2014-2015 KLAA AD Meeting Minutes ● January 7, 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. KLAA 15-16 FALL SCHEDULES DUE Distributed and reviewed. Once finalized, commissions will send final copy to Hutcheson to post on the web site. 15-16 schedules will be posted later in the spring. 2. MHSAA: “Out of Season Coaching”: Hutcheson The group discussed the survey per MHSAA guidelines. Individual sheets were distributed for review. The group completed the form at the conclusion of the meeting as a group. The final results were faxed to the MHSAA 1-8-15 (2:30PM). 3. KLAA passes @ KLAA “Club” events: Hage Remind coaches and parents that the KLAA card is accepted at all KLAA sanctioned events. Gordon will word smith language indicating this, and have it placed on next years cards. 4. KLAA Gate Prices: Thompson Thompson reviewed past practices in regards to how and why gate prices were established. Meteyer indicated PCS will re-evaluate event pricing, and would like to re-visit this topic at our June meeting. 5. CPR/AED: Swinehart Swinehart surveyed the group in regards to their plans to be compliant with the MHSAA rules for varsity coach First Aid & CPR certification. Hage shared a website that offers on-line training. 6. KLAA Wrestling By-Law Proposal: Hutcheson Proposed a by-law addition in regards to coaches that do not supply seed information for the KLAA individual wrestling tournament. Proposal passed unanimously (17-0) and will be added to the current by-laws and go into effect immediately. 7. KLAA “Code of Conduct”: Hutcheson AD’s are asked to review the “KLAA Spectators Code of Conduct”. Be sure we are following what is established. Look for opportunities to make events better: Properly placed student sections, adequate supervision, etc. 8. Coaches Clinic (WLN): Swinehart WLN will host again this summer (8-7-15). CAP training available for coaches, but coaches will still have to pay for the training. Basketball Pilot: Young Officials have asked the KLAA to pilot a program where Basketball head coaches will attend the opening meeting with their captain. The KLAA AD’s in the meeting agreed to pilot this program. Young will send out an email explaining the details. 9. Old Business/Follow Up Items 1. MIAAA “KLAA Rapid Fire" UPDATE: Gordon Presenters will meet briefly with Gordon after our February meeting to review the outline of the presentation. Brain will also send another Google Doc asking for items to be shared. 2. KLAA Medals: Hyman Available for pick up in Hyman’s office… 3. KLAA Championship Reporting: Hutcheson Hutcheson gave proposal and asked for feedback from AD’s in regards to championship reporting to the principals. 4. KLAA Meet Hosting Info: Hutcheson Hutcheson shared that Howell will host the KLAA Individual Wrestling Tournament. 5. Competitive Mechanisms: Hutcheson Hutcheson gave updated sheet and asked for final feed back. Sheet is now finalized and available for use by various committees. - KLAA Web: Hutcheson No Updates OTHER: - Meteyer: Introduced Brain Samulski as the new AD of Salem. - Hutcheson: Shared the KLAA football individuals and team that earned academic all-state status. - Samulski (Salem): Looking for Boys LAX games. - Gordon: Shared a book of interest: “An Elite Journey” (a young mans leadership story) - Ambrose: 1. AD’s should update info in “Schedule Star” (new AD’s in new places, etc…) 2. Ambrose will proceed with a KLAA hospitality room for the MIAAA Conference. - Hutcheson: May need to revisit the assignment and duties of the secretary as the current secretary has been absent recently. - Bradley: Shared an article on the costs of college bowls. Next Meeting: 2-10-15 (9:00AM) AD’s Meeting – Walled Lake – 850 Ladd Rd, Walled Lake 48390 ● October 21, 2014 DH 1-8-15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Welcome – Kyle Meteyer introduced the new Canton Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, Vernon Crump (cell, 313-598-0628) II. Football Update – Bob Czech reported that the Fr/JV games have been faster with the clock starting on the change of possession. The Ref Pay accounts have worked out well for those that had used them in the fall. Starting December 1st, assignors can’t write checks, must go through Ref Pay for basketball. Bob’s fee will be $120 less, from $450 to $330. Bob also reported that ejections are up this season, and reminded that the MHSAA will not entertain appeals. He is working with Nate Hampton to keep our crews for the playoffs. The state championships will go from 5 man to 7 man crews. III. Freshman Baseball and Softball – Chris Ceresa has two schedules, schools that have both and schools that have only baseball (9 schools). The schedules will be posted. IV. Bowling – Greg Ambrose does not have the finalized schedule, please do not post V. Soccer – Marc Hage is looking for feedback on having an additional crossover game at the beginning of the season, 2 games based on past 5 years’ records. He will forward a proposal to share and discuss with soccer coaches in order to make a decision at the November meeting. VI. Gate fees – Marc Hage wanted to review the policy for Senior Citizens’ ticket pricing. Currently 62 and over is free. Should the age be moved to 65, or possibly charge $1 or $3, possibly have a pass for seniors (much like the KLAA pass)? Some districts are strongly opposed to any changes based on public relations, perhaps not an AD-level decision. Meteyer reported that PCCS charges $3 for their own students and it has been successful for their district. This led to discussion about KLAA bylaws and consistent pricing as well as different types of in-district student passes. Senior gate prices will be an added topic at the Principal meeting in November. VII. Football – Bryan Masi presented the agenda from the post-season coaches meeting. They are interested in adding a player speech for each team at Media Day. He also had a proposal for All-Conference medals, having the distribution align with other sports and add 4 medals. Motion was made by Greg Michaels and seconded by Mike Teagan. Unanimously in favor. Next season’s schedule was passed out to confirm contests, please send your 1st and 9th game to Dan Hutcheson to fill out the remainder of the schedule. VIII.KLAA Meet Hosting Information – Hutcheson has asked for each sport commissioner to come up with a template for hosting their KLAA meet. IX. KLAA Fall Championships – Hutcheson passed out the KLAA summary for the Fall Season, please forward any championship information for him to collect in order to present at the principals’meeting. X. PAC items and procedures – Hutcheson would like to have an organized system for presenting PAC items: topics (1st meeting in August), proposals (2nd meeting in September), finalization (3rd meeting in October) – Bring finalized KLAA PAC proposals to Region 11 meeting in October. Region 11 is responsible for the SWAP table at MIAAA registration. XI. Trainers reimbursement – Meteyer confirmed that the trainers for the tennis tournament at PCCS and Novi will be reimbursed $300. XII. MIAAA Hospitality Suite – Ambrose wanted to gauge the interest in having the suite and since there is enough, he will keep the deposit down for the room reservation. XIII.MHSAA Sportsmanship Summit will be held November 12th at DeCarlos Banquet Center in Warren. Old BusinessI. Recognition of Tom Willette, $10 from everyone given toward a gift card for his service to the KLAA. II. MIAAA “KLAA Rapid Fire” update from Brian Gordon, please contact him with interest in presenting topics that are unique to the KLAA. III. Enrollment and Alignment – Hutcheson presented some thoroughly researched statistics pertaining to each school in the KLAA and their enrollment, competitiveness and geography in search of things that can be done as an association to become more competitive. We want to do what we can to keep the KLAA together as is and different alignments were arranged in order to look at the effects on the whole group. Discussion focused on the added travel and cost to the districts as well as the need for some schools to be involved in contests that are competitive (less mercy games, running clocks, blow-out scores, programs that go winless for multiple seasons). A motion was made by Jason Reck from Hartland to keep the division alignments the same and that each sport’s commissioner continue to work on scheduling mechanisms to create competitiveness. Seconded by Marc Hage. 19 voted in favor, 2 voted against and 3 abstained. Ceresa would to be able to look at all of the data and then make a proposal. IV. Trophies were distributed by Lori Hyman Next meeting- Nov 3 2014- 9:00am- Ads and Principals - Hartland Harris 10/27/14 ● October 1, 2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KLAA Minutes- 10/1/14 AD meeting Agenda TopicsI. Recognition for Tom Willette: All league members will donate $10.00 for a gift card to be given to Tom for his service to the KLAA. II. Girls Swim and Dive division meet: The West, Central and North divisions will be holding diving competitions Thursday 10/30. This was moved due to Halloween. The South division will notify their schools with their decision. III. MIAAA “KLAA Rapid Fire” Presentation- Brian Gordon is looking for 4-5 athletic directors to present a topic that is unique to your school or district at the MIAA conference. Ideas were also shared about possible KLAA spotlights (Media day, KLAA patch, league organization, etc.). Contact Brian to express interest. IV. Girls freshman soccer- A double round robin (home and away) schedule is in place for schools that have freshman girls soccer. It will be added to the website. V. Soccer official rates- There were some unique instances where officials were not being paid the amount due to them because of the position they officiated. Rates will be revisited for consistency. VI. Holiday luncheon- Brian Swinehart is in the process of organizing this event. 12/17 will be the target date. VII. Enrollment and Alignment: Last summer the KLAA Principals requested a committee be formed to discuss possible advantages/disadvantages of re-alignment in the KLAA due to enrollment. The current structure reflects the core values of the KLAA since its creation, taking into account travel, cost to school districts and times kids return home from competitions. No medical proof has been presented that enrollment is aligned to student safety. There are some schools facing declining enrollment or low enrollment currently exists. Pressures within these communities have prompted realignment be discussed. A KLAA realignment committee meeting was held at SLHS 10/6. Possibilities were shared and analyzed. Before any decisions are made, all schools and districts will receive a vote and have input in the matter. Old BusinessV. Make up start times- The following statement will be added to the league by-laws: “A postponed contest shall be rescheduled on the next available open date, which does not conflict with District philosophy (i.e. Sunday). The date/time should be mutually agreed upon by the schools involved. When a mutual time cannot be determined, the home school will make the final determination based on all factors involved”. *By-law changes and updates will now be managed by Greg Michaels. VI. Clinic update- The coaches clinic will be help August 8th. This year it will be presented with more of a KLAA focus. The keynote speaker is author Jon Gordon. Brian Swinehart is exploring the possibility of offering CAP 1 training, online rules meetings, and online concussion training. VII. KLAA shirts- Shirt options will be offered through the Team Sports rep. A creation of a web site will be requested if you are interested in purchasing a shirt. VIII.Web updates- ’08 college athletes need updated. Commissioners please check individual sports page for errors. Please check records and all information to make sure the web page is up to date. IX. Bowling schedules need to be submitted so they can be posted on the website. Final commentsI. Please review hockey schedules and check all games are played before the deadline. Book your ice times for 2 hour slots at your home rinks. II. KLAA football- remind coaches to update HUDL per league rules for film exchange. III. Freshman baseball and softball schedules are on the web site. Next meeting- Oct 21 2014- 9:00am- Walled Lake. ● September 9, 2014 Beutel 10/9/14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcements: Opening remarks thanked Tom Willette for his contributions over the years to the KLAA. The league wishes him well in his new teaching career. Agenda TopicsI. New Baseball Commissioner- Brian Gordon was elected as the new baseball commissioner. II. New Tennis Commissioner- Lori Hyman was elected as the new Tennis commissioner. III. PCS athletic administration update- Two (2) interim athletic administrators are in place. IV. Make up start times- Recently inclement weather caused varsity football games to be postponed until Saturday. Some teams did not agree on what time the game should be played. Official availability, facility availability, and staffing are just some of the factors that need to be considered to reschedule contests. Mark Hage and Bryan Masi will provide instructions for the bi laws addressing this situation. V. KLAA spring schedules- Spring schedules were distributed and can be found on the league web site. VI. Recognition awards- Nominations are due Oct 1st. ADs nominated are as follows: - MIAAA Region 11 AD of the Year: Greg Michaels, Dan Hutcheson, Brian Gordon. - MIAAA AD of the Year: Brian Swinehart. - George Lovich Award: Brian Swinehart, John Thompson - MIAAA Special Recognition Award: Brian Gordon. - Women in Sports Leader: Sue Heinzman, Lori Hyman. VII. V/JV soccer game days- Game dates for soccer were discussed. Rationale for playing on Tuesday/Thursday was discussed. VIII.SL/SLE co-op swim- Co-op programs renewals are voted on at a later league meeting. IX. Wrestling- KLAA Location- Looking to schedule this at EMU. Dan will send information. X. KLAA Commissioner Election- Dan Hutcheson was voted in as the new KLAA president by a unanimous vote. XI. Follow up itemsBoys tennis KLAA conference tournaments locations were discussed. A tournament will be played at Plymouth, B tournament played at Novi middle school and South Lyon East. Athletic forums- Discussion about cabinet meetings were discussed. Some schools do different things in regards to including stakeholders in discussion forums. Next meeting- Oct 1 2014- 9:00am- South Lyon Hotel. ● August 13, 2014 Beutel 9/19/14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much discussion was had involving sport commissioners and some commissioners taking on new roles. Tom gave up swim to Kyle, John Young took baseball. Spring sport commissioners to need bring tentative spring schedules to our meeting on Sept 9th, 2014. Hutch provided handouts and reminder to please keep your information updated on the website and email him with any changes. PCS and Milford discussed a potential co-op in ski but due to numbers this would exceed the MHSAA’s combined enrollment. Canton currently has a female skier who wants to participate and PCS does not currently sponsor ski. Lori Hyman brought up the KLAA Association Tennis match on 10/4 and the conflict with a major Jewish Holiday. It is a possibly to host on the currently scheduled rain date of Tuesday October 7th with the new rain date of Wednesday October 8th. - Motion to move to Tuesday October 7th by Novi - Seconded by Milford - Motion Carried Bob Czech spoke to us about using RefPay and arbiter for compensating officials. The MHSAA has given a bit of a reprieve and not requiring the change in payment until the winter. Bob reminded us all of the need to take care of officials on game nights. He also took an informal survey in regards to how each school wanted to be billed for the fall. Marc Hage proposed having the soccer cross-over championship game played on a different night than the other cross-overs. Plan was approved and will be implemented with the spring girl’s soccer season. Kyle Meteyer reminded the group that coaches are not to set limits on the number of exhibition heats that can be run at dual swim meets. All swimmers should have an opportunity to compete. Bryan Masi reminded all to get nominations in for MIAAA awards Several schools are experiencing problems filling rosters for freshman sports and announced they will not be sponsoring teams this year. Milford will not have 9th grade football, WL Northern will not have 9th grade soccer. There was a question about WL Central 9th grade football and Brian Swinehart would be confirming. There was discussion and agreement that assignors fees would be reduced beginning this year due to the new regulations established by the MHSAA. Bryan Masi reported back on the football media day. Very positive feedback from all involved. Bryan also reminded everyone of the timeline for freshmen and JV football games and the need for all schools to submit rosters to Jim Marszalak so they can be posted on the KLAA web site. Brian Swinehart reported back on the Walled Lake “Coach Clinic”. The format was changed and the general feedback was that the new format was better. Coaches liked hearing from their peers. Attendance was down this year and that could be attributed to a lower profile keynote speaker. ● ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORD: KLAA / 14-15 KLAA Meeting Minutes
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