WSM FM-Works Management System - Basic FM Innovations Level 4, 455 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Phone: 03 9600 1646 Fax: 03 9600 2333 FM Innovations Table of Contents The Evolution of WSM .......................................................................................................... 3 Works Management .............................................................................................................. 5 Ad Hoc Maintenance............................................................................................................. 5 Planned Preventative Maintenance....................................................................................... 6 OH&S Management .............................................................................................................. 7 OH&S incident recording....................................................................................................... 7 Asset Control and Registration.............................................................................................. 8 Contract management........................................................................................................... 9 WSMplannet ....................................................................................................................... 10 Sustainability Management ................................................................................................. 11 Feedback system................................................................................................................ 12 Reporting ............................................................................................................................ 13 The Benefits of WSMenterprise .......................................................................................... 14 Summary of Features of WSMenterprise FM-Works - Basic ............................................... 15 Other WSMenterprise Management Systems ..................................................................... 17 Contact us........................................................................................................................... 18 Page 2 of 18 FM Innovations The Evolution of WSM WSMenterprise is the next generation Facility Management software that is focused on tactical and strategic management of an organisations infrastructure. WSMenterprise technology is the engine room for gathering day–to–day operational information; and in doing so it provides a systematic and consistent process that promotes a standardised best practice approach to many critical processes that are implemented within the organisation. Thus WSMenterprise becomes both a catalyst for change and a policy manager of that change, in all aspects of the property and facilities management disciplines. WSMenterprise is built so users can work with the information to better manage their current and future infrastructure. The early design principles of an easy to use yet powerful property and facility works maintenance management system have been preserved as the sophistication of the product has evolved. As a part of the FMI commitment to the Australian Property and Facilities Management industries, new features are continually being developed and included in the business solution, and these are designed into the system, not patched on afterwards. WSM consists of a portal approach to information and functional deployment, with all the security and access controls required to cater for all manner of internal and external users or stakeholders in the system and its processes, wherever they may be in the world. The WSMenterprise® Works management system has been designed to be adaptable and flexible to manage multiple client sites from a central database. Below is a breakdown of the standard system functions: o o o o o o o o o o o o Works management workflow and customer feedback Work Planning – schedules the execution and completion of planned jobs for Essential services & compliance Sustainability management – manages energy, water and waste Ad-hoc Planning – manages the scheduling and completion execution of ad-hoc jobs Supplier Management – manages a comprehensive supplier network Contract Management Unlimited Web Access – provides any number of users the ability to request work via a web browser interface Asset Register – a comprehensive register of assets, their details, their locations and their classification OHS Recording - the capability to record OHS incidents associated with each job Multi site management capability if required Central or deployed maintenance management regimes can be operated concurrently Standard reporting This package also includes a 1 day Configuration workshop and 2 days Training for up to 4 Administrators. Page 3 of 18 FM Innovations WSMenterprise FM-Work, has an intuitive interface and user-friendly design, integrating response driven and preventive maintenance work orders, scheduled work orders, inventory control, managing quotations, amortising consumables and general expenses, OH&S incidents, generating internal labour charges and purchase order management to just name a few. Specifically designed to improve the overall workflow of the process of the works management, FM-Work minimizes ineffective and inefficient practices that cause delays to normal operations through out-dated facility management practices. Within three months, you should expect your corporate objectives to be addressed, and your Return of Investment (ROI) reached within 12 months; many have reached a full ROI in less than 6 months. The solution has been designed to simply adapt to upgraded technical environments and to the ever changing needs of the Property and Facility Management disciplines. The state of the art technology and the flexibility of this design means that the WSM FMWork can either be a standalone application or it can seamlessly integrate with other WSM modules such as to Property Lease Management, Room Event Management, Vehicle Management or Space Management. Should clients already have these solutions in place, they do not need to change their current business rules or processes as the system can share data with other existing disparate corporate systems. Page 4 of 18 FM Innovations Works Management Ad Hoc Maintenance WSM FM-Work is a comprehensive reactive works maintenance system that can easily manage all maintenance tasks and achieve the maximum life and efficiency from your facility, property, and building equipment. FM-Work allows you to organise all the emergency, unplanned and adhoc work requests into a one truth system. It will retain accurate records of all work in the work environment by using a whole picture data system. FM-Works designs and enforces a uniform best practice approach to managing work through administering day to day maintenance operations, increasing efficiencies and reducing expenses, improved asset and resource utilization, equipment availability and reduced asset lifecycle costs, optimization of complex maintenance tasks and reliable strategic planning. The result is a fully optimized operations and maintenance management program. Many problems occur on jobs through irregular and inaccurate paperwork distributed to contractors. Many of our clients have seen a significant drop in contractor issues after using WSM. Work Orders can be customized to act as a Purchase Order for a subcontractor and used to ensure all recipients are fully aware of site or organisational rules, policies and procedures, minimum requirements and OH&S standards. Additional documents can be attached depending on job type or requirements. A minimal amount of key strokes are needed to raise an adhoc work order which has been refined to provide the user an uncomplicated set up. Users have the option of selecting a specific room and assigning a priority within their site that will be approved by the administrator. The user has the ability to finish the work order after the initial set up or add additional information regarding costs, job classification, asset information, related work orders and much more. The Work Order system fully integrates with the asset register and allows the recording of maintenance costs either against a specific asset or for general maintenance services. Work orders can be viewed enterprise wide, by location, building, level, room and by single asset. Automation forms a key basis to WSM, work orders will (if required) be automatically generated at appropriate times and will send the work order via fax, email, or SMS to the appropriate contractor or in-house trade staff. The Fax, Email and SMS integration ensures your customers will be happy that you can now keep them informed as to the progress of the work. The Work system provides many more features to ensure that the management of work becomes a part of your everyday work practices and in doing so taking far less of your time with greater accuracy, than ever before. Work status such as “pending quote” or “work in progress” (among others), can be assigned and priorities set depending on time and resources. This helps to provide a total picture of maintenance commitments in the foreseeable future and the information used to schedule time, staff, contractors and materials in an efficient manner. Automatic alerts can be set to notify appropriate managers of outstanding or incomplete work. Page 5 of 18 FM Innovations Planned Preventative Maintenance The planned work capability in WSM FM-Work provides comprehensive scheduling options for all scheduled maintenance. These tasks include, but are not limited to; all compliance tasks (Essential Safety Measures and Ecologically Sustainable Development) whether they are done by contractors or internal personnel. The planned maintenance section will allow you to organise all your requests into an easy to use one truth system, making it easier to manage your complex planned works and maintenance. Effective management of planned maintenance through WSM is essential for meeting compliance obligations and providing the company protection against litigation. With tough laws around Australia pertaining to ESM and new Building codes introduced, both employees and the company can be fined and possibly jailed if their buildings do not comply. Planned Maintenance schedules allow for many different tasks to be planned against a particular asset, ranging from daily tasks and monthly inspections to an asset‘s yearly overhaul. Eliminating the need to manage statutory and planned maintenance on an ad-hoc basis, FM-Work will generate work orders at appropriate times and will send the work order via fax, email, or SMS to the appropriate contractor or in-house trade staff. WSM FM-Work has implied intelligence built into the software; it will never double up on work orders. For example, when a planned monthly inspection for an asset is due the same time as a yearly inspection, the work orders are combined (if necessary) and only one work order is sent out with all the required works. This eliminates a lot of confusion when different work orders were sent out at the same time. Follow on adhoc jobs can be administered from within the system and documented against an asset. For example; a fire door is due for its annual check when the seal is noticed to be broken, the worker is then able to generate an additional work order for this particular asset. WSM then gives you the ability to track the adhoc and planned work against the asset to determine viability of that asset. The maintenance plan can be easily changed if unplanned events occur, to more efficiently schedule work and resources. Likewise, preventative schedules can be tuned, refined and easily adapted to accommodate new legislation and environmental changes. Preventative Maintenance tasks can be scheduled by time, condition, or meter readings. You are in full control of how your planned maintenance needs to be scheduled! Any tasks that are not completed within the cycle are flagged and emailed to the administrator. Critical work orders will never be misplaced as they are automatically regenerated until completed. Any repeat preventative maintenance tasks are clearly defined on your newly generated work orders. Duplicate preventative maintenance work orders are also eliminated. Page 6 of 18 FM Innovations OH&S Management The OHS Management system is designed to be both a recorder of actual incidents that occur and a recorder for hazards that may impact the workplace and its work force in the future. In recording OHS incidents it provides a capability to be able to classify each one and document their progress and their outcomes up to a point in time. This system is configurable and as such it has a configuration function within the administration section of the portal. The system is operated largely by an OHS wizard that steps you through the process of completing the reporting and documentation of the incident. The viewing of incidents is provided from a separate menu option. OH&S incident recording The incidents themselves can be reported through a “wizard” front end which guides the inexperienced user through the incident reporting. It then allows further follow up action by non –guard staff to complete the incident recording with its aftermath. Among these actions can be the generation of work orders and OHS incidents within WSM. The recording of lost (or stolen) property also managed from within this component function. Each incident type can be given the capability of generating a WSM work order and by selecting the Raise a WO on new incident it allows the administrator to define the work order parameters. The work order raised will use the location of the Incident report to base its work order. The following parameters can then be selected for each incident type: • • • • • • Short description Priority Service Type Job Activity Est Duration Cost Allocation code Page 7 of 18 FM Innovations Asset Control and Registration The asset recording function provides a very powerful asset register with both easy definition and direct importing capabilities from external systems to minimise the effort taken to establish the assets in the system. Each asset record can store unstructured data such as images, manuals and the like alongside actual data elements reflecting work history, audits and all other fiscal and conditions aspects of each asset. Asset records can be classified with a two tier classification system and can be assigned to an overarching asset system definition that groups together like assets in buildings facilitating coordinated maintenance regimes. The classification regimes also provide powerful universal depreciation and life condition thresholds for all assets that are simply set and managed. The asset management records provide asset descriptors and classifications as a means of identifying items as well as providing the following asset attributes for comprehensive asset control and management: Condition assessment Warranty or service contract details History of maintenance Diary of future works and inspections Regulatory compliance assessment Depreciation Installation, commission and decommission details Purchase cost, replacement cost and timeframe Asset cost of current and ongoing ownership The asset recording system ensures that all assets whether they be equipment, personal, plant, fixed or portable can be managed and provide extensive cost recovery capabilities for the use of them in any activity the system controls. With standard features like grouping assets by building systems available, the Facilities Manager can be certain they include all individual assets when refurbishment or relocation projects are being planned and implemented. Then add the innovative features that allow current active assets to be dynamically inserted into planned job as they become due and the planned degradation of conditions automatically over time, the asset records start to bring order and automation to the management process. Page 8 of 18 FM Innovations Contract management The contract management function allows individual contracts to be established across the entire organisation and then sub-defined to site level. By doing this, it defines for the work management system, skills and services available at each site and as a consequence the accrual of all work allocated under that contract. This will identify problematic areas that need rectifying, divest poor assets and nurture reliable assets. Service Level Agreement (SLA) thresholds for each contractor at each site can be analysed quickly and effectively. The addition of Safety certification and accreditation in WSM for each of the contractors’ employees and the onsite management of this new regulatory regime is an important part of the overall contractor management required by today‘s property owners and facility managers. WSM automatically reminds the appropriate managers when the contract runs out, making sure it allows enough time for them to issue new tenders or renegotiate the existing contract. It also reminds internal contract managers when key Insurances and accreditations which were agreed to as a part of operating the contract are ready for renewal. Many clients have been saved thousands of dollars through effective contract management and the advanced warning systems in place. Monetary alarm thresholds can be triggered on specific contracts if an estimation rises above a predetermined level. Once the level is reached an approval mechanism notifies the appropriate manager who can then take the appropriate steps to address this. Similarly to contracts, warranties must be maintained. WSM automatically reminds the appropriate manager(s) when the warranty runs out, making sure to allow enough time to complete a spot check on the asset to determine if any maintenance needs to be fixed prior to the warranty expiry. Page 9 of 18 FM Innovations WSMplannet WSMplannet is offered to the client as a core part of the WSM-FM Work system. It utilises the latest web deployment technology to provide a fully functioning service portal enabling organisations users to request and receive information about the management of the infrastructure on a day-to-day basis. WSMplannet is designed to alleviate time and distance constraints with 24/7 access to the portal. Central administrators and remote buildings are updated in real time resulting in fast and efficient service delivery. Site-based operatives and building users are empowered with the tools they need to log, manage and oversee facilities, property and operational activities. This leads to a significant reduction in unstructured calls (emails, sms, fax‘s etc) to the Facilities support group as the progress of remedial work can be viewed online real time. It doesn't take long for users to move from being kept in the dark to an enlightened access to accurate job information. But WSMplannet doesn't just provide a portal for service requests it also has functions to deploy key information about the status of the infrastructure and the broad range of services that FM provides. A feedback loop allows the requestor to immediately view the status of their request and what actions have been taken either via automated email notification or directly in the WSMplannet Request System. A requestor can also view other jobs that have been lodged by their department if they are allowed access. Clients and/or staff appreciate the ease and convenience of lodging a request via the Web as well as the timely feedback and updates generated by the system. Page 10 of 18 FM Innovations Sustainability Management The Sustainability functionality is a core part of the WSM FM-Work system and offers a method and process of recording and monitoring all aspects of sustainability issues related to property and the people who work in them. The initial focus of this system enhancement is to provide monitoring (benchmarking) and reporting on sustainability management in the areas of energy (electricity), gas, water and waste. With Green Leasing now a key requirement for many savvy tenants and with a major push from both government and the concerned public to decrease the colossal carbon footprint in Australia, the effective management of the environmental impacts from the commercial sector is critical. Both building owners and managers alike are responsible for the emissions from their buildings. Ultimately, and soon legally, both groups will be accountable in the future for the carbon impact they place on our environment. It is obviously better to have a system with the capability to manage, on an ongoing basis, with current day-to-day data so that the operational factors and trends can be identified and managed in a timely fashion. The WSM family of products with this sustainability management capability built into its core process will cut the cost of collecting and reporting on these critical sustainability factors and status, whilst increasing the accuracy of the data itself. It is our software design and understanding of the process of continual and accurate data collection that will deliver to our client base effective overall environmental management needs for today and into the future. Sustainability can only effectively be managed and assessed in the Property & Facilities Management world, by collecting, storing and using large amounts of accurate data. Building management and all its intricate and interlocking systems generate a myriad of data and circumstances which have to be managed and this is where WSM and its Sustainability capability is designed to achieve all of these systematic data management functions, and thus provide effective and timely accurate reporting. The sustainability section allows the user to view benchmarks based on current, past and future trends by square metre, per person, usage etc. The system is also set up with NABERS benchmarks and can be set up with internal or industry benchmarks for high level analysis. Page 11 of 18 FM Innovations Feedback system The WSM feedback section is designed to assist the organisation in the management of the contractors’ service levels. Its role is to provide evaluation forms for employees to fill out based on contractor service levels. Through its easy to use interface it will provide both administrators and management with a clear view of the current service levels, thus identifying critical issues. The feedback form also plays an important part of keeping employees happy as they can raise issues associated with work orders. Employees can keep contractors accountable by reporting on the quality, timeliness and effectiveness of the suppliers. Keeping the contractors accountable can lead to improvements in their service levels and deliver better results. The feedback section is customisable with the ability to tailor your own questions adapted for each supplier. When contracts are up for renewal a full history of supplier issues and performance can be collated in the reports section. Page 12 of 18 FM Innovations Reporting Based on a thorough understanding of the industry and working closely with our clients, WSM is pre-loaded with over 65 comprehensive standard reports to keep you informed on your constantly changing environment. These reports are constantly updated, changed or even eliminated based on client suggestions. WSM is not congested with a massive amount of reports however it does allow the user to customise their own reports with its unique customisation reporting tool. The user can create their own reports or base the report on an existing template and revise as they see fit. All reports are designed in an easy to understand way for operational teams however the powerful reports are highly analytical for the executive level management. Users are also able to generate reports with graphs and charts for visual representation. If the report is highly comprehensive FMI can be engaged to design the reports for your future use. WSM is built with embedded business process automation capabilities and the report section is no different. It allows the user to generate a schedule of all regular reports to coincide with key strategic goals. Most reports include the ability to drill down from a general summary report to a more detailed itemized report, and the flexibility to export your reports to Word, Excel , CSV etc, all with the click of your mouse. Comparison reports can be designed through the report designer to compare previous results with current trends. Access Controls Through WSM, Administrators have stringent control access to restrict users permission to view critical data. Limits and constraints can be placed on what data each manager can view based on location, sites, information and much more. Each site can have their own management group managing their own data or read only access to each other’s data. WSM also provides comprehensive security and audit trail to track unauthorized changes within the system. Records indicate who changed the information as well as the nature and date of the change. The WSM software controls ensure that data is available as needed only to authorised users with sensitive information secure. Page 13 of 18 FM Innovations The Benefits of WSMenterprise • Effectively manages from an operational “fit for purpose” aspect through to future planning • Concurrently assists with managing multiple sites and contractors • Simpler property compliance management • Simple contract definition and management • Effective supplier/contractor management • Provides customer service focus to target users • Provides best practice standardised Facilities Management controls • Basic interfaces with external systems • OHS management system • Provides comprehensive role based user access controls • Provides extensive standard reporting • Smooth integration with existing WSM modules • Much more... Page 14 of 18 FM Innovations Summary of Features of WSMenterprise FM-Works - Basic Multi-function dynamic scheduler o Essential service and compliance scheduling o Metered job scheduling - meter readings generate appropriate planned jobs for remedial work o Condition based scheduling - condition assessments generate appropriate planned jobs for remedial work o Elapsed time period scheduling o Consecutive time period scheduling o Report generation and delivery o Automated Asset Warranty inspection scheduling o Seasonal calendar automatic adjustment to schedules Web based self-service portal o Work requests o OHS incidents o Supplier/Contractor access to their work orders o Supplier/Contractor access for their accreditation control o Customer feedback process o Contractor performance feedback process o Planned Job regime management Supplier/Contractor Management o Provides supplier management and accreditation capabilities o Monitors supplier performance o Changing suppliers impact analysis o Automatic supplier change management o Feedback on contactor performance available Contracts Management o Provides management capabilities for each client and each of their contracts o Contract renewal reminders o Contract assessment and analysis Reporting o Extensive standard reports are provided in each category o Schedule standard reports automatically for key users o Extract data to a variety of external file formats o Rich functional reporting Work Order management o Exception reporting o Backlog management o Managed Process flow Location based management application o Each site can have their own management group managing their own data o Limits and constraints can be placed on what data each site manages o Master users can administer all sites Page 15 of 18 FM Innovations Essential Safety Measures compliance o Record standard jobs for Essential Safety Measure compliance o o Dynamic active asset allocation for inspection, audits and maintenance regimes Basic reporting and documentation capabilities Security incident recording o Record incidents including images, outcomes and witnesses as they occur and in relation to security incidents occurring at all times o Maintaining a register of lost or stolen property o Managing all incidents and their aftermath including remedial work and police reports o Comprehensive reporting on incidents OHS incident recording and logging o Record incidents including images, outcomes and witnesses as they occur and in relation to work and or assets that may be involved o Comprehensive reporting on incidents Project resource time recording o Record time that is used in project work that has no work order associated with it o Project based reports on all time and work orders used in the project Page 16 of 18 FM Innovations Other WSMenterprise Management Systems Works and Asset Management Premium Ad hoc and planned preventative maintenance Asset management Essential safety measures compliancy Track, manage and analyse gas, water, electricity and waste Manage compliance with sustainability issues Benchmark against previous years or industry targets or Green Star ratings Asset Depreciation Finance Integration Visitor Management Mobile Ability Security Incident Management Contractor Managment Property Lease Management Record all properties both owned and leased Record and monitor all critical dates Record and monitor all activity licenses Keep electronic versions of all key documents Property Revenue and Expense Management system Record and categorise revenue Vs expenses Allocate these expenses to locations by different criteria Room Event Management and Visitor Management Book rooms Classify and define room usage Record actual usage of rooms Manage all resources used for these bookings including security, guest lists, catering, and equipment. Audio/video room management Teleconferencing management Visitor access registration and control Security Badge generation including bar code controls Monitor visitor numbers on each site at all times Track visitors and their hosts Vehicle Management Manage all your vehicle booking and corporate journeys Fleet details and maintenance Insurance fines, driver credentials Carbon footprint of usage Traka Key cabinet integration Page 17 of 18 FM Innovations Contact us Head Office Level 4, 455 Bourke Street Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 Australia Phone (03) 9600 1646 1300 307 889 International +61 3 9600 1646 Fax (03) 9600 2333 Website Email [email protected] Follow us Facebook Linkedin Page 18 of 18
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