria will apply to those noise emissions from the mechanical services of the development on the nearest sensitive receivers. The SEPP N-1 noise limits are dependent on: • Zoning levels, which are based on the planning scheme zoning types within 70-metre and 200-metre radii of the noise sensitive area. • The time of day i.e. different limits apply at different times of the day. • The background noise level (LA90) in the noise sensitive area, in the absence of noise due to commercial, industrial or trade operations. Under SEPP N-1, noise from the source under consideration is measured so as to determine its impact over a continuous period. Adjustments to the measured noise level are applied to account for the effects of duration, tonality, intermittency and impulsiveness. 4.1.1 SEPP N-1 TIME PERIODS The following time period classifications are defined by SEPP N-1: Table 1: SEPP N-1 Time Period Classification SEPP N-1 Time Period Time 7am to 6pm Weekdays 7am to 1pm Saturdays Day 6pm to 10pm Weekdays 1pm to 6pm Saturdays 7am to 6pm Sundays and Public Holidays Evening 10pm to 7am Weekdays Night 4.2 6pm to 7am Weekends and Public Holidays NOISE SURVEY According to the EPA Guidelines an environmental background noise survey is required. As time constraints do not permit for a survey to be conducted at this time a conservative assessment using SEPP N-1 and AS1055.2 recommended levels has been used. M: \TECH \ BD17100 \ 00 N \REPORMN_DR_002.DOCX DESIGN CRITERIA 5 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE SEPP N-1 TYPICAL NOISE LIMITS 4.3 The Victorian EPA Publication 1412 SEPP N-1 and NIRV Explanatory Notes, October 2011, provides examples of typical SEPP N-1 noise limits for various land uses in lieu of recorded noise data. These can be adopted for conservative assessments as a reference to assist investigations. The typical noise limits under SEPP N-1 are listed in Table 2 below: Table 2: Typical Noise Limits Under SEPP N-1 Typical Nosie Limit dB(A) Description of Area Day* Evening Night 0700-1800 hours 1800-2200 hours 2200-0700 hours Mainly residential area 50-54 44-48 39-43 Area with some commerce or industry 54-59 48-52 43-47 Commercial district or bordering an industrial area 59-63 52-57 47-52 Predominantly industrial area 63-68 57-61 52-56 *The evening noise limits applies on: Saturdays between 1300 and 1800 hours Sundays and public holidays between 0700 and 1800 hours • • AS1055.2 ESTIMATED AVERAGE BACKGROUND LEVELS 4.4 AS1055.2 Acoustics — Description and measurement of environmental noise, July 1997, provides estimated average background a-weighted sound pressure levels (LA90j) for different areas containing residences in Australia. In lieu of actual recorded data the levels in Table 3 below will be used to inform the noise criteria in this assessment. Table 3: AS1055.2 — Estimated Average Background A-Weighted Sound Pressure Levels (LAKT) for Different Areas Containing Residences in Australia Noise area category (Notes 1 & 2) Description of neighborhood R1 Areas with negligible transportation Areas with low density transportation Areas with medium density transportation or some commerce or industry Areas with dense transportation or some commerce or industry Areas with very dense transportation or in commercial districts or R2 R3 R4 R5 (see note 3) MATECH \BD17100\DO\N \REPORTS \ N_DR 002 DOCX Average background A-weighted sound pressure level LA90,T Sundays and public holidays 1800-2200 2200-0900 0900-1800 30 35 40 Monday to Saturday 2200-0700 1800-2200 0700-1800 30 35 40 45 40 35 45 40 35 50 45 40 50 45 40 55 50 45 55 50 45 60 55 50 60 55 50 DESIGN CRITERIA 6 3 7 5 - 3 7 7 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE bordering industrial districts R6 (see note Areas with 3) extremely dense 65 60 55 65 60 55 transportation or within predominantly industrial districts Notes: 1. The division into noise area categories is necessary in order to accommodate existing sound levels encountered 2. transport routes, i.e. road and rail The noise area category most appropriate should be selected irrespective of metropolitan or rural zoning and 3. will vary from location to location. Some industrial and commercial sites are not predominant sources of high background sound levels. at residential sites in predominantly commercial or industrial districts, or in areas located close to main land NOISE LIMITS CALCULATED FOR THIS SITE 4.5 Based on our site assessment work it is appropriate to apply the assessment methods described by the SEPP N-1 policy at this site. Accordingly, the noise level limits are calculated for each residence location individually and take account of the following factors. • The time of day (day, evening or night). • The proportions of land zoned for residential, industrial and commercial use in the immediate local area. • The background noise level, which would occur at the residence if activities associated with the commercial premises were not occurring. The permissible noise levels have been determined based adopted background noise levels derived from AS1055.2 and current land use zoning information obtained from the Department of Planning and Community Development. Zoning maps showing the extent of the 70m radius & 200m radius circles are shown in Figures 3 & 4. M,\TECHViD17100\00\N\REPORTS\N DR 002 DOCX DESIGN CRITERIA 7 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Figure 3: 70m Radius Planning Map Departrit---.s of Planning Map Transport, Plarwrou and a( al Infrastructure 112 371 4,...,371. . 2 ■ 31.5.-.."4 4 - — 377._"`I 5 6 11 0v7 6 •7 7 - 11 ,,,,t, 9 MELBOURNE sty - ti ri is , id 2 1.06r4,0 s Cr r-r, 36 11 365 .. 3117 i..r " ,...." ar /19 18 2f 11 Ir. , 23 16 3831 20 26 2 s .. . 27 25 29 -•1 31 _ _ 2 ■ Is 14 36 , w 35 36 'i" 37 38 42 4319 44 37 R 12 46 35 41 47 17 52 54 56 '-•,. 34 30 29 27 3 . 27 20 21) 28 30 14 IC I - I ...'. :5 36 4 33 al 5553 57 S2 t 37 i i 50 61 - 56 54 49 SO 56 51 62 so .:. 43 45 49 Si 56 63 61 •:— 413 63A 1 ;3 S 1012 415 8e4A-ceii4ii 7 417 2 66 6 t 69 202224 68 419 421 70 100 Lt,pyr.211t St.e• 117v wrenorr,C. 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ICI •••■ ►•• 111? emomonsias 9•4■ 41440 lad Ga....-44.4 .44 .44444.4•44 0 44. 1W...4114. .4414 .144144. I IR/ '4411■ ?At Gnaw •044. • 41, .4.20 xs; fr.APKVION, 7•1/0 Cr: inar 4,4 440441f1440. •■ ••5.Amp t 1•••••••1 I ■ ••••••■ ••• ■ • WO IOW* X. kw. s, 1...6111 41.7 Lew tee..,•■ • • ••167 Nan ka. op, fbas•woo tom,•■ .••••■ 0: 1./w.ern /maw.* Iowa. iamb T. .' Sa WL107../.1 *Oft .3e. :+1410••■ ••• ••.44.1. •-••• •••••••. • •A• C.•-••••• ow*. M \TECH\BD17100\00\N \REPORTS \N_06 002 DOC% s, 44, SO Mt %ft .11144S 4.440.4 s. ...Y... rho no. an. Map Contr. • llotasys 30 F10 Map Sca• 1 2.2777 June 13 2014 11.27 24 ASA DESIGN CRITERIA 8 3 7 5 - 3 7 7 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Figure 4: 200m Radius Planning Map Department of Transport, Plannrid and ir .fr tic ture Planning Map ; 171 3/1 z 7 7 ?g .-."° 5 4 stm, E, $ 37'9 2 14 c MfilHOURIO 3.31 18 WS :,,e er n 2, .., .. 30 3;7 PPFtZ 113 3419 119 349 ,41 397 1 11 33 ,.., 7: I. 35 20 ,:,gr 4: 4 n ; I . 1'2.3 '''7 5 11 3/ 47 47 as so 1,. 49 51 5553 52 57 SA 37 61 56 48 " 2 1 Legend Copptight ,;., &At+ 0,3 62 al - Cam.1.;■ er,011400.4 Seroc picooled bp inpur land Inc 901 to, , 74... • OVINUMI CI WO 4...t.... 441/1 200. 1010 NCI 146,11•1 1►..1 • H. RC 111k Um 14444, 4.41,0 Mm•WC44440. od. 1414•4. 104/44 ••••••••••••1•44.1.a No • 14 ▪ 04 ►/44 a . 44, 40004 SEEM. 140? *mom R? taw 02 0=4 44414041.0 41•11•■ •••• .444414044.1 • .44•441? 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CI t.t t-44440. 44, MI ...c. 4411304 0 I40 I1 .if WWI. 0 AM 044144404 C:3 I. 1.4414.0 -.won Cil 10 .4444 Cl SO 44. .0044 t:3:1we ..... C it ..wage.. C son to.rumwm C 40 4.404444-44 Ora ItPII (..•■ • Pa, K41 .44 IIIT2 144 ?a.m., 04144410444 Wow wed. ? 0440 IR: 0040, 114? 0440 wr 444,44. • iNe• • :04? Were 51....11 141 4.44.4 .44444 41.: 440 4.41.44. 44.44 414, 0444 1...wa.Y4a.g al.a.4.tl p..N411 sum • Vara/Y.. 4.40a.s. 44 I INDO4 •• • .44 Wiring, wows dm/ flew. 4144.m ■ .• RR." 0.4•044tat& ?wane. 44 04 • 1,1,11,ro 4...441 ■ •••••••• • ••••• ••• • ••4 ••• • • ••0 hr 44.0. eel$4,44 osc044 Ow 444444 044?..... 4rw. 44.4.4 rm. 44 144,, 40 AC \TECH \BD17100 \DO \N \REPORTS \N_DR_002.DOCX Map Contr. • wows 2G FIO At* Scal• 1 2,2 .Ana 13 20 '4 11 2' 24 AM DESIGN CRITERIA 9 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE The permissible noise levels are as follows: Table 4: SEPP N-1 Permissible Noise Levels Time of Day Permissible Noise Level, dB(A) Week Day (7am to 6pm) 63 Saturday (7am-1pm) 63 Weekday (6pm-10pm) 58 Saturday (1pm-10pm) 58 Sunday and (7am-10pm) 53 All Days (10pm-7am) 53 The permissible levels must be met outside the building not greater than 10m from a habitable room. TRAFFIC NOISE CRITERIA 4.6 The building is to be designed to take into account traffic noise intrusion into the building via suitably designed acoustic elements to the doors, walls and facades. The noise from traffic and trains alone will provide significant affect to the building. The facade elements of the building are to be suitably designed so that these noises do not affect the amenity of the residents. INTERNAL NOISE LEVELS 4.7 The internal noise levels for spaces presented in the proposed development are affected by a number of factors including: • Road traffic noise entering via the building facade; • Noise from building services units, internal and external • Operational noise • Noise from trains & trams The Australian Standard AS/NZS 2107:2000 — 'Acoustics- Recommended design sound levels and reverberation times for building interiors' specifies target noise levels and reverberation times for internal spaces and values corresponding to the relevant types of spaces are summarised below in Table 5. Table 5: Recommended internal noise levels (AS/NZS 2107:2000) Recommended design sound level, Le, dB(A) Maximum Recommended reverberation time (T), s - Type of occupancy/activity Satisfactory 7. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, Houses and apartments near major roads Living areas 35 45 Sleeping areas 30 40 Work areas 35 45 Apartment common areas (e.g. foyer, lift lobby) 45 55 See note Note: Reverberation time should be minimized as far as practicable for noise control. MATECH \ BD17100 N \REPORTS \ N DR 002.DOCX DESIGN CRITERIA 10 3 7 5 - 3 7 7 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Residential developments (being Class 2, 3 or 9c) must comply with the requirements of Part F5 of the NCC 2014 to provide adequate sound isolation between sole-occupancy units. This acoustic specification details the acoustic requirements and recommended treatments for the proposed development. The recommended treatments provide a guide to suitable building constructions which will achieve acoustic compliance with the NCC 2014. The main acoustic issues addressed in this specification are: control of air and structure borne noise transfer in critical parts of the development • • control of services noise. 5.1 Building Code of Australia [Class 2] 184 Ferguson Street is classified as a Class 2 building under Part A3 of the NCC 2014. Class 2 buildings are buildings which contain two or more sole-occupancy units, each being a separated dwelling. Class 2 buildings must achieve the objectives outlined in Part FS of the NCC 2014 Sound Transmission and insulation. 5.1.1 Part F5.4 Sound insulation rating of floors The recommended floor ceiling separations for Class 2 buildings are shown in Table 6. Table 6 NCC 2014 required floor separation for Class 2 buildings Between sole-occupancy units; or Between a sole-occupancy unit and a plant room, lift shaft, stairway, public corridor, public lobby or the like. 5.1.2 Ln,w + C1 562 Rw + Ctr l• 50 Part F5.5 Sound insulation ratings of walls The recommended wall separation for Class 2 buildings is shown in Table 7. Table 7 NCC 2014 required wall separation for Class 2 buildings Between sole occupancy units: — between habitable rooms — if wall separates a bathroom, sanitary compartment, laundry or kitchen and a habitable room (other than a kitchen) in an adjoining sole-occupancy unit No R„, + Ctr ?. 50 Yes Between a sole-occupancy unit and a plant room or lift shaft. Yes Rw ?. 50 Between a sole-occupancy unit and a stairway, public corridor, lobby or the like. No Rw a.50 A door between a sole-occupancy unit and a stairway, public corridor, lobby or the like. MATECH\BD17100\00\N\REPORTS\N_DR_002.DOCX RW ?30 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 11 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Note: (1) Discontinuous construction is defined such that walls are to have a minimum 20 mm gap between separate leaves. Cavity masonry walls are to have resilient wall ties or no wall ties. For other walls there are to be no mechanical linkages between wall leaves except at the wall periphery. A staggered stud wall is not deemed to be discontinuous. For quality apartments, an Rw 60 is desirable for addressing low frequency noise ingress. This requires either mass (masonry or concrete) to be included in the design, or a significant airgap with lightweight construction to give a plan thickness greater than 200 mm. A wall which is required to have sound insulation must continue to: • the underside of the slab or roof above, or • a ceiling that provides the sound insulation required for the wall. 5.1.3 Part F5.6 Sound insulation rating of services The noise isolation rating for waste pipes, soil pipes, rainwater pipes and water supply pipes and ducts is outlined in Table 8. Table 8 NCC 2014 ceiling/riser bulkhead separation barriers requirements A duct, soil, waste, water supply pipe and stormwater pipe that is located in a wall or floor cavity, serves or passes through more than one soleoccupancy unit: (a) if the adjacent room is a habitable room (other than a kitchen); or Rw Ctr. 40 (b) if the room is a kitchen or any other room. Rw +Ctr _>_.25 Services must not be chased into concrete or masonry elements. When installed in a wall separating sole-occupancy units, a water supply pipe must: • Only be installed in the cavity of a discontinuous construction. Discontinuous construction is defined such that walls are to have a minimum 20 mm gap between separate leaves. Cavity masonry walls are to have resilient wall ties or no wall ties. For other walls there are to be no mechanical linkages between wall leaves except at the wall periphery. A staggered stud wall is not deemed to be discontinuous. • In the case of a pipe that serves only one sole-occupancy unit, not to be fixed to the wall leaf on the side adjoining any other sole-occupancy unit and have a clearance not less than 10 mm to the other wall leaf. 5.1.4 Part F5.5 Sound insulation of pumps A flexible coupling must be used at the point of connection between the service pipes in a building and any circulating or other pump. MATECH \BD17100 \00 N \REPORTS \ N DR 002.DOCX DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 12 3 7 5 — 3 7 7 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Construction Basic constructions have been provided based on the 'deemed-to-satisfy' constructions in Table 2 of Specification F5.2 of the NCC 2014 and constructions in CSR 'The Red Book'. 6.1 Part F5.4 Floors 6.1.1 Timber flooring Table 9 outlines several floor and ceiling constructions for timber flooring. Table 9 NCC 2014 compliant timber floor constructions • Timber or steel joists. Carpet on underlay • Minimum 230 mm ceiling cavity. on 1 x 19 mm or • Furring channels mounted to the underside of the joists on resilient mounts. 22 mm • particleboard, or timber flooring of at least 15 kg/m'. 2 x 10 mm sound rated plasterboard OR 2 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard fixed to the furring channels. • 100 mm thick glasswool insulation in the ceiling cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 100 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer' R2.3. • Timber or steel joists. • Minimum 340 mm ceiling cavity. • Suspended ceiling system. • 1 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard + 1 x 16 mm fire rated plasterboard fixed to the furring channels OR 2 x 13 mm sound rated plasterboard OR 2 x 16 mm fire rated plasterboard. • 100 mm thick glasswool insulation in the ceiling cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 100 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer' R2.3. • Timber or steel joists. Bare floor • Minimum 230 mm ceiling cavity. 1 x 19 mm or • Furring channels mounted to the underside of the joists on resilient mounts. 22 mm • particleboard, or timber flooring of at least 15 kg/m2. 2 x 16 mm fire rated plasterboard OR 2 x 13 mm sound rated plasterboard fixed to the furring channels. • 100 mm thick glasswool insulation in the ceiling cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 100 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer' R2.3. • Timber or steel joists. 6.1.2 • Minimum 340 mm ceiling cavity. • Suspended ceiling system fixed on resilient mounts. • 1 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard + 1 x 16 mm fire rated plasterboard fixed to the furring channels. OR 2 x 13 mm sound rated plasterboard OR 2 x 16 mm fire rated plasterboard • 100 mm thick glasswool insulation in the ceiling cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 100 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer' R2.3. Concrete slab Table 10 outlines several floor and ceiling constructions for concrete slabs. MATECH\BD17100\00NN\REPORTS\N_DR_002.DOCX Construction 13 3 7 5 — 3 7 7 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Table 10 NCC 2014 compliant concrete slab floor constructions Any—carpet, tile or floating floorboards Carpet on underlay 8 mm ceramic tiles with flexible adhesive and waterproof membrane. • 125 mm concrete slab. • 1 x 13 mm plasterboard fixed to a suspended ceiling system mounted on resilient mounts. • Minimum 150 mm ceiling cavity. • 50 mm glasswool insulation in the partition cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 50 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer'. • 150 mm thick concrete slab. • 1 x 13 mm plasterboard fixed to 28 mm metal furring channels on isolated mounts at 600 mm centres. • 50 mm glasswool insulation in the partition cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 50 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer'. • 200 mm thick concrete slab. • 120 mm concrete slab. • 190 mm timber or steel joists. • 1 x 13 mm plasterboard direct fixed to joists. • 50 mm glasswool insulation in the partition cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 50 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer'. • 75 mm thick autoclaved aerated concrete floor panel. • 28 mm metal furring channels on resilient mounts fixed to the underside of timber joists at 600 mm centres. • 2 x 13 mm plasterboard ceiling fixed to the furring channels. • 75 mm glasswool insulation in the partition cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 75 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer'. Note that the perimeter of a tiled floor must not contact the internal partition walls, the gap between the perimeter of the tiles and the partition wall must be caulked to a minimum width of 6 mm with a non-hardening flexible mastic. 6.1.3 General To maintain the acoustic separation of the floor / ceiling constructions: • all penetrations should be acoustically sealed with non-hardening flexible mastic, and • lights should be surface mounted or acoustically rated. 6.2 Part F5.5 Walls 6.2.1 Steel framed walls Table 11 outlines several steel stud wall constructions which comply with the NCC 2014 requirements. Table 11 NCC 2014 compliant wall constructions Rw +Ct,.50 92 mm acoustic studs such as Rondo 'Quiet Stud'. M:\TECH\8017100\00\N\REPORTS\N DR 002 DOCX Both sides-2 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool Construction 14 375 - 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Staggered steel studs in a 150 mm track. Both sides-2 x 13 mm sound rated plasterboard OR 2 x 16 mm fire rated plasterboard. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool 150 mm steel studs with resilient mounts screw fixed to outside face of stud. Both sides-2 x 13 mm sound rated plasterboard OR 2 x 16 mm fire rated plasterboard. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool 2 sets of steel studs with a minimum 20 mm between the internal stud faces and a minimum 200 mm cavity. Side 1-2 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard. Side 2-1 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool 92 mm steel studs. Both sides-2 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool 2 sets of steel studs with a minimum 20 mm between the internal stud faces and a minimum 120 mm cavity. Both sides-1 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool Concrete or masonry lift core with 51 mm steel studs at a 20 mm gap from core. One side-1 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool 6.2.2 Insulation All walls are to have 50 mm glasswool insulation in the partition cavity with a minimum density of 11 kg/m3; a suitable product is 50 mm thick Pink Batts 'Silencer'. 6.2.3 Ceiling detail One layer of plasterboard on either side of the partition is to penetrate the ceiling, and continue through to the underside of the soffit or roof deck above with an airtight seal. 6.2.4 Impact or moisture resistance 1 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard may be replaced by 1 x 6 mm FC for impact or moisture resistance. 6.2.5 Pipework Where the pipe in the partition cavity only serves one sole-occupancy unit, the pipework must: • • Not be fixed to the wall leaf on the side of the adjoining sole-occupancy unit, and Have a clearance of at least 10 mm to the other wall leaf. Also note that pipes may be required to be acoustically lagged if they pass in the wall cavity between habitable spaces (refer to Section 6.4.1). 6.2.6 Masonry walls Table 12 outlines several masonry wall constructions which comply with the NCC 2014 requirements. M•VrECH \ BD17100 \00 N \REPORTS \ N DR 002.DOCX Construction 15 375 — 377 PUNT ROAD CREMORNE Table 12 NCC 2014 compliant wall constructions Rw + Ctr Z 50 150 mm plain off form concrete. 200 mm concrete panel. Both sides-13 mm thick cement render OR 1 x 13 mm plasterboard direct fixed. Single leaf of 220 mm brick. Both sides-13 mm thick cement render OR 1 x 13 mm plasterboard direct fixed. 100 mm concrete panel + Studs-1 x 13 mm plasterboard. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool Concrete-1 x 13 mm plasterboard. 75 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool one row of 64 mm steel studs spaced at 20 mm from the concrete panel. 75 mm autoclaved aerated concrete wall panel + one row of 64 mm steel studs spaced at 20 mm from the panel. 75 mm autoclaved aerated concrete wall panel + Studs-1 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard. Both sides-1 x 13 mm fire rated plasterboard. one row of 64 mm steel studs spaced at 35 mm from the panel + Studs-100 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool Channels-50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool 28 mm metal furring channels fixed to the outside face of the panel. Two leaves of 110 mm clay brick with a minimum 50 mm cavity between the two leaves. (1) 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool Two leaves of 75 mm thick autoclaved aerated concrete wall panel with a minimum 50 mm cavity between the two leaves.m Both sides-1 x 10 mm plasterboard direct fixed. 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool Two layers of 110 mm clay brick with a minimum 50 mm cavity between the two leaves:1) Single leaf of 110 mm clay brick + Both sides-13 mm thick cement render OR 1 x 13 mm plasterboard direct fixed. Both sides-1 x 13 mm plasterboard. 2 x 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool—in each stud row. Both sides-1 x 13 mm plasterboard. 2 x 50 mm, 11 kg/m3 glasswool—in each stud row. one row of 70 mm timber or 64 mm steel studs spaced at 20 mm from the brick wall. Single leaf of 90 mm clay brick + two rows of 70 mm timber or 64 mm steel studs on each side of the wall both spaced at 20 mm from the brick wall. 125 mm thick concrete panel. 100 mm thick concrete panel. M.VrECH BD17100\ 00\N \REPORTS \ N DR 002.DOCX Both sides-13 mm thick cement render OR 1 x 13 mm plasterboard direct fixed. Construction 16
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